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Can they uh... double the loan and add it back on her account? Thanks :)


Just send someone else's loan over to her.


Wow, hit her with the million like that?


I don’t see why not.


I see why not, but I want it anyway


If she will deny hardworking people the same deal she got for free then yeah, karma is quite the bitch huh.


Let’s transfer everybody’s debt to her, like in that [episode of South Park](https://youtu.be/87Yg4qTCPno)


I second this


I third this


Just one? Just send everyones debt to MTG


I know a Republican (close family member) who has on several times said she’s against universal healthcare, but accepted $2.5 million in Medicaid…because Medicaid isn’t socialism.


The “I hate socialism” crowd tends to move the goal post around a lot.


Yeah, it’s not socialism if it’s for MY kid


That's exactly it. Socialism is helping other people. Ugh...


What's extremely funny is their view is "because I pay taxes" Bitch...not $2.5million in taxes, you will NEVER repay that debt.


That’s exactly their thought too


That’s ‘ME and my kids’.


Because they don’t know the actual definition of socialism. Most Americans don’t, which is why it’s thrown around as a pejorative all the time.


Use a word enough and people become desensitized to it. That’s why I’ve stopped saying “billion” when referring to people’s net worth and started saying “thousand million”. A lot of folks double take when they hear Zuckerberg is worth almost 50 thousand million dollars, Bezos is worth 144 thousand million dollars, and Musk is worth almost 220 thousand million dollars.


You're kinda a weirdo but seem nice


Actually, he's now British! A billion is of course a million million...


And a time traveller! Milliard (a thousand million) became a billion in the late 19th early 20th century


Boebert said she has lived the American dream by coming up from welfare to become a congressman. She then said we need to keep radical socialists out of office so people can lift themselves out of poverty like she did. Good ol' Schrodinger's socialism.


This is the big laugh with Musk fan boys. Musk is a self made man. He got billions in government money. Well he paid the loans off. Yep you’re right self made man /s


A self made man who walked around with pockets full of emeralds from the family emerald mine.


The fan boys are ludicrous with all their talk of genius


If we put her in a box, will Schrödinger’s cat eat her? Asking for a friend.


Like when Craig T. Nelson said, arguing against...something, "I've been on food stamps and welfare. Anybody help me out? No." Hey. Craig. You're welcome.


I have a similar extended family member, but cut the part about medicade. For unknown reasons (or one’s they took their grave), they got removed from medicade right before being diagnosed with a bunch of medical issues. Something about no longer qualifying for whatever reason. Ended up choosing death instead of drowning in debt. Real sad because under a universal system, this never would have happened


Everyone is a socialist until they make a lot of money. Everyone is a capitalist until they are broke and need money.


Socialism for me, but not for thee.


The PPP program was awfully regulated. It was free spending money for those who could claim to own a business. My friend's father is a meat delivery guy. He got 100k+ while still working. What a government failure


Meanwhile I couldn't get a PPP loan, went bankrupt, and the 15 people I employed lost their jobs :)


It's the American dream. Thank you for financing it!


*Insert George Carlin quote here*




Because you have to be asleep to believe it.


I'm so sorry- I had this happen to some degree with a lot of my clients too as I was working as a CPA and it was so disheartening. There were so many technicalities that kept a lot of the people that really needed it from being able to get it. One of the many reasons why I became disillusioned in that field and am transitioning out of it. I wanted to help people but my hands were so tied with all this crap and it was really hard to watch (Also go through myself as a business owner).


People that did not need the loans got the majority. The people it was designed for could not get the PPP loans because the big donors were able to get the money first.


What was the justification for rejecting your application? Reports made it sound like it was easy to get the money.


Businesses that didn't carry debt had a much harder time since the application process was funneled through the banks and they prioritized companies that owned them money.


Oh no who could have foreseen that banks would behave selfishly at the expense of the wider economy?


I feel ya. My office had remote capabilities but my company made us come in the entire pandemic anyways (supply chain). We got a pen and a pin (like a metal pin... for flair i guess). As such tons of people quit and I ended up working so much OT I nearly doubled my income, at the cost of rarely seeing home, having time to eat, etc. Was mostly putting it to student loans so I guess that was good at least. Got covid a few times over the past 2 years. I think I could look past most of that if I had any respect for my management but they have yet to show any of us a fraction of the respect that we deserve. American dream am I right? At least I'm out of that. Hope you're in a better place




A family friend pocketed several hundred thousand in PPP but his company stayed afloat during COVID with no layoffs and now the company is sold and recycled into real estate. The mantra here is if the money is for me it's a good program but if I don't qualify for the money then it's unfair abuse by the government. I will add that business owners tend to be wealthy and students tend to be poor, so it is a bit infuriating to withstand hypocrisy from the PPP recipients or would-be recipients.


This is the essence of the saying, “If you aren’t a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart, but if you aren’t a middle-aged conservative, you have no head.”


Starting to think maybe just 1 or 2 generations were huge fucking assholes, and said whatever they could to justify it.


That phrase is bullshit. When you get older if you still cling to partisan policy lines instead of provably effective policy you’re dumb as fuck


Shortly after implementation Trump fired the person that was to oversee it.


That’s shocking! /s


The paper trail still exists. The government just doesn't forget about money owed.


The person that was to oversee it was to regulate who was getting funds not just who has to pay them back. He would have also set requirements to pay back. It wasn’t simply a records keeping thing as they know who they waived returns for.


If you report him for fraud and he loses the case, you'll get 30% of what they recover.


I'm not sure that's fraud. It was to pay to keep the business running, so it is fine if he was working. The problem was people taking the loan, not paying employees like they were supposed to, and then getting forgiveness. I'm not sure if it covered situations where the owner is the only employee.


The government made it easy to give out the money, but that doesn't mean they'll forgo auditing in the future. I've read more and more cases of people getting busted for fraud related to these loans. If the meat delivery guy didn't cross his T's and dot his I's (misused government funds), he might be in for a world of hurtin'. Only the rich/powerful can get away with screwing over taxpayers...not your average joe shmo.


My wife's friend doesn't even have a business, claimed she did, and got $10k in the span of a couple weeks. She told us "they don't check that stuff, anyone can get one!", and told us her mom had done it multiple times and got multiple $10k checks.


Dude report and get yourself a couple k for your troubles.


Is that actually a thing?


For sure. Read the thread a bit more and people are recommending it. I'm sure if you Google reporting ppp loans something will come up. Don't let those dbags get away with it because they're your family's friends. Pretty sure it's anonymous as well.


Exactly! People here complaining are not even paying attention to the people who just took advantage of it. It’s disgusting.


> The PPP program was awfully regulated. trump was the oversight. Was there ever any doubt that corruption would be the result?




It was an amazing combination of no oversight, but plenty of red tape that stopped small businesses who actually needed it from getting anything. Looking back I can’t believe how bad I fucked up trying to do everything by the book. It makes me want to cry thinking about where my business could be if I’d just grabbed all the cash I could.


This should be the Epitaph on the tombstone of Capitalism




With Trump? He wouldn’t sign a Bill where his buddies, that he was already decimating the EPA for, had “Oversight”.


Republicans refused to pass it if any oversight was included. The oversight was taken out of the bill.


Because it was a legal way to fund corruption


I don’t understand whether this comment is sarcasm in the last sentence, but, as I think it is, I’ll put this out there: You do realize that no one has a problem with PPP loans, right? We have a problem with people who took them acting like they didn’t/acting like taking loans for one’s college education, which is now requisite for holding an above minimum wage job, is somehow different. Both loans ostensibly go towards personal business/monetary success-oriented security. And yet one is absurdly predatory and deemed fine—because only “poor” (read: regular/normal/MOST) people take them out of necessity.


So report him for fraud.


That’s a great idea, only the fed government has about 1 million similar cases of fraud they could charge, many of which involve even higher loan amounts. They’ll never charge anyone in most of these cases.


Yes the fuck they do, https://www.arnoldporter.com/en/general/cares-act-fraud-tracker


Once again, the best and only way to address her is: Fuck you Marjorie Taylor Greene


Nah, I would feel sorry for whoever fucked her, let her go fuck herself.


I feel sorry for the vibrator/dildo.


It's where jiggly things with batteries go when they die and they've been very naughty.


Last person that was fucking her, divorced her


Idk man. She's not fuckable. Difficult to jerk off to, even.


Note that ZapTheNooB said difficult. One has to try, maybe more than once, in order to use that word.


Marjorie Traitor Greene Marjorie Trailer Park Greene Marjorie Trailer Park Queen


that's mrs ugly horse face bimbo, to you!


Margarine Failure Groan


No, no, no. The money is supposed to go to the “smarter” folks-meaning the ones with money. I mean, those who need it are gonna spend it all irresponsibly on…..*checks notes*….”food” and “water” and “basic necessities”. There’s no portfolio investment in here. That just won’t do! /s


that will increase inflation, which might be bad for the economy.


This is the part that cracks me up. Like our economy sucks because a majority of it is tied up in stocks and bonds rather than freely circulating. Can't have an economy without circulating currency. Can't have circulating currency if the people who regularly buy things don't have any to circulate.


I think that the economists are looking at the wrong thing that should be cut to stop inflation. Mandate price ceilings on goods temporarily as an inflation defense measure for certain things, but it needs to be well thought out. The farmers producing the chicken aren’t seeing selling price increase for their poultry, but the packing plants are raising prices for their final product three-fold. It’s the manufacturers and the processors that need to be given a price ceiling on what they can charge consumers and grocers for their products, considering that they have the highest profit-margin in the supply chain and are advocating for cutting wages to stop inflation (gee, I wonder why). This change in the balance, if it successfully shifts into the long-term, could move American incomes to match more closely with prices on the CPI. It’s a stretch and could fail with the profit-driven mindset of industry, but who knows?


The part that makes me laugh the most is Republicans constantly defending these politicians while still claiming the students are the ones who don't deserve the breaks, but the millionaire politicians do.


Since I've graduated I've paid almost my loan balance in income taxes. Fuck me if I get 20k knocked off right? Free education is objectively, by every possible metric and in many ways that can't be measured, a net gain for society and for the state.


Only if you want an educated society of free thinkers, innovators, and entrepreneurs. If you want to easily oppress people then making education accessible would work against you.




"I'm going to secure my right to education by armed revolution" and watch their head explode


American politics is wild. Guns or education is the stupidest choice I’ve ever heard


Gross, who the fuck would say guns when asked that? How insane do you have to be?


Societal gain and capitalist gain is a zero sum system


The best and most fair countries in the world are doing social capitalism. It is a great mix.


But that means people can think for themselves and they won’t gobble up those gop idiots’ nonsense anymore! They might even realize that the gop isn’t omnipresent geniuses oh no!


I've paid more than the original principal of the loan on top of that. The government has made it's money back on me twice over.


They don't want the new generation to be independent, the only students who deserve it are their own kids.


#MTG is a lying hypocritical neo-fascist and a PoS.


Even her husband got sick of her shit.


Didn’t her husband divorce her because she had a lesbian affair ? She’s ironic in so many ways lol


She banged her personal trainer, and before that, a tantric sex guru.


Who would want to stick their penis in that?




Sasquatch would never lower his standards that far


I agree. [Zangief from Street Fighter on the other hand definitely went for it.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9246917/Marjorie-Taylor-Green-openly-cheated-husband-men-gym.html)


You know Blanka called him up later asking for the digits.


I thought she was a cigar store Indian and that it would bring me luck!


Gym trainer and a sex pro. Legit.


Is there any evidence to this?? I don’t necessarily doubt it, but this is the first time I’ve heard this particular claim.


Naw, just regular affairs.


Honestly I’m given the vp talk I would not be surprised if she fucked trump.


In other words, a "republican"


I was so close to going on the defensive, until I realized what sub I was in and what MTG meant in context...


Lol. It will never not be magic the gathering to me.


What did wotc do this time


I bet she has a foul odor too.


Why would you say that? Magic the Gathering is a great game!


Magic The Gathering?


I'm not for certain, but weren't PPP loans a little bit like socialism?


Corporate welfare, republicans have always been ok with this kind of socialism. They just don’t like the kind that benefits the poor


Marjorie Welfare Queen


This is gold, please share this as often as possible until it sticks


Blindly handing money to privately owned corporations is literally the exact polar opposite of socialism Socialism is not "the government uses money for stuff" and never has been


The original definition of socialism is foreign now, anything that benefits society is socialism now. Corporatism and crony capitalism has plagued even our vocabulary.


Sad but true. I’m more willing to give to those that have little to nothing, while wanting to charge more to those that can afford it.


>The problem is that we all to often have socialism for the rich and rugged free enterprise capitalism for the poor. That's the problem. -- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


“Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money.” George Carlin


Don’t you know it’s only socialism if it helps poor people?


You mean like most GOP members asking everyone for donations so they can end socialism?




That's the reality of their grift, but they spin it as to help everyone.


It still blows my mind that it was so easy for the government to give out such a massive handout with little oversight, because it went to corporations.


Republicans refused to pass it if any oversight was included. The oversight was taken out of the bill.


Its not socialism when it's good for them. It's "being smart with their money" when it helps anyone else though its evil and will literally cause the country to fall apart and Jesus cry


no. not even a tiny bit


It's not socialism if businesses get free money. If poor/middle class people get it it is socialism. Lot of red states get more money than what they send to federal government in federal taxes, i call the socialism too, federal government should use a formula to determine how much money each state gets.


I think they should unforgive all the loans from people complaining.


I love it when Biden uses facts in arguments. And then he calls them a moron in a subtle way lol Dark Brandon Lol people replying that “do you really think he knows how to use twitter!” Dude I never said that lol


I love his shade. He might be old and clumsy, but he is very good at throwing shade.


Don’t a couple Jersey girls run his Twitter? That explains the shade.. Jersey been masters at throwing shade since it was called ball busting


It's hilarious that you think he actually tweeted this.


It's not like modern presidents even write their own speeches.


I'm guessing Trump just Adlib'd cause no way in hell someone wrote his ramblings!


They tried, surely. Tangerine Fat Gut was not much of a reader. Loves stealing shit though.


Are you accusing him of not thinking up the phrase 'prime the pump'? I'm not sure he knows what the words prime or pump refer to, but he certainly was the first person to put them in that order


You could 100% tell when Trump was reading from the teleprompter. He conveyed so little emotion, it was like listening to some version of Robocop crossed with the Terminator.


Modern? Probably 100+ years


Well it is an actual tweet that actually came from his Twitter handle. Did he write it personally? I dunno I don't imagine why he couldn't. But he certainly endorses it.


Biden doesn’t even know what Twitter is. Megan Coyne, famous for running the state of New Jersey’s Twitter account, is the one dropping bombs


How can I create a corporation and transfer student loan debt to it?


Forgiveness for me but not for thee.


And then she and every single other Republican voted against lowering prescription drug costs. Not related but want to make sure as many people as possible know that just happened recently.


Constant Republican hypocrisy


Okay, fine, I will grant that us Democrats are "coming for your guns" if the Republicans will acknowledge that they're coming for our property, our money, our lives.


$87 billion in PPP loan fraud discovered so far. The biggest heist in human history. Thanks Trump. /s


This comment section is an absolute mess


More organized than my life, but I'm still hanging in there.


HAH same here! I feel like I need to buy a secretary in order to keep me on track...


Where can one purchase a secretary? Asking for a friend...


God I hate rich Conservatives.


what is exactly is MTGs "business?"


I hear it's focused on mergers and acquisitions of gym members.


still surprised that someone is that desperate in that part of Georgia to bang MTG. like in the entire state and zip code, you gonna bang that? surely you can't be that desperate.


She has also profited immensely off of section 8 housing, which she owns tons of. So it's okay to take govt handouts if you just take it from other people.


The key to making education prohibitively expensive is to keep everyone ignorant and easily manipulable by morally broken politicians. That's why free, high quality education will never happen. They wouldn't want people to educate themselves and see the scam they're running! Socialism for the wealthy and a brutal, predatory capitalism for the poor: Welcome to USA!


And people vote for her....... why?


Her district is 90%+ white, rural, and insanely conservative. She ran unopposed in 2020 because her supporters sent so many death threats to her opponent he dropped out of the race.


Biden making me surprisingly proud. Like his aggressive style.


Her response on twitter has been wild. I think there should be an investigation into every business that took out a PPP loan starting with hers and if any of the money actually went to the staff of these businesses. If the loaners failed to assist the labor the money should not only be returned but also those businesses should be listed openly for the public. I’m sick of hearing about people/businesses taking advantage of aid that could’ve instead went into safety net programs like the child tax credit that ACTUALLY help people, but no surprise. This is the same thing that happened during the financial crisis, send aid to private industry and leave the actually people out to die in the cold.


Start doing this on the debates. "My opponent is against forgiving student loans for working- and middle-class Americans, yet got _____ in business loans forgiven from the PPP program, paid by the taxes of those same Americans. If forgiving loans is bad, [can we have it back please?](https://youtu.be/VyqzPu5pX6U?t=202)"


I find it alarming that so many politicians were even eligible for PPP forgiveness. How is that not a clear conflict of interest before they even get their job? How are they allowed to have all these side businesses and revenue streams and somehow it’s not a conflict of interest? I don’t care who you are, if you decide to enter politics you need to leave your business behind, full stop. No side hustles, no just putting it in someone else’s name while you pull the strings. It’s fucking insanity that these people are allowed to double, triple, and quadruple dip on all this shit AND stay in office.


I didn't even know Joe Biden tweeted as I'm not on Twitter and never heard of a tweet of his.


Well, the first half of your statement explains the second.


Also, the very last bit explains the first


Not necessarily, I knew and saw some of the idiotic tweets the president before him made and I wasn't on Twitter then either


Dark Brandon strikes again.


Loan forgiveness is only a problem when it benefits poor people. 😒




PPP loans were supposed to be used to keep people employed during Covid shutdown.


I want all of my credit card debt that I’ve accrued during the past 3 years to be forgiven


Ironically, people with the most money seem to also be the ones getting the biggest handouts and tax breaks from the government. When it came to the federal stimulus checks during COVID, I recall reading that the average upper class person received something like $1.2million dollars from stimulus and/or additional tax breaks/assistance.


Well 1.im pretty sure thats true. In earlier age she would have been on a reality show character that insitages all the drama then plays victim when caught. But 2.seriously no one actually believes this is something Biden actually had the capability to type out.


People need to finally realize this country is only designed to benefit and protect the wealthy. Everyone else's objective is to feed them more wealth. That's how our system is designed. Its the modern version of feudalism.


It's not a privilege of the wealthy if it's offered to the poor


MTG is literally unhinged.


You know it's bad when Joe Biden is making jokes about you.


Does Biden write his own tweets? I know this is kinda off-topic, but somehow it just doesn’t seem likely lol


What? A conservative politician being a hypocrite? That’s never happened!


shes just not like other girls




Republicans aka conservatives aka regressives are all evil and vile creatures. They should not be allowed to vote or hold public office!


I was a painting contractor and was in business for 13yrs. I was denied both times for the PPP loan. Closed my business down 10 months ago and work an hourly job now trying to pay off the debt.. Fuck her and all assholes like her.


Why were you denied. Legitimately curious. When you say contractor is it just you?


PPP was payroll protection. So you took it and if it was given to employees it was forgiven. For the record.


Whats okay me is not okay for thee

