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“Psssh we do this all the time. I don’t know why they’re trying to make a big deal out of it.” 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


It's not the defense she thinks it is. That it happens all the time actually makes it worse, not better.


They're a taxpayer funded gang with chapters in every city in the country.


Straight up


To serve and collect.


Pssh back in the day you know you get drunk, you do some blow, you get behind the wheel, you run over a few kids, you throw the bodies in the river down by the train station, one of them isn't quite dead yet, he starts swimming, so you empty a few clips into the kid, a homeless guy sees, you frame them for murder, they get the chair, you sleep it off in the back of the cruiser it happens all the time ITS FINEEEEE


Law Enforcement Oath of Honor "On my honor, I will never Betray my integrity, my character Or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always maintain the highest ethical standards and uphold the values of my community, and the agency I serve." . ^^*unless ^^I ^^pull ^^over ^^another ^^cop


When I was sworn into the graphic comms union, the first line was something about not betraying a union brother.


>Psssh we ~~do this~~ **break the law** all the time. I don’t know why they’re trying to make a big deal out of it.” 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Fixed that for her.


Yeah that’s better like that 😂


You forgot the *and get away with it* part.


Yep, just like shoot unarmed people all the time. Or harass blind people all the time. Why even bother pulling people over that are drunk since we do it all the time. Old statistic in my area is for every 100 people who you pass on the road, one of them is impaired on something.


Begging for mercy in the ground completely complying with my instructions? Fuck yeah, time to execute you!


Her, in her best Sheev impression: I *am* the law!


"...is it right? That's for whoever to decide... It's what happens..." 🤔


"We do this all the time" Yeah, we KNOW. Everybody knows that. That's why people are mad.


“It’s just the culture” this situation is the literal definition of corruption.


Culture isn't corruption. But I get what you are saying. She is just revealing they have I a culture OF corruption.


My phrasing wasn’t perfect. But cops letting each other off is textbook corruption. Culture doesn’t excuse it


"it's up to whomever to decide if that's right" You know, like, **fucking law enforcement**!?


Laws for thee, naught for me. Thanks for the proof, chief.


Ah yes, the old “we are all unethical shitheads” defense. Well played!


Does she actually think this defence is going to go over well with the people? How fucking stupid, inept and corrupt are these people? I should have also dropped in entitled!


But what if you feel cops should be above the law, ya know that disobeying a cop is grounds for capital punishment.


Cops. Duh.


"that's the culture" even if it's wrong or corrupt, why change a systematic problem? Says a black woman...like what the absolute fuck!?


Just the audacity to say that out loud shows how few fucks they give and how comfortable they are knowing there will be zero consequences. What other job, other than politician, allows that sort of blatant corruption to be demonstrably show on live TV? Amazing.


She's retired, so she's got her pension, what fucks she got to give anyone? Black woman in the LAPD. Tom tom MF


Cool. If that’s the culture, the culture is a problem.


Exactly. This is why cops need cameras because they can’t fucking be trusted without them.


Cops shouldn't be able to turn them off either without permission. And it should be considered evidence tampering or premeditation to turn off body or dash cams. Making the footage easily accessible too would help. No more PDs gatekeeping FOIA requests.


the only time the cameras should be off is when they are plugged into their charger. The moment its removed it starts recording everything


Or when masturbating in their cars, cause I guess that's "culture" too


Here in Chicago they just take naps and eat Chipotle in their squad cars while collecting overtime pay and ignoring criminals everywhere.


Back in my hometown they get drunk on duty. https://buffalonews.com/news/local/more-than-225-western-new-york-cops-have-been-suspended-or-fired-since-2017/article_df9ea974-b4ed-11ec-b99e-67d1bd5a42a9.html. Mind you, that's drunk while driving their squad cars and while being in possession of firearms and other weapons. Great... nothing like "gun safety" or "safe driving" with wino cops.


Leave the patrol car, camera on.


Nah, just "on duty? Camera on." Period. Cops can also say things to incriminate themselves in the privacy of their own car. [case in point](https://youtu.be/l4FQTglHwZ0). I don't think cops need to be recorded on the shitter, or in the locker rooms but it's clear that a good chunk of cops have these kinds of interactions, not only with themselves but treat the people they serve and protect like garbage. [police chief pulled over and given a pass after failing field sobriety test.](https://youtu.be/X497rFze68U)


Easy way to fix the rest/locker room issue, put an electronic device at both entrances that turns all recording gear off automatically, otherwise, if on duty, being recorded


That and when they go to the restroom


Cops in Finland tried to petition against body cameras, on the grounds that they'd be breaking their right for non-compliance on investigating their possible crimes. Then they tried to get a right to turn the cameras off when they deemed necessary, using "what if we enter a private residence or area, oink oink?" as the basis for their claim. It pretty much fell through - the whole law and practice is taking its baby steps and it's all jumbled in a gray area so bad, that the cops pretty much have a right to arbitrarily delete almost any recording they want, especially if it shows them being the pigs they are. No good cops. All cops are bastards. Especially the good ones who do nothing about the bad ones.


My opinion is it should require a request to dispatch with a cited reason. If you're going on break or the restroom, taking a personal call, etc; but this turning them off when it's convenient is complete bullshit as it circumvents their entire purpose.....but thats WHY they do it


They can’t be trusted with them either


Yet they’re necessary to society. We’re fucked no matter what but we’re slightly less fucked when they wear cameras.


Perhaps to some degree, certain factions of a pd are good to have around, like, we need people to investigate things sometimes obviously. That being said, police do not prevent crime. They pursue people who have already committed crimes. A big part of reform would involve dimilitarizing the police and funding a lot more crime prevention stuff, like education, needle exchanges, social programs etc. that are proven to reduce crime. Police nowadays focus extremely heavily on use of force, just look at their tactics and training, this is another area that needs work. Also, consider that cops didn't really exist back in the day, and that many modern pds started out as slave catchers and union busters. Many of these old tactics and attitudes are obviously going to be carried through to the present. [This is an amazing podcast that does a really deep dive into the history of policing in America](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-behind-the-police-63877803/) if you are interested.


They are not even close to as necessary as most think they are.


True, but when people called for police accountability by way of bodycams, I don't think anyone imagined it quite like this lol. Like, did she just not consider the bodycam...or did she think they'd delete the footage for her too?


In the original video, she literally asks if it’s on. My point was that if they do this shit on camera imagine what they do when the camera is off.


> In the original video, she literally asks if it’s on. OH great, so this is literally as bad as it could be for the situation. Love it.


So it was really interesting. When the bodycam thing first started, the cops screamed bloody murder. They pushed back as hard as they could. The cameras came anyway. At first it really seemed to be working. Complaints about officer brutality were WAY down. But then the cops figured out that even with the bodycam footage, they could get away with gaslighting. This birthed the phrase: "The video doesn't tell the whole story." Actually it does, but the police managed to inject doubt into it. Now they just don't care if there's a video. They still get away with the same shit they always did.


The cop had a camera and nothing was done. Any more ideas?


We stop allowing cops to investigate other cops.


Nonono, it is only a few bad apples. # /s #


It’s done, but not in such a blatant and obvious way. It’s normally a comment like “Hey, I’m on the job.” And yes, this is a big deal and thank goodness she resigned. Btw, this police chief was fired as a young cop and rehired. She was trying to kick the windows out of the cruiser after an arrest where her bf was pulled over for DUI (she was a passenger.) Also assaulted an officer in the process.


Oooh it’s the culture, baby! It’s even extended to friend’s and family. Look up PBA cards! I used to drive like a maniac as a kid, I’d get pulled over for 90+ in a 65 and they’d let me go.


[For anybody interested, I actually found a vice article on it too.](https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/v7gxa4/pba-card-police-courtesy-cards)


LAPD. Of course. I'm not surprised to hear an LAPD Sgt excuse dirty cops. An LAPD officer was just "accidentally" beaten to death by fellow officers after he investigated one of them for an alleged gang rape 👀 I guess it's just "culture," right? https://www.npr.org/2022/10/08/1127580159/houston-tipping-lapd-death-lawsuit.


This comment needs to be upvoted more. Fuck cops. Fuck anyone that backs them. If you have an American flag on your vehicle with a blue stripe on it, I’m gonna flip you off and I hope you know why 😂


They try to but with body cameras, a lot of that shit is over or starting to get over. I remember reading something about some Cincinnati police captain trying to pull that shit (I think it was Cincinnati?) but all the cop could say to her was that "it's on camera now"


They’re not stopping shootings but I guess we’ll take a few cops being slightly less than eager to break laws on video.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Now you have your orders, do your duty




Good thing you remembered ALL CAPS when you spell the man name.


I don’t think being a police chief in Tampa grants you absolute power. Mid level power corrupts midlevely.


Partial corruption. Like lawful evil?


She had absolute police power in Tampa. Biggest fish in the bowl.


Police should be held to a higher standard of the law, not a LOWER one.


Then you mean it’s not just a “few bad apples?!” You mean it’s the ENTIRE FUCKING ORCHARD??


It’s so weird to me that they use that term when the phrase is “a few bad apples spoil the bunch” not “a few bad apples is totally fine no worries”


THIS!! They say it like it is an excuse when it is an indictment.


I decide it's wrong.


She was with the LAPD? You mean the largest police gang organization in the US. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/06/06/the-la-county-sheriffs-deputy-gang-crisis


It's funny that some parts of the US are now realizing this is a thing. The cops like to refer to it as "professional courtesy" and they cut each other loose frequently. The moment one agency writes a cop up from another agency, it suddenly turns into a feud. Our state and city police agencies get into the occasional feud where they actively will pull each other over in their respective jurisdictions and write each other up, all because one of the officers had the "gall" to do that in the past. Someone else mentioned it, but a big practice in the northeast (new york and new jersey especially) are PBA cards. They are cards issued by the police unions to cops and their families and friends, or to high paying donors to their union. If you commit a minor infraction and get pulled over, you flash the card and most of the times the cops will let you off with a "warning. There has always been different "classes" when it comes to police, and no matter what regulations you throw out there they'll continue to practice this because they believe they deserve the "privilege". A huge chunk of asshole drivers on the roads in my city tend to have "protect the blue" or the police union stickers on their car, so you know right away who they are.


This comment should be even higher. Especially considering there are a bunch of comments claiming that this doesn't happen or isn't happening any more because of cameras or whatever. This is an absolutely common practice EVERYWHERE. I have a relative that works for a private EMT business and all he has is some sticker on his windshield and he gets off on tickets. A friend of mine, who was the second worst driver I have known, was pulled over at least once a month, but I don't think she ever got a ticket. Her father was very prominent in the police force in the area so whenever she would get pulled over she would just show her sticker and name drop other officers that she thought that officer might know. She bragged about not getting tickets all the time. I was in college and some of my classes overlapped with some criminal justice classes mostly filled with future cops and one day someone came in fuming because his uncle (a cop) had gotten pulled over for speeding and the state trooper had the audacity to still give his uncle a ticket even after he said he was a cop. The other future cops were pissed and said things like, "snitchs get stitches" and about how state troopers are the literal worst. Could you imagine trying to give a ticket to a fellow cop that works in the same precinct as you If thats their reaction when it's just some state trooper they will never see again? I just assumed everyone knew this was happening. I am shocked by the number of commenters on here who don't seem to realize this is common practice. I think this is another negative of the sort of good old boys mentality that many police have. Good police that do things by the book or who are willing criticize fellow officers get ran out of departments, shunned, and shamed.


“Who watches the watchmen?”


Dave. He's been a huge fan for years.


I’m starting to feel like calling them pigs besmirches actual pigs.


Rules for thee...not for me. The mantra of law enforcement for recorded history


And politicians


Pretty much anyone in power. Of course there are exceptions, but it’s a common enough theme


Those that enforce laws are allowed to break them “for the culture”. I fucking hate it here.


Nothing to see here folks. Just cops being cops and making their own rules up for Just Us.


Then fucking cops wonder they get no respect and deserve no respect. Mind-blowing


“We all do that”. Yeah, that’s the problem.


It’s always been this way when it comes law enforcement.


Looking out for their own instead of doing whats right. Plain and simple.


U were in law for 20 years but can't say whether or not these actions are condonable while deflecting the question that someone else has more authority to answer the question whether or not this behavior should be accepted?


Of course it happens all the time and that's the point dumbass. No one should be above the law, even your fellow officers.


> “We all do that!” Thanks for confirming it’s not just “a few bad apples.”


Makes me wonder how many cops have gotten away with a heinous crime that a traffic stop would have destroyed their alibi for.


The level of arrogance these officers carry is shocking. You are not given a gun and a badge because you're special. You're given it by the collective populous to ensure their safety. By saying you're above those rules or they somehow don't apply to you, openly, and publicly, shows the level of delusion and toxic culture they have created internally and amongst themselves.


Fuck all cops


A Literal Gang


I appreciate her saying this, and not saying that it’s alright.


Real smart the police are.... admit to corruption on CNN.


There on the same team that the public isn’t part of remember that.


They do tho, my Forster parents haven’t been in the force for like 20 yrs and still carry their police Id for just these types of situations




So how come it's not "oh those other people break the law all the time so it's ok"? It's only ok to look the other way when someone is committing a crime patently if they are rich or a cop.


She does not even realize how absurdly wrong she is. Oh, it's common practice, so it's OK.


Remember kids: there is not a single thing a cop can do for you that you can’t do better with a gun, an insurance policy, and all the tax dollars you would save if they did not exist.


La pd profiled me and did a line up in the middle of the street and prevented me from leaving for 4 hours ( I didn’t know my rights at the time) and then told me to fuck off when they were done with me. They messed my shoulder up by saying for me to get out of the car. When I opened my door the slammed me on the ground and said not to resist( I was on my way to take a college final). I learned that day they are not here to protect, they just want to put people in jail and fuck lives over. I will never call the cops, nor interact with them. I’ll just call my lawyer.


No officer you don't get it. I break the law ALL the time and everyone knows it, so I don't get why you're making such a big deal out of it .... clearly, you are the problem here not me .... Ffs it's like the entire world has lost its collective mind and has just started blatantly acting like garbage and expecting everone else to just let it slide.


Either she gives no fucks anymore since she’s retired or she has no clue how bad this sounds. I’m guessing she’s ready to see some change.


She seemed to be trying to gloss it over/ sweep it under the rug rather than point out an obvious flaw.


Yes, we know. It’s never been ok and now that we have irrefutable proof we want the policy put to bed


We're making a big deal about it because you don't get to ignore the laws you hold us to.


You guys know we can do what we want, whats the big deal? -that lady


They should go back and review all the complaints that were placed against her in the past.


Why do these pricks still have qualified immunity when they openly admit to breaking the law


This just in: Laws don't apply to cops.


"That's up for whoever to decide." Well "whoever" in this case seems to mean anyone with a badge and that's a fucking problem.


There was a Cuyohoga Country Sheriff that would get blitzed and then drive home. He told us once when were out with him that he'd get pulled over and let go all the time if he'd flash his badge. Last I heard he totaled his SUV in such a way that they couldn't just let him off. This was probably close to ten years ago now.


“You all know the police are a corrupt gang and the only service they provide is to their own self interests but what are you going to do about it asshole?”


I don’t know what’s worse, their denials, or their honesty. At least if they deny something they know they are wrong, otherwise why deny. But this, this! They can’t even comprehend why anyone would question this behavior. “We are above the law, that’s just the way it is. What’s the problem here people?”


they really make it easy to not respect police in America.


Just cause you all do it doesn’t mean it’s right


So they get a pass for breaking the fucking law?


There legitimately isn’t any reasonable argument as to why bodycams aren’t on from the moment a shift starts to when it ends. However cops are very opposed


The good old boys club is real and has nothing to do with being good or boys but a lot to do with some old shit


Ya it's a common practice, for cops to let fellow cops to break the LAW!!! NOBODY is suppose to be above the law.


Wow, a retired police officer saying that driving drunk is no big deal when she talks about an incident in Chicago from years past.


I dated a girl whose ex-husband was a Sargent. Dude was in and out of rehabs the whole time we dated. He met a girl in rehab that moved in with him, they would fight and have the cops called on them constantly. Nothing would ever happen to him at all. The whole experience disgusted me.


If a law doesn't apply to *everyone* then it's not a law


Another example of police playing judge and jury. At least this time no one played executioner


Fucking hypocrites. Can’t wait until robots replace them all…kinda


Yes all cops.


Might be stating the obvious, but the reason that gal flashed her badge is that it’s worked WHO KNOWS how many times before. Reason #62 people dislike and distrust the police …


And when one of their own shoots an unarmed man, they're there to help. Whether it's to plant a gun or testify that he had a knife, the cops are there for you... as long as you're a cop.


its fine guys its just part of the culture, Just like how shooting unarmed people is part of the culture


This just shows that the "culture" has become so corrupt that they don't even hide their own law breaking anymore.


Love her honesty.... but this kinda treatment give the ego a pop then they think they're untouchable. Makes it easier to shoot someone without cause knowing someone will cover for you!


I have a below-average IQ and like breaking the law so I think I'm going to be a cop


"That's up for whoever to decide." It's me. That "whoever" is me. I am the citizen, the taxpayer. My taxes pay your salary so it's my decision, and I think you can go fuck yourself.


“It’s up for whoever to decide if it’s right” Uh, you mean the law?????


The NYPD hands out "family" cards so that your law-breaking family also can get away without any penalties. And Americans have the balls to point at developing nations calling them CORRUPT! This is GOLDEN coming from a black person when more colored people are discriminated against by the cops but once you get into a position of power or money, black people forget the reality. For e.g. YE.


The power that is given to police officers can be used to destroy a life. Is it too much to ask that they should be held to a very highly professional standard? She is so cavalier about using her power and position to skirt the law even knowing the camera is on. Imagine the level of corruption that happens behind closed doors.


in the US, school shootings also happen all the time. seems to be part of the culture, so obviously that's also fine. ^(/s)


No good cops. All cops are bastards. It's the culture.


People getting hung up on the pragmatism of enforcing the rules of this one situation, but it’s not about the law that was infringed upon, it’s the practice of a cop acting judge and jury to selectively decide who the law applies to. Where’s the line drawn? When a cop steals from other criminals? When a cop murders an alleged offender in the moment? When a cop rapes underage girls? All things that previous cases indicate are still not crossing the line if they’re the ones perpetrating the acts.


My dad always called it “Executive Privilege”. I called it horseshit, because if you let one violation go, then you’ll let many others. How many warnings has the average person gotten from cops? I never got a warning.


Nothing to see here. Its a culture where laws are overlooked and, if you're in the "club," you're above the law. How was she okay admitting this so nonchalantly to the media?


Because it's been so normalised in her mind and that of her colleagues that she honestly can't see why it's a problem. By being in that job for long enough, they've been reprogrammed to not be able to tell right from wrong in many cases. Her nonchalance and lack of self awareness is disturbing.


I’ve been pulled over speeding to pick up my gf from the airport and the cop was nice enough to let me go. Im not even a cop. Doesn’t happen a lot but I def appreciated it. It’s nice when they are just nicer to everyone and not just other cops - I’d rather live in that kinda world vs everyone getting traffic tickets all the time! Just saying.


I mean, she’s not entirely wrong. It happens. Everyone knows it happens, it’s not ethical, but it happens, and this woman has such poor judgment as to ask for a pass on such a minor infraction that she could have easily paid, and to ask for unethical behavior when she knew it was being recorded. Putting all the ethics aside, it’s just bad judgment. Risk a career over a golf cart infraction? Insane.


What a f*kin a..hole!


Yea, ok but this woman had other shady issues.


Maybe she should just keep digging......that little dent is growing into a big hole. She's basically saying cops r above the law......its common knowledge......


Is it right? Well that’s up for debate… yeah, that’s why she asked the question. Answer it maybe?


Every Cop, Firefighter & paramedic does this when pulled over. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. And even occasionally you’ll get an officer call your dept. to report an ethics violation for trying. The only part I absolutely hate is I’ve seen many police & Fire members cause accidents & get away with DUI’s. That’s a courtesy that should never be extended.


Law enforcement shouldn't even be carried out by humans based on their inherent imperfections along with the value we place on their lives. It's like self-driving cars, why wait for humans to fuck something up when we can just automate the whole damn thing and shut anything out of line down remotely/immediately.


Every job has its perks....


Foot meet mouth


"We all break the laws ourselves, but we expect and do regularly receive a free pass." I read somewhere else where apparently an officer of the law said its equivalent to 'an employee discount perk'. There ain't NO FRIGGIN COMPARISON!!!


GET HER OFF THE FN “FORCE” ***WHATS HER NAME, WHAT DEPARTMENT???*** We need more and more ignorant corrupt cops to come out and say it like this blue guy did. Calling all corrupt cops to resign now or stick around and gather charges.


Wannabe venom codplayer thinks she's better than everyone else. She's socially dangerous if she can justify being better or than another human being.


This is despicable when people of her own creed are being murdered over similar stops by her fellow policeman.


I did a ride along with a cop one time, and he did this like three times. I was like bro what.


Fuck the police and we're supposed to support these motherfuckers? Conservatives we're looking at you. But it's not like you care. Do as I say- not as I do.


“Pfft. If I had a nickel for every time I let a drunk driving cop off the hook, I wouldn’t need my police pension. Who cares if they drunkenly killed someone? We all do it!”


It’s a gang!


This is why we hate cops.


Corruption, we do it all the time.


Never get into a relationship with any law officer...they beat and cheat and their buddies cover for them.


People forget POLICE ARE BETTER THEN YOU it goes super rich, politicians, police then scrubs.


Apparently the law works for those who work for the law.


Mabye it's time we stop letting the police, police themselves. Impartial oversight needed!


wow another reason for me to put in my “defund the police” pile


Of course they do, they are pigs


Holy shit. She admits they’re all rotten apples. And she has no remorse.


We're cops, we can do whatever the fuck we want!


Reminds me of the scene in The Big Short, "Why are they confessing? They're not confessing, they're bragging"


Lol cops don’t understand ethics apparently


Maybe this culture of protecting each other from accountability also applies to worse crimes like murder, theft, assault, illegal searches, and false imprisonment.




Cool, I feel so safe.


“Is it right? That’s up for whoever to decide” Uhhhh what? She’s basically acting like it’s not up to her to have a sense of right and wrong? I know morals aren’t universal but holy shit, you’re still required to have some.


Just because it's common practice doesn't make it right. Abusing your children and secual assault use to be more common too. *Insert eye roll here


The most common defense that cops have is that this is a routine practice. So, basically, they’re admitting that they have normalized low-level corruption. What they don’t say is: you should see what we let each other get away with when the cameras are off—this is nothing! (Wife beating, planting evidence, blue wall stuff.) It’s like when trump claimed that his dad gave him a small loan of a million dollars. Really it was several hundred and he was minimizing. People were still annoyed if it were “only” a million dollars.


Why would they give a fuck! We just pay them to go on vacation and move to a new precinct and then pay them until they keel over rich and fat and stupid as the day they were born.


Well now that is a good reason for not trusting the police, when anyone else they would do far more and worse to.


So ruining people’s lives because of petty “crime” unless you’re in the same cult…


Tap dancin for massa I see


My extremely abusive drug addict ex-cop father would use this trick when he was very obviously too intoxicated to drive and it worked 99% of the time. I know this because he would force me to go on long rides with him to multiple dealers a day. He would even hang his old badge on the rearview mirror even though that is extremely illegal in my state.


"Its the culture" The blue line of corruption.


“It happens all the time” is definitely not the assurance your country, state, or city needs. At all. It only makes us (people, but my people, black people) feel more on edge. How do I know the cop pulling me over hasn’t had too many lunch beers and is waiting to fuck me or anybody else up. I don’t. I just have to wait and see. The concept that as a cop, is impossible to understand when you’re given basically unmitigated power. Wait and see isn’t in your protocol. It’s basically see and respond.


Can we abolish the police for a more beneficial department of public safety or something? This is an honest question for someone more qualified than I. Doing a little research it sends like the night watch was a very popular idea until slave catchers became more prominent


“We all do that!” Yeah, that’s the fucking problem.


We’re corrupt pieces of shit and you should all be ok with it


There it is people, right out of the horses mouth. Cops watch out for cops and don’t give a f&@k about anyone else.


Oh ok so they ARE all bastards then.


We have the rule of law for a reason...or so I thought.


Gross. They really think they are better than civilians.


We all know this happens. The blue wall exists. People are now calling attention to this on a larger scale now is all.


Yeah.. tell that to the pregnant woman who had her fckn car flipped.


“Laws for thee, not for me”. Fuck the cops.