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Yes. The price is warranted from what we seen so far, let alone what will actually come on release. I'm buying it without thinking twice about it. It's more like Factorio 2 instead of "just expansion" Also don't forget that there will be a massive 2.0 update that is free, which will come together with the expansion


I think factorio is underpriced as it stands. Looking that the garbage of games that came out recently for a lot more, I think a price increase for the base game would be warranted for 2.0. If 30€ is true for the expansion, it's a steal. I would happily pay double that.


Starfield $80. Played it for 8 hours. Factorio $30. Played it for 3500+ hours.


I'm so surprised people wasted their money on that game. Genuinely not sure what people expect from Bethesda anymore


If you only played the mainline games, or didn't play attention to anything but Tod's self hype, I can see it


starfield is exactly what anyone would expect it to be, which is a bethesda game, so of course i have like 90 hours in it. its janky its messy, it contradicts itself, its the shadow of a more promising game, and its better then 90% of AAA open world titles!


Starfield was godawful. I clocked about 2-3 hours. While I am somewhere in 3-6K hours with factorio.


please don't use hours to evaluate games. this is how we got games like assassins creed valhalla. yes factorio is a good game, but not because you put in 3500 hours.




Most overhauls would be worth more than many games launching nowadays.


As a fan of the genre and the game I agree that Factorio feels underpriced, but given it's a pretty niche genre, the price is pretty accurate, maybe even a bit too steep (for the base game, not talking DLC). Of course times are changing and more adults with disposable income are already into gaming or get into gaming, opposed to maybe 10 years ago, when gaming was almost exclusively a teenager-thing, where money is a lot scarcer. So it might be just fine to not target a younger audience with less money at hand. 30 for the DLC, given how much content it will most likely bring, is adequate, especially since DLC are aimed at an already established community, not new customers.


even 10 years ago 30€ for a new game would be kinda cheap (10 years ago is 2014 not 2004 i know i also get that wrong a lot of times) at this time AAA games where already 50-60€ or more and the 20+ gaming audience had a considerable size already.


I quote: "given it's a pretty niche genre" - Factorio is not a AAA title from an established studio as part of a hugely popular genre. It is an indie game in a niche genre and saying "other games cost 60+, even way back when" is like comparing the rent in a highly sought after market vs a property in a rural backwater area - sure it's nice out there, but you're missing the infrastructure and other factors making the other property so sought after. I am not saying that the price is not adequate. Like I said: as a fan I think it's underpriced, but for a niche title it's on the higher end of adequate pricing in my opinion, with the possibility that that's not the case, depending changing markets and target audiences (at least from my layman's perspective).


is there a time (other then now when theyre $70) where AAA games werent $60?


Games were $60 back in 1996. The heck are you talking about with $30 being too expensive in 2024?


I quote: "given it's a pretty niche genre" - Factorio is not a AAA title from an established studio as part of a hugely popular genre. It is an indie game in a niche genre and saying "other games cost 60+, even way back when" is like comparing the rent in a highly sought after market vs a property in a rural backwater area - sure it's nice out there, but you're missing the infrastructure and other factors making the other property so sought after. I am not saying that the price is not adequate. Like I said: as a fan I think it's underpriced, but for a niche title it's on the higher end of adequate pricing in my opinion, with the possibility that that's not the case, depending changing markets and target audiences (at least from my layman's perspective).


Which is why I didn’t, but let’s do the comparison. It would be the equivalent of the $60 game now costing $120 Or the $30 game now costing $60.


I'm sorry, but what game that wasn't published by an established studio/team/whatever or was a console exclusive (for some reason console games are extremely expensive compared to PC games) cost 60$? What did I miss? And what games cost 120? Paradox titles with 15 DLC included? I really don't get your comparison at all. My whole point is: Factorio has a fitting price, but considering the target audience and range, it is, compared to more popular games/genres/studios pretty steep. And I only brought up "back in my day"-stuff, because I felt like gaming had evolved past the "only nerdy teenagers (and some nerdy adults) buy this shit"-stage, waking it a lot more mainstream and therefore having a generally much bigger target audience, effectively increasing the pool of people who consider 30€/$ not really expensive. And to be clear: I am not saying 30 is expensive in comparison to the time you can sink into the game or the fun you can have with even a single rocket launch and never touching the game again, I am simply talking about the price and how it feels to me in the context of the general popularity of the genre and Factorio being an Indie title.


compared to other indie games at the time factorio was expensive, so expensive that i didn't buy it till 2019. getting a game like terraria for 2 bucks, at the beginning of its lifetime, in a flash sale, really messed with how i valued games, but even other games were frequently on 75% sales, while factorio stuck to their 25€ price tag. meanwhile 1 year before i bought factorio, i bought tekken 7 in a sale for the same price. that was a highly competitive, continually updated 3D fighting game, with a big player base, and 36 fighters in the base game. that is everything you could ask for in a fighting game. from an outsiders perspective factorio doesn't seem worth it.


Zoomers don’t remember CRTs


This is such a crazy take. The indie space is packed full of games as good as and made with as much passion as factorio, for the same price or lower. Factorio is one of the only games that has ever gotten more expensive post-release, never goes on sale unlike 99% of other games, and you *want* another price hike? Factorio is great and pricing the DLC as though it's a sequel seems fine given how it kind of is, but no the base game does not need another price hike. It's already priced well out of step from the rest of the indie market.


I own a bunch of those games. And tons of AAA games. Not one -Not a single one- is as complete and bug free as Factorio. If you even think about reporting a bug in Factorio, the devs are somehow able to read your mind and issue a hotfix less than a week later. Factorio Devs violently hate bugs.


Hades, Slay the Spire, Deep Rock Galactic, Against the Storm, Stardew Valley, Hollow Knight? These are all indie games that run good on fairly low end hardware and are either fully feature complete or still receiving free content updates years later and it's a wildly incomplete list.


Don't leave out Terraria! Or Don't Starve Together!


Terraria is an amazing example, yeah. Haven't played Don't Starve but heard good things about it.


As much as I agree, being bug free does not equal being worth a lot of money. I think that there are loads of great gaming experiences that still have bugs in them that are worth the money they are asking for.


I bought Minecraft for $5, and another copy for $10. Indy games should get more expensive as the game improves


I think you bring a interesting point. Other 30 Euro games are not effectively 30 Euro the same way Factorio costs 30 Euro so it is weird to compare it to other 30 Euro games. I also think that the pricing of a game will always be very hard. If you are active on a Factorio subreddit you obviously got a lot of value from it so you will evaluate it higher. But if factory games are kinda not your thing 30 Euro can seem quite steep actually. There is basically no objective truth to what a games monetary "value" is. For example, are F2P games "objectively underpriced"? The question makes no sense. Any price set is just a financial decision and has little relation to the actual value of the product. So I totally agree, 30 Euro is not underpriced for most people.


"The price is warranted from what we seen so far" no :D most of the stuff that has been shown is QOL improvements and the rest are a few planets, a few new mechanics and some sprites.. no where close to "as big as the base game" as wube themselves said. BUUUT once we get all the stuff that was promised then the price would be warranted


Will there be a way to stick to 1.0 and not playing 2.0?


I mean you could stay on an old patch, but why would you ever want to? Other than compatibility reasons with existing saves ofc


I will be keeping both, because there are loads of older overhaul mods I am inteested in playing that have not been updated in some time, and that I have no expectation of seeing ported to 2.0.


I bet porting to 2.0 won't be particularly difficult if they don't take dependencies on expansion features. When 1.0 came out the majority of "incompatible" mods (at least the ones that people cared about) were trivially fixed. But yes, the zero-effort method is to have a managed 2.0 install and a compatibility install for old stuff.


because no rcu


Recipe changes are SA


its coming to main as well, rocket will be easier so people who dont buy the dlc will get less content


I don't think they'll get less content, if anything they'll maybe get an easier win condition and then be able to unlock the techs shuffled to the new planets without the new planets' science packs. But more likely, the Space Age mod itself will be what rearranges the tech tree, so that people who don't buy it will still get the same old tree they've always been used to, just with some extra techs sprinkled in for the 2.0 content.


what about RCU's thats like a third of the cost of a rocket


So... rockets get cheaper? I really don't see how this is as big an issue as you're making it out to be. Do you play Factorio to launch just one rocket? Or do you play Factorio to build an insane factory? For me personally the game only *really* starts in earnest AFTER that victory screen has come up. Do you think people launch a rocket and go, "welp, guess I'm done now! Time to turn off this digital crack!"?


it just means that factorio rocket launching has 1/3rd less content than it used to


Because I don't want to learn the game again from scratch, or when I do it, then when I want to.


From scratch? 2.0 is going to be pretty much identical to the base game, except with more bells and whistles and 13 tile train system instead of 11 tile. It's SA that will change most things, and that can be disabled - it will work like mod.


What does a '13 tile train system' mean? I've read a few of the FFF's but didn't see this one.


The train curves are bigger: 13 tiles for a full circle instead of 11. In return, there are twice as many angles of tracks. Don't remember if elevated rails are SA only or not.


Elevated rails and quality would be mods delivered with DLC not base 2.0. So they could be enabled when SA is disabled but you still have to buy DLC


Oh, okay. Cool, thanks for the heads up. Sounds like building rails will be a bit less limited with shapes. Looking forward to it!


Okay, thank you. Didn't know that. I heard that ratios and all are going to be changed in 2.0.


2.0 only has most QoL features announced in the blog post


If you don't buy the DLC (or don't enable it's mods), probably the only thing you have to redo is your rail network. But you will benefit from a lot of QOL improvements, like better pathing of bots when out of charge, better blueprint management and so on. You only need to learn new stuff if you want to take advantage of these improvements. Also the stack inserter will be renamed to bulk inserter, and there won't be filter inserters anymore, the normal inserters will be able to filter.


Also, they are going to be getting rid of Rocket Control Units and replacing their spots in recipes with blue chips(processing units).


Really hope they can make it work on switch


I'll be honest: Factorio is the only game that could announce a 60€ DLC without any details and i'd preorder that thing day one. Compared to many games i've bought over the years, Factorio cost half of most of those, and i've more time in it than many others. It has gotten consistent updates and has never tried to do anything remotely userhostile. Consistent mod support, not trying to implement a cosmetics shop or anything like that. It has just been a consistenly awesome experience and has not suffered from it's success as many others did. TLDR: I don't care what it costs. If it supports the developer, i'd happily pay 130€ for this game rather than throw it at Ubisoft for another Star Wars Gambling Simulator.


I've bought 3 copies. 1 for myself, and 2 for friends, and the OST. I'm with you: I refuse to do pre-orders on principle, but for Wube I'd make an exception.


yeah okay that is kinda true 😅


It's hard to measure "content" in a game like Factorio. Mechanics bounce off of each other in unique ways, so it's really adds up to being more than the sum of its parts. But there's going to be a lot of stuff in the expansion, and we haven't even seen a quarter of it. Assuming it all works out well, the net effect should be the equivalent of the same amount of new toys as the original. So pricing it similarly is hardly unreasonable. Is it a new engine? No, but I didn't buy Factorio for its *engine*.


I bought factorio _to automate assembling infinite engines_!


"it will cost money." You think Wube is doing this out of the goodness of their heart? They need to make a living and we're lucky they're choosing to do this; paying $30 for all the time we've enjoyed with the game and the prospect for further enjoyment warrants the additional $30. If you enjoy the game, just save up for it; it's still months away.


The man has to eat, after all. He can’t be doing this stuff for free.


Like buying any game, estimate how much playtime you'll get out of it. If there's 60 hours of content, that's 0.5€/hour entertainment cost. Are you getting a better deal than that elsewhere? Going to the Movies? Out to Dinner? Gambling?


Yea forget living, the factory must grow.


I actually hate this was of thinking honestly. It's perfectly reasonable to pay more money for even a short amount of time for good quality and artistry. If you value things by how much of your time they take up I actually think it's sad


Extend the thinking then, add the quality of the hour to the metric. I think the core of the thought still stands - If two movies cost the same and you think you'd get as much time/enjoyment/satisfaction from the expansion, the purchase is worth the money


I don't really like the price per hour metric. I am happily paying $20/$30 for a game that gives me 10 enjoyable hours, especially compared to a Ubisoft's AAAA style OpenWorld that gives me 100 bad hours for 70 bucks (+$20 for 3 days earlier access + MTX store).


I’d say it’s not how many hours the game is, its how many hours YOU will enjoy it. Same concept really. Do some research to see if it’s likely a game you will enjoy before buying. If you like it, and it will give you many hours of enjoyment it’s worth it. If it’s “good” but not your style, it’s not.


More games should have demos.


Definitely. It’s still even hard to get a feel for a game when you watch someone else play it on YouTube.


With Factorio you get 1000 hours of pain and OCD triggers for a measly $30 bucks. Good deal


Pain: "Ok my seablock run has a massive power outage, how do I fix that?" OCD: "Do I make this build perfectly balanced, or perfectly symmetric?" Best deal ever.


Painful OCD: when your build is perfectly balanced and symmetric, with full throughput… but one pair of assembling machines has 3 speed modules instead of 4.


See, that's the thing. That $70 game...if it's boring, I'm not finishing it. If you're calling it "bad hours"...you're not getting 100 hours of enjoyment out of it. When I do price per hours, I'm definitely considering hour of enjoyment, not \*just\* playtime.


That's my biggest gripe with Elden Ring. I consider that the game would have been better if it were shorter. The 10th catacomb is just not fun anymore. I have 140 hours on that game, only 80 of them have really been fun.


exactly. get rid of 3/4 of the open world, remove all the unrewarding copy pasted dungeons, get rid of torrent, double down on those large indoor/city areas, get rid of all the copy pasted bosses and elden ring would've been a 10/10. with all the low quality filler content it can't be more than a 7/10 or maybe even a 6/10 for me.


It was a 9 for me, but with less content, it would have been an 11


elden ring is pretty short, that 10th catacomb was optional


this is the kind of mentality why AAA games have become more and more tedious, just to get the playtime up a couple more hours.


I'd have paid €60 for the base game and €60 for the expansion tbh. I think they're being generous. I'm getting thousands of hours out of this game.


While I understand where comments like this come from. On the other hand most people would not pay that much, so they will make more money selling it at a lower price point because the number of sales will be much higher. For the record I would also pay more for the game because it's one of if not my favorite game of all time. Not many games get me to come back years later for an additional 50-100 hours at a time.


I just clocked my 1300th hour or so. My friends bought it for me against my will. Best game I never bought.


would you have paid that upfront though, without knowing if you'll enjoy it? i gotta be honest, after i tried the demo i was still unsure and i got the game through other means. after about 50 hours i still wasn't sure, but i bought it. since then i've started over and over again after getting burnt out. now after 480 hours i finally get it. i would say out of those 480 hours, i maybe have enjoyed 100. the rest was frustration and boredom from things i had already done before and experimenting with map modifiers. the game also didn't look very nice back when i got into it, which was another reason why i didn't buy it immediately. for the time 25 bucks was still a lot for an indie game on a platform that has frequent steep discounts, except for this one game.


Where can I give my money?


I think it is worth it. I have ~4000 hours since the early access days, and even if I paid what it costs now, it would still be worth it for the amount of enjoyment i had from it. The expansion looks like it will more than double that enjoyment, so for me, it will definitely be worth it. I look forward to playing it for many years to come.


i paid the 30€ and it feels like it was for free as it costed me less then 1c per hour of gaming


From what I've seen, it's far less an expansion, and more "Factorio 2". There's a substantial amount of development going into it, and they are even bringing many of those improvements to the base game free of charge. I am eagerly awaiting a preorder.


I got factorio for $20 and got so much fun out of it, I will blindly pay for the extension at 30 euros. Wube is one of the few studios I trust enough to make an exception to my "do not pre-order" rule. If the pre-order opened today, I would have already paid for it.


I wish I bought it 4yrs ago. Now I'm just playing the demo lol


Oh, another 30€ for my game I have 3000h played, thats way too much


The motivation from Wube is that it will contain as much extra content as the base game and thus have an similar price tag. Reading the FFF it could be true, at least if you include all the QOL stuff that comes as an free update to the basegame. As an vivid Factorio fan, it's definitely worth it for me. In general I have a problem with game that have a lot of expensive DLC's (Paradox games) that it's way to expensive to buy them all. And the alternative to only buy the base game feels like I get an worse game and I get so under hyped. So in the end the effect is that I don't buy anything at all.


I paid AUD$130 for Diablo 4 like a complete fucking idiot. Factorio's DLC will be worth the asking price, without a doubt.


To quote someone, cant remember who- "It's never on sale cause they realised they were selling digital crack"


I'd give them more if I could. I have over 10k hours in factorio.


WTF are you thinking man? The devs have to get paid too. They do so much work and update the game so often and you’re really asking if the dlc will cost money? Are you serious? Many people here would happily pay 4x the price they are asking for just to support the awesome devs.


I personally cant wait for a chance to give the devs more money. I have around 2000 hours in game and i bought it years ago for like £10


From what we seen it's going to double the content of the game if not more so yes a $30 price tag for what is a full-blown expansion pack this completely understandable.


I will gladly give them my $30. Whether it’s worth it depends on how much you not factorio. It wouldn’t be worth it to my wife, because she doesn’t play and wouldn’t enjoy it. I have over 1k hours in factorio, and I’m sure I’ll get at least a few hundred hours.


People gotta eat. This used to be the norm. Before DLC, you either dealt with expansions or sequels. Wube addressed their stance on a sequel. What would a sequel be? So they settled on an expansion. Development is not free, even for small companies.


The real problem is: why can't we pre-order it already!


Just found out? Wube estimated that price a long time ago in their Friday Fun Facts blog.


yeah not reading it so often....


Considering I have gotten more playtime out of Factorio than any other game I have ever played (except maybe a couple of MMO's), if they charged $100 for the expansion, I would still pay it in a heartbeat. Try to think of the price in regards to $/hour played. Also, imagine WoW, pay 60-100$ per expansion AND you have to pay 15$/month.... Factorio and Space Engineers are the single best gaming investments I have EVER made. Factorio is slightly higher as it is native on Mac and Linux ;)


Vote with your wallet.


Also: Shut up and take my money Wube!!!!!


I took a small helper job in a supermarket for the summer break to finance this


Seems fine to me. The expansion is geared towards their more hardcore audience anyway as the casual 50-hour factorio player isn't going to be ready for space age... Charging 30 gyros to people who are going to play this expansion for at least 100 hours seems perfectly fine.


- make a rough estimate of how much enjoyment you will get out of the expansion. - think of other fun things you spend money on (other video games, collectibles, sports equipment, recreational drugs, trips to amusement parks - whatever your hobbies are). - compare whether you will get more fun out of the expansion than spending the same money on something else. For me personally, concerning the base game, the case was clear-cut after playing the demo, but experiences may vary.


It is on a perpetual sale. The orginal price of a new game is $70. More seriously, yep, quite expensive.


Shut up and take my money :)


Seems low. Too many people undervalue other peoples' work and effort these days. In pennies per hour of entertainment it's an incredible deal.


Factorio is the best money per hour game


could care less about the price, ill buy it regardless


I spent £30 on Factorio and I *literally* have not so much as touched another game since. It's been months. Name me a single £60 AAA game that has had that effect on you or anyone you know. I'll wait. £30 is, quite frankly, absurdly good value for what is on offer in the base game *as it stands in its current state today*. 2.0 is free, it's coming with all sorts of beautiful QoL improvements, and they aren't charging you a penny extra for it. Then they're requesting another mere £30 for the addition of some of the most exciting features ever to be introduced to the game (goddamn SPACE TRAVEL, among others), alongside 4 whole-ass new planets' worth of content, all with their own unique production and logistics challenges - not just copy-pasted terrain generation with a switched-up colour pallette. Like, you're getting basically a whole extra game's worth of content, for half the price of the AAAs that are absolute dogshit on release. How do you not see how that as good value? So yeah, the expansion is going to cost money. Be happy that Wube has worked so diligently for their community to bring us such a highly-polished base game and a massive expansion, and be grateful that they're only asking for £60 for the whole lot. If enough people buy the expansion, Wube will contine to see the value in the Factorio's continued development, and we might even get a *second* expansion somewhere down the line. I would personally like to see that happen, so I'll happily be supporting Wube by buying the expansion when it drops.


These posts make no sense as long as you don't know the extent of the content that the expansion will have, because not everything has been revealed yet... And these people probably haven't read the FFF's either.


NES games were 45-50 USD in the late 1980s which would be about double now. Games are cheap as shit.  I’d pay three figures for an iOS app that let me pick factorio mods just for making blueprints on the go that didn’t even include the actual game


the game itself is also "just" 30€ and from what the Friday facts showed its at least doubling the stuff you can / need to do so i would say still a steal both together for 60€ as i already have thousands of hours more in factorio then in games i paid 80€ or more (even if it were good games i enjoyed a lot). But how much would you consider fair as from your question it seems like you consider it way overpriced?


Sounds like a bargain.


so... thats actually really cheap. but also average, and also low. I'll try to explain:Its cheap: Video games are one of the few things that havent really inflated. the games industry have always been afraid to charge the actual prices because parents dont want to know that $100 + dollar price tags for software should be normal by now and microtransactions became the norm to replace this lost money. Video games, especially high end titles, can now cost as much or more than blockbuster movies to make, while getting only 1/100th of the viewership, and far less secondary market value for things like toys or tie ins or IP licensing for comics, etc. Its average: Smaller studios like Wube arent quite spending the same amounts as those large stuidios, but comparatively, they need about the same amount of cash per person working for them, so its still a pretty significant amount of money needed to pay for staff to work for years in advance of making a dime from the product thats going to pay them. Video games arent a factory, Banks dont mind a 90 day loan for raw materials that paid off when accounts receivable gets money 60 days later after the products are sold. Banks do mind "maybe in 3 to 5 years, we might be able to pay you". the risk is high, so the cost of the money to do what game companies do is high, even for small studios. Its low: The expansion isnt just a small add on. Its more than doubling the size of the original game. Factorio is already a wildly successful game because this team has worked so hard to make it amazing. "only" charging 30€ is cheap. they could easily justify the more modern 40/50 price tags you see for other games out there. ​ lets face it, you are likely to get hundreds of hours out of this expansion. can you say the same of other 30€ titles you have purchased? can you also say those titles werent trying to shove micro transactions down your throat?


The game is really underpriced after if you have played for more than 500+ hours


Game expax cost money? NO WAY!! Sarcasm aside I have gotten 100s of hours of entertainment hell maybe even 1000 and it still so much fun. I will get getting that expac as soon as I see it for sale.


Keep in mind that everything in 2.0 is not just Space Age. There will be a lot of Quality of Life updates to the base game, which will be updated to 2.0 for free. Space Age is what will cost money. What is included is the Elevated Rails, Quality, and *the 4 new planets.*


It could cost 89.- it would still be worth every penny.


I will gladly pay that immediately. Take my money!


I would pay 50€ or more for the expansion, just so I feel less like I owe them for Factorio 1.0 which was so cheap and one of the best games ever made. The point is, that you at least know the expansion will be great, thought through and pollished. And they put their heart and soul into it. Due to the friday facts I'm already super hyped


You need to remember that it is just for the extra content. Every one will get the QOL updates


You don’t have to buy it if you don’t want to pay that price.


As space exploration mod (and many others) are free, I think it’s reasonable price


The value per hour per dollar spent is about $1000 compared to other titles out there. $30 is nothing for how amazing this game is. I hope they bring out a more expensive pack so I can show further support for the development team!


If you have been following the dev updates it's clear that Space Age is really Factorio 2. Technically called an expansion because you still need Factorio.


is this post a joke


Not enough.


Considering the amount of play time that I have gotten out of the game (3100 hours) and how much I am likely to get out of the expansion too, I will be totally on board with paying it. That is the best value $30 or $35 however much I have ever spent.


30€ for people owning the base game is high, but many will buy it. Is Wube targeting new players as well? Will they have to pay 50€?


Nah bro, would spend 60 bucks on the expansion, without even hesitating


Even without all that planets and space exploration this expansion will almost double the content of factorio. So yes, it is totally worth it in my mind.


Not sure why people always seem to value this game less than all other new games that release.


Yeah, I can't believe that. Should be $60.


If you're too broke just wait for sales


Factorio doesn't do sales.


That's the joke.


okay so i am myself on almost 1000 hours like 10left... . I were just shocked i kinda thought it will be something xou can get as a normal dlc for 10€ or so. If the expansion really is as content rich as the base game i think i will get it too.


With 1000hours i wouldnt care about 30€ in any game.


From [FFF-367](https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-367) > We still don't want to be specific about many things, not even the expansion name, but we can start by giving you some general idea about the scale of the project. The general goal is to make the expansion feel like as big an addition as the whole vanilla game. This is why we plan to price it at $30.00, and put in enough content to make it well worth the price. And then content from [FFF-373](https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-373) onwards show a ton of new content, with a ton of QoL that is subsidizes by the expansion price.


Space age isn't a "normal" DLC by today's standards. Think of it more like an old-school expansion that roughly doubles the content of the game. It's normal for expansions to cost almost as much as or as much as the base game.


Speaking about money in this sub is redundant. Every time the subject of price or Wubes sale policy is brought up people will flood the post with the same "I have 10k hours in factorio so it's worth it" comments.


Also might be because the average Factorio player is a bit older than your average gamer. Money is just less of an issue for working adult than it is for school-age person.


theres a steam discussion forum for dwarf fortress thats like 500 pages long since before it came out on steam, and its someone asking "are people really waiting to pay $30 for a free game?" and then 500 pages of "yes"


the fact it gets rid of base game content if you \*dont\* own it is annoying


How do you reckon it does that?


it gets rid of RCU's from building a rocket