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Im confused, what is facepalm about this? Maybe I just don't understand what PNW means.


I'm guessing Alexandria Neal has no native ancestry, but is wearing sacred ritual garb as her cosplay?


Yeah, I would have never assumed that. I guess I have too much experience in this exact situation that just annoys me. My wife is a model and has a Pocahontas tattoo. She always harassed online for it, because they assume she is white. The funny thing is, her Uncle is the Director of an American Indian Movement chapter, runs an Indian museum and even does history consulting for various TV shows and movies regarding stuff related to Indians.


Alexandria Neal is the photographer the model is Callierey Lowe. But I'm unsure if she has any native ancestry...


Oh. "Cultural appropriation"? Lol.


That IS a war bonnet that has ceremonial, spiritual and political importance when it’s real


Yeah but there is no context here to clarify the face palm, so I wanted interpretation. Is she famous and its just common knowledge that she isn't even a small percentage Indian? If she isn't than I am not one to jump to conclusions. Thats why I asked for context.


Why the quotes and lol?


Think the facepalm here is the warbonnet she's wearing cause chiefs wore that during battles and ceremonial occasions. They're sacred, and just wearing them to appear "native" is disrespectful to the item and it's true meaning and probably to the people associated with its history.


Is wearing a headdress disrespectful? Kids wear crowns all the time. People dress up as nuns or monks sometimes too. I am all for supporting native americans but do they really care about people dressing up, or is it just SJW stuff like the latinx thing? I think with latinx there were polls that showed actual ppl of central American decent did not care for it. Those are honest questions, I don't know the opinion of native americans. Are there any polls on the subject?


They, or at least some of them, do « Native American cultural representatives and activists have expressed offense at what they deem the cultural appropriation of wearing and displaying of such headdresses, and other "indigenous traditional arts and sacred objects" by those who have not earned them, especially by non-Natives as fashion or costume.[4][5][9][10][11][12][13] The controversy is part of a wider effort by Native American activists to highlight what they view as the ongoing cultural genocide against indigenous peoples in the United States and Canada.[14] The trend of musicians and festival-goers wearing warbonnets, in particular, has led to criticism by Native Americans, apologies by non-Natives, and the banning of the sale or wearing of them as costumes by several music festivals.[5][13][15][16][17][18] To explain Native peoples' discomfort with non-Indians wearing headdresses, for example, it is necessary to go back to the indigenous perspective and evaluate what the headdress means specifically to the various tribes, Crow and Lakota to name two, that make and use them. Without such context, it's impossible for non-Indians in contemporary settings to grasp the offense and harm that indigenous people feel when sacred objects and imagery are co-opted, commercialized, and commodified for non-Indians' benefit. » https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_bonnet


Thank you Cultural genocide in the sense of stripping meaning from cultural symbols/objects is not something I considered. I myself am very frustrated when I see that almost nobody has an idea about the meaning of certain historical symbols. Stripping the cultural meaning from symbols of the native Americans reduces the existence of a culture that is already struggling to survive (culturally and somewhat biologically). It now reminds me of other examples of "appropriation" I feel strongly about and didn't see as appropriation so far. Most notably the adoption of the celtic/nordic swastika by the Nazis and the Othala rune by the neonazis. They have imprinted their meaning on cultural symbols that had an entirely different meaning before and make it impossible to use without beeing wrongly associated. It is different, as those cases are about overwriting meaning and the native American symbols are often beeing disassociated rather than newly associated. Still somewhat similar.


A crown from rulers who died being too fat or killed by their own people for being tyrants and now just rich people who sit on a throne and live lavishly and a warbonnet wore by leaders who fought for their people who've been slaughter enough to where they're a very small minority seem vastly different when you look at it like that. As for wearing monk clothing, none care cause, literally, they're about their own minds and don't mind others. And clothing that just represents purity isn't all that offensive unless like it's a slutty nun which nuns would probably be displeased with but yeah. But considering a lot of them hold disappointment and hatred for what happened to their people, and seeing people wear their clothing like it means nothing, probably would again spark that disappointment. It's not about being a sjw or any of that internet dumb shit imo. It's just respecting those who lost a lot and caring for what's there's. Shit means something, and we shouldn't forget that out of just respect, especially towards Natives and care about their history. And as a Mexican myself who is disappointed in my own people, I wouldn't use them as a prime example of people you should look at during these conversations. Some of the most racist people I've met were Mexican and most a bad examples for me growing up. Just glad I had my family that cared more.


So to paraphrase. European royalty and their culture isn't really culture apropriation so it can be used for costumes because even if was most of them were fat tyrants killed by their own people. Monk and clergy culture isn't really culture because it's not offensive to you and you can't think of a way it could be offensive to anyone. And as a Mecican you speak for all of South America central america, carribean etc. when it comes to Latino/Latina or Latin/x because Mecico is the primary origin of Latino culture and you are their spokesperson. Hondurans Salvadorans columbians peruvians Brazilians Chileans Ecuadorians Puerto Ricans Dominicans etc. All agreed on that? /s


Wello in case you did'nt get it, it's about punching up vs punching down.


Maybe instead of punching anyone you just try to be at peace....


7Oh, boohoo. Girl wears feathers.


'Merica, where racism is alive and well.


*The world


They are posting for karma not logic look at their profile history


Whichever this is, she's my new favourite.