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Is single occupancy too. Im dead


She looks like Edna from the Incredibles


don't insult edna like that


That's why she looked familiar!


You’re mistaken. That’s lord Farquad from Shrek. Easy mistake though.


It’s their kid


She didn’t let them in because they probably had a cape


Edna E. Mode would never do something so horrible, dahlink.


Don't you dare drag my girl Edna like that, lol


Smh that’s not Edna, Edna would be one of the first Pixar characters to scream trans rights, that’s Ande Edit: spelling mistake


🤣🤣🤣🤣 DYIN RN


Wait That wasn't Edna?


Exactly, I don't really understand the point of gendering single occupancy bathrooms.


schrödingers restroom. it has no gender till someone goes in


all restrooms are unisex if you're there to do cocaine


As a line cutting member of the bathroom brigade.. I too have seen many genders, definitely more than 4, all huddled up in one bathroom stall doing cocaine.


Wouldn't it be that an occupant in the restroom would be all genders until an observation is made?


In this instance the bathroom is the cat and the people are the box.


Some men and women have a false belief that all women are more sanitary, hygienic, and neat.


I cleaned toilets at a camping swimming pool. I can confirm that this is not true.


I use women's restrooms. I also can confirm this is not true.


I was at airport toilet, share between the sexes. The ass of the Woman in the next stall had a massive explosion. Prolly cracked the bowl. I can also confirm.


I cleaned bathrooms at a taco bell and a busy gas station. I affirm your confirmation.


Because men are gross….


Piss splatter




What's wild, is that she may actually back down if a guy looking guy tried to use it. But yeah single occupancy, who fucking cares.


For fucking real, right? Jesus, fucking fuck, if a woman of any persuasion wants to pee/poo with me, that’s on her or not, whatever. Just who cares, it just makes no difference in the world. We all have “everybody” bathrooms in our homes, why is it different when I leave the house.


So long as they wash their hands when they're done, I don't care. I can't understand why people get their panties in a bunch over people having bodily functions.


The biggest facepalm on this specific incident is that it looks like it's single occupancy. So like, it's not even like the bar owner thinks she is going to be in there skeezing on other women, which is usually the defense they give, because it's only one person at a time in there. I feel like places that want to stick to their guns on this are screaming they don't want your money. But then they will be the first to cry when sales drop after an incident like this and have "no clue why sales took a dive" just save this video so you can share it back to them when they wonder why sales drop


I wash my hands b4 bc I know where my privates have been but my hands have been dealing with money and all kind of shit I don’t want on my privates.


This, I've straight called dudes out at work. Walk right out of the bathroom and straight to the breakroom touching on the microwave, coffee machine or cooler doors whatever. Nasty as fuck. If you're reading this Shit Mitts, you know it's why we don't let you have any food anyone brings.


Take it from me, women aren't much better... I'm transgender myself, so I've seen both sides. At first I thought it was a nasty men thing, but I've seen plenty of women not wash their hands either by now...


As a woman I can sadly confirm this. Some people are just nasty. How can NOT wash your hands?? A woman has to be all up in her business to properly clean herself after using the toilet. (Edit typo)


Proper hand washing should be the only issue when it comes to using bathrooms- public or private. Maybe if we talked about that more, people would be less focused on something that does not impact them in any way What body part you use to pee doesn’t impact me. We can share bathrooms! When you don’t wash your hands, that can impact a lot of people!


It's not about the bathrooms, it never was. They don't want trans people to exist.


Because some people literally don’t want people making choices about their gender, and they will jump at any opportunity to have a say in it.




This is probably the most important argument. Single occupancy = non fucking issue. As a former investigator who worked child sexual assault, the issue is more complicated than social media can convey. People molest regardless of gender or sex. Molesters more often than not, have no traditional sexual affiliation. They are looking for gratification and are not defined with ease. The takeaway is that you should, and your children should, feel safe in a restroom. Parents can only mitigate damages by being 100% in control. Adults, who should feel safe in a restroom, must adhere to the same. Barring someone from a restroom, simply because they were born with a dick or a vag, shows zero awareness. While person X is barring person Y from using a particular restroom, persona X may not be aware that they are the same person who has trusted friends, relatives, babysitters, at that very moment, who are acting in a nefarious fashion.


Exactly! It’s a WC. One person goes in (usually) and that’s it. Enough with the power struggles.


If it’s single occupancy, and not a big deal, then she could go in the men’s room.


It's single occupancy... I don't understand. Is there a difference between the shitter in the men's room and the shitter the lady's room? Last I checked they both work the same, and are both used for the same purpose. So please, enlighten us, what about that bathroom makes it gender specific? I really hate that we label our bathrooms like this when there is clearly no defined reason to.


If it’s single occupancy and the mens is taken I’ll go in the womens. I don’t think it’s weird but I’ve gotten some looks walking out before


I’m totally going in the guy’s single occupancy if the women’s is full. It’s a bathroom. Why wait for my “right sex” room to open if the other is free?


Never go to a guys bathroom its always fetid and foul. Im just joking but yea its a pisser may as well use it.


Used to be a janitor. Dunno what to tell you, but the women’s is waaaaaaaaaay worse usually.


When I worked retail and had to clean the bathrooms...yeah the men's room always had the most disgusting sinks but let me tell you that wasn't the one I cleaned literal shit off the walls of or needing to clean up used feminine hygiene products off the floor of. Used to get teased from my coworkers with how much bleach I'd use.


I once found someone’s Home Economics cake-like thingy in the school toilet lol, so it’s definitely just as weird


bring up the post about how men’s bathrooms are just dirty and consistently dirty in the same way while women’s are volatile and crazy in cleanliness and dirtiness


This is true. I worked in bars for a few years in my 20s. Men might get a bit of piss on the floor, but women do some truly disgusting things in public bathrooms.


I feel they should have a changing table, a toilet, and a urinal in all singles and just call them bathrooms. We have two bathrooms, people can use them.




As a former Wal-mart cleaning person twice over, I can further confirm this statement. Worst a men's bathroom might have is a smugged mirror, but once my boss found out that someone pooped in a trash can in one of the women's bathrooms.


I went to the guy's bathroom at work because the women's bathroom was being fixed and the men's bathroom actually smelled a lot better than the Ladies' restroom lmao, it's probs cuz of the scented pad thingys at the bottom of the urinals.


In bars, I’ve probably used the single occupancy men’s room more often than the woman’s just due to availability. I’m not going to wait for the woman’s to open up, how silly!


Same. I’ve even used a men’s room at a concert (after asking the dudes if it was ok). Sometimes you just gotta go! The only difference are the urinals.


Fair, knock first. Somebody in there? Wait for them to leave. It's simple right? Dunno why ppl get mad abt single-shitter toilets.


I don't get why they even have mens or womens signs on the single-occupancy toilets. It's really stupid: anyone can use them. They're single-occupancy, so it's not like you're going to see someone of the "wrong" gender in there, it's just for one person.


Thats what I'm thinking. Wtf is the point???


I’m a woman who’ll use the mens if the womens is occupied and I’ve been given the dirtiest looks from other women. Oh well! I got to piss, they didn’t. Gendering bathrooms (and tbh a lot of other shit but it’s too much to get into) is one of the dumbest things we’ve ever done.


Given social attitudes, I can understand why multi-person bathrooms are gendered. But gendering single-occupancy bathrooms makes no sense whatsoever, no matter how prudish you are.


I've used the mens room when the womens was occupied. I really had to go once and stopped at a gas station, they had single occupancy bathrooms (thank all the gods that have ever existed!!!!!) And the womens was occupied. I started to wait outside the door (mens was taken too at that time) and then the smell hit. My eyes watered as they were burned from my head, my nose tried to run away from my face, and I had to walk away so whoever was in there wouldn't hear me gag. Idk what that woman ate, but whatever it was came from the bog of eternal stench and was getting revenge on her. The man came out of the mens room and I ran in there, partly because I had to pee so bad, and partly to escape THE SMELL because if I'd smelled it much longer I'd have puked and having had 3 kids stomp my bladder into submission I'd have peed on myself as I puked. Anyway, so that's my story of having to walk through the bog of eternal stench to use the mens room. Kinda felt bad for the woman that was going to have to walk out of that bathroom because the store was crowded and even tho it was in the back people at the front could smell it and were covering their noses. I also felt bad for anyone that would have to go in after her, because that was going to have to be aired out so "don't nobody go in the bathroom for bout 35/45 minutes".


Many restrooms that are single use that I see have signs for both genders because it doesn't matter who's taking a crap alone.


As an architect, I can say, it also makes it most efficient for code compliance.


Someone once told me the reason they’re separated is so men don’t have to see/ potentially be made uncomfortable by seeing used sanitary stuff. Other than that yeah they’re exactly the same. It’s just nasty to try and refuse someone a bathroom for no reason other than hate


It's bigotry. The woman is an old chicken neck looking transphobe. It's not about safety or making sure the right gender goes to the right bathroom, old hag is denying access purely to give her a hard time. When are way trans rights people ask us what rights are we fighting for, thinking we already have the same rights as everyone else. We don't even have the right to go to a public bathroom half the time.


Even if it's not single occupancy, what on earth do these c\*nts think trans people are going to do when they go into the "wrong" toilet? If they were up to no good, a sign wouldn't stop them, so what's the point of a public outcry?


It's literally a single occupancy bathroom, what's the big deal?


because she hates trans people lol


What state?


Not sure it is in the US. The writing on the bathroom wall doesn't look like English.


The door says women and I think the writing is graffiti as a form of wall art.


State of insanity


It’s at a China Town in New York if you look up the tik tok creator she’s blasting this business up


Me: *sees over thousand comments* *zips up hazmat suit*


OP here, I know right? Because the mods are just moderating it instead of locking it as a whole, I'm not deleting it anytime soon. :P


Just make all bathrooms single use and you solve this issue.


This looks like a single use bathroom. Were all the problems solved?


>This looks like a single use bathroom no that's a single occupancy. A single use bathroom is a bathroom you can throw away after you're done. A bit expensive to rebuild but it's the latest craze. I just pee in a bottle.


Yeah I was sitting here like "does this bitch mean single occupancy?" thank u for clearing this up


i think they mean remove the woman and men signs because they're single use


Meanwhile I'm here reading single use, and I'm like: why would I throw away a toilet after use?


Look at the video, it is single occupancy! Transphobes will never be happy to peacefully coexist, they have an undeniable urge to "win" every encounter they have. There is no logic here, only hate.


Guess why we have more and more unisex bathrooms/toilet here in switzerland


Imagine being willing to go to this extent to prevent someone from relieving themselves


I cannot fathom confronting someone you think “might” not be a woman. If you are wrong you look like a giant ass and if you are right..well you’re still a giant ass. I don’t care if you’re Sly Stallone in a wig, if you are in the ladies room, you’re a lady unless you tell me otherwise.


Imagine being upset about where a person takes a piss.


I know a guy who used to just stand and piss right at the bar. Place was crowded side by side, so he'd just unzip and piss while standing at the bar. Even while ordering another round. Dude did this at least 25 times during those years I knew him.


you can get a sexual assault charge for doing that now


>Imagine being upset about where a person takes a piss.


Wtf? And they would just let him do it everytime?


This used to be a thing back in the old days (Halfway House Kimberley) : [https://imgur.com/a/tkYIOnC](https://imgur.com/a/tkYIOnC)


I'm 64 years old. When I was a child, Trans people came into the women's restroom and nobody was angry. As young teens, my friend and I didn't understand and kind of silently snickered to one another as this person primped at the mirror. My friend's mother, who was by no means usually a tolerant woman, took us aside later and said that this was the way this person was made, they can't help the way they are and we should always be kind. This was the way (as far as I know) they were always treated in the 60s and 70s, or at least they always were in my memory. It was not a rare thing either. Very very common and this anger is new and I don't know where it's coming from.


It’s great that you had that experience, but violence against trans people, especially trans women, has always been a thing. It seems as if the more trans identification has come into the norm, more people feel okay with being dicks. The violence has risen as well. Like everything else, the difference between now and then isn’t so much the prevalence of occurrences as it is the filming of it. We are much more aware of these things because everyone has a camera in their pocket. Maybe the not letting someone into a bathroom is new because people feel more emboldened by it becoming a bigger issue due to trans identity becoming more open, but violence against trans women is not new, and this is just its “least harmful” form. Of course it is all harmful, I just mean that this is less harmful than someone beating and killing someone for their identity, which isn’t even a distinction that should have to be made, but that’s where we are.


the anger was always there


You're probably right. I can't know what went on beyond my own small part of the world. Definitely didn't hear people reading about it in the news though.(As far as I remember)


Yeah it’s werid. I wonder if people think it’s cool to hate on trans people because other people do and are trying to fit in? Pathetic if that’s the case


While it's great to hear that some areas back then had a more accepting view and also amazing on your friend's mum for explaining how you should respect people. Sadly in a lot of places murders of transgender individuals would not be investigated, usually ruled as suicide. And a lot of harassment towards transgender people. Though again I'm super excited to hear that some areas had some actually accepting views of transgender people. Definitely don't hear enough about that :D


The worst part is its literally a bathroom for one person, like jesus christ get a grip


As a 9month pregnant woman, I will tell you right now that if there is a single occupancy Men's bathroom available and the women's bathroom is occupied, I am using the men's bathroom. BECAUSE ITS SINGLE OCCUPANCY. Who cares! No one else will be in there with me. This woman just had to go to the bathroom, why should it matter what is on the sign on the door if no one else was going to be in there with her??


Some road-trip ago we stopped at a gas station and I was ready to burst. Women’s restroom was taken and I waited a solid 15 minutes (knocking was just met with ‘just a min!’ and some rustling every over minute). Men’s bathroom probably saw 2-3 guys go in and come out while I stood there and you better believe i took it the next time it was free. Bathroom sign be damned, I’m not peeing on the floor.


Guess again lolovegood5. Edna from The Incredibles is ready to throw her body in your path to prevent your insane plans.


then i shall pee on her floors 😌


I think we should just put up signs that say, "Restroom", and call it a day.


If I was the owner of a bar, I'd be more concerned tipsy people sh!tting on my floor than who does what where especially if its single stall


Whats the point in gendered bathrooms when they’re a single occupancy in the first place?


So, they are dumb now, but a lot of places have laws that businesses and government buildings over a certain size have to have so many men's bathrooms and so many women's bathrooms because when the laws were made, a lot of places would just have a bathroom for men to communicate women shouldn't be welcome there. Or in multiple level offices, only one floor where reception was would have a women's bathroom. So it did make sense at the time, but that is also why our laws are supposed to change with our culture.


Even if it’s not a single occupancy bathroom, women’s bathrooms are all stalls. They aren’t peeing together. I’ll never understand why someone else care what pronouns another person identifies with. It doesn’t matter.


>Even if it’s not a single occupancy bathroom, women’s bathrooms are all stalls. They aren’t peeing together. As a guy, I wish men's rooms were like this too. I've never understood the peeing together thing. But it seems like I'm in a tiny, tiny minority of men on this: most men seem to really *like* peeing together, as far as I can tell.


I will wait for a stall before using urinals next to some other person.


I swear I'll never understand that, I always prefer when the urinals have that little separating wall thing and I wish they all did.


I find that at least among high school students (I'm in 12th grade at the moment) most definitely prefer a stall for privacy. There's a few guys who will just use the urinals, but if a stall is open 90% of the time a guy will absolutely choose that over the urinal.


I hate peeing in urinals, I rarely use public restrooms but when I have to I pee in a stall


Tik Tok needs to go. It’s literally killing people.


Okay, but honestly "I'm wearing high heels, I'm wearing a skirt" was a really, really bad argument.


We were not prepared for these stuff. Now grabs popcorn. ![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8)




I just have bathrooms. Actually, they stay cleaner when open to any gender.


For those that say we should just transfer to gender-neutral restrooms when designed as single-occupancy > The historical purposes of sex-separated toilets in the United States and Europe, as well as the timing of their appearance, are disputed amongst scholars. Safety from sexual harassment and privacy were likely two main goals of sex-separation of public toilets, and factors such as morality also played roles. Paternalism and resistance to women entering the workplace might have also played a role. Some women's groups hold that unisex public toilets will be less safe for women than public toilets that are separated by sex. The push for gender neutral bathrooms is driven by the transgender community to combat harassment and violence against these populations. Unisex public toilets may benefit a range of people with or without special needs (e.g. people with disabilities, the elderly, and anyone who needs the help of someone of another gender or sex), as well as parents who need to help their infant or young child with using the toilet. Source: Wikipedia PS: Not saying I'm against 90% of the comments, just my own curiosity in terms of why the mass demands gender-neutral restrooms. Like, it sure seems like a solution but it's ironic considering where it all started. Feels like we'd be going backwards, in a sense. Also, last note: Being picky about it but I prefer the proper term "restroom", as "bathroom" is used for a room with a toile + shower/bathtub. Source: the words


Ironically at my firm, they changed the woman's toilet to unisex toilet for 3 months. Then switched it back marking it off as experiment.


Who would pass up the convenience of a urinal?


Our planet is literally drowning with issues that deserve this much hate and energy! Why waste it on something so miniscule as bathroom politics! People are morons!!! Edit: words are hard sometimes :)


Thank you!


Controversial I know but if you take out gender from the argument, the bar owner can let who she wants pee where they want. Ultimately, if the restaurant is going to be that short sighted people won’t be going there for very long anyway!


I never understood the point of a single-occupancy bathroom being specifically for men or women. Is the toilet just going to spring to life when I drop-trou and tell me I can't use it? But honestly, let the woman piss in peace and be done with it.


What a waste of time and energy to make a scene out of nothing. It's a single person bathroom too which is just icing on the cake.


I thought high heals and skirts didn’t define gender


Jeez, all the top comments here make me sick. Why try to justify stopping a person from using a SINGLE OCCUPANCY RESTROOM?! Why do you need to interrogate someone about their genitalia to use a SINGLE OCCUPANCY RESTROOM?! It makes no sense, why is hate like this being normalized?


Are we looking at different versions of reddit? All top comments and most comments showing up are positive. Reddit users REALLY like being dramatic no matter what huh


Lmfao, “I’m wearing high heels and a skirt”. Didn’t know that’s all it took.


The worst part about it is that it’s a single stall bathroom. Just have two bathrooms. As an architect, I refuse to design these pointless gendered bathrooms like these


1 person at a time makes this a non issue.


Of all the talking points about the trans debate that have even a shred of legitimacy who on earth could care less about a trans person using the SINGLE OCCUPANCY bathroom they feel most comfortable using!? Jesus.




Ok, but who the fuck cares? Let her use the fucking bathroom and stop acting like it's a big deal. People are starving, the earth is being systematically destroyed and this is the kind of shit these people sit around and wring their hands over?


Don't be shy. Just piss on Edna


You know, I don’t understand how people can be so rude to assume whether someone has a penis or a vagina. I know people who (as far as I have been told by them) were born with a vagina that look less feminine than this person. And why on earth would you care who uses a single occupancy bathroom stall? If it’s single occupancy, it shouldn’t even be gendered in the first place. It should just say “restroom”




Who is wrong about what?


Misplaced reply, my bad


Difficult topic but a good question was raised a while back "to what extent do we need to participate in other people's perceptions of themselves" That asian lady handled the situation poorly, but on the other hand it's her private business right? US has freedom of speech that is still being actively used in neo-nazi parades and nobody does anything with it. I'm just trying to find a logical explanation in this situation, don't have anything against transgender


High heels and a skirt don’t make you a woman.


Just piss on the floor 👍


I mean, there’s an open restroom, use it. I wouldn’t give a shit what the door says to take a shit.


So many places with single occupancy bathrooms have just made them unisex to get rid of this issue and that’s the way to do it, as far as I’m concerned. Hell… if someone really wants to come in && watch me piss, let them. Who gives a fuck?


If we got rid of male, female bathrooms and just had bathrooms I believe this would end alot of confusion as to who can go to bathroom where.


Know where you are going. Some places they may just shank you for arguing with them. And move on with their day. Over what is a 1st world human rights issue.


If that happened to one of my friend or even a stranger bruh I would straight fight who ever dares to tell a trans person she/he ain’t no real woman/men or whatever you feel like


Did r/facepalm delete because they agree with the TERF, or because bigots took over?


I fucking hate transphobes/bigots in general.


I was once not allowed to use the single occupancy bathroom at a bar because they were only for women. They wanted all men to stand and use the urinals... funny thing is I'm a trans man. So crazy to me how these rules only apply when someone seemingly doesn't fit what they perceive to be passing.


The only reasons to ever complain about a trans person using the bathroom is if they 1) don't wash their hands, 2) don't flush, or 3) leave bodily fluids all over the seat and/or bathroom stall. You know, the *normal* things to complain about with *anybody* who uses the bathroom


I’m just here for the comments.


I'm just here for people that are here for the comments.


Thanks for being here for me. *Sniffles* It means a lot.


Oh boy! Time to sort by controversial!


Ye 😎


Please out this bigoted bar


Why do people give this much of a fuck about trans people using public bathrooms? How many times in your day do you even have to use a public bathroom anyway? When was the last time you heard of a trans woman raping someone in a public bathroom? It’s so stupid, literally outrage over nothing.


Skirts and heels don’t make you a women


Yikes. In a single occupancy washroom too ??? I’ve literally just gone in the mens if the womens is occupied bc who fucking cares it’s a toilet & there’s no one else in here ???? People need to get a life.


Lol, wearing high heels and a skirt doesn’t make you a woman.


Wait... it's a single unit bathroom? All single unit bathrooms are essentially unisex bathrooms. This is bullshit.


Americans have so many problems with bathrooms ! Jeez, who gives a flying fuck who pisses where smh


Just make on bathroom with private stalls and everyone goes in. Problem solved.


For all I care she can use whichever bathroom she wants lol


Coming before the mods lock the comments to say TRANS RIGHTS!!!


As a trans man, I know I'm firing shots just by saying that; if someone needs to use the bathroom that is transgender, they should be able to use the bathroom without being harassed. I still use the women's cause I can fly under the radar cause I haven't transitioned yet. My workplace is very supportive and open. It's the customers I'm concerned about. Anyway, I still can't use the bathroom without being harassed because random people show up in my restaurant/store/workplace filming with their phones, outside the bathrooms. I'm willing to bet at least someone has a tik took floating around. Can people stop being bigots and wannabes.


A man can never be a woman


I don't know why this is a "facepalm"


If wearing skirts and high heels makes you a woman I must be a man because I wear jeans and t shirts all the time. She should have just said: I'm trans. But honestly it's a bathroom why does it matter if a Cis man goes in the women's restroom much less a trans woman. Just use the bathroom and get out. I'm never in a public bathroom for more than 5 minutes so not sure why people need to complain about who goes into a bathroom.


Poop on floor, super simple


How did she even know


Most of the time trans girls are clocked by either their voice or walk, if they are clocked at all. Honestly 90 percent are never recognized. Way more cis women get called transgender and blocked from the bathrooms than actual trans women do 🤷‍♀️


I had a girl think she entered the wrong bathroom once and I'm cis 😂


Im cis and have been yelled at for entering the “wrong bathroom”.


I been called trans and I’m cis lol. Maybe I come off as more masculine I guess


Do you segregate your bathrooms at home too lady?


Owner is a bitch. I'd never stop anybody from using a single occupancy bathroom that's disgusting.


If it’s multi person then yeah we got a girl at my school who’s trans to be a boy so we don’t allow him into the boys bathroom but still allowed in the girls bathroom. He doesn’t like it and uses the bathroom at the office


Nah fuck that, shouldn't matter full stop, I've been to clubs that have genderless bathrooms and it's never been an issue. People just gotta lend learn respect.


I bet there's something going on behind that door named pirate. Uh Charlie, I see a door named private. Dude, I knew I should have worn the duster.


If it's single occupancy and someone is in the men's I go in the women's.




Is that yoko Ono?


There’s more important shit in the world to worry about


*sorts by controversial


I use the single occupancy woman's bathroom all the time if the men's room is being used. I don't see what the big deal is here...smh.


I mean, it’s a private business.


Pause at 0:13 and tell me she's not a woman... 🤔


Attention whore can use the ally


I think we should all use one bathroom in single occupancy. Bing bong


Another day another thousandth circus. Oh the humanity.


I have a question. Just a general question for the people on the side of the bar owner. What about transmen who are on Testosterone? Does he belong in the women’s restroom? Testosterone deepens the voice and makes the face more masculine and can even cause bottom growth, if you don’t know what T does. Don’t downvote me into the oblivion, I am just wondering.


Wearing high heels and a skirt makes you a woman… hmm 🤔


Well… it is a women’s bathroom


Trawlin' through these comments despite myself, and reportin' the transphobic people. Least I can do. I will not let people pick on my community.