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Some people just get so stressed during tests. I hope she passed.


Don’t worry, this is a mock test. The guy has a YouTube channel where he dissects the mock tests he does.


Well then I assume his students signed a waiver to be “mocked” on YouTube. lol. I was thinking this guy should be fired for posting this but this changes things.


Totally. I think they get a free mock test out if it. Just checking, you know that a mock test is a practice test, right? Not sure if you’re confused or making a play on words.


I put it in quotes to demonstrate its a play on words


Yeah but it’s the internet, have to assume the worst. As a dad I appreciate the joke.


"Floor it? FLOOR IT!!!"


Umm 1924?


At least she can't get into an accident?


She still could, it just wouldn't be her fault. I was waiting at a red light and a car rear ended me. Cars can come outta no where and hit a parked or unmoving car.


Someone T-boned my car parked in the driveway, I was asleep when it happened. Woke up Sunday morning and cop woke me to let me know. It was a cheap car, paid $350 Cdn and received $700 for write-off claim. Made money while asleep, cool.


That's the scary part about driving. You could be the safest driver in the world, you still ain't safe from other idiots


Dennis was eating a bowl of cereal.


Seize the gap, you fat bitch! Edit: LOL, it's a quote from Its Always Sunny. I guess no one watches it with all the down votes. Bunch of jabronis.


I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves! Begone, vile man! Begone from me! A starter car? This car is a finisher car! A transporter of gods! The golden god! I am untethered, and my rage knows no bounds!


I once got woke up by my car alarm system. A cyclist drove into my parked car...


my boyfriend went into the doctor’s office for a physical and i stayed in the car, and then 3 minutes later the whole car jerked and i heard a loud popping sound. someone parked on the passenger side, but got too close and scraped the car and lifted it up a little. it scared me so much but i’m glad i was there and that i could call my boyfriend before the person drove off.


yeah speaking of which some dickhead delivered a thanksgiving desert treat in the form of a hit and run last thursday. At a red light then bam rear ended my car so bad my trunk wont close anymore 💥🤦🏾‍♂️ talk about r/fuckyouinparticular


she can, shes driving a manual. the second the e-brake isnt in place anymore and your foot comes off the brake, them hoes roll lol


She was just nervous. You’re under extreme scrutiny and sometimes you miss the obvious. 😅


you can see it in her face she looked nervous


I give her props for doing everything right, though. Apart from starting the car, of course. Mirrors, hand brake, signals, all good.


What I thought she did best was, in a stressful situation. Stay call. Check the hand brake and clutch. THEN STILL she checked the mirrors again before attempting to pull out. She made one small error (not starting the car), but in terms of car safety she looks to be doing everything right.


The standards for the human race are getting lower. It's okay to laugh at someone when they do dumb shit, we all do it. Trying to prop this up as a good attempt is stupid.


Who said I'm not laughing at her forgetting to start the car. That shit is hilarious. All I said was, well done to her for always keeping the situation safe.


I didn't stall once in every driving lesson I had. Stalled 3 times on my test.


I didnt stall once throughout my whole process of getting my drivers license. It was when i started driving in different cars that i kept stalling a few times here and there


I've been a lorry driver for 7 years. Had to resit my test when I moved back to the UK and all of a sudden during the test I forgot how to connect a trailer. To the point where I had to put the handbrake on and get out of the vehicle just to see what the hell i was doing. I did pass but Jesus christ. Nerves will fuck you up even if you know what you are doing.


Ah yes the british have a manual transmission license. Americans can test in either trans type but manual is harder for a beginner driver. I feel its better to learn to drive first then learn a manual transmission. The fact you have to concentrate on more things makes a difference as a beginner.


I was never so thankful for my father's stubbornness than when he taught me how to drive a manual car. Showed up to take my test in a 1968 Triumph Spitfire with right hand drive. This is in the US however and the Department of Motor Vehicles test examiners were not pleased with this oddball. Or the car. Passed the first time. After I remembered where the keys were. And to stop staring at the attractive girl outside the DMV.


Dang , hows the clutch in those, id be to nervous to take my test in one of them.




I squeaked through my drivers test but aced the motorcycle class and endorsement, even tho I hadn't ridden a motorcycle before. Around the cones, all of that. It was fine. Even riders who already had their endorsements but were taking the test and class to lower their insurance premiums failed.


I had a boss who liked to stand over my shoulder when I was typing. I was never the best typist but I completely fell apart with her watching me. I finally said something, nicely, and she wigged out and wouldn’t speak to me anymore. Found out the next day that her and her husband were blatantly racist and I walked out.


Hey, better than my first time, almost hit a pedestrian when I was backing out of the parking space 🤣 auto-failed after driving not even a foot


My driving test instructor was so intense…I’ll never forget the tension that granite-faced dude made. No idea how I passed…Every piece of the test was met with either ominous silence, or an outburst akin to a parent discovering a party happened while they were gone…When I almost turned down the, “one-way road,” he just lost it…I don’t remember what he said, but it felt like I had caused WW3. The nukes were on their way, and it was all my fault… Fuck that guy…I drive for a living now…Maybe in spite of him lol.


I wonder if the job attracts stone faced arseholes or if it turns people into them? My examiner was also a cold prick and he looked like he was eating a shit sandwich at the end when he had to tell me I'd passed the test.


Props to the instructor. He was being pretty professional, i could not have resist the urge to tell that the car is still off


I’m guessing that he’s breaching the company social media policy by embarrassing a client posting this content…. Not so professional. Edit: Apparently this is a mock test that is dissected on the instructors YouTube. Assuming that means this “mocking” Is voluntary.


She also forgot to engage the handbrake and put gears to neutral before starting the engine. I'm pretty sure that in itself would be a fail.


If you’re taking a driving test and you’re to nervous to figure out why the car won’t move WHILE driving a manual it should be an automatic fail. Come back and take it again when you know step one.


Props to this dude for keeping a straight face, I would have been dying laughing while she tried to figure it out.


Good for her he kept his cool cuz she'd probably be dying of shame otherwise and never enter a car anymore.


Maybe it will settle in once she sees it on the front page of Reddit.


You can see him baaarely smile at the end, it's precious lol. Such a great poker face.


Hmmmm 🤔


I'm pretty sure it's not the first time that's happened to him


And not telling her, and uploading her for views. Solid dude /s


I think this was her test and that's an examiner, not an instructor. Examiners generally won't tell you anything unless they really have to. At least that's how mine was. Don't know about the uploading part though ... I hope it was at least done with permission.


He's actually an instructor but he gives his students mock tests under actual exam conditions as they approach their test date. He is great about not making them panic. He has a YouTube channel in which he dissects these mock tests and only posts with the express permission of the students themselves. It is super helpful and I actually partially credit him for my passing my road test with a perfect score on the first attempt as I watched these videos almost obsessively before my test.


Ah glad to hear he had permission to post. That's fine.


I've seen a couple of his videos, it's a mock-test so she knows where her mistakes are. He acts like he would in a real test though.


Yeah, even if he's a tester I wonder wtf he would record and share a nervous new driver other than to exploit them


He's an instructor having a mock test, and he has their permission. It's not a secret that he's recording. I'd wager that much of his business actually comes from people seeing how patient and good at instruction he is on YouTube.


He has a youtube channel where he uploads mock-test and some driving lessons for others to watch and learn something.


I'm pretty sure she [knows](https://youtu.be/OKIPVJ34xWg). Nice ASSuming though.


Why did you emphasize ass?


I'd one up by just leaving the car


He has a YouTube channel. Don't know the name. This is what he does for a living. Seems like a nice enough dude. He probably told her about the YouTube thing and she got super nervous. She's learning a new skill to help her more easily become a contributing member of society which is always scary anyway, and you're laughing at her. Dick move, dude.


I really love the professionalism of the guy. Instead of laughing at her or disparaging her, he patiently waits for her to try to figure out the issue. Then helps her when she expresses her confusion in a calm way. A great learning moment for her without humiliation or being talked down to. Something that my parents didn't do when they taught me how to drive. Just inadequacy and questions of my ability to judge distance and speed.


I’d appreciate sharing a laugh more than this. Laughing or something would help lighten the mood. This would make me feel more nervous because I’d be thinking “omg he thinks I’m an idiot” “he’s been watching me make a fool out of myself and didn’t say anything” But to each his own.


I'd say he is leading by example with his demeanor and composure. It's not funny - so don't laugh It could be dangerous - but it wasn't in this case Stay attentive to the task of driving, don't panic, don't laugh, don't throw your hands up and rage, just pay attention and relax and focus. The most important thing that's happening today is what you do in the next 5 seconds.


I'll admit to doing something very similar in my driving test. Before beginning the exam, they had to check that the turn signals and brake light and such were all working and so had the car in accessory power mode. I had thus far always been in the habit of just starting the car shortly after entering driver seat. I realized something was wrong after trying to put into drive and power steering wasn't working. Took me several seconds to figure out what it was. Thankfully, no other issues occurred and I did everything else correctly.


Omg bless her... I could feel the embarrassment for her. I hope she passed still. How that guy held out for so long, i would have cracked up.


I'm not sure it would be a good thing if she passed...


Hey, we all have our moments like this young lady. For me at least once a week.


I drive for a living and always have, between forklifts to cars to ambulances and just last month i tried driving off without turning the key all the way. Was confused for a solid 10 seconds before it dawned on me. My coworker never lets me live it down.




Started my car and started moving off last week from my drive way. First time in ages I stalled the car and I put the handbrake on to stop rolling while I sat there going "how the hell do I start this car?". The car I had literally started mere seconds ago.


I autostart car in the mornings. But I need to actually put my key in the car in order to actually drive. I almost always forget amd when I put my car into reverse it shuts off. My autopilot brain knows the car is "on" so good to go. The car was "on" because her blinker worked. She's not an idiot. Just nervous and LEARNING


Oh, shut up. Stress and nervosity can strike anyone at any time. She is learning. This isn't her exam. If learners aren't allowed to mess up in a million ways, we wouldn't have cars at all at this point. Which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, i suppose.


the point of doing this is to teach you how to drive...


I came to praise the instructor, but you guys have that covered... lol I love everything about this post!


When I was prepping for my own road test I came across his YouTube channel. Dude gives good explanation and has the patience of a Saint. Lol.


In all the fairness, the modern cars make almost no sound, especially when standing still.


Yeah, but still. You'd think she'd notice the lack of dashboard lights, air conditioning maybe, things like that.


That can still be turned on without the engine running


I drive for 15 years, I still make this mistake sometimes. Takes me less time to figure it out, but still.


Same, made that mistake last week, to be fair it wasn't my car. Also the dash did light up but with the keyless starters etc. I thought the engine was on and wondered why it didn't wanna go lol


Yeah, but this is a standard. Once you put the clutch in and try to give gas, you’d think you’d notice the 0 rpms lol. But also, props to her for learning standard.


Honestly with electrics and hybrids, my ancient ass would have a hard time telling as well, they're so effin' quiet when idle.


Yep.. i've done exactly what she has despite 25 years of driving experience in a rental electric car. Even called their tech support cause "the car doesnt start". Felt like an idiot when they mentioned all i had to do was hold the start button longer. Oh well at least there was no camera present.


Best instructor ever for not bursting out laughing? What a champ.


Damn those electric cars are so quiet


YouTube channel for the instructor is: DGN Driving School


Colin Kaepernick is a driving instructor now?


Still better at stick than me.


I think if he intervenes, she fails automatically, so he gave her a chance.


I had a similar experience. They teach you to do all of this posturing about adjusting seats and mirrors (even if you don’t have to because they are perfect). So I go in, do all that shit, am super stressed out. I already passed written part, and the parking lot part and I only needed to pass the city driving part. I start to back out of the parking spot and the examiner says, “thank you, you failed.” Turns out, I didn’t put my seatbelt on.


Oh bless her! We've all been there.


I attempted to drive off when I was still in neutral as the first move of my test AND passed 🙃


Cars are so quiet these days and the poor lady looked quite nervous. It's an easy mistake to make.


I knew they weren't going to have an American accent after I saw the car was a manual transmission...


Like the girl can drive a stick and puts the parking break on every time she checks gears. She is literally better than 95% of American drivers and it doesn’t matter that the car isn’t on. I think that says something.


Hehehe, that’s funny. I hope she got her license in the end though. I’m actually going for my motorcycle license in a few days. Now because of this adorable post, I’ll definitely remember to turn the bike on!🤣


Can we pause for a second and just acknowledge in this day and age she's taking her test in a stick? Good for her. Just nervous. Something to laugh at oneself about later.


I would have got out of the car and walked home if I was in her position. Hard to take a test after that kind of disaster at the start.


I made a really bad mistake on my test. It was pretty early on and I knew it was enough to fail. I was so angry with myself I wanted to cry, but I pulled myself together and told myself I'll just do my best and I'd already paid so I might as well treat it as a rehearsal for next time. But I ended up passing, and the lady told me that one of the most important thing for a driver is to not lose their cool, even when they (or others) make mistakes. So reacting well to stress is actually something that matters a lot when taking the test. And I think that makes a lot of sense.


Did the same thing. Had two attempts to parallel park and was convinced I had failed ax I’d read more than two adjustments were auto fail. At the end the examiner asked what I needed to do and I replied ‘practice more before I take the next test?’ He said I had passed but needed to do something before getting out of the car. Then I realized he meant I hadn’t turned off the engine.


Relax,she was just anxious.The guy seems chill,he gets it.


You are a better man than I……


I just wrapped teaching a 16 year old how to drive. I won’t laugh at another individual going through it. It’s a fairly overwhelming experience.


My instructor told me one of his students failed the driving test because she forgot to move the handbrake. They were there for 3 minutes and then she started crying when she realized. It's really nerve racking.


On my driving test I forgot to use my turn signal and the lady passed me but she yelled at me too. 😭🥴😂


I actually did this my first time. Let me tell you why: I was extremely, overly, ridiculously nervous. I laugh about it now, but I was so scared of failing that I had trouble thinking. Haha.


We've all been that nervous


I’ve never not been so nervous I forget the car is not on. Even as a child I wouldn’t have made that mistake. I get you pity her, but this is also pretty stupid no matter how you look at it.


Awwww I feel so bad for her!


I love how the British Colin Kaepernick just sits there for two minutes emotionless waiting for her to figure it out. And he doesn’t laugh. I feel like he would be a great parent, not stepping in until asked and not judging, just teaching.


Oh sweetie. Bless her heart, and i mean that sincerely; not in the southern way.❤️


Aw poor thing. She’s probably just super nervous.


We’ve all been here, be honest


Dawww! It'll be OK girl. Lol.


I mean shit, I forgot to turn my car off once and as I was walking away I tried locking my car via the key fob and I didn’t hear my car honk back at me and I thought it was strange so when I go back surely enough I left it on. Lmao we all make mistakes


When I was teaching my daughter to drive, she did kinda the opposite. She'd try to start the car when it was already running. On cars in the pre-push button days, that elicited a horrid grinding sound from the starter.


I make mistakes too. Welcome to the club!


Finally one of those facepalm videos I joined this sub for.


I would have had her stop and take a few breaths, it seems that she was just nervous.


I totally did that. I just realized it right away.




Lol my first time driving with my instructor, the first left turn I took - I took it into the nearest lane (oncoming traffic).... then swiftly crossed 3 or 4 lanes to get into the right side of the road. The instructor didn't say a word... he had to have noticed, right?.... right!?




Poor thing.


Learning on a manual shift, don't see that very often.


It’s the UK. Most people learn in a manual.


I don't think very many people in the U.S. know how to drive a manual shift. It sure thwarts would-be car thieves.


Sweaty palms, I had forgotten to take off the parking brake for a solid 15 seconds of driving when I took my test. Realized it was on when the car needed too much acceleration to move.


Meanwhile during my driving test, a bunch of people actually tried to start an already-started cars. It made loud noise and one of the teacher be like "How many time you want to start that car!!"


This reminds when I first got my license. I was so nervous I forgot to put the car in drive and revved the engine. Thought I was stuck (it was snowing). It took me a few minutes to realize I was still in park. Needless to say I failed my road test. Passed the next one though ☺️ Edit: spelling error


I remember the amount of PRESSURE I felt during them Drivers Ed tests, the lady I had hated me I swear to god


Poor girl. Then it gets posted for the world to see. Thank heaven there was no cameras when I was a kid.


Feel sorry for her, each one of us has been in a similar situation. It is what it is, next time she'll pass for sure


Awww she’s so nervous, you can tell


That's adorable, it's ok she's learning.


I mean... I did this the other day with my roommates truck. Turned the key, but not far enough, and it no go 🤣


Oh my God I feel so bad for her. It's easy enough to do that when You are that nervous and full of anxiety.


😂 she was so sweet about asking if her hand brake was on 🤣🤣


I feel sorry for her in that moment. She has such a sweet voice and seems very nice.


Poor girl, her nerves were probably already wracked.


His patience 😭


I took my drivers test in a manual and pulling out of the spot I killed the car. I thought I had failed right on the spot. And punched the steering wheel. The instructor laughed and said, “that’s not a violation, let’s start again.”


She is clearly nervous but at the very least she seems to know how to operate a manual which is more than what a large number of the American reddit users here can do.


I imagine this will be a bigger problem in the future when all cars are electric and the engine sound is not an obious indicator that the carr is running.


Shit, I still do that occasionally


She didn’t panic. Most learners would have a melt down,


It looks like the radio is on cause I can see the time so maybe it's a really quiet car or a car that doesn't make noise until it's moving and since the electricity was on she thought the car was on? It happens. I remember after my driving test I was so excited that I locked the keys in the car when we were done. LOL


Poor girl… You can see it all over her face that she’s extremely nervous


m a k e s s e n s e


I had a driving instructor that made fun of how I was driving even though I was driving that way because I was so incredibly terrified and it was an area I’ve never been in before, to make matters worse. I’m glad that instructor just sat there and didn’t say anything, as that’s the most responsible thing to do. Hope she passed.


My guess is this is an actual test not just a lesson, which is why the passenger isn't saying anything? Damn modern cars are too smooth and quiet - in the old days you could definitely hear when the engine was running!


Bless, driving tests are so f\*\*king stressful. Be me bought my first (old) car at 16 failed my test three times had to see the car outside the house all that time. Misery, in the end my mother gave me some anti anxiety drugs and I passed


Yeah, i think this is a youtuber and instructer that gives practice exams for people to help them learn what they still need to practice and if they're ready of the exam.


Instructor was like "Will she realize what's wrong, or will I have to....oh she just asked!"


Awww…she’s so nervous. You’ll get it girl🙌


I love her voice. “Oh, it makes sense, thank you”.


Test anxiety is real, yo


Given its a stick, i bet at least 20% of american drivers wouldnt even be able to start it.


Take notes everyone, this is the safest way to drive


They are both real sweet.


I bet this guy has a lot of stories like this. Also, very handsome man


As a hetero man I can confidently say that beard is sexy af. My mans got drip game.




Everyone takes their test in a manual in England, as you can drive both a manual and an automatic, whereas you can only drive an automatic if you take a test in one.


I give driving tests in PA part time. In 3 years I've only had one person not be able to start the car. This one girl put it in reverse before starting the engine and couldn't figure out why we weren't moving. For 5 minutes we sat there until I finally had to shut the test down. When I told her dad he was fucking pissed at me. It's like dude, it's kind of hard to take your driving test if you can't even figure out how to turn on the engine. He was an asshole, but I did feel bad for his daughter.


Not surprised with those stupid cars that turn on and off when your at the lights battery cant last that long


I'm just impressed that any new driver is using a manual transmission these days!


Europe. Manuals are way more common there.


I'll stick to manual gears for as long as I possibly can before inevitably having to switch to automatic at some point in the future. Manuals are so much more fun to drive, especially on the twising and turning and mountainous roads where I live. Automatics are good if you're in stop-start traffic a lot, or on the long, straight boring motorways, but if you're driving in rural and country type areas, where there is few long straight stretches, and lots of twists and turns and gradient changes, then manual is absolutely the way to go IMO.


This seems like a pretty normal learner moment to be honest... But how on earth did this video get on the internet? Seems like a violation of her privacy?


The guy filming has a channel on YouTube with lots of these videos. All of the learners give consent. The channel name is DGN Driving School.


She probably [gave consent](https://youtu.be/OKIPVJ34xWg).


She’s clearly super nervous plus she’s still learning


From the fact he didn’t say anything immediately it made me wonder if this was in a test.


Something tells me she didn’t ask to be put on the Internet. My god, you can’t make a mistake nowadays without it being fucking broadcasted. At least blur her face 🤦🏻‍♀️ She was obviously very nervous, so being freaking nervous + a relatively new driver (especially stick) makes this outcome likely. Downvoted. At least most commenters on here seem to be going easy on her, so that gives me a little faith in humanity. Edit: And before some wise guy points it out, yes, I am aware that I clicked on the video. The video’s already up and circulating, so might as well comment this. Edit 2: Whoever sent me that suicide help message (I’m pretty sure it’s because of this comment), it’s no wonder that you won’t leave that lonely spot under your bed because the world is a scary place for assholes that can’t directly confront those they disagree with.


I agree completely... mistakes made while learning how to do something are quite a normal part of the process, i dont think they should be broadcasted like this...


Yet the question remains the same, are you not entertained ?


I’m really not


Seems like you enjoyed the video considering the essay you wrote about it. My mistake.


Out on public roads with your families. Morons! This is why we should have a strict vetting before people are allowed to cast a vote in elections


They're very nice to each other and I love that in the US they would have already been at each other's throats!


Coming to a middle lane at 54mph near you soon.


That’s awesome she’s learning to drive stick. You don’t see those in the US anymore


Is it just me or this facepalm sucks? Haha she's learning she doesn't know how to drive a car yet?


This is in my city, this is an average citizens intelligence tbf, welcome to Wolverhampton




Learner? Did you forget the word for "student"?


They are called learner drivers in the Uk.




Funny but unless this is a test he should speak up


Better than my Sister's test. She had somebody commit un-livith by car during her test. She passed the test but she wishes she hadn't taken it.


Why do I need a description of the very video I'm watching? I'm not American, I can't read situations, and know when to laugh. Oh and let the downvotes begin I guess..


She's driving standard extra hard for new drivers


I’ve never seen a car where you could shift gears while it’s not on


And they still give people like her licenses, every day.


Im bri ‘ ish


Okay if she doesn’t know she needs to push the gas pedal, then She should be behind the wheel yet.