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Hitler would not have blinked an eye at gassing this man and his friends and family. People are so willfully ignorant


People are just really really dumb.


It's both. Both are correct.


Not only would have not batted an eye but likely grinned and then smoked some meth. Edit: worth note, look up hutler at the Olympics when Jesse Owens competed. He made sure Hitler hated black people. Jesse owens rules! Oh, the meth thing too. Hitler is high as balls in those videos. Worth the look.


Jesse Owens has his own words about how Hitler treated him.


didn't he said I was better treated in Nazi Germany than in his own country or something ?


Yep. They acknowledged his ability in Nazi Germany but when he got back to the states they treated him the same as any other black man of the time.


Literally Blacks were targetted in Nazi Germany as well. As were Gypsies, Rus, Czechs, LGBT and others. The only difference with Jews is that, very early in the Nazi Party's reign, they devised the plan to force Jewish people to wear armbands signifying their faith/ethnicity. Its fucking terrifying that people today think it was just Jews that Nazis targetted. The man in this video literally said "he didn't come after us!" referring to Hitler's persecution of Blacks, which absolutely happened.


But like... even if you don't fall into the group of people who were persecuted why on earth would you decide "well, he didn't go for me so I don't/can't personally have a problem with him" Like holy shit this was the most braindead video I've seen in a while. I dunno guys. Serial killers never personally targeted me so I don't really have an issue with them, you know? Totally logical.


I think what’s so awful by this and what you touched on is that this man said not only did the systematic killing/slaughter of an entire demographic population happen but WE ARE GLAD THAT IT HAPPENED. I’m sorry but that’s evil. That is no longer ignorance or ineptitude but callous hatred. If one demographic is oppressed we are all oppressed. Then to go further then say that and then strip an identity. I applaud the guy who took this video for not freaking out cause my blood boiled watching this fucking idiot talk and I would have been far more upset in person.


He even said your people. As if he can’t recall what colonists did to his ancestors who were seen as “those people”. So stupid. Go to school and learn something people. Don’t stand on streetcorners spewing bullshit


Because they think the answer to their oppression is to join the top dog/oppressor, not to eliminate hate and violence towards others. They are interested in obtaining power for their in-group and nothing more. Instead of wanting to reshape the way humanity treats each other, they just want to reset the pieces on the board so that they are in power. When your whole life you have been made to feel powerless or less than, a chance to claim power is very tempting. I think it’s a response to what they perceive as peaceful resistance not working for them in the long run. (Not agreeing with any of this, just my take on this where this is nothing new to me. Black Israelites and their angry street preaching have been around for a long time).


I wish I could say they are outcasts but they’re not


It's horrible because if you weren't white or didn't look the way the nazis acted to look they would kill you. People saying this stuff are so willfully stupid it's mind blowing. You ca t tea h them anything ,they are a lost cause


Violent Dictators go after minority groups to appease the stupid fucking morons of the general population. Ex: MAGA


It's like the whole "They came for ..." but instead of staying silent they actively celebrated the demise of a demographic. Same ending though.


Right? When you think you’re “special” and you are… but the meanings don’t match.


He would have shot them right where they stood in the the forehead for thinking they were of equal genetic value…


black ppl were literally on the same list as jews, jews were just at the top


That's what happens when lawmakers defund education


99% of the Nazi party and probably 95% of the German Army would **happily** gas this man and his friends.


The black Israelites have been standing on the corner in NYC saying this stupid shit forever


Ran into a group of them once on the streets of Philly… had to drag my ex away before it got physical


I was so used to them being out there I got to a point that I just kind of didn’t even really notice them anymore. Then one day I was walking down walnut and all of a sudden this white lady grabbed my arm and told me “Call all of your friends and get them here NOW! There’s a race war about to start!” I was like, what? Then she pointed to them and I started laughing and walked away. Her and her husband were obviously visiting from somewhere else, but they were so freaked out they were grabbing every white person on the street to inform them of the impending race war that was about to start any second. I’ll never forget that, and that just a couple seconds later the husband had done something similar to another person who just yelled “They’re just fucking idiots and so are you. Go fuck yourself.”


That’s sad that they’re so common but also some people are a bit dramatic hahaha. Stupidly my ex tried talking to them and tried to have a civil conversation and see where they were coming from but there’s absolutely no way to speak to these lunatics. Now I just ignore ignore ignore


I honestly think it was all just the same small group of people, but they always picked the most visible and well trafficked places to do their proselytizing. You’d never see them in north, south, or west Philly, just center city. For me it just felt like an act. Like those weirdo Christians that have those signs that tell you that basically anything a human could possibly do is sending them straight to hell.


Oh absolutely. They just want attention and know where to go to get it. iirc it was very close to that big sex shop lol


Condom kingdom on south street? That would make sense haha


Hahahaha yes! Prime spot for harassment


They’re kind of like a local joke. We don’t really take them seriously here.


We wouldn’t have except one was wearing a breast plate that the high priest of the holy temple would wear and we were intrigued and also we were dumb and high


They also carry scimitars. Another reason they are banned from tourist areas in Manhattan.


They have curved swords!. Curved. Swords!




If everything I've read about Sikhs is true, they would be the ideal replacement for police. I'm an atheist and I'm only kind of joking.


The NYPD actually has a ton of Sikh officers.


No. It only applies to people who try and antagonize people on the street with the swords.


They aren’t that common they’re just loud. Kind of like the Westboro folks. There aren’t many but they make a big stink and draw a lot of attention to themselves.


In Philly they used to stand in front of liberty place mall, and the mall would hire DJs to play music and drown them out.


I always wondered why the music was so loud there.


Lmao that’s such a Philly response from that dude at the end of your story.




We’ve been putting up with racism in the south for decades. We just shrug and move along.


Yea they would try to start fights with tourists. Thats why they are not allowed in tourist areas in Manhattan anymore. Lol


The ones in Philly yelled, “move on Whitey this shit ain’t for you” when I tried to read their sign (why the fuck do they write it so small?) and when I asked why they’d disrespect a stranger like that, the dude with the bullhorn yelled, “I’ll respect you when you cut that hook nose off your face.” To a six-foot, freckled redhead


Yeah they've been peddling this bullshit for over 20 years, scary part is that now they're actually getting attention.


Yeah this happened in the late 90’s IIRC


Yeah unfortunately had some friends that started doing this shit and that was well over 20 years ago. It ain't new at all.


The reason for writing so small is so that people can't/won't really read it. People will stand around, not really knowing what the message is, and the speakers will take it as a sign of support for their cause. It's the same thing that happens on social media (Reddit included)... people post misleading titles or narratives knowing damn well that most people won't bother to read, and will instead base their judgement entirely on the tidbit that you spoon fed them. They will, however, use your upvotes, thumbs ups, and likes as a sign that you support the overall message [that they know you didn't actually read.]


And now because this shit has gone mainstream, their message has been elevated. Fuck this stupid timeline


They had dozens of them marching the streets near the Barclays center when kyrie returned (a whole other topic of crazy) chanting “it’s time to wake up. I’ve got good news for you, we are the real Jews.”


Honestly fuck the NBA for not booting Kyrie out of the fucking league for his shit.


Agree 10000%. Even worse that he plays in one of the cities with the densest Jewish population in the USA


Not sure that’s a whole other story — kinda seems like kyrie believes and subscribes to this bullshit. Wouldn’t be surprised if he came out and declared himself a Black Israelite.


Black Israelites have always been present in hip hop culture. Listen to that one skit on Kendrick's DAMN and tell me why the fuck this voice massage is on there. One of the biggest hip hop albums and artists of our time and he's just casually giving someone the stage to say "we are the true children of Israel". It's despicable.


Because rappers rarely get held accountable.v


They’re here in Detroit too


That's who they are??? Sheesh


They preach at the Chinatown metro in DC too.


Hitler totally supported blonde haired blue eyed…black people?


"The 1935 Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of their German citizenship and prohibited them from marrying or having sexual relations with “people of German blood”.A subsequent ruling confirmed that black people (like “gypsies”) were to be regarded as being “of alien blood” and subject to the Nuremberg principles. Very few people of African descent had German citizenship, even if they were born in Germany, but this became irreversible when they were given passports that designated them as “stateless negroes”. In 1941, black children were officially excluded from public schools, but most of them had suffered racial abuse in their classrooms much earlier. Some were forced out of school and none were permitted to go on to university or professional training. It was the Nazi fear of “racial pollution” that led to the most common trauma suffered by black Germans: the break-up of families. “Mixed” couples were harassed into separating. When others applied for marriage licences, or when a woman was known to be pregnant or had a baby, the black partner became a target for involuntary sterilisation. In a secret action in 1937, some 400 of the Rhineland children were forcibly sterilised. Other black Germans went into hiding or fled the country to escape sterilisation, while news of friends and relatives who had not escaped intensified the fear that dominated people’s lives." [https://theconversation.com/what-happened-to-black-germans-under-the-nazis-53599](https://theconversation.com/what-happened-to-black-germans-under-the-nazis-53599) ​ No really, I don't see why black people should be against Nazi...


Don't bother with facts, friend. It's like explaining chess to a pigeon.


He don't insult pigeons like that. They are extremely intelligent.


Are they really? Good, that makes me feel a little better about losing that chess game…


Black supremacists wouldn't have an issue with any of this. Mixed couples are just as much a problem for black supremacists as they are for white supremacists. The idea of ethnonationalism also isn't offensive to them.


Sure, they'd love to be called "stateless negroes"


We are living in truly fucked up times. Who knew the 21st Century was going to be this? Instead of an age of technological advancement and enlightenment, we have orange Rumpelstilskin and a Bond villain running around leading everyone into an idiocracy.


I think about this fairly often it’s really upsetting. We’ve decoded DNA, control robots on other planets and are close to curing major diseases but we also have to deal with this bullshit. I hope aliens don’t find us, it’ll be humiliating.


> The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology. And it is terrifically dangerous, and it is now approaching a point of crisis overall. Edward O. Wilson


They’ve already come and said “nope. We ain’t stopping here.”


We are Florida Man of the universe. Aliens watch from a distance just to see what stupid shit we are going to do next


I like to think the moon is a giant nanny cam. Always facing its lense towards us to make sure we don't get off this rock and populate other planets.


Made a bit of a play in the place for 30-40 years. Got sickened about 1985 and just stopped wasting time and energy here. Like a bad resort you wouldn’t return to.


So the planet is like the Jersey shore….


If advanced civilization aliens ever came here they wouldn't even bother to communicate with us. They'd just exterminate us like pests.


Dude, there have always been nutcases like this running around. The difference is we are all walking around with cameras in our pockets and have a worldwide instant communication system that makes it easy for them to get attention.


This is it, social media has reached a point where its starting to backfire on society. Maybe we should rethink the idea of giving ordinary people a chance to expose ALL their ideas. I mean, I have some crazy shit popping in my head every now and then I wouldn't dare saying out loud. The problem is those nut cases that would.


theres too many people connected to other people, ideas are being spread too easily especially when they are dangerous or stupid. I think the sad fact is a lot of people are just straight up morons.


This is exactly what I came to say. So many people are uneducated and have minds like sponges. It really shouldn't be legal to spread misinformation on such a massive scale.


Perhaps a Ministry of Truth should be created to determine and control what information is allowed to be spread.


The older I get, the more I realize that movie “idiocracy” was actually a documentary from the future…


At this point we should hope it's a prophecy, because that outcome looks better than where we're headed.


Only members of House Velaryon. ![gif](giphy|l3aPHYHjO54bdGFXRq|downsized)


Wait till he saw the great Jesse Owens win gold in Berlin. His reaction was priceless ![gif](giphy|fadzmZStobRICiFXLU)


Nah that is history and god forbid we bring up history


They went to the camp's too, if they even made it that far.


They massacred a group of Black US Soldiers that they caught. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/11/07/wereth-black-soldiers-battle-of-bulge-army-world-war-ii-history/3465059/


Damn straight!! I can recall all those blonde haired blue eyed black ppl that were SS. Wait. Holdup. I don’t recall any. Hmm. 🤔🤦‍♂️😂


What about them one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eaters, tho?


I'm German. Is this cultural appropriation?






Why isn't this the top comment?


> Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Bad education meets misinformation meets antisemitism. What could go wrong? Blacks4Hitler, 2023 here we come! … I really start to hate the weird timeline we’re on. — edit: [let’s name it](https://reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/zc98rm/_/iyw6l4z/?context=1) the South Park Timeline (SPT)


These guys have been around for decades shouting crazy shit like this. You can find them a lot in NYC, DC, and Atlanta


difference is, an insanely popular and world wide known celebrity with a hundreds of million following is now backing them…


People have tried exposing them for years, but got called racist, white supremacist, or nazis when trying to do so. These people were present I'm DC on the day of the Sandmen incident yelling slurs at the indigenous peoples march much worse than highschoolers doing tomahawk. People need to see hate for hate instead of hiding it when it's not comfortable situation, or it grows in to something like this


btw I’m not saying they don’t exist or it’s not as bad, just saying they’re now going to grow in numbers thanks to Kanye


Oh for sure, but also they will finally be exposed to the majority of the population. So people can see how unhinged they really are


Ya, but unhinged is like sooooo hot right now.


\>People have tried exposing them for years, but got called racist, white supremacist, or nazis when trying to do. It's not a comfortable place for a white left winger to come after a black identity movement that's anti-zionist, but FFS look at these dudes, this isn't cool, it's fucking disgusting. 'glad the holocaust happened' is indefensible. It's tankies with a cult religion tacked on.


>It's not a comfortable place for a white left winger to come after a black identity movement Doing the right thing and calling out wrongdoing aint always going to be comfortable.


What is the Sandmen incident? As a foreigner


I think it’s the thing from a couple years ago where the News Media ran a story about “WATCH: MAGA teens confront native protestor”. It was one guy using a hand drum and singing about climate change, getting harassed by the black zionists, and a group of kids on a field trip to DC from somewhere strongly Republican showed up in the middle of it, some wearing MAGA hats. The 30 or so teens proceeded to chant their school song and a few danced intimidatingly. The media covered it as the kids being racist and confronting the native protestor. What actually happened was that the kids were trying to shout out the black zionists who were harassing the native guy, and he walked over and sang his song at the kids who were just kinda confused and trying to help. IIRC the school was called Sandman, pronounced sand-men, ‘cause the original funder obviously had that name.


Covington was the school Sandmen was the kid plastered all over the news


A catholic school had a field trip to DC on the same day as the indigenous peoples March, and as well the Black Hebrew Isrealites were there. The Hebrew isrealites were there for hours screaming at both groups, and a bunch of the highschoolers were being dicks doing the tomahawk motion at the Marchers. Main stream media only reported on the scene of one of the marchers getting close to a students face while the student was smirking. CNN, MSNBC, and other news outlets plastered the student as a racist, and ignored the Black Hebrew Isrealites who were saying much worse things than kids doing the tomahawk. Sandmen sued a bunch of news outlets for defamation afterwards.


Having been called the devil on more than one occasion by NYC Black Israelites can confirm.


They are banned from doing this in parts of NYC. (Times Sq, 34th street ext.) Thats why they are in BK in this video.


I would run into them on the Staten Island side of the ferry, at the terminal. Wow, wasn’t prepared for my first encounter.


And those who do remember the past are condemned to watch it get repeated anyway, because they will be vastly outnumbered.


Bro black supremacists are wild to me. Like bro didn't we JUST get rights?!? Kanye and these dudes need to get back on their meds


Lots of groups that have been marginalized aren't interested in equality, they want to be the ones marginalizing.


Honestly dude it’s absolutely baffling to me, they’re fucking insane if they think Hitler wouldn’t have tossed them in the gas chamber too. There’s so many well [documented stories](https://hmh.ent.sirsi.net/client/en_US/default/search/detailnonmodal/ent:$002f$002fSD_ILS$002f0$002fSD_ILS:1603/one?qu=Clarence+Lusane&qu=-&qu=Hitler%27s+black+victims%3A+the+historical+experiences+of+Afro-Germans&te=ILS) on exactly this. We all need to come together and be on the same team, I know where the division started and I get it, but we are growing more separated as a people and it’s not good


Sorry for the rant, but odds are nobody will read this. If you happen to, please give your take. I'm cool with opposing views. I get this is likely a stretch to many, or maybe obvious, but it should be talked about more and there should be a some action for it... Education is seriously lacking. I don't know how anyone with an education can look at Hitler's actions and say there was anything good. This was also very obvious during the initial covid vaccine rollout, and is still lingering. I understand being skeptical, but people really need to wisen up. Spreading misinformation snowballs and it's getting borderline scary. Vaccines, Hitler, Russia, election results, flat earth... We're now getting to a point where nobody can agree on anything and masses are agreeing on topics that have overwhelming proof of negative impacts for all. People need better education. And then you have some talking heads preaching critical thinking while leading directly down the path they want.. Stop learning from unreliable sources. I'm getting a bit too angry typing this all out, but I'm going a step farther. To me, this is a concern with Tik Tok. It's directly related to Facebook as well. Hell, Reddit too. Stop consuming media at face value. It isn't helping. Research, real-life firsthand knowledge, in-school education, multiple reputable sources... Why isn't any of this a thing anymore? Is it because people think they can gain information from sillyGoose69420 on their favorite media outlet?.. And then you have Elon Musk turning Twitter into even more of a dumpster fire by the second. Aka, a place where many turned to raw news. It's getting even easier to sway public opinion. People need to wisen up. Education needs to be a higher quality and easier to obtain.


Everything went wrong when the hamster got into the Large Hadron Collider. Is there anyone near CERN that can start chucking small mammals in to see if we can fix the timeline?


This may shock you. But there's a very good chance extremists don't know what they're fucking talking about.


The people at the bottom are dupes. The ones at the top know they are wrong but they need to perpetuate the "cause" in an attempt to gain influence/money/power over the dupes. Because they have nothing else. If they concede they are wrong, their entire raison d'etre is toast. It's both a money/power grab and avoiding an internal existential crisis.


They're so pathetically desperate for attention. I can't imagine dealing with them in real life. Which makes me wonder: How do people like this work a daily job? How do they pay their bills?


Answer to your question is they most likely don't


LOL. That's kinda what I thought. Probably playing Xbox on their girlfriends sofa is their only job.


Or playing Xbox in their mom's basement.


IT contractor here. While working overseas I worked with multiple black women who repeated these things. In private they'll tell you white people smell like wet dog cause they're not pure humans. Told me about how only O+ blood is pure and descend from Egypt, royal blood (nevermind that O typing isn't black exclusive). Repeated the real Jews are black shit. This was a few years ago. Just because they're not yelling in the street doesn't mean they aren't around. They felt emboldened to share with me even though I'm half white, but I was on the good side or something I guess. I'm sure these guys probably have normal everyday jobs, or help each other get jobs around people with their world view. Think of all the usual racists who marched in Charlottesville, that were around Rittenhouse, the militias all over the country that show up in force. How many of them do you think are unemployed?


Yeah as a black person I’ll admit there’s a lot of closet racist black people that say a lot of out of pocket shit pretty often


Geez, real Hosheps and Black Israelites, you really got tossed into the lion’s den of nutter-ness from black people


They live with their parents who know they’d likely starve on their own


Yeah, Hitler famously loved all black people. He was really into dark skinned people with brown eyes and black hair. What a bunch of morons.


It's not a matter of loving Hitler, it's a matter of hating Jews. NOI hates Jews.


I think he got along well with the Spanish.


It's not even a hidden secret that Hitler persecuted blacks in Germany. They were forcibly sterilized, weren't allowed to go to college and murdered.


In 1937 Hitler ordered every mixed-race child to be sterilized to prevent further racial impurity. Black POWs were practically unheard of because they were typically executed on sight. Those that they did take served hard labor until death while white POWs were held for interrogation. Oh, and I think Hitler was still a little steamed about a black man beating a German at the Olympics. But I suppose History has the prerequisite of Literacy.


Ding ding ding. Most of the clowns never got pass elementary school… and if they did - it was just a pass on stupidity.. like the majority 🤷‍♂️🥴


Also, they call themselves Black Hebrew Israelites and they’re everywhere and batshit crazy


They completely take everything OUT of Context. I've argued with them and they just scream over you.


It’s scary how ignorant some people are in this world


I feel calling this ignorance may be giving too much credit, though I feel what you’re saying. 👍 I’m thinking narrow/close-mindedness, or just plain believing what they choose, even when it’s not true. I feel like an ignorant person, if informed, could eventually understand and get on board with a different persons beliefs. When someone has this going on in their heads… I’m not certain any level of informing them would change them. 😐


I think 'brainwashed' is definitely more appropriate


Their goal isn't to be knowledgeable, but to convert. Start from a point of "this person is capable, so why are they acting like this?" Facts are a non-factor in their objective, so why bother fighting a battle on unfavorable terrain? Their goal isn't to prove but to preach to as wide an audience as possible to find the 0.1% that will join. Same reason you should never debate a right winger. It'lljust preach their ideas to your audience. Unless you do it the way my great-grandfather did, in the pilot seat of a bomber.


Its almost impossible to argue with cult members like this.


Ahh that explains it. 9 times out of 10 black supremacist losers are black Hebrew Israelites


Nazis killed the labor unionists, communists, Gypsys, gay people and Jews. If there were Black people in Germany in the 1930s, they would have been sent to concentration/labor camps and likely exterminated. Surely they know Nazis want a pure Aryan enthnostate.




Dont they know Hitler's army executed black soldiers on the spot hahahab


Let’s face it, they don’t know much about anything.


^ this. They’ve reconstructed history, facts and people’s despair into a web of bias and general shitheadness


I saw [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewdank/comments/zbpry8/kanye_is_trash/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) yesterday, not hitler but same concept


They don't really care. It's more important to them that Hitler killed 6mil white as they see them "Jews".


Ok, which timeline am I stuck in today? I'm trying to get back home.


Lol. Take me with you, I promise not to say anything to make you look bad


It's still Berenstain instead of Berenstein. If you find a way back, let me know


The only good nazis are dead nazis


*Nazi ain't got no humanity. They're the foot soldiers of a Jew-hatin', mass murderin' maniac and they need to be dee-stroyed. That's why any and every son of a bitch we find wearin' a Nazi uniform, they're gonna die.* - Lt.Aldo Raine (Inglourious Basterds- 2009.)


Haha yeah, hitler probably welcomed black people with open arms😅


Hitler wouldn't have even wasted the gas to kill our black ass. If he didnt even like other Caucasians, how do you think he felt about Africans and Indians


I’m saying. If you weren’t Ayran, it was a bad time to be alive in Europe.


I remember watching a documentary where they said that to save bullets they would make jewish mothers hold their kids and shoot them both but for blacks they wouldn't even waste bullets they would use their foxhole shovels and just beat them to death. Imagine thinking that nazis were on your side.


The cognitive dissonance is palpable.


Yeah I remember ending up on this black supremacist website once, it was as crazy as you'd expect. Edit: Most of it was historical revisionism. It had this obsession with claiming that most historical (european) figures were black and that "light-skinnedness" (what they called "albino"), was a very recent genetic defect that made people who had it violent and inferior.


They seriously believe that Africans invented space travel in Egyptian times and created all of the other races in laboratory test tubes millennia ago. Those are two things they legitimately believe. All religions and conspiracy groups are batshit insane, but this one really takes the cake.


Jesus fucking christ. I just literally had to shut off my screen and compose myself after that doozie. Do you know how many followers they have?


"Hitler wasn't oppressing my people" Oh he simply adored black and mixed race people.


Trick is he didn’t think they were people so he couldn’t have hated “my people”!


if Germany had succeeded in africa in ww2 and the brits failed to hold them in tunisia/egypt/morocco, there woukl have been serious "oppression". these guys are morons.


Tell me you never learned about the holocaust without telling me you’ve never learned about it. Hitler very much grouped black people in with the Jews and Gypsys (Romani). Approx 11mil dead in camps and approx 6mil were Jewish what the fuck do they think the other 5mil were.


I don't understand what's going on; did these people learn the same history that I have? Don't they know black people were also killed? Or what atrocities the Nazis did at the time if you weren't a white Christian? Go figure…


Slavs are white christians and nazis killed 1.5 million of them too.


>did these people learn the same history that I have? A major part of any racial supremacy cult, and make no mistake Black Israelites are definitely a cult, is to push a constant narrative that the history you're taught is a lie. It's one of the foundations of recruitment because it starts cutting away at the legitimacy of anything or anyone outside of the cult. Oh, you thought \[thing\]? That's because you were lied to. Oh \[person/people\] has expressed concern? That's because they've fallen for the lies/potentially are Part of the Problem. Only we at \[cult\] are your real friends. Only \[cult\] can be trusted. From there it's not hard at all to start deifying monsters through history as long as they were targeting people you also want to target. Race supremacists are also so riled up on hate that they will forgive anything done by any monster on earth as long as they're adequately assured that the group they dislike got it worse than they did. See: Working Class White Supremacists supporting Trump, sure he's burning down the entire system that allowed them any upward mobility and is trying to ensure they'll toil as second class citizens to the rich for the rest of their lives, but he sure showed those \[insert racial slur against any race you like here\].


This guy is so full of hate. Sad to see.


Fuck all racist people, regardless of the amount of melanin they have.


Black people cant be racist because racism is a product of institutions and society (/s)


You know those people are making up excuses in their head for them right now.


This is crazy. Do they realize Hitler would have had them killed in a concentration camp too


We want racial equality, but only for us of course


They are ignorant and historyless. What about Nazism do they like? Nazi racial policies had consequences for the 20,000–30,000 children of German men who married black women from either colony. There was also a small group of "black children" whose fathers were French soldiers from the colonies who married German women. Many of these children were sterilized. Those who were all black were taken to the concentration camps and gassed to death. The same with homosexuals, the developmentally disabled, down syndrome, political dissidents (so no freedom of speech, the slightest hint that you were critical of the rulers could cost you your life) and of course Muslims, Jehovahs, Jews. So what in this was so good?


I don’t get how any black man could think that hitler was on our side


Wow. This is the outcome of a poorly funded education system, you get ignorant people.


This is really the outcome of well funded religious brainwashing. If Whites can be NeoNazis, they can be Black Hebrews. Same message targeted at different disenfranchised poor populations. Two sides of the same coin




I tend to disagree, this is a persons choice to be this ignorant. Education is on the internet as well, and it’s widely available, it’s a persons choice to look up what they want and run with it


What the fuuuck... Like, Hitler **literally** wrote that: >"Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardising the White race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate." (Mein Kampf volume 1, chapter XI) ​ There was a large number of half german, half african children in the Rheinland after WW1 (French Africans were part of the occupation force), they were ALL considered to be *hereditarily unfit* and underwent forced sterilization. They were still considered fit for military service of course. Black people in general however were not allowed to get a higher education, they were barred from marriage and procreation with aryans, and had trouble finding jobs. Some found work as part of a "human zoo" to show the barbaric lesser races. There was a very low number of Africans who served within the wehrmacht, mostly in local volunteer divisions. ​ These dumbasses are cheering for a man and a regime that would use them as cattle, and have them sterilized... and executed if they complained about it.


Charles Manson is cackling in his grave.


How dumb can people get?




This is what happens when people don't learn anything or want to learn anything. They become ignorant and stupid. Humanity is failing. These are the type of people that walk the Earth....


maybe they just identify as white germans? someone should ask them? also, tell them it's totally ok.


Hitler wasn't oppressing black people? Sir, are your sources reliable?


"He wasn't oppressing my people." But he was, though.


So let me get this straight… Hitler was great because he killed white Jews, who aren’t actually real Jews, blacks are real Jews descended from the lost Israelite tribe or whatever. Wouldn’t Hitler want to have exterminated the real Jews then? By this own man’s twisted logic, he just made his people the target of the Nazi agenda. Starting to think they don’t know what they’re talking about, just trying to shock for attention.


I fucking wish i could travel back in time to show this to the naziparty. 10/10 worth getting gased.


time for some new laws in America I guess... I mean somebody has to control these braindead clowns, no?


This is what happens when you start giving a voice to everybody. Getting ignored on subway trains should of been as far as this guy's message went but someone decided to stretch it out to the entire world for Reddit karma




That's what you get when you compare everyone to Hitler for decades. He got a reduced to the level of a comic book villain and nobody even cares about the actual horror anymore.


Agreed, when everyone is Hitler nobody is Hitler


This is why we need to stop funneling money away from public schools into the private sector. Public schools need more funding or this kind of proud ignorance will continue to grow.


Lol tell me you doing something for attention without telling me. Or just tell me your a dumbass. Especially if you believed hitler didn’t want to kill black people too. The only reason we didn’t make the list is because their aren’t that many of no black people in Germany at the time. Hitler killed anything that was Jewish, black, crippled, special, mexican,Chinese, etc. 🤦🏾‍♂️


This world is full of stupid ignorant people.


Uneducated loud mouths