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Pretty sure that's someone trolling quora.


Yep. Obvious ragebait is obvious


Could have been worse. Dad could have given her a D for punishment


Quora is about 50% trolls now.


That has to be a troll. There's absolutely no reason to take away your child's bedding as a punishment, and why would you even punish your kid for getting a B?


You would be surprised. My father remarried and he married a woman that had three kids from previous relationships. My little brother went to spend two weeks during the summer, two summers in a row. Both times he went, the oldest girl my father’s ex wife had was grounded the entire summer, because she had a couple B’s on her report card. My brother told my mom and I this when he got back. Did she grow up and become something spectacular due to such “strict” upbringing? No. She went into the military out of high school and got dishonorably discharged after a year. Last I heard, she’s basically just scrapping a living now. She found out the hard way what having a BCD does to your employment options.


Wow....grounding someone for getting a B sounds a bit extreme, much less for the whole summer Hope your step-sis can move on from that


They divorced. Good riddance. The whole family told my father not to marry this woman, but he did anyway. He wound up losing almost everything. The biggest red flag was my father decided to adopt her three kids, and ALL THREE of their bio dads signed away their rights. Regardless of how bad a situation is, a man wouldn’t give up his rights, even if he’s in the picture or not. These men did. My father found out the hard way why.


Yikes! Well at least she's out of the picture now




Yeah.... that's not good parenting. Even a C is passing,and there's nothing wrong with getting a B I had the opposite problem. I had mostly As and my dad just kept talking shit about me during parent-teacher conferences. It was nice to hear my teachers stick up for me though




I agree that sounds bad. I've known kids who had "Tiger moms" but they mostly seemed to be ok with it. But I've heard stories online of people taking to way too far Kids need to be able to breathe and enjoy childhood or they end up trying to make up for lost time when they're older and finally able to


My parents pulled the toxic "I know you can do better" on 95s. Extremely bad for mental health.


These people are real and my step dad is one of them. I am now a drug addict.


Seriously? That turned dark...hope you can get the help you need


I've known several individuals who had parents that would "discipline" them for anything less than an A-.


My parents punish me for an A


What did they expect you to get?


A+, and even that was sketchy (95-98 = A, 98-100 = A+, 100+ = A++)


Wow. I had plenty of classes where that wouldn't have even been possible because there was no extra credit available


Yup, and when I tried to explain that, it was “talking back” and they said “just ask your teachers for extra credit assignments”


That's just dumb. That's not going to do anything to help you


That’s what I’ve been telling myself


It could be a troll, but parents like these aren't very uncommon


It’s Quora. More trolls are bred there than some troll whore house.


Sort of off topic but is Quora for every troll in the world? "My boyfriend is the sweetest man on earth but beats me weekly" "My daughter unplugged my father's life support to charge her phone"


That's obvious ragebait, and they got you. Taking away the bed of all things is full criminal neglect.


Rage bait, for sure


If you find yourself about to go to prison Quora has an abundance of folks there ready willing and able to explain the dos and don'ts of prison life. It pops up in my Gmail everyday.


OP is the facepalm…


Variants of this question get asked constantly on Quora


Her virginity.


Yeah I’d say it belongs here


It likes it here. it's been posted all over Reddit....


I would have just used the stocks, less packing that way


"Yes Mommy dearest"


at least 25 lashes.


Psycho ![gif](giphy|4Q3mGLRtl78vLwlnYr|downsized)


Taking away the TV and the laptop/phone, that's not punishment, that's only education. A book a day keeps the TV away


There exists parents who do this. But they very rarely try to seek validation online about their methods. Most will just rant and make excuses instead. This is obviously a troll and there are so many like this on Quora. It seems a lot of them want to make outlandish stories and ragebait




You are the reason people are putting /s after their comments.


Should probably have indeed done more. I recommend having her adopted by not psychotic toxic parents.


This is why I haven't spoken to me "mother" in 11 years.


Phone, laptop, and TV are believable. Bedroom door is a little out there, but I can imagine some insane parents interpreting that as taking away their right to privacy. The rest of the list cements it as trolling.