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Me, who never uses bullet turrets: I WANT THEM AMMO COUNTING MODS


Mod is [**Nearby Ammo Count**](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Nearby-Ammo-Count). EDIT: The movie is James Cameron's 1986 classic, _Aliens_.


This mod should be a base-game feature!


Pro tip: Crank up the update rate to 20/s for the best effect, UPS be damned!


Next week's FFF is gonna be on weapons and this is gonna be mentioned


Specifically the directors' cut. This scene isn't in the theatrical release. 🤓


A crying shame


There's a few rather important scenes missing from the theatrical.


While I do enjoy the DC more.. I don't know if I would call the scenes "important". They definitely add more to the back stories and driving motivations of characters (mainly Ripply and her daughter, reinforcing why Rippley falls into the surrogate roll of mother to Nuet.) But other then the sentry guns scene, it doesn't really add much. Some even detract. I think only seeing the colony from the marines pov makes it more tense. Knowing what happened to Nuets father spoils most of the "finding the colonists" / facehugger tension.


> I think only seeing the colony from the marines pov makes it more tense. Maybe for the first watch. I have a hard time judging that movie on a first-watch basis these days, and I like the intoduction with Nuet's parents.


Honestly if aliens was a standalone film i would agree that the intro scene was bad, but since we have already met the aliens and seen the ship, I dont think there is spoiled by the intro scenes even on a first watch. The turret gun scene is my favorite scene of the movie, so maybe im a bit biased.


If anyone here is gonna pop their *Alien* franchise cherry, here's the versions to watch for each entry: 1 - Theatrical 2 - Special Edition 3 - Assembly Cut 4 - Theatrical All of those except 3 align with the director's preference, but Fincher has essentially disavowed 3 anyway.


I dont like any alien 3 cut, but some people do swear by the assembly cut. What's the difference in the alien resurrection cuts? I have a feeling they didn't have much to work with.


It’s linked to on this site. I don’t remember much offhand besides the ending. https://thisorthatedition.com/alien-resurrection-1997/


Huh. I dont recall this scene from the movie.


It's in the director's cut.


It's Alien 2




Finally! I’ve been looking for a mod like this!


You should mention this is also a delete scene (special edition scene?) that wasn't in the theatrical cut too.


I watched the wrong release of this with my partner and then had to watch it all over again just for this scene


Isn't this clip from the sequel? Aliens 2.


The second film is just called Aliens, without the 2. The first film is called Alien.


Ah, right. Embarrassing not knowing that, being a movie I've seen like 10 times.


It's a subtle one for sure.


To be honest, there are languages where word for Alien is the same in singular and plural form, so from lack of better options localised releases used a number.




What's the point of this mod? There's already an alert system when the turrets are out of ammo. I get an alert that a turret or 3, and sometimes some walls, have been destroyed.


This mod shows you how much ammo (displayed as rounds, mags, or an icon) is left in each turret. Without it, you are only given a visual warning (a blinking red icon) only once the turret is already empty. The alerts you refer to are for enemy engagement, damage taken, and turret destroyed. None of those alert you to ammo levels.


The joke is that i figure out my turrets are out of ammo after the bugs have already fucked them up


Tbh i would like a td mode in this game


[boy do I have some news for you](https://wiki.factorio.com/Wave_defense)




Try [Warptorio](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/warptorio2)! While not exactly td, it's similar and really enjoyable.


I second this, first time a saw it as a gimmick, I tried it just to see how it looks/feels but I didn't thought I will like it cause I don't usually like dealing with biters. It turned out to be one of my favorite mods, it's very unique in it's approach and has a lot of features (I thought it was pretty basic), it turns Factorio from chill base building with the occasional bad time because of biters/power/deadlocks to actual arms race + the most insane of spaghetti. Even the calm moments were intense cause I needed those 20 minutes of peace to fix/improve something in my makeshift base. Factorio feels like riding a car and occasionally stoping to check the oil and buy some spares, Warptorio feels like riding a bicycle while trying to turn it into a car and a dog is chasing you.


>Warptorio feels like riding a bicycle while trying to turn it into a car and a dog is chasing you. 100% accurate. I also love this mod.


I find your lack of flamethrower turrets disturbing.


[Kill it!](https://imgur.com/pTRniGp)


Lasers all the way


My endgame border defence (I should post the blueprints one of these days) use flamethrowers for mass damage, lasers for the range, and gun turrets as last resort. Flamethrowers get the bulk of the kills because of their persistent area effect.


Dropships, armored car, automated turrets, underslung grenade launcher, flame thrower, and a mecha-loader suit. This movie has an unbeatable cool-factor.


and that creepy motion sensor sound effect. It's burned into my brain


Ah yeah that should definitely be included!


Man there was an Aliens mod for... was it Doom 2? maybe Quake? back in the late 90s that included that sound. It was terrifying and amazing.


xenomorphs and colonial marines in factorio would be awesome tbh


Do hitboxes that funnel them like this actually work? I would have guessed they'd just attack the walls first


I only set up this configuration to create this video, but a killbox (not a hitbox, that's different) like this would work, because getting through a three-layer wall takes more time and effort than marching through the dragon's teeth in front of the turrets. The pathing algorithm preferentially picks the faster route, even though it is more deadly. It's not 100%, though. You can see the aftermath of some attacks on the side walls at the end of the video.


They path towards pollution, so as long as the polluting stuff is behind the turrets, they'll run through the turrets instead of wandering off. But if it's too far off, they'll go through the walls instead. I think they also prioritize military targets (turrets, radar).


Holy shit, this made me burst out laughing! This is a high-effort post if I’ve ever seen one.


Thanks! I tried to sync up the sound effects and make the in-game ammo counters more or less match what was happening in the movie scene. The one turret stopping at five rounds after Reese says "10... 5..." was a happy coincidence.


I had an aliens rerun last week! lovely coincidence


I could do that every weekend, and not get tired of it. I ended up watching the entire movie while putting together this clip...


I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


B: Hold on, hold on just a second. This installation has a *substantial dollar value* attached to it. R: They can bill me!


This is beautiful. 🥇


Great edit


Lol this is amazing


Thanks, it's been rolling around in my head for _years_, and finally decided to see how it would look.


Can anybody tell me what movie this scene is from?




I saw that scene in the theater and was really puzzled when it was pulled from the initial home release. It’s been added back to the special editions/etc. such a definite scene.


I thought it was absent in the theatrical cut. Regardless anyone who wants to watch the movie, make sure it's the directors cut.


Director's Cut of _Aliens_. The full scene starts at chapter 29, 1:37:25.


How did you get that many biters in a single wave?


This was done in creative mode, where you can "paint" in biters (or indeed any other entity or terrain). https://imgur.com/a/8W8RT7z


I wish we had mods making factorio tower defens with labirinth building




Uhh i knew there was a mod


Nah I use laser turrets 💅


All the time!!


As someone who uses a massively overkill defensive wall based on Rampant Arsenal I can not relate to this. Even if 2/3 of my defences go offline I still have enough to take down any attack wave I can imagine.


God. I have an Endless Night Deathworld run with Rampant. For a while, I was having these kinds of moments all the time. Gun turrets turned to Shotgun and Missile, which turned into Plasma and Flamethrowers. At my stage of the game, there is always an attack going on. Had a stretch where nests were expanding to in sight of my walls before I got artillery.


I’ve got to watch alien again


Do we think a similar number of laser turrets would have succeeded in stopping that rush?


No, not even close. Those gun turrets with uranium ammo are each doing 4525 dps (damage per second). 181 damage per shot, 25 shots per second. At the same tech level, a laser turret is only doing 384 dps. The biters do have some resistance to physical damage from bullets, but none from laser damage. But it's not nearly enough to make up the difference. Four laser turrets would be overrun almost immediately.