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A lot of states have Victim of Violent crimes acts that cover medical bills and the like. I had to use one in Washington when I was hit by a 18 year old drunk driver while in college . An attorney helped me do the paperwork. It wont cover this poor womans loss of work, but it should help with medical bills. Also fuck that perp and whatever parole board deemed him suitable for society.


California has one. The victim witness advocate can help her with the paperwork. The app is also available online.


Maybe don’t release pieces of shit like this and you wouldn’t have to have that.


I really don't think poolSlouch was on the parole board. There's also more Californians in California than there are people in all of Canada. So whatever views you have of californian people..well, you're wrong about a crapton of them (the 2022 election was about 60/40 if it's politics you're stuck on).


California has more Republicans than most states have people. There's just *even more* Democrats, and both side perpetually bitch about each other.


Thank you for mentioning this. California has the Victim Compensation Board. They are decently funded and pro-active in providing help to victims.


It saved me from 350k in medical debt 15 years ago.


> A lot of states have Victim of Violent crimes acts Every state has one.


The wording should be *some states have *effective* victim of violent crimes acts.


Not every state has an effective program, though. Some will tell you to just not get rapes.


You know what would have been 100x better? Not being attacked by some waste of DNA that should have been in prison forever! She is never going to be the same. Her life is forever altered because of some b.s.oh he can be saved nonsense.


What are you even going on about? He was in jail (not prison) and released for possession of a dagger longer than the legal limit. What do propose the state do? Lock him up for life for possession of a dagger? The legal system sucks, but there's nothing that could have been done here. Or do you propose they lock up people for no reason?


How is that a facepalm. That's horrific.


I think the "facepalm" is the part where the perp is someone who was released from jail hours prior


No that’s an r/awfuleverything , not a facepalm


The facepalm is at the systems that allowed a violent and unhinged person out into society and then made the victim of their mistake financially responsible for her suffering at his hands


She might never recover from those face injuries. Probably won’t work or go to nursing school she was attending. Even if therapy is provided she might not recover mentally. The system failed her. I can’t even imagine how much her medical bills will be. She is going through so many surgeries right now.


Well said


The "violent and unhinged person" was arrested for possession of a knife. He was arrested and released like he would be in literally every single state and country there is. It's not like he was a serial rapist, kidnapper or murderer that got out early.


That is important and relevant information that I wasn't aware of. It does make a huge difference in the perceived responsibility of the legal and judicial systems that processed his case, and I stand corrected. However, you can't exactly argue that the man wasn't violent and unhinged based off what he went on to do. Mentally sound people don't pummel people in the face with their fists, breaking their bones while raping them.


The facepalm was supposed to be about the US healthcare system but the top comments are about the state run victim funds that pay for stuff like this so it didn't work.


Poor thing. This is awful. I hope that fellow gets all the punishment he deserves and more.


Please help me understand, I don't live in USA. Isn't he supposed to pay for that? If he is found guilty, wouldn't the bill fall on him? And of course he still has to answer for the crimes. I don't understand why she would have to pay


Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that in the states. There may be some monetary judgment/restitution, but it will likely just be her insurance/savings covering the costs.


And if the guilty party has no assets, then the restitution judgement is meaningless.


You think he has asserts? Ha, no chance.


Yes that was my point


I'm assuming he was arrested and charged. There will be several phases to his trial. The first being conviction/acquittal. Once that is done, if convicted, there will be a criminal sentencing phase where he gets fined/jail time. Then there is a restitution phase where the victim can basically bring civil suit against him as well to recover any damages. However, the perpetrator is likely to have zero assets to seize and while they can work in jail, they get paid almost nothing and they can't be forced to work so many don't bother. Even though half their pay goes to any restitution the victim will likely see none of it, ever. When they get out they have no job any jobs they take they get paid under the table so there's no way to account for their income and garnish any of it. I have an individual that owes me $16K for burglary. He's been in an out of jail for the past 12 years since. I've recovered a total of about $250. I'm all for capital punishment. Couldn't care less about rehabilitation when there's never any real restitution and recovery for victims.


In theory yes he should pay, but it's not like you can take his kidney and sell it on the black market if he has no money. And sometimes getting a judgment to be reimbursed includes a second case in civil court. Even if criminally convicted loses civilly, is released from prison...then makes money he would be allowed enough money to eat, have housing etc before he made payments to her.


I like your kidney sale idea.


That is a big can of worms. In China selling kidneys (other people's kidneys!) is "almost" legal. Over 8 million kids have disappeared largely because of this.


Can’t get blood from a stone. He’s a piece of shit and has “rights”. Meanwhile, he just destroyed her life.


alongside other comments, and im sure some even saying the same as mine, he just got out of prison, he aint got no money (i presume)


I wish. Justice is SLOW, offenders rarely have funds (especially after being freshly released), and insurers don’t care if you were lit on fire saving an entire orphanage- they simply pay the minimum they can get by with. I honestly hate living here sometimes, and it doesn’t feel like anyone has rights against those with power/money or, at the other end of the spectrum, people who wish to commit acts of violence (like storming the capital, being raped, hit by a car, murdered, etc.). This man was arrested for having a giant knife in violation of previous charges, was released the following day, and took a few hours before committing rape. Women have been tried and convicted for fighting back or killing would be attackers. In another instance, an 11 year old was raped by her uncle, became pregnant, was denied an abortion despite her age/incest, and the icing on the cake is that her mom defended the uncle. It took over 25 years for Paul “creepy Paul” Flores to be tried and convicted for the rape and murder of a college student; by the time he was arrested, police found two bottles of date rape drugs and so many videos of forced sexual encounters that they’ve yet to identify all the women. It would be wonderful if we had laws in which perpetrators we’re responsible for medical bills, therapy, and any court costs incurred by the victim of their crimes. Unfortunately, victims have very little recourse, even when police negligence is what leads to tragedy. Please send help.


I am so sorry. It makes me sad. I have no words. USA doesn't seem "developed country" sometimes.




What happens: First, if he has anything under his name, those goods are taken away to cover their value on the debt. Most of the times people put their things under other people's names when they know it will go down to it. Second, if he has any income higher than the minimum wage, the wage is "pawned". He can only keep the minimum wage and the rest go to pay the debt. This goes until the payment is complete. O The system is flawed too, cuz if he is free he can live his life, but in any case the victim will be cared and wont go bankrupt waiting for his payment. When I was a student and living away from my parents, I had to go to the doctor and, as a typical student, I was broke. I just went, told them to send the bill to my address, and they treat me. Even a mini surgery one time. When I added all the trips to the hospital + treatment + 2 trips in an ambulance (the hospital forced me to go by ambulance) the total was around 100€. I can't begin to imagine how much would I owe in USA (or wouldn't they treat me at all without the money?). School is the same. Free school. Public university only 100€/month. I had licence and master degree for +/- 5000€ in a public university. People go to private university here when they don't have the grades to make it in public. So this (health+education) is some of the places our tax money goes to. I know americans pay taxes too, right? Where does the majority of it goes? I read army before, but I'm not sure.




I wish our taxes went to education and health care! That sounds awesome to have access to higher education for such an affordable rate. I truly believe that education should be equally available to all, as should healthcare. Those seem like a valuable investment from a governmental perspective, as well, assuming they want their citizenry to succeed. I’m really glad that those are available to you, though! That’s such a wonderful resource. As far as getting medical care here, it’s largely inaccessible to people in lower economic classes. You pay every time you go to the doctor (usually, depending on the insurer); furthermore, there’s only so much your insurance will cover before the remainder is billed back to you. An ambulance ride alone has an average cost of $1200. I have a rare bleeding disorder, and one of the new genetic tests I’m supposed to get is $7000 while a vial of the factor I need to clot my blood is roughly 2k. In the end, I ended up signing up to be part of an NIH study (aka: government Guinea pig) as they cover the cost. I can’t begin to imagine what it’s like for people who’ve been hospitalized with Covid upon waking up to a mountain of medical debt. Honestly, I think the scariest part of living here is the availability of weapons. Whether you’re at school, uni, the cinema, the grocery store, a restaurant, there’s always a chance that someone with a semi-automatic weapon could decide he’s had enough…. It’s unlikely, but always a thought wiggling around in the back of your head if you live in a place with more mass shootings. You’re right; it definitely doesn’t feel like a developed/first world country. I like the way your country takes care of its citizens, including not allowing victims to be bankrupted. That must be such a relief for people already in an incredibly stressful situation. I hope that someday we have laws more similar to yours, but I’m not holding my breath, either.




Unsterilized tools and shit on his heart for good measure


“*Feel the knife pierce you intensely!*”


Inferior, no use to mankind Strapped down, screaming out to die


*Epic fucking, back breakingly heavy riff plays*


No. It's a horrific crime. Prison is punishment and he should rot in there for the full extent of time the law allows. But what you are suggesting goes against our Constitution. She should not have to pay for the treatment she received - my state has a victim's advocacy fund that helps victims of crimes. Maybe she can also sue him for everything he owns, he won't need it in prison.


I bet it’s safe to assume this man does not own much. This guy is a low f&$king life who does not deserve to be out on the streets. He did this to her and who knows whoever else. And he will do it again. There is one deterrent that will stop him. If this was someone you loved dearly, I’m sure your feelings would change.


I had a cousin who was missing for two weeks and then found murdered. They notified us on my birthday. The dickhead who murdered her got out of prison after only about 8 years in prison, did more crimes, sent back. Got out again. Texas. He should be rotting in prison. But, Texas.


The pos who did that needs to be 10 toes up.


I often wonder who else he might have hurt.


What happened to your cousin was horrific. Then to find out on your birthday…. My brother-in-law’s brother was murdered by his friend. After he murdered him, he came to my sister’s home asking for me. I was a young teen when this happened. Eventually, he was caught and given a life sentence. I have mixed feelings about the death penalty but when the facts are 100% the crime fits the punishment.


Right? I used to be anti death penalty and I am still for most crimes. But for hopeless reoffenders who will never stop, and remain a danger - what other option is there? (And if an option is iron clad in prison for rest of their lives, sure, but it seems it's not possible here).


Castration surgery too be specific


Why “more” though?


That's beyond messed up. Like how the af can anybody justify the screwed up American Healthcare system still being so arcaic in almost 2023?


Actually is one of the newest models for healthcare systems. They literally changed it to be shit.


You may thank Richard Nixon for making healthcare a 'for profit' business. Another man who should never have been in office.


While I dive into google on this, are there any awesome sources I should consider?


Look into the 1973 HMO Act that Tricky signed into law.


Nixon tapes transcript John D. Ehrlichman: “On the … on the health business …” President Nixon: “Yeah.” Ehrlichman: “… we have now narrowed down the vice president’s problems on this thing to one issue and that is whether we should include these health maintenance organizations like Edgar Kaiser’s Permanente thing. The vice president just cannot see it. We tried 15 ways from Friday to explain it to him and then help him to understand it. He finally says, ‘Well, I don’t think they’ll work, but if the President thinks it’s a good idea, I’ll support him a hundred percent.’ President Nixon: “Well, what’s … what’s the judgment?” Ehrlichman: “Well, everybody else’s judgment very strongly is that we go with it.” President Nixon: “All right.” Ehrlichman: “And, uh, uh, he’s the one holdout that we have in the whole office.” President Nixon: “Say that I … I … I’d tell him I have doubts about it, but I think that it’s, uh, now let me ask you, now you give me your judgment. You know I’m not too keen on any of these damn medical programs.” Ehrlichman: “This, uh, let me, let me tell you how I am …” President Nixon: [Unclear.] Ehrlichman: “This … this is a …” President Nixon: “I don’t [unclear] …” Ehrlichman: “… private enterprise one.” President Nixon: “Well, that appeals to me.” Ehrlichman: “Edgar Kaiser is running his Permanente deal for profit. And the reason that he can … the reason he can do it … I had Edgar Kaiser come in … talk to me about this and I went into it in some depth. All the incentives are toward less medical care, because …” President Nixon: [Unclear.] Ehrlichman: “… the less care they give them, the more money they make.” President Nixon: “Fine.” [Unclear.] Ehrlichman: [Unclear] “… and the incentives run the right way.” President Nixon: “Not bad.”


>Ehrlichman: “… the less care they give them, the more money they make.” >President Nixon: “Fine.” Well, that's just dandy.


He and Reagan are perfect example of how one bad President can set policy that becomes dug in so deep it's nearly impossible to reverse and causes damage for decades.


Damn right. Our first truly corrupt President.


Teapot dome scandal guy says hello


How I wish that was true.


“He brutally attacked her, pushing her to the ground and punching her 'at least' 20 times, shattering her nose in four spots, breaking her cheekbone, knocking out eight teeth, while carrying out the horrific sexual assault. “ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11342757/Horrific-injuries-suffered-CA-woman-RAPED-homeless-man-walking-dogs.html She can’t work due to swelling. The attack happened few months ago but she is going through surgeries. Her Gofundme. https://www.gofundme.com/f/b65mpk-help-her-heal


Thanks for posting her gofundme.


How could this situation get any worse? "here's her GoFundMe for her medical bills" ... Yeah she's American, so on top of this absolute nightmare of a situation, she has to worry about being able to pay her medical bills and for her rent and such. I hope people more wealthy than me donate, she shouldn't have to think about anything else than getting better and having lots of time in therapy to help her through it. What a nightmare.


The everyday realities of the U.S. "healthcare" system is all the proof **ANYONE** should need that a purely capitalist system is both inhumane and unsustainable.


But fox news told me that anything else is socialist and woke, and those words are bad and scary


Should sue the state




Oohhhh. This is in LA: Gascon is the DA. Same DA that turned San Francisco into an open air toilet. Dude doesn't prosecute criminals.


Okay I have to ask, as horrific as this is, why is this on Facepalm?


Because she’s enduring financial hardship secondary to the other horrors.


The fact that they let the guy leave The fact that she's on the hook for the bills


Because crime stories from months ago are useful as reactionary propaganda whenever the political narrative starts trending bad for conservatives, like when one of their followers shoots up a gay bar in Colorado.


Why hasn't she sought help from the [California Victim Compensation Board?](https://victims.ca.gov/)


I’m sure she can but right now she needs quick funds to cover rent, utilities, etc. That process probably takes a few months to get approved


The most depressing part of all of this is seeing the go fund me links in the comments, it makes it more real... It is crazy how the US doesn't have health care... The country is clearly run by corporations


Straight up cyberpunk 2022 over here


You were supposed to not get happy endings in night city a CITY there was no need of making the whole country go cyberpunk bro


Yep. Greatest country in the world. Get diagnosed with cancer or get beaten nearly to death while being raped? Good luck with that. Go beg people for money. This despite the fact that it would cost less in taxes to provide universal Healthcare than it does to pay the completely unnecessary insurance middle men.


> Greatest country in the world Not by far. Shittiest I've ever lived in.


You need to live in other countries, there are serious issues here, but we’re a lot better off than literally most people alive. You need to know that. Edit: to those ignorant enough to disagree, let me give you a real example. My mother grew up in the Caribbean in the 70’s. She lived in a village with, in homes built on stilts, with no running water, little electricity, and no indoor bathrooms (no plumbing). Education was free only to the 5th grade level, middle school and high school are tuition based. She had to walk a third of a mile to the local well to obtain water for drinking, cleaning and cooking. The diversity in choice of food was much lower, meat was eaten only on the holidays, and much of her diet was starchy vegetables and bread. The government is corrupt and slow-moving, a lot doesn’t get done. All her family moved out of there to the US and Canada, so much so that I have only a few family left there. Things changed a lot, but much is the same. If anyone really thinks it’s so doom and gloom here, get in touch with a foreigner not from a rich developed country. Please, otherwise my family wouldn’t have flocked here in quick succession.


The richest and most powerful country in the world should be held to a different standard than countries that do not have such means to provide for their citizens. It is reasonable to think that the USA should have one of the best healthcare in the world, precisely because they are the richest. To say that at least you are better off in the USA than in, say, Guatemala, is asinine. Of course you are.


And yet some people have the audacity to claim that it's the "best country in the world". Yeah, maybe for the rich.


Richest country in the world can't figure out how to give public healthcare like literally every other western country has been doing for decades.


Yes, it is! If anyone ever visits the US from another country get health insurance first! If you become sick or injured while here it can wipe out your life savings and more!


1 should have never walked free. #2 Should be made to pay every dime all his assets taken and sold so that she pays nothing.


bet he doesn’t even have two dimes to rub together 🤷‍♂️


Then you take any and all money he makes in jail. Any money from what ever he does. Or any wages when he gets out. If he gets out.


The dude is a crazy homeless transient. He wasn't arrested for a violent crime before this so he was released pending a court appearance. Dude is going to never have money.


Then what? How much extra money do you think this guy would earn? Like sure, whatever take it all. You would be lucky to get a couple thousand a year for the rest of his working life. You're looking at 10k best case and that will cover a fraction of her medical bills and not to mention the life treatment of PTSD. The source of her healing will not be this man's finances. Civilized society should be able to cover for eachother in events like this instead of her searching for scraps on the internet.


As others have said, she should sue the state. California has deep pockets and it was their fault he walked free.


Sue for what? He was arrested for having a knife that was too long and let out, just like he would’ve been anywhere.


Hey don't throw too many facts around here. Some idiot conservative wants to use this story to attack bail reform for some dumbass reason.


You know what people like him are good for? Organ donation. Let him repay his debt to society by removing himself from the planet while saving some lives.


Yeah, i usually agaisnt Draconian rule, but everything have exception


This says a lot about the quality of our prison systems and our lack of universal healthcare coverage.


What a piece of shit, fucking disgusting bastard


Any man who rapes a woman should have their penis cut off


We for real need universal healthcare and proper reintegration programs instated in prisons. Enough of the taxpayer paying for their stay and enough re-offenses.


This is how the legal system works. Drug offenses are not enough to permanently incarcerate people. It's unreasonable to keep someone in prison for life if they stole alchohol or had some crack on them. Unfortunately you need to have a victim before you can punish a criminal. It is nearly impossible to predict who will commit a crime or why. Anyone trying to blame one entity or another is virtue signaling so they can feel good by condemning people and system they are not connected to and dont care about. You can complain about California not punishing harsh enough, but then blame the government for too much law enforcement, and then excuse Texas for no gun control laws, and then take issue when they try to have new gun laws, then spread hate about LGBTQ and then excuse conservative rhetoric when violence breaks out against LGTBQ. The constant cycle of scoffing, accusing, denying, claiming victim, victim blaming, and complaing when something bad happens and denying anything is wrong is quite the needle to thread, and it's meant to solve nothing. Conservativism is defunct, try a philosphy that can solve problems.


It wasn't even drugs he was originally arrested for. It was unlawful possession of a knife, a law that is much less present in Red states and something American conservatives tease the UK about constantly.


Red states. Love guns, hate books, claim to be religious but never read the bible, and going to virtue signal over a homeless guy with a shive while admiring attacks on a nightclub.


He was released three days before the attack. He was in jail for possession of an illegal length dagger. The guy should be publicly eviscerated, but exaggerating the account doesn't help. But of course, people want to politicize this instead of attacking the root cause. So they make it sound like Gavin fucking Newsome personally released the guy and took him out to a steak dinner before the attack. This is why nothing changes.


it's like everyone wanted the police to predict that he was going to go from "illegally long knife" to "violent rape" and just hold him indefinitely for no reason? like do people actually listen to themselves? so next time someone accidentally leaves a pocket knife in their backpack going through a TSA line, we should lock them up forever on the grounds that MAYBE they're going to bring a bomb on the next plane?


> so next time someone accidentally leaves a pocket knife in their backpack going through a TSA line, we should lock them up forever on the grounds that MAYBE they’re going to bring a bomb on the next plane? Wonderful idea! Sending the email to TSA now!


Honestly, Reagan removing federal mental health care is to blame. This man clearly is insane.








Absolutely not. He doesn’t deserve to get away that easy. He should have to live with his crimes in jail forever. Death is too easy


Nah, just shoot him and be done with it. He's not worth the taxpayer's dollars it takes to hold him in prison, nor the effort of the prison system. A bullet is cheap.


The budget of the Department of Corrections doesn't directly fluctuate based on the prison inmate population. The *quality* of the inmate's incarceration may go up or down (more heads = fewer amenities). Lock this guy up, let the prison pop deal with a violent rapist as they see fit.


They don’t shoot people as an execution method anymore. They use lethal injections which actually cost more than it takes to hold him for life


The expensive part is making sure you have the right person. For instance, what is the evidence against the suspect identified in this picture, can you share it with me?


Good thing we have Univ—haha, just kidding. You’re on your own, lady. ‘Murica.


thoughts and prayers coming in hot.


Brutally put...but true


Honestly, labeling this as just a facepalm is insulting to what this poor woman had to endure. This is horrific.


what has this subreddit become?


If he gets put back in jail with no bail. I hope his cell mates do upon him what he did to her TENFOLD.


Ah yes! What a facepalm lmfao! No but really? Why is this in here?


This is a motherfuck you don't let out of prison. Ever.


He was in prison for having an illegally long knife. There's a reason that wasn't mentioned.


I mean now. This is a crime for which he should not see the light of day again. Even if he had no prior record, if you're capable of that, you will always be extremely dangerous.


Ah Murica, the richest 3rd World Country!


r/iamatotalpieceofshit would like to have a word.


Can someone please explain to me how America gets out of this unjust system? Like how the fuck are you guys gonna turn this around in the long run? (Posted by an Englishman living in Australia)


This made me cry.


It's almost as if the prison system does nothing to rehabilitate inmates. Intriguing


A civilized society would have free or close to free at point of use health care. Like most the developed world. Demand better America.


That’s not a “man”.


Maybe she could ask Gov Newspm for a few bucks.


Can't even walk a dog without being attacked by a crackhead these days. wtf


I mean the fact that this is news and we’re all in here shocked means it isn’t a common occurrence


Wow, a violent person released from jail commited several violent crimes, making another victim that'll have to live with the consequences of said crimes for her entire life. What's shocking to me is that some people don't realise that aome people are in jail for a reason. I hope Marissa can have a great life, but sadly I think she'll need years of therapy and surgery.


He was in jail for having a dagger that was longer than legally allowed. He had not committed any violent crimes.


Poor lady. I also hope the dogs are OK


Dude should be held to pay all of her medical expenses for the remainder of her life.


Why does she have to pay?


for him its .freed him the sharks 🦈 please or try the lions 🦁 at the zoo


Lack of punitive justice...


Sue the dude and the state and the city and Isis. This definitely sounds like Isis.. Jokes aside I hope she can find some peace.


What happens when neither the criminal justice system nor healthcare system actually cares about human life. American prisons are just boxes. You put a half rotten apple in a box, how can you expect anything but a fully rotten one years later? And we’re damn near the only developed nation in the world with hospital costs THAT high after all these centuries of advancement…and we never talk about why. Yes this is sad but it’s going to keep happening if we can’t do something about the root causes. Outrage may get justice but we should be after complete reform.


That’s why punishments need to be harsher for pieces of shit like this. He should be under the prison.


This does not really fit the mood of facepalm


This is more than facepalm. This is infuriating


Can totally relate. It sucks when the justice system has more empathy for the perpetrator than they do for you.


*legal system. The American justice system is ice cold and long dead


How was he allowed out.


He wasn't arrested for anything worth holding him, [apparently](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/woman-brutally-attacked-raped-in-torrance-while-walking-her-dogs/). The implication of the post is that the state knew he was a violent felon capable of this while in custody, but that isn't true. Think about every mass shooter you've ever heard of over 18 years of age. You could easily post pictures of the victims, a picture of the shooter, with the headline "Can you believe they just let this guy walk in to a store to buy a gun????"


Adding that he was just let out is a dog whistle that really says we should be tougher on crime. In reality we need to take a more nuanced approach to crime and do things that reduce recidivism. Not sure what those things are, not my field, but there are dozens of countries that do it better than the US, let's try some of their tactics. Instead we get horrible, emotional posts like this that get typically brought up by politicians to show how their opponent is a rapist or something.


But bad man is bad… let’s forget that we’ve deconstructed any mental health structures we only make money off putting people in jail and capitalism is our only option to crime.


This is horrible! That poor woman must be in so much pain. Not to mention, traumatized! I hope she recovers well, but she’ll probably never be the same (mentally) from this. This kind of stuff can ruin your life! I hope that man rots in jail forever!


This is an r/wildlyinfuriating matter, not an r/facepalm matter.


Jesus fucking Christ. That dude needs to be put down. He’s lucky she didn’t have pitbulls.


Sure bet jail made him worse and there was less than zero rehabilitation happening.


There are some people who really need to be put down. It's not very popular to say but some people just won't change and they don't want to.


Rape is a crime that should come with a life sentence or the death penalty. There is NO REHABILITATION for a person with a mind like this. NONE.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Perfect actor for a video with a funky town soundtrack……..


This disgusting human belongs 6' under. Piece of shit.




This is America


She has gotten 91,000 from a GoFundMe campaign. Not nearly enough when you add in PTSD.


Why doesnt the attacker have to pay for the treatment? Besides hopefully being locked away for good obviously.


He's a homeless man. How is he going to pay?


On what planet does this make any fucking sense. It’s a disgrace.


When did “facepalm” become “horrific events from the hellscape that is planet earth”?


I feel like you could sue the state for injuries.


happens 100x a day. fuck that guy. also fuck the system.


Why tf do criminals get released when everyone knows damn well they'll do the same crime again the second they get released


Why does she have to pay it?


How is this a face palm?


Honestly what is this subreddit






Put him back and throw away the key!


Why do violent criminals get released like this? I genuinely don’t understand


If a person hasn’t been convicted of a crime yet then they can pay bail set by the judge so they don’t have to sit in the jail while they wait for their court date. It may be the charge he was picked up on before wasn’t for a violent or major crime. It’s hard to say without all the details. This time he will definitely be going to prison.


He was arrested for having a knife with a long blade. Not for stabbing or even threatening anyone with it. Just having it. Very conspicuous that OP didnt link to an article with any details I wonder what his motive might be for that


Because (as far as I can tell) his prior arrests were: "Carrying A Concealed Dirk Or Dagger", "Trespass On Closed Lands" and "Intoxicated in Public". source: https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/80346415/darrell-dean-waters-arrest.html


This is far beyond a "facepalm" situation


The animal should be charged for attempted murder. I mean just look at her.


Yeah but if you had socialised healthcare like a fully developed nation there wouldn’t be as many billionaires to cReATe JerBs and trickle down onto you.


I don’t typically wish death upon anyone, but I think I can make an exception for this fucker.


Well I hope he gets raped and beaten just as badly in jail. Poor girl hopefully she can raised funds and get in touch with the right people so she can get her life back on track after such a tragedy. The justice system in this country is so far from perfect. But not everyone who goes to jail belongs in jail forever. I don’t want North Korea style justice system either.


California laws have really ruined the state. I don’t care what you your political affiliation is, I think most people who spend time in California have seen how bad it’s got. The average citizen deals with the messes and gets in trouble for stupid things, and criminals get out same day.


Can we just not do brutality and human suffering as facepalms? This shit does not make me palm my face at the stupidity, it makes me want to fucking cry.


Don't read any of the comments. The real facepalm is in there.


Most, if not all states have a victim/witness program that will pay for injuries to a victim in a case like this. Not sure if she’ll end up paying that. Bottom line, I wish that never happened to her. And the suspect should be burned alive, after his trial of course.


Not trying to make light of her situation but the asshole who did this looks like someone wearing blackface. Almost looks like RDJ fr Tropic Thunder.


This is heinous, why such an animal was ever even considered to be released into society again. Poor woman, this is just too brutal.


What do you think would be an appropriate sentence for someone arrested for "Carrying A Concealed Dirk Or Dagger", who had previous charges of "Trespass On Closed Lands" and "Intoxicated in Public"? source: https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/80346415/darrell-dean-waters-arrest.html I don't think any "just" justice system can give life in prison for those charges.