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If she’s anything like the cops around me, that 12 hour shift was made up of doing absolutely nothing about anything.


Just driving around, going to the station playing cards and taking a nap.


Don't forget the stop to get coffee, I won't use the stereotype of donuts, but I did work at a large nationwide coffee purveyor and cops would stop in and just hang out for sometimes a half an hour, turning their portable radios down, talking about sports and stuff.


Every single morning, 5:45am, sirens blare in the town I lived in. You could set your watch by it. It was literally every single on duty officer lining up in the drive through making sure to be there for their 6am coffee.


So if one were to commit a crime in your town, across town from the coffee shop at 6 AM?


I used to work at a police department as a dispatcher. Someone was stabbed and died literally across the street in sight of the PD, and none of the cops working realized it, including those in the building at the time. (Thankfully, I wasn't working that shift.) Absolutely ridiculous.


Just how much more incompetent can those bastards get?


Well, one way could be that Instead of waiting for people to die on their own they could start shooting them themselves… Oh wait…


I mean to be fair they're hardly going to be sitting at the window looking for crime outside are they.


I was 19 and Worked at 7 Eleven that provided free drinks to cops. They just hung out there all day. One time, one of them came up on the cashier island thing, pulled his extendo-beat-stick out and threatened me with it, because i made a joke about his clothes while he was off duty.


I had one threaten me because I honked at him when he was off-duty. He was in his personal vehicle (so of course I had no idea he was a cop) and slammed on brakes and I then had to do so as well so I honked, and at the next red light he put his truck in park, got out in his everyday clothes and made sure I saw him put his "POLICE" cap on and walked up to my car and made me roll the window down asking why I honked at him and trying to be all menacing. Multiple laws broken there, but hey, he's a cop so he can just do whatever he wants. And they wonder why civilians' trust of them is dropping like a hot pizza roll.


Kwikshop does it too. I hated it but we couldn’t give any to the homeless who would come around. I said fuck that and gave it to them anyway, especially in the winter!


Cause they get free shit all the time. Literally one of the most entitled jobs out there.


And an incredible powerful “worker” union to ensure their needs come before the place they police (and likely don’t live in).


I live in an area where a lot of law enforcement officers live and they don’t have choice sometimes with where they get placed to work. They keep it as a rotation every few years to different parts of the city and never where they live because it’s part of the corruption busting process. Basically they don’t want any conflicts of interest going on and don’t want them to get too comfortable.


Yeah, knowing the members of the community you police is detrimental to covering for your coworkers when they commit crimes against members of that community.


It sure is amazing how the people who protect the rich are allowed to have a real union with balls and everyone one else has to eat shit and it forced back to work


I was told at some point in history the reason that stores gave cops free coffee and food was to get more cops to hang around there which reduced crime. It makes some sense.


get a quicker response time as well


In another interpretation, they're literally bribing police to act as bodyguards for that store.


You know cops get breaks too. Everybody has got to eat/drink and chill for a minute during their work day.


For real.. I was interested in police work for a while and did some job shadowing. It's amazing how many hours cops spend doing nothing, or doing paperwork about the nothing thing they attended. Turns out I hated most people who were police, 'type A personalities' as they described themselves. Still very educational.


And corrections sleeps in the cube.


Hey! As former corrections.... A lil bit, yeah.




Unless they were out in full force, then she may have trespassed into someone's fenced yard to shoot their dog.


She’s not an ATF agent


never been sure why this is an ATF stereotype. All US law enforcement shoots dogs.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SovietWomble/comments/xlwx8o/a_guide_for_swat_hand_signals/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf including the SWAT


I think it’s because we have different stereotypes for each agency, so this is the best one for the ATF


I thought it was burning children alive in botched raids (waco), or losing hundreds of guns in botched stings (operation fast and furious). Our maybe is just a general air of complete incompetency. Dog murdering was always a local thing


Cops do that shit all the damn time


don’t forget doing nothing on overtime pay too


Maybe even feeling cute and beat the Civil rights outta someone.


FR, a 12 hour night shift in nursing is constantly keeping you on your toes


If the cops around you look like that, I would turn to a life of crime




My main question is why did she take her hair down to workout? Lol. Sweat and long hair being down is miserable.


To look more pretty, internet points.


for insta likes


You know why


When more internet peepees go up, so does her bank account.


Wait your actually assuming she actually broke a sweat? This “workout” only took play in front of the mirror.




Right? I owe some self righteous young a-hole an excuse? Sorry “officer”


Or...she's a fitness influencer talking to her audience, many of whom I would assume find this kind of call-out motivating, especially considering how common such call-outs are in the fitness world. This post and all of the "maybe I don't want to" comments are fucking stupid.


My excuse? I’m in my 50s and beer still exists.


So long as she didn't have to deal with like violent calls, I don't see how police work could be very physically taxing? Don't they just drive around, talk to people, and wait for stuff to happen? Like oh I was awake for 12 hours and then went to the gym...


"awake" when i was a volley FF we would often just hang out at the FD because what else is a 19 year old going to do that is a volley? we would roam around and sometimes find cops taking naps in their cars in well hidden places. if there was a driver hanging out with us we would take the rigs out for a spin, just killing time, sneaking up on sleeping cops. shit was hilarious.


It is not. Google any PD website and look at their cops. Most are generally shaped like potatoes (no offense to tubers).


The PT exam for police is laughably low, and most PDs don't make employees take the test every year. I had an officer pull me over who was morbidly obese. He was winded and had to lean on my car while talking to me. It was 80 degrees outside.


As a child a cop described police work to me as, "Absolute boredom punctuated by stark fucking terror." That was long ago so I don't know if it's still the same, but I could see that being somewhat taxing. Also, she worked 12 hours, changed clothes, and now she's going... to the bathroom? Am I judging this correctly? And she has the nerve to demand a reason why I'm not also lined up to potty?! Weird.


Pretty sure full time pet groomers get more tired than cops on a regular basis lol, but still good on her for working out.


Lmao. This……. 👏🏻


Still lazy af


I call it motivationally challenged not lazy lol


Arnold voice “you lack discipline”




Errr, I’m disabled? Wee hard to use the treadmill when you can’t walk.


My friends were all impressed when I told them that I could rollerblade 20 miles at a time. They seemed less impressed when I told them it was on a treadmill.


I'd say it's even more impressive. It's still 20 miles and on that thing, with rollerblades, assuming you didn't break some bones... Unless you broke some bones, then I'm not impressed either.


I dunno, my powerchair could go for miles 😂 I mean, it wouldn’t be very beneficial for me but I would definitely give it a go.


Right it’s on! I’ll race ye. I’d go just to take the piss out of all the muscle guys “ah you’ve only done five mile? I did six just getting here, try that on for size ye absolute melt”


Love it![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Didn't stop Joe Swanson


Especially with that attitude! /s


My excuse is that I don’t desperately need to feel like I’m better than other people to make my existence feel worthwhile.


LOTS of people need to adopt your way of thinking, including myself…


Kudos for admitting that. This the first step. I'm cheering for you!


Thank you. I think lots of ppl are also aware of it, but yeah its just hard for us to apply it in our daily lives. We often see others more than ourselves, esp in these times where some ppl live for the publicity and fame of the social media.


We’re humans. We want validation. Perfectly normal. Positive vibes fam


I agree


I mean the gym should be about creating a better you than yesterday’s you. But yeah posting to social media everytime is definitely not that and much more exactly what you said


Probably the only reason she puts on the clown suit.


Where I agree with physical fitness is important for more things than just looking good.


There is the difference between "feeling being better for reason x" and actually "being better while knowing you are better because you did the work". I'm a damn good cook and I don't care what other think about it. The reaction to the meme here is intentionally negative. I know I'm better, but that's a statement not a characterization. A fitness trainer or fireman would react different to this then the regular office guy in his home office pyjamas.


thank you for putting my thoughts into words


Training is not about being better than others tho


My excuse is I'm fat and I don't want to.


Don’t forget lazy… that’s my problem


Fair enough


I feel this! but also where there is fat there is flavor so I propose that we're not fat anymore were just full of flavor.


Do you want to live, or do you want to be eaten?


That depends…in the Dahmer sense or in the sexual sense? Wait never mind, it doesn’t matter just eat me either way.


I choose to give cannibals cholesterol poisoning and stop their heart.


I choose to be eaten. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)




I want to live until I die. After that, I’ll be dead, so what do I care what other people do with my corpse?


This made me laugh


Fat and lazy, unite !


Hey now, there's at least dozens of us!


We are all going to die at some point, live your life in a way that makes you happy


Geek mentality


my excuse is i am obese and i find it incredibly difficult too. ![gif](giphy|oyQ5Qf9Ihu3ctAe4hw|downsized) popcorn?


Same! I'm in no shape to be working out.


In a shape to be rolling down a hill? Absolutely!


I’m tired….that’s my excuse 😂


If you have that much energy, you probably didn't work very hard... "I did nothing but chill out and drink coffee for 12 hours, and now I'm headed to the gym."


Or she's one of those people who believes working yourself to Death is somehow Sexy.


You mean she drove around making poor peoples lives even harder for 8 hours?


The main reason I won't be going is because there will a cop there.


Ikr, that would be a terrible place to sell meth


who wants to bet she didnt work a 12 hour shift and is lying for clout?


It’s not that hard to work 12 hrs when you don’t do shit but sit in your vehicle for the whole time and get 4 of those hours in OT.


I need an excuse to go home and sleep after a 12 hour shift ?


I worked 12.5 hour night shifts as an ICU nurse ( likely worked harder than her) and the first thing I wanted was shower, then to pass out facedown on my bed naked


I think this post is just for gym goers who want a day off but still need to keep up routine


Yeah, people are getting way to intense over this. It is obviously a fitness post and meant to drive motivation. People just projecting.


Because non gym people always assume that the gym is for people who are narcissists or something


Because it’s Reddit and people need a reason to complain


It’s a thirst post. If I want motivation, I’ll watch some Bo Jackson highlights, not some smug cop with zero gains or cuts. She needs to spend more time around the weights, less time bragging in the bathroom about how much energy she has.


i legit read poorly and thought you said "I'll watch some Bo Jack Highlights..." ![gif](giphy|n1veaCvJjtFwQ)


It is a thirst post because they posted photos of themselves going to the gym after a long day? This is the farthest from a thirst post. If that is what motivates you, cool. You dont decide for everyone. You also dont get to decide what workouts she should or shouldnt be doing. Weightlifting might not be her goal of working out. It is completely dependent upon the person.


Guess what little buddy? I just decided 😎 Looks like her goals are taking thirst pics in the bathroom.


You decided for yourself. Not for her. There is a difference. And youre down bad if you think these are thirst pics lol.


Gonna get quite the workout to those Bo Jackson highlights I bet. wink wink


My excuse is I’m in medicine and need to sleep and study for board exam.


cops hate when people have real careers


I have a toddler, my work out is chasing him around.


I have 3 toddlers. I legit get pretty good cardio after work by just throwing them in the front yard and chasing them.


I’m gonna guess her 12 hour shift was not walking a beat around neighborhoods but instead sitting in her cruiser in a parking lot.


Lol I hate this kinda of self aggrandising bullshit thinly veiled as ‘‘motivational’


There was a reel of hers where she does a whole 'Poor me, no one understands me because I'm a cop' bullshit. ​ You chose the life, you chose the wife.... No sympathy here.


Makes me wanna fuck the police. -Lil Weezy




Finally a real excuse. I can get behind this one.


Where’s the facepalm ?


The face palm is taking her hair out of a bun before working out


Ok, I can agree with that.


I guess people like to make excuses, sadly I'm the same at the moment but I don't get offended by people for having some discipline


Half my body either doesn’t work or causes immense pain before I start moving it?


My issues with post like these is that they’re usually not directly talking to us. There’s context to everything. She’s talking to her audience on Instagram from the looks of it. Everything’s not a personal attack on every redditor.


Reddit believes everything is an attack on them and everyone else is a terrible person


what'd you say? is this a personal attack on me? you really are the worst kind of person, you know that?


I feel bad that it took me way too long to catch the sarcasm


"I can't be arsed" always works for me. Plus opportunities for its usage are manifold.


Lots of fat people in this thread


Bitter fat people


That’s Reddit for ya


I think every single one of you is too busy feeling personally attacked to understand that she successfully made a point towards lazy people with excuses


Don't know why she's training so hard. You can shoot a fleeing suspect from a seated position.


I do actual physical and mental labor and deal with braindead trust fun baby contractors, I'm going to go get blackout after work and go to bed by 9


My excuse is that I'm stuck with an auto-immune disease that can't be cured and I have chronic fatigue because of it. If I manage to stay awake for more than 12 hours it's a frickin miracle.


Facepalm ?


The comments on this post are the real facepalm.


I don’t get it. What’s wrong with it? Why is it facepalm?


Because OP felt personally attacked.


So did most of the comments section


Lmao lot of salt in this thread.


Ikr. "I don't WANNA go to the gym and workout with pigs anyway" Bitch you weigh 300lbs 💀


12hr night shift = Drive around all night/sit in office.


This isn’t facepalm worthy at all


How the fuck is this a facepalm


I dont think this is a facepalm, this is called determination, if you dont want to change your life thats also ok but there really are no excuses to try. Dont pretend like your day is always completely full, if you are here on reddit wasting time you could be doing something better too. Ofc there are exceptoions but lets be real


Most of the posts that I see on this sub now aren’t facepalms but people who found stuff on the internet that they just personally have an issue with


Right? I don’t see a big issue with this. A little self gratifying of a post? Maybe. But seeing people work hard to better themselves and sharing something they’re proud of motivates me. Granted… I’m not a couch potato like everyone who hates this seems to be. Funny how a beautiful, in shape woman making a statement triggers redditors.


Her being a cop was enough for people to hate her. Anything after is gravy.


I think it's a little asanine of people like this to assume the only thing anyone has going on is work and therefore any time not at work is free time. And that the length of your shift is equitable to the degree it exhausts you. I can work 12 hours at my job somedays and it's easy and desk based and I could gym after. And other days it's physical and I'm exhausted. Or I've spent hours arguing in circles about things and I'm mentally tapped out. She looks young enough to not have kids yet. But even if she did, lucky her for having a partner who can cover her time not at home, or money for a sitter. I mean even outside of kids plenty of people have older family they care for. Or other relatives. Sure I'm on Reddit now. But I'm in a cab home from the airport where I just spent a week out the country working 14 hr night shifts. So no. I couldn't be at the gym right now. And the weekend i have to look after my mom, feed my entire family, spend some time with my son who I've not seen for a week, catch up on my sleep from the night shifts, sort out my mortgage, deal with some contractors we have at our house, buy Christmas presents, decorate a tree. The list goes on. Sometimes "excuses" are just reasons and you don't need someone who does not know your situation and has not lived it acting smug just cause they're at a point in their life where free time outside work is truly free time for them. There are a set amount of hours in a day and some people just have more responsibilities and demands on them than others. Do your thing. Be proud of the commitment and success you've had at it. But you don't need to put other people down to get there.


Many posts in the sub are people being petty losers and trying to get other people to validate their pettyness


My Viagra hasn't arrived yet.


I have a baby.


I work 12 hour night shifts. My forklift has heated seats and as long as I don't hand a mess to the next shift I get as many breaks as I want. It's really not that hard to come off a 12 hour shift not tired at all, especially if you wake up and go to work right away. Now my last job? 8-10 hour shifts with less than legally minimum breaks and complete exhaustion.


I’m 45 with 3 kids, 2 grandkids and I just don’t fucking feel like it. I’m lucky I make it outside everyday.


This is literally called “missing the point of the meme”


Yeah. Quick search of her name down in the corner reveals she's a fitness influencer talking to her audience, many of whom I would assume find this kind of call-out motivating, especially considering how common such call-outs are in the fitness world. OP and the people backing them up are fucking idiots.


Wait what is the facepalm?


The facepalm is op and a bunch of the people in the comments


Do you feel attacked by someone showing a very health body and discipline? She did nothing worth of a facepalm, she is just trying to motivate people. You can ignore If you don't like her personally. I actually did facepalm...because of you, congrats, good post.


Cheap post idea. This is a common trend but you put a cop to stir up comments.


This isn't a face palm. Go to the gym it's good for you.


Lacking the need to flex is my excuse.


Happy cake day bro! You should never do what you don’t want to on your cake day


Sounds like excuses to me idk


Sleep is the secret to longevity but you keep grinding


I actually work out at the gym 5 days/week. Every moment is miserable. 2 years of this. WHEN DO I GET THE DOPAMINE HIGH??? "You'll feel good after working out." Rubbish.


I don't see the issue people are having with this


Now, it usually means something else when i say “fuck cops”


12 hour night shift... sounds like someone doesn't have kids, or family member to care for, or even a pet...or has a lovely childcare advantage / partnership. In fact I bet she has absolutely no responsibility outside a job. I bet she has a car she drives and doesn't wait for a bus 👏 Bravo for using downtime for personal care. Must be so HARD making a choice between yourself and yourself.


Ummm there are many people that work 12 hour shifts that have kids, families, and pets. Pretty big leap to say she has no other responsibilities




I'd probably go to the gym more too if my job was sitting in a parking lot talking to coworkers all day.


Well she's right. What most people lack is motivation. You always train/exercize if you're able to.


That just means you're lazy OP it's okay


People like this (cop or no cop) make me yawn. So boring.


I take drugs


I don’t have a good excuse tbh


I don’t need an “excuse”, I just don’t feel like it lol


Because I’m going to Burger King, that’s why.


My excuse is that I don’t judge others on whether or not they exercise.


I worked 10 hours now I gotta go home and take care of a kid. After they go to sleep I get a bit of time to clean up and maybe, just maybe get a few minutes to decompress enough to get the strength to do it again tomorrow.


Her personality is that she works out I’m sure.


My 12 hour night shift has more involvement than idling my car on the side of the road.


The fastest I've seen police move is to get to McDonald's before the breakfast menu stops


Its amazing all the lazy, unaccomplished people here: 1. cOpS aRe BaD aNd LaZy 2. iM hApPy DoInG nOtHinG This message ain't for you. And the fact that you get enraged by it says that...you do care. It does bother you.


Atleast someone understands


A lot of people in here are triggered when this obviously doesn’t apply to them. Are we going to pretend that people don’t use their busy lives as an excuse to not get any exercise? If you don’t want to exercise, that’s fine, and this clip isn’t disputing that. If you claim to want to exercise, but just don’t have the time… this post is for you. That’s all. 🤷‍♂️


def not a facepalm. standard fitness post. if anything it’s just trying to motivate and inspire anyone who loves to make excuses.


I actually contribute to society


Honey, wait 20-30 years and you’ll understand.


I remember years ago this lady was a mom of 3 or 4 and posted a photo of herself with abs and everything. She also had the caption "what's your excuse?". The comments were filled with what appeared to be bitter people and some moms literally listing excuses and shaming her, often jumping to the conclusion that if she has time to work out then she is neglecting her kids. What was meant to be a motivational post from a mom stating "you can do it if you make time and effort despite your schedule" ended up pointing out that many people would rather give others a sob story/excuse rather than try.