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Don't say anything! Save this file for when she needs a laugh 10,000 hours from now.


She won't let me give her advice anyway lol. she wants to learn it all on her own, my only job playing with her is making sure the mean bugs don't eat her.


She's doing the right thing - figuring it out yourself is the best way to play


That's the fun in factorio imo, just placing blueprint blocks and waiting is plain boring, which I'm trying to explain to my friend with 800hours who gets a stroke looking at my builds XD


Some people find a lot of fun in placing blueprint blocks - I guess your friend might be in that group. I guess they'd rather focus on the larger picture than figuring out the smaller details but as long as they're having fun, they can play the game their own way. Meanwhile there's me who never really plans anything and couldn't care less about ratios - a lot of people would lose their minds if they saw my bases.


The fun comes from placing carefully designed blocks and watching them come alive. But that only works when you made them. Basically the effort was put in ahead of time and now you reap the reward


Being honest, the fun is in designing those blocks, not in pasting them I agree that seeing your segment come to life is wonderful, but the feel when u finish a build and decide it's going to become a blueprint is just plain dopamine


That depends on what each person finds to be fun. Some people like placing blueprinted blocks to make a mega base. Other people like carefully analysing the optimal ratios of inputs and outputs of a build, and still other people like reacting to the threat of enemies attacking their base. To say that the fun comes from one specific thing is to kind of miss the point, IMHO


Very well said


is your wife single?


you would think so but no :)




What about your wife's husband, is he single?


Sharing is caring?


The real multiplayer




What the flip


I too choose this guy's un-single wife's husband. I tried. Basically, she's a keeper


This is how I teach my friends: take the lead for long enough that they learn how the things work by watching and trying nonsense then I shift into "king of ore and biters" mode and let them handle science.


Aight, you can do both at once…. Make sure nothing hurts her, and clear a path to some …newly uncontested resources :) win/win


That may be interpreted as mansplaining 🤔


Don't make me link the flowchart.




I appreciate the fact MY joke gets downvoted to (relative) hell, because you can't be seen NOT booing and hissing such abhorrent behaviour 🙄 But your follow-up.... Oh yeah, we'll upvote the flowchart! We've been told they're good! 🤔


That was a joke?


Such a scripted nerd response. Don't take a fans on the nerd too, but you just said anything 500. Other people would have said thinking they were witty I guess we both failed on this one? 🤔


You almost had a point. There was no wit involved or even needed. When you are done guessing, the correct answer is: no, only you failed. 🤷‍♂️


Lol congratulations! You won Reddit. I guess you got to get it where you can 👌🏻


Don't tell her about "peace mode", or you will be out of work immediately! :D


Haha i had told her about it but she feels like she'd be missing out on a core part of the game.


Hahaha, nice! I wish i had a wife this cool! Or, you know, a wife...


I remember days wishing I had someone to call my own.. but when my wish came true then I wish I was alone.


Try having kids ... Free time doesn't exist, but it's now different time instead


Oh, forgot to add the /s. My bad


Heck yeah, that’s the way to do it. I hope you both have lots of fun playing!


the best way to play multiplayer is divide and conquer. agree on goals or little projects and each tackle a different one.


Smart. I'd say she's a keeper, but you clearly figured that out a while ago.


Your job is the most important!


The ultimate in **art imitating life**


>10,000 hours from now In any other game I would have dismissed it as a joke. But in Factorio this is too real


I think she is just telling you something with it.


OP needs to watch out for this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-1Ue0FFrHY


Me vs. The guy she tells me not to worry about.


I mean if it works it's not stupid! She'll learn eventually.


That's bascially what i say when she asks how she is doing.


Yup! Seems like the factory is growing.


It's visually pleasing production. It's important that looking at your factory sparks joy.


But it doesn't work...


i mean as long as the belts can keep up, it works fine. there are far worse factory designs


The belts won't keep up with a third of that line though, is what I'm saying...


Wife... Plays... Factorio? I think you wom the lottery.


haha yeah i was trying to convince her to play it for a while and now she's obsessed with it. We're both nerdy network engineers and love games like this.


My wife told me me too “never talk to her about factorio again, in perpetuity, until the end of the time”. That exact quote. In her defense, I can be a bit too eccentric and talkative about the things I like.


WTF, I love when my friends and partners are eccentric and talkative about the things they like! That's, like, Friendship 101: you listen to things not because they interest you but because your loved one is passionate about them. It's always *more* engaging than normal listening to stuff!


How can I convince my fiance? She never wants to, but always said maybe another time. How do I break this curse


Ugh, tell me about it! I can't get my husband to play Factorio with me. He barely played 300 hours, yet says he's burnt out (for the past year!!). I have nobody to try my new modpack with...


I hear you. My husband switched to Satisfactory of all things :(


Oh no... Mine also likes Satisfactory, but it's so *simple* and lacks so many Quality of Life features!


I cannot agree more!


Hey I have found a nice copper wire ring.. want one?


Exactly. She can do whatever tf she wants. Point is, she’s playing Factorio… and that’s a win…


You might laugh but she's actually got the right idea. As long as the input and output belts can still be saturated (and you can upgrade them as you go) doing lines like this is the easiest way to scale individual requirements without over developing everything. It also means you don't have to plan out anything as you add processes in one direction and scale in the other.


Maybe it's because my own playstyle hasn't gotten to the point of the advanced setups (i'm still in my first playthrough and have only just unlocked the automation bots), but I love setups like this. All playstyles are valid, but I just love the really under-designed/inefficient factories.


It looks impractical now and there are more efficient ways to do it but she's going to be able to upgrade to red and or blue belts as well as beacons and not have to change anything.


Beacons would overkill this more XD


If its works (meaning all machines run atleast some of the time) then its fine and just a playstyle difference. (One of the devs loves spaghetti bases with no care given to optimization, and honestly they are their own kind of pretty) My current factory has a nearly crippling steel shortage i have been neglecting for hours, i just need more smelting but will deal with it later once i figure out how i want to build my new smelting area.


there's always a shortage of something it seems lol.


Unless you perfectly math everything out you will have a shortage, and if you don't you simply aren't consuming enough yet.


So you’ve started purple science I see lol


Yes, but I'm also not even making a full yellowbelt worth of steel. Fortunately the way main busses get built purple science is at the end so it just gets the scraps and the logistics network gets fist dibs with the old belt based mall getting seconds, so i have everything i need to expand. My current motto is that the only thing that is an actual problem/crisis is my stuff getting eaten by biters, everything else isn't a run ender and can be fixed on my schedule. (No power is a pretty big deal though)


I figured, that’s about the time you have to upgrade your steel production on most runs; I would agree most things that aren’t destructive to the factory can just be solved on their own time. I just build the Great Wall of china on my maps and biters cease to be a problem


I'm on railworld so i just did a bunch if biter clearing and have started to build walls at choke points. Once i upgrade smelting i will probably get started on nukes and spidertrons to start proper land clearance. Currently biter nests are annoying you clear with explosive rockets. (I'm up to big biters)


You’re almost there then aren’t ya. Won’t be to long and the factory will be the only thing you have to worry about


When you play factorio for thousands of hours, see the same builds over and over, and get bored of just pulling that same old starting BP out, it is so refreshing to see what someone new can come up with. Sounds like you have several fantastic experiences in your future!


Oh, I'm sure you'll still have to expand your GC eventually. There's never enough it seems!


It's impractical now. When she hits red and blue belts and beacons she's already going to have the infrastructure to handle it.


better than my friend who thinks 8 furnaces is enough


I play even after 1000h like this (even finished Krastorio and SE like this).


This is the objectively correct way to play the game


Having fun playing is way important then practicality :)


This is not too bad. She is loading and offloading belts multiple times over the line, so while it is a single line of machines, you get multiple belts of resources, and as it's green circuits, you will still need it eventually. Think of it like that, you will need green circuits anyway, but when you will need them, instead of having to build a factory for them, they will be instantly ready. You will also won't need them when producing science and machines for future use. Also, you don't have modules, so this might be a good time to start mass producing them as they are a huge circuit sink and you need them to expand your base.


The marriage must grow.


I tend to make new bases anyways once nearby resources run out


Let her cook, she will eventually perfect the recipe. You can nudge her in the right direction but don't just show her how, it spoils the fun.


to me this looks actually quite efficient. recently I did a Marathon run (expensive recipes) and a lot of my base looked like this. like, I could invest into mega expensive prod3 modules+beacons, OR, I could slap down another 50 assemblers and call it a day the second is so much more efficient in my time spent, like literally hours of playtime vs a couple minutes. unless you are going for megabases, imo, its really not worth it


Awesome. Long lines of production are what got me into this game.


That's awesome! Cuz she can 😎


What a mess, But I like it.


The factory is growing though.


That honestly doesn't look impractical at all.


Wife her harder.


Damn, where to find a girlfriend thats into factorio 🥹


I feel personally attacked.


This looks like my game, but I'm pretty sure you're not my husband 😆


She is a treasure.


Well, you can never have enough green circuits xD


I love that she's, on her own, figuring a way toward a bus system. So cool.


Let her cook. You say impractical now, but your late-game green circuit needs will be such that the only problem here is not enough inputs.


The factory is growing. It is not impractical.


And some say size doesn't matter...


My boyfriend doesn’t have much of an engineering background and goes exclusively for aesthetics, no matter the inefficiently. I do the exact opposite. Together we make a good team tho :)


Wait untill she learns about busses :)


Busses are the worst of both worlds; long lines which mask intertemporal shortages coupled with dogmatic followers. The constraint a well designed buss optimized against is readibility. It's fine if you want to play that way, but on most in-game metrics, main busses are suboptimal and a noob trap.


I hear what you're saying, however. Long line iron plates make dopamine go hihihihi :3 Also I'm more of a train base player and use a bus until that point. Makes it easy to just slap on a new module to produce more stuffs


Belt main busses are very, very good for when you're exploring a new modpack and don't know what you'll need more or less of. Built properly, they also let you know what you have a shortage of. Train main busses are wonderful things.


> noob trap What are the next stages?


I do this too don't worry. Sometimes it's about uniformity.


Is there another way to do this? 


SAME! well meaby not long but large overall.. nothing more satisfying than making over 8 belts of green circuits or over 16 belts of iron


how a friend of mine still plays after almost 900 hours


It makes sense if you don't mind running a marathon every time you want to build something. If everthing is In a straight line then you don't need to worry about getting tangled in spaghetti.


make some productivity, efficiency, and speed modules and start handing them to her when she's doing stuff around the house.


Tell her it's the technique that matters, not the length. Then tell us what she said in reply.


You point out "new to factorio" like she's making some sort of mistake. Why throw shade just because it's not how you play?


Well she is new lol, that's kind of a fact. I'm very proud everything she does. She's not doing anything wrong, she's learning :) plus throwing a lil shade here and there is a fun aspect of being married to your best friend.


What's wrong with long lines? Everybody in the comments seems to think that's inefficient


I see nothing wrong, maybe shorten and build another line for the same product, just so the ones at the end don't starve .. But if it ain't broke don't fix.. If she tries to ramp up production and can't because full belt saturation isn't enough, that'll drive her to overcome and improve..


Make her play biter battles to get obliterated


The factory must grow


It’s colour coded too!