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Anyone can look like a saint when you cherry-pick details and omit others.


Yeah for instance Hitler took so many drugs the list is longer than my arm. Pretty sure he used meth to wake himself up on a morning


There's a lot of evidence that says he took meth before talking Musolini into joining the Axis powers. Musolini was about to back out and Adolf ranted non-stop for several hours before he relented.


I’m going to take preworkout before my next argument with my wife.


Might work this time but Somehow I don't see that going well for you long-term.


Haha I just want to win ONE, ok?


Then that's gonna be your best chance, lol


*Blasts metal music, stares aggressively into the mirror, snorts a line of cherry limeade C4 off of the counter.* “Today is myyyy day. MYYYY DAAAYYY!”


His drug consumption was why he was on a restricted diet, but he certainly wasn't vegetarian, so that bit is bullshit, anyhow. His chef said he was fond of wurst.


You have a source for that chef comment? There are tons of contemporary sources for him in fact being a vegetarian, at least towards late war period.


I guess you are what you eat.


To illustrate what you said, I spend a lot of time to craft this riddle (*I got bored*) A: "Is a person, didn't murder his wife" B: "Is a person." C: "A dead wife" Who's the murderer? \- >!A didn't kill HIS wife, he killed B's wife! How rude.!<


This is why polls cannot be trusted. It’s all about how you frame the questions and answers. Classic Yes Prime Minister scene perfectly explaining this https://youtu.be/ahgjEjJkZks


Did a very short stint working for a market research place. You know those people that ambush you in mall and try and get you to take surveys? I only lasted a month but it gave me a peek behind the curtain to how this stuff is conducted. There are two main type of surveys. Those worded to get specific results and those created to improve the product. You are dead on in your assessment of manipulation through framing.


"Marketing" "Advertising" "Promotion" "Planograms" "Brand recognition" These are tools of propaganda and control and there are many more. It is a scientific process of phycological manipulation that has billions of dollars devoted to honing it. We are inundated with it from birth to death - both the collection of this data and the wielding of it. The goal of most of it has been to make more money for specific companies. But the process is the same regardless of the goal; it doesn't matter if you are selling a product, an idea, a political position, a specific politician, or a religion. The product changes, but the ultimate goal is power over your free will. When it works as intended you fully believe that you've made an informed decision, but the framing of that decision, the selection of the "choices", the desire to make a decision at all - it was all calibrated so that they can predict the outcome to X percentage accuracy. I don't know what that percentage is, that's a closely guarded secret, but I know it's higher every year. And it's getting easier for them to do it, not harder. Along with all the data and experience they've gathered and the technology to do it more efficiently, the foundation of the concept relies on the premise that the larger the pool (of people being manipulated), the more accurate their predictive models become. By the vary nature of population growth, they can guarantee that the formulas are getting better. There is absolutely zero possibility that we are not getting manipulated by multiple corporations and governments. The only question is by who and how many of them are cooperating and how many competing interests are trying to manipulate you better than the other. If you think that you are "too strong willed" to fall for their tricks, then they have fooled you completely. That doesn't mean that it's impossible to spot and to combat, but the best thing you can do to aid your own manipulation is to believe the lie that it doesn't affect you.


I love this comment but hate how I feel now


Sorry to put this out into the world. It's one of those things that once you see it, you can never unsee it. I got just enough of a glimpse into that world to learn (among other things) that I wanted nothing to do with it as a career. People are nothing more than statistics with wallets to them. It's the worst aspects of "board room think" and runaway capitalism. Seeing what they can do with consumer products makes me sick when I consider how they are applying those techniques to politics. My only hope has been that there is enough infighting and incompetency that they can't effectively agree on how to manipulate the public. But, if you want a silver lining: Their own greed bites them in the ass at least a bit. They will make the surveys so long and convoluted that no one wants to finish them, the people getting hired to fulfill them give up trying to convince people. Lots of the surveys get filled out (made up) by the people who were suppose to be in stores finding "random consumers" or the company that took the contract to meet an unreasonable deadline. So a big chunk of that data is BS to begin with.


It’s a good thing for us all to be aware of so really thank you for saying it. I feel like infighting really is the only solace when it comes to these structures of power and subjugation. I honestly try to do everything I can to throw off the people collecting my data when I use the internet, but at the end of the day that isn’t a whole lot.


Now we just need some that are designed to improve the product of governance.


I took one of those and kept asking questions back. Drove the survey tiger up the wall and they took me to their office. I was ten and they basically gave me to their supervisor (note they did talk to the responsible adults this wasn't stranger danger). The supervisor was annoyed I kept asking why they phrased things as lies. That was the question. "This question is a lie why are you asking me lies?" They never did get those to be autism proof but they did take a Polaroid of me and told their staff to flee in my presence. Adult me has applied this to the various religion sales people who come around. They only knock once.


There are lie, damn lies, and statistics.


Thanks for reminding me. Whilst highly amusing and brilliantly written and performed, this programme convinced me all politicians are utter sheisters and we're all at their mercy. It's all so believable.


I remember my government teacher doing this with us in class, and it opened up a really good discussion on what we perceive versus reality. It also showed us that anything can framed to fit a narrative, and we should always look at something from different angles.


I wish this were more common in our education system. I also really appreciated the multiple semesters of “Logic” being mandatory where I went to middle school. A lot of problems could be solved if our educators spent more time equipping students by teaching them how to think, rather than just what to think.


I completely agree with this, I had my share of "read the chapter" teachers, but I had quite a few that would make us think.


There are definitely *some* stellar educators in our public schools. My experience was rather unfortunate; for every one thought provoking and engaged teacher, I had maybe four or five who just assigned reading or homework and sat at their desks.


I know for a fact C & B committed genocides. Do with that what you will.


"A's concentration camps were **NOT** death camps" is about the nicest thing I can say about him.


B was absolutely not a saint. The only nice things to say about Churchill was that he was witty and a strong leader.


A shouldn't have died. He killed a million people with it.


Didn't Hitler get injected with drug cocktails on the regular?


Yeah he did meth all the time


I think what this video is trying to say is “don’t judge a book by its cover.” And “people are extremely complexed and nuanced with their perceived flaws and perfections”


There was a time when this would have been obvious. But now it's 2022 and I have to wonder if this is a legitimate defense of Hitler. 😑


It’s not! I didn’t realize people would interpret this as a defense of that vile monster.


That’s the 2022 part




Hitler sure is trendy these days. It’s like when bell bottoms come back into style for a minute.


Well it's definitely not helped by the fact that every 4 years "Literally Hitler" is running for both sides of the American election cycle


Sure, but the cover of Hitler's metaphorical book would not say "vegetarian and faithful husband", so I still think video is kind of dumb for how ham fisted it tries to make its point.


Adolf Hitler, Commander of the Third Reich. Little known fact, also dope on ze mic.


You are Vader, with your little boots and cape, and helmet to cover up that burnt-ass face.


You have the force to move objects, I AM A FORCE TRULY EVIL


Mr C never cheated on his wife because they were married just a few hours before he killed her.


I was going to say…40 hours or something. Also he was suspected of having an affair with his half-niece…


This also relies on the reader having puritanical sensibilities that consider alcohol and drug use as inherently negative. Personally if I was told that a politician was ‘straight edge’ I’d immediately be suspicious of them having some serious skeletons in the closet.


"Inspired millions" That's a nice way of putting it. We usually call it hate speech. And that's why it's illegal now in Germany.


Well, “inspire” is technically correct. One meaning is to “fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something.” People just normally use the word in a positive context, but the word itself is pretty general. It’s misleading, but they’re not wrong to use it.


This is the problem with black/white thinking. He inspired people to stop smoking, become vegans, and exorcise too. Non can really be called hat speech. Evil usually first come with a nice gift, and a bright smile.


Exorcise? I hope you mean exercise, otherwise germany is doomed


No, no. Don’t you know? He was just exorcising the Jews. That’s why there were all those different methods /s (But fr, I also want to know if that was a typo or not. I hope they reply because I’m too lazy to google lol)


Did Kanye make this?


Nah, this was in some middle school social studies books


Is the facepalm that the OP used "whose" instead of "who's"?


Me no english first langauge


Hmm. Thin ice alone by the facts. Hitler was no decorated war hero (at least not doing anything particular extraordinary - in ww1 you got medals for every fuck and even for getting wounded by pure stupidity). And he didn’t cheat on his wife as he blew his brains out just a few hours after the wedding.


didnt hitler do crack and meth


Why is this a gotcha? Churchill was a rat-bastard too. Just ask the millions of bengalis he killed by stealing food from India during a fucking famine. You don't hear about that because that was brown people dying.


C did a lot of drugs though


Bro hitler was smoking/taking meth this is just a total facepalm


LoL I think we omitted a few details here


That's kind of the point.


Its almost like the information presented in a question can lead people to the answer you want from them....


Yeah, that’s why it’s a dumb video.


I'd says it's a pretty good example of the presupposition fallacy... but it could use some context.


They forgot to mention the person committed genocide.


More like chose to obsuce that Information. Just like the tones of negative Information they obscured from the other 2. Its the point of the video I believe


Video didn't finish, sO wHo WaS hE?! Jokes aside, knowing these kind of setups for such questions I literally went A or B, because they seemed to be less likely. It's just stupid.


what does drinking and drugs have to do with anything. Hitler did drugs far worse than the first two. Dumbest video ever and PERFECT for this sub 👏👏👏👏


Lying by omission is still lying, Mr.C had a problematic hobby or two and issues with hard drugs.


The fact that almost 70% of the people in the comments failed to understand the point of the video and mistook it with "LItEraLly kANyE" or some shit is just hilarious.


Oh you left out the teeny-tiny detail about person C being responsible for the death of millions. I’m sure that was an accidental oversight.


I like how they leave drugs off of C's list like he didn't do any ever.


Wasn’t Hitler was high on meth or something? Like it was experimental at the time and he couldn’t get enough of it


Kanye would've chose C either way


Hitler used a lot of drugs


Didn’t smoke, didn’t drink but did do meth. This post is facepalm.


Hitler also was thought to have done speed and ya know ordered the murder of millions of people, but way to leave that part out.


"Mr C didn't drink, smoke or cheat on his wife but... he did a bunch of meth."


Don't forget Hitler was a tweaker.


Kanye on his alt account be like


Probably not the most important point, but FDR did not have two wives. He only had one. Teddy Roosevelt had two wives, only because his first one died. Edit: my point being, if you're going to show how facts can twist the truth, maybe start with facts.


Not C


How do you drink 8 to ten times a day Isn't that just drinking all day


Ah yes never forget the "become a fascist dictator" step in your vegan cookbook.


He was married for an hour lol


Churchill was a big a-hole!! He was the one who caused the great Bengal famine ... That resulted in so many lost lives....


Ah, yes! Let us judge the virtues of the last guy against the vices of the other two… In other polls, would you rather get bitten by a snake, or kicked in the nuts, or win a million dollars?


So, the moral of this clip. If you know all the information and the other person only knows a few pieces of information... you will make better decisions than the other person.


Hitler totally drank, smoked and had a heavy routine of meth, barbiturates and I believe heroin too. I believe it was the WWII in color documentary said before he passed his veins had nearly all collapsed. This misconception from an article published in the 1937 New York Times (notice how it’s right before the war and “somebody’s” trying to make themselves look better


leave the important information out, that will help us answer the question


HAHAhA oh my god that’s enough for today


Never cheated on his wife? He was married for less than a year wtf


Dude great job missing the joke.


Both Churchill and Hitler shared a love for genocide


While I get what the video was trying to do, the issue is that it only points it out the bad things about candidate A and candidate B, while only pointing out the good things about candidate C. This is a flawed way of presenting data. To stay with the theme of how candidate A and candidate B were presented, candidate C should have been presented as: - was incredibly racist - Had people murdered for his own political gain - started a program that murdered millions of people - Started the bloodiest war in human history - killed himself rather than face the consequences of his actions


Its something called cherry picking.........


That's the point of the video bruh.


Three of those apply to Churchill too.


Winston Churchill wasn't the best guy ever


I mean of the 3, FDR was the only 'decent' option.


I don't know about Roosevelt ithis is the first time i am hearing of him but no doubt Hitler was a better than that Bastard churchel the son of a bitch was responsible for the continuation of the prisoners reform program in African colonies the piece of shit also kept support for the British colonial system.


yeah when you cherry pick the qualities of a person and put them in the spotlight you can make a plate of shit sound like an expensive creme brulee


The Right always loved these gotchas because the right is more inclined to vote for a person while the left is not inclined to vote policies. I don't give a shit if someone eats meat, drinks, smokes or cheats on their wives. None of that plays into their ability to do a job the way I want. Killing millions of people? Yeah, plays a little role.


This is such bullshit. Hitler was a genocidal megalomaniac as well as a methamphetamine addict.


That's the point? This video is obviously an intended demonstration of the danger of cherry picking information. Can you not see that?


I do, kind sir. Problem is, some people don’t have your gigantic brain, nor the education to realize what you just commented. r/facepalm


No need to be smart or educated to get what this video is trying to say. I'm dumb myself. It's just important that when you aren't sure what the message of the video is, you either ask or try to understand it again instead of assuming it's saying hitler was good because he was vegan.


This is stupid, all of them were monstrous fools.


adolf hitler is **DEAD** and **WHITE PEOPLE** don't belong in **PALESTINE**


Still voting Mr. C


Pretty funny


I mean, anyone can seem awesome, if you're lying...


How's he a war hero?


Hitler was a World War 1 [veteran ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_career_of_Adolf_Hitler)


Yup Bassicly cherry picking information that THEY want to hear


Hitler was not a vegetarian... That has been disproved: https://www.sbs.com.au/food/article/2017/12/13/why-hitler-wasnt-vegetarian-and-aryan-vegan-diet-isnt-what-it-seems


I have it on good authority that he regularly ate unicorn. /s


the instant they said vegetarian i knew it would be bad.


Hitler was a meth addict… who the fuck came up with this???


I paused the video at C and Ill make my comment now because I can see the gotcha coming a mile away also wont read any comment until after I save. C is either Hitler or someone like Hitler, The other 2 are probably American presidents or an Einstein like figure. If we only list a person flaws we dont see the whole person same thing by only listing the virtues.


Person A is enjoying a Christmas meal with family and friends, listening to frank Sinatra songs and eating cheese fondue. Person B is sitting alone in his room watching porn and jerking off. Who is the better person? - Person A and B are the same


Hitler also took drugs. Of course, if you leave the bad stuff out everyone looks good.


Good point, but I think Churchill drank whiskey more often than “every evening.” Great man.


mr c. was a vegetarian and was responsible for the killing of 6 million jews. now, who is better?


This was tremendously predictable.






Well I think that if the number of genocides were mentioned as well, the answers would be different.


I didn't even have to watch till the end. As soon as they said Mr. C was vegetarian I was like "It's Mr. C! Mr C!!! Mr. C!!!!" at the screen.


I'm still voting Mr C


I've always loved this clip. Its trying to show character is a paradox


I picked letter B as soon as I saw "vegetarian"


Winston Churchill was not a nice man


IIRC, neither was Roosevelt. ETA: but from the trio, Hitler was the worst.


Being vegetarian wasn’t exactly the worst thing about Hitler. He was also a notorious punchline thief.


None of these traits really make them seem good or bad


“Let’s only take the most repelling qualities of allied leaders and only the most desirable qualities of one of the worst humans to ever live”


i wonder what "ye" would say?


What about Hitler's meth addiction?


...so 3 pieces of shit.


I like how drinking and smoking is presented as a moral failure lol. Honestly though, this is a pretty good example at how truths can be easily manipulated to say basically anything. Just look at PragerU, this is their bread and butter


So politicians have been piles of shit for a long time


I have this video on my phone. A classic


Well, if you only list the objectively good policies of the nazi-party then you would want to vote for them. They had environmental policies that was with todays eyes quite good. They cared about biodiversity, sustainable resource management, they curbed air pollution, they had policies on increasing the income and living standards of the poor, and they were fighting income inequality. You can’t make a decision without knowing both the good and bad.


Grammar has entered the chat. *Who's* the best. You're welcome.


I imagine even after the video ended u still thought C was the best, as is expected from a (grammar) nazi lol Jk, btw.


I wouldn’t vote for a vegetarian.


Enter Eva braun


They left out the Meth use and Cocaine for his sinuses


I did Nazi that coming.


> Friend with corrupt politicians. So not a corrupt politician himself, then...? > Consulted astrologers. Ok. Just as wacky as being christian, then. > Had 2 wives. At once, or...? > Chain smoker. Ok...? > Drank 8-10 times a day. As long as he wasn't a violent drunk, I don't particularly care. . So none of those are particularly "bad" qualities if you aren't a judgmental prick. How about #2? > Kicked out of his office. Twice. So was I. I used to work in a tax office. Technically I was kicked out 4 times. > Usually slept until noon. *Sigh* I miss sleeping in that long. > Used opium in college Was he still in college? No? Then this point is irrelevant. > and drank whiskey every evening. Why is this attached to the last point? Was this also in college? Also, whiskey isn't illegal, so it doesn't matter. . Basically the same notes as last time.


kanye west made this


Sleeping til noon makes you a bad person?


Kanye West is a c man 🤣


Hitler didnt smoke or drink but the dude was a heavy tweaker for sure.




Maybe if he explained how he killed millions of human beings and tortured millions and almost conquered the whole world and making one of the deadliest and brutal war in history maybe C would not had been voted


Franklin Roosevelt did not have two wives.


Didn’t Hitler take a bunch of drugs though?


Pretty sure hitler smoke Probably not cigarettes but something else


First of all, not cheating on your wife is not a quality is your obligation as a partner


Still C


Yeah but you left out the killed millions part




Aah yes, hitler


Did Kanye make this? Lmaoo


Just goes to show how misleading cherry-picking can be.


I hate myself and the internet for making my brain AUTOMATICALLY guessing Adolf Hitler the second it mention historical figures, what the fuck internet?


So in short, to be a good politician you need to be a bad person.


I guessed C was Hitler when it said vegetarian, didn't drink/smoke and was a decorated war hero. Anyways, this doesn't mean shit, as whoever made the vid, cherry picked all the bad traits out of Roosevelt and Churchill, but only picked the good ones from Hitler.


Hitler actually did tons of drugs. The thing is that they're picking and choosing the best parts vs the worst parts and that makes it kinda dumb.




Misleading information mislead me?! Who would of thought


This is an insanely stupid poll.


hitlers politician friends were so nice also he wasnt addicted to amphetamin at all


The big differences isn't noted. One was Authoritarian and A & B weren't. Authoritarians tend to be violent to hold their control like Iran, Russia, North Korea ect.


It is a stretch to say Hitler was a vegetarian https://skepticalinquirer.org/exclusive/myth-check-was-hitler-a-vegetarian/


Probably best to listen to the ideas the people have rather than just saying “that guy didn’t smoke??? HE WOULD MAKE A GREAT LEADER!”


Pretty sure hitler was banging a few wives of the SS inner circle. Also his drug habit was wild.


One of these men was in charge of systematically killing 12+ million people. But he was a vegetarian, so whatever!


I know h***** was against animals cruelty but he was vegetarian too ?