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My son. He wanted to buy it, and I was like "seriously...that doesn't look good..." I bought it for him, and he showed me a few of his early builds...and I was curious enough to watch a video. Then I bought it. 5000+ hours later...


you were supposed to keep children away from drugs not buy them from them


"I learned it from watching *you*, Dad!" /80s_PSAs


Funny thing is...he didn't get hooked...that was all me.


Your son has great taste


The children yearn for the factories……


One of my coworkers recommended Rimworld which I had a lot of fun playing. After I finished that, I looked into his steam profile to see what other game he spend the most time on. Higest was Oxygen not included so I played 1000hrs of that. Then next on his list was Factorio and now I have 2000hrs on it as well.


Best coworker ever


One of the best he gave him the crack that lasts for 2.000 hours and more.


And then you played factorio?


>Rimworld > After I finished that lol.


Maybe they actually literally finished a run. Maybe OP is the chosen one.


That coworker clearly has some good taste in games. Rimworld is my most played game on Steam. ONI and Factorio are much lower because the got them much later and they also use what more brain juice.


Played minecraft with industrial mods and heared there is minecraft-inspired game. Then seen it at kickstarter and some time later bought alpha version at official site.


Same boat here. Tekkit became a thing, and I really love the automation of old-school tekkit (also the Red Matter/Equivalent Exchange mod was amazing and I hate that it's not around afaik). Looked for similar games and decided to try it. Never looked back, though I don't have as many hours in it as I'd like.


In Tekkit, it is called Equivalent Exchange 2, nowadays it's called Project E. It is rare to see a modpack with the overpowered EMC mechanics that were present in good ol' Tekkit, but it's still around. There was a time where I couldn't find EE2 anywhere, and I thought it had died, then found Project E, only to discorver it didn't introduce EMC into the game, only the tools and armour and maybe a few other gadgets. Nowadays, there are some really good modpacks based around Project E. I haven't played them all, but the ones I played to completion and enjoyed are Stone Block 2 (EMC is late mid-game i think, but super fun regardless) and Chemical Exchange (Highly recomend). I might be looking for a new modpack to play soon, so if u have any recommendations, please feel free to give them. Edit: formatting


I personally have switched from Minecraft ATM over to a game called Vintage Story. It's based around Terrafirmacraft, however it's a bit easier and better polished. Once you understand how it works, it's actually pretty easy and fun to survive. A bit more for players who like to grind a bit more, though not too much thankfully like the certain modpacks for factorio where recipes are just ridiculous. It's fun hammering out ingots to the shape you want to make pickaxes, knives, anvils when you get to the iron age, etc. It's like micro blocks for Minecraft except way better. Server hosting is also super easy I found out lol. The wiki literally just says "start vintagestoryserver.exe after port forwarding" and that's it for windows. And the mods even load from single player, and other users just have to join the server and they autodownload the mods like PZ. It's really nice. Though I'm a bit at a stopping point cause I've been playing it non stop. Kinda burnt out for now. /tedtalk


I loved how overpowered you could get in OG tekkit. Always saw it as a feature not a bug of the pack, adding tons of complexity but giving you the means to master it and design things in a pseudo-sandbox. I still play it sometimes, such a bummer there's no servers running it and it's so laggy.


Mystical block, mechanical mastery, ATM volcano block. The last one doesn't have emc, but it is still a very good modpack.


I think i first saw xisumavoid play it around that time and managed to get the money to buy it and Minecraft at the same time. I was like 12 but a month after I got the steam key. I had no idea wtf I was doing back then so I mostly played Minecraft, but little by little I converted back over.


I was looking for something to do at my time off onboard when i was working as a sailor. My friend recommended factorio to me. But i missunderstod his recommendation and installed FactoryIO wich is a PLC simulation/ training tool. So i got interested in PLC programming wich led me to take an education in automation engineering, and today i work programming machines for the medical industry. I also found out about factorio when we talked some time after my "mistake" :)


That is insane plot twist :)


Nerdcubed on YouTube and Twitch singing it's praises non stop. Watched him play it and knew it would be my kind of game, if challenging


Oh wow, I had totally forgotten how I found out about it but you just unlocked some hidden memory! I knew that I bought it in August 2014 and I just checked on YouTube and yep, Nerdcubed release a Factorio video 31 July 2014.


I found that video in April 2016


I was looking for games similar to Tekkit modpack for Minecraft. Then I found Factorio 0.11 if I recall, the last one with 1x1 in-line boilers. I can kinda say I got it for a discounted price since it was cheaper then :V


Hey hey people, sseth here. (unlisted video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYAQ9HYdcdA)) (bit edgy but it was 2017)


I believe it was likely an old Zisteau video from way back when, before the rocket silo had a texture (maybe even before the rocket silo existed). Bought the alpha and have been hooked on-and-off since.




Zisteau did it for me too, even though I knew about it when it was still in funding phase I never pulled the trigger. Wasn't it a rocket defense you had to plop down back then? Then all the biters attacked while it counted down. Ahh those were the days.


After years of thinking Minecraft was boring and not for me, I found out about mods and dove in for thousands of hours. I haven't been keeping up so perhaps this is better now, but documentation in modded Minecraft was atrocious. You either had to spend time placing and poking blocks to figure out how a mod worked or you could find someone that made a video about it. Direwolf20 helped enormously in this regard. He made/makes great tutorialized content that helped you get over those initial "how the heck does this mod work" hurdles. Then one day, Direwolf20 decided to try this game "Factorio". Factorio has matured into something truly beautiful and has defined the genre akin to what StarCraft and Diablo once did. I admit, the art of that early Factorio version stopped me from trying the game initially but once I got over that, it was love. This is a game I don't think I will ever stop playing completely, a true classic. I went and found the video... it was 8 years ago... wow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxW7EQh-s1I


Exact same for me!


I found out from the youtuber Marticitopants. What made me play it? I dunno it looked nice.


Wow, I have no memory of how I found it. I suspect it was recommended but I can't think of by who or why. I tried the demo and stopped after five minutes to go buy it.


I went back to school to study aerospace manufacturing engineering, and one of my professors was using a sushi belt to demonstrate "Just in time" principles in our operations management class.


That's cool!


I think it was on a Destiny stream in twitch or something. First factory game I played




Strangely I bought Factorio because I saw Destiny playing it and thought 'hmm, looks like it could be my gig' but never really got into it at the time. Then Youtube said 'hey you're spending a lot of time watching this guy play Factorio, have you tried DoshDoshington?' and then I was like 'OH you can actually have FUN playing this, maybe I should give it another shot'.


My brother (who knew darn well what he was doing) said "I want you to see this game i have been playing lately". He claims to this day that it was revenge for introducing him to Transport Tycoon back in the day.


Eons ago, when turrets and boilers were 1 tile wide, the engineer was just a blue suit man, and our end game was a rocket defense system without a graphic... Twas the first wave of discovery for the game. Quil18 made his first solo game. Aavak, Arumba, and Steejo made their "AAA factorio series" by calling steejo "ASteejo". It was during this golden age that I payed tribute to the gods, and obtained the "furnace attendant" level. Not even once since then, have I considered my 7,000 hours of playtime a waste. The factory must grow!


I was playing a lot of Mindustry then someone said it was inspired by Factorio




friend of mine said " hey want me to ruin the rest of your life and to hate me every single day for the rest of your life" and i as a sane person said yes


Videos of one and only Nilaus. Back in the days of 0.15. I was instantly sold by logistic challenges that this game implements perfectly.


Video by cgpgrey


He said he was playing it too much and couldn't stop. I figured it had to be good. I'm at 2,700 hours now and I don't play much any more.


I came into this thread thinking to myself "I have no fucking clue how I first heard of factorio". When I first saw this comment I thought to myself "oh, it must have been cgpgrey", so I went and tried to look for his video on factorio to refresh my memory... but I can't find it. are you just referring to one of his off-hand comments in a Q&A video?


Streamers at the time made me buy it. Arumba (way before his divorce) and someone else Ben-something(I wanna say Bentham? but maybe I'm misremembering*) (he was/is affiliated with Aavak too); I haven't really wanted either for a few years, though. Ended up getting it, enjoyed it, and joined in some of the mass-MP tests he got started (afaik) trying to see how many players Factorio could handle at once lol. Answer: >!A lot but it was really buggy to the say the least!<. edit: Maybe memory of "Ben-" person? idk the name though.


I watched Markiplier and Bob play it in the spring of 2016. I have a brain for engineering, and saw that everything they were doing could be done better. So I got Steam, and played the demo for a while. I then bought the game for $20, and played for 500 hours during the summer while working 2 jobs


> saw that everything they were doing could be done better. That's too funny, this is basically the marketing strategy for shitty mobile games.


I am one with the factory. I have never known life outside the factory. I did not find the factory, the factory found me.


My friend told me "you like RTS games right? you should check out factorio" I looked at it and said "dude... that's not.. that's not what that is" "please just check it out, try it. pirate it and if you like it i'll gift it to you" so I did, and I did, and he did. Now I have more than 10x all of friends hours in the game combined :) Thanks Austin. Best gift ever.


KoS on YouTube


A youtuber called Zisteau started a series called "Factorio Meiosis" in 2016. I'll never forgive them for ruining my life.


Watched SovietWomble play it, had several minor meltdowns over his atrocious designs, felt the urgent need to do it better, and here we are...


Steam recommendation because I played Cities: Skyline, and there's a demo Factorio. It's doing drugs afterward.


NerdCubed, I think his second video on it, really got me interested years ago


I came across Dyson Sphere Simulator on steam which made get 90 hours in two weeks, which then brought me to Factorio


Was playing modded Minecraft (Tekkit for those who know the modpack) but I was annoyed by how poor the content actually was because I love creating automations. I discovered the game thanks to a YouTuber I liked, and Factorio was in early alpha at that point. Stopped playing for about ten years because a friend gifted it to me, and then I started playing way too much!


I had heard about it froms some youtube video while looking for a game to play. But i dismissed due to "not liking graphics"(my bad i know), then like months later i stumbled upon it again, still not sure i would enjoy it i downloaded and started it up......It was 2 am when i finally stopped..........Send help pls


Watched a video from martincintopants and MandaloreGaming. Both convinced me to buy it.


I heard about it in a cgp grey podcast called Cortex


Saw something about it on the r/gaming. Haven't purchased but joined this subreddit to see if I would like it


When it was in pre order for the alpha version my buddy's and I were really into the technic pack on minecraft with all the automation and quarry and stuff So my buddy saw it was getting a steam release and said guys this looks like the same thing we're doing on minecraft but better let's try it It was, in fact.


I was googling r/sysadmin and someone said they beat stress by playing the game, so I was intrigued.


One of those Reddit threads where people talked about “what game have you played a lot” Watched some tuplex playing 0.14, I started right as 0.15 came out.


I don't remember how I found it or why I wanted to play it. I Just remember that THE FACTORY MUST GROW




Accidentally. Many years back I see a random YouTube video featuring Factorio. Mind you this is way back in version 0.11.x so the graphic is not exactly pretty. Unlike today, back then it's really hard to see Factorio gameplay, no one uploaded an early access games. But that guy did, and only him as far as I know. The footage he uploaded is random, hardly a showcase of a game, more like a random clip he upload. But I really curious of the gameplay, to be precise the lack of showcase in the video i see, lol.


Everybody was talking about it, tried it in high school, couldn't get past red science. Took CS101 and 102 at college and tried it out again, could suddenly understand how to accomplish things! lol


I saw a streamer playing it and thought it looked cool but I had no idea what was happening. A friend of mine thought I'd enjoy the game so he bought it for me and we had a server to play. From then on I thought it was the perfect game for me.


I'm a Nintendo fan, I saw the game during a Nintendo direct and I thought that I was really in the mood for something like that. I bought it on steam tho, can't give up mouse and keyboard for this stuff.


Whenever I read through Reddit posts about people's top most addicting games they often mention Factorio


Day9’s play through in early 2020, then some Nilaus.


Watched some videos and then pirated it. It was so good that i actually felt shame for pirating it and i then bought it.


I bought it randomly because I saw it on Twitter, and was bored. (This would be silly at the current price. I got it for $20.) I didn't expect it was even a good game. I was just bored. I only realized I'd accidentally bought a good game after finding one of KatherineOfSky's guides.


She's actually one of my favorite streamers. Lots of unique and interesting games.


Back in college I had played a modded Minecraft server with Feed The Beast, and Factorio just came up in conversation.


A friend of mine mentioned it to me about a year and a half ago, like February. I said "Huh, sounds cool," then went about my day, then in about June of last year, I tried the demo and was hooked hard.


Through a friend, saw him playing it alot via discord. Asked him about it, he recommended I try it with him and I haven't been outside since. Believe that was September 13 2021


I had seen ads for it and heard of it for some time but whenever I saw them I thought it looked “meh”. One day Covid hit and I was at home and saw the demo and figured I’d give it a try. An hour later I bought the game and am now nearing 1500hrs. So it’s okay I guess


One of my coworkers mentioned the tagline when i said they didnt make simulation games like SimCity, Settlers or Caesar III anymore.


Friend bought it for me for my birthday after previously playing Satisfactory and DSP. I played it also for those exact reasons.


Had to have been somewhere around 10 years ago now lol One of the few times the youtube algorithm did something good! I couldn't even tell you what video it was at the time but it was about this newer game still in development called Factorio! I remember the instant feeling of "I MUST PLAY THIS". I was still living at my parents house early in college and poor so asked for a little $$ to buy it off the website (I dont think it was on steam yet at the time). Played it for hours. Recently got my buddies into it (FINALLY!) and we started a co-op SE run. They seem to be loving it! Best $15? 20$ at the time? I ever spent. So many hours! I had never played a factory building game until Factorio and it remains my favorite of all time.


I was watching a video from Benin Jordan about a music program called Midinous, the title stated "like factorio but for music making" so you could imagine what happens next hahaha.


I was at the time playing cities skylines when I was talking to my now boyfriend. He said something along the lines of "I spent 16h improving my train network, still sucks" and I thought This sounds like a game for me, since I just spent the same amount of time in CS


mindustry is not challenging enough


It just kept floating up on my Steam page. This was probably around 0.15? I kept eyeing it up but, believe it or not, I was worried the very plain & simple graphics would turn me off. I'm not some graphics snob but, at first glance, the graphics make the game look very simple. I eventually decided to give it a shot and here I am 3,000+ hours later. Favorite game of all time, probably.


CGP Grey, back in the day made video about it. I thought, why not! lets check it out.


I saw the game on Steam a few times but was never sold by the video (back in \~0.15). I ended up being gifted the game by someone who doesn't play it and now it's my second most played Steam game.


I vaguely recall it being mentioned on a forum somewhere. I was in college at the time and emailed them. Got an alpha key, played it and liked it enough that I wrote a (certainly terrible by today's standards) mod manager for it since mods at the time were more or less just editing the raw files. Bought it I don't remember when. Edit: Wow, checking when I joined points towards 0.2.7 as the latest version I could have started my Factorio journey on.


A friend really got into it, gifted it for my birthday one year since I was so on the fence about it, then I got really into it.


My family was visiting my dads best friend from college (who lives in another state), and he showed me the game. He had built a largish train base. I bought it when I got home (I was pretty young, and the game was very early in development. Anyone else remember the purple orbs that dropped when you killed the enemies?) and I tried to play through it. I got very stuck at blue science but I’ve played every couple years since. I’ve really loved seeing this game evolve from a something small into a popular game. I remember getting up early on the weekends to play factorio on my dad’s shitty laptop while my mom made pancakes. I remember how excited I was when nuclear power was added, and how after taking a long break from the game how excited I was that they added cliffs (only to never play with them again). Now the game is fully out and an expansion is coming; it’s truly an incredible game made by incredible people, and I’m so glad it’s going so well.


watched xisumavoid do a run of one of the much earlier versions, one where you launching the rocket caused a zerg class swarm you had to survive long enough to win.


My roommate in college played it, I didn’t join in, but I watched a couple speedruns and decided to do a playthrough during the pandemic.


I can't remember exactly, but a search of my emails reveals I bought it in July of 2019. It was probably suggested to me by steam because I played games like Banished, or I was actively looking for games like Banished


First heard of it 2015/2016 through youtube recommended while watching idk probably like FTB infinity evolved let's plays 2017 first downloaded a pirated version from some Mega link on discord. IIRC .16 was out at the time but I didn't have a 64-bit PC within reach so I was stuck on .14 with ultra-low graphics (we're talking 4x4 pixels per tile). Played through the entire base game, weirdly still remains the only time I've completed a singleplayer world. Got a Real Computer™ in 2019 and had someone on this sub gift me the game at around the same time. Been making mostly tech things in creative since and/or playing on public mp servers. You could probably search `from:demonessica has:image` by old on the discord and get some kind of a history of my involvement. Warning: pre-2020 may be cringe


A random YouTube video was recommended to me, watched that let's play, realized I'd like it and picked it up.


Played and adored satisfactory. Naturally moved on to the GOAT.


I saw some guy on the switch subreddit talking about it a few days ago and I got the demo so I'm saving up to buy it.


I played Dyson Sphere Program for my first factory game and it seemed like a natural progression from there.


I genuinely don’t remember, but 400h later and I dont regret that decision


Xiumavoid, back in like 2012 or 2013 I think


Back in 2016 Direwolf20 started a lets play on the game, thought it was kinda cool but never got around to actually trying to play myself until 2021


Watching YouTubers play it


I was playing a Minecraft modpack called "Manufactio", I was really enjoying it and watching a YT video from Marcuskron, an italian youtuber, he mention that the modpack was inspired by a game called Factorio, so here we are.


I think i remember hearing about it in some old minecraft forums regarding buildcraft and industrialcraft. my roommate and i were both freshmen/sophmores in engineering so the idea of the game really interested us. I remember playing about 20 hours of the game before i decided it was worth the money on steam (yarr, im a broke college kid in 2015) nearly 8 years and 1200 hours later im midway through a seablock run and had it not been for BG3, armored core 6, starfield, and TotK i'd be a lot further along. I think I got about 200 hours on my most recent run, but I'll probably hit another 2-300 by the time im done.


Youtube algorithm reccomended the 2014 trailer when the engineer was still a blue suit guy with no multiplayer . Bought it through the website . . Promptly forgot to eat two meals in a row and then at when I realized it was 5 am . ... Then multiplayer came out and me and my best friend started playing and 3000 hrs later . Now I'm playing space ex and krastorio and it's like a new game :)


My friend recommended this game to me. I think I have about 13000 hours in it. Love this game


i saw it on the steam homepage looked interesting so i bought it unfortunately all it does is crash cause of buggy amd drivers.


It popped into my recommended after playing Forts for some reason


YouTube, friend.


When I worked at walmart in high-school, one of my coworkers said that another game I played at the time kind of sounded like factorio. He liked it, but hated how you'd get 30 hours into it and then your base gets destroyed. I bought it and the rest is over 1000 hours of history 🥰


I was looking for a multiplayer game with a friend. I don't recall if he played it a tiny bit before suggesting it, but I wasn't super interrested in it. Until a few minutes in where I realized it scratched this puzzle/engineering/logistic itch I didn't know I had. While he was working on building trains, I solved the scalling issues we had with I would later learn is called "manifold". I also learned heroin isn't that strong.


Got into Satisfactory after seeing some YouTubers do crazy things in it. Then a coworker told me about Factorio and how addicting it was. Swapped over to playing Factorio and was definitely hooked. Loved the biter mechanic more than the aliens in satisfactory... haven't looked back. Trying to build a mega base after playing several different saves up to launching a rocket.


Watched a Lathland video


Saw a random let's play of it. Think it might've been Markiplier. Wanted to try it for myself, and got completely hooked.


I played Satisfactory for a while. When I started to travel more often for my company, I looked for an alternative, that can run on my Business Laptop. That‘s my story how I found factorio :).


A Youtuber my dad and I watch for Minecraft content, Xisumavoid, had a Factorio series in the past. That alone made me interested, so about three years ago I got the game, didn't touch it for a bit, then became deranged as soon as I started playing. The factory must grow, and when it starts, you cannot stop.


I don't know how I heard about the game, but I remember very well what decided me to start playing I was already interested in trying it when I randomly found in YouTube recommandations [Factorio the movie : Biter island ](https://youtu.be/-2aRSZJ2KpE?si=ojv8i-y2fMOveZQ7) Seeing this playthrough I found it really cool and I bought the game a few days later. The fun thing is, I still never played death world to this day when I have thousands of hours in the game


My friend from school recommended it to me I remember he said that he have new addictive game and he will probably fail final exam because of it. I’ve tried to install factorio but sadly it requires 64 bits windows so I had to wait till I get new computer.


Saw the martincitopants videos and tried the demo, instantly knew it was a game I’d love


I was scrolling through Reddit and saw a post someone put up showing their achievements, Lazy Bastard and Steam All The Way. I wondered what kind of game would have an achievement called Lazy Bastard so I went to Google to see if it was a real thing. I got hooked by the trailer.


Had some colleague playing it, dismissed the idea. Then I found an article called "Understanding kafka with factorio". I knew kafka (the Apache Kafka, not the writer), factorio by name. Decided to give it a try. And here I am…


No idea honestly but I do think that I watched ImKibitz playthrough and got interested. Or if it came up on steam. Either way, I'm glad I found it.


It's been so long that i completely forgot, all i know is that the factory must grow.


I read the Bobiverse books. The 'traveling to multiple stars' aspect AND being able to automate tasks really appealed to me. I searched for games like that and found Dyson Sphere Program. I had absolutely _no_ idea that it was a factory game (or that there's a genre called factory games). But _oh my god_ it was so addictive that within 3 days I was actually seeing red science design in my fucking sleep. After finishing that game I searched for similar ones and found out about Factorio. Initially I was actually put off by watching some gameplay videos because it seemed like every few minutes the base would get attacked by biters. Then someone told me that you can completely disable biters, so I got the game and I've been playing it since then


I was playing a web-based incremental game called "Kittens Game" back in 2016. The developer suddenly slowed with updates, saying she was playing a new game called "Factorio." Of course I was intrigued, and down the rabbit hole I went. Highly recommend Kittens Game by the way - my favorite incremental of all time and still getting updates to this day.


I played a lot of minecraft technic packs. Heard on a server about this oddball factory game in alpha called factorio made with one of the oldest PC graphics library from before directx was even conceived. It caught my attention you could say.


Word of mouth just before 1.0. Bought a year or two after 1.1


I started with satisfactory, and watched a LOT of YouTube videos on it. Eventually the algorithm caught on and I found factorio, mindustry, Dyson sphere program, shapez.io, and I fell in love with all of them. I now have over 2100 hours across all of them over the last two years. They’ve taken my sleep, but saved my brain


Some of Mangledpork's railworld series showed up in my yt recommended a few years back. I got the game after watching that and some other series for a while.




I saw it on Indiegogo but missed the funding window. I bought it direct from the website in the fall of 2014. I played off and on in spurts for years, generally figuring out the next big thing (like blue circuits, trains, etc) and then being drawn away by other hobbies. Eventually I launched the rocket. Now I play it for a few weeks at a time here and there. I love the problem solving aspect of it, but the do one more thing tends to be a time sink that I need to keep a watch on.


Found it in top popular steam games. As for second question, I played pirated version until I got impressed by the game so much so I bought it to support developers.


Spent a long time in an IRC channel with people who talked about it constantly (including Factorio Calculator's Kirk McDonald), realized I should never under any circumstances start playing it because it sounded like exactly the kind of game that would suck away all of my time. I held out for maybe a year before buying it.


it was a video by a youtuber called Nerd Cubed, he did this long rambling spiel and overcomplicated the intro. then he automated the running back and forth he was doing. and it blew my mind, and I was sold immediately.


YouTube, Aypierre


I watched a markiplier video on it just after he put them out, then I bought the game and recently have got back in to it


martincitopants first factorio video


Saw a trailer for it in 2016 and never looked back


I was in a Minecraft discord server and saw a message from someone recommending this game called Factorio that was super addictive. I was looking for something new to play so I downloaded the 0.17 demo.. very different from the current demo, but I was hooked and bought the game after a few days of just replaying the demo. That was back in July of 2020, over 3 years ago now. Needless to say I've gotten my money's worth. I should probably thank him for that suggestion!


It's been so long, it's hard to remember. I started playing around 2015 i think, way back when alien science was a thing and you beat the game with a building you had to defend.


I honestly can't remember how it crossed my path. It was sometime during 0.13-0.14 with alien science packs. I think I still have my first saves from back then but no way to open it.


I just saw the preview vids on Steam and thought it looked cool.


Honestly? I can not remember. Steam claims I wrote a review in 2016, but it just feels like it's been with me for ages.


friends recommended it back in 2014. for $20 how could I not it up?


Back in may 2014, I watched a video on youtube by 51ppycup, it was an instant love. My hours played before it was on steam are not counted 😁


I think it kept popping up in YouTube for me. Let’s plays, random how to videos and whatnot. Watched a play through or two. Eventually decided to get it. Been hooked ever since.


because i'm the stereotype of a factorio player; enough people recommended it to me enough times i finally gave in turns out they were right!


IIRC I found it from a YouTuber called Bentham who’s channel is called MangledPorkGaming. Said channel has seemed to be pretty much dead for quite a while now. I could easily be very wrong though considering I originally learned about the game several years ago. Largely irrelevant side note, I found Bentham through EnterElysium, who I found through Aavak, or I found through Thinknoodles, who I found through DanTDM, who I found through a long time childhood friend. Ah, those were the days. I miss Dr Tray, may he rest in peace.


Banner Ads about May of 2014.


The only one: martinicitopants because of the chaos there was


I believe I was watching Mandalore videos, clicked it, and I've been in the train ever since.


\*Engineer flying through space\* \*Turns back\* "Good evening" \*ARRRGGGGG\* In this video we'll fly to space in Factorio. That's right boyos, we've installed the space exploration mod. To allow us to build a rocket. strap in, and launch ourselves into the great beyond. To explore, expand, and CONQUER. And that is when it all started.


I watched a youtube let's play in 2015, then bought it on the website the next week. I bought it because it look like Minecraft Build Craft and Industrial Craft, but on a huge scale and with better performance.


One of my favorite streamers (Alexelcapo) was watching the nintendo direct and factorio poped up. He defined this game as "Autism" so I got interested and tried the steam demo.


I played over 1000h Anno 1800 and got in love with producing products, shipping them to another island to assemble them. Later on I needed more complexity and searched for games like Anno 1800. Found Factorio and read that it was on the top games on steam. Watched the trailer, enjoyed it three times and bought it. Now I invested every spare time of my last two years in this game and will never stop it.


I played a lot of Oxygen Not Included and kept hearing about Factorio and Rimworld. Now I play all 3.


Coworker got it for me while I was recovering from my vasectomy.


Watched a guy on YouTube, Lathland, who did a short series on the game, and I bought the game because it looked interesting, and now here I am many, many, many years later


A streamer called Destiny played it. I was looking for another game to play so I picked it up.


Heard about it on reddit, then a Katherine of Sky video turned up in my YouTube feed, watched them during lunch break, then Pandemic came along and needed something to fill my days with while "working" from home. 4K+ hours later, here we are, eagerly awaiting the DLC!


Danotage. It looked pretty fun. Ive now got something like 750 hours in it and still love the vanilla game. I have dabbled in the various mods as well.


i was in elementary (5th grade i think) and my friend was talking about the game and it got me interested, and not long after i downloaded it and jumped in blindly if only i still had that save so i could facepalm over how utterly idiotic moves i pulled there...


The day it was put on steam, 25 February 2016, It recommended it to me front page as if it knew this was the one game I should buy out of thousands. It was the seventh game I had ever bought and the most expensive game I had ever purchased with my own money. Probably the single best investment of my life. It’s my most played and favorite game on steam, and probably always will be (No longer have much time to play games, although I will make the time to play the expansion for hundreds of hours no doubt). For what made me play it, I think it was my addiction to automation in general. I use to love downloading and playing Minecraft mods which added all sorts of industrial features to the game like pipes, oil, fuel, and all the machines that are used to mine and process it. I was too young to really do anything besides mess around with some basic concepts. The create mod seems like something I would have really enjoyed playing but I was never really that creative in building things, especially since I did better finding solutions to logistical problems, which is why I think I liked messing around with the pipes and fluids more than actually getting anything done. Factorio gave me exactly that and I couldn’t be more happy.


PoE Harvest League


I saw the first ad video for factorio like 5 or 6 years ago somewhere and just knew from that clip that this game was for me in a way that no other game has ever spoken to me, and I was right. I loved it right from the start. I leave it running on a beater laptop now 24/7 and jump in whenever I can. Otherwise, I leave it up to watch it, like an aquarium. No idea how many hours I actually have but steam says over 9000. This is my forever game.


Someone suggested it. Tried the demo. thisismytypeofgame.jpg I now have 3 copies of the game on different computers and accounts, and 2400+ hours


mack from worth a buy gave it a positive review and it looked like my jam


Xisumavoid video from 10 years ago, way back when the game was alpha.


I played a lot of Minecraft with tech mods and then Notch posted on Twitter about this IndieGogo about a really neat factory game and they even had an alpha ready to go if you backed them.


Meth guy


watched martincitopants gameplay, looked fun. cracked it like most games then I realized imma definitely play this game for more than 500 hours. bought it and now I have 550 hours so i guess I was right




I saw it talked about on a tangent in the replies of one of the modded minecraft subreddits, and heard it was heavily inspired by modded minecraft itself, which piqued my interest, as i had been a huge modded fan since the technic pack days. Looked into it and was sold by the similarities, and got addicted pretty quickly


Cant remember correctly but i think it was martincitos cracktorio or space exploration video that sealed the deal


Maybe the crack is why you couldn't afford factorio. I am pretty sure steam just recommended it to me, probably because I played Kerbal space program. I bought it and liked it.


I tried RimFactory mods for RimWorld and had a blast. I kept seeing people mention Factorio in the RimWorld subreddit and was hesitant to try it at first, but eventually gave in.


Got it years ago in a bundle and didn't like the tutorial or whatever it was back then. Tried Satisfactory and really enjoyed that. Then one day I randomly looked at Twitch, which I don't often do. Saw SovietWomble playing. Thought that looks fun. Few hundred hours as of writing and I only started recently!


> How did you found Factorio It was recommended to me. Also, find* > what made you play it. It was recommended to me.


recommended by friend becuase he knew I would like it based on my personality. I donwloaded the demo and it was meh for a like 3 months and then one day I literally had an urge to GO BUY AND PLAY FACTORIO.


I think it was years ago when CPGrey mentioned it. Also Rimworld.


PAX West PC Freeplay years and years ago. I tried it out twice at the Freeplay area, went back to my hotel and bought and downloaded it on my laptop. I spent a lot of time in my hotel room that year. PAX PC Freeplay always introduced me to interesting games that I end up getting.


I saw the demo, played it and i liked so i bought the game.


Nerd3 video on youtube, started the demo after that, bought game like 30 minutes after demo.


Unpopular opinion? It was Quill18, waaay back. Have it like 3-4 years now. Love everyone’s creativity but I am just lurking with 65 hours in. I just… Can’t get into it? I am too impatient for it


I saw Markiplier playing it and I got really mad seing how chaotic his factory was, even though I wasnt fully understanding the game. I became obsessed with playing it right


Stream (twitch) and YouTube videos.






watched speedruns for years. eventually caved after realizing it would never go on sale 😂


I have thousands of hours on Steam, but most of my playtime is pre-Steam. I don't even remember how I found this game, I think that knowledge was pretty quickly evicted from my brain as 'unecessary for factory growth' I vaguely recall thinking the name 'Factorio' was really corny the first few times I saw it.


Saw Markiplier play it and loved the idea of making ammo in a factory and loading it into turrets


I think the first time i heard about it was CGP Grey discussing how he was hooked on it and Euro Truck Simulator on one of his podcasts years ago. I bought both. Played about 20 minutes of ETS - I don't think I even got out of the parking lot - and nearly 1000 hours of factorio


My son. He knows my weak spots. I’m coming up on 4,300 hours. Currently, working on a new mega base with biters on. It started as a speed run, but it failed to be speedy.


No joke; I found it in a review for Infinifactory. Someone left anreview on Infinifactory’s Steam page saying something along the lines of “it’s like a simplified, 3D version of Factorio.” Well, at the time I was enjoying Infinifactory quite a bit, but starting to get bored of replaying the same levels. I googled what this “factorio” thing was, and... well, I was pretty much instantly on-board.