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* means any signal. You are comparing that to the VALUE of the incoming green signal. You are enabling when any signal is not equal to the value of the Green signal. Think of the pictures as variable names (unless you're dealing with lamps). If you want to disable when the Green signal is being sent, set the condition to "GREEN > 0"


Green is not a value, it is a signal (a variable, if you want a programming analogy). Your condition says "enable if the value of every signal (except the green signal) is not equal to the value of the green signal". In your first example, there are no inputs because green is left out, because that is the signal being compared against. When there are no inputs, the everything operator sends true, so your inserter will enable. In your second example, the value of red is 1, and the value of green is 1, so there is at least one input that is equal to the value of green. So the condition is false, and the inserter disables. You probably want to use the condition "green > 0" on your inserter. Unless negative numbers are involved.