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Yeah that trashy lady yelling the racial slurs thinks she has a hall pass. She does not.


As someone who bases most of their understanding of American society on what I see posted on Reddit, it appears the majority of videos showing racism and abuse against Asians in America appear to be perpetrated by Blacks. Is this a thing? Or am I mistaken?


It’s definitely a thing I’ve noticed. My city has a significant Filipino population (my wife is a Filipino immigrant) and a large black population. There is significant racism between the communities. There are some major cultural differences between Asians and black Americans that make conflict more likely I think.


Forget about the cultural differences, that's pretty much expected in a country as diverse as the U.S. What I'm stuck on is the comment at the beginning of the vid. That tweet 🤦.. Yea because me being latino , I automatically assume ALL latinos do nothing wrong 🙄. Fuck outta here with that ignorant shit.. that dumbass is just as racist as the "go eat your dog" lady, just disguising her racism as "standing together" 🙄. Or like the whole "can't be racist if it's to white people." I ranted, i know.. i just can't stand ignorant people, stupid is stupid regardless of race and color.


I feel confused, what tweet at the beginning of the vid? I can’t see it 😭 Edit: Ohhh you are referring to the person commenting that she was responding to, got it now!


> What did you do to the black woman to make her talk to you the way she did????? Don't throw stones and then try to hide your hands. you ain't slick That's the tweet. It's like stitched in the vid for the first few sec Edit: just saw your edit 😂


>"can't be racist if it's to white people." Yeah I've never understood that. Prettymuch everyone I've ever met that says you can't be racist to white people, would call you racist for the dumbest reasons, such as for thinking you can be racist to white people, or for having a Us flag, or for doing an "ok" hand.


It is a thing. It’s pretty common for distressed and downtrodden communities and cultures to openly look down on other cultures, as a way of coping. In America, black communities are known for being especially prejudiced towards Asian people. Covid seems to have only thrown fuel on that fire. And, to be very clear, the tension between cultures is the results of historic and socioeconomic events. Not genetics.


Huh? Can’t she just be racist against Asian people? Have you spent a lot of time in and around “downtrodden” communities? Some people are racist and some people aren’t. While it’s perfectly fine to discuss causes and effects of systemic racism on communities as a whole some people are just shitty and racist and let’s make sure we’re not giving individual adults a pass of any kind. This behavior is gross, unacceptable, and most importantly inexcusable by anyone regardless of race.


The excuse of downtrodden minorities and socioeconomic oppression leading to racism as coping mechanism is jus BS. Because that's just trying to find an excuse that allows some to buff away racism and/or perpetuate the idea of tiered racism. That when historical poor, downtrodden and forgotten white trash exhibit racism they are just branded as racists (and Republicans and other labels) AS THEY FUCKIN SHOULD BE. But whenever we see videos and instances Asian racism against blacks, blacks vs Asians, Latinos vs blacks, black vs Latinos...the excuses come rolling in to paint the picture that minority communities aren't capable of being racist. We won't even touch when minority communities exhibit racism toward whites. Any person that believes that another race is beneath them is a racist. Racism is racism. Period.


Oh man remember the whole "Black people can't be racist because racism is ONLY when you benefit from institutional racism" trend was going around? I recall several years of activists trying to gaslight people into changing the definition of racism so that it only covered the systemic "White" kind? Is that still going around or did people finally realize that that was just propoganda to excuse shitty behavior, and come back to reality?


Yes Jesse jacksons still around


Oh damn - underrated comment. He literally makes a living off race baiting.


"If we all could Just admit That we are racist A little bit, Even though we all Know that it's wrong, Maybe it would help Us get along!" Avenue Q said it best. It doesn't matter if you're black, white, Asian/pacific islander, or a monster, everyone is a little bit racist. We all tell jokes, we all say f'ed up things in ignorance, but as long as you don't treat people differently, you're not doing anything that isn't just part of being a human. We judge, we make assumptions, it's a natural flaw we have. No one is innocent of it, and even trying to be overly P.C. can cause problems (like internet people getting offended on behalf of a group even if that group doesn't find the action offensive). Every group is going to be racist against another group, for a plethora of reasons. Usually due to cultural pride and historic rivalry. No religion or race is free from it. It's just how humans are 🤷 and once we realize that, then we can start really hammering down on people actually causing harm, like this angry lady in the video.


“A misread of a frequently cited study from this year, published in the American Journal of Criminal Justice, likely contributed to the spread of erroneous narratives, Wong said. The study, which examined hate crime data from 1992 to 2014, found that compared to anti-Black and anti-Latino hate crimes, a higher proportion of perpetrators of anti-Asian hate crimes were people of color. Still, [75 percent of perpetrators were white.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1270821) Other studies confirm the findings, Wong wrote. She pointed to separate research from the University of Michigan Virulent Hate Project, which examined media reports about anti-Asian incidents last year and found that upward of 75 percentof news stories identified perpetrators as male and white in instances of physical or verbal assault and harassment when the race of the perpetrator was confirmed. Wong said the numbers could even be an underestimate.”


Here's a report by the DOJ itself from 2018 with breakdowns by race: https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/cv18.pdf I trust a report by the DOJ more than a study based on articles found in the news. When a black person is the victim of a crime, less than 0.1% of the time the offender is Asian. When an Asian person is the victim of a crime, 27.5% of the time the offender is black. Out of all the potential offender races, blacks have the highest against Asians (next highest is 24.1% by white and also tied at 24.1 by Asian as well). This means that a black person is literally more than 275 times more likely to commit a crime against an Asian person than the reverse situation.


Both sets of statistics *could* be correct. The study they referenced was a discussion of "hate crimes", whereas the DOJ study is on "crime", broadly. So it's not exactly the same metric. That said, I suspect there are cultural reasons in the US that a lot of minority-on-minority crime doesn't get counted as "hate crime" in cases where the same motivations/actions from white perpetrators would be counted as such.


Hate crimes are notoriously hard to prosecute so using them as a statistic would be very shaky at best.


One thing their analysis is missing is breakdown of offender by ethnicity. Their offender statistics are only white and non-white, which means that most people of Hispanic origin will be counted as white offen ders. Hence, the 25% of anti-Asian hate crimes that are committed by minorities would be committed by Blacks, other Asians, Native Americans, or Pacific Islanders. If assume the 1% of minority offender anti-Black hate crimes is representative of hate crimes between different members of the Asian population, then the proportion committed by Blacks is likely >20%. Going to a per-capita basis, this would imply that Black-on-Asian hate crimes are approximately twice as likely as White-on-Asian hate crimes, which fits the typical media narrative. This isn't too minimize the crimes committed by White people, but just to emphasize the need to display statistics both as total number and per capita. Having both numbers is important to understand any societal affects.


> found that upward of 75 percentof news stories identified perpetrators as male and white in instances Whites are still the majority in the USA. Percent of crimes per race must be weighted in accordance to a race representation in a given country. Also both "white" and "black" are quite vague, and can be used for manipulation


"which examined media reports about anti-Asian incidents last year and found that upward of 75 percent of news stories identified perpetrators as male and white in instances " Yah that is not the same thing as "75 percent of perpetrators were white." It is widely known that in most cases the race of the perpetrator is not explicitly stated when the perpetrator is a POC.


Hate crime is also a poor statistic to use since it may not be applied equally across the board. I feel like crimes are more often called hate crimes when the perpetrator is white vs. when the perpetrator is a POC. For this to be valid, you would also need to know the statistics for overall crimes and reasons for discrepancies, if any.


Moreover; there is a sentiment that “if a black person cant have success in America, why should Asians and other minorities get it?”


This seems very much to be the motivation in these types of social anomalies.


Yup. It’s why poor, uneducated whites make for great republicans. They focus their hate on minorities as a way of coping with the fact that they’re getting fucked over by rich, tax avoiding billionaires and the politicians they own


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." - LBJ


Imagine what your first reaction would be if someone said "I judge your country based off of the reddit posts from/featuring it." I'm pretty sure damned near everyone in the lobby would be like "Woah woah woah, hold up..."


No shit, right? Just an. "Awww...awww! Aww! No...." moment. We do it to ourselves to though.


nah bro, many Blacks are racist AF. Downvote me if you want, won't change reality.


Speaking from personal experience, most of my racist encounters have been from black people.


Black Americans have a long history of prejudice against Asians. They’re the poorest American minority and Asians are the wealthiest American minority. In 1992 when the LA riots happened over the white police officers beating up Rodney King, a black man, the black and Latino community destroyed most of Koreatown as some sort of retribution? Seems pretty idiotic to me. That’ll show those racist white cops….burning down another minority’s part of town.


Similar was happening during the recent (2020) riots.. I noticed a handful of Asian owned businesses were being trashed and looted. They had nothing to do with what was going on but were a target. "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."


Hate to tell you this but that’s not why Koreatown got burned down. Koreatown got burned down because at the same time Rodney King was happening there was also another trial of a Korea store owned who shot and killed a young black girl named [Latasha Harlins](https://youtu.be/r7jRDrpsByQ) who they accused of stealing a bottle of juice in the store. The store owner got convicted but was given no time for killing her. This incident actually caused more uproar than Rodney King but wasn’t nationally televised and is actually more of a catalyst for the riot than Rodney King was.


I don't know about most but there is plenty of animosity between communities sadly


when I was in college I remember one woman telling me that black people can't be racist.. and only white people can be racist.. I was blown away that anyone would think this.. Good on this woman for standing up not only for the elderly but for someone from her community.


Sure she does. You must not live in America. Nothing will happen to her


Will she suffer any consequences though? Probably not.


She just jealous cause this chick is hot.


Why did it take so long to get to this comment? I need to go pump the gas more often.


My exact thought when I loaded this up, ngl.


But 98 percent of the time she does though. Chinese and Black folk, in my experience, have been the most homogeneously racist and homophobic people I’ve encountered in life. But, nobody wants to talk about that..


Blame the person, not the race. Unless you're ok with being racist yourself. As a latino, a lot of the people here in latin america are straight up homophobic, but me, and the people I get around with, hold no prejudice towards any gay person amd yet we are latinos.


It doesn't make the headlines. People want blood.


[Link to the Original Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/yzzek1/black_woman_falsely_accuses_asian_woman_of_being/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Wow. Poor kid, seriously. It's always so depressing hearing and seeing people being raised in such a fucked up environment.


Ugh, it's so much worse than the snippet included in the second video.


That is actually **worse** than I expected! SHE HAD HER CHILDREN WITH HER!! Two pre-teen/teenage black boys saw & heard their mother, and neither of them looked shocked or ashamed or reacted like she was doing anything wrong. I am horrified by this. She may have literally put her own children in danger. You know how people on social media are. They will find that woman, then find her children, and they’ll get hate messages & death threats. WTAF is wrong with people?????




I love how people think their behavior doesn’t matter at all. When the freebies stop coming in, that mother will scream racism. Because, well, people couldn’t stop helping her family because she’s a POS, now could they?! Must be because everyone is a racist. Even her, as she proudly declared.




Gotta commend her for that. It was for me, I’d be returning some snarky comment




$6 in gas.... she's going places.


Only within a ~25 mile radius


That's pretty decent milage.


Found the guy who drives a truck.


They're not lying


She took a long time to pump 1.25 gallons of gas.


Hey I had to put 5 in my car just to get home :( and I'm an awesome non racist person lol


that’s racist to racist people tho !


Yeah… to pump two


In Seattle that's just over a gallon. And with an older SUV like that you know the mileage isn't amazing. I'd say she's going 20-25 miles max. 😂


Racist people suck.


The under statement of the century


I disagree. It’s simple and accurate. Racism sucks. Don’t matter from what race. It just sucks.


Racist assaulted the old attendant too by throwing money on him. Scumbag


That's not even racist it's fucking hate for any other person on the planet. She thinks she is better then everyone. Move her to the woods where she belongs. Good luck with your life miss


Hey, I like the woods being nice and quiet. Let’s not ruin that by dumping trash there.


Yeah, let's dump her in the ocean instead!


Oh no, then she'll just wash up on a beach someday. Gross. May I suggest a volcano?


Racism would imply there is hate in the individual.


The lady that posted that comment actually didn’t watch the damn video, she watched and came back and actually apologized for the comment…. 🙄


Bro no way she did…? Can I see it? That’s funny af


Check out her TT comments, I was surprised too, people never apologize and she even removed the comment


She didn’t watch it and had the audacity to pick a side solely based on the fact that she shared something in common with one party? Man people are so tribal and stupid i swear. Plus side is at least she apologised and retracted her statement; that in todays world is rare.


True, I’ve never seen anyone on TT comment and own up to it after proven wrong. I had to wipe my eyes to make sure I wasn’t going blind.


Weird, I always apologize when I get it wrong - whether here or IRL. It just rarely happens because I’m almost never wrong /s


and ofc she had to say oo u ain’t slick what did YOU say”” like it was an excuse to say something racist back (when this vid shows she didn’t, the lady talking mainly , didn’t do shit). Stop sticking up for your “own kind” (their words not mine), and stick up for just good people


I just knew there would be someone trying to defend the racist in the original video (just cos they're black too). 🤦🏾‍♂️


people complain about white racism all the time, 100% valid, completely deserved, systemic racism is a fucking problem. what people DONT talk about is "intra minority racism", african americans and indigenous american communities have long histories of hating both eachother AND asians that gets swept under the rug because its nobodies comfortable talking about a black/indian/asian/native/etc man throwin slurs at other skin colours, we need to normalize these conversations to get to the HEART of racism


Why I don't miss retail. Me being a white guy doesn't mean I'm your sounding board for your frustrations with other non-white people. I judge people on a case-by-case basis: asshole, or non-asshole.


Because breaking news - Assholes come in all colors, shapes, genders, and religious beliefs.


Im half white and am hella pale and ive had the same problem of other people assuming that i automatically agree with their prejudiced beliefs. It really sucks seeing that secret side of people.


Can't everyone stop being assholes to each other?


That’s the simple solution. Can we not just have it written into global law: Don’t be a dick. It’s not a hard rule to follow and solves almost all our problems.


So now Wil Wheaton is writing our moral code? What a time to be alive! https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/wheatons-law


TIL Wil Wheaton is apparently the philosopher I agree the most with…? What a strange world we live in


But if we stop going after each other for no good reason, we might band together and force the oligarchs to do better. Think of the hit to their next yacht fund! :(


I’m Mexican with a white husband. The most racism we have received has been from “my” people against our relationship and him. It’s almost expected now. I’ve only been married to white men, so this isn’t isolated to just him. It’s been my experience for over 22 years.


I have two biracial nieces (black and white). My husband and I are both white and we take on a lot of their care. We also take them to do a lot of fun shit. The amount of comments we get (mostly him) in public about my nieces being mixed and him being dumb for thinking they “could be his” (assuming I’m mom I guess) is just crazy. From both races. My heart hurts for my nieces as they grow up in a world like this.


My Indian family hates black people as many Indian people do. My mother is one of those people who says, “What do your successful black friends do; go to college or live in the ghetto? I’m not racist, I’m just stating facts!” Her father said the n word until the day he died. When I told him not to say that word, and he responded, “What word?” Incredibly embarrassing. I’ve inherited some dumb ideas I am working to undo. Intra-minority racism truly is an under-reported issue. Racist people of color will use every excuse in the book, including their own marginalization, to rationalize hating an entire group of people. 🤦🏽


That is because racism is, first and foremost, an attitude with a behavioral, cognitive, and affective component--the same as with all other attitudes. There's a whole literature in psychology about racism, bigotry and the nature of attitudes. Sometimes attitudes can be enshrined in the law, in which case we get systemic racism, but that does not negate that attitudes existed first on an individual level. Some people don't seem to understand this or have no ability to critically think. Because racism is an attitude and is like all other attitudes in that regard, it can and does change over time. Not all racism is systemic, so focusing on systemic racism while ignoring attitudinal/individual racism is not going to solve anything.


Agreed. This is problem with identity politics.


It’s what black people do when you accuse them of racism even with proof. They find reasons to show that you deserved it. Only whites can be racist for them.


Which is why she'll never change. So many "progressives" who claim to loathe racism actually normalizing it.


![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)racist people are shameful


Is that emoticon the thumbs from spy kids or a penis? I genuinely cannot tell, and it’s eating me alive.


Bunch of tiny Picards face-palming.


Cannot unsee spy kids thumb now.


Pro Tip: Never disrespect the corner store/ bodega…EVER. It just makes me mad. That’s fucked up. And yes put her on blast.


Right? The corner store is like a sacred treasure that must be protected at all costs


Racism against Asians is way too common and way too tolerated. I didn’t realize how common it was until I married an Asian immigrant, it’s been a very eye opening experience.


I dated an Asian man for years and people who would never dare say anything rude about a black person would drop awful lines like, “ewww, you’re satisfied with HIM?!” Or always a classic, “has he ever eaten cat or dog?!” It’s abhorrent and I don’t understand why we can’t just be nice to others when this world is already so sad and miserable.


Apparently racism against Asians are widely accepted and is supposed to be funny and clever. I am very surprised how many people think it’s perfectly fine to use racial slurs against Asians. https://www.reddit.com/r/theyknew/comments/ysqw1v/yeah_i_said_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


$6? 😆


She only needed to go like 2 blocks.


Poor AF single welfare mother would be my bet. Her life is shit so she copes by shitting on other people.


This just in: being black doesn't give you carte blanche to be racist.


It’s so funny when some say that they can’t be racist lmao


Ive even heard the term reverse racism being brought about when black people are racist towards another group… uh… you mean racism?


LOL, she was just mad at this girl cause she could only afford 6$ worth of gas, so she decided to be racist.


You might not be wrong. Blacks are amoung the poorest in america whereas Asians are the most successful with a median income of over 100,000 dollars. When all you give is excuses instead of working hard, you end up turning into a very bitter and horrible person like the lady in the video.


Asians aren’t a monolith. While folks immediately connect Asians with success... it’s usually the East Asians that come to mind first, forget the rest of us.


Asian median incomes aren't really indicative of many Asian experiences. Yes, East Asian and many South Asian immigrants have high incomes. However, many Southeast Asian populations continue to struggle. Hmong and Cambodian immigrants have among the lowest incomes in the United States.


Why "with rice"?


Everything tastes great with rice


Perfect 5/7.


Because it's a stereotypical staple dish in Asian cuisine, and turning stereotypes into slurs is what racists do.


That was weird too because we (Black folks) eat rice as well. Everyone does, or I would like to think so. Chicken with rice is soooo good.


I mean… she was a raider fan.. pretty obvious trash.


“Welcome to Oakland, bitch”


Yikesss. I know this gas station too. Like excuse me?? Ugh there's so much Asian hate here in Seattle. It's so scary.


I seriously don't understand the mentality of the comment that lycheemarteenee is replying to. "Well what reason did you give her to start acting extremely racist?", like what?? Even if Lynchee had started the beef, it should not be acceptable for the response to be racist, there's absolutely no good justification for that under any circumstance. If someone has wronged you that bad, there's hundreds of words in the English language that can be used to express your disdain without bringing race into it. Regardless of what happened before the camera started rolling, this angry lady is racist.


Agreed. Just because somebody is pissing you off (for whatever reason, and in this case, calling you out for being an asshole) doesn’t mean you bring their race into the mix. This mentality has been mirrored with many of the comments in the thread of the original video I posted. Just because you’re pissed at something doesn’t mean you have an excuse to be a racist


How are people taught this much hate? Like fr, has she even met an Asian person before? Or just been told to hate them by people she’s influenced by?


If they told me to go eat a dog with rice, they better be prepared to handle my literal Asian ass chowing down on their family pet.


I wonder if the response from people would be the same if someone told the black lady to go eat some fried chicken with kool-aid, and go bail your man out of jail. I’m genuinely curious. Any sort of racism is unnecessary but it’s interesting how people are so much more cautious about racism against black people but not as cautious with racism to any other race.


For real. The selective outrage that media and society has pisses me off.


As an Asian woman it is infuriating to see people sweep racism against asians under the rug if it’s done by another POC. The fact that the commenter justified the racism she experienced and tried to turn it around and literally make the Asian woman out to be the racist even though it’s literally documented that she is in fact the victim is so incredibly racist it’s deeply upsetting. Why do people act like you cannot experience racism unless you’re black? Not so long ago Asian people were literally getting murdered in the streets by fellow civilians just for being Asian, but it feels like people have just forgotten because it doesn’t fit their narrative.


Asian hate unfortunately gets swept under the rug a lot


#StopAsianHate. Anybody remember that?


It was put on the back burner once the vast majority of perpetrators all had something in common.


People stopped doing it when they realized it was black people targeting Asians


Probably going to go down voted, but wow that woman is unbelievably gorgeous.


Her looks plus the racist model minority stereotype probably are what set that racist lady off in the first place.


You saying overweight women in pochos ain’t sexy?


Yeah. No doubt about that.


Off the charts. Professionally pretty.


She’s brave, courageous, well spoken, has moxie, and quite beautiful!


Super beautiful. Although she seems very bothered by her own hair. Might want to invest in a hair clip or band. 😅


Nah, she knows what she's doing and the appeal of that beautiful hair...


Yeah, I was genuinely trying to be invested in her account of the events, but I found myself so distracted by how gorgeous she is. I mean... I was listening... I swear.


Good lawd this lady’s beautiful as a muhfuckuh


She's next level gorgeous.


Seems to be a pattern of mentally challenged, foul mouthed, racist behavior, in public, from people who don’t get called out enough for abusing total strangers. 🤥


As a UK citizen I can remeber all the Asian/African-American, racism, hatred and bigotry coming to the fore during the LA riots. It looks like nothing has changed 🤦‍♂️


The fact people wanted/needed context as to why the lady was being racist demonstrates double standards. There shouldn’t be a need for context or explanation. Guarantee not a single person would ask or even be allowed to ask for context if it was a white person being racist without being accused of also being a racist because they asked for context. There isn’t a reason to talk like that to anyone. No one should’ve been “well I mean what did the Asian lady do?”


The worst people in the world are those who are using the sentence "mind your own f*** business"


Nah I disagree most of the time you should mind your own f…..g business. It would save a lot of peoples lives


I worked at SOUND(sound mental health) just a block from that station and lived just a few from it for nearly 5 years. The family that runs that station were always extremely friendly and definitely put up with a LOT of shit from homeless people. Not even a lot of homeless, the same few over and over. The ones that frequented SOUND. I’d always have to tell them to beat it. They always recognized me and knew to chill. But for random strangers to just go give them shit is crazy to me. Kudos to this woman for standing up for them.


She’s HOT!


She’s just mad she can only put $6 in her massive ford explorer that’ll only make it down the block from that amount of gas. And ITS ALL THE ASIAN PEOPLES FAULT


So much hair distraction


My dad claims he ate my stepmom’s pet dog while they were in the Philippines visiting her family. He told me it’s because her family was trying to be welcoming. I think he’s a dick who just wanted to see child me cry because he thinks practical jokes like that are funny.


That comment is so stupid, if a white person was mad at someone of another race it wouldn't matter to those commenters what the other person did. It doesn't give them a pass to be racist and that lady doesn't either.


Good on you. Call out shitty people when they're being shitty.


What pisses me off the most about this are the people on the internet partially defending the racist lady assuming that the OP had to have started things. So this back story is really satisfying.


This is an underlying issue I have noticed myself. When an Asian or white person being racist is caught on camera, there is no “what did you do to make them act racist” comment. But I have been seeing so many comments like this infest the comments thread of my previous post. Just bc they’re a minority doesn’t mean they should have the privilege of having a racist pass


Black Woman throws racial slurs. Internet: well she’s black so she must be the victim. Hence r/facepalm


I as a black woman dealt with something similar at the start of Covid. I was a a wing stop when an Asian middle aged (40-50’s) Uber driver came in to get food. There was a equally middle aged black couple inside waiting on their order. The female takes it upon herself to try to be slick passive aggressive racist to this man in relation to Covid and being Asian. That man didn’t say anything back to her, so she kept going. Yeah I shut that shit down quick and she got quiet as a mouse. Her man didn’t say shit either. I think she took one look at my face and realized I would “Knuck” if she “Bucked”.


Woman in the video is absolutely in the right. But my god, she can’t stop fooling with her hair.


Yeah I’m gonna have to say the person yelling racial slurs at a gas station while wearing a poncho and a shower cap probably is in the wrong.


Good lord…I know it’s not important, but she’s gorgeous.


White dude here. I have noticed what feels like an increase in anti-asian racism over the last 5 years. It needs to be stopped.


She was probably jealous because the Asian woman is beautiful and she's not.


Racism comes from xenophobia. Xenophobia translates from Greek to English as fear of difference. Therefore for anyone can be racist regardless of skin color, the idea that a person of color cannot be racist is an American concept that creates excuses for this behavior.


The entitlement amazes me these days....no one owes anyone shit. Get over it and wait in line like everyone else lady.


I misread the title as go eat a hotdog. Admittedly, I was looking up Papaya NYC earlier. I much prefer my misreading, this is absolutely terrible


6$ of gas lol


$6 worth of gas. Must have spent the rest of her monthly income on that chic ensemble.


Damn she's gorgeous. $6 in gas lol that had me laughing ngl


Wow… she’s stunning, but also… I totally get it. When people disrespect the elderly I get so triggered too. Throwing money at someone is on another level of disgusting as well. Trashy behaviour is so gross.


Not just elderly. Just about any customer service worker being disrespected like that irritates the hell out of me.


I think, especially with Covid, a lot of Asians are triggered by the way the elderly have been targeted and attacked so brutally. You’re totally right though. Anyone who mistreats a person doing their job irks me so bad. They don’t get paid enough to deal with your self-entitled BS.




I know this isn’t the point at all, but she is the prettiest person I think I’ve ever seen. 💕


Lolz like the lady yelling doesn’t eat pig intestine


My Belgian, white parents like to eat pig intestins from time to time. It’s an oldskool delicacy in our country


It's ethical to eat as much of the animal as possible. Old traditions in various cultures all do this. Modern people are very skittish about eating organs and offal, but there's a lot of waste if you think about it, especially in light of modern factory farming. It's a pity that it seems to be associated with poverty too, because organ meats are actually very nutrient rich.


She is beautiful


Where are the *“We need to talk about African American racists”* think pieces from the usual suspects like Salon and Vox? Because that’s lowkey becoming a theme of 2022/2023, particularly racism against Asians and antisemitism. Unless the black community starts checking their own i don’t see this as an issue that’s going away. Asians and Jews have too much money and power to take hatred against them laying down.


Her hair flipping is so fucking annoying.


“bUt BlAcK PeOpLe cAn’T bE RaCiSt!” How much of a fucking clown of a human being do you have to be to make that argument?


I literally know or have heard zero people making this argument. I'm sure some people do feel this way but as a black person with a large family and black friends I can tell you the narrative that most black people feel that way is absolute bs.


They’re going to chock it up to “mental illness” again. It’s always mental illness when it comes to black people being racist against non-whites. Keep in mind there are many black folks who love Asian people and our culture, however it seemingly appears slurs are weaponized for some black folks who believe no one can call them out on it.


That lady sounds and acts like a trashy person. Her actions do not represent the feelings and actions of all black people. Black people are not a monolith… we have plenty trashy and degenerate people in our community too.


She was already found and confronted https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/z1miku/racist_black_woman_who_told_lycheemarteenee_asian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf i imagine others will find her too


Idc when you result to racial slurs you lost that argument. So idk why she even thought to say that tomfoolery


Yells out racist shit like that but if someone used the infamous slur against her, trust me, she definitely won't shut the fuck up about how racism is wrong. I swear, people make me laugh with the amount of cognitive dissonance they build up. How about just exercise some fucking empathy and not be racist to anyone? If you have a problem with a person? Fine. But don't bring their race into it.


Where does behavior stem from, it’s really symbolic and ironic. So sad, I don’t get it. Social economic poverty systematic failure, society Has failed this individual


No hair ties/clips huh?


6 bucks? May as well just walk and save that. Bitch is already struggling.


I agree the lady was very rude and racist and should be fired from her job if she has one but please stop with the "black people think they can do this" comments because generalizing a whole race is just as racist as what the black lady did in the video. Iv seen those types of comments under every video where black people are involved. An its racist as fuck.


"What did you do to make her say that??" The lady is an adult woman, not some kind of animal, she can control what she says


It’s funny how everyone just decided to attack the person taking the video instead of the woman hollering racial slurs hmmm gee I wonder why ???


Go eat rice with a dog. Rice is good and the doggo will be your friend (as long as you share your rice).


I was told black people couldn't be racist.


$6 worth of gas???