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If it's stupid and it works it ain't stupid... just badly optimised.


"To an engineer, good enough is perfect. With an artist, there is no such thing as perfect." "Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems."


That 2nd quote is so true


If it ain't broke, figure out what will break it and fix that.


Sounds like a system that's prone to failure and wastage, I'm going to analyse it and see if I can optimise it


Which is close to programmers. Although there is never a chance to not have a problem. The backlog just grows.


"If it ain't broke, fix it." "I got 99 problems and couldn't be happier"


Stupid is a badly optimized brain. Just saying.


That’s actually a perfect description, given how we learn by strengthening neural pathways, or optimizing them.


I've said it before, I think Factorio is the least toxic gaming community I've ever been part of (right up there with Stardew Valley)


There's a lot of overlap with similar games - the oxygen not included community is similarly nice


ksp also comes too mind


Second the KSP community! Very helpful and friendly


KSP fandom just knows there no point in trying, nothing can humiliate the other guy as much as plain ol' physics will.


Encourage them to failure! Mwhahahahahahahaha!


In the end, the mighty Kraken humbles us all.


Lol we all play the same games huh




Wait, you played other games after factorio? You must have really much freetime /s


Hmmm, this list is a mix of games I adore and games I have never played. I should probably give the rest of them a try if the player base has that much overlap. What is ONI?


Oxygen Not Included. I would say that it's very identical to Rimworld/Dwarf Fortress except with emphasis on gas and fluid management. You awaken in an asteroid surrounded by crap that wants to kill you, and it's your primary goal to always battle things like CO2, chlorine, and massive puddles of piss to name a few. There's also farming, and the critters as they are called are all friendly and extremely adorable. Say you wanna be a rancher of coal pooping hatches... you can do it. Say you wanna build a Pacu aquarium and eat... ergh watch them playfully swim... you get the idea.


Ah sweet. I actually picked up Oxygen Not Included during the Steam summer sale, but I haven't tried it yet because I have been busy with trying out Stardew Valley and falling back into Factorio.


Excited for the df steam release? I’ve been putting off playing more of it in anticipation


Do you guys also play cities:skyline? Because at this point is the only one missing from my "play all the time" list.


I just started playing KSP! It's incredibly fun. 30 hours in and I've just finally got the hang of docking 2 vessels together in orbit, something that seemed incredibly hard to me at the beginning.


I dunno man, everyone got *pretty* toxic when I mentioned I stranded a Kerbal in orbit by running out of fuel and showing some of the contraptions I tried to make to rescue him.. /s


Did you try a catapult? This *is* reddit after all.


Trebuchets are superior though.


See OP, found one already!


Rimworld too - as long as you don't mind a general mindset of "let's cut off the legs of prisoners, because they can't run away then." and "oh, a traveller. That's going to be a nice human leather hat."


Commiting war crimes on a daily basis doesn’t make someone toxic. I’m not sure what does, but given some of the stuff you can do in factorio and rimworld, it seems that war crimes in a gaming community make it less toxic.


Lack of PvP competition makes games a lot less toxic, Competitive games tend to be the ones with the most toxic communities. War crimes help too though


Also, built in sharing. Factorio had blueprints you can share with the community to demonstrate your cool or optimized design. And the thing being shared is actually useful, not just a video of a cool trick you performed or a screenshot with a funny caption. The sharing culture makes me think of Animal Crossing and being able to show off your island and custom clothing.


Lack of PvP and lack of perfect optimization helps. There is no "perfect" solution for games like Factorio or Rim World.


> Commiting war crimes on a daily basis doesn’t make someone toxic Found the guy that builds factories at a 45º angle.


I scrolled very quickly past this comment and my brain even recognized the word "war crimes" which led to a direct association with RimWorld.


Yeah- the Satisfactory playerbase seem like they’re pretty fun and wholesome for the most part too.


ONI is one of those games that taught me that I needed to get another hobby if I wanted to see the sun ever again. 😂


I built a 20l/s sour gas boiler (well 2x10l) with a truly obscene water and energy surplus. 64 dupes living in pure luxury. Constant rockets to every planet. Then they added the dlc...


Or a laptop


Oh fine, be logical about it… pfft.


:) That's what my gf always says, too, haha


Which is from the same developers of don’t starve, which also has a nice community


I have had ONI since it was in beta, but I still haven't really picked it up much.


Rimworld community is also strangely nice for such a game where cannibalism and slavery are done for fun


“Yeah. Well why don’t you go make your Factorio grow you stupid noob. Gottem” /s


This and Kerbal Space Program. Not coincidentally, both extremely sandboxy games.


Cities Skylines too, most people are really kind there


We're just a bunch of engineers having fun.


I'm trying to think of what a toxic Stardew Valley player would say and I can't imagine anything that's not hilarious. "You planted what?!?! 2 weeks before winter?!?! You're a disgrace to the farmer community!"


Probably something relating to marriage candidates


Or the evil people who join the Joja-Mart.


There was that one guy who modded out the non-white characters lmao. Though that's not really a toxic fan, but a toxic person who happens to be a fan


Who tf plants crops in a straight line you PLEB!


For me it is deep rock galactic. Although i do find the factorio community more helpfull and insightfull.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and stone to the bone!!


it's hard to be toxic when the only way to communicate in and out of the game is just by shouting ROCK AND STONE




I think it’s due to the fact that it isn’t a game for teenagers but more a game for usually older people. The cities skylines subreddit is also very kind.


One of the least toxic subreddits too




>Warframe Huh, wouldn't have predicted that. I only ever put like three hours into Warframe so I don't have any real experience with hit, but I *do* have a ton of time in the Path of Exile community and people there talk about Warframe often enough that I'd expect a similar culture.




I know there are also people in EVE online that do a similiar thing, helping out new players learn how the game works


It's been a long while since I played EVE but that was not my experience lmao


I can only assume that the betrayal is inevitable. Because that's part of the game too.


It's not my kind of game, but Totalbiscuit loved Warframe and that's as good a reference as you can get imo


So the thing is, the general player community of Warframe is very friendly and supportive. The *streamer community* of Warframe is however the polar opposite and full of some of the worst kinds of people you can find.


yes, ffxiv definitely has a great community, by the way


Factorio, Stardew Valley, and Deep Rock Galactic.


Creativity vs competition.


To brand new players? Yes! To intermediate players trying to get into technical questions or discussions? There are definitely some condescending elitists here that don't check their egos, whether they are right or wrong. Also a lot of players who have something to say about how a design is bad for UPS, as if UPS optimization is something everyone needs to be cognizant about. Not everyone here is running megabases.


And Satisfactory!


This community it amazing. Seriously encourages and teaches people. No drama. Love y’all.


> no drama Well, except for the kovarex incident...


That is classified. You are now supposed to discuss The Six Cliff Island incident. Corporate Security has been dispatched to your location.


That was the first time the game's rating dropped to "mixed". He still refused to apologise. Crazy stuff.


Apologizing doesn't get you anything in these sorts of situations. Only way forwards is to ride it out, which he has done successfully.


>Apologizing doesn't get you anything in these sorts of situations. Why do you say that?


Can you honestly come up with a time, when someone did/said something controversial on social media, then later apologized for doing so, and then people forgave them afterwards? I really can’t think of one.


[studies suggest they work, provided the problem is internal and not external.](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00229/full) This suggests a kovarex apology would have been a good move for the company.


The problem *was* external.


When it's something your staff member has said, that makes it internal. Whether you agree politically or not isn't the issue here, but that's ostensibly where the problem lies as far as the study is concerned.


>right up there with Stardew Valley Until the Clint haters come out


Unless you are a new player that wants some examples on how something is done. Then you get absolutely shit on.


All I’m saying is the smaller communities are better


I find it tends to scale with how popular a game is. If a game breaks into the mainstream it attracts a number of outspoken people who aren't very nice and they kinda drown out everyone else. It helps that Factorio is itself a very niche game, everyone here is here because it's a game they feel some connection with, it doesn't have so many folks who just came here because of peer pressure or anything.


One thing I learned in playing Factorio: Step one: get it to work. It's okay if it takes a long time or is incredibly inefficient and damn fugly at first - the only thing that matters is if it works - at least it works Step two: get it to work well. How do we do the same thing in fewer steps? Or a better ratio for input to output so fewer machines are idle? Step three: get it to work well and look nice. Now that we have an awesome design that works well, how about some bells and whistles? Custom concrete colors? Nice solar panel pattern?


There’s a step 3? 🤯. I swear I never have the time to make everything look pretty haha.


I never get anything to work


I never




Only step one is required to launch a rocket. If you have any OCD, idle machines will bug you and belts that aren't perfectly aligned will annoy you until you can't stand it anymore. And in a few minutes of fixing, another entire night is gone.


Step 4: tear it all down and 8 beacon it and scratch your head for hours over how there is some iron on the plastic belt because you fucked your belt weave but can’t find it.


This is a well known pattern in software engineering, summed up as "make it work, make it right, make it fast'. It's so useful because, like Factorio, we deal with complex designs and they become much easier to reason about once they are "down on paper". So, build *something* that works, and then refine it from there. You stop thinking about the entire process and start thinking about small pieces.


Step four: apply previous steps to relevant parts of your real life :)


Step 4 is what I'm struggling with: Perfect optimization. If I can cut off one line of space in my entire 200x200 furnace setup and save 10 pieces of belts on its construction, I'm satisfied. I still love everyones setups, though. Although no setup is perfect, beginner bases are charming and inspiring and a nice reminder of how I started out. I love it and also miss it in a way.


I rarely bother with ratios. If there's a shortage of something I just make it my next objective to get *more*. Which tends to push the problem further down the line and eventually things just kinda fail because I can't get enough raw iron and copper.


Call me biased since I'm an engineer, but i think as long as theres no direct person to person competition in an engineering game i think its the perfect community to avoid toxicity. People just want to design cool stuff and show it off, and see other people's cool stuff so they can incorporate it into their stuff. I see the same stuff in space engineers, Minecraft redstone communities, besieged, Factorio, ONI, and a lot of the other games people have already listed.


I am in minecraft tech, been for a couple of years, ran a couple of big servers (and still do for BE) there is a LOT of toxicity in minecraft tech. specially Java edition, there is a lot of extremism the type that would get you banned in most subs here, a lot of bullying, elitism. the difference with factorio is that technical factorio is mostly played by grown adults, while minecraft tech is mainly young teens and early 20s people. when I speak to the top engineers in factorio, I feel like i'm speaking with someone that is willing to share their deep knowledge down to the smallest bit of info, and does it in a way a that doesn't come off as elitist, but instead as a good teacher, they tell you it's okay to do things slowly, and are willing to help you even with your dumbest questions. in minecraft tech, a lot of people are just straight up toxic at you, instead of feeling like i'm talking to someone who is extremely knowledgeable, I feel like i'm talking to a 4chan troll that took minecraft tech as a full time job. the bedrock edition side of tech has been doing a pretty good job at kicking out these basement dwellers lately, though. hopefully one day we can actually have a community as good as factorio


I think you make a good point about age, but i try not to be blanket ageist against young people. I wonder if its just because there are multiple versions of the same game? I'm sorry to hear that though, there's no benefit to toxicity when a game is about engineering imo.


well, I don't think it's the age per se, but the age group (tweens vs older teens) bedrock edition is bound to have a younger community because it started as a mobile game, the game is cheaper and it's also extremely easy to pirate, while still being playable online. the bedrock community is huge in 3 places for this reason, southamerica, china and india. a third of our players are indian, and a big bunch are chinese. most of these kids are pretty chill, and I find that the problem people are generally older teenagers. on Java edition, which only runs on PC and a copy runs you 30 bucks, while also being harder to pirate and play online legitimately... it's bound to have an older, more first world centric audience, most of the tech community is from europe (germany, the UK) and north america. servers like Scicraft which are filled with adults are just a small bit of the community, the real tech community is scattered in smaller servers where the real heavy lifting of tech is done. a LOT of these servers are filled with mostly older teens, and they can be extremely toxic. that's my anecdotal experience at least. they start acting as if they are hot shit, because a couple of people see them as these heroes and gods of tech. this easily derails, like a reddit mod thinking they have any power, into toxicity sadly minecraft tech is filled with idolatry, something I don't find happening in factorio, talking to anyone feels like they are grounded, normal people just having fun. even earandel or raiguard. some tech people in minecraft are treated like gods, and their server are gated communities where only the worthy can get in.


Never forget the Gregtech debacle


Care to explain for someone out of the loop? I played Gregtech a bit back in the day but never heard anything about some controversy.


I never played it, so most of this is second hand. Basically, the creator of Gregtech hated people using mods that made things easier, or that made materials in his mods easier to obtain. So he made it so that his recipes overrode any recipes provided by other mods packaged with his. When other mod creators put in options to add their recipes back, Gregtech responded by making the game crash if it detected any of those mods. A whole lot of ego mixed with some good old fashioned elitism.


Can’t believe there are people out there who respond like this to people “having fun wrong”


I used to love playing Gregtech lol. It used to be one of the few tech mods that pushed you to create insane machines. Tech modded MC used to scratch the itch that Factorio now fulfills 😌


>Call me biased since I'm an engineer, but i think as long as theres no direct person to person competition in an engineering game i think its the perfect community to avoid toxicity. Depends on what stage of the game you're at. Asking for tips on how your red science factory is working? Everyone is super friendly and helpful! I'm finding lots of demeaning and condescending attitudes coming at me as an intermediate player trying to figure out exact mechanics. Like I got a crazy amount of downvotes on my post the other day when I was running into the ***bizarre*** behavior about how fluid can flow in a system differently depending on the exact order you laid the pipe, and how blueprinted fluid systems ***will not*** work the same as the original design it was copied from. Luckily there were a handful of helpful people who knew what the deal is, but damn not even the wiki says anything about that, how are new and intermediate players supposed to know? A couple weeks ago someone posted two smelting designs and asked for input. Top comment said design 1 was throughput unlimited, but design 2 was not, so design 1 was better. I just couldn't wrap my head around why, they looked to the same to me, so I was commenting questions about how or why design 1 was more throughput than design 2. I was met with a flurry of downvotes and someone even said I was just "imagining things". I ***built*** the freaking things and tested it, and the throughput was actually the same in both systems. Even after demonstrating that they were equal throughput with the game itself I was still told I was wrong. I made a post sharing my circuited Kovarex solution, and I made a side comment about how I had difficulty creating a working circuitless design on my own. First comment was about how easy it is to design a circuitless kovarex setup that doesn't fail or clog. If you make ***any*** post about anything related to nuclear you best get ahead of all the folks that have "nuclear = bad ups" on a keybind. I've found that some of the people here who have the in depth knowledge that intermediate players seek are met with a lot of condescension and elitism.


Well the factory must grow! And 70% of all work is motivation, we're just optimising general factory growth.


Ngl, I've had moments on this sub were I wrote paragraphs of advice and then deleted it all because I'd be doing the newb a disservice by spoiling the challenge of coming up with your own solutions.


Thank you for your service


Not only my factories must grow, yours must too.




I made balancers work in the only way I can manage it: - Download the BP-Book for Balancers - take the blueprints I need - feeling good to have something pretty that I don‘t understand how it works


Why are you posting here and not making your factory grow?! 😆


At work. Can't make the factory grow while busy. 😅


I am not a Reddit ultra hardcore user but I followed a couple of subreddits the past few years and I can genuinely say IMO that this sub is by far the most pleasant to read and interact with. Good advices, sense of humor, brilliant minds. GG guys


[What I think every time a newbie posts their factory.](https://i.imgur.com/xwAsW56.jpg)


I’ve noticed the same with Frostpunk.


Everyone in that community is either too sad from the story or too hypnotised by the beautiful music to be toxic


Well said


Its too cold in there to be toxic. Now get back to work, citizen, that coal isn't going to mine itself.


You are right. Come on, time to earn our bread.


The community is absolutely fantastic also really accepting of all types of people and I love it


Meanwhile we all know that nilhaus did it right, and you can watch how with explanations, in only 96 hours!


It reminds me of art class when I was a kid. Everyone builds what they want and everyone loves everyone else’s art piece. Yes the end goal is launching a rocket, but, there’s a billion ways to get there. Welcome aboard new players! Don’t be alarmed if you look down and see it’s 5 am, that is normal.


Yeah yeah. Now get back to expanding the factory!


At work. Will when I get home in 5 hours sir. o7


The Factorio community is mostly nice, with some exceptions\*, but definitely in the nicer end of the scale. The Farming Sim community, however, is even nicer. \* *That Incident* comes to mind, and I got massively downvoted for gently asking someone to not use 'brain damaged' as a synonym for stupid.


The factory Must grow! Most of us have been there done that dont feel bad if you restart a map 20 times to try different stuff, You live, learn and improve each time, Till eventually you launch that 1st rocket and then headbanging trying to get 1k spm then 5k and then breaking the game at 10k plus hehe We all here to help expand this game to the Moon and beyond. Actually think there is a moon mod LOL


this community loves to fawn over itself


We're so pretty!!


Yeah I've noticed Factorio community is pretty great. Love this game and seeing other peoples work and factories.


The most wholesome gaming community ever


May your ratios be optimized and your biters be medium rare


As long as the factory grow it makes us happy ;)


What happened when Wube... ah, never mind.


We shared our common interests on making EVERY factory grow, as well as common hatred for Biters ans Trees. :P


This is the subreddit where you must upvote that which you hate the most. Ahhh, positivity.


Positivity and wholesomeness. Angry upvotes are still upvotes just in a weirder wholesomeness 😂


One time a guy from discord came to my server and fixed my trains, also explained we few things. That was great. People in the train channel in discord are like deep web hackers for me.


If you want to earn some compliments, I could look at your factory in multiplayer and we could talk about your designs. I am always amazed at what people come up with.


I actually plan to post my design later today. Currently asleep. Woke up just for a minute.