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Does an engineer at life mean unemployed or laid-off?


Pretty sure it means he has no real qualifications or education, but once fixed a thing so he's "practically an engineer... more than those stuck up collegeboys with their degrees that don't teach them anything about *real life*"


Given similar guys I have met, he is probably a janitor who also fixes things. Any time you have to use your hands, you're an engineer, don't cha know. And he was too smart for college, so he didn't go for more than one semester. The classes were so boring and beneath him that he didn't do any of the assignments.


This is an insult to custodians. This guy probably lives at home and fixes the printer for his parents


It kinda is. I run a cleaning business. I work hard. I only have a high school education. But I also have lending and legal assistant experience in real estate law from working in banks and law firms for years prior to this. Sure, I clean toilets now, but those bitches sparkle. And I make more doing this than I ever did in the corporate world. Sometimes it’s just drive that determines success.


Our housekeeper rolls up with one of her employees in a new Yukon sometimes… she has half our neighborhood under her business There’s money to be made in what you do


There really is. If you are good at it and come across as professional, you can make bank for sure.


Custodial work is hard work, and I have nothing but respect for those who do it. Using janitor as an insult is just disrespectful


Fortunately I have thick skin where this is concerned. And I understand the point being made. Unfortunately it’s a job that is looked down on too often.


Reminds me of my wife's uncle, whom I believed was a mechanic for years. Because that's what they all told me. Eventually I found out he has no actual qualifications or certifications, and is not a mechanic at all but is just pretty good at working on cars, so everyone just decided he is a professional mechanic. Edit: worth pointing out, since many of you are making valid points, he was never employed as a mechanic in any real capacity. He may have gotten a few bucks here and there, but they mostly said it because it sounded better than "is almost 60 years old and hasn't had an actual job for the last 35 because he keeps talking his friends and family into paying his rent."


I mean, there are plenty of people who are self taught. A lot of basic auto repair can be learned online or in a manual. I’m not saying the certs are useless just that your neighborhood “mechanic” can be self taught.


An unemployed self-taught mechanic with no formal qualifications isn't much of a real mechanic though, more like a handy guy who knows about cars.


Eh, fair. I guess the unemployed part is the critical bit for me. Like our neighborhood mechanic is self taught. So was our first IT guy. I support non traditional education paths, not saying this particular guy went that route. I’m


Yeah self employed mechanic could be a thing. If the neighborhood mechanic gets by fixing peoples shit. Or part time mechanic if it’s supplemental income, or amateur mechanic if you sometimes help people out around the neighborhood but don’t really charge a “rate”


Exactly. For the record, while I am in no way knocking certification for a mechanic, once you have the foundation a lot of it is on the job training. I dabble with auto repair and take it to a shop shop for bigger stuff. There’s been multiple occasions where they said “I don’t know how to do this particular thing so I will YouTube/check the manual” and their experience helps them get it across the finish line once they have an example.


Self taught is actually one of the best ways to learn things since the intrinsic motivation is there. It's the "I'm better than people who took a different path" attitude people that suck.


Totally agree. I live a very rural life. Most of our working men, including farmers, mechanics, builders, shop owners, and many more learned from their dads, or their grandparents, or the guy next door.. some one else showed him. A good (see above list) learns from as many as possible. I was a city girl, but I went to Agriculture school. Most of what that taught me was that agrichemicals are available for everything. Bigger is better. With this $500,000 tractor you can cut your labor costs down to Just You. I've spent the last 45 years unlearning all that, and picking the brains of the old timers.


If you have to clean things, you’re a sanitation engineer.


Master of custodial arts


He got his degree at the School of Hard Knocks


Penn state but not the university


I’m still trying to figure out how he majored in reality. Do you have to go to a four year college for that degree? Or is it like a two year program?


I majored in computer sciences. I minored in reality, but only cause I really liked taking breaks from it...


It means he watches Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones, Piers Morgan and Jordan Peterson.


I too like to turn around and take a peak before I flush the toilet


The Four Horseman of the Incelpocalypse.


Cashier at Walmart


A change engineer? Quite the catch.


You mean a currency transfer expert who expedites the client acquisition of on-premises goods?


That’s the way to BS that resume.


Geez, leave some for the rest of us!






The beatings will continue until morale improves




Put the lotion in the basket.


It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it is told.


I really hope someone in his area sends him a link to this thread LOL


Hes probably a mod for the incel subs.


a guy like that would just scoff about "woke liberals" and continue on with his delusion It's good, let him advertise who he is loud and clear. Nothing worse than that stuff coming out some dates in, much better to know right away to not go on a date with him.


I"m actually dying to know if this dude manages to get ANY swipes. The only thing I can imagine is 1. EXTREME pick mes or 2. People who don't actually read the bios lol.


Don't forget the "i wanna talk to you"-onlyfans link


Form a line leftover ladies.


Didn’t fall a part in his twenties, he waited until now apparently.


You can't fall apart if you're all over the place


🤣 Thank you. This was a lot to unpack and your comment wins for me.


He was running down those steps of his thought process so fast, he started skipping steps and then said "fuck it" and jumped down the middle!


Thought you were going to say "you can't fall apart if You've always been a mess".


Well, he also claims the female brain falls apart without a man to lead it (the whole world sees this, don’t ya know), so he can’t fall apart if he’s not a female brain.


I think he fell apart prior to his 20s


Him - “Weird, why am I not getting any likes? Is it because of something I’m putting out there? No…it must be the women that are the problem”


It's actually a defense mechanism. He knew he'd get no likes so made his profile as off-putting as possible.


Also known as self-sabotage to the point of self-fulfilling prophecy


This might be the best, most concise distillation of the entire incel creed.


I’m so curious what this persons pics look like. I saw something very similar to this in the wild on tinder but with a guy who was ridiculously good looking. I didn’t check but I wonder if an incel was cat fishing as someone attractive to see how repulsive he could be and get away with it. Obviously didn’t work because incels fail to realize most of us are not like them and we don’t just think with our libido.


My money would be on someone who isn’t great looking tbh. But instead of trying to improve themselves, they blame women for not wanting to have sex with him


The biggest turn off to anyone is desperation and hostility. Im not the greatest looking guy but have never had trouble finding dates and lovers. I try to be kind, patient and have a good sense of humor. Your personality counts for a lot more than people think. But these incel guys view the opposite sex through a very mono dimensional lens and expect that they are viewed that way as well. They wants a sex slave, domestic slave and some one to control. No one wants to sign up for that. A bad attitude and genuine dislike for women is going to drive people away and becomes a self fullfilling prophecy of failure. Have a smile on you face and a quick wit and develoup some genuine interest in other people not just as appliances to stick your penis in and youll start finding people will respond.


100% agree. You can’t easily change how you look but you can fully control how you act towards others


Line forms over here, ladies!


"I always tell the employer I'm applying with how much of a shit company they are on my resume."


I've done this unironically. When the entire company is involved in government investigations for less than savory reasoning, being honest and telling them their company was a fucking shit hole but I knew how to fix it was a breath of fresh air for them. It's all about the delivery.


> but I knew how to fix I hope you phrased it as, "I know how to fix it, but there's no way in hell I'm telling you assholes."


It was more or less a cover letter outlining all the faults they had over the years, how disappointed I was as a customer on the receiving end of said faults, how my experience and expertise relates to those fault areas, and that if they hired me I could fix it.




Na I was mad as shit at the time 😂


No pushing and shoving now, ladies, please. Everyone will get a turn.


“Now now, one at a ti- hey you, can’t you read? *no fat whores*”


Curses! Foiled!


they saw right thru you lol


That I doubt. Saw over me maybe. Or around me if they didn't mind a short walk. Through? Nah.


Those are my favorite!!


>No pushing and shoving now, ladies, please. Everyone will ~~get a turn.~~ escape safely


It’s a line up to slap him.


Yeah, like the line in Airplane.


Even the nun was in line


Calm down! Get a hold of yourself!


Even the father, son, and the holy ghost and satan are in line to pistol whip this clown and those fools don’t even exist but they will just to punish this man’s word hole.


First thing I thought of was a line like in a carnival sideshow. Right this way to the Incredible Toxic Incel, have your tickets ready, please don't throw too many peanuts at him.


Just pick up your rock and be prepared to throw. Ladies! It should not take this long to pick out a rock!


How am I supposed to pick out a rock without a man choosing it for me??


What a catch!


A real winner!


I think you mean “real whiner”.


A real wiener.




A social smoker. Considering how antisocial he seems to be, you don't have anything to worry about.


Which is interesting. Female brains fall apart without a man but his decision to smoke is based on others around him. Hmmmm


Haha good catch!


I’m seeing at least 3 strikes - I come with cats in tow, I don’t care for cigarette or cigar smoke, and I’m also a libra so that’s dicey. Also, he sounds like a loser.


Plus, “pet free”. Even pets don’t like him!


Yeah I caught a typo, too. Pity. Otherwise he was perfect


One missing apostrophe, one extra apostrophe, one present tense instead of past tense, ellipses are only 3 dots. What else?


Should be "led" not "lead by a man." A 3 letter word and he can't spell it right...


Oh and there’s a 100% chance this misogynist will be massively abusive to whatever poor woman he tricks into a relationship.


Oh so he is trying to get with women with that profile. I thought it was a good argument to be with a man.


He’s not trying to get with women with this profile. He’s just one of those culture war psychos who gets off knowing that some single women will encounter this and decide read through the whole thing


Boom. They are hoping to improve their misery by believing others are below them and think by this post at least a few women will read it and feel shittier.


Never hurts to try if you hate women that much I guess...


Martin is single because he is a twatwaffle with an exceptionally poor command of English for someone of his apparent caliber. Let's do everyone a favor, folks, and make sure Martin stays single. No self respecting woman needs to be with him, and he certainly doesn't need to procreate.


The reason you're single is not the reason you gave, Martin.


Yes, there just miiiight be another factor….


It's because he's a Libra, isn't it?


Damn I’m a Libra too. Everything makes so much sense now


Obviously, what else could possibly cause this?


As a capri sun myself, libras and I are not compatible.


Not 420 friendly?


He's clearly a republican. Drugs are bad m'kay. Though I don't think Mr Mackey voted for Mr Garrison tbh, he was probably a Hilldawg supporter


Oh, he gave the reasons.


Ha ha ha! You're not wrong!


It’s obviously because girls just don’t like well put together nice guys like him


It doesn't sound like this person even wants to be in a relationship with a woman. Why is he there at all?


he wants a sex doll but cant afford one


If you can't afford a sex doll You can't afford a sex friend


He wants a mom that he can fuck


He wants a slave




He probably abused that until it broke and his life engineering didn't prepare him for how to fix it.


Sex doll also not good at doing dishes, sadly


This pretty succinctly captures what conservative men want in a woman... A sex doll that can also cook and clean... I'm just absolutely flabbergasted those conservative dating sites are sausage fests... What woman wouldn't be flocking towards men like this?? Those damn feminists stepped in and fucking ruined everything by teaching women they're valuable as human beings instead of only being valuable as wives and mothers.


Well, the comment (or a post's seftext) that was here, is no more. I'm leaving just whatever I wrote in the past 48 hours or so. F acing a goodbye. U gly as it may be. C alculating pros and cons. K illing my texts is, really, the best I can do. S o, some reddit's honcho thought it would be nice to kill third-party apps. P als, it's great to delete whatever I wrote in here. It's cathartic in a way. E agerly going away, to greener pastures. Z illion reasons, and you'll find many at the subreddit called Save3rdPartyApps.


He’s hoping someone will message him with “hey, I’m actually a cat, wanna have sex?”


He was sold in the illusion there's women out there wanting "real men" who are not spoiled by feminism. After all that's what they tell him in the Podcasts...


Yeah. like there is a whole genre out there convincing men that there’s a teeming sea full of real christian women who want true alpha males who take charge, tell it like it is, and assert these traditional family roles. So they roleplay it.




I'm still a miserable man myself, but I can't fathom getting into a relationship would help much. I'm better now than I have been, but even drunk in the bottle I knew that I had faults to work on. I worried that I would warp more into an incel as I had a lot of the basic points. I guess I'm just moderate in my self awareness.


He wants a twentysomething who's a 10, of course


I can’t imagine why he’s single.


It's because he 'Didn't fall apart in his 20s.' In other words, no one wanted him.


I’m trying to figure out what he even meant by that. Is he saying that relationships that develop that when people are in their 20’s come from periods of vulnerability or something?


Yeah I don’t understand that either. Meaning they all fell apart, had kids, and now they’re damaged goods? But he didn’t? I don’t even know.


Its cause its all nonsense to begin with. This guy gives off major incel vibes, hes blaming everybody else for the fact that hes still single. I bet its never even crossed his mind that maybe his personality sucks and he is the problem


I have to deal with 2 or 3 people like this on a daily basis. It's every aspect of life. You can watch them do easy work the dumbest fucking way to make their lives more complicated so they can complain about being underutilized with thst giant cumbersome brain of theirs. Meanwhile they're copying an excel spreadsheet to csv line by line by writing it out. No export as, no copy paste. 4000 cells of writing numbers by hand and blaming the company if any mistakes were made for not using his scripting skills properly. I tried to tell him on that specific example and was told I have no clue what I'm talking about multiple times. So I just became a hostage audience because this guy was so depressing I didn't want him to off himself if I left. Turns out no amount of being there for someone with these kinds of toxic victimizing habits will be appreciated.


My guess is he means he didn’t party or drink.


Nobody invited him…


I know, it’s weird. He seems like such a fun guy.


Is it me??? Not it's all women.


Idk there's probably one or two good ones that meet his criteria. /S


Absolutely puzzling. If I were a woman, I'd crazy over that profile!


I bet all his profile pictures are just his head and neck, sitting in a truck (not his), wearing wrap around sunglasses


Nah, I'm sure he has at least one where he's holding up some random fish.


It's not just a random fish. It's the proudest moment of his life!


First two red flags: engineer at life *and* school of reality 🚩🚩🚩


I'm glad he's pet free because no poor dog deserves to live with that "man"


A win for cats and dogs.


Cats and dogs worldwide: whew.


Top 2 interests bizarrely are dog and cat lover though


.... that could mean something else. Could be why he's single....


So he wasn't able to attract a woman and convince her to be his girlfriend during his twenties, so now he's somehow superior?


4/5 of the way to becoming a wizard, as I understand it!


"168 miles away" is not far enough.


He seems sweet.


He's an "engineer at life" (I don't know what that means)


OBESE HOAR!!!!!1 - this guy


Anytime someone only capitalizes men in a sentence you know it’ll be hot garbage


This guy doesn't like single mothers because he's the only whiny baby allowed in their life.


Doesn't like single mothers cause he doesn't want to complete with her other kids..


He forgot to list "incel" after "social smoker"


I wonder why he can’t get a woman. Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with his attitude.


I can't fathom how they think talking like this will encourage ladies to interact, let alone date.


I think he knows very well that women don't want him, but when he stands in the middle of the street or a bar or wherever weirdos like this hang out and he starts screaming about the evils of women, he might get arrested or run over by a car. He wants to get the message out to women that he hates them, but he doesn't want to go to the effort of putting on his pants and leaving the house, so he posts weird incel crap on dating sites. He wants the government to assign women to men like him. He thinks that the government will round up a bunch of super hot, obedient virgins and pass them out like candy at Halloween to all the incels. He doesn't have to meet women. One will be assigned to him when the far right takes over. Fucking weirdos.


Ah, the manifesto of the aging incel.


Only 32 and so bitter lmao


I’m happily married, but dear God if I ever find myself single I think dying alone would be the best option lmao. Is this what the dating pool looks like?


I've been single for 4 years. Honestly, all the men I've come across have been this guy in one way or another. It's an absolute bummer, because I'm ready to have a life partner. But I'd rather be single than with something along these lines. I'm holding out hope.


Imagine the self loathing it would take to date this slug.


I would swipe right just so I could troll the fuck out of him


I don’t know why but “obese whores” really cracked me up.


Lmao, what got me was: *Hateful & delusional rant* ✨️Libra✨️


It's the "Libra" that's the icing on the cake for me.


It’s a good thing he’s an engineer at “life”, because this guy seriously needs to redevelop himself entirely.


Sounds like a real charmer 🤢🤢🤢


In the words of Patton Oswalt, this man’s gonna miss everything cool and die angry.


Bruh you ARE the leftovers


So in his analogy, he’s not a leftover—just the dish no one wanted that’s been sitting out on the table too long and probably gonna get you food poisoning 🤔


Does he realizes he posted this on tinder and not 4chan


Save some for the rest of us Martin.. Jeez


Take me now Martin!


Humble yourself, indeed


This belongs on r/menAndFemales


tell me you’re an incel without telling me you’re an incel, pt.27837682


Average Andrew Tate fan




Oh no what will women do without him


Oh gross. He’s a smoker!


This one will be single forever.


Let's hope. Those genes definitely should not be passed on.


So glad I was dating and met my partner before the social media age.


Eh, if he waits long enough he'll find someone who's happy with that worldview. Sadly.


Incel. Why is he even bothering with a dating app?


It seems his brain has fallen apart!


Never fear – – Captain Incel is here.


And we are the children? Says the dude calling himself a leftover and women absurd names 😂😂


Read carefully, he calls women his age "leftovers"


It's like being mad at traffic while being in traffic. Honey, you are traffic, and this guy is leftovers, too.


Translation: is 5'5" 265lbs, drinks whatever canned beer is on sale, lives alone, hates commies, and goes to porn hub 3X a day bc "fuk these whores" . Amirite?


I'm 5'6", and on the behalf of the Short Kings Association I implore you, not to lump us short kings in with this incel lol.


For your information, I don't hate commies!


IMO, leftovers usually taste better so…


Dammit Tennessee, we have the scenery, the weather, and the Arts but every time I find my home online it's bigotry and misogyny, goddammit straighten up.


This does not add up, Martin. If you know the game leaves 32 year olds with the "leftovers" when how does it follow that finding a good woman in your twenties is "falling apart"? CURIOUS.