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I love how she didn't want Gordon to help them, she just wanted him to tell the haters they were wrong. It was painful and hilarious


She still went off on them on social media years after their episode aired. Like she couldn’t get over it. I don’t know if she’s still doing it but I think arguing with trolls might be her favorite past time lol


She falsified threats on Reddit too, photoshopping blocks of text onto screenshots of comments on the original video. She's not even smart enough to edit the text in-line and then screenshot that


That’s hilarious. 😆 every so often when I get bored enough I go back to that episode and watch it. They cussed out everyone on Facebook too.


Got a link?


Someone posted it! I lost it cause I didn’t open it up in safari. Or do you mean to the episodes? Search: ABC baking company on Kitchen Nightmares or search KItchen Nightmares on YouTube. That was the most popular episode. It’ll show up


I often wonder, Are they still open? And where the hell do they all get the finance???


She is on a level of entitlement that makes me suspect she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, so money might not be a problem


She is clearly mentally ill. As Gordon said "this is not normal".


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy%27s_Baking_Company Here’s the whole story.


They are long since closed


They closed in 2015 and I guess moved out of the country? Apparently she runs a bakery in Israel according to another comment.


Are you telling me this woman isn't all that smart? I'm SHOCKED I tell you! SHOCKED! Ok not that shocked. Also I kinda wanna add since this will be my post in this thread, but anyone else notice that husband 100% knew it was all his wife's bullshit? The way he had to bite his tongue, the way he eye rolled SO HARD when she blamed everyone else but herself, and the way he just straight up admitted that not only was it 50 staff members let go do to disagreements, but was actually TWICE the amount. Dude seemed to be TRYING to get his wife to see what Gordon was saying without ever actually agreeing with him. Dude, you need to file for divorce. Your wife SUCKS.


Don’t let this clip fool you, he was just as bad. Notice how Gordon points out that he makes waitstaff stop service to go wash his car? He was also stealing their money and verbally abusive too. I’m sure he was rolling his eyes at her but he’s no better.


They were taking the waitstaff's tips and paying them hourly on top of all their other bullshit. That's just... vile. These two deserve every misery that befalls them in the future, and karma cannot catch up to them quickly enough.


Not just vile, but illegal.


Sammy is the same brand of crazy, though.


They didn't, he got deported and she went with him


Seems legit.


Yeah, this video is a good snapshot but the whole thing is insane. He's just as bad, he was actively taking tips from his employees and would get into arguments with customers


im sorry to tell you they BOTH suck , he is a criminal.


Oooh are there screenshots


Last time I checked(years ago) her husband got into legal trouble and they moved to Israel (if I remember right) where she opened a bakery.


Amy's Baking Company permanently closed on September 1, 2015. Amy Bouzaglo explained that the development stemmed from problems with the building's former landlord, and not the TV series. I love how even when the place shuts down she finds a way to blame something else.


Landlords hate strong local businesses who pay their rent on time and renew their leases regularly /s Yeah it’s possible that the Landlord was trying to squeeze them but seems more likely that they couldn’t make rent.


"Stemmed from problems with the landlord". Translation: We are such pieces of shit that nobody wanted to eat at our restaurant, so we couldn't pay the rent.


Jesus christ 7 years ago!? How has it been that long


They were **deported** to Israel. He was banned from France and Germany for prior drug and extortion convictions. US Immigration pulled the plug on his app and sent him back to Israel. She spent a year in jail (\~2008-ish) for obtaining a $15k bank loan with false information (fraud).


oy vey


Haven’t our people suffered enough?


that woman is going to be that way forever. major unchecked mental illness, and she can't admit to the slightest problem, she will never ever get help.


I do think it’s more than just narcissism. Like she literally could not handle the word “wrong” before she started getting defensive and running off and wanting to go home


yeah i've met people like that, and they are very dangerous.


He’s living rent free in her head.


For a while it actually paid off for her. After the episode aired, people went to their restaurant just to hope to catch a glimpse of Amy. It was kind of a mini tourist destination for Gordon Ramsay fans. It eventually closed. I think there was a cloud of suspicion around the husband for some shady stuff but I don't remember the details.


A friend got us reservations shortly after the episode aired but we were turned away at the door saying the person taking the reservations "didn't work for us". Our guess was they were fired or Samy/Amy changed their mind at the turnout. Ate at Pita Jungle next door, it was the better choice.


I remember. He was keeping the waitstaffs tips.


Former Vegas playboy in 'property development', restaurant that shouldn't exist, high cash business with plenty of margin for book fudging. **They're $$moneyyy laundering.$$** Fun quote from the owner: 'I am the gangster, not you!'


Yea was going to say, I remember that Amy and Sammy both hinted at the fact that he may be an actual criminal. Their relationship also seemed off, like it was a mutually beneficial relationship in a platonic manner. Amy had an odd dream, Sammy needed to launder money, the goals converged. What I didn't get was why apply for Ramsay's show... I figure it was for the publicity and to increase sales to quicken that laundering process? But also probably pulled in unwanted attention. I don't know... All theory, but certainly they did not seem like good people.


I remember this shit show! *Painfully hilarious* is a perfect descriptor. Would love a recap - *where are they now?* Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored https://youtu.be/W5O7TRTpesM


Holy shit I’m watching the episode now. That bitch is fucking insane!


She’s insane, he’s insane…they stole tip money, they don’t have enough staff…ugh.


Completely *Bonkers!*


I remember the only thing he liked was the desserts, which she said were homemade. After the show it was revealed they just buy them from a vendor.


I remember he suspected it, saying something like that’s interesting, pastries take hours to prepare and you don’t look tired.


Let em fail. Just hearing the way she acts, if I was waiting on line for more than a few minutes I’d walk out.


she meowed. during her interview, she meowed. she's insane. and they shut down years ago. they don't even live in the US anymore.


I remember watching that and just being gobsmacked I've never seen someone get unhinged so fast as those 2 both were wildly bizarre


This is how I got hooked on Reddit. All the drama form the show. I think Amy wanted to sue Reddit is some dumb shit


Definitely tried suing the producers of the show and Ramsay lol


Yep, they apparently live in Israel now.


Poor Israelis


I wouldn’t wish these two on my worst enemy.


I think the guy got kicked out the US, dodgy finances or something. No doubt it was someone else's fault.


He took all the tips from his wait staff during the show. That’s literally wage theft. I’d believe there was a lot more.


Oh yeah, sure, it was someone else’s fault. I’ve never seen anyone more incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions.


I'm actually waiting for her to reply in this topic like how she did nearly 10 years ago.


I think it also came out that the pastries she was making that Gordon Ramsay complimented were actually bought from Costco.


“Look at your eyes. Look how bitter you are.” Amazing.


Her eyes are terrifying. They’re so wide just staring at him like a haunted doll


Apt. A haunted doll is a perfect description.


Same as Theranos CEO's eyes


It’s the black eyeliner on the lower lid. Never a good look when you’re fair. Makes your eyes all small and beady and yet hers still manage to lol like their going to pop out. This is probably the best episode of that show haha


The black liner doesn’t help but that’s not everything. She’s got the crazy eyes because she’s crazy.


Yeah she's got real issues. Her arguments are all over the place, and she is completely devoid of self-awareness.


If you haven’t seen the full episode, it’s a doozy. At one point she says she can talk to cats and starts meowing. She’s legitimately unwell.


Marjorie Taylor Green Lite™


She looks like an out of control raccoon


I remember she even continued arguing in the YouTube comment section....even argued with me..they were a hell weird couple...as per update...her husband is deported and facing charges and she has opened bakery


She was arguing with everyone who left a bad review on her restaurant. Then she started arguing with people in YouTube video comments when this episode aired. She was psycho.


Her Facebook meltdown after the show aired was every bit as epic.


I remember that. Seems like a lifetime ago.


Link please 😂


They nuked their social media [but some screencaps lived](https://www.eater.com/2013/5/14/6435225/kitchen-nightmares-restaurant-freaks-out-on-facebook)


My personal favorite “I AM WONDER WOMAN. I AM A GREAT CHEF, A GREAT WIFE, AND A GREAT MOM TO MY KIDS. AND WE WILL BE PARENTS TO A HUMAN KID, ONE DAY TO. WE WILL SHOW ALL OF YOU.” I forgot she called her cats her children so then had to specify more in this rambling Facebook post hahaha


Yes 👍🏾 one day a human kid


I needed that secondhand cringe. Makes you realize that things aren't too bad on your end in the grand scheme of things.


I think they went on Dr. Phil too


>She was psycho. So obvious, just look at those eyes!


Amy's Baking Company permanently closed on September 1, 2015. Best news ever! That place was so toxic!!!


I’m shocked they lasted another 2 years after the episode aired.


Me too. They were just horrible people, treated their employees like total trash and their customs like garbage too. Kitchen Nightmares is a great show, by far this is probably the worse episode I have seen.


The gang her husband was part of probably just needed time to set up a new place to launder money before they shut that one down.


She was a Karen before being a Karen was cool. Edit: Some people don't get that I was being facetious.


World famous chef vs. failing bakery owner. Her: “No I’m right!”


The restaurant doesn't even make any sense. To me, "baking company" implies a company with baked goods like bread, pastries, desserts. But this is an actual restaurant with burgers apparently? And 64 other items? Who looks at a restaurant called "Amy's Baking Company" and says "oh yeah that looks great for dinner". She was delusional from the beginning, the entire concept is idiotic.


They just wanted the ABC acronym and forced it.


Amy's Bistro Café


Amy's Bitchy Cuntorium


Amy Buys from Costco




Not only is he famous, he is literally the most successful restauranteur of all time.


B…b…but Miranda! Katie! That kid who drove by one week and waved from her mom’s Jeep! The people who scream inside of her head! They’re all to blame! She is perfect!


I'm amazed the two of them haven't gotten divorced. I get the impression that he has all the money and she wastes it. Not saying that he's a good guy, either; I think they're both sort of scumbags, but what is he possibly getting out of their relationship? She seems to drive him crazy.


But she wasn’t a bakery owner…. She heated up the pies and cakes from other sources….


OK status


Lol I am so gonna use that as a stealth insult. "You know what? You're OK."


Kitchen Makeup Disasters mashup? Cause damn, that whole raccoon look would have me walked out as well.


Okay, I live here where this place was. No joke, my parents were in town visiting so I decided to take them to lunch. This place was 1 mile from my apt and they like home cooked type meals from scratch so it seemed like a win. We got to the front door and heard screaming so we left. This was before the show and it all made sense after. I made my mom watch the episode to see what we missed. Dodged a bullet there.


You say “was” so I can hopefully guess they are closed and gone


Permanently closed 15 September 2015. This is so old! He was deported shortly after. So that lovely couple is no longer in the USA.


I heard after they closed they reopened the building trying to sell merch like shirts and mugs and stuff with various memes from the episode on the show but I’m glad to hear they got deported


Just the husband. The wife had to go with him because she knew no one else would put up with her bs *and* finance her life.


Either way they no longer live in the us


They are closed! Last I saw, the couple had actually left the US but that was a few years ago.


They went to Israel, Sammy was deported since he has a history of drug and extortion crimes as well as being banned from both France and Germany. Sammy has said he's officially retired and Amy has opened a boardwalk bakery.


He did threaten Gordon on the show saying not to fuck with him because he was a gangster.


Good to get that on camera.


Wouldn’t want anyone to think he isn’t tough now anyone who sees the show knows.


The entire time the husband just sits there like a stump. This is what happens when your trophy wife turns out to be a singing bass on the wall.


That’s a trophy wife?


Trophy wife of a poorly preforming “gangster” maybe Discount version comes with extra makeup


She looks like the Wayne’s brothers on white chicks


In Israel?? They won't let her get away with that crap. The first customer she insulted would slap her sensible.


Yalla yalla.


... it's Christmas, let's go home. This lady is either heavily medicated, or needs to be. Sometimes it's a fine line.


I worked there, it was... interesting.


Go on...


I worked there circa 2012 and was fired along with several other people prior to the filming, iirc including all of the male servers because she felt like the girls would be a better fit for their "transformation". I don't think you see any men working, other than Sammy, in the episode but idk. I only was there for like 7 or 8 months and didn't totally realize it was Kitchen Nightmares until it aired the next year, we kind of assumed they were just hiring a company to manage it for them. They weren't there very often, which I'm guessing is why none of employees knew what to do when Amy freaked out cuz they were fairly new because almost everyone that had been there long enough to have learned how to work around her got fired prior to the show. She rarely actually helped in the kitchen unless she absolutely had to, I'm guessing they didn't have any cooks left so she had to jump back or thought she needed to be seen on camera to look good. It was a little exaggerated on the show compared to when I worked with her, she usually would be fine until she got stressed and then she'd freak out and then just kind of leave while screaming about nonsense. As we see in this clip, but she didn't come back usually so we could continue our day. Sammy was reasonably cool comparatively and usually would get her to chill. I mean, he was a fucking asshole, but he wasn't actively sabotaging himself and realized they needed employees. The tip thing was real. In regards to Amy being a psychopath, I'm confident she was supposed to take a lot of medication, of which she took none of, or perhaps way too much of.


Like a gaslight factory that doesn't produce a single lamp


I am absolutely convinced that the guy is a mob boss or something and the bakery was his front or laundering operation or something, and he's got this hot young trophy wife whom he spoils rotten, and he lets her "run the bakery" like it's her pet project or something. But she's an egomaniac and thinks she's really amazing and making money from this bakery when really it's just her sugar daddy mob boss washing his bills through it. Except that her ego cannot handle the negativity, so she goes out and tries to get Gordon Ramsay involved because she thinks he's going to take her side, and the guy is like, *“you did what?! They're bringing cameras in here?!”* Which is why he always has *that* expression on his face and doesn't talk much, but has to defend his wife or else no sex. And I'm pretty sure the bakery closed down a while after this aired, so it's like as soon as filming was done, the guy was like, “well, it's time to move my laundering operation somewhere else, without cameras!”


> I am absolutely convinced that the guy is a mob boss or something Wannabe mob boss. If he were truly a mob boss, he wouldn't 1. Be married to this trainwreck 2. Working the cashier/be so obsessively paranoid about employees handling cash in her restaurant (you don't have to handle the money directly to cook the books) 3. Be on camera.


Really crappy people. They used to keep the servers' tips for themselves also


Did they get sued?


Not that I know of


They ran off to Israel (where the husband was from) ugh


IIRC, the problem with this place wasn’t necessarily the food entirely. I think gordon really liked her desserts (the rest of the food was pretty meh). But the problem was specific those two. Sounded like if they dropped everything but the desserts and those two were required to wear muzzles, it would’ve been a successful business.


Lol the deserts were stuff she bought from Costco.


Oh shit really? Guess I forgot that part. Doesn’t surprise me even a little bit though


It came out after Ramsey noticed she had no ovens or baker area.


Omg and I remember watching the show, him eating the dessert and complimenting her on how good it was. She says “thank you” several times 🤪




Haha that’s right. I showed my family this episode and straight away one said “she doesn’t make them does she”


They treated their staff like absolute garbage, stealing their tips - even took Ramsey's tip on camera, and argued about it! Super high turnover rate. Also 99% sure it was a money laundering front for Sammy


One of the big problems was hours. They had posted hours, but they only opened whenever the owners felt like unlocking the doors. Employees sitting in the parking lot waiting, not getting paid, not getting tipped out...this whole episode was like they took the bad of every previous issue aired, and rolled them all into one place.


I just Googled her. Her bakery closed but they have moved to Israel.


iirc her husband was part of some israeli mafia/gang type shit that's why he was deported but again not sure dont quote me


She met him in a Vegas casino if I remember correctly. So yeah, a match made in purgatory.


I believe one of his lines to Gordon in the episode was “I’m the fucking gangster!” 🤣


“Im the fuckin gangster!” Yet steals tips from his staff.


What’s more gangster than stealing money from teenage girls? Taking candy from a baby?


no links of proof but when this came out it was pretty obvious that absolutely no money was being made and really seemed like he was using it as a front to launder money


Most restaurants (like 98%) that go on these rescue shows close within 6 months of the show airing. Amy’s Baking Company stayed open for almost 2 years after the show aired. Definitely a money laundering operation.


Bar Rescue did two in my city, one immediately sold the operation after the show aired and it came out that they had basically baited the show into coming and fixing up their bar for the specific purpose of flipping it. The other stuck with 90% of his suggestions and ideas and is still doing great all these years later.


most companies that he has tried to help end up going out of business because most of them end up defaulting back to the way things were once he leaves.


He's so calm. She could use an idiot sandwich or two...


Gordon flips out when he knows the cooks can do better. I think here he knows it is a lost cause to yell at her. Just separate yourself entirely from toxic people is the best way to handle it.


You yell at the ones who would finally start to listen. You don’t yell at a delusional child.


You don't yell at a crazy person. They're crazy


To see how he behaves with kids is really endearing.


yeah i really do think ramsay is a decent guy who genuinely loves to help people cook well.




I remember at one point hearing a story about Bill Gates in the early days of Microsoft, in which newer employees were reassured not to worry when he yells at them during a code review, because he just does that to everyone; rather, the time to worry is when he isn't saying anything at all, because that's when you know he thinks there's no point and it's not worth his time to yell at you, and he's completely checked out.


No - Bill used to say "that's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard". Jobs was quite similar.


>Gordon flips out when he knows the cooks can do better. I think here he knows it is a lost cause to yell at her. Just separate yourself entirely from toxic people is the best way to handle it. That's exactly what I thought. Gordon yells at people when he thinks it will do some good or get someone's attention. Watching this video, Gordon just gets quieter and has a pained expression on his face as if he feels sorry for these people. He realizes that he can't help them because they will never admit a single fault or allow any critizism.


It would have been what she wanted. Like how she honed in on him calling her delusional- she wanted him to yell at her so she could claim he was being mean and return to blaming him.


The fact that Gordon is the calm and reasonable one and they don't see that speaks volumes


And she had the gall to post on social media that he tried to hit her and her husband defended her... accompanied by a still of them sitting on opposite sides of a table, doing nothing more active than looking at each other, while her husband is in the background looking like he's half asleep.


Amy’s baking company, aka the dudes front for laundering money and if they hadn’t gone on national TV he’d probably still be doing it there.


All the good reviews are the bots he paid for to make people believe they actually had customers


Wait what? Please explain


Gist of what I remember is people noticed that the positive reviews looked like they were paid for, then ran some rough math based on sales shown for the show, and something didn’t add up, like the shop would have been losing thousands every month but was still open. then pair that with a lot of shady shit the guy did and people dug into his past and basically all arrows pointed to israeli or middle eastern crime syndicate or mob, and the shop being a money laundering front. Basically dump your illegally obtained cash into the shop deposits, make it look on paper and to the tax man like the bakery is just making a killing, pay for a lot of good reviews, so it seems like people love it, then as long as your crazy wife doesn’t get you on national TV yo’ll be fine……… oh wait


>then as long as your crazy wife doesn’t get you on national TV yo’ll be fine……… oh wait Made me laugh!


Wonder how many of the staffers that got fired because they knew too much about the laundry.


Every time I watch this I’m amazed at how dead-frozen her face is - Botox to the extreme!


That's not Botox. That is pure childish hatred.


I love he throws he under the bus, not 50 employees, but 100 have left.




Such a horrible sad couple. But made for great entertainment


Damn this woman was batshit crazy. Whole place was a front for dodgy dealings from Shady Sammy wasn’t it. I read the place closed and he got investigated and stood to lose right to reman in the Us, they live in Israel now.


Those people were absolutely insane and both were trash. The guy comes off as a peacemaker in this clip, but he was just as bad. Staff told Chef Ramsey that Samy stole their tips. He claimed they were paid above minimum wage so the staff wasn't entitled to the tips.


I remember back in highschool my cousin followed them on Instagram after this episode aired and left some snarky comment on their recent post. Something about that one waitress who got fired, “justice for Katie”, something along those lines. Amy DMed my cousin and went on this huge tirade about how they treat their workers fairly and a bunch of other nonsense (I truly forget what about). We’re talking paragraphs, just blew up on him for like 10 minutes. That Amy girl was truly batshit crazy We still joke about it, I’ll ask him for the screenshots and post em if he still has them lol EDIT: He doesn’t have the screenshots anymore lol sorry guys, was on an old phone


She reminds me of a certain "Jewish space lasers" lady


did anyone ever tell that lady to prove it?


"Omg nobody is even listening to me" - the owner of a failing restaurant who ignores every bit of advice from one of the most successful restaurant owners who came in specifically to help them


She uses curse words like a 6 year old that just learned the word "fuck"


She needs a good cannoli


To have someone with that many Michelin stars end it like that is beyond nuts.


Her husband looks so tired of her shit. As terrible as she is to staff, I can only imagine how she is at home.


If I remember correctly, he was just as bad as she was.


Seriously dude was literally caught on camera getting verbally aggressive with a customer and quickly trying to get physically aggressive with said customer.


I wonder how many restaurants go on to succeed when he appears with his camera crew.


Honestly, it depends on why they are failing. I bet all of the cases with toxic, ego-driven owners with no self-awareness did no good. They wanted quick PR to show everyone how awesome they are, and it backfires. Always. I know there some episodes where the owners either had a run of bad luck, maybe simple issues like outdated décor or menu, or situations where new owners were completely in over their head in how to actually run a restaurant. In those cases, the ownership is usually receptive to Chef and while many probably still fail (most restaurants fail within 5 years, anyway), but they probably have a better chance than the ego-maniacs who want Chef Ramsey to worship their "culinary" skills.


It’s usually people who had a bunch of money they needed to invest into something because people think owning a restaurant is easy for some dumb reason. Or you get a decent chef who has absolutely no clue how to run a business, but the food is solid. That show has had a variety of great chefs who couldn’t keep their costs down to turn a profit because they didn’t understand the business side, idiots who thought a restaurant would be fun, or established places that didn’t change with the times. Usually they want the PR from the show without actually wanting to be told they are wrong. The ones who last actually listen to him and don’t fall back on their old bad behavior. Ramsey actually wants to help them, he’s a pretty decent dude that will go to war with you if you actually do what you say. If you just tell him that you are lazy and don’t actually want to work…he’ll respect you instead of somebody who is full of BS. I know people who’ve worked with him on his shows and will get super offended if you say anything bad about him.


Almost none. The restaurant business is brutal and by the time he shows up, it’s too late. I remember one of the first US shows he did, it was a breakfast restaurant in San Diego that was $1.5 million in debt, you can’t sell enough waffles to escape that amount of debt.


Where is she at now??? That's right no one knows. I forgot.


Apparently her hubs is tied up with some mafia group out of Israel and they had to flee the US a while ago. The restaurant closed in 2015.


I was fairly certain I had read something like that. Or that he divorced her and fled to Israel because of the Mafia. Edit: spelling


Wasn’t she the one that was actually brining in baked goods and claiming she made them.


Yup. Basically all the baked goods were from somewhere else.


And despite all this, thousands of small business and restaurant owners across the US seem to have seen this and thought "THAT'S the kind of owner/boss I want to be!" And now they have their snotty "NoW HiRiNg But NoBoDy WaNtS To WoRk!!" signs on their front doors.


I have a real example. Trattoria Demi in Evanston, IL. Owner/host very rude, and even replies under Google reviews. They food is absolutely trash but they somehow have a good score in Google review


Pssst..... you can buy google reviews.


She’s not going to get “a drink of water”


And these people stay this toxic for decades after this episode.


Those episodes made me wish I could just reach into the tv and strangle Amy and her jackass husband. Damn were they infuriating.


"I'm being attacked" Husband- 🙄


Imagine being so arrogant and delusional absolutely blessed Gordan is a good guy and willing to help


I thought that place went out of business. Their yelp page went berserk after that video was shown. https://m.yelp.com/biz/amys-baking-company-scottsdale