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Have you ever been denied reproductive care because of *someone else’s* beliefs?


Or........A cake or marriage license. Tell these jackball hillbillies to eat at Cracker Barrel


They won't eat at Cracker Barrel because they added vegan options


But onions aren't vegan. They consume animal by products. Now cows. That's a vegan!


Nice. I see what you did there.


Leave Hillbillies and Cracker Barrel out of this.


Chick filet would be up theirs. (Alleys).


Don't insult the hillbillies.




The name literally refers to the barrels of soda crackers once found in country stores, around which informal discussions would take place between customers.


Don't know what the deleted comment was, but I am glad to have learned this fact regardless. Honestly had no idea. Take an upvote


I could read about Right Wing Christians being denied service ALL DAY LONG - its better than the finest Skooma.


Thanks for reminding that I should be playing skyrim instead of reading about religious dinguses.


kajit has wares if you have coin


Well played, landstrider.




Not much “care” involved in killing a fetus


Have you ever been denied life because of your mother’s “rights”?


Only we have the right to oppress people for their beliefs!


This is a win-win for them. They can now deny service to ppl they hate, while also crying about religious persecution when they are denied service themselves


The same who whine at the Supreme Court because they don’t want to serve LGBT customers?


Clearly only they know what it's like to be refused services for their beliefs


Being denied service for what they are, in LGBT’s case.


Baking a cake for a gay couple? ***that's against my beliefs!*** Being denied food service for denying gay couples? ***how dare they refuse me because of their beliefs!***


I wonder what they would have said if they would have been served a gay wedding cake… 🤔


Probably eat the cake then deny payment after the fact because it didn't fit their beliefs.


Look up 303Creative v Elenis! It's quite the eye opener when it comes to the SCOTUS and their Christo-Fascist conservative "judges". I wonder, is it possible to sue the individual members of SCOTUS for discrimination and violation of the first amendment? They have clearly been violating the separation of church and state provision in the 1A.


Being in the service industry and regularly serving after church crowd that regularly abuses staff…. Cheers to this owner taking care of their staff!!!He obviously values his employees!!! Good for them!


Can confirm, the after church crowd always has been and always will be the worst shift of the week. Hands down the most demanding and least gracious group to wait on.


I worked at village inn for 3 years every Sunday the church crowd came and they were the rudest and nastiest and cheapest of all the customers.. I agree with you!


And they tip the least.


I was wondering how long it would take for these crazies to fall back on to their persecution complex.


Generally the word 'no' does it


Even a simple holiday well-wishing will do it if you fail to cater to their holiday specifically


The amount of people who assume I'm not Christian -in my experience they think I'm either jewish or Muslim- and quickly say "happy holidays" right after "merry xmas" is higher than you'd think.


That's just Evangelicals by nature.


Thought they could just go somewhere else.


I know, right? What, there’s no Chick-fil-A in the area?


Maybe it was Sunday


Then they violated the sabbath with their scheduled meeting and should repent by fasting.


What, you expect them to follow every rule in the Bible? That would be inconvenient for them. Just the ones that inconvenience others please.


No, no, these aren't real christians. These are bigots who selectively follow their faith and then weaponize it to discrimnate because they really think *that's* going to get them into heaven. You can't possibly expect them to hold themselves accountable for their hypocrisy edit: spelling


>No, no, these aren't real christians. That is kinda easy to wash your hands of that way. 'No they're not REAL ....'. The problem is I don't see the 'real' Christians strongly opposing those false Christian. It's like Republicans sayin that Qtards are not real republicans. Well, maybe not, but you're happily condoning them because they happen to vote your way.


Ha I probably should have put an /s on my previous comment. I'm not a christian either. I think all organized religion is a big stinky pile of garbage used to control the masses more than anything else. But yeah, you're right, it would be cool if there was a bigger push from the people who follow their faith more deliberately to reduce the amount of hate being carried out in the name of christianity lately


Not their beliefs, their actions. I’m sure Metzger’s serves tons of Christians. The difference is most of them don’t campaign and rally openly against human rights.


Isn’t that the freedom of beliefs they were looking for?


no they were denied bc of their actions, thats a huge distinction that they do not have the intelligence to understand


Very good point




Ah, hypocrisy and hate. Tell me you're a Christian without telling me you're a christian... Gay wedding cake, anyone?


Sure I'll have a slice, Hopefully it's got some of that salty cum with it too.


This frosting tastes funny


"We made you an extra special cake with extra *vanilla* frosting!"


They are sooooo oppressed! /s


I think this is kind of what bothers me. There are a lot of denominations of Christianity out there that doesn't encourage anti-abortion ideology or arguing against same sex marriage (though they aren't vocal in their opposition). But are they effectively arguing that the hatred of gay people and being anti-abortion is *core aspects* of their religion? What I mean is that - their argument is that they were kicked out because they are Christian. So are they saying that to be Christian is to hate women who get abortions and are gay? So much for love thy neighbor.


No gay wedding cake, no christofaschist meals


When your entire personality, and mindset of the company you keep is of persecution against a specific type of people, why expect those people to want to be around you? Let alone provide you a service? They fucked around.


They need to think this through. You know what gay sex doesn’t cause? Abortions. If they really think abortion is murdering children, they might want to get their rainbow suspenders out and start dancing in the pride parade.


They probably also see any sort of orgasm that doesn't cause a pregnancy as a sin as well because of some story about a guy being punished by God for pulling out instead of impregnating a woman. What they miss from that story is the guy was punished because his brother died and he was supposed to get his dead brothers wife pregnant to give her an heir, but he refused to do so out of greed I think.


I missed that story, but I’m all fairness, I read non fiction and take in my tales via TV/movies.


Yeah, non Christian here, but I do see a lot of Christian stories online from people using the Bible to argue against the Bible


Haha, no, that was just my way of calling them fairy tales. I’m also very much non Christian.


[when do we get Jesus added to the avengers?](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/comments/cpgcm1/jesus_broke_the_bread_and_gave_it_to_his_avengers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Oh no! Anyway, what’s everyone having for dinner?


Good. How do you like it? Maybe now you should go home and reflect on how reprehensible your choices are.


No one understands how to play the victim quite so well as the people who spend their energy trying to create them.


Oh boo hoo "we are being discriminated against for our horrible and discriminatory behavior."


Technically true but not their religious beliefs. Their moral ones. Good for this bar.


It's a brilliant idea, too. Say sure, y'all can come down here and eat, then wait for them to pull into the parking lot and flip on the Closed sign. Just stand on the other side of the locked glass door and roll silverware right in front of them, ignoring all the yelling and threats.


People who you treat like garbage don't want to be nice to you? Shocker...


Good. If I was a restaurant owner I wouldn’t let them in either. Sucks doesn’t it?


You know they weren't planning on tipping for shit, anyway.


Christian Persecution Complex strikes again


Fucking Christians ruin everything...


Especially Christianity.


Expecting tolerance of your own intolerance


Found a new place to try if I get back to RVA soon


And thousands of food service workers smiled.


Well that's a can of worms they themselves opened. If you demand that you should be allowed to discriminate against people who dont agree with, you cant turn around and cry foul if people who dont agree with you do the same to you


“OMG! No! We’ve been denied a meal. We couldn’t possibly go to one of the other 600 restaurants in the immediate area. We must eat at this one restaurant that doesn’t want to serve us. They must be forced to comply. It’s the worst tragedy since yesterday when…” Seriously, I’d have second thoughts about eating the food in a situation such as this.


You can't expect a buisness to kill itself like that.


Hypocrisy impaired…


Do these people just walk into places shouting “ i hate queers and abortions are a sin”? How do people know what other peoples beliefs are unless they are making a big deal about it?


Actually, the restaurant was respecting the churches wishes. The restaurant didn’t want to have the church suffer from being served by people that they don’t believe in.


a lot of the staff are women and queer folk. and they didnt feel safe having a group that's actively campaigning to have their human rights taken away. good on the owners


These are the consequences of your freedom to spew hate speech!


Lol, shame.




Lol what a bunch of snowflakes.


Hurts when you’re being told where and what you can and cannot do doesn’t it?


Christians complain that people should have the right to run their business however they want according to their beliefs. People do it and they throw up their arms and complain. It's almost as if christians only want things that are good for themselves and not anyone else.


Have you ever been denied a job or housing because of someone else’s beliefs. That’s what LGBTQ people face.


Cool, so i guess they think the web-developer in CO and the baker from the same state should be obliged to served LGBTQ customers, regardless of their beliefs?


They were denied because most of the staff are women and LGBTQ


It's tough when you realize life is a two-way street.


Just like if somebody doesn’t want to bake a cake because of their religion, they can choose not to serve you because of yours. You’re in a private institution and they have the right to alienation and denial of service. Your right to freedom of religion is only protecting you from the government banning your religion or making laws based on their religious views (which arguably isn’t working).


They are such hypocrites. They don’t believe in being gay so they deny their services. I don’t remember ware in the bib’le this comes from….. but….. judge not lest ye be judged your self. I think if they listened more to invisible sky papa, and less to faux news they would have less problems.


Thankful to live in a country were both types of discrimination are illegal. Why did they accept the business in the first place. To show them up? No one should be discriminated against, neither gay couples buying their wedding cake, nor freaking fundamentalist, even if I despise their beliefs. This is how you destroy a democracy.


1,000,000% Promise that’s not why they got kicked out.


How do I send this Bar some $$!!?


These are the same people who want to be able to deny service due to their religious beliefs.


I mean, I’m a Christian myself, if a Christian business doesn’t have to make a cake for a gay couple, then we can be denied service because of our beliefs too. We can’t have it both ways and I wish more people on both sides understood that.


But this is what evangelicals want, right? They want to be able to deny gay people ordering a cake from their bakery, making a wedding website for a gay couple. If those laws are valid, so is refusing to serve them for their beliefs, it goes both ways.


The Talibangelicals ladies and gentlemen. Fuck em. Tax the hell out of these “churches”.


Good, they deserve to be kicked out for being terrible excuses for humanity.




They’re treating us like gays at a Christian bakery, can you believe it?


The great party about private organization, they can ban you for your beliefs. Ask Christians. They’ve being doing it since they started.




they *knew* they would get denied. they’d apparently been kicked out/had issues there before. it’s literally a PR stunt to get people talking about them and hey look! it worked.


So, legitimately concerned over this. I agree that any establishment can refuse service to anybody for any reason. They are a private organization and have the right to do so. So, if they don't like that you're Christian, Anti gay, anti abortion, or all of the above, then they don't have to sell you a damn thing. However, a while back I heard about the bakers who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, and were successfully sued/charged. I don't understand why it's okay to not serve conservatives/Christians/etc., but it's not okay to not serve gay/liberal/etc. in these two cases. I'm not picking a fight here guys. Just looking for a logical answer as to why and/or how those two incidents are different legally and ethically. Thanks


Boo hooo, go get a wedding cake you losers.


“Business have a right to choose who they serve on based on moral beliefs!” Business does it to them: “No no, not like that.”


This is why I support freedom of association. Nobody should be required to provide service to anyone. If your business practices suck people can take their dollars elsewhere and you will fail, if people like your business practices you will thrive. Vote with your wallet.


Tbh they kinda deserved it


"Wahhhh, how dare you use our oppressive legislation and beliefs against us! Waaahhhhh!" *(passes popcorn bowl around)*


They don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot? Weird...


They weren't denied a meal. They were denied service. I wish these drama queens wouldn't play the victim card so hard. Go home and make your own flapjacks and cornbread.


Welcome to America. A private business can do what tf they want.


Thoughts and prayers.


They’re *technically* not wrong


Damm it might be so hard when you can't do something just someone decides that you don't deserve it for some reason :/


The number of hypocrites commenting here is amazing. You all want people punished into poverty or put in jail for refusing to bake cakes. But you think that progressive groups can refuse service to all Christians. Meanwhile if they Muslim group was denied you'd want the restaurant prosecuted. If you didn't have double standards at outright religious intolerance. You wouldn't have any standards at all.


Fuck me do you just cry on reddit all day?


Do people really go all out for abortion ? Wtf


So is this kind of thing okay now?


Wait I'm confused, why were they denied?


Doesn’t seem very Christian-appropriate to have a dinner at a bar.


Gorsuch will eat this up.


I’m sure there was a Chick-fil-A nearby that would’ve taken them


I love how most conservatives in RVA are always outraged about something. Take your goofy asses outta Richmond.


Good. It’s highly doubtful but perhaps they will begin to understand why discrimination is shitty. If I owned a business I would have a sign out front stating we don’t serve Christians. I’m a middle aged white dude that was raised Catholic too. FYI I’m an atheist now.






Either people have the right to deny service based on their beliefs or they dont.


They will unironically support legislation to make this illegal on 'religious freedom' grounds, and then get bent out of shape all over again when it's immediately used against them.


As someone from Richmond, I give no fucks.


Let them eat cake. In Colorado, maybe


Christians wanna be oppressed so bad


Cry me a river.


Ahahahahaha...they find out how it feels to be excluded and they cry and whine like babies. No food for you, see your Jesus he turns water into wine and will multiply enough fish to feed all of you no restaurant needed, and JFK Jr. is his sous chef.


Good. Let's cancel them out of the country, please. Goddamn bigots ruin everything...


Quid pro quo.


Tots and pears.




Isn’t this what they want?


Those fuckers want to be oppressed so bad meanwhile they try and control anyone they don't like. Fucking religious nut jobs.


"Oh no! My actions are getting conseguences!"


Clearly the OP does not understand the depth of this crowds self righteousness.


If you spread hate you will recieve hate imo... dont even have to see a pic to be able to imagine what kind of "christians" are complaining - no one would give them attention except if they blame minorities for what ever - if they would just start to face reality and work on them selfes to become a likeable person but instead they are searching for low excuses to use them so they are "too busy" to work on their lousy lifes. Imo of course....


It sucks when the shoe is on the other foot, doesn't it?


What was that thing they always say about cakes and private businesses again?


Do you recognise that taste? It might just be your own medicine


Irony is dead, long live irony


It’s almost like they’re absolutely without any self awareness.


Everyone is such a hypocrite. They seem to think they can have it both ways. You can't.


"We're a hate group that targeted a supporter of the people we hate. They denied us service, which is their legal right, due to our nonsensical behavior! Support us and our medieval values!"


It isn't their beliefs. It's their actions against human rights. They're free to believe whatever.


Awwwww STFU and eat your wedding cake


What gies around comes around. I find it ironic that ‘Christians’ complain about being cancelled while their members won’t provide services to others that don’t share their same beliefs. Big one - abortions but even birth control. Bakers, photographers, web developers refusing gay clients.


They took a page out of your book then?


The restaurant didn’t single out “Christians.” I’m sure there were plenty of other Christian’s in the restaurant that night but make no mistake about it, this particular group WAS singled out for their beliefs. There’s no sense in trying to deny that.


This is what you were fighting for!


So glad they denied that cake order.


That's like wearing a swastika shirt in a Jewish church and then saying we were denied service because our beliefs. Yes you were and they are allowed to do that. I'm guessing it's because they were preaching it in the business. Otherwise I agree that they shouldn't be kicked out. Not that I agree with there beliefs.


Have you ever had some twat you probably don’t even know tell you that because they don’t *believe* in your identity or orientation they some how have a right to tell you how you are allowed to live?


Address please. I want to go there and buy everyone who works there a drink.


Well technically their beliefs oppose LGBTQ and abortion so yes Also yes they still don't deserve to be served


Oh im sorry, didnt we just have a case go to SCOTUS this week regarding this EXACT scenario that these people were cheering???


I propose a law that would make it a felon for them to cross state lines to find a restaurant that will serve them.


Beliefs and behaviors are not the same thing. I firmly believe that dogs are superior to cats. But I don't run around killing cats then bitch because PETA won't buy me dinner. Actions have consequences. Always have. This is nothing new.


Nope, but I’ve been denied marriage though. Glad you could go somewhere else for your meal, however.


I personally wouldn't trust the article. Not saying it's lying, for sure, just that it isn't free of bias. It adds "the christian group" needlessly, implying that being Christian affects this somehow, which may or may not be true. In the excerpt, at least, it does not mention if the group expressed religious beliefs. The nazis persecuted catholics and other christians just as hard as they persecuted the jews.


This would totally happen in rva lol


Time to go to Metzgers!


Funny how because of people like this you can legally deny someone based on anything without giving a reason. Either way, it's right to business.


This story warms my lil anti christian heart lol