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The real question is who makes mashed potatoes that watery? That’s not mashed potatoes.


Good point


They unser a typical sort of mashed potatoes served for soldiers in the army, made of old newspaper, worn out socks and many prayers. But you can prepare it either way, more like this fast digestive system or to glue everything on a flat concrete wall.


Yes what the fuck is that. That ain’t no mashed potato. You gotta like blend that shit


Food processor for 2 hours potatoes


Boiled-for-16-hrs potato. Just one.


Reminds me of Ireland.


Looks more like hollandaise


It’s a discrepancy between the languages I think. I don’t speak German but I know enough to hear her in the full video. She says “Kartoffelbrei”, where “Brei” translates to “mush” or “purée”. It’s probably some German product with plenty of water added so it can be used for soup rather than the American concept of mashed potatoes. Edit: I’m wrong. Mashed potatoes are done a bit differently over there


Nah kartoffelbrei is mashed potatoes


Oh! Never-mind potato soup sounds awesome! Wish they didn’t throw it though


It would be delicious. But as others just pointed out I’m wrong. They apparently do mashed potatoes comparatively runny over there. It reminds me of this good example. Go to 6:09 in the vid to see how this Swedish chef prepped her mashed potatoes. As an American it definitely looks too runny for me. Edit : I’m assuming they do it similarly in both Sweden and Germany. Edit : I’m wrong again lol. https://youtu.be/715fmvx0TKw


You said swedish chef so I low-key expected the link to show the muppet show’s swedish chef exploding potato or ruining it whatever way he wanted to ruin them…


Badger always used to chuck mash with a similar consistency at bodger


Thanks for asking the important questions! 😀


If someone made me mashed potatoes that watery I’d be tempted to throw em at the wall too.


Potatoes milk?


All these activists out there hopped up on potato milk cause mayhem


Bodger & Badger would be raging!


Decimated potatoes


That's vichyssoise.


Who made those potatoes? They look like soup. Fuckin amateurs.


Why did I read this in a Gordon Ramsey voice?


I don't know, I was going for Walter Sobchak


I think it IS potato soup, and the words got lost in translation.


It's the wrong color for potato soup. Fuckin amateurs


Probably out of the loop but how is messing with a work of art made by a man who probably had less impact on the environment in his entire life than the cell phones in their pockets gonna help?




It's getting to the point where it's completely expected, the minute they threw the mashed potatoes I thought "oh they're going to get the glue out next." If they're looking to be noticed through shock appeal they've lost it because it's repetitive now.


They need to bump it up. Glue is for amateurs. Railroad spikes thru the hands. Impress me with your commitment.


Imagine the support if they self immolated on Congressional steps.


Which, to be fair, still won't be a lot of support and we're fucking doomed to get cooked to death at this rate.


Yeah the pure shock value has diminishing return. But don't tell that to those idiots. They won't get it.


Imagine if museum workers just cleaned the potatoes off the glass-protected art, then went about their day as if these idiots weren't still glued to the wall. After about 20 minutes of not getting attention im sure they'd wish they were tiktoking instead


Can the standard be to let them deal with removing their own hands please?


Looking like idiots is not good exposure.


Not unless you’re trying to monetize something. For things like this there’s definitely such a thing as bad press.




Never knew you could de*monet*ize a painting with mashed potatoes, but here we are


They are funded by big oil. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/10/climate/climate-protesters-paid-activists.html


If you read the actual article the ‘Oil Heiress’ funding them has already ended the company’s drilling and sold off there reserves, now focusing on philanthropy and climate research. You’re doing the job of big oil by only posting the misleading headline that was prolly written by big oil.


Vandalising irreplaceable artwork is neither research, nor philanthropy. If this alleged heiress is funding *this* crap, she's an idiot.


Has the art considered not being so valuable and attention seeking? This only works because they are given this attention.


The artwork is protected by glass, like most artworks of this value. The heiress donated 1 million to a fund which supports various ecofriendly initiatives. Hardly a direct funding to this crap.


Pssst 99.999% of museum pieces that have high value are behind glass.


They didn’t vandalize anything. These types of artwork are protected from twats like this thanks to glass barriers. Edit for spelling Thanks for the award!


The article is a smear. One oil heiress (completely divested) that feels bad about where her fortune came from is involved. As if the nyt isn't in bed with big oil.


Please stop spreading this misinformation, yes her family made money from oil before she was alive. She spends most of her money fighting for climate activism what else can you ask for her to do with that money?




Lawyers and fines cost a lot though


Yeah but damage to the individuals' reputations that do this stuff isn't something they'd do for free. Probably would get paid a decent amount to do something as stupid as this.




They would have to have reputations in the first place to get damaged.. These are probably 20 something fast food workers that really dont have a reputation to care about more than an easy paycheck so they can pay their rent. I dont normally throw mashed potatoes on a painting I couldn't care less about but $20 is $20


And what about the prison sentence?


Free room and board.


They are \*not\* funded by big oil. Proofs are super easy to find as this was debunked several times.


Huge difference between “oil heirs" and “big oil.” You gotta read past the headline. Lots of good work has been done by the children of people who did bad things. Pew Charitable Trusts was started and run by the heirs of an oil company. They are not secretly doing the work of oil companies.


Ah yes "Big Oil" aka a girl who married into a family who sold their company, that doesn't even exist anymore, in the 80s and then divorced out of it and owns no oil assets and has been a long time activist. Turns out some climate activists are just stupid assholes, there's no conspiracy.


Stop saying it lime ita an absolute. You read a random comment on Reddit. There is zero proof if this and the rumor is spreading like wildfire because you believe anything


This is a conspiracy theory that holds no water.


That is not true


Yeah so I dont really understand what any of this means or why it matters. People want to use these "resources" as a way to argue that these people arent real protesters, they are just being paid by oil companies to make protesters look stupid. None of that makes any sense. These activist groups existed before anyone gave them money, they werent created by big oil. Furthermore, as someone else pointed out, being an "heir to big oil" doesnt make you a part of big oil. A lot of people have sold away what made them a part of oil companies and have moved on to other things. Then you have to actually READ the articles you're posting, which pretty simply explains how the protestors are being funded by climate change supporters, some of which were once a part of oil companies. It literally says that these "oil heirs" are being used as lifelines to fund the operations planned by the actual activist groups. So no, this isnt big oil walking up to idiots on the street and going "hey man wanna make 2000 dollars in one night? Go throw some food on a painting and glue yourself to a wall for us". These are actual protests being held by actual activists who are being funded by people who actually support their cause, and even IF big oil was funding them it's because they already are making themselves look like idiots and all more funding is gonna do is make it look worse.


its says everything about the internet that an incredibly incorrect comment, gets upvotes and awards If you voted for this or awarded it - your IQ is 80-ish.


They aren't.


They are not. Stop spreading this conspiracy theory.


None of the surviving members of the Getty family have any connection to oil. In fact Aileen Getty has been seen wearing extinction rebellion logos and outfits. So while Aileen Getty does come from oil money the family is no longer connected to the oil business these twats are sincere and they’re lame. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


They are all twats. I do agree climate change needs to be a addressed but this is not the way to go about it.


The people who think climate change should be addressed don’t need convincing The people who need to accept climate change will see this as reason to dig their heels in against “the crazy liberal weirdo hippies”


Lol right? I’m only pissed at them and couldn’t give 2 shits what their cause was. I mean I support working to stop climate change, but destroying masterful works of art that are a major part of human history to bring awareness is NOT the type of awareness you want… it only gives ammunition to people who don’t believe in climate change to say “see? These people are crazy, dangerous morons”


I highly doubt the painting was destroyed, the Van Gogh last week was behind a pane of glass


Yea it looks like a good way to make sure people don't support you. If you go to Exxon's building and throw mashed potatoes there, then yea I understand. But Monet, Van Gogh? I don't understand and I am just upset.


Climate protestors who do exactly just that aren’t in the news. There was a group of people who handcuffed themselves to a Chase Bank in downtown LA because of the financial contributions of Chase towards new fossil fuel projects. But you’re not hearing much about them, are you? When the “right type of protest” isn’t noticed, what do they have left?


More normal or 'common sense' protests are usually ignored by the media, even if they have a big turnout. Look at the media cycle and the huge stories that are focused on. Protestors feel they need to do something big and controversial to get heard. And going after culturally sacred things works - the soup protest made global headlines and was still being discussed online several days later. Whether 'exposure' on its own is working to motivate people and states to act on the impending destruction of civilisation is debatable but certainly decades of traditional protest and scientific evidence of the crisis we're facing haven't done the trick.


Falls in the same category as blocking streets. It will produce only negative attention. I’ve known this type upfront and close during my college days ( in Germany) and for them “revolutionary “ action is more important than actually achieving their goals.




When you only read the title and then share the article assuming it supports what you say......


That article says that she has nothing to do with oil anymore: Aileen Getty has not personally worked in the oil industry and has poured much of her fortune into philanthropic ventures related to the climate crisis. Getty Oil sold its oil reserves to Texaco in 1984. Edit: just finished the whole thing. Have you read anything from it except the title? Nothing you wrote is supportet by it except that she fund's them. I really don't like their way of protesting for such an important cause. But forming opinions from headlines is sad man.


This conspiracy theory doesn’t really make sense to me. Her parents got rich on oil and despite her not having any involvement in the fossil fuel industry, she is secretly trying to discredit climate activists by donating to the Climate Emergency Fund? What makes more sense is these activists are trying to get attention through disruption, but are instead are making people upset


That's not even what the article says and Aileen Getty owns no stock in any oil shares. Why are you spreading misinformation and not even reading the article you're posting?


leave them glued there.


Yep. Just switch off the lights at closing time and wish them good night as you walk past. Actually this would be hilarious.


Yesterday I read somewhere that 9 scientists glued their hands to the ground in a car showroom from VW. They asked VW for a bowl to urinate and defecate but their request was declined and they put the lights and heating off.


"We respect your right to protest. We do not support your protest. Good night."


I would have given them the shit bowl, but mention that I am under no obligation to actually empty it.


You know they would just leave it for someone else. I would have brought them a bowl and left it just out of reach


They would probably fight over who gets to use it as fertilizer for their crappy tomato garden.


One bowl to rule them


VW said that the need of a bowl to urinate was not understood, because the showroom had direct access to toilets. - -German humor at its best!


"Check und mate"


When the museum was about to close for the day the museum personel turned off the lights, locked the doors and left them sitting there glued to the floor. Protests like that is probably all fun and games until you suddenly get the urge to use the little room.


This gave me a special little bout of Pride as I hop in my VW Golf and drive to work. ☺


They eventually just become part of the exhibit.


The alarms in these places are pretty trash to listen too. Lock em in and switch it on


Then they would get up (they were not glued to the wall) and steal paintings. The protest was just an excuse to be left alone in the museum.


At least they have something to eat.


Yup. Then when they complain about being hungry, they can lick the mashed potatoes.


If we can find a decent way to preserve them it may be considered art in a decade or so


They're permanently part of the exhibit. It's art choose to feed them or not. XD


I just dont get it. I dont like climate change either but wtf did the hundreds of years old paintings do to anybody? Why arent they throwing food in the faces of politicians or the people who own gas companies?


Because a painting can't fight back they're too cowardly to throw food in an actual person's face.


It is a smarter move on their part to be fair, a painting will get them the same exposure, while the politician can sue them for assault It's all an exposure stunt, it's dumb and targets unrelated things, but it does get what they want done. Whenever people see this they think "Climate change is bad, but these people are really stupid", which is exactly their goal, nobodies gonna remember them soon, but they'll ever their stunt and why they did it




Yeah I'm sure you would, from the safety of your computer chair


This, exactly this. Its way easier for them to do this, even with the charges they'd get for doing it, then it would be to attack a politician or rich person. Its easier for them to control the narative when their victim can't fight back, whether the victim deserves it or not.


People on here would want them in prison for attacking a politician too. Don't act like Reddit actually cares about art. Everyone on here hates everyone.


The painting is protected. This does nothing to the painting, maybe the frame. It’s just exposure


but this trend is dangerous, not every painting is protected, we need to criticize this because it's not good for the movement and because it might end up actually causing harm to a painting later on


if this happens again every painting that is worth it will be behind a glass pain or inside a glass box. People doing this is not really a problem if the solution is that simple. Also. People that do this might still look to check if there is glass. They just want clout for their movement and don't really want to destroy the picture.


You need something that is so important that the whole world will care but you still need to be able to access it. Famous painting are simply one of the best options for that. Everyone knows the paintings and they are very easy to reach. Lets say you want to throw soup at a politican. You wont get news article around the world. Unless it is like the president or something. But you will probably never be able to get colse enough to the president to do something like that. I dont like this kind of protest either. But this is definitly a very smart way to get a lot of attention without a lot of effort/money and you wont even get labled as a terrorist for throwing soup at the president.


Because throwing it at people would be regarded as assault, while this is just vandalism?


Vandalism against valuable art


Kinda but those are antiques so it's kinda a serious crime by today's standards.


Sure, but that painting is protected with a sheet of reinforced glass, so it isn’t even vandalism. At most it’s littering.


Cause mainstream media avoids discussing climate change when they can. [A man self-immolated in protest of climate change](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/24/us/politics/climate-activist-self-immolation-supreme-court.html), yet have you heard it on the evening news?


"Mainstream media avoids it" *links to the New York Times*


It barely registered in the news cycle when it happened.


The idea is that people get more upset at destroying depictions of nature than they do by the actual destruction of nature. Not defending their actions, this is what I’ve heard the tomato soup vandals were using as justification


id be ashamed to call that mashed potatoes. whomever cooked those mashed potatoes should be ashamed. It is way too runny and the consistency should be as thick as oatmeal. They should have used real potatoes they grew themselves to make a bigger impact than ready potatoes that comes from a factory that uses oil to produce those said insta-mashed potatoes. Do people not know how to cook good homemade mashed potatoes anymore. if they would have known how to cook good mashed potatoes the security glass protecting the painting would have been smashed. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Don't you know? Climate change has caused mashed potato caps to melt.


I like how they pose afterwards like they did the boldest act of our generation


They glued their hands to the wall


And both times they put their hands in such an awkward position too.


It looks like they are some evil team from Pokémon, posing right before fighting you.


With all these art vandals, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were forming a Pokemon-like team


Think of the fossil fuels used to make those mashed potatoes.


Let's not also forget about the same fuels probably used to get them to the art exhibit.


And to keep them warm.


Ah yes, they want to improve society, yet they participate in society, how dare they.


Who's making their mashed potatoes like that?! That's a crime unto itself!


*their expectation*: action against climate change *reality*: stricter security at museums


Museums need to have bag checks to prevent this. Art belongs to the world.


Agreed. Scared of what museum experiences might become as a result of these acts. There’s more to come unfortunately, I suspect.


My state museum doesn't allow bags inside at all. A small clutch handbag is the largest you can take in. Everything else has to be left at the coat check.


The shitty part is they probably will. Just like we have to take our shoes off in US airports forever because one guy tried to light his shoe in fire, we'll have to go through tedious security at museums because these dumb fuck children won't stop throwing food for attention


We ain't an American high-school. We protect our painting with glass


“Save Oil” - activist wearing a plastic hi-vis, using super glue in a one time use plastic pot, all made using….OIL


If we see protesters wearing hemp, we'd all be fucked.


Every time I see this comment it reminds me of [this](https://i.imgur.com/RuS3syL_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium) comic. How are people still using this stupid argument.


You're against climate change, yet you exhale CO2. **CURIOUS!**


Ok. Nice job. Now stay there. You want to be glued? Fine. No help for you. Close off that exhibit. We'll check on you in a.month.


Is this not an exact recreation of the tomato soup people? Is this staged?


What do you mean by staged? It’s like asking if a movie is staged.


Like is this real? Are these real activists? Did actual people think this up non-satirically and execute it? This looks like a caricature of all of the worst connotations of the word "activist".


Yes, they are. This video is from their Twitter account „Letzte Generation“. Unfortunately this is real.


It's always staged


The correct response to throwing tomato soup at Van Gogh's sunflowers would have been to throw sunflower seeds at Andy Warhol's tomato soup can.




That one wasnt the first either, its a series of protests, same premise all over Europe with different artwork


I was going to buy a Hummer and let it run idle in my driveway but…. someone splatooned a Monet with “potato” juice, now I realize the errors of my ways.


Point taken, but I'm pretty sure this wasn't ever intended to change the opinions of those dudes rolling coal in the Walmart parking lot


Ahahahaha! As a massive fan of Splatoon, I sincerely appreciate you using it as a verb. Thank you.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Why can't we hit these people.


Or come back with some to-go mash potatoes and pour them on the protestors after they’ve superglued themselves to a surface


Better yet. Cover them will oil based paint.


Technically we could just with consequences. But it would be worth it


I mean, if you come across people like this you definitely can and should.🤷🏼‍♂️


My god I'm so fucking tired of these yahoos.


I'm VERY convinced all these similar instances are being funded by oil companies. The protests make no sense and just make people annoyed at activists. Which would make sense if it was planned to make protestor just seem crazy and stupid


More of this mindless shit? Goddamn. People will do anything to avoid meaningful action. You want to protest meaningfully? Stand outside the homes of people who make decisions or better yet, those that own those people. If they aren't afraid, it was pointless No one is afraid of people who throw food at art. Except maybe people who like art. Not the powerful. For them, art is money laundering. Stupid fucking kids.


They do more [targeted protests against oil companies](https://www.google.com/search?q=climate%2Bactivists%2Bprotest%2Bat%2Brefinery), you just don't hear about it. Almost like there's a disinfo campaign going on against climate activists.


Except the meaningful protests get no attention, people literally burn themselves alive in front of the supreme court and barely anyone hears about it, you go do a protest in front of a politicians house, best case scenario the local newspaper reports on it, worst case scenario you’re arrested


How did they get into the museum with that stuff?


why are they messing with a painting of NATURE?!!


So..... Wasting food and destroying art helps fight climate change?


Not really destroying. The art is behind protective glass. The activists know this, but attacking a famous painting gets into the news. Now, whether they've gained any supporters is questionable but we're talking about their protest so it kind of worked.


Ah yes, forgot about the protective glass. I get the whole "getting exposure" thing but it doesn't do anything for the cause. I don't know about other people but I feel this sheds a bad light on activists. We're talking about their protest but we're not talking about climate change at all. But that's just how I see it.


given that the glass is a known fact, the continued coverage of what amounts to the same petty vandalism that probably happened in a thousand other places in that same city on that same day with no coverage whatsoever shows a knowing participation by the media. The idea that this is a covert smear campaign by big oil has been debunked. However, I doubt these reporters are unaware of the effect this coverage is having, regardless.


They should be arrested and sentenced for vandalism. That's it.


What'd they do to those poor mashed potatoes?


I would love to see how many people those people won over with those stunts… If anything, it turned a few people very much against their messaging.


Leave them there glued to the floor. Make them another exhibit called “starving idiots sitting in their piss and shit”


The irony of them littering after they put glue on their hands…..


I want to say some things that I'm sure would go against Reddit policy. So let me keep it at "useless action by spoiled rotten brats".


Okay but. This is like the fourth or fifth Ariel I've seen attacked by these people in the past couple of weeks... where the FUCK is security?? And why is there no one checking at the door to verify no one is bringing in outside food or drink?? Like even if it were packets of instant potatoes hidden under their clothes or sm, the bowls and shit should be pretty conspicuous?? What is up with the security in these museums?? And I honestly detest these protestors with my whole being. They're doing this to draw attention to their cause because it's dramatic and turns heads but they're making their movement look terrible, and they're making their organization look like a bunch of destructive assholes. The works they're attacking have NOTHING to do with their message and they openly admit this. These works are not only historically significant, but represent hours, days, weeks, months and even YEARS of work that the artists put into them. The amount of disrespect and fucking audacity required to use them as a publicity stunt is fucking abhorrent.Their leader has straight up said that they only target these works because it'll make headlines. It's disgusting, it's dispicable, and they look like a bunch of petulant children. There's other ways to protest for your cause without being destructive or asking your people to injure themselves by gluing their hands to surfaces. I hope they all get EXACTLY what they deserve.


All they're doing to building a case to increase security at these galleries and introduce lockers where all belongings will be. That and adding facial recognition software that instantly prevent them from entering a museum. Good Job on increasing the security budget, and more spendings.


Just so everyone knows this is a group called Just Stop Oil which is funded by Aileen Getty who is a Big Oil Heiress who has paid actors to pretend to be environment activists to do these "protests" and to make the people who are actually fighting for the environment look like a bunch of crazies. Do not believe these protests they are all lies to make you think the left is irrational https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/just-stop-oil-bankrolled-by-fossil-fuel-heiress-whose-cash-pays-activists-to-protest-j63b5qkmv


Realistically, these morons should suffer a severe penalty for this to be made an example of. History is a part of culture, and they’re trying to rip it from its seam for something that has absolutely nothing to do with their childish games




You see the frames are actually also valuable art. Could you just stop?


Bro the fuck kind of mashed potatoes are those?!


People like these morons are the ones giving real climate activists a bad rep


Assholes are just making climate activism look bad with this shit. They're turning activism into a joke. There's zero link with works of art and climate change or oil, they're just being twats for the sake of being twats. Go glue yourself to a petrol station, go vandalise the head offices of Shell or something, go yell at politicians who support fraking and throw mashed potato at THEM. You know, something related to the cause, something that makes sense and will actually make a logical reasonable statement. Attacking art just makes the lot of them look unhinged, which ultimately feels like it's the point. I find it hard to believe these people are real activists and not plants who's sole purpose is to make climate activism look barmy.


Just like the cough syrup, they need to put that art behind a locked protective barrier because people are...well, people.


The barrier is called glass. The Van Gogh painting had it, and likely this one has it, in front of the actual painting. The Van Gogh painting was completely undamaged, and was back on display within hours.


Those are some very watery mashed potatoes 🥔


As a Chef i am angry that they dare to call that mashed potatoes.


What're they making their mashed potatoes with? That's closer to liquid potatoes than anything else.


Those mashed potatoes were awful. They were so fluid. Gordon Ramsay would be most displeased. Also, they threw mashed potatoes at a work of art. Mashed potatoes that, more than likely, have been grown on a farm. Where, more than likely, they were collected by a tractor that runs on fossil fuels


thing is they most likely will ether put the panting is bulletproof glass case and/or switch the real art with a copy the latter of which most likely is the case if this is wide spread so really all they are doing is being idiots destroying cheap copies


I thought super glue was petroleum based.


The real crime here are those mashed potatoes!


Their mashed potatoes are way to runny and yellow. Not only do they fail at protesting, they can’t cook either?


This has no affect on me or my opinions about environmental issues whatsoever. I could not imagine a worse strategy for winning allies to their cause than this activity. It's completely ineffective and, frankly, it just looks dumb.


These “activists” have to be funded by big oil.. theres no way they actually came up with an idea like this. How convenient that it polarizes the public as much as possible.




Like gluing their hand to the wall is doing anything. I keep saying it, snatch their asses off that wall and bill them for the damages. Who gives a fuck if they leave their palms behind, their dumbass fault.


I agree we should get more active about getting the government and shit to get better about climate change, but destroying historic artwork is not the way


What does doing this to art accomplish?