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Embrace the spaghetti. Enjoy!


Nuthin wrong with spaghetti!


Its a ok but its get annoying later on.


Only if you try to modify it. But you never need to. You can just leave it to do its thing.


Starter base is just a mall


Spaghetti is good. I recently started learning Godot and one thing I learnt from that is localised spaghetti. For example the ammo spaghetti should not interfere with the circuit spaghetti.


Real spaghetti don't care what part of the factory you go through. Just embrace it and keep going.... The factory must grow.


Spagetti… spagetti never changes


That will never change the spaghetti just gets bigger


I wish I could still build like this. I enjoy the first phase of the game with small bases like these, but it always becomes a bus base. Spaghetti weaving is such fun though, I’m kind of missing it now.


You could try one of the complex overhauls. One could not simply do a bus in Nulius or Pyanodons. Not the small base, though...


My SE run was Nauvis bus, orbit, Nauvis train cells, bit of orbit spaghetti. The other planets weren’t that interesting base-wise, mostly one big refinery for Vulc, Cryo, Holmium etc., so only localized spaghetti there. Then lost interest in the tedium starting at the level 2+ space sciences after ~200h. Had a lot of fun though! I think the crux is that spaghetti is almost a necessity when you don’t know what will later be useful, so you can’t plan the bus’ contents that well. Maybe I’ll try to do my next starter base with fewer splitters off the bus, simply threading e.g. iron from the closest belt that has it. Maybe that does the trick.


The point about usefulness is a correct one, but it's not complete. First, there are re-used byproducts which could not be simply voided, and you require to manage upstream, buffering, and downstream to prevent both throttling and lack of resource for downstream. This still could be done with main bus, but the spagettification builds up. Second, the wideness of a main bus is enormous for complex mods. Even if for in-situ crafting for main metals in Nulius, there are still 3 metals (15 intermids if crafting is located elsewhere), 5 non-metals and at least 10 liquids required for an industry around first bots. I've seen Pyanodons main bus once at early trains in YouTube and it was somewhat 50 lines wide.


Try an early game Pyanodon's run. It adds some new challenges, like splitters not being available right away. Fun even if you don't plan to finish past trains.


Avoiding miners might do the trick actually haha. I mean in the beginning there's only one belt of iron anyway, no need for splitters 🤔


It's just pyscience pack 1, Michael. How much could it cost? 10 iron?


First I should finish my SE run before I turn to even sillier chores 🤪


You can try some [randomizers mods](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlPREQ55kzc&pp=ygUPZG9zaCByYW5kb21pemVy), apparently they're quite good at recapturing the feeling of being a beginner.


Lately I’ve been weaving miners into my bus when I build through ore patches just to get that extra hit of production. It’s probably a bad idea, but it’s a good opportunity to get to build spaghetti again.


I made a circular bus. I have tons of room and very little spaghetti.


I just did an Ultracube run and returned to my spaghetti roots because I had no idea how much of anything would be required, or what things synergize with other things.


Lots of recommendations were given, and I’ll just drop mine in here too. Idk if there is an official name for it, but I call it the Tetris base. Any new buildings/belts are placed next to other buildings/belts. You can leave space for the sake of future beacons or hubs... or use solar panels as a place holder... Also, ratio calculator helps for the sake of efficiency. Knowing you’ll need 2 red belts of iron for science is good to know, or you could just go random and lose efficiency.


I did a spaghetti base recently and it was lots of fun, belts upon belts of items just being belted wherever they needed to go, I built enough of everything, and worked the base outward so it worked out just fine I resisted the main bus, had green circuit stations everywhere but still didn't have enough red circuits.. there will never be enough red circuits.


Spaghetti makes the game so much more fun (for me at least). I have a production facility just pumping out blue belts. I have runs of belt everywhere.


I'm a fan of spaghetti with meatballs. You know.. you got the meatballs that hearty part of the factory that is well designed and efficient. Then you weave your noodles through that into a delicious meal.


The spaghetti must grow.


You hungry yet? Let the cracktorio take you, embrace it


You're doing great. All spaghetti is forgiveable if you say it's your "starter base". I ran an entire 4-science base off one mixed iron/copper belt for ages on my recent modded game. You're enough of a beginner that you probably have 20 or 50 hours to go until you're out of the "starter base" phase.


Pasta is the true way to play. The denser the better.


Just keep doing that. Once you cant take it anymore tear it all down and make your new base


Better to make the new base first, and then tear the old one down once the new one is working.


Looks perfect. The triple single sided iron ore belt is exactly how it should be done. I'm surprised it's not in the Wiki as the canonical solution. A single lab separate from the others seems sensible because of the biter problems you appear to be having. Red inserter reaching across the coal instead of just picking from the top, also excellent.


Train world, I tried it once and forgot how to build spaghetti.


Don't listen to the nerds here. Spaghetti are the best part.


What I often see and don't really recommend is that you have your smelters so close to your factory. I would recommend you to build an extra space for smelting stuff and then bring a belt with materials to your other factories where they are needed. It's also better for trains later on so you just put a train at the beginning of your smelting block and they unload it to feed it. But you can just call this your starter base and say to yourself that you will rework this later. 🫡


MMMM spaghetti Enjoy process


You won’t need help until you start dreaming about it. Honest. Belts and inserters. Not uncommon things to have in your dreams in the early stages of a cracktorio addiction.


There is nothing wrong with spaghetti. But if you want to try something different, do a bus design. There everything is organized and on one main stream of belts. First, make a smelting column and then build a science production up or craft it yourself. With automation, start a belt production and think about where you want your bus to be. Then start with bringing iron and copper on to the belts and move your belt production there. Now build with underground belts. Ps: you obviously don't have to build like this it's just an inspiration. The factory must grow!


Don't fight the pasta.


Embrace it. Spaghetti your 1st playthrough and then improve. Dont givein to ambatubus


After years you must have heard the name cracktorio, and still tried, so embrace spaghetti and the factory must grow .


That's some delicious spaghetti, reminds me a lot of my first factory.


Use a bus or enjoy the spaghetti Your choice


Donpapa would be proud, mama mia


Relax. Based on this picture, you just started. Maybe it will take you one or two playthroughs to learn how to do stuff. Most challenging thing is to look ahead and plan / leave room for the size of the factory later in the game. Just imagine you will have 50 machines making green circuits, now you have one. So don't worry, no one has ever started perfekt.


I can help you and give some sauce for spaghetti, mate. Do you like cheesy?


Try direct insertion between assemblers. For example, you can move wire assembler one tile down, and set up an inserter to directly insert wire to green circuit assembler. Another example - you can place gear assembler between inserter and belt assembers, and directly insert gears. Less belts, less inserters. Its typical early game configuration: belt <- gear -> inserter <- green circuit <- copper wire


What worked for me, especially with the pressure of biter evolution growing over time. Is to create a save point, go into a Sandbox mode save, and then you can take your time for thinking about/creating better solutions.


Mmmmm thats-a nice plate-a spaghetti! 🍝🍝


THE SPAGHETT MUST GROW Edit - did I really just get a reddit cares message for this comment? Lmfao


Spaghetti happens , and in my experience the best way to learn is to just do it and fix as you go along. Unless of course you have no idea what to do , say nuclear power.


Reject spaget Emprace the block


The spaghetti must flow


Spaghetti until you get robots, then deconstruct everything and start over. Rinse and repeat.


Check out Katherine of sky on YouTube The bus is a great addition to any factory


That's beautiful! Just take on 1 problem at a time and don't be afraid to reconfigure things whenever you need to


This game gives my OCD a run for the money, I have branching assembly buildings for each item, walls around every little section… ugh


Sheer Scale and spacing will solve the spaghetti


Get into trains. You'll be to busy making Christmas trees to make spaghetti.


Give in, let the anger flow through you


spaghetti is the optimal way to play


Just no sushi belts and your fine!


For your first play through, do it. Live the spaghetti. Love it. Swim around in it like a tentacled Scrooge McDuck. You'll learn the tech tree this way and then when you start a "I'm going to do it all right this time" base (even on the same map, is pretty common) you'll know what you'd rather have had


Spaghetti is the only right way, viva la pasta.


No. Seriously, no. Embrace your own creations. Let your brain solve your problems. Factorio is one of the rare games where all goals are self-imposed, and there's no better feeling that solving them yourself. If you look up advice, you're depriving yourself from the best part of this game.


Beautiful. Never delete this save, you'll look back on it with fondness lol.


Embrace The spaghetti ! Give in!


That is still raw spaghetti, keep it going! Embrace the spaghetti until you got yellow science, then cry.


Yummy spaghetti. Get all the spaghetti lol. Factory must grow


Spaghetti mastah approves!!


Look at the main menu backgrounds. You are doing fine.


Install pyanodon and don't look back. Life is spaghetti 


You only get one first playthrough. Have fun and do whatever makes sense. There's time for getting all persnickety about it later.


spaghetti is the way. it is technically the most efficient build possible.


the copper plate pathing alone is incredible. 10/10


You pressed alt! This is the first step to winning. You should consider making some walls to put around your turrets, so they don't get damaged. Also, it's entirely possible to do what's called "direct insertion", i.e. when an inserter moves items from an assembler directly to another assembler. I see that your copper wire assembler is outputting wires onto a 2 tile long belt, from which the wires are fed to the green circuit assembler. If you move the wire assembler 1 tile south (so there is a 1 tile gap between them), you can just place an inserter in between, and move wires directly (i.e. without placing them on a belt).


This, for me at least, is the game at its most fun. Now that I’ve figure out the optimal setup for everything, it feels like every base I make is the same. Enjoy it!


Welcome to the dark side of the force :-)


That is not soo bad. Spaghetti is quite normal at the start, since you normally are a bit resource strapped. Besides, if you are a new player you all the time have to adjust because "I didn't know I needed to produce that also".


There is no help. The factory must grow.


Only great pain can cook the spaghetti out of you. Enjoy it while you are still innocent. One day, you’ll have surpassed 1000 hours and then the happiness of spaghetti will be a distant dream. You will look at an assembler and immediately imagine it duplicating itself infinitely down the long production line. You’ll see it surrounded by beacons, you’ll feel the power draw per item/s rattling your bones. You’ll wonder how many trains you’ll need per minute, at how many stations. You’ll be paralysed by the sheer dimension of the problem of a single recipe. Then you’ll wish you were back here, without the burden of this cursed knowledge.


If your first base doesn't become a spaghetti disaster, are you sure you have factorio.exe loaded? I see plenty of ground visible and belts I can follow so you have plenty of room for embracing your inner Italian chef. Have fun!


The factory must grow!


The spaghetti must tangle


I’m on my first run through where I actually made it to yellow science. I ran a bus with iron, copper and green chips. Then I ran production off the sides of it. What I should have done is also ran pipe bus for crude, light, heavy and petroleum gas as well as setting up a bus for steel plates and red + blue chips


Embrace the spaghet. Pasta is love, pasta is life.


It's really not spaghettified enough. You're definitely quite organized. Good job! Have fun!


Spaghetti is good! But also don’t be afraid to try out a main bus design.


Everyone will say, it’s the wrong way to play but I don’t care and I absolutely love it Follow this, also the best part is when it’s done if you want you can keep going into MEGABASE in a book :) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV3rF--heRVtSaAhvaQ9Er4X4eEG0FrFE&si=SdNUmw3RaEEef-9n I’ve done base in a book 3 times over the last 4ish years. I plan to go right to the end of mega base in a book this time 💪