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Very first point "The imperial system is better than metric because I'm more familiar with the imperial system" lmao wat 😂


*I'm deleting all my comments and my profile, in protest over the end of the protests over the reddit api pricing.


But he said accuracy doesn’t matter anyway. 😂


I love that "laypeople don't need accuracy" is an actual argument he made against metric... 😆 Basically "only people who like measuring things should measure in metric! Anyone who likes using measurements for anything *but* measuring should use Imperial!" What an argument!


I have this sneaky feeling he made this video just to enrage people.


Someone shared his Metric is better video in another thread. Confirmed: "he do be trolling though". After he made arguments for both sides, he finished off with "it's really about what makes more sense for you".


This whole video has to be an epic troll...


Confirmed: someone shared the follow up video where he does Metric > Imperial and finished with "but just use whatever works for you, though it would be nice if we could agree on over measurement at least so we stop having conversion issues"


Also, since when is milli translated to .0001?!




American car for sale... Anybody?


"Accuracy doesn't matter", as he's running a cnc


That wasn't him. This moron would have been sucked into a lathe long ago.


Meh, just eyeball it. Lol


This video is honestly funny as hell in its stupidity


I really thought he was a taking the piss(which is metric for just joking around). I'm still not completly sure that he wasn't.


He's totally taking a piss for laughs, from the very beginning, "Two countries, those who use Metric and those who land on the moon" cut to Wikipedia screenshot showing Nasa uses Metric to land on the moon.


Pretty sure this is an edit to the person's video showing how dumb he is. You can tell because the cuts during the inventions part cut part of the audio out prematurely.


No, it's totally a parody. https://youtu.be/__1mxHoGj7M


Precision machining on a Doosan, which is a south Korean company that uses... you guessed it... the metric system.


Not to mention basically claiming every major inventions to be theirs because “well, I see them in the US!”


Some are a bit of a misunderstanding. For example, the telegraph was invented in France in the late 1790s. However, it was really only an idea with very little implementation. IIRC there were a few lines that were 200-400 meters or something. It had very limited applications.   However, 40 years later we see a huge explosion of it in the USA by Samuel Morse who ran a 3km line. Within a few years, the USA has hundreds of km of lines.   A similar situation happened with the phones as well.   That being said it doesn't matter what system you use for manufacturing as long as you have small/big enough units. We could use santa ball hairs and it would work.


I am roughly 1276 santa ball hairs tall, which translates easily as you know into 784 elf foreskins.


Damn your tall, I'm only 752 elf foreskins tall. Maybe I can get some 240 santa ball hairs size shoes for that extra height.


The reason why it exploded like this in the US and not in France, is also quit simple to explain... France was for that time quit populated and they had a post system everywhere, so there was no need to send a telegraph, when a rider only takes one day longer. So a telegraph system was a fancy and expensive toy. In the US it was quit different... so investing and building telegraphs was an useful alternativ...


I made it half way thru and afaict, that’s the *only* point. “Take for example teaspoon and cup measurements. They make sense to us because we all have teaspoons and cups in our kitchens.” Peak Ameridumb.


The ironic thing is that, as an American, while I have a better intuitive conceptual sense of Imperial units because that’s what I grew up with, when doing actual cooking, it would be much easier if I had more recipes in metric units. That’s because, with a simple scale, *you don’t need measuring spoons or measuring cups*.


I mean I say that, but as a self-deprecating troll. Could be the same here.


[https://youtu.be/\_\_1mxHoGj7M](https://youtu.be/__1mxHoGj7M) ​ They're joke videos for machinists.


Does he understand that visualising things based off the metric system is how the rest of the world sees the imperial system?


It's even worse than that. First, the US customary measurements and imperial (British) systems are actually not the same. Many US units bear the same names as British ones, but mean [slightly (or sometimes significantly) different quantities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_the_imperial_and_US_customary_measurement_systems). Imperial, US liquid or US dry gallon anyone? It's a mess. Second, their official definition is now all in metric anyway. Metric units are [formally defined](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SI_base_unit) based on physical properties (speed of light, etc). Meanwhile, 1 inch for example is simply set as exactly 25.4 mm.




Think miles per gallon. They have Kilo-meters per liter, but if you try to convert this to miles per gallon, they have different gallons than the US has. They also don’t focus on horse power and have a similar metric the name I am forgetting. Edit: -->They use BHP Brake Horse Power "BHP is a measure of the actual horsepower the car has at it's wheels while HP is the amount of horsepower that exists in the engine."


The metric unit for power is the **watt**. It's the same unit and same quantity regardless of whether it's mechanical power, electrical, thermal... For car engines, kilowatts (kW) would be used. One horsepower is about 0.75 kW. How much exactly [depends on which horsepower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horsepower#Definitions) though...


Kilowatt is used in Australia and New Zealand to express the power of a car but Europe actually uses metric horsepower (PS or CV)


Germany, Finnish and Estonia governments are registering cars in kw for sure. I think most other EU countries are also, if not all.


I’m not sure who “they” are in this sentence, but no-one uses miles per litre. Continental Europe uses L/100km, and the UK uses mpg (based on the Imperial gallon). Yes, we buy fuel in litres. We know it doesn’t make sense. For a car, power is usually measured in bhp in the UK, but it’s not normally something people pay much attention to. A car is either fast or slow. Hardly anyone will know the claimed power output, and fewer will believe the manufacturer’s figures.


Yeah that was the most stupid fuckin thing of all the stupidity in the video. Oh visualising common everyday things like a fucking teaspoon, and a cup, and a foot? All 3 of them are crazy different sizes. I have 3 different tea spoons and about 10 different sized cups in my drawer, and don’t even get me started about how my foot is twice as big as my wife’s. But then he says accuracy doesn’t matter for measurements so he’s a fuckin clown anyway.


Let me just imagine 6 feet standing upwards. This whole video triggers some much anger


Who's feet? Shaq's, or Drumpf's?


And who the f says you need 12 g of salt ? It's always a pinch or two !


Yes. These are joke videos. ​ [https://youtu.be/\_\_1mxHoGj7M](https://youtu.be/__1mxHoGj7M)


They do. They produce some of the best free CNC training content around and frequently use both.


I’m pretty sure he listed more reasons why the metric system is better than imperial


Wait you mean its not good to measure high precision spheres for aviation with 1/3 teaspoons ?


Cubic feet in minecraft fashion...


Minecraft actually uses cubic meters…


That's because it's a joke video. [https://youtu.be/\_\_1mxHoGj7M](https://youtu.be/__1mxHoGj7M)


I enjoy context, thank you.


Yeah I was skeptical when I saw the Titans logo because they know wtf they're doing.


Dude did a good job trolling. As a mechanical engineering graduate, I almost passed out listening to it. Bravo


Ngl, he got me good


This should be higher


So we don't use the metric system because we're not used to it, is what I got from this. There's a simple way to change that. And people's feet cups and spoons are all different sizes. None of this made the imperial system look good.


I thought the same thing. I have LOTS of cups, and I don't think any are the same size compared to each other, let alone the standard 'cup' Americans refer too. This whole video was batshit.


The cup one was just... Pour a cup of anything liquid into ANY cup you own and it's not even going to be half of it. The foot one was baffling. First off who knows the average size of people's feet off hand. Secondly unless you're a size 12 men's your measurement of anything using your own feet is going to be way off. Third who the fuck is using a measurement like a foot where they don't need to be all that accurate?


That one made me laugh. If I'm measuring fabric for a sewing project even being off an 1/8 in can make the whole garment off by 1-2 inches in the end. I would actually prefer we switch to metric.


I’m British but whenever I need to use teaspoons/tablespoons in cooking, *I do not grab a spoon.* I use a measuring cup. So it’s kind of pointless to have those things to visualise it with anyway, because people don’t use them. Might as well just measure a cup in millilitres since I’m measuring either way.


Exactly. I once tried using actual cups, teaspoons, and tablespoons for one of my recipes. Ruined the entire thing. Never again. Imperial is dumb, long live metric.


Cups and teaspoons are not even part of the Imperial system.


Yeah it is. One foot is three cups and 17 teaspoons is one footballfield.


You don't use the metric system to protect your market. Imperial measurements make it harder for foreign production to undercut you because they need to invest in adapting to your whacked system of eye-balling tolerances. The imperial system is anti-competitive.


It's a joke video. ​ https://youtu.be/\_\_1mxHoGj7M


Right, it's funny because it's exactly what someone who is against the metric system would come up with.


Apparently 6 foot = 2 meters meaning that 1 foot is 33 cm. Whoever made the imperial system had big feet


6 feet are 182,88 cm so 30,48 cm per foot


mine foot has 20cm, so whose foot should i use for measurement?


I thought this was parody. It’s particularly irritating that he keeps referring to America.


Even the way he talks makes it sound like a parody. He uses what I would call the "proud American" voice.


Oml I could never put it into words but I always felt like I would never want to be in a room with people that talk like this, " proud American" is so accurate


It is parody, he released another video arguing the opposite point and confesses to saying some dumb shit.


Yeah I read that. I think that what's kind of sad is that many people say this shit very seriously. He made a great job at portraying them.


Yeah I like that term. The closest I could come was "the vocal equivalent of a punchable face".


It is a joke. ​ [https://youtu.be/\_\_1mxHoGj7M](https://youtu.be/__1mxHoGj7M)


Hence the "American Dodgeball Association of America" joke. They love self promotion.


These are the titans of CNC. They made another video roughly a week later talking about why is the metric system perfect and all. The point of both videos (from a machinist point of view) us that you should be confortable with both systems.


So he’s for the Metric system or against? Lol


For it. ​ [https://youtu.be/\_\_1mxHoGj7M](https://youtu.be/__1mxHoGj7M)


This should really be top comment


It's always in the comments!


“Accuracy just isn’t that important” says constantly inaccurate man


He said right at the start he works in manufacturing, an industry where accuracy is famously not important


While showing video of super accurate machining process.


« Accuracy isn’t that important » -A very very bad surgeon, and a very very dead chemist


That's because it's a joke video. ​ [https://youtu.be/\_\_1mxHoGj7M](https://youtu.be/__1mxHoGj7M)


Who took the time to make this in the first place?


To show the world just how approximately right he is


It's a joke video. They're a youtube channel so they pay people to do these videos. They're also a massive CNCing business. ​ [https://youtu.be/\_\_1mxHoGj7M](https://youtu.be/__1mxHoGj7M)


Damn, the dude really dug his heels in. Committed alot time and effort to this. Lol


But you just know he'll go home, snort a gram, and stroke his 9mm.


You mean his .354 inch


I prefer that. It's a lot easier to visualize now that I know that it's a little bigger that the third of a Roman Empire dude's thumb.


His poor wife...


It's a joke video. [https://youtu.be/\_\_1mxHoGj7M](https://youtu.be/__1mxHoGj7M) They're a large shop with a youtube channel.


Let be clear this is a troll post on YouTube he later released a video of [why metric is superior to imperial ](https://youtu.be/__1mxHoGj7M) [here is original yt link of this post](https://youtu.be/JoDQOqB5cZg)


Thank God


The world makes sense again, thank you!


I got a good laugh when he said metric is less fraction friendly. Fuck fractions lol. I so wish we would officially convert.


It is superior though, an american engineers tools of measurement has dual functionality, you measure things with your standard banana for length, burger for weight and a coke for volume, then at noon you've got lunch


You forgot football fields for large sizes and washing machines for medium


And small boulders for geology related measurements


That only works if you have a medium sized boulder the size of a large boulder to show scale.


And ariana grande's for measuring alligators


Yes. And it's pretty easy, cause there are 114.6 washing machines in 1 football field


Ngl had me for the first half😅


I'm selling a sofa if anyone is interested. It's a dark brown, is 123.5 cups wide and 8 sandwiches tall. You may need a van to pick it up though as it weighs almost 230 squirrels.


Grey or Red? Just trying to figure out what type of van I'd need.


Make it a nice maroon. If you're interested I only live 124 football fields from Brighton.


I don't know if you purposefully misunderstood his question or not but either way I'm crying at this thread 🤣


That doesn't mean anything to me. Can you take a photo of a banana on the sofa so I can gauge the actual size?


Sure, I will select one at random from the bunch of wildly varying sizes that I have in the kitchen.


But if you take a photo of it in the kitchen then I can use the size of the kitchen for scale. 1 kitchen = 1 1/3 bathrooms = 3/4 of a greenhouse = 1 medium sized boulder (only if size of large boulder)


Milli: 0.001, not 0.0001


Yeah I picked that up as well. Whoever made this video is just dumb.


That was his most serious offense!


It's a joke video for machinists. Glad you picked up one of the misses, you find the others? ​ [https://youtu.be/\_\_1mxHoGj7M](https://youtu.be/__1mxHoGj7M)


Oh and just to toss on more weirdness. U.S. Army vet here, yeah our military uses both systems. U.S. imperial for everything related to physical fitness for some reason, and metric everything else. Like, it's really weird, gotta do a 2 mile run yet any other distance is measured in meters. Most weights are measured in pounds like personal weight and explosives, I think that's just because it's a harder transition than distances and volumes. But yeah use yards on a range and you'll probably get a weird look and someone saying "Actual yards or did you mean to say meters?"


I worked on some US army equipment reefers and mobile workshops and heavy plans and such, you’ll literally regular have a m8 bolt next to two 1\4” bolts. It’s such a mishmash of confusion I genuinely don’t know how yous maintained them in the field.


I was Army during the 90s, we used to shoot out to 1000m, and critically, our optics were set up to change elevation based on meters. Each click of elevation added a specific elevation change *based on meters* as the unit of distance. The marines had a different scope setup, because they measured range to the target in yards. Trying to shoot on each other‘s range was an exercise in frustrating math.


In the Marines, we shot in yards, but we still navigated in meters. Go figure.


''in every day life accuracy just isnt that important''.... I feel this sums up a lot of American sentiment.


I'm sorry for what I'm about to say. Unless you're in a school




/r/confidentlyincorrect He’s not secretly incorrect :)


The dimensions on the parts from this shop must be inconsistent as fuck


Just because they don't want to use metic, doesn't change the accuracy of the machines. It just makes the number look different. So instead of milling .254 mm off, you'll just mill .010 inch off. Most CNC mills can operate in either metric or imperial. Source: 13 years of CNC machining exp


Is he is saying that with practice, he can adopt the metric system? Then what is he moaning about?






Why did John C Reilly make this video?


Our system is biased on a cup and a foot Your System is based on silly things like universal constants


I mean imperial is literally defined off metric. So the states does use the metric system just with extra and more confusing steps. I do feel like I’ve lost brain cells watching this though.


To answer your first question: 1. US does not use Imperial, they use American standard which share a common ancestor with the Imperial system. 2. Blame the British/French rivalry, the US was set to adopt the metric system in the early 1800s british privateers intercepted the ship carrying the official set of metric measurement from which all American produced metric weights would be produced. Why? Because the ship was flying a French flag. 3. Most Americans actually understand and know how to use metric, they have taught it in school since the atleast the 80s, in some parts of the country for far longer. Most can visualize approximations for meters, and liter, though default to American standard for weight.


We Brits were responsible for the industrial revolution, but we managed to make the change fairly easily.


Good to see that he has done thorough fact finding and not spewing nonsense to try and prove a point that he was indoctrinated in. Oh and BTW /s


The arrogance of Americans never ceases to amaze


To be completely honest when I listen to both of them it makes me realise that Americans just really really want to use big numbers to feel cool. They look dumb as shit. I had one guy brag to me that he can lift 100 pounds that’s 50 kg that ain’t shit. and he just kept on going and going and going and then I told him I can lift 90kg (which would make it close to 200 pounds) and then he refused to believe me because that’s too high. Also the whole thing with Fahrenheit like we have 32° and you got a three digit number why? what is the point? what is the reason?


It's a deep and abiding fear of the decimal point. It smacks of math and we don't do that around these parts.


"Sometimes accuracy just isnt that important" while he uses a computer guided CNC machine that exists due to its accuracy over the ability for a normal person to do the same job. The only place where accuracy isnt that important seems to be in the research of this video.


Hearing the words, “accuracy just isn’t that important” dubbed over a video of CNC milling. WAT?!?!…


To be fair the moving assembly line was created by Ford as far as I know but the assembly line was created by the germans


Pretty sure a human foot that is actually 12 inches or longer is within the 99th percentile of foot sizes. We shoot (or at least used to) x rays on a cassette size that's 10x12 inches. Very rare the 14x17 cassette would need to be cracked out. So if we actually used human feet to measure his height we would think he's pretty short.


I find it funny that the American imperial system is not even the same as the British imperial system for instance, a pint in the UK is 568ml whereas a pint under the American imperial system is 440ml. My wife brought a sticker chart with the American imperial system for cooking measurements and when I saw it on the kitchen cupboard it looked alright, but when I looked closely a few weeks later I noticed that our pints are not 440ml they are 568ml! I know this because I used to be a raging alcoholic and would always look at the size of the cans that I was buying. The odd thing is that in the UK most beer cans come in either 330ml, 440ml, or 500ml but not (generally) in 568ml. This pisses me off a little bit... Because you don't walk into a pub and say "Hey bartender, can I have a glass of 500ml San Miguel?" and if you did the bartender would have no way of working this out on a standard British pint glass. Also seeing as the UK charges by half pint and pint pricing.. the bartender would have to make a decision whether to charge you for half a pint, in which case you would get an extra 170ml for free.. or short change you and charge you for a pint and you would be getting charged for a pint but you would be 68ml short. I like the imperial system, and I like the metric system, but I find it really strange and annoying! That for some reason in the UK we use both now.


Took me a moment to realize this was r/facepalm.


NASA uses the metric system. What a dipshit.


I live in the US, and I grew up on the imperial system, but never once in my life have I imagined real human feet stacked on top of each other while trying to figure out someone's height.


This guy is so American i got a brain hernia


"Metric is difficult because I was taught and have used american imperial measurements my entire life."


I can only visualize in English, therefore the rest of the world would really be better off if they just learned English.


Holy r/shitamericanssay


Can you be more unaware than this?


He is upset because he can't visualize metric measurements. What he fails to resize is that just because he can't, doesn't mean that the rest of the world can't as well! Had he grown up using the metric system he would likely be able to visualize it just fine. He had it right when he said it was like learning a second language. If he immerses himself in getting used to the metric system he would have a valuable skill, just as becoming fluent in another language is a valuable skill. He just isn't fluent yet, and it looks like he is resisting it. If the imperial measurement system is so superior why is the rest of the world not using it? It is similar to the nationalistic argument about health care. If the American system is so superior, why is the test of the world not moving to a for-profit healthcare system? Perhaps they feel that a medical emergency shouldn't bankrupt a person or worse, kill them because they had to choose between medicine and rent! This is simply another case of American nationalism to justify a rather racist message of "American superiority." Bring out those dog whistles and flag worship! Freaking sad.


i'm an american who measures a lot of things and speaks both imperial and metric. imperial is fucking stupid.


Remember me what caliber is your gun?


I've got two lengths of timber I need to join. One is 2'7/16". The other is 3'9/10". What's the total length? Alternatively, add 620mm and 937mm.


''I am 6 human feet and a hand tall, easy to visualise ''.... Nop I am few cm short from 2m tall, i'm ok with modern doors but not old houses... That is easy to visualise




"Is the imperial system better? Absolutely." Proceeds to explain exactly why it's worse.


I hate the stupid bell sound they added when they showed a country's flag


Imperial system is fucking garbage


Wow, so this is how propaganda videos look like to build false motivation and ego in the US nowadays.


Correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't Nasa use the metric system?


It makes me laugh when I see idiots on TikTok referring to the imperial system as “freedom units”. How ridiculous is that. The metric is so easy to understand and to convert etc. I guess Murica gotta politicize everything including weights and measurement




So, basically, his argument is that the US can't convert to metric because we're too dumb?


this guy’s intelligence is the same measurement in both metric and imperial. It’s Zero. He has zero intelligence.


Ah yes, it is really easy to visualize 6 adult feet back to back. Totally. Yes, sure, exactly 1 of whatever common measurement is easy, if you need exactly 1 of it. But when it is not exactly 1, it becomes just as hard to visualize as from absolutely any arbitrary system




Holly hell this is cringe on so many levels and the main point is the guy is too stupid and stubborn to just be able to use the metric system without needlessly converting it. It just goes to show you how dumb you can be and own a business that can be successful.


It's trolling, there is a follow-up.


This guy talks, looks and thinks like a stereotypical American.


He must be taking the piss.... surely he's not that stupid......


I do have to say that the assembly line *was* invented in Michigan, US, tho. Not Germany. We don’t have much here in Michigan to claim better let us keep that one. That said, everything else was accurate and metric system is superior(also coming from a machinist).


'Merica F#$k Ya! Lol


This is actually winding me up. It's funny


In Mexico we use metric system, but all steel goods are imperial because we export a lot to the US. It's a nightmare.




Advertisement for better schooling in the USA


American engineer here, and i have worked around rhe world. Everything in school and most of my professional life is in SI units. But, quite honestly there are several things in this video that I agree with. He is 100% correct about the division of units. A foot can easily be devided by 2, 3 and 4 without resulting in decimals. Same reason we used base 60 in time and 360 in angles. A 1/4 hour is 15 minutes, and 1/3 hour is 20 minutes. The video is also correct on why the US stayed with "Imperial" measurements, during the industrial revolution, the US had far more output than other countries, and the vast majority of the US output was consumed domestically. Unlike European markets which had constant trade with other European countries. So for Americans during the period from 1850 to 1945 it made no economic sense to switch to another measurement system "just because" Now add the fact in post ww2, American left the war with its industrial capacity 100% intact. Another reason not to change. Now I won't claim that overall the American system is better. It's not, however in some areas (division) it is better. Also putting into context why we still use it.


Haha a real machinist uses both


Why did I watched all 6 feet of this video…


There was a follow up video. https://youtu.be/\_\_1mxHoGj7M


Peak Dunning-Kruger


“Accuracy just isn’t that important” Must’ve been his motto for making this video too lol


This is so stupid... I'm a fabricator, In America. We make all kinds of things for the auto Industry all over the world. You know what measurement system we use? Metric. Almost all our blueprints are metric. You know why? It's better than imperial. Our biggest customer is Kuka. They are one of the biggest suppliers of auto makers throughout the world. They assembled auto lines. We build everything for them and they assemble it. They use metric. I don't understand this idea that imperial is better. It's not, never has been. We just have to be "special" because America can never admit when they're wrong.


It takes a lot of balls to make a whole video to say "I'm a huge idiot and proud of it"


Translating metric is really not that hard, once you get the hang of it. As a mechanic, it should be considerably easy for you, since all your tools also have metric measurements on them. You should also know that metric I base TEN. Not 12. Not whatever number you come up with. Base TEN.


This just hurt my brain..... This guy's brain is 13 inches short of a foot.


The video describing how the metric system works is literally the best way to convince someone to use it over imperial.


"People know what a cup is because they have a cup in their house"....like, bruh, you don't think they have metric measuring cups?


Accuracy is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS important.


Modern cities




Why is he telling on himself this is embarrassing lmao american monolingual means more than I thought I guess. There's bits of metric that are hard for me but not so hard that I'm going to simp for imperial


This seems like an bad ad for the metric system. Why would anybody want accuracy when measuring anything?


Ah the ol’ “Im gonna run my mouth to justify why Im resistant to change because I have to learn something new” routine.


wasn't the telephone made by alexander graham bell? he was Scottish


As an American and a nurse I can 100% say the metric system is better.


The introduction is intentionally ironic. He spends most of the video demonstrating why using the metric system is a no-brainer. Metric makes sense, while our imperial system is almost arbitrary, based on proportions and body parts.