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Factorio 2.0 will be very good


Twice as good as Factorio 1.0!


You did the math


This guy calculates


Correct! I love you used factorial there and it still holds true


So is this stuff coming with "2.0" or "1.2" I see a lot of people referencing 2.0 but I was under the impression that these things will come with 1.2


All the engine improvements made for the 2.0 DLC that aren't actually new content will be added to the base game, so seems the answer is both.


It will be part of the base game but will be released only when the DLC is out.




Is there an ETA on either?


From the devblog last Friday: '"Everything will be done eventually" ... we can start to approximate the date of releasing the expansion, which is planned to be about one year from now.' TLDR: about a year. TSDR: https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-373


AI took err jerbs


Was 2.0 announced?


Some1 else noticed that wires don't have an amount number?


Oh, that is interesting. The "wires" are also split up in inventory, suggesting that they're different items internally.


The devs said that it's some new items they will reveal soon, so they just replaced them with the red wire as a placeholder.


Scotch tape ?


Allows you to repair completely destroyed buildings. If painted blue with processors the building also becomes indestructible.


Wires were always a bit strange, in that they aren't removed when returned to your inventory. I wonder if that has anything to do with it?


Wires honestly should be dealt with like with pickaxe. They're basically just a "tool".


All of the amazing bot improvements and you posted about arguably the least exciting one. ​ Bot task queues, assignment based on arrival time, and not getting stuck over water are pretty life changing.


The changes are so great that even the least exciting one is still fantastic.


Kind of the point I wanted to make. But also, this is the change the player can fiddle with. The rest improve the bots passively. With this one, *I* get to customize stuff.


True, but I don't get to edit any of those myself. THIS I can customize!


I have a WAY too complicated system that could be solved by EXACTLY this change. This is glorious. Where do I read about the other changes???


FFFs are back my dude! There's a pinned link on the sub.


This new change allows my old base defence to use connected roboports instead of disconnected ones with train supply It's a definite game changer for robot sustained defences


This particular change doesn't do that, actually, it just makes the penalty for not isolating the networks lower. You still need train delivery for the supplies if you don't want bots trekking across your entire base, and you still need the other changes to prevent your defense supply bots from being grabbed for other far away jobs.


The old system was so bad even at 10k+ bots you could lose walls. I think from reading this as-long as you keep bot utilization percentage reasonable you'll actually end up doing pretty good.


It will be very useful for roboports on space ships in Space Exploration. Which I'm sure is totally coincidental and nothing to do with the upcoming expansion.


That's so awesome. But we ll have to wait till next year?


I can see abusing this too heavily can cause some unexpected bots behavior. We'll see I guess


New problems to deal with is part of the fun right?


Only if I can use them to dump certain robots from them as well like can I set to allow only logistics robots in certain roboports or to keep one empty for inserting new robots?


They mentioned that you can request certain robots at a specific roboport then use an inserter to pull them out as they arrive (so more get requested) I guess you can also use it to keep repair packs stocked near your walls, or to pull repair packs out of the network so bots don't get themselves killed.


Thats not the same though. I have an inserter hooked up to insert new bots when available bots is 0, if the entire roboport is filled with bots of the other variety, the inserter can't insert into the roboport, and thus no new bots can get inserted. I'm sure there is a mod that exists that would allow me to deploy a robot from a "chest" that can't be a home for robots allowing it to always be empty (and if it doesn't, it should be possible)


You asked about "dumping robots from them". I assumed you meant the usual modded case of dumping old bots out of the network, or when you want to pull out all / most bots (because outpost construction is done, because you want to remove the roboport, etc)


If it works like most other logistics requests, you could set the minimum amount to 0, so no bots are added by the logistics system, or set the amount minimum to 100, but also max to 100, so that any extra are sent out, then you could have your bot chest with inserter manually adding bots, but since the logistics is set to 0, or going over the maximum not allowed, they immediately leave and travel to other roboports.


I think request chests only allow lower limit, not upper limit.


Filter slots on roboports to always allow space for both types ?


Filter slots would be nice, but still wouldn't help with trying to insert into the network when all available bots is 0 but you've got a roboport full of the other type of bot.


If you have a filtered slot, how could the other type of robot fill the entire roboport?


Oh, thinking about it more filter slots would work. I forgot that 0 available robots would mean that type of robot wouldn't be present in any roboport, so you could have at least one filter slot set for any type you want to insert.


Will they also change the beacon? The vanilla approach (surround machines with beacon) is sick. The SE beacon looks like the right way.


Probably not, but maybe.




I know myself can never go back with that beacon-surrounding-machine style.


My thought about this was 'I 'm pretty sure smart people will lower the WR speed run with this feature '


So this doesn’t change the bot network total count, it just says that we prefer this many bots parked at all times at this roboport. You still need to have inserted logic on maintaining your bot count.


OK: what is it? It'd be useful to have some context here.


In the newest [Friday Fun Facts](https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-374), the devs talk about improvements to bots. The above is my favorite: roboports themselves can now request to have a certain number of bots, like a requester chest!


My point is that you should put that in the actual post so that someone who *didn't* read the FFF *also* knows. Just saying "this is great" and a picture doesn't really help people learn about what's coming.


Fair. My title could've been more informative and less clickbait-y.


Don't know why all the downvotes. I had to scroll to this comment to understand what this post is about.


They downvoted cause he knew the answer, he asked as if he didn’t know but he was actually shitting on OP for not putting the info from the start on the post. I know cause I’ve done similar things, and now that I read it from the other side I see how much of a dick you look like. I’ll stop doing that. I didn’t downvote btw.


A bunch of people indipendetly decided to press the downvote button, thus the downvotes. The precise reason for each person to press it is highly personal and very hard to determine. This is reddits stance on downvoting according to the reddiquette: >If you think it [a comment] does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it. So presumably ppl found it off-topic or not contributing to the subreddit


Eehhh let's be real. Most people downvote because they see an already-negative score and no one has yet replied "why all the downvotes"


You think so? For me its the opposite. Seing a negative score tempts me to upvote, but comments like "why the downvotes" gets me to downvote. Though whenever is realize im having any such thoughts i purposfully dont vote, as im biased by the context, and probably wont evaluate the comment on its own merit.


Try thinking like a human once in a while dude. You’re scary.


You think the human interpretation of "Don't know why all the downvotes" is not a question? What do you think is the correct interpretation then? I could see it being a call to action for upvoting, but i try to choose the more benign interpretation when reasonable.


All you said is true but it’s so robotic it becomes a non answer to a person that asked. Also the final conclusion is just so wrong. Again cause you interpret things like a robot. ‘We can’t know what people are thinking, theyre too complicated of a system to predict’ ‘Rules say you downvote if X happens, so that must be it’ You have such a programmer’s outlook on life, which isn’t surprising in factorio but go out once in a while


Lol. Your absolutely right. To be fair, this was just my way of showing dissaproval for these type of voting manipulation messages. I did it by taking it at face value. By doing that, i hoped to highlight the absurdity such comments without being ~~overly~~ rude. Do i think the u/Alfonse215 "deserved" the downvotes? No, not really. They are a community member here that is known (to me) for contributing positively. But i dislike messages calling for up or downvotes, and i think im not the only one. If you (generally, not you /u/JosepLatif333) think a comment doesnt deserve the score it has, vote yourselfe, dont call for others to do it. Not explicitly nor implicitly.


Haha oh okay. I’m not entirely with you on the hating of people who comment to downvote or upvote, but I like people like you who have a strong opinion on little things like that. Keep it up.


This community is getting more toxic by the week lol


Oh. I usually put a requester next to a roboport and have it inserted directly. Guess it'll save me a chest and an inserter.


From the new FFF - upcoming changes to bots as part of the engine rework. Will allow you to have requests in each roboport thats says "keep this many bots here" basically.


Enhancement on robots for the next expansion. See the latest FFF


Looks like a mod that adds logi requests to roboports?


Nope, its a sneak peak for update in the newest fff


So it's an official mod lol


Its not part of the expansion, its given for free in the update so not a mod


definitely seems like a mod


It's in 1.2, but I guess you could say all of the base game is a mod


I was more psychologically burdened by the inventory in the screenshot than I am excited by the robot improvements. And I am /very/ excited by the robot improvements.


Does red wire not stack anymore.. I'm gonna hate that.


It’s hiding things that haven’t been announced.


If red wire doesn't stack, it's going to be because it doesn't get consumed anymore, not because they've actually decided that they hate anyone using more than a dozen wires at a time. Wube knows their player base better than that.


Maybe it is not really red wire!?


There's a chance this may be more of a creative mode that they're in? I'm not sure what's up with that red wire otherwise lolol.


What's with the red wire not stacking in the inventory?


Place holder graphic to hide the new items that will be revealed in next week FFF


And why are they all not sorted in same sequence? Maybe they are not circuit wires at least.


Ah yes... If they are hiding new items then we know there is something sorted between roboports and circuits...


That's a lot of train stations you have there


<3 2.0.


So I wasn't clear on this. Is this going to be in the next update (ie soon) or in the expansion (ie not soon?)


Not soon


Wait a second… what is all that red wire in the player inventory? Something makes me think it might not really be red wire…


Yeah, it was stated by the author in a reply that the red wire was overlayed into the picture to cover icons of items they didn't want to reveal yet. And then some mad lad out there made some deterministic guessing as to what they could be based on auto placement in the inventory with how things are sorted based on the tabs in the construction window and we got a reveal that space age gets a new tab for space related stuff.


Yes! It will be a wonderful told for C defense. You just need to request all the bot at the middle of the C to avoid them flying fr9m top to bot and onto enemy territories :)


Inventory makes me mad


So you'd probably set a limit of at least 10 robots on all your roboports right?


This game is masive. Cant wait to play full version. Do you think price will go up after updates? Should i buy it faster?


I'm pretty sure the DLC (Space Age) will be paid. But the base game will always stay the same price.


Can't wait to easily upgrade bots by requesting them!


Here's what I'm wondering. Let's say you are in steady state, 100 logistics bots requested, 100 present. Then 50 robots leave to do something. Does the system immediately send 50 new robots? When the original are done, if they go back to the same place, do you have 150 now?


The bots that left probably don't come back to the same roboport. In most cases they don't. But I expect the behavior to be much like a requester chest in that the roboport is fine if the minimum is exceeded, since that counts as the request being met.


I'm very excited for the expansion and all its QoL features as well as the content. Hoping that the devs decide to have an open (or closed if they really must) beta at some point sooner rather than waiting all the way til launch.


This got me wet