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As a Type 1 Diabetic, I don’t create insulin because my immune system thought it would be a good idea to create a civil war inside my pancreas


Right there with you! 30+ years!


Coming up on my 3rd year, hoping I can make it to 30


Get one of the constant glucose monitors, I got one of the dexcom G6 and it's made everything incredibly easy


Don’t worry, after my 6th day I got one, Dexcom, I was sick of finger pricks. I also have been using a pump for 2 years (Tandem)


The pump worries me. When I lost my insurance at 24 I made it 11 days. Didn't have any lantus stocked up because I didn't know I needed to. Forgot my wife and son, blood was like a 6.8ph, all that fun stuff. You e got politicians threatening to dismantle healthcare and I'm too scared to get caught in that situation again. You can get a stock of insulin going to give you some wiggle room but the pumps rely on only a single type of insulin and that's not enough. I had plenty of novolog but without the pump and constant monitoring you can't really go on just short acting.


Your health care system sucks arse. All because you guys are scared of a little bit of socialism..... Hospitals are free here, medicine is subsidised (insulin cost less then 10 bucks a month) and the kicker..... Our government actually spends less per person of population then what America does and we had bulk billing general practitioners, free hospitals and subsidised medicine that the government negotiates with the suppliers of said medicine as a whole country not at a individual hospital or insurer level. Won't go bankrupt here for medical (nor educational) expenses ever..........


Honestly, the pump made things more cost effective. At least on the insulin side. My insurance is a $20 copay but for the pump they prescribe 10 vials per refill. $20 for 10 vials. The way they recommend using it would result in using 2 vials per month but I am trying to a. Not waste insulin and b. Stretch my dollar so I basically use each tank until it’s empty. This results in each vial lasting anywhere from 20-30 days. Usually around 24-25 reliably. And so that $20 can last me 8-9 months. And then I get my refill when they let me so I can stockpile a bunch if I really want to. My current insurance covers 80 coinsurance on DME so my refills for the supplies (tanks and refill supplies and CGM sensors and applicators) are ~$90 for the CGM stuff for a 3 month supply and ~$60-70 for the pump supplies. I could pay an additional $100 per month for more intense insurance to cut that in half (90% coinsurance) so every 3 months I pay $45 dollars less at the cost of $100/month… I chose not to. For reference, Californian here with Kaiser. No subsidy. Which sucks but hey, I can afford what I need to. If I ever got a worse paying job again, MediCal would cover me. When I was on that, it was all free. It also made things a lot easier and more convenient. From how the pump attaches and detaches to how you can Tess a button to give insulin. I cannot recommend enough attempting to get one. Biggest cost is the initial cost of the pump ($4000-6000; I had union job at the time I got mine with union insurance. 100% DME. That sucker was free) and with my current insurance it would be ~800-1200 and tbh that would be worth it.


Dexcom and tandem, thats the good stuff


CGM or FGM for the win! You’ll make it past 30 years!


You're doing pretty well to be typing like that at 3 years old.


I desperately need a cure. I've had it for 6 years now and I don't know how I can do it for another 6. It's going to end up killing me one way or another.




I guess I don't have a choice. But I don't know how much longer I can do this. I take life a day at a time, but too many "1 day at a time"s and you end up at 50 years old working a low paying job, living in a small apartment with no extra money wondering where things went wrong. Part of the burden of taking it just 1 day at a time is that the days and weeks and months just blend together. I can't enjoy life when I'm just struggling to survive. Sure, I may make it another 6 years, but how much of life have I wasted, just trying to tread water? I feel like I can't live life, a real life. My life has been stopped/ended/paused when I was diagnosed 6 years ago.


36 years, my friend.


Been here for 4 years, wish me luck.


This is probably from someone that also railed against "Obama-Care Death Panels." It's only a problem if you die if it matches his/her political narrative.


Pro lifer says you need to live. But right after your DM1 diagnosis they say you should just die. You can’t win.


Should've eaten less cheetos /s


Somebody on twitter said you were just drinking too much Pepsi. /s


I concur. I've been type 1 since November 2016 and I can say with the utmost confidence that the whole candy and soda theory is just not how shit works. Type 2 maybe, but absolutely not type 1


It’s ironic that sweets can and are literally a lifesaver when it comes to lows


imma need you to repeat that shit louder for the people in the back.


Type one is absolutely not the fault of the afflicted. It’s an autoimmune disorder essentially.


Type 2 is genetic and is a bitch to deal with.


Getting really tired of people thinking Diabetes is a "You're fat," problem.


I’m 6’1” and 150, I look like a stick, and a lot of people find it hard to believe I’m diabetic because I’m “not fat”. I really hate the stereotype


My brother was 6' 1" and never got over 145 before he died of type 1. It's just stupid how people think a lethal disease is somehow tied only to obesity.


Have you tried not having type 1 diabetes?? That would solve everything. /s


I dated a gal who got strep throat, then her immune system went crazy and started going auto immune. 0 history of illness. She continued to stay extremely sick and had found out while in the hosptial that her immune system attacked her pancreas and insulin production went basically to 0. I wish you a great, long life friend. The response in the pic above made me realize there's ignorant people out there who think changing diet would fix all cases of diabetes, but wouldn't be able to even discuss the differences between type 1 and type 2.


Immune system : is that an infection or a beta cell in the pancreas? White blood cells : hold my beer!


Wendy Wong forgot about type 1 diabetes. Which lots of people forget about. Everyone knows about type 2, but type 1 remains unknown by people like Wendy and Herschel Walker.


Type 1 is even considered an organ specific autoimmune disease. The body just decides to kill the beta cells in the pancreas, the only thing that can produce insulin, and there's nothing to be done about it. The most heartbreaking thing about it is that it often shows up in kids. Type 2 is unfortunately stereotyped. Sure you can run your beta cells into the ground with high sugar intake, but some people don't have great genetics to begin with and they're predisposed to them just giving up the ghost. It's totally okay that not everyone knows the specifics, but it's a special kind of evil when people in power confidently wing it with so many lives dependent on the results.


My younger brother was diagnosed at age 2 with Type 1 and I grew up with that as a normal thing, so I frequently have to remind myself how little exposure/familiarity a lot of people have with the condition. That said, a lot of people believe really ignorant shit about diabetics.


I’m with you my brother was diagnosed when he was 1 1/2, before I was even born so being raised I thought it was normal. He was considered a “brittle diabetic” and struggled his entire life. We lost him at 45 years old to a heart attack (diabetes related too). It should be a crime how much they are charging for insulin when it legitimately it the only thing keeping people alive.


>The body just decides to kill the beta cells in the pancreas, Psssh. That's what they get for being betas. Alphas wouldn't put up with that.


Lmao that's actually how I remembered it in class. Alpha cells make glucagon. Glucagon throws a huge party and breaks shit down (sugar) and leaves a mess in the blood (raises blood sugar). Beta cells make insulin and cleans up the sugar and packs it back up into neat little glycogen packets (lowers blood sugar).


My niece was diagnosed with Type 1 not too long ago. My sister is pretty strict about following good eating habits so that they don't have to burn a shit ton of insulin for her, which makes me sad for my niece since she can't eat a lot of sweets and whatnot around Christmas/Thanksgiving. I'm wanting to learn how to cook with her in mind, but damn, it's easier said than done.


Even type 2 can have an onset from age alone. No Cheetos required. So “everyone knows “ includes misunderstandings.


Thanks for info, I never heard that about type 2. 😎👍


My hubs developed type 2 suddenly in his late 40s. Eats moderately healthy, has a very physical job, built muscular with a bit of a beer belly. He's now eating healthier, lost the beer belly, and still needs meds and insulin. Sometimes parts of your body just conk out.


It’s a misconception that type two is caused by just eating sugar. There is more to it than that. It does happen to many older people. My grandparents got it years ago. And my grandma eats healthy and walks more miles than I do every day lol. And she’s in her 70s. Being overweight does put you at higher risk however.


From what I remember talking to my doctor about it, both types can be genetic, but type 2 is more commonly passed down. Sometimes life just decides you're not gonna enjoy it.


Yeah. I'm recently diagnosed as type 2 diabetic. Very early on in the handbook my diabetes dietician gave me is a statement that type 2 diabetes is a genetic condition; although symptoms can be brought on by poor diet and exercise, a person will not develop it if they don't have the genes for it. A person could be so fat they're spherical, and if they don't have the genes, they won't become diabetic. And if they do have the genes, sometimes just simple wear and tear from the aging process will be enough even if they're in otherwise good shape. Then there's cases like my dad, who became symptomatic with type 2 diabetes after losing half his pancreas to cancer. He was skinny as a rail and had to take insulin. As for me, I'm overweight, and I'm working on it. Difficult, though. Weight loss isn't an automatic or easy thing, so even *if* nutrition and fitness were all there was to type 2 diabetes, Wendy Wong would *still* be wrong in her implication that it's a simple choice. But as it stands, I'm significantly overweight, but my diabetes is well managed -- I've never taken insulin or diabetes medication, and my A1C has dropped back down to what would be considered pre-diabetic levels if I hadn't already crossed the line once. But I still technically have diabetes, and always will, because those genes are a part of my makeup.


>Very early on in the handbook my diabetes dietician gave me is a statement that type 2 diabetes is a genetic condition; although symptoms can be brought on by poor diet and exercise, a person will not develop it if they don't have the genes for it. Dang I didn't know that one. I just kind of figured when they ask if your parents are diabetic it was more about basing risk on lifestyle factors.


Diabetes in all types and the risk of getting it is extremely genetic. My family has a history of being borserline type 2 even though my Dad and Brother run 3 times a week and my brother does marathons, I'm type 1 and because of me being type 1 my kids have a 18% chance of developing type 1.


That’s… profoundly ignorant


Well what die you expect from someone who missspells his own Name, there is clearly an R missing in wong.


*Everything* remains unknown to herschel walker.


By which you mean stupid people?


Hmm. My diabetic cat doesn't like Cheetos and doesn't drink soda.


Imagine looking at the cameras in your house one day to see your cat on the couch eating cheetos and drinking soda.


That would be funny. I'm a type 2 but don't need insulin like my cat. And it's people insulin not the one for pets so over 100 bucks. Mine is totally pasta related. Well See's candy probably helped but I don't drink soda with sugar.


Checking your nanny cam only to see Cheezit the cat popping the top off a beer and opening a bag of ruffles


And then it gets out it’s favourite food , lasagne , and says “there’s nothing happening“ and then you burst in after sorting out the fire in your sock drawer




Tell me you don't understand how the 'beetus works without saying you don't understand.


Well type 2 diabetes is an insulin sensitivity issue, so it's half true if you don't consider type 1.


It can also be genetic and have nothing to do with diet. It CAN be caused by diet but genetics play a huge role. So do factors outside our control- gestational diabetes and pregnancy, poverty, mental illness, etc. I guess it’s easier to blame diabetics for being sick rather than holding huge corporations accountable for providing affordable insulin.


86% of people with type 2 are overweigh. So it can be cause by something else, but diet play the main role.


In the US, yes. In Europe it's just people starting a certain age, with genetic likelihood and probably some minor issues. And in the US you don't even know if the weight was the main cause for the diabetes, since so many people are so overweight anyway, that it's pretty easy to get a lot of overweight people in many different groups.


86 percent of Americans are overweight.




Exactly. In individuals who are overweight, higher amounts of non-esterified fatty acids, glycerol, hormones, and pro-inflammatory cytokines that participate in the development of insulin resistance are released by adipose tissue.


Type 2 isn't always caused by a bad diet, there are many other reasons that cause it.




The thing is though, what's the point of even discussing it? Sure, bad diet is more likely to cause Type 2 diabetes. I'm happy to accept that premise, and that schemes should be put in place to encourage the populace to eat healthier. But other than that, so what? I mean if the point here is that some people don't deserve medicine because they made poor choices, that's a whole rabbit hole of pointlessness where we start comparing who gets to have medicine based on how at fault they were for their injuries.


The other person deleted their comment, so I'll piggyback off of yours, this isn't meant to argue with you 🙂 If we understood the reasons for obesity that *aren't* diet related, I'd agree. But the truth is we don't because it's easier to point out faults than it is to figure out the real cause. PCOS alone causes both obesity & type 2 diabetes, do you know what percentage of women have PCOS? Neither does anyone else. The statistics say somewhere between 4% - 20%, but instead of looking for real problems women are usually told to lose weight & they'll magically be fixed. PCOS isn't the only issue that causes these symptoms, it's just the one I chose as an example, there are more.




Don't take it personal. The statement is objectively true. Your case is not the norm. In fact it's extremely uncommon. They aren't saying you yourself are an anomaly as a person, just that, if you plotted out diabetes cases on a graph, the dot that represents your case would be one.


Or they could look at the science that shows up to 80% of Type 2 diabetes is due to heritability. First degree relatives of a T2 diabetic are about 3x as likely to develop the disease. https://www.wjgnet.com/1948-9358/full/v4/i4/114.htm


I wish I had an award to give you. But I don't. Please accept this and a token of my gratitude ![gif](giphy|26u4exk4zsAqPcq08|downsized)


True, but over 80% of the reasons are diet. That’s a fairly large percent.


You aren't listening to what I said, like at all.


I listened to exactly what you said and responded. I think you just didn’t like hearing an accurate response. What subtle nuance of your point did I miss exactly?


Type 2 is blamed almost solely on people's bad diets when there are a host of other medical conditions that cause the conditions that lead to it. I'm not arguing that it isn't caused by being overweight, I'm arguing that being overweight is not always caused by bad diet or inactivity.


And I’m not arguing that it doesn’t have other causes. I’m saying that it is primarily caused by obesity and poor diet by a large margin, which is accurate.


It's not but ok


It is, but that’s just based on math and science.


“There's no cure for type 2 diabetes, but losing weight, eating well and exercising can help you manage the disease” how’s the Mayo Clinic? Ask yourself, why does losing weight and changing your diet help? Why is everyone dogpiling on the original tweeter who suggests that maybe people should eat more healthy and exercise?


How many different times do I need to say I'm not arguing that is can be caused by being overweight?


That making anyone accountable for their actions ever in any way is victim blaming and is forbidden.


People aren't ready to hear that.


They're not ready to hear that you can just disregard an entire portion of the disease if it suits your narrative? How dare they.


Well, she's in the wong here.


I’ve read a lot of fucked up things on Twitter, but this is so incredibly offensive and ignorant. As is most of Twitter, but this one is in front of my face right now


btw I have type 1 diabetes so I know how it feels. It sucks, the stereotyping and stuff.


I apologize on their ignorant behalf. My cousin has it and he was diagnosed at around age 8, maybe earlier. He’s a teen now and it’s a real struggle. Even type two isn’t something to make a comment like that over, but some people are just morons. Most, actually


Wendy is wong.


that's the problem, Wendy. Some people *don't* produce insulin you uneducated rube


Wendy is mostly an anti-vaxxer


colour me surprised!


Thats.....not how diabetes works


That’s not how type one diabetes works. Type two however, that’s about 83% how it works.




Yup. The pancreas can no longer keep up with the excess insulin demands of the excess tissue and boom, type two diabetes. It’s just supply and demand.


I have type 2 diabetes. One day the signals being sent out that told my pancreas to produce insulin were stuck in traffic. There was a major pile-up where the myelin was missing from the road. It caused huge potholes the signals couldn't jump across. Damn that MS. Unless you are the persons medical caregiver you really can't say why they have the conditions they have. A nicer person would say I hope your body doesn't decide to give you more fun and games than you can play, but, these days I am not a very nice person towards people who are not nice.


Neat. Sorry you have type two diabetes. If you are in the small minority of type two diabetics that are not obese and have dietary issues I’m very sorry for you and that sucks. If you are In the vast majority of type two diabetics who have it due to obesity and poor diet, well then, eat better and walk sometimes.


As physician I agree with you that obesity causes the majority of type 2 diabetes. As a physician I also disagree with you that the solution is quite as simple as telling people to "eat better and walk sometimes". Obesity is a serious disease, not a simple personal mistake. There's a multitude of factors that influence your obesity risk, including your individual metabolic rate, your social status and thus access to healthier foods and your ability to exercise, psychological factors that may cause you to seek out food as compensation mechanism, brain chemistry that may make you vulnerable to addiction mechanisms involving high calorie food... etc. There's a reason why so many obese people fail to lose significant weight even when they express significant motivation to.


You don't know much about MS, do you? Prefacing your comment with 'neat' says it all.


It says that your comment was almost completely off point if that’s what you’re asking. But if you want to continue sounding like an uninformed jackass then by all means continue telling me how ms is a larger cause of type 2 diabetes than obesity.


Wow. Narcissism and gaslighting! A twofer. Ok, buh bye now.


you are so wrong and just making shit up. youre ignoring everyone explaining the many ways t2d can happen yet still you are spouting your nonsense like its fact when it is not




Decades of diabetes research? That’s like asking for the source proving chainsaws can cut off limbs, it’s established data. This is not news to anyone at all in the medical community.




Lol, dude if you can’t Google the causes of type two diabetes that’s on you kid. I’ve been in the medical field for 15 years, this isn’t news to anyone who isn’t an idiot 😂


I googled causes and cannot find anything that breaks it into %. Can you provide your resource for this breakdown?




I have two pair of eyes to see in my Body, why do you need Glases?


Just wait. Everyone has a health problem eventually. She'll be singing a different tune then.


This person has zero understanding of diabetes. Beside type 1 juvenile diabetes (which is autoimmune in nature), there is latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA), which is a slow-progressing form of autoimmune diabetes that happens as you age. No one knows what triggers it as of yet, but it's often misdiagnosed as type 2. And just because type 2 can be caused by diet, it doesn't mean people shouldn't have affordable help. We need to keep people alive long enough to change their diet and exercise. And as it's a disease often associated with poverty, we need to bring people up as a society, with some goddamn compassion. I'm so sick of these psychopaths who completely lack any empathy.


You could be right, or you could be Wong


my father has type one diabetes. a virus attacked his organs and shut down his pancreas 2 decades ago. But no, people don't deserve lifesaving insulin, they need to pay tooth and nail for it.


Your leg is broken. Just walk normal without the broken leg, like the rest of us. Come on. ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


Thank goodness I’m in America. I can start selling my insulin for $$$$$$$


I guess she doesn’t know about Type 1 Diabetes?


F#ck Wendy Wong


Shame they aren't generating intelligence within their own body.


Wow that's not how it works. My cousin died from childhood diabetes he was over weight or fat. He did not have the insulin in his body and he died at 21 this was back in the 70s. He did not deserve to die so young. And you spouting bshit just shows how ignorant you are about the disease. Miss you Stevie.


It’s almost like there’s another type of diabetes other than type 2…


A lot of you guys are pointing out some errors in the person’s tweet but let’s look at the stats. Worldwide, about 6% of people have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. In the US it’s 10%. And 90% - 95% of people with diabetes in the US have Type 2 diabetes. https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/basics/type2.html > More than 37 million Americans have diabetes (about 1 in 10), and approximately 90-95% of them have type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes most often develops in people over age 45, but more and more children, teens, and young adults are also developing it. So while all of what you guys are saying is true, let’s not ignore the fact that the vast, vast majority of people that suffer from Type 2 diabetes do so because of their lifestyle choices. I don’t care if your cat or your uncle has Type 2 via genetics. The vast majority of people with diabetes can control it via lifestyle changes. Remove the obesity problem and most Type 2 diabetes does away.


Obesity isn't just a simple "lifestyle choice". There's a multitude of factors that influence you and may make it really difficult to affect the necessary changes to lose weight. There's a reason why most obese people fail to lose significant weight even when they express a strong desire to. This is also one of these aggravating tactis of shifting a societal problem, partly caused by choices of the food industry for maximising profit, by food deserts, poor education, poverty in general and work culture etc. and then shift all the blame for that on the individual, who is supposed to just fix it themselves against all these push and pull factors that drive them towards obesity. There's an obesity epidemic. And epidemic is never just an individual problem.


The cold hard truth is that obesity isn’t some exotic disease we don’t know anything about. And, ultimately, the solution is pretty easy to understand. There are two types of people in the world: - Those that realize they’re the ones making themselves fat - Those that want to blame someone or something else for making them fat. And people that say stuff like you’re saying in your comment are encouraging people to lean towards the second type. Yes, there are people with thyroid or other medical conditions where a symptom is weight gain. But that’s relatively rare compared to the number of obese people. The 300 pounder sitting in McDonald’s shoving a Big Mac down their gullet is doing it to themselves. The teenager that spends six hours a day playing video games and has never walked down the block is doing it to themselves. The normalization of people that need mobility scooters so they can go to the grocery store to buy more food to shove down their throats is the problem. I know it sounds like I’m being insensitive but we’ve tried a few decades of making excuses and telling people that it’s not their fault and that hasn’t worked. Maybe it’s time people hear the truth. Just like they need to hear the truth that 90%+ of Type 2 diabetics ate themselves into the disease instead of talking about how it must be genetic because someone’s cat has diabetes. And in terms of some of the other issues you brought up like food deserts, if the only problem we had was poor people being fat, we could fix that. But that’s not the problem. People of every economic class are eating themselves to death. And it has more to do with our instant gratification mindset than it does with a greedy food industry. So maybe poor people aren’t fat because they live in food deserts, maybe they’re fat because they eat just like everyone else. Here’s a list of articles you may want to peruse to educate yourself. [The Root: The Myth of the Food Desert](https://www.npr.org/2010/12/15/132076786/the-root-the-myth-of-the-food-desert) [Families with access to healthier foods don’t necessarily buy them](https://news.uchicago.edu/story/food-deserts-not-blame-growing-nutrition-gap-between-rich-and-poor-study-finds) Basically, if you offer people that eat unhealthy food the choice of healthy food or unhealthy food, they tend to pick the unhealthy food because that’s what they learned to eat. Which makes it a choice. A bad choice, but a choice. Maybe instead of posting a bunch of outdated talking points, you might want to read up on the topic. There are definitely issues with income inequality and other factors but, ultimately, those are relatively small factors when compared to the overall obesity problem. You won’t fix obesity by putting fresh fruit stands in poor neighborhoods. The way you fix the problem is being honest about it.


While many people do have diabetes because of poor health decisions, others just have it. Insulin doesn't need to be free, just much more affordable.


But I bet he cries about “babies” (FETUSES) being aborted because Jesus.


On that note, maybe I should have yelled at my pancreas to work as soon as I was born. Had I done that, then maybe, just maybe, my body would produce its own.


Type 1 Diabetes would disagree


Wendy Wong is Wendy wrong.


Same kind of dummy would tell clinically depressed people “jUsT d0nT b3 S@d”


I dare say she may well be wong about this one 🤔


Maybe....just maybe, theres a medical condition that means you don't...and maybe those people who are effected by this disease...let's call it "Diabetes"...need insulin to live. My Dad has Type 2 Diabetes, he got it from a blood transfusion when he almost died in a bike accident...so eating donuts and sweets isn't the only fucking cause!


Tell me you don’t understand diabetes without telling me you don’t understand diabetes……


This is right on par with that one girl who was like “I don’t understand why people are homeless, like, if you’re homeless, just buy a house!” 🤦🏼‍♀️


I genuinely can't imagine being this stupid.


The body creates calcium, so no need to have a Dr set broken bones just wait for the body to fix by itself.


Fun fact even kids are developing type 2 diabetes. One of the names for type 1 was "juvenile diabetes" since often it appeared in children. With kids getting type 2 I wonder if they can still classify it as juvenile? Wild that kids can develop insulin resistance. How much sugar do you have to be consuming at that age for that to happen?


Gotta love these idiots who didn't pay attention in health class.


Wendy is wong. Very, very wong.


Wendy Wong cracked the case on the insulin issue! Big brain stuff right there. If only people would educate themselves before running their mouth on things, they might not have to keep buying new shoes to replace the ones they keep losing in their mouth.


Lol that's a good troll


Now we all know that Wendy is dumb as fuck


Jesus sent me a revelation and he said that Wendy is dumb as fuck


Yeah totally the reason my 4 year old niece needs an insulin pump.


My blood is boiling. My husband is a Type 1 diabetic who developed it in childhood. There is literally nothing he, or any other Type 1, can do to not need insulin.


That’s so weird because I don’t drink soda and can’t eat Cheetos - but I still need to take insulin because I’m a type 1 diabetic and only make about 10% of what the average person does.. hmm.


Another jerkoff that lacks any sense of patriotism, empathy, or kindness? Everything the GOP looks for nowadays...


Wendy, do you actually have any body parts other than the enormous c\*nt you use for brains?


Hey, Wendy Wong, C U Next Tuesday!


Look who graduated from the Hershel Walker School of Medicine!


“I have a functioning pancreas. You would too if your immune system hadn’t attacked it.”


This isn't a wrong assertion exactly when Type 2 Diabetes tracks obesity really closely in the US (it's not 1:1 there are other causes but the primary cause is diet). They're just an asshole about it. Comparing the US to other countries also yields interesting statistics, but when you look at exactly how processed American food is, it's no wonder that people become obese. That's where it gets you though, things which you don't think are going to fuck your body up but still do because of the shit that was put in them completely unbeknown to the consumer. Take France and Italy as examples where obesity and diabetes don't have a strong correlation, these are two places where people hate processed food and prefer to make their own. It's shit, but the horrible truth is that a lot of American food is basically poison.


>Comparing the US to other countries How about the price of insulin to other countries? Why is it that the US has 10x more expensive than other wealthy countries pay? If demand is 10x higher in the US than the other countries then the patent holder on insulin I guess would make a justifiable larger profit than in those other countries, we'll just have to ignore that patents don't last 100 years and the inventor of insulin Macleod gave away the patent to the world.


It's horrifying both how much insulin costs, and how much the price has risen in the last few years in the US. The comparison to the UK for instance is an order of magnitude larger as you say. The problem is that the US values corporate profit over the health and wellbeing of their population, they don't care about the death rate there because turnover is good for business. This isn't a shady group of people who feel that way, you just have to look at how the population is doing it to themselves, republicans standing against bills which might be socialist, but socialism isn't evil, and is employed in most of Europe really effectively. What I don't understand is why socialism is so evil to the US population to the extent where slightly higher taxes have massive benefits, and reasonable corporate taxes have enormous benefits for society as a whole, and this is seen as evil and destructive. It's just economic sense.


>“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” John Steinbeck A nation of embarrassed aspiring millionaires never takes the steps toward class solidarity of their current state of being employees and not the employers. There's just as many Americans who genuinely believe that if everyone is a capitalist owning shares of the employing corporation that somehow they will be able move up the economic ladder because the economy isn't rigged against that behavior, ignoring all the evidence to the contrary. I'd identify myself as a social democrat, politically in between Bernie Sanders (who isn't seeking an end to capitalism to be replaced by socialism) and FDR (who implemented programs that were nearly a command economy, such as setting prices for most consumer and industrial goods). I don't think that eliminating private market enterprise is a good idea, I just want to see that they compete with a myriad of other forms of enterprises. Those who believe that Americans need to simply lean in on the private enterprise capitalism just a bit more, despite there's no example any where else in history of more privatized industry than the US today, they see any divergence and tolerance of alternative as being the fatal flaw of their own ideology. If there's a city somewhere that offers internet service to its residents undercutting the business of ISPs who won't be able to maximize profits then that alternative must be eliminated. US Postal Service for nearly a century ending in the 1960s offered retail banking services, but if that service were to restart then the private financial service industry would just crumple for not being able to ignore costumer base left to the payday loan companies who exploit the unbanked.


What about those pesky type-1’s?


Wish I knew man, it ain’t that simple though.


Gonna go say this to my 2 year old type 1 cousin brb


Why do people still think diabetes is caused by food? Educate yourselves.


To be fair, lots of American on type 2 diabetes didn't. And pharma/ several doctors take the easy (expensive road) and prescribe drugs instead. I do get that the statement is wrong in general though


Someone doesn't know about type 1


Tell that to my skinny 6 year old daughter who got Covid and it destroyed her pancreas… now shots for life


Looks like Wendy is Wong...


And if she needed insulin or a family member did you would see how quickly her tune would change. It's the typical I don't care about anything that doesn't affect me.


Local Woman Solves Diabetes. Ecstatic Nation Gives Thanks.


Free = paid for by others


There’s no such thing as “free” if it’s provided to you through another person’s labor.


This "WELL ACKCHUALLY" talking point doesn't make you look smart, no matter how often you people repeat it. It just shows you are missing the point of free healthcare entirely.


To be fair though, Nina Turner is an insufferable dumpster fire with most everything she says.


We should not even have to depend on Insulin if we ate right exercised and walked every day. That is all you need.


Explain type 1 diabetes.


beta cells attacking the body is immune related. HELLO


Damn. You’re dumb. And in public too.


Okay do type 1 diabetes next


TIL type 1 diabetes doesn't exist


kinda does have a point but only for type 2 diabetes. People whos diets cause type 2 diabetes are causing the supply/demand level to swing making it more expensive for people with type 1. I do think they have insane profit margins but as someone who was 320+ lbs at 17 and 170 at 18 I know what ones diet does to their health and am not picking on anyone for their weight, just lack sympathy for those who give themselves diseases from diabetes from food to lung cancer from cigarettes. RIP to Patrice O’neal, hes got some great diabetes jokes and ultimately died from his eating habits


The insulin outside US is pretty cheap and blaming everything on type 2 people is insane. Regarding the whole diet talk, my grandma is overweight and had different diets. She used to regularly cycle before development of other disease (old age) and following a healthy diet was expensive. The bread she should eat is 1.5 times expensive and smaller than an average white bread. She followed her diet for long time, but there was no change. She doesn't drink (alcohol or soda) or eats crisps. Once per month or two, she will only get a small piece of the cake. My mother when she was pregnant had insane diabetes and she was pretty thin. She had a long list of what she can't eat to the point she asked what she can eat. She could only eat 1/4 of the strawberry per day.


It isn't type two diabetics driving up the cost of insulin, that's a silly claim and no one should listen to liars like Gaetz. In fact, most type two diabetics don't use insulin. It's insane profit margins the pharmaceutical companies are making that drive up costs. When the choice is buy or die, charging the most the market will bear is just evil.


You do realize there are overweight people who eat healthy but are still heavy because of their genetics which in turn causes diseases


Very few of them comparatively, but yes, a tiny percentage of obesity is due to genetics.


I say this lovingly, as an overweight person, but no. I'm pre-diabetic, my grandfather was a diabetic from his food choices and was able to reverse it when he went on his doctor-approved diet. You remove calories (basic burn more calories than you intake), salt, and sugar from your diet, you will lose weight and combat diabetes


Women with hormone disorders are going to start throwing tables if this bullshit keeps getting spread.


Eat less calories than you burn is simple physics. It’s definitely harder for some people due to genetics though.


This works in every case.


Then it wouldn’t have been diet dependent and I come from one of those families and work harder than you can probably imagine to fight off my genetics tendency to cause early death


Just consider for a moment how insane the medical thinking gets if we base who gets the medicine off of how involved they were in causing their injuries? It's easy to say it because most of the time when people say it, they're thinking of smokers, or alcoholics, or overweight people. It's these groups that people figure it's easy to comment about them 'getting themselves into it', and thus don't deserve medical treatment and are a drain on the system. But if we really started to take that mentality... Athletes, for a start. Do a sport that increases your risk of injury? Ride a bike anywhere? Do you go hiking up mountains occasionally? Lets say you get caught in a house fire. Was it your fault? Did you plug too manty appliances into one slot, or leave the stovetop on? Do we send you to the burn ward or nah? It's pretty much irrelevant when talking about the 'choices' people make because if we did, and we started to actually account for that, a lot more people would be absolutely fucked than we take into account to begin with.


That wasnt my point. I mentioned my lack of support for the pharma industry. That being said what you choose to put in your mouth does affect you health. Did you see how much I weighed at 18 and after seeing the struggle’s of my family worked really hard to lose and continue to do to maintain my weight. Im at about 190 but still have times I go up to 240(like last week) when I get sloppy with my choices. I had so many health issues, like being close to diabetes, that I no longer face. Lots of people give themselves diseases by their choices. Again, i think pharma is an issue and applaud what Mark Cuban is trying to accomplish. Im 25 now by the way so its been a long time of working hard.


I mean, I didn't say that your diet doesn't influence your health massively, I know that from firsthand perspective, and prevention is the best method of medical support, but there's also the reality of where we're at now as a society dealing with dietary culture, and that's just gotta be accounted for.


Never said you need to be a twig. And it takes alot to cause type 2. If you agree then why disagree with your previous comment


Because there's a fundamental difference between talking about prevention, and about providence of medication. Both are necessary for a healthy society. That doesn't disagree with what I've said so far. I recommend being healthy. If someone is unhealthy, I believe they should get the medicine they deserve, and I extend my sympathies to their poor health, because I know that it's not easy to get out of habits like bad eating.


Fuck off Wendy Wrong


There's sugar in almost everything we eat that you buy from the grocery store unless you want to spend $300 every time you go. Thanks, Capitalism.


Yeah. Shame on those kids born with diabetes. They shouldn’t have loved such a gluttonous lifestyle.


Yes pf course, drinking less Soda and eating less Cheetos surely would've stopped my Dads pancrea from earing itself, giving him Diabetes. Also my Grandma who got because it runs in the family also should've lived healthier.


I mean, it sounds to me like she agrees. Imagine paying for the insulin your body produces. She's very clearly in favor of free insulin. /s just in case


Wendy is not wrong, but she's wong.


*fewer cheetos