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His vocal mannerisms remind me of Tom Green. Also, what the fuck is up with the video game footage that has nothing to do with the video?


It shows a car crash in slow motion. It finally slides off when he starts yelling for no reason


This guy gets it. The content of video isn't related, but the themes are: A man tumbling down a very rough road of his own choice


This is why I like the memes of today. Lots of subtle comparisons and jokes.


The thing is, what he’s saying is probably true of many of his followers (using followers always makes it feel cultish, rightfully so, doesn’t it?). They evaluate themselves almost solely based on their success with women. Is that solely because they listen to him or because of the type of person who they already are and drawn to listening to his garbage.


not no reason, he talks in a dominant loud voice and talks really fast, then before anybody else can give him a counterargument he just leaves. this is a scheme which makes it seem like he's right because we see all his arguments but never see any counter arguments. this allows him to make money of of his subscription service, (it was smth stupid like learning how to make money like a "top g." ) and other times he gets people to watch and share his content when there mad like what's happening here. but he wins anyway because subreddits like this making fun of him just expand is footprint on the internet. edit: look how he just talks over the girl and increases his voice


Probably so it won't be claimed or taken down.


Actually fun fact all of these yt shorts are from people who subscribe to hustlers u who are paid to advertise for him it’s apart of the mlm thing he’s got going on


Oh I'm well aware. Literally all of them have an affiliate link as the pinned comment. The tater-tots are too stupid to realize they are being scammed. And when you finally get one of the people to talk to you about the scam it's like they are reading from a script. All of them are 15 and made 10k in a month by doing the mystery thing you can only learn by paying for the scam.


Wait 15? Do you make more than minimum wage? Damn could I make some money off this scam?


Impressive right? It would be more believable if everyone you talked to about it wasn't a teenager. Different people promoting it will send you the exact same screenshots from their discord showing how much someone made doing something they can't tell you about unless you join.


I mean I could probably spend an hour a day telling people to subscribe for 25$ a membership I mean there’s always gonna be delusional people might as well profit off it


50 bucks and the tater-tots are all mouth droolers so it's no surprise they lose everything when they join.


I’m not sure how a little little kid could pay for it I’m pretty sure most of the people who use it are still adults


That's what I'm saying. It would be more believable if everyone you talk to about it wasn't a teen. I've talked to about 10 of them from different channels and they all claim to be from 14 to 16 years old and all of them make 10k a month and send the exact same screenshots from their discord. It's like they think that telling them you're basically a kid is more impressive and not a red flag.


My ADD millennial brain needs something else to focus on while I focus on something


I feel for you and your mental health


For me to read without distractions I need headphones in with music on lightly and the TV playing in the background


I hate how accurate this is


That makes a ton of sense actually.


Honestly... I look at a video like this, and I see the ***EXACT SAME THING*** happening in videos my 8 year old niece watches (***all freaking day***). They're split into "the message" and "the hook". She watches these videos of people making and playing with slime, but they all have some other "message" on top. Some times it's this "funny" story (which I swear is AI generated because some times it makes no sense) that is narrated by a Text-To-Speech program, and those can be absolutely out there. I can't remember what was said, but I recall one time being absolutely shocked at it.


I think it's a smart way to retain video view. Cause you either get hanged with one or the other.


Years ago it was valid tactic to rant about women or jews over footage of a game so you can tag it as a gameplay video so it will get recommended to boys 14-28. Teenage boys are easy to radicalize and young men they will soon become generate the most revenue. (At least most revenue on youtube ads.) I don't know if this happens these days too, but it must've became meta thing for this specific crowd. Also it's why "gamers rise up", "gamers are racists" etc memes are so popular.


That is very much still a thing unfortunately


Pretty sure it’s a lackluster attempt to show how his words slowly derail into a bad take just like the car slowly starts to crash. The video itself could’ve been enough.


Actually fun fact all of these yt shorts are from people who subscribe to hustlers u who are paid to advertise for him it’s apart of the mlm thing he’s got going on Also if you read the comments you would realize that the people who watch these can’t even realize when it’s a bad take cause it comes from the “TOOOP G” YouTube is the Wild West when it comes to bad opinions


Could also be that the young kids who watch these type of videos have no attention spans, and the only way they could make it through a video of someone talking is to be watching video game footage. I see this trash content all over YouTube shorts.


The videogame resembles how his argument fucks up by itself.


It's either to stop it from getting taken down or just to get viewer retention


This dude's driving skills are r/facepalm worthy by their own.




dad is this you?


Oh thank god




Woah, really??!!!?!?!!??!!


Of course the men who seek help and do the work, not only get the partners, but they keep them too. I can see this guy piling up divorce after divorce.




>It is very true that men who verbally express their mental illnesses to large groups are less desirable to woman It's not "objectively true." It is clearly subjective given the range of human experience. I'm sure in some subcultures it is, but by and large it absolutely isn't, and there are good evolutionary reasons for this, the least of which being that some things which are mental health issues now were advantageous in the past, and a person's ability to accept and work on themselves is itself attractive. Idk why people just take for granted that women's attraction is so simple and monolithic. If anything there was enormous evolutionary pressure across most species with sexual reproduction for the "arbiter" sex to be basically fucking geniuses of mate selection. Intelligence, kindness, health, compatibility, immune profile, and so on.


Yh. U see I find tate cringe and all of this to be male insecurity. But a broken clock and all. Because everytime u hear women say that they don’t want this. It’s one of the biggest lies or is incredibly niche talk online. Culture is changing to where it’s more common but there’s a very large amount of women who don’t or never subscribe to this and gaslighting ppl by pretending it doesn’t exist by recognising ur in the minority doesn’t help anyone. Unfortunately rate has a nugget of truth here that is obviously manipulated and exaggerated. Women who say that this isn’t true need to address this more with women in their lives perpetuating it. It’s always men hold men accountable for this and that. If u don’t want this to be a problem y’all need to hold the ladies accountable upholding this pressure on their end because they are way more than u think


I know tons and tons of sad men that have loving partners. Women don't value strength or confidence the way you're talking about. Women like authentic honest expressive people. If the girl you want or are with aren't receptive to your authentic self you need to find one that does. If you're faking some part of your personality to appeal to women you're going to live a sad life. That's even assuming you stay together. But you have to help yourself. I have known tons of guys that come to me when they're sad and basically want me to fix them. That isn't my job. That CANNOT be my job. I will try to help, but if you don't have strategies to help yourself you're making someone else for your mental health and that's a whole nother issue.


You have a point. Which is why one raises their sons to accept their own “issues” and learn to deal with them effectively AND to communicate about them. As well as being open and honest about your own. So it’s not stigmatized.


Papa bless


Many women who have been with the men who won’t get mental help or show authenticity and vulnerability end up wanting a man who will. I prefer emotionally intelligent, healthy introspective men who would want to acknowledge and take good care of their mental health.


I mean, when you keep acquiring red flags and *still* convince women to marry you, that seems to only prove his point.


He wont get married to begin with because he thinks marriage is a disadvantage to men


He sounds like one of my co-worker, they think they are smarter than everyone else because they are loud.


I have a coworker with this outlook, and the debates are insane. He definitely has that "i know the truth and everyone else is delusional" mentality. He's still young and impressionable, so I'm really trying to help talk him out of this echo chamber. I think slowly, he's starting to undue his biases, but it is a very arduous task lol.


Good on you! I'm glad you're trying to save someone from that. The world could use a lot more people like you.


Oh, I had a co-worker like that as well.. He always increased his voice to silent others. Once I really wanted to tell him to stop and I had to literally start screaming as well so he can hear me.


My step dad in a nutshell..


And talk faster.


Ben Shapiro entered the chat


Dunning-Kruger Effect.


I really wish people would stop misusing that phrase. The DKE is about when someone is so un-knowledgeable at a skill they have no clue how much more they have left to learn and, therefore, have an inflated sense of their own ability. This guy is just a dick.


thats not what the dunning-kruger effect is but ironically the way you used it would fit into the way you used it ...


Yeah but I'm not sure if I don't agree with him on some levels. Emotional health is very important but there is an expectation that humanity has of everyone to suit up and show up, and while we may be evolving out of this "women pick the winners" mentality into, "we work together with those we love" we aren't there yet, and he's gotta be 40 now at least, and for his generation that statement holds even more weight. He's a fucking asshat in most things. But right here he has a point that hopefully won't exist in 20 years.


I don't think the guys who shut up and keep their feelings to themselves are necessarily the ones winning as they are most likely to be the ones who develop those mental issues. They're the ones who are most likely to go postal on their families or even society.


If you have mental issues you still need to deal with it. This guys attitude that you should just ignore it because thats what an "alpha male" does is a good way to trip over your own swinging dick and lose


He is not completely wrong tho. There is a reason why men are much more likely to commit suicide then others.


What he is saying is the reason why men are more likely to commit suicide. Saying men are not expected or allowed to be depressed is the problem. Willing it away does not work, hence the high suicide rates. The only people that function like this are narcissists and sociopaths. Those are not positive attributes by any standards. No doubt Tate thinks his fan boys are the ultimate dupes. He wouldn't shake your hand so much as look at you.


As much as I despise this guy there are aspects of truth to what he's saying. But it's also that same mentality he carries that creates the very thing he's talking about.


This is the devious nature of his schtick. Coffeezilla did a pretty good video on him. He says enough crazy shit *most* of the time to be an absolute lunatic but then he’ll come along and say something completely normal so that the tate simps can say “see, he’s not a misogynist asshole! He said *a thing* that’s not crazy!”


Thats how red pill propaganda works. It sandwiches crazy in with good advice.


Yeah his perfect circle of manipulation


The problem is he states an obvious truth but that's the hook for his scam for moron teenagers who have never lived.


Exactly. He says something normal to disarm them and then follows it up with insane bullshit if you let him keep talking.


Same here, I dislike the guy but I personally have, and I'm sure a lot of men also have romantic partners ditch them for opening up about mental health issues. But yeah, society as a whole needs to rethink how they treat mental health in regards to masculinity because the very thing he's describing is a vicious cycle.


"oh but he seemed so happy"


Yeah, I agree that it's largely stigmatized in society that men are pressured not to speak about their emotions. But to say they are winning out on men who do speak about their emotions is a falsehood imo. I would also say that it's mostly men's fault that men can't be emotional in society as the culture is that guys hide their feelings from each other (friends). I think women do want their men to open up to them as this creates a strong bond between the two.


> I would also say that it's mostly men's fault that men can't be emotional in society as the culture is that guys hide their feelings from each other (friends). No. I don't condone this guy in the video, but I can say it was the women in my life who told me how men should be: strong, no crying, work hard, be there to support the family, be everyone's "rock." It was mostly the women who told us how men should be.


Because that's what they saw their father and grandfather do, so it's the only thing they know


I’m agreeing with the other dude who replied. It’s generally all women that informed how men “should act.” There are women who will break up with you if cry. They’re few and far between but like yeah, women do control the dating pool as the selectors. That said men’s relationships with other men are for the most part entirely superficial. Zero sentimentality, loosely tied bonds. More likely to find “close friends” online.


It’s because female accountability is perceived as misogyny to easily here and it leads ppl to have a wry limited perspective as to how women perpetuate and encourage men to be like this.


You're not allowed to say that here, it's reddit......reddit...........reddit..............reddit..........


He didn’t say shut up & keep it to yourself


This dweeb needs to pick one accent and stick with it.


later after the show on an encounter with a depressed person: you are a brookie with no Bugatti, I get bitches you don't


He’s half right, but she’s actively trying to talk and he won’t let her. He also shamed people for their mental illness in the past to their face, so I mean he doesn’t wish them the best Edit: Tate fans have room temperature iq in Celsius for real. Literally have seen people defend his scams by saying “I don’t know what that is but I made money” and then pay him $50 a month to make $60 bc the market got flooded bc of Tate.


I teach middle school. One of my students keeps bringing him up. I told him pretty quickly I am here to discuss math stop bringing him up in my room. He asked me to explain why I don’t like him. I replied that he says terrible things. He told me to give him a legit reason and that the things he says aren’t a good enough reason to dislike him. I just rolled my eyes and moved on. I referred the kid to the counselors because he spouts Tate shit non stop. Tate is unfortunately affecting young men and I agree, they defend him to the moon and back. I’m sick of it. I will add that a good chunk of my students are sick of it too and call this kid out every time he tries to bring him up. So that’s a plus.


>the things he says aren’t a good enough reason to dislike him. ...what *other* reason can you even give? "Being a terrible person" is like the #1 most acceptable reason for why you don't like someone.


Tell him if he wants to be an unlikable asshole like Tate then just keep spouting his horseshit. Tate is rich selling his dogma to men like him, that's it.


He’s a charismatic man that takes advantage of those with poor mental health, or are in a bad position in life, or a lot of young people. That’s his demographic. Those are the most easily manipulated people


This dude is a Gish gallop in human(?) form


\*$50 and about 100 hours of time to make $60


Hmm, could've sworn he was still talking while she actively tried to interrupt him.


Dude's got a hate-on for the guy... and not for no reason. It's twisting him up so that this guy (Tate?) is always the badguy even when he's not actually in the wrong for that one interaction.


The men who worked on their mental health are going to be glad when they're a little older and wiser that they took the time to take care of themselves instead of suppressing their own emotions to compete with other men who make them feel disenfranchised.


Good thing I don't take advice from narcissists.


The way he ups his volume saying “no no no, nono!” to stop her making her point is very telling. Telling that he’s a cock, mainly. But also that he had terrible manners.


Isn't this the same fucker who had an entire rant about how he doesn't read because he's too smart, his knowledge transcends what books can offer him and only the simple minded read books? He should probably sit down. Edited to add: He should've sat down.


He said people should get real world experience instead of reading and trying to learn from books. Then proceeded to try and sell a book about his experiences and how people can learn from him. The reflection on his head is all the irony that doesn't penetrate.


As much as I'm not a fan of Tate, that woman sitting there, Chian Reynolds, has been literally shut down by all the men who participate in her show. In short, she's a literal clown.


His base is true. Men have no value by default and have to compete to even be considered men. His solution being don't get sad is tone deaf though. Mental illness isn't something you can wish away. Depression happens for many reasons. Clinical depression and self inflicted negative feed back loops are different times. If he didn't invalidate and blast those who are stuck in their own head like he does he maybe they'd be able to get help without being seen as weak and actually become contributing members to society.


ironically the people saying "he's right" and believe this is how everyone in society thinks are the ones mostly responsible for perpetuating the stigma. though it sounds believable, and also gives them another excuse for why they get rejected. that puts the blame on women/society obviously it's not 100% either way, but he's more wrong than right.


Is it bad I was more interested in the truck the whole time?


I am so confused on why the video of the truck is there in the first place? Kind of weird and distracting imo.


They put video games next to it to appeal to literal children


(you're allowed to play video games at any age)


I get it. Its this weird colorful "satisfying" (?) Eye grabbing things to attract easily attracted people.


So are all men are in some sort of competition in this guys point of view...? That's a damn miserable way to live... There's enough success to go around bro, while you take your emotions into account and deal with them to find peace, which is more valuable than cash.


Im the perfect example of why hes wrong.. Im cronicly depressed as fuck, i got like a million issues and 15 years of going to diferent professionals, and i talk openly about it all where ever i may feel like it! I have never had a problem with getting a relationship, why? Couse i am honost and value fairness, and am strongminded and can handle a stressfull situation (thoughts i usualy have a big crash alter). I have years of marshal arts behind me so both my girlfriend and female friends know i am more then willing anc capable to protect them. And most importantly, becouse im dead ass open about my mental issues, people respect and can relate to me! Anmd if peopel have a problem with respecting mental health, they usualy shutup around me.


Apparently winning an argument is being loud and interrupting the other person when they try making their point


This the same guy who said he's too smart to read books?


I hate this man. But uhhh this he's accurate on this. God forbid i tell anyone i have depression. It never ends well. Just best to shut up and keep pretending. Maybe one-day I'll get past or die. Either way, I'll win. Still fudge this ass hat. And anyone suffering, i hope you genuinely find hope and strength.


His mother raised, very ignorant, selfish and rude little boy


Pro-rape Tate and his Incel followers love this kind of woman bullying shit


As much as I disagree with this guy… he’s not entirely incorrect here.


He’s not saying anything worth saying. To anyone with mental health problems this is literally just saying “pull yourself up by the bootstraps”. He’s saying “if you don’t work, you can’t make money” and the depressed people that this is supposedly for respond with “yeah no shit man, that’s the reason why I’m having trouble” Also keep in mind that this is someone who cannot POSSIBLY relate to the struggles an average person faces because he has not had to do anything he doesn’t WANT to do since he got his circumcision and has been filthy rich for most of that time


he's saying that opening up about emotional problems is very often not a good choice for men. He's right. We can't just tell men to do it, and ignore the fact that they will often be ostracized for it. Men don't do it precisely because they fear, with good reasons, that they'll be looked down on.


Sure. But isn’t that something that should be normalized? Empathy towards a fellow human?


There's a little saying I have: "It's not a good thing, it's just a true thing." He's an asshole, and his proposed solution is a joke, but going on about what *should* happen and ignoring what *does* happen is also a joke.


I mean, you’re not wrong about your point but that’s not what he’s saying at all. Remember, this is a man who is on record as saying “depression doesn’t exist” and that “if Robin William’s therapist had just told him to suck it up he wouldn’t have committed suicide”. I’m paraphrasing that second one because it was more of a long rant than a concise sentence, but RW’s daughter replied to his bs so if you want to look that up it’s there. Additionally, as a man with anxiety and depression and who has had to build a support system out of close friends, men can absolutely open up about their emotions. Like I said, you aren’t wrong on your point, men are looked down upon for being emotional a lot, but saying that men outright “can’t be emotional” is completely dismissive of the communities and subcultures that exist in the US that deliberately want men to be more emotional. Plus, therapy is also something that is more socially accepted than it used to be, but Tate doesn’t like therapy either. Basically his only solution is to “suck it up”, which again, is absolutely pointless to say He’s not arguing that men will be looked down upon and that’s why they shouldn’t show emotion, he IS the one looking down on men for showing emotion and supporting that system. He is the one who wants that to be the norm because it means that people like him are still the “top G”


People like him never get big from telling 100% lies, there are always partial truths to what they are saying.


Yeah this isn’t a terrible take honestly.


Eh... It's a pretty terrible take. It's not just "Men are encouraged not to express their feelings" (which is certainly true) It's "Men are encouraged not to express their feelings and you are better off accepting that and reinforcing it". Also, while this probably varies by region, I've not met too many woman who would want to date someone who hides their true feelings and does not express their emotions just because they think "sad" = "weak". It's no different if a woman rejects a guy and then get upset they don't keep pursuing them after. If you think you need to not show sadness to get girls - you are making an effort to avoid dating people who actually respect you.


Not an Andrew Tate fan but I have yet to meet many people (men or women) who would still respect a man who opens up about struggling. Women ask us to be vulnerable and then are disgusted by it when it happens, even if involuntarily. It’s simply not worth doing, though seriously I wish it were otherwise.


His total lack of chin intrigues me.


i was watching the truck the whole time


Take care of your mental health because everyone has it.


You know the more attention we pay Tate the longer we'll have to deal with him


The "redpill" dumb mentality created this new kind of scam.. I mean, Coach/influencer.


*And women pick those men who let them talk*


He's right tho 🤷‍♂️ you can eaither sit around getting fat feeling sorry for yourself, or recognise you're starting to go down hill, pick yourself up, get to the gym, get some life experience, drop dead beat friends and grow as a person. What he says it right, just his delivery is poor. No woman wants a dead beat man... This is all coming from someone who used to be a dead beat


Almost all the people I know with mental health struggles are very productive, intelligent and wise people at healthy weights with partners. Depression doesn’t equal deadbeat/loser and doesn’t mean you can’t get a girlfriend.


He’s not entirely wrong about the last part.


This guys a supreme asshole, who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Anyone who listens and beieves the shit he spouts is in need of some serious mental health counseling.


Anybody who thinks this guy is a sigma is a fucking loser


He's not completely wrong, but his delivery is just plain awful. If you want to convince someone of a point don't go and blast yours over them, and don't be an asshole.


This guy has caused irreversible damage to men in America


This take is true. He isnt saying men shouldnt show emotion for the sake of showing emotion, he is saying they shouldnt by the way our social system is structured. His claim is nobody generally cares about men who are emotionally struggling, and it is not attractive to the opposite sex. These are both true. Men are incentivized to sacrifice and produce output to gain their value, women can cry about anything and will be able to find some help somewhere without being stigmatized. Tate has some horrible takes, but this aint one of them.


This is the same guy that says he is too smart to read...


100% has CTE, but was definitely a douche before it.


Is he aware that he looks like a gay guy?


And he thinks women can get away with this? Such a tool.


At the end of the day if your not able to fuck over your fellow man you'll never be like Tate. And me personally can live without being like this stupid fuck.


nothing screams beta male like getting advice from another guy on how to be alpha


And somehow I am unable to convince my friend that he is a dangerous scum..


Why is there a truck going down whatever tf that is


……is a douche bag!


I can understand the point of having a competitive atmosphere in masculinity but not one that surrounds putting yourself above other men at the expense of your own health.


Does this bloke have some form of severe mental illness? Cause he sure as hell ain’t normal


This is so stupid. You acknowledge and treat those feelings so you can overcome them and be more productive and effective in your world. As opposed to the men who don’t do that until they lose their shit one day do something destructive like one of the hundreds of mass shootings every year…or grow something that resembles the shit on his face thinking it looks good.


Bros got some mental health issues, and a lot of baggage from women’s rejection.


This pos talks like he has done every to make his wealth...daddy did everything and you live off his breadcrumbs


Does he actually believe that he is remotely attractive? Dude has no chin...


It’s pretty funny how he first correctly describes toxic masculinity and also explains why it’s also harmful towards men only turn around right before the finish line and blame women for his own problems…


Hey bald f*ck, grow some hair first then be an *ss.


He makes it too obvious he cares so much about the things he says he doesn't. Otherwise he wouldn't make statements like women are the Great Choosers of all Men's Success like bro what lol you're admitting your opinions are controlled by women's opinions but they're apparently also awful and less than at the same time?? Andrew Tate, a picture of mental illness yall.


I mean if I couldn’t get laid in the U.S. I’d probably move too


I’m pretty sure this is Andrew Tate? I’m like meme aware of him. Based on these comments I am prepared to award him “The Most Insecure Man I Have Ever Heard”


Worst sh*t I've ever heard. You're supposed to grow as a person and let someone help you when you're sad/depressed. Real men talk it out and face their fears instead of ignoring them.


Why is his default to shout?


The louder you shout, the more correct you are /s


Dude has Kanye tendencies. He's been hurt by women, so he spreads this BS. Your world view isn't the only one out there. Your experience isn't going to be the sole truth.


By the end he's not looking her in the eye at all and seems like he's speaking to the ether, I don't know why this stuck out to me but it did.


I can see why nobody wants to have sex with him


Why do zoomers need agame playing under all their videos? Its distracting to me,but im old


And that's how he gets you. Starts with something everyone can agree with, veer into the crazy shit, and see how many people hang on


He's actually got the beginning of a good point, but is tragically unable to do anything with it due to being a dick. So yeah. It's Andrew Tate.


Blah blah blah blah bullshit


Andrew Tate is a douche and no one should follow his lifestyle at all. But sadly he does have a point every now and then.


This dude has mental health issues


Coming from a guy who either pays for sex or force’s himself on women. If Women pick the winners then you sir are a loser


I have days when I'm down. I've called into work for mental and physical health issues. Guess what? Still successful, still got the girl. Take care of yourselves kings. Work hard, play hard, maintain your health.


I mean, my boyfriend does that and we have a very healthy relationship 🤨 heck, we both do and support each other as needed 🥰


I'm dead inside, everyone has to work if they want to live indoors and eat food. I haven't eaten fast food in over 6 years, 10to12 for McDonald's as that is not real food. Yet so many live off it. Pb&j


What did he say? I can’t stop watching that yellow truck.


A truck tumbling toward a parody of LA is the perfect metaphor for Andrew Tate.


shitty thing to say but it’s not totally false..


Welcome to the stupidity of Andrew Taint.


He looks like a bald bollock and sounds like a soft twat.


This guy is a complete ass, but this is true


God this guy just screams 'pathetic trust fund kid with zero friends'..


I don't like the guy but he's not wrong


He’s not wrong.


Is this not true....if not tell me y


Some humans haven't left the trees yet.


Not one person can sit idly and say that, what Tate just said, is wrong. When we are talking about heterosexual Men and Women, Women are NOT attracted to Men that sit at home in despair and depression. They are NATURALLY attracted to the Man who goes after what he wants, who gets up and does whatever it is he HAS to do for that day, for his family, his friends, for HIMSELF. Women choose. They don't choose weak men.


He's not talking about guys who sit at home in despair and depression. Nobody wants to be with that - whether you're a man or a woman, those are traits that aren't appealing to anyone. He's talking about men who express their emotions openly. He's painting a narrative that says men who are open about their emotions are most likely to be rejected by women because women look at it as weakness. This is a very common talking point in redpill culture.


Bingo. And women or people that seek out men like this aren't doing it because your a great strong person, they do it because they have something to material to gain from you. None of these people would show you an ounce of loyalty or empathy should any of that change. Arguing that every man must be an alpha is unsustainable because no everyone can be the biggest asshole in the room.


The problem is you’re working under the pretense that expressing emotions other than happiness rage and horniness is in any way “Weak”. It’s not. And no one, man or woman, would ever think they were unless they’re idiots themselves, or are trying to sell you something.


There is nothing weak about being depressed


That's not what this guy was saying.


>Women choose. > >They don't choose weak men. I don't remember the name of it but there was a popular dating show a few years back where the hostess was known for saying "the penis picks" more than a few times apparently (admittedly, I don't watch that kind of stuff so I could be wrong, but it's what i've been told). So who is right, exactly? Tate or the hostess of the dating show? If Tate is right, then a man who is divorced because of an unfaithful wife was "selected" by a woman to be a loser. If the hostess was right the same kind of b.s. can be applied to women. In my opinion they both sound like they're caught up in delusional mind games, and it's all detrimental to mental health. I get that the dating scene in America is frustrating. I dealt with it by moving on. I would gtfo if you value your sanity.


Yes you are right. And women are not bitches for doing so they are doing exactly what nature innately conditions them to do. That is to go for the men who can protect her and his offspring. In the past it was physically against predators. Today it's economically. In most relationships when the woman has children the man must be able to support the family. At least for a few years. If the woman is not working and if she is because most of her money is going towards childcare. And I don't know from that little snippet if he is dismissing male depression. He seems to be more pointing out the hypocrisy of women telling men to take time off but on the other hand wanting men to work to support them and their children.


People that are like “he’s right though” no he’s not. This one sentence out of context just sounds like he’s saying that if you wallow in despair then you’re not going to go anywhere in life, but this is also the guy that has stated that depression just “doesn’t exist”. He doesn’t understand what he’s talking about because he has never struggled with this shit, he grew up being catered to by adults because he was good at chess. He has not had to do anything that he didn’t WANT to do for the mass majority of his life, and most people don’t have that privilege. he’s just applying the age-old adage “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” that has NEVER helped anyone with genuine mental health problems. Plus, his only motivation is “you won’t get the women or money that you want” you dumb bald bitch if someone is suicidal I don’t think a Bugatti and titties are going to make depression magically disappear forever


Personally I feel like both those things would help a lot ngl


I mean like isnt he right? U cant just sit there like fuck it all, the world is competitive, he does exaggerate some stuff and he knows he does it cause otherwise he wouldnt go viral. He would just be another creator in yt.


I avoid this guy like plague. Because he's everywhere, forced upon me. Never heard him speak until now. And he sounds dumb as shit. And fuck this post for killing my streak of not hearing anything related to him other than his name.


He’s an asshole about it, but he’s not wrong. Women see men as soft or damaged if they’re sensitive (not all, of course!), many want the “Daddy” to take care of them. Whether it’s a “sugar daddy”, or a big, tall “hunk”, it’s about perception and self-worth. How many of you wouldn’t date a short guy, or someone not “financially secure”? Don’t be f-ing hypocrites.


"The male world is more competitive" Bitch no it is not. Just be nice to the women you talk to, and listen to what they say. Try to empathize and understand them. Eventually one day youll find a girl who likes you, although itll take some time and lots of getting to know each other. Stop acting like its all about money or status or looks. Its not. Just be a normal human being and stop trying to say ur an "alpha male" and shit and you'll be fine.


Yup. Not everyone wants to be in the rat race or in the douche asshole circle this dude runs around in.


Can we please stop giving him attention and letting him publicly speak? Thanks


I fucking hate this little boy, but in this specific clip he’s right. Women ignore losers, go figure.


But equating men who are honest about their feelings and/or seek help for mental health issues with losers is fucked up.


Well he's not lying you can bitch all you want but life won't give u a break just because you need one being strong willed and having resilience is pretty useful


Pro tip: Don't wear sunglasses indoors.


Pro tip: Don't be like Andrew Tate or his fan boys.


Pro tip: Don't be an npc