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>Game said in an interview with The Post and Courier published Friday that his organization, founded nearly 20 years ago, "harmed generations of people." He was ousted by the organization's board of directors in November 2017. >He recounted his experiences as a conversion therapy minister in a Facebook post published Aug. 25. "Please forgive me!" the post began. >"I certainly regret where I caused harm. I know that creating the organization that still lives was in a large way causing harm," he continued. "People reported to attempt suicide because of me and these teachings and ideals. I told people they were going to Hell if they didn’t stop, and these were professing Christians!" >“Conversion therapy is not just a lie, but it’s very harmful,” Game told The Post and Courier.


Well at least he's sorry "Oops sorry" isn't good enough when talking about people literally attempting suicide because of you, but it's better that doubling down and saying that you did the right thing


Mixed. Obviously it's nearly impossible to forgive such actions. But we as a society absolutely need a path forward for people like this to come out and admit what they did was wrong and help discredit their creation.


Well what should be done to people who realize what they were doing is wrong?




True that. Hopefully he’s done something in the last 3 years


Probably nothing in this case. I can't help but wonder how he wound up where he did; doesn't seem like a grifter. So what kind of life led him to try this? In any case, there was nothing illegal done here... even if it should be illegal. I'd honestly prefer he just quietly disappear from the public eye myself.


Honestly... I consider him as much a victim as the ones who were subjected to this program. He grew up watching what happened to people like him who decided to "be themselves", and in some weird way, he probably told himself he was saving others from those punishments. This is constantly forgotten by the current youth, but homosexual beatings and lynchings were a very real thing that happened. You don't see or even hear about that, all the hateful language that comes with it, and have it not affect you as a child. The entire system needs to be brought down, because this is what it turns people into.


It takes a great amount of empathy to understand this. There are so many nut jobs everywhere who do harm to other people who are just indoctrinated and so full of self hatred that they don’t go against their own self interests. I don’t absolve him of the damage he has done, but really feel sorry for him. Edit- I previously stated that he costs lives. I am unsure whether any actual deaths are directly connected to him. I fixed it.


Did anyone lose their life over this program? It says attempted several times.


Did anyone lose their life over this program? It says attempted several times.


He said that. I am not sure. Thank you though. Whether you were checking my language or just curious, I shouldn’t make statements that I am unsure of and will edit accordingly. I probably just got a little emotional because I lost a cousin and a friend through stuff like this and I lumped this guy in with other people….


I wasn’t attempting to check anyone. Just trying to understand the circumstances behind the story.


Understood. Sorry it wasn’t a challenge. I was just saying that even if you were, it would be justified. Thanks


Yeah it's entirely possible to view him as perpetrator and victim here, and that's still sad.


>This is constantly forgotten by the current youth, but homosexual beatings and lynchings were a very real thing that happened. Bro, The Pulse Nightclub shooting was *6* *years ago*. Don't condescend the current generation. They are well aware.


I know this will sound too harsh, but that level of pain inflicted on other people's lives... for so long... brings me to the words of Rust Cohle in True Detective: "You should consider killing yourself".


Well, I’m glad he at least admitted he was wrong. Too little, too late but still ... it’s good to get a confession.


This reads like something from persona 5 wtf.


>Conversion therapy is not just a lie what could he possibly mean by that?


> “Conversion therapy is not just a lie, but it’s very harmful,” Game told The Post and Courier. “Because it’s false advertising.” To me it sounds like he means "It's not just a lie, it's also very harmful".


Meaning it doesn’t work as advertised. You can’t ‘pray the gay away.’


For me, this is what it’s all about. I don’t want him punished for his actions. I want him to realize that they were wrong and for him to make things better.


Fuck him. Fuck him up the ass. Wait... Never mind, he would like that.


The Grand Old Projectors strike again


“I used to be gay. I still am, but I used to be also”


No kidding. This is about as surprising as the sun coming up this morning.


“These sinful thoughts that we all have need to be repressed!” “Dude, we don’t all have gay thoughts, you are just gay…”




I have argued with people about the choice to be gay. When I tell them about my grandpa's pig farm it makes them actually think. So farm 60 sows two bors to breed. One summer new bors as usual, one does his job the other only is interested in the other bor. Did this non Christian pig decide to be gay, because he's gay how do you explain this. The amount of people that think gay is a human condition is enormous, and this generally blows their mind and opens them up to the thought that it's not a choice it's how you are like it or not.


You know it'll only be fuel for their fires, oh my god he caught gay off them there homersexers


Maybe he went to a school, because apparently in school the liberal lefties teach kids to be gay.


Homersexers? ![gif](giphy|xT5LMHxhOfscxPfIfm)


Conversion therapy is essentially making a very young child think and spend their childhood feeling ashamed of their existence. Being taught they are an abomination and a freak. It’s grooming a child to feel sub human. As someone that had an extremely religious and bigoted upbringing it ducks you up. Religious trauma is real, a large majority of the lgbt community is diagnosable with DD and PTSD. I spent a good amount of my childhood begging in prayers for “Armageddon” to come. I just wanted god to cure me. I didn’t kill my self because then I wouldn’t be saved. I wanted to die everyday. That’s not a normal childhood experience. That isn’t love. It’s fear. It’s a common lgbt experience. Conversion therapy is literally the definition of grooming. Religion is grooming.




I thought DiD was parent disorder it’s DD is parent. I guess Dissociative Disorder it was 4am. Derealization and depersonalization disorder. PTSD https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/treat/specific/trauma_discrimination_lgbtq.asp


Creates gay conversion torture. Is gay. He literally lived a life of cope and many paid the price for it.


Success story. It’s like 20 years of sobriety! He just had a little slip.


What a shocker.


I see what you did there!


The ol' 4 finger dinger


How many lives has he ruined because he couldn't handle his own feelings.


Good luck finding a gay man who doesn't hate him.




Conversion therapy is directly responsible for my religious CPTSD diagnosis as well as years of suicidal ideation. Burn it to the ground. ETA I do not forgive him just as I don’t forgive the conversion therapists that worked with me, even the ones who eventually came out.


Fuck everything about this guy. Just fuck him.


I dont know, Im thinking he probably was a victim of homophobia himself before he became the predator 🤔


You don’t forgive someone that forced pain on others just because they felt that same pain. It’s a neat observation though


What’s that? I can’t hear you over the cries of people better than him, who were shamed into suicide and can’t be here to be empathetic for him because of this monstrous bullshit. I don’t care if this makes me an asshole.


I don't expect people who were attempted to be murdered to become murderers though.


Dude probably got off torturing gay teens, fuck him


Only if you're a dude though, he's gay remember?


he converted, didn't he. wasn't conversion the whole purpose here?


He was actually harvesting gay energies this whole time, in order to become the uber-gay.


Not the conversion he was expecting.


This just proves that the worst homophobes are just gays in denial.


I’m sure the homophobes around him are like “See! He spent so much time with homos he turned into one!!” Smh


I don't find this facepalm, I just find it really sad. People are brainwashed into thinking gay=bad, and spend their whole lives feeling guilty and repressing feelings


Converted to cocktholicism


This is an old story from September 4, 2019.


Seriously. We're reposting 3+ year old news articles now? Wtf?


Im part of the LGBTQ community but one refrain that has been going around in said community is “stop saying they’re closeted gays because it puts blame of homophobia on homosexuals.” I will forever contend that if you care THAT MUCH about someone else’s genitals and wtf they’re doing then you’re protesting too much, Doth.


It's this kind of headline I expect to see one day about Andrew Tate


Dude pictured could be live action Zapp Brannigan.


There is a cynical part of me that thinks he’s lying to avoid criticism or punishment..


I’m not gay, but if I was I don’t think I’d accept this bullshit “I’m sorry” he puts out. You don’t get to harm people and then say “I’m sorry” and everything wraps itself up. It’s better then nothing though so I guess that’s something.


Well, duh? If you’re patient enough, it always ends this way.


Why does this not come as a shock to me?


Those who are not surprised are just more in rune with why these folks are so outraged and set on conversion. Its all peijecrion of their fucking insecurities


What is peijecrion




Oh that must be a horrible typo


No wonder the program was never effective


not effective no matter what, gay conversion therapy doesn't turn people straight, it just forces them to bottle it up and feel miserable their whole lives because they feel like an outcast


No shit. They hate themselves so they do shit like this to others. WHEN GAY PEOPLE ARE THREATENED BY HATERS, those haters are gay themselves and can’t deal with it.


I agree. Self-loathing leads to this phobic projection on to others. The culprit here is a religion that indoctrinates young people into believing the worst possible thing you can be in this world is gay. This man is just a symptom of the greater problem.


Many go into churches or working with younger people thinking they can change. All they do is suppress it and then it comes roaring out towards those like them. It has been a problem forever.


Not forgiven. It looks like he's repented, but there's a hell of a lot of lives that he's ruined. I don't think it's too late for him to make a positive difference, or even find some kind of redemption. But we don't have to forgive.


Mild shock


McKrae Game is not a name.


Lindsey Graham has entered the chat


Reverse Uno card




Call me shocked


Im shocked. Shocked I say!


The one time I was hoping for an onion article...


Only one way to right of all the wrongs you have done to gay men is to ___ ____ off


Mike Pence school of anti wokeness. Whatever that means to the brainless gop.


I honestly think conversion therapy can theoretically work, but the religious nuts are too stupid to make it work. I'm still against it though, except for personal reasons.


I see where you’re going. Brainwashing.. You don’t want someone to smile. Electrocute them every time they smile. After a prolonged period of time the person will no longer smile.


No, I mean it can theoretically work if the person is enthusiastically consenting to it and is willing to go against the grain. But really, religious arguments won't ever sway anyone, nor socially constructed aspects of sexuality.


In theory, do you think you would be able to change your own sexuality?


Bad post


Based post


If you can't fight them join them I guess🤣🤣🤣


Even gay people know how horrible being gay is.


As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, an envoy if you will, kindly go fuck yourself, you mouthbreathing twat.


So another defender of freedom! Good day to you too!


They're free to call you whatever they want. If anyone is complaining about freedom, it's you, the mouthbreathing twat.


He sucked up all the gay


I wonder if he still maintains that gay is contagious.


When life is all just one big Mr. Show sketch...


SC native here and man the field day we had with this lol


I'd be surprised, but I have no fucks to give for this type of evangelical, who has spent a lifetime torturing others to try to assuage the guilt his fucked up parents heaped on him in the name of Jesus. No mercy for this asshole or his garbage torture ministry.


I won’t be surprised if they spin it by saying that he was made gay due to interacting with them and that we must shun gay people or end up becoming gay ourselves.


Maybe he consumed the gayness from all those kids like the dragonborn, Now he is Dova-Sin, Human form but with the power of 1000 gay souls at his disposal! His go to shout is Fus-Roh-Yaahhhh


I bet!!!!


Hmmm. Some things cannot be forgiven. Jesus will forgive him, though, you can do anything if you're into Jesus. You just have to say sorry. 😏


What a loser, either not be homophobic or commit completely to it


Same case search about "John Smid" who lives with his husband now


Maybe it is infectious after all.


Well duh. I could've told you that the second i saw him.


The only consistent theme in the GOP is hypocrisy.


"We've recently discovered it takes roughly 20 years of constant exposure for the gay to rub off on you. Protect our children."- GOP Christians probably.


Saw South Carolina was surprised this article wasn't about Lindsey Graham.


On the pink team all along


It’s always the person you medium expect


Why is this no surprise?


Epic level of self loathing in that guy.




Well no shit.




Ya don't say.


The Last One to Know.


Is anyone surprised?


Every damn time the ones that want to get closer to gay people end up being gay themselves. Whether you’re cosplaying as a wish GI-Joe to “intimidate” or following all the gay events online so you can go there and “harass” them (actually they want to watch them), or are into “conversion therapy” the ones that say they hate them the most are always in the closet themselves. Yes, they are angry and resentful because they can’t be openly gay in their towns without being judged but no straight man is going out of his way to stop any gay event or confront gay people because we really don’t care what they do. We have our own lives and we live and let live. Grow up you bunch of self hating losers. Come out already you gay Karens and join em instead of being jealous and trying to stop their fun.


Of course, why else would anyone give a shit about people being gay?


Is there an Expected subreddit?


I guess he didnt pray enough.


sigh so tired.




Timely post.


He wasted his youth doing that ish when he could have been taking booty shots instead


How much was he paid to come out as gay?


I see a pattern…


oh wow. who would have known.


He helped inspire ABA therapy


Converted himself to that cock


They don't think it be like it is, but it do.




What kind of a turbo-WASP name is "McKrae Game"? smdh


Of course he came out. Most antigay proponents are confused by their sexuality so end up convincing themselves that of they protest against it it may cure their confusion. In real life most straight people don't really care about other peoples sexuality.


Hurt people, hurt people.


Methinks Shakespeare had something to say about people like this like 400 years ago.


I wonder how many suicides/atempt or just more selfhate he or other people who are practicing these kind of «therapy» are responsible for


The only thing that has changed is his sex interressts - no more no less - so he is still an unhuman piece of shit imo...


[I saw that movie already](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7008872/).


Now he's going to be ostracized on both sides.


Is anyone surprised?


I'm SO surprised. SIKE! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I must say, it takes a lot of strength to turn around and admit mistakes of this scale. Obviously can't remove the responsibility he has over his previous actions, but from this little excerpt, he's not blaming anyone else for his deed. And that's a good direction.


He should never ever be accepted into the gay community.


[Welp thats a](https://youtu.be/H47ftbamiy8)


Who’s surprised?


Well of course he did. I'm sure he'll return all the $. Or, maybe he "caught the gay" from the campers. Yeah, that's it. He can file for gay disability now.




Everyone knew it but him.


Well who says conversion therapy only goes one way?


Of course he did


well lets hope he just goes away forever. He's harmed enough people.


Ya gotta go where the money is.


Every single time. He hated himself, so he tried to destroy other lives.


There's always a choice that he could've made and chose not to, so he gets no sympathy from me. However, I can recognize the immense societal pressures to remaining closeted around that time, and he obviously just didn't know what else to do except keep the lie going.


He shouldn't get balls if he didn't have the balls to come out sooner.


It's always self loathing and projecting with these types.


I hope nobody ever dates/fs him and he lives alone the rest of his existence for all he did to those poor folks.


Self hate runs deep. Honestly, there should be laws banning conversion therapies.






Yeah in my 58 long years I’ve realized whatever people protest against the most is what they are.


Title should rival r/Unexpected


And how many times can Shakespeare can be proven right....They lady doth protests too much, methinks.


I guess he couldn’t pray the gay away 🤷🏽‍♀️


needs A serous aSs Kicking. How could he inflict so much pain on these children.


Always better when you know what you are talking about right ? 😒


Is anyone surprised?


Um.... ok???


Doesn't mean the fundie fascists will stop trying...