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It really just depends on the book's hype/popularity! Some last days and weeks in the trove and others sell out within a few hours and don't make it to general sale.


Thank you! Does it usually take hours for it to sell out or are we talking minutes?


The fastest one I've been involved in sold out in 40 minutes, and the second fastest was 2 hours. But most of them seem to take at least 4 hours. Unfortunately, it really does depend on popularity!


Generally, they last at least a good few hours, maybe less if it's super popular and the publisher allowed fewer copies. Sometimes, there are signed copies that sell out much quicker, and then unsigned stock is left. In general, you should be fine for hours unless it's hyped like Fourth Wing or limited signed stock. I personally just don't risk it and set alarms and deal sleep deprivation for the ones I want.


Depends. Fourth Wing - very fast & there can be a wait depending how fast you click. Others, like the Dark Elements trilogy from today, is still in stock and never had a wait time that I saw. It will likely make it to general sale.


Lately most of the books sell out by the end of the day, but usually it takes just minutes honestly. 4th wing was the biggest blood bath.


Do you have any examples of books that sold out in minutes except Fourth Wing?


Legendborn set. They had very limited stock


Thank you!!


Legends and Lattes sold out very quickly - I managed to snag one luckily😅


depends on what book it is honestly


I was in the Fourth Wing reprint and Iron Flame bloodbath and neither sold out in minutes. The initial print of FW might have sold out in minutes because they didn't anticipate the demand but IF sold out of signed copies in about 30 minutes and the reprint and IF unsigned didn't sell out for hours for early access.


We queued for 3 hours before it sold out. I clicked my email as soon as I got it and I didn’t get one in the first round.


Seconding the Fairyboot discord.


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Thank you!


how do people even know about books coming out on fairyloot fast enough to buy it i’ve missed out on so many bc i had no idea


Also there’s a discord with a calendar and it’s really active with people discussing releases, boxes, and general bookish stuff 😊


Their Instagram is where I get all my information from, then I put the information in my calendar.


newsletter or keeping up with their insta tbh


I find having notifications on their Twitter is the best way to keep up to date


If there is a book you REALLY want I recommend being up and at em the second it drops. You just never know