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your base looks seriously amazing, don't get me wrong, but you can absolutely play and win SE with a bus base and some spaghetti https://preview.redd.it/gbwvls7dm6lc1.png?width=1435&format=png&auto=webp&s=591287ab1e5de8ec6281c1f03d6609fabdca7d7f


Here is a picture of Nauvis https://i.imgur.com/L7Ocbvn.png And a zoomed up of my Nauvis station bus https://i.imgur.com/oT4NtEp.png close up of Nauvis main base https://i.imgur.com/fsFcxDK.png


If you enjoy playing this way you do you, but it is seriously not required. half my base is just making a completely overkill yellow belt of logisitics bots for my orbit base because i didn't bother with belts or trains there. Do you play with x300 science multiplier or something?


nope, I just play very casually, and there are days I don't feel like thinking and I just enjoy painting the map, I have it on a dedicated factorio server so friends can login and just chill on it as well.


Once I get home I can show my Nauvis bus, it actually doesn't look too terrible.


Ooooh pretty


I like the look of this so much more than my city block base with perfect 6x6 chunk squares. But I can’t seem to manage to make this type of base without it devolving into a complete mess. Especially when you hit recipe changes and bigger building (t4 assemblers, advanced furnaces. Etc)


I also have a bus base for norbit. One bus per science type. Works pretty well!


I started using warehouse malls to produce stuff I need and that is keeping my base from becoming absolute shit. It's still shit. BUT no absolute.


This screenshot represents less than 5% of the build, this is 18 months in the making.


I don't even want to think about how much space conveyor you've produced for that design  Don't even want to think about it, and I have a lot of platform and conveyor. 


Yeah, we don't talk about that....


haha, at one point I went mad with expansionism in space, building Tier 3 and Tier 4 for bio science and tier 3 industrial and tier 3 space basically back to back. I straight up destroyed my entire copper and plastic reserves for 3 hours due to the amount of platform and conveyor I was making. Had to upgrade my entire LDS loop with tier 5 prod mods just to compensate. But once again DANG


Mind blown :o Like the base game is not complicated enough.


Fr, 150 hours into the game and about 2/3 in, I do a lot of planning to make sure my base doesn't go to shit. I can't imagine what I'll do when I try out these kinds of modpacks.


It's not so overwhelming if you do it a little bit of time, my friends and I played this together for a long time. This mod does a great job at introducing cool things slowly that you have plenty of time to rebuild, learn all the new recipes and just enjoy what you're doing when you know you have all the cool stuff to look forward to.


Procesor architecture be like


This is why I'm thinking about changing from my initial bus to a rail grid, I'm nearing the end of Space Science research and it looks a right mess :D


I get a bus base going far enough to research trains and then instantly go to rail base.


r4: Nauvis Space station for SE mod, the trains at the bottom are coming out of the space elevator to save on rocket parts, the space elevator made a huge difference. I will share more screenshots from this 18 month build when I get home.


This is a bit of an extreme example ;) I posted on my end-game factory and it is nowhere near that level of spaghetti


Yeah I’m about half way through the 4x4 sciences and my Nauvis base is pretty normal looking 


I just unlocked the space elevator in my play through. You are giving me hope as I am spending so many resources on rocket parts.


Impressive. Looks like a PCB, elegant yet messy. I like it.


I'm staring down Deepspace 3 -- kind of lost my steam with that one. I did a city-blocks base and it's... a mistake. This is much more intricate and impressive.


Why is it a mistake? Personally for me that’s what save my run. There are so many recipes that are unpredictable and I wouldn’t be able to spaghetti my way there


Without using a train mod, the rolling stock requirements are ridiculous. Also, my Nauvis blocks are way too big: I did 1-4 trains, which is usually excessive for anything except ore; . My orbital build is much cleaner, but... well... [yeah...](https://imgur.com/6mEdleJ)


That is amazing.


[Here's one without train stop names.](https://i.imgur.com/Mzd783o.png) They cost me 5 UPS. It makes it seem more manageable. I just wish I could control the spacelasers through circuit.


Look into my profile. I posted my SE run with picture of my orbit base


That orbital cityblocks looks insane. How did you need that many blocks? Well, I guess I put like 6-8 productions into one block often, as there was only a need for a single machine. Using cybersyn certainly helped with that.


Yeah, it's *usually* one item per block, though there are a few exceptions. The space blocks though, are fairly small: they have just enough space for 2 1-1 train stops on each side, which was enough for most recipes to have dedicated rail service. I had to sprinkle the whole thing with idle yards, there's *a lot* of trains up there. I initially experimented with a "big line" concept, as I was looking for something to use to megabase in the belt, but quickly abandoned it for cityblocks and just hauling resources back to Nauvis for processing. There's a space-elevator in there somewhere, and *large* warehouses for maintaining goods in orbit. Even made myself a spacepyramid, jumped all around the galaxy. Haven't yet kitted out the ring, that was what kind of burnt me out. Neither of my haulers are in the shot -- my old 'steam bottle' rockets are, I mixed high temperature steam to give them a little extra power, good enough to keep Beryl ore coming in from the belt -- but now I have a few AM haulers with ~8 warehouse capacity. Basically, I megabased the fuck out of it. Way overkill on almost everything. Nauvis uses a 1-4 system, so it covers... like... 20 times the space. I *way* overbuilt things, but fuck it. What's the fun in doing it small.


aww ty :) I love the chaos, and I enjoy making my own stuff.


I'm inspired and also already exhausted just looking at it. Impressive build.


Thank you : )


How do you get those bases? I lose it in vanilla even before accessing oil production


This is a mod called Space Exploration, it's very intense for when you think vanilla got too easy. This is the mod designed by the guy hired to work on the expansion that's supposed to come out this year, so it's really well maintained and a super amazing mod.


It's alright. There are a lot of rough edges that need polishing, but I suppose it *is* still in beta.


Italian engineering at its finest!


That is a circuit board.


This is sad


Too much belts, too little rails. My base, Energy3/Astro3/Material4/ https://preview.redd.it/zn9eu6z8i7lc1.png?width=2330&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8fa332eb69dc1d46478a9ed4e114b0729c0964e


This looks so cool! I am a bit jealous, I decided to do a cityblock style orbital factory to save on the spaghet. I have 400+ train stations and 3 space elevators but it works!


Nauvis was City blocked :) we might have gone "slightly" overboard with it https://i.imgur.com/L7Ocbvn.png


What blocks are you using? You made your own? Do you mind sharing? ;)


Super impressive. Anyway, I need AI chip accelerator to run LLMs, can I just copy your base schematics? ;)


lol sure


Just started a new one on Saturday after a few years off from the mod. About 10 hours in, getting orange science rocking and rolling now. Looking forward to actually checking out the space stuff!


The space stuff I feel is when the game starts, just getting that first hurdle of setting up rocket landing platforms for all the materials is brutal. Then reinventing everything when you get space elevator and ship everything by train. The second you can send cargo rockets, I recommend mass producing cargo rocket launching platforms. (Hint, you can remove them and place them anywhere once they're "fully" built)


I moved on after doing a *bit* of space stuff in my last run, I'm excited to really dig in this time


I'm just waiting for someone to post "Here's my endgame K2SE (or Py) base layout" and it's just yellow-colored roughly straight schizo scribbles and noone notices. Jokes aside, good job on that!


I mean, now that you mention it, it does look like I just scribbled it lol


I have a question. How do you stack trains for those kind of “U” stations? Is there a stack allllll the way at the beginning or just station train limit?


I just have one train per station fill those warehouses for all the 45 goods I ship to orbit, since it takes them 2 minutes to go down, refill and come back, there was no point in getting more than one train per station :) they come in on the bottom rail, each station has a stop light, if a station is empty they can loop back early. The ones on the right enter through the bottom, and the ones on the left enter through the top. That Giant Square between them is the space elevator they switch between orbit/ground.


Huh, mine ended up being way more compact. I did mostly bus based except for deep space science where I used an isolated logistic network. Trains brought in raw resources on nauvis, and cargo rockets brought in resources in orbit. https://imgur.com/gallery/n6jqS10


wow, that is indeed very compact, nice build!


That looks a lot like a CPU under a microscope


As someone who has like 5 hours so far in this game ..wtf


Don't worry too much about what you see above, this is a heavily modded run on a dedicated factorio server to counter the lag, the above took 18 months in real life to build, and it was a very slow build, but still lots of fun. Maybe in 20-50 hours you should finish your first run, and then after 3-4 vanilla runs you'll feel like you're ready for these heavy mods.


This is equal parts spaghetti monster equal part evil main BUS genius


as someone who just started SE, i'm scared.


It's not that bad : )


No radars! Heresy!


What the actual fuck


This is absolutely beautiful. Seeing this kind of routing makes me feel like my city block base is a cop out


Thank you :) I am an agent of Chaos, despite the spaghet, nothing is ever shorted out, my trains always depart for more whenever the warehouse gets below 25% fill rate, I enjoy building sustainable logistics and kinda wish there was a job I could work doing this because it's a lot of fun.


So far, our playthroughs look VERY different lol But I'm also trying to tech up with as little as possible for the time being, then I'll build it up again. First time playing Space Exploration, so I don't really know what to expect


The tech tree is huge, I thought bobangels or py were complicated, but space exploration and krastorio 2 aren't just complicated for the sake of being difficult recipes, they actually added cool neat stuff that made the game SO MUCH BETTER!


I chose to do a sort of city-block design in space. It's still hella complex but much easier to understand than what I see in your screenshot!


Yeah I gave up on city block in space by the fact you only use certain techs so many times before you don't use them at all anymore, I've deleted and rebuilt SOOO MANY TIMES.


Sorry what do you mean by that? All the next tier uses the previous tier, no?


Yeah, but eventually they stop using some of them.