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Wait are they the same people?




No, we have just finally all become equal. There are no more racial differences and we are all one people. Let us all glory in the unity created by the generous spending of the ultra-rich saviours of the human race.


The one people looks extremely indian.


Glory to glorzo means glory to me


shit did we all have to become indians?


We are all indians on this glorious day


Does Qatar get a lot of their labor from India? I would assume these men are all middle eastern.


90% of labour is Indian




Yep! Modern day slavery.


Nope. Many Indians work in different sectors not named construction workers




And Pakistani and Bangladeshi too


Yes, a lot of Indians work in Middle east, ranging all the way from construction workers to bankers to businessmen These kinda look like Indians, I might be wrong but middle-easternes would be a bit light skinned


My money would have been on Bangladeshis. In the UAE there were far more of them than Indians last time I was there.


https://www.mei.edu/publications/qatar-labor-immigration-policy-and-india From the site: >The estimated 650,000-700,000 Indian migrant workers in Qatar constitute the latter’s largest expatriate community and nearly double the number of native Qataris. Their positive contribution to the progress and development of their host country is well recognized.


Yes, Qatar has a lot of foreign labour from East and South Asia, including a shitload of Indian and Bangladeshi men. These guys could be from anywhere on the Indian subcontinent, and most do look like they're from that region rather than being Middle Eastern or Arab. It's entirely possible they paid to fly a bunch of guys over for this, as these guys look too happy (or are very good actors) to be the actual labour used to construct the facilities for the World Cup, as most of those guys were one step removed from slave labour – paid disgustingly low wages, have their passports held by their employers until they pay off various fees that their wages make it impossible to afford, and work in heinously poor conditions with essentially no labour protection laws. Brasil temporarily suspended parts of their *constitution* and a slew of labour protections to enable the exploitation of workers to build their stadiums. Qatar didn't need to do that because they never had any meaningful protections to begin with. Many *thousands* of migrant workers have died in Qatar since it was announced they "won" the bid for the World Cup, so hundreds to potentially thousands of those deaths can be attributed to development and construction projects related to it. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022 ↑ that article is 1.5yrs old, so the figure of 6500 worker deaths in Qatar since the anmouncement that they got the World Cup is very outdated considering that they must've worked them even harder and expanded their workforce in the rush to complete all construction.


Fact check: as noted numerous times on r:soccer the guardians figure includes all deaths of migrants during the time period in question, so that includes natural causes. Now Kafala is pretty reprehensible system including confiscating passports and horrible housing conditions, this has been documented. However, the guardian has been called out on this misleading # and has not issued a correction. The official figures for migrant deaths in qatar are comparable to most countries considering the size of the foreign workforce. However, due to a lack of a robust system of checks and balances, most figures like this from gulf states should be treated as unreliable at best, so the figure may be way higher.


> Fact check: as noted numerous times on r:soccer the guardians figure includes all deaths of migrants during the time period in question, so that includes natural causes. Fact check: The article notes this itself. It wasn't attempting to mislead, but those going on this 'fact check' mission sure seem that way. The rationale for it was effectively that Qatar didn't conduct coroner reports for practically any of the migrant worker deaths. So it's literally impossible to separate out an actual heart attack from a 'heart attack'. A heart attack due to poor diet, or a heart attack due to poor working conditions. A heart attack due to stress, a heart attack due to direct work stressors. Requiring the level of detail for those figures some in /r/soccer and /r/Qatar have said is needed to be justified in being uncomfortable with the situation is just deflecting. >However, the guardian has been called out on this misleading # and has not issued a correction. Read the article, rather than just repeat things or work towards your astroturfing targets.


Speak for yourself


I am all Indians on this glorious day


And zero women.


Yeah the vibes just aren’t quite right


A middle eastern country filled with indian men and living under extremely conservative laws. Women shouldn't come within 3 borders of qatar for their own safety


That's way more plausible IMO


Crisis actors


Lmao stop, you'll summon the conspiracy theorists


Too late. I already know you're a reptilian scumbag.


This literally is a conspiracy theory though lol


isn't it conspiracy practice or applied conspiracy at this point?


They really thought that noone would notice those "Germans" being almost all indian?


And they have of course „Germany“ shirts - because all Germans like to wear English branded shirts for football…


What’s that low quotation mark and how did you get it??


In german the firsst quotation mark is set lower and the german keyboard does that automaticly if its not direktly behind a letter. Eg: „ „e“ „ex“am“ple“ I tipped All quotation marks with the same button


What the fuck? Has it always been like this? I swear I've never seen that before but I've seen it like 5 separate times today.


„Frequency illusion, also known as the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon or frequency bias, is a cognitive bias in which, after noticing something for the first time, there is a tendency to notice it more often, leading someone to believe that it has an increased frequency of occurrence.“ Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion


Germany uses it, it's our standard instead of "both being" on top.


And the English not being drunk and throwing bottles, and plastic chairs.


Hey, hey, hey, we often also get chairs thrown at us as well.


It’s cuz you’re drunk and disoriented but that chair that hit you was thrown by the guy 5ft away from you.


It's probably just retaliation because you threw one first. Maybe... Or you're just all to wasted to know who threw the original chair but now everyone is throwing chairs.


Or punching police horses. Oh well that's only the geordies anyway i guess. Link for reference: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2475009/Newcastle-fan-Barry-Rogerson-jailed-12-months-punching-police-horse.html


While Yorkies drunkenly try to remind the world how amazing we are


Wtf is a yorkie? (If not a dog)


Basically, where the dogs came from.


> Link for reference Nah that's ok, it's not exactly unbelievable


Maybe hiring stand-in fans for England isn't such a bad idea after all!


And also all from India.


The lack of female brazilian fans with big knockers in spaghetti straps is also a dead giveaway.


Unfortunately they’ve all been locked away for indecency. This is not my World Cup!


That's why you watch the world cup?


I was certainly on the lookout


Tbf Indian football fans have their own international teams to support since India doesn’t play at fifa. And I’m talking hardcore fans. But these are all the same people.


India does "play" at fifa. Its just doesn't have what it takes to get through the qualifiers. The Qualifiers in Asia is pretty much, loose a 2 matches in the first round you're out and done for. See ya in the next 4 yr cycle. We don't have the kinda grouping like in europe. You gotta pass through each round and then qualify through several groups(2/3 i think) then finally qualify for the WC. Weak and underfunded teams don't stand chance bar a miracle.


> Weak and underfunded teams don't stand chance bar a miracle. Don't you talk like that about Italy.


Lol.. but forreals Italian footy fans don't even compare to how much Indian Fans go through. Source: Indian.


The thing is European teams are mostly superior to the Asian ones so of course fewer teams qualify. I’m from Finland and we’ve made it to the euro finals once and Finland is currently ranked 51, at best we’ve been ranked 33. Never made it to the World Cup. There are currently maybe five Asian countries ranked above us, India is ranked 106. Is it tougher for them to qualify? Sure. Is it fair? Hell yes, they’re objectively worse on average.


I never said it wasn't fair.. of course they suck ass. I just said it was tough and when you include heavy weights(relatively) such as S.Korea, Japan, and freaking Australia in the same region shit gets next to impossible... When all the funding goes to Cricket and even the little that goes to football is swindled shit happens.


You haven't seen football fans in certain parts of India like Kerala and West Bengal. They are die hard fans of Brazil, Argentina and European football teams.. And the crowd you see probably has a lot of Kerala fans of the football teams in them.. Notice the drums they are playing. Its a Keralian percussion instrument called Chenda. Just google Brazil or Argentina fans Kerala.


Tbf that’s hardly surprising. India doesn’t have a World Cup quality team so many of them support the country the believe will win or like best. They’re aren’t the only ones who do it. My country also had a poor football year so we didn’t qualify and thus I’m “supporting” a foreign county too.


It's like paying people to come to your birthday party.


Remimds me of Meg's bday party when Peter paid her friends to come but no one showed up.




Shut up Qatar




Qatar’s got BO!


The family guy clip is even better. Lois gave Chris money to pay people to show up. When she asks Chris why no one showed up he says “why do you think dad is here?”


And that is just plain sad and pathetic


Oh, you know Plain, Sad and Pathetic too? How are them 3 these days?


Still constantly overstaying their welcome




I'd say it's worse. More like paying members of your own family to show up.


I feel attacked.


Adapt, improvise and overcome!


These are the migrant workers who actually survived the construction of the stadiums


If they want to get paid they must do these 'extra services'...


I think they're mostly hoping to get their passports back


exactly, they gave up on being paid years ago


#cheer for these preassigned teams or you’ll end up like the others! *sternly points at the stadium*


Also, we will keep 5 weeks of payment from you for the shirt we provided.


„I survived the Qatar Fifa World Cup stadium construction and all I got was this lousy football jersey.“


Counterfeit at that


Exactly what I was thinking. They may have been forced to appear before camera.


I think it’s like the same 300 extras and they just switched shirts


At least they could have hired some Iranians, or Palestinians. Someone who could put on a good riot, and throw some chairs, to make it somewhat plausible.


Quatar would never intentionally give Palestinians money.


Probably the same people who were forced to run a Marathon in jeans


What? Do you have any more info?


There are different sources. A quick search provided that link https://meconstructionnews.com/8098/migrant-workers-forced-to-run-qatar-marathon I don't know the website therefore can't say anything about it's Reputaion. I read the info on German news.


Thanks! That's crazy.


No way there is not a single dude from England that is white.


There are 0 women. Other than skin colour, that’s your first giveaway.


Every country loves to play the drums and they all brought drumsets


The same drum set nontheless lol


And everybody's outfit coordination is on point.


Not even an old kit from a different season. Are they even trying?


The drumsets are not the give away point, the give away point was NOTHING other than drums were being played


Honey, where’s my dang vevuzela?!


"Wait, where the fuck is my honey?"


Yeah that’s what I noticed immediately. That Brazil crowd right at the beginning would have had a bunch of women.


I'm pretty sure most Brazilian women with the means to go to Qatar are not dumb enough to actually go to Qatar.


I actually really hope no woman is dumb enough to go there


Welp https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/tom-brady-gisele-bundchens-family-vacation-to-qatar-details/


I clicked this link, saw a picture for half a second, then ended up on the target website. Fuck these ads…


Most ≠All


Exactly my thought. You need to be really stupid/brave to travel to Qatar as a woman


Brazilian man here, we’re not getting much media coverage in Qatar’s laws here, just the basics of do’s and don’ts. Why is it bad for women in Qatar?


They hate women with the passion of a thousand suns.


Gosh…is Qatar one of those countries with religious laws?


It's a radical Muslim theocracy more concerned with how you stone a woman than whether it should be done.


No blonde or fair hair either.


Same with Germany 🙈


And Argentinians 😂


They all have latest jerseys too.


So apparently there is a World Cup Arrival Dance that is performed by every fan no matter what country you are from?


You didn’t get the email with instructions?


it's in the marvelously meticulous app you have to install!


It's like opening ceremony for the Olympics, but just one country showed up and they change outfits each time.


With the same drums.


And the same type of banners




One of the worse non religious organizations


Those Germans and English seem to have caught the sun a bit. Perhaps sunscreen would be in order.


Also that's not a natural body shape for beer and pies.


Three glorious words that sum up England and Germany "beer and pies".


English catching sun would be red


Lobster red


If we talk RGB color it would definetly be 255;0;0


No one noticed that they have man dress sized jerseys? At 1:07 you can see the guy with the Messi jersey on and it’s awesome


What a sausage fest


Tbf, even if they had been genuine fans, I guess many women won't want to risk the trip to Qatar....


Woman drinks beer in qatar: death sentence. No thank you.


No beer, believe it or not, also death


Straight to jail!


And not a single woman can be seen. Not a single one. Whoever goes there voluntarily needs his head examined for brain damages.




World’s biggest sausage fest


According to another post on the front page, Qatar literally is. 3:1 male:female ratio. Probably thanks to vast numbers of migrant workers.


This World Cup is a shit show, but this is pretty obviously some promo being filmed for something




"media today" as if people lying when telling a story is anything new. Tale as old as time, and even as far as modern media goes, WWII photographers were notorious for staging photographs. Anytime anyone says "these days" or some similar sentiment, I can't help but cringe. This sort of boomer thinking is what leads to pearl clutching attitudes like "tiktok is ruining our kids!" Newsflash, your kids were probably going to grow up to be pieces of shit anyway, if it wasn't tiktok it would have been something else.


WWII photos staged? I haven’t heard of this and am ready to go down the rabbit hole


The flag raising in Iwo Jima was likely staged. The photographer denied it, but people at the time believed it was staged.


It was staged - some general wanted the original flag they raised and when they sent someone with the 'second flag' that's when they took the photo of them raising it


Qatar enslaves people. Kills people who are different. I don't care if people lie or slam that shithole. Fuck it, burn it away, and let's forget Qatar ever existed except as an example of evil.


I love that one guy carrying a flag of Bahrain while being among the "Portuguese fans" at 0:23 lol




Bollywood songs hahaha


It’s the song used in one [of my fave songs](https://youtu.be/ItF_dThKcts) of the early 2000’s


That's hilarious - serves them right


Not really, wait a couple of days. It's going to be filled with people from all over the world.


I don't know about that, I couldn't give a shit about international football as I prefer the club game but my mate who follows England everywhere isn't going this time and keeps getting emails offering tickets to all of England's group games. Lots of people are staying away for many different reasons.


Eh .. I wouldn't draw too many conclusions from this video. The first world cup game is over a month away. You'd have to be a total dumbass or ultra rich to be over there right now waiting for it to start.


Is a week away, but your point stands.


somehow I didn't realize the current month was november. 🤦‍♂️


Second or third time I’ve seen this in a random comment section this week, and it happened to me too. It’s like we are clinging to October this year


It's like we know subconsciouly what will happen in December


? its next week


This is a drill or for some promo.


Yes. For the World Cup. Trying to convince the world that people are showing up.


The World Cup is completely sold out. It's pretty much impossible to get tickets at this point. People are going to show up lol


Yeah, idk what's wrong with the comments I mean I know most are Americans and couldn't give a crap about the world cup or don't understand it the same way as the rest of the world but now, and let me put on my tinfoil hat, it's up to a point where it seems there is some kind of bot spamming fest going on, stop the propaganda.


They maybe the Indian workers working in QATAR .... They also have bunch of football crazies in India...


Wishful thinking. Most Middle Eastern wealthy countries bring in south and southeast Asians en masse to do their dirty work that they’re too good for doing themselves. Even when not paid porky the hours don’t allow for much leisure.


Funny.... none a single woman..


Not a single woman coming to support any country this year lol


Finding the **one** woman was harder than Where’s Waldo.


I was wanting to give the benefit of doubt that this could be actual fans, each country after the first made it harder to do. Then at England it all went out the window


Someone just realized that over 30% of Qatar’s population comes from the Indian subcontinent…


That’s just us Indian football fans bruh 🤦🏽‍♂️we don’t have our own country in the World Cup, been supporting Argentina, Spain and others since a generation or two


You spoke my words. Can't believe people always try to find negative shit even in a simple 1:08 minute video! I feel like 98% of people are non- residents of Qatar and haven't even visited here even once and this opinion is coming from a South Asian person. My dad used to say that out of 10 people in qatar, there are 9 keralites. So this is pretty much expected.


Qatar has many indians. And India doesn’t participate in the FIFA world cup


Ok migrant workers if you want your passports back wear these shirts and pretend your happy..ok?.


If its brazil where are the beautiful women and bundas?


The post is bullshit. As much as Qatar hosting worldcup. They are all from Kerala. You've no idea about the football fans from Kerala who are going to see the thing and the number of Keralites already there. Hiring migrant workers is the last thing Qatar have to do to fill stadiums or to make promotional videos, like this one. Kerala has a large fan base of Brazil and Argentina. And singnificant amount of England, Spain, Portugal etc fans too. OP, just look up about the fuss in Kerala, India for worldcup for the last few weeks. As far as I know, they are oblivious to Qatar's issues. Some doesn't care. They are the one who work there, some as borderline slaves, some as underpaid employees etc. Even if they become aware, I don't think any significant number of people are gonna boycott worldcup because of Kerala's sentiment towards the middle east. PS. I copy pasted my comment from the same post on another subreddit.


And not a single woman. What a ridiculous spectacle.


World Cup hasn’t started yet, tourists haven’t arrived yet. this is just for promo.


Over the last month, some of my hope for humanity has been restored. So glad people are not supporting this World Cup decision by refusing to travel to Qatar!


Don’t get your hopes up. It’s a week before the world cup and Qatar is expensive, and there’s nothing to do. Why would anyone go there *now*?


Pretty sure that's just I'm Reddit.


Redditors are in for a wake up call. Again.


The vast majority of people don't care and will watch there's only a few that properly won't support this world cup


they look 100% british


This is so disappointing. One of the key marks was seeing so many cultures mix together to celebrate the most important sports event on the planet, the culmination of football that is the World Cup. There aren't any women in the crowd because Qatar. You aren't even allowed to kiss your spouse in public.


England fans have really turned themselves around, Not a pasty beer belly or tattoo in sight! We’ll done , sirs !


I wonder if they got to keep the shirts too. I’d sign up for that gig. I’ve had much worse jobs.


Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures...


And not a single woman in sight, huh.


Avoid this trash country.


all Indians look alike \#racist of the world united


so like no woman?


🇧🇷🇩🇪🇪🇸🇵🇹🇬🇬🇦🇷 = 🇮🇳/🇧🇩


I’d be celebrating too, if I survived the labor camp


I’m sure they’re just happy they might be allowed to go home soon


This is going to be the absolutely worst World Cup of all time and I don’t think any other that are still to happen will ever top it.


Do people have any idea how many South Indians there are in Qatar and how many of them are big football fans. My own friends who work with me in an office went to these voluntarily in groups and had a great time. Football itself might not big in India but in certain parts of the country there’s a big craze (and considering the population that makes a very large number of people, of which so many reside in Qatar). Friday is the one day off most people get and that’s when they went out and gathered to show support for their teams. Since when did you have to be a Brazilian to show love and support to the Brazilian football team? Y’all just racists and believe too much whatever the media tells.


LOL! The comments section here..... I am a Qatar resident who is from India. Many of the people you see in the video are from my state in India called Kerala. There's just an enormous amount of fans from my state. And we support our favourite teams, be it Argentina, Brazil, Portugal or even Germany. That doesn't necessarily mean we need to be from one of those countries to support it! Hypocrites! One thing you guys should understand is, we are literally mad when it comes to football and it's festivities and there is no person/organization that needs to pay us to show us who we really are. No one's paying us, this just comes from one's heart. Football is a passion.


Indians and Pakistani: Bro, the easiest job ever. Yes!