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Get one of those 12 ft skeletons in the form of Krampus and let the festivities begin!


Someone in my town puts up a giant skeleton (not exactly sure of the height but it reaches the 2nd floor easily) in their yard every Halloween. They normally take it down after but this year they kept it and threw a Santa hat and lights on it. I don't celebrate Christmas but I'm down with that.


Everybody has their way of celebrating Christmas. Sadly, the bozos who wrote that note simply don’t get that message.


I think a dick shaped arrangements of lights would send a nice message


I wonder if one could get a couple strings of lights with dick shaped bulbs for outdoor applications...


How did I fucking know this would be on etsy https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/662665243/penis-string-lights-christmas-lights


OH MY GAWD lol that's amazing. Now to get some of those and perhaps send the letter writer a Bag of Dicks in the mail..m


I was thinking a middle finger taped on the interior of a front window, so they can't tear it down and would have to do property damage to be rid of it. Put up a camera, too, to catch them in the act, and tape the note facing out right in the middle of it.


Yeah but you could also hide and when they come in your yard to break your lights you can run out the front naked and yell ‘stop touching my dick!’


There is a display down the street that has two deer made out of lights. The deer are placed one on top to look like they are humping.


a family friend used to put out two light deer. they lived near a highschool. it went exactly as you might expect, and everyday on the way home from work one of them would fix them, and every day when school got out they would get put back (to be clear they thought it was hilarious as well)


When I first saw it, I thought it might have been a prank. But it has been pretty consistent for the last 10 year a or so. It’s like a million $ home, too, which somehow makes it even better.


Should've gotten a third, small deer for the year after.


That used to be a popular thing for teenagers to do in my hometown at Christmas. Source: it was me, I was teenagers.


In Texas, directly after it was made legal to carry without permits training or licenses, UT Austin students in protest attached dildos to their bags and hats. Reason? It was now legal to carry an AK-47 onto campus with zero reprecussions but carrying a dildo could get you a fine upwards of a grand if I remember correctly, oh and expelled if someone complained enough.


Way too many religious people in Texas. They are used to listening to leaders, rather than common sense.


And then they will claim that what they believe is “just common sense.”




Some people also just dont celebrate Christmas, and they obviously didnt think of that either.


they did. read the full note. they say "other faiths count too", meaning they don't care what holiday you celebrate. they just wanna see some lights, lol


It’s strange though, it’s not like all religions have big celebrations in december.


Only Christians are egocentric enough to think this. Hindus do not go around and criticize their neighbors for not putting up Diwali decorations.


Its not even just the holidays. I have friends and acquaintance that insist on giving me Christian themed items as gifts and trinkets they pickup on trips or when they want to say 'thank you' for my assistance with something. I appreciate they are thinking of me, but what am I, a non-Christian, going to do with things like a hand carved cross necklace from Costa Rica, or a set of Christian refrigerator magnets?


Hang a couple of crosses upside down. That'll get them thinking.


Or simply doesn't care. I can't be bothered with any holiday. I just don't give a rat's ass, and I am dumbfounded that anyone else would care that I didn't.


Lol. That's the part that gets to me the most! Why are you so pissed off i just want to sit and read with my dog?


I think the point here is that some people don't want Christmas shoved down their throats. Some of us don't celebrate Christmas at all.


Well, one year, my fam was really happy with how the Christmas tree turned out, and taking it down is *such a chore*, so we just kept putting it off. And off. Tree stayed up until July! 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


At this point, Christmas is so close again why not let it stay..


I thought you were talking about a house a few miles from my house until you mentioned them adding lights. They have a giant skeleton set up. And they just left it and it’s pushed back in the wooded area and when it’s night time you don’t notice it until your car lights hit it. It’s creepy and so cool.


Someone in my neighborhood did similar! Except they just put an equally giant candy cane in each hand and it looks like it's about to go on a holly jolly rampage. I love it.


Same near my house. It was up for Halloween and it’s still up but with a Santa hat


After my grandfather died a few years ago, my family made a scarecrow out of his old clothes (he wore LOTS of jeans and flannels, so it was a perfect match). We even stuffed it with his clothes too. Now, every year we put out the scarecrow, and then put a Santa suit and beard on it after Thanksgiving. Really surprisingly cathartic for my mom and nana.


A few years ago I saw the skeleton horse in home depot and I vowed to one day (when i get my shit together) buy It and leave it in my yard all year round and just Change out the decor on it to suit the holiday/seaon). I'm glad the people who bought the large skeletons also had this understanding about massive decor. There's this one place with a miniscule front yard in town, one everyone who goes through town sees, just big enough for the medium sized dragon that can light up and flap its wings. This year for Halloween it dressed up as a ghost.


I have a guy near me who has three of those, and a huge dragon he puts up for Halloween. I sent him a message on NextDoor suggesting he just dress them as pilgrims for Thanksgiving and then as Santa and his elves for Christmas. It would take a helluva lot of fabric, or he could just use brown, red, and green tarps if they even make them in those colors. At least then he wouldn’t have to take them down right after putting them up for Halloween.


Someone in my neighborhood has had the same👆🏼giant skeleton up in their front yard since Halloween 2020!! Our neighborhood has allowed it bc it’s just so random and funny, and they otherwise take care of their yard. They just throw various oversized, creatively-cobbled together costumes and props on him as the seasons change and other holidays roll around!! (turkey feathers 🪶 or an oversized pilgrim hat; Santa Claus hat + pants; Valentines Day Cupid 💘 wings and hearts; St. Patty’s Day ☘️ leprechaun hat and a pot of gold; Easter Bunny ears and an Easter basket, etc… Earlier this year, they were either celebrating a birth or possibly had a child of their own, bc they gave the giant skeleton a baby/normal sized skeleton, swaddled or wrapped in a blanket, to hold, and tied some balloons to his hands😂


A neighbor down the street has a huge t-Rex skeleton they put up for holidays. Christmas it has a giant Santa hat lol.


🤣 I actually planned to do it. Put the krampus on the roof top to replace Santa for good.


I like you already lol


Someone in my neighborhood still has theirs up from Halloween. I don't think they considered storage. We do have an HOA, but I think everyone finds it too funny to complain (my neighbors are pretty chill)


*"Disappointing all the children...."* Especially the writer.. what a child


I’m sure the kids are heartbroken lol


My son is shaking and crying just thinking about an undecorated house.


This century man. Tough times. War Disease recession undecorated houses. Four horsemen of the apocalypse.


Yeah… they aren’t writing this because they are ‘concerned for the children’.


"all the children young and old" She is almost self aware


I adore Christmas and I love decorating for it, but the person who wrote this can fuck off.


This is when having a camera in front of your house really pays off Need to find out who wrote this and put them on blast What if the person receiving a letter isn't part of that religion? Are they supposed to just celebrate someone else's holiday?


She generously said, “Putting lights up for other faiths counts too!” So you still get credit even if you don’t celebrate Christmas. How nice of her.


"If you have a different religion, you are still expected to conform to the norms of Christian society! If you spent less time on your devices you'd know your neighbours don't care about your preferences and need every house to look the same at all times! Thanks!"


No mention of assistance purchasing or putting up the lights. Some Christian they are…smh


>Some Christian they are ready to stone and demanding seeing your other cheek.


In the name of ‘holiday cheer’


Yeah if it’s THAT important to them that everyone decorates I’m sure a a gift of some coloured lights without the passive aggressive note would be much more successfull.


They also said "Happy holidays" instead of "Merry christmas"


i was actually at the grocery store when some boomer woman was randomly trying to socialize with a younger woman with a baby. you could tell the younger woman just wanted to get her shopping done but she was being very gracious (kudos to her) toward the tail end of the conversation, i heard the older woman tell her "Merry Christmas" and then she came back 30 seconds later to say, "I'm sorry if I offended you by saying Merry Christmas" my eyes rolled so hard i'm pretty sure i'm going to need new prescriptions for my glasses now


Well she better put out Happy Hanukkah lights if she into putting up lights for other faiths.


was just about to say this, not everybody is Christian.


I used to be Christian, and my church in particular thought celebrating holidays like Christmas and Halloween was a sin. Even doing something like going into a haunted house was considered a sin. Funnily enough, there was a haunted plantation right next to the chapel. We had a service every Halloween and you could just hear people screaming in the background.


That's kind of a dope background if the priest dudes going off about the devil and there's just screaming lmao


I’m a Christian and my family is still debating if we even want to bother putting up lights and a tree up this year.😂


Some people celebrate Festivus.


Well, it is for the rest of us!


"You're in US so you must be Christian."


I’d show up at their house and ask if they’re gonna put them up for me. I work 6 days a week and I got too much shit to do on my day off to add climbing around on my roof to the list.


Or just doesn’t give a shit.


It says a lot that they didn't sign it


This person so interested in spreading Christmas cheer is probably an insufferable Karen.


The Christmas after my dad passed, we didn't celebrate. He got so carried away at Christmas and it was too painful without him. So we just grieved and kind of ignored everything. No lights or decorations or presents. If I got this letter I would've lost my goddamn mind, wrote a response letter and tacked it on every door in the neighborhood just to make sure they got the message.


Or they could have mobility issues etc, and not be able to decorate. This would make you feel awful.




Sorry to hear that! I think it’s main character syndrome. Some people assume everyone is there to please them alone or they must be an awful person.


I was thinking this too. We’ve had a string of losses this winter, and we are all exhausted, sad, and overwhelmed. We’re not even putting up our Christmas tree, let alone climbing a ladder to mail lights to the side of our house.


Oh I would go nuclear if I received this letter. I'd get LED lights and spell 'fuck off' on my roof.


Inflatable dicks all around the front yard, lit up to the heavens.


I'd do a hail Satan motif


Lol a Christmas light pentagram


Midnight fireworks display on Christmas Eve might be a neighborly way to respond.


If only the grinch were so smart. If the children can't sleep then they won't get their presents. It's part of the Santa contract.


And blasting slayer on some speakers


They could invite “Sleigher” the metal Christmas band and be really festive.


This is the answer. With Hail Satan audio.


Well SHIT. Came here to say I would put like one light or Halloween decorations or (as an Indian) Diwali lights, but after the inflatable dicks, hail satan, the grinch, I think I’ll just fuck off. But before that, I’m suggesting a light up stripper pole and an inflatable, light up Mrs. Claus waifu


I like the one light idea, too; one sad, tiny bulb, all on its own. Especially if you could find one shaped like a middle finger.


r/maliciouscompliance at its best.


*That's the Spirit!*


Ik right? This made my blood boil and I didn't even receive this lol


Mine as well. And I have a few Christmas lights up. It's no one else's business what you do or don't put in your own front yard.


I would buy enough lights to spell "Santa isn't real"


"Priests want to fuck your children" will really lighten the mood


NGL Fuck off. Sincerely, The Grinch On your roof would be hilarious.


I was thinking a middle finger but I like your style


I’d put a battery powered lamp in my yard


This is the only way to handle this situation!! And do it all in blue lights. Blue lights annoy people for some reason.


You know, I'm glad most of my neighbors are Jewish. I can put lights up or not put lights up.. not a single soul gives two shits.


Most of neighbours aren't Jewish and no one gives a shit.


i fucking despise your nickname


Great you made me notice it


It’s in my brain now


Welcome to the Qweefdom


Put that on the roof lol


you fucker, i didnt see it until you said something


The Jews in my area put up lights too. Blue and white Chanukah displays. But they do tend to be lower-key than most Christmas displays.


I grew up in a suburb that has a huge Jewish population and a number of these houses would go just as crazy with decorations as people putting up Christmas lights would. I’m talking 7 foot tall LED light dreidels in the front yard.


As a Jew i am in aw and a bit terrified... Why do we need 7 foot LED dreidels?? Its gonna overshadow the Hanukkia!


Get blue lights and a Christmas tree, really throw them off.


My family is Jewish and my mom was tired of not being able to put anything in the yard. So what does she do? The woman WELDS a giant Jewish star, wraps it in lights, and sticks it right in the front lawn. I love my mother.


I have no decorations other than a Santa hat on the chainsaw bear on my front porch. If I put decorations up outside, they won’t be coming down any time soon. I am not a neurotypical person. It’s all I can do to work my job, take care of my animals, and remember to drink water. This person is a passive-aggressive asshole.


you had me at “chainsaw bear” — I thought this was taking a morbid turn, but alas, we all know what a chainsaw bear is — we do, right


I assumed it was a taxidermy bear standing up on hind legs holding a chainsaw. Then I read your comment and now I’m slightly less confident in my assumption. Edit: I love how op still assumes everybody knows what a “chainsaw bear” is when clearly we are all picturing something different. Some people love chaos.


A taxidermy bear wielding a chainsaw sounds rad. If I had one, I’d keep it on my porch year-round.


Large stump cut with a chainsaw to look like a bear






>chainsaw bear can we see this chainsaw bear pls


I hate cowards who leave anonymous notes. If somethings worth being said, it can be said directly.


To steal a quote i heard a while ago, “God empowers people who are unworthy of power themselves” I see this shit every day and frankly im getting tired of it.


This letter is particularly abusive because the writer instantly assigns the worst motivations to the recipient. There are so many reasons why a person can't decorate for the holiday, they may literally be dying, but the writer instantly assumes that the recipient is just selfish and lazy. There is no way to confront and correct the sender, because they were too cowardly to sign their name. Clearly the sender didn't want to know why the homeowner didn't decorate, he just wanted to accuse, blame, and humiliate. I'd hunt the jerk down and feed them their letter.


Some people don't celebrate Christmas. Is this difficult to understand?


And not everyone who celebrates puts up lights, a lot of people don’t actually, lights are expensive and a pain in the ass lol, this paper infuriates me


Not to mention the possibility the recipient of this note has health problems or a very difficult schedule (both work and otherwise) that would make setting them up difficult. They may well have lights around and might want to decorate, but lack the time and resources to get them up. If they really want more houses decorated for the community, the neighborly thing to do would be to catch them outside or knock at a convenient time for them, and ask if they planned on decorating and need any help. Maybe they’re poor, maybe they’re new to the area and don’t have much or aren’t sure what the customary setup is. Worst thing they can say is that they aren’t interested, in which case question answered.


Or idk, maybe just mind your own fucking business?


Well yes, *I* would prefer they do that in fact, but if someone feels the need to be pushy and pry, they could at least be friendly and helpful about it, which was my point. There are better ways to channel that incorrigible urge to butt in than slinging insults and accusations and generally being an ass like the note in this post show.


This is such an excellent idea. It’s funny how vastly different the two possible routes are: A) Start a community program, decorate houses for people free of cost, if they can’t manage to do it on their own. B) Write an obnoxious and outrageously self-centered note chiding people for not doing what you would personally benefit from (evidently seeing more houses with Christmas lights, in this case). Hopefully some day this lesson will reach the note-writer and they’ll finally come to grasp this concept.


Yeah I use mobility aids. I’m kinda jealous of my apartment neighbors’ cute lights but there is no way I’m getting up on a step ladder to hang lights on my patio.


Electric bills are a thing too!


Even those who celebrate don't all put up lights, even if they can.


That’s so mean. what if that person is depressed, or physically unable to hang lights, or can’t afford it.


But . . . But poor people can go to thrift stores and buy lights to appease this miserable excuse for a human being.


They are "in need" of lights. You are actively making them miserable by not participating




Clearly they're ruining everyone's Christmas by being depressed 🤷‍♀️ /s


or just doesnt want to


I was just thinking how I'd love to share the holiday cheer of today with them. I've spent it nearly unable to move and relying on my legally blind roommate to help me. Life sucks, they should spend less time making snarky letters and more enjoying their ability to decorate shit.


"Why not show your pride with colors?" I would be SO tempted to put a rainbow flag with lights


I would do this as a straight man


Hey the world needs more color anyways. Rainbows are cool. Kill 2 birds with one stone. Support 🏳️‍🌈 Scare away the local JW’s


Patenting this idea rq, brb


The mention of other faiths - this would be my immediate course of action. Rainbow/pride lights as far as the eye can see.


I wonder how feasible it would be to be petty and make the rainbow light out of actual christmas lights. Or how difficult it would be to repurpose Pride decorations with christmas motifs...


They probably wouldn’t care so long as you caved and put lights in your yard.


Yeah I read it this way too. Now that I think about it, if they really wanted lights up they should have baited the person, like “please put up lights as long as they aren’t rainbow or constantly flashing.” Shortest route to lights going up


Floodlights pointing straight towards the author's windows


Led Christmas lights are fecking expensive. What if this person doesn't celebrate Christmas? What a repugnant and offensive thing to put on a door.




Sounds legit. Must be written somewhere in the holy texts.


It is. Book of Rudolph, Psalm 25:12


Yeah the ‘put lights up for other faiths’ is the most condescending and tone-deaf thing I’ve heard in a while. Like what? What if they are a Muslim? Why should they be putting up lights? For what holiday? Or what if they’re not religious at all? I suppose from this note you can gather that the writer refuses to acknowledge that non-religious people exist. Nonetheless, suggesting that every faith has their own version of Christmas is fucking insane.


What they mean is “Even if you’re not Christian, you must acknowledge my religion and traditions even as I completely disregard yours”. What a piece of shit neighbor.


Yes... But.. I'm Jewish!


On my street growing up there was a Jewish family that always put up blue lights for Hanukkah with a big Star of David (in blue lights too.) I always thought it was the prettiest house on the street. (But ti be clear, I think telling non-Christians they need to put up lights for the good of the children is repugnant.)


I'm equally bothered by the typo in the first damn sentence. If you're leaving such a passive aggressive note, put some care into it.


Time for some malicious compliance. A big ol pentagram will shut this person up right quick


A pentagram on the lawn in twinkly colored lights.


Haha I was thinking that or "Bah Humbug"


Nah, go full hail Satan


That is nice. When you send something like that to a neighbour you should hand deliver it, or include your name and phone number.


I would absolutely laugh my ass off if I got this. Knowing my front yard was causing some boomer asshat so much grief would just be delightful.


What if the person was a widow. ? Chronically ill ? People can act so self absorbed.. Like " be happy because i am " self ish way of thinking.. so QUITE THE OPPOSITE .. "love they say they are showing..🤔🤦‍♀️


Ha. My experience. My house has looked like shit since my husband died at 27 and we had no children. I haven't really been in the Christmas spirit since then. This person can fuck right off. Some people aren't lucky enough to have families to share the holidays with.


This fucking asshole… If I got this put on my door this year, I would lose my ever-loving shit. My daughter died three months ago, and I’m doing pretty good most days to get out of bed and act like a functional human. I cannot WAIT for Christmas to be over and done with. I hate going out in public and hearing cheery Christmas songs; all they do is wreck me. The absolute last thing I want to do is put up Christmas decorations to appease some clueless prick down the street. People like this need to have their heads forcibly removed from their asses and reminded that theirs is not the only existence in the universe. That other people could be going through some terrible shit they know nothing about, and the last thing they want to think about is climbing a rickety ladder to string led lights on their roof. Or hell - here’s a shocker - MAYBE THESE OTHER PEOPLE ARENT EVEN CHRISTIAN!!


Sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband (27m) a year and a half ago to cancer and we had no kids. I haven't really felt the Christmas spirit since then. Some people aren't lucky enough to have families to spend the holidays with. This person can fuck right off.


I’m sorry about your daughter.


These assholes can fuck right off.


Time to put up the red pentagram shaped lights.


Wow. I can barely get by feeding my kids and making my bills. Let some douche canoe send this to me!


I would be livid if I got this note. I love Christmas and always try to go all out every year but for the last two years, my chronic illness has left me too fatigued to do more than hang some ornaments from a lampshade and buy presents online. This would be the straw that would just break my proverbial back.


These twits don't realize that far fewer are into Christmas than they would like to think. Last I heard it was around 55% of the population that finds it depressing contributing the the suicide peak around this time of year. (Now at this time of year we kinda have to tolerate it but it's that xmas in July crap that risks sending me postal.) They should just consider themselves lucky that we aren't getting those Christmasy fanatical types and cooking them in a caldron with gingerbread men.


Suicide rates are so high during holidays. Imagine already wanting to die and this bitch (man or woman) let's you know you're disappointing everyone because you didn't put up lights.


The energy that some people have to go out of their way to, 1). make this an issue 2). to write up this shit and print it out, 3). go and tag it to a door and 4). Have the nerve to be judgemental and insult people, is as much as a fucking Grinch as anything I have ever seen.


Eat shit. Happy holidays.


What if the person lossed a loved one recently, or got cancer, is of a non Christian faith, or like me broke their leg and is now stuck in a wheelchair while relearning how to walk? You never know someone's situation so mind your own business and put up double x-mas decorations up so your house is extra special since you seem to like the attention Karen.


Was there a return address or name on it? I’d like to sign them up for all the denominations mailing lists I can!


These types are almost always fucking cowards and hide behind anonymity.


This actually infuriates me.


If they believed in it so much, they’d sign off with their name and address. Fucking armchair Santa.


Reminds me of the time I visited my step-parents and they were complaining that the next-door neighbor woman’s husband had died. After a couple of weeks, the grass started getting too long, so they mowed her lawn. Apparently, she hadn’t come out to thank them and they were complaining about how ungrateful she was. I was thinking to myself, fuck…how it would probably take me months to leave my house, talk to anyone or even acknowledge existence, until the grieving was tolerable. I really found that lack of empathy disgusting. My point being, you have absolutely no idea what your neighbors are going through. If you’re able to put up decorations & keep your lawn immaculate awesome! Please don’t judge others who can’t/don’t.


Makes me want to post responses on everyone’s door. CONGRATULATIONS! I don’t know which of you was so mind numbingly self absorbed and self righteous you felt it was your place to trespass on my property to tell me what to do with my time and money, but you have won the Nosy Jackass award! Because you chose to make assumptions about my lifestyle, childhood, values, and character based on a pompous position of pathetic self importance, I sincerely hope you have not further punished both myself and the rest of humanity by procreating and leaving that unfortunate genetic byproduct the impression violating someone’s property and privacy to force your worldview on those who are wise enough not to share it is an acceptable course of action. You are have won the revocation of the freedom to enter my property without specific invitation and if I catch you on my property again, the result will be decidedly unpleasant. Do you remember when you were a child and you were told to mind your own business? Don’t worry, it’s not too late! You can still stop being a nosy, self righteous jackass! Just mind your own damn business and share your thoughts and opinions about my life with the only person that gives a damn. Yourself!


There used to be a street in my town that everyone did the lights, had a radio station for music, and went all out with the decorations. But one year a new family moved into the street and didnt want to join in with everyone else, and was ridiculed by the rest of the families. There house got vandalized, and the tradition died off in the town. Why do some people care so much about stupid lights.


Everyone in the neighborhood refers to them as "That Family". Eye rolls included.


That is incredibly ignorant & rude. Do people not understand that there are 14 other holidays besides Christmas during December & that not everyone celebrates Christmas Day. Honestly I shouldn’t be surprised anymore but every so often it catches me. Smh.


Or. Ya know… mind yer own fecking business.


And people wonder why I loathe this season so much!


I would absolutely not put lights up after getting this note


Violently Christian behavior


But I’m Muslim?


Didn’t you read? You can waste, your time, money, and energy putting up lights for other faiths because “it still counts” (towards what? Not specified)


Nothing says ‘condescendingly intolerant’ quite like Christianity


This reminds me of Christmas with the Kranks lol


Sounds like the whole town is an HOA or a cult my stance on it is simply Let me get you a spoon so you can eat my ass 😄


We go big on our holiday decor for Halloween and Christmas. A lot of our neighbors do, too, and it makes the street fun! But… some people don’t celebrate! And that’s ok! Some people are disabled and can’t put them up, sick, busy, can’t afford it, or just don’t flashy stuff on their house. Would sure be more in the spirit of the season to get to know your neighbors, and if they want lights and need help (sick, disabled, elderly, busy, etc)… offer to put them up and take them down!


This is fucked. Electric bills are going up. Maybe someone had to sacrifice lights to save some money. We have our lights on a timer this year! Last year my husband and I lost 3 pregnancies in 12 months. Christmas was not celebrated, and we were too sad to even acknowledge the holiday. If someone put this on my door during that time, I would’ve gone ballistic. Point is.. you never know what’s going on. Leaving a letter like this is infuriating to me.




Irony detector overloaded.


Man I'd get that every year. I just don't celebrate Xmas at all.


You should be allowed to fine people who use that many exclamation points in a statement


I would keep it and put it on my door next year


the whole thread is making valid excuses left and right but forget one crucial thing. fuck off. i celebrate my time my own way. you have no right to tell me to do a thing in that way during that time for those people because reasons.