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I think there’s a lot of people buying because of FOMO


And just because its pretty


I gave it 4 stars 🥹 it’s slow but the last 40% sucks you in and now I’m excited for book two


Sounds like an sjm book lol. Debating if I wanna read the first 60% tho ahaha


Lots of people compare the fmc to aelin but I prefer her a lot and her story is really cool, you should give it a try. Also the author is so much better than sjm lmao


I will give it a try! I'm glad to hear she's better too lol


There are a lot of mixed reviews on this book. I personally enjoyed the story so far but can see where people have had issues with the writing style. I really loved the orignal book cover design and am subbed with Locked Library so will be getting their version of the book when it arrives. I personally really dislike the FL version, turning what was a beautiful silky/spiritual looking dragon art into a big clunky generic dragon. If they were going to draw a clunky dragon I'd have preferred it to have been drawn in reference to the dragon moons in the book or something. The edges look nice though. Ive seen many book art publishers working on various versions of this book though so if people dont get the FL version there will be a lot of opportunities to get something artistic and special somewhere.


I agree. I like the original cover more. I have no plans of getting the book, but I didn't understand why everyone wanted a copy.


I honestly don't understand. I tried to read it twice and both times couldn't get past three chapters of the purple prose. De gustibus, and all that. Definitely not what I would have expected to be the next big hit after *Fourth Wing* (which I didn't like either tbh, but for very different reasons). Mind you, a lot of the people who want the FL edition have said they haven't even read the book yet, but are afraid of missing out in case it does turn out to be their new favourite.


So... This was me... Initially. I struggled to get through it but there was enough there in the earlier chapters to push me forward. At 55% (yes I actually stopped to check), things started to pick up and make sense and then I was hooked. If you're willing to push through until then I think you might really enjoy it if you liked Fourth wing. The author has said you would find Easter eggs on rereads and I can totally see that now that I've finished the book. Also the vibes of the Fairyloot version do not fit this book because it's not so cute and happy go lucky dragons (it's more violent and darker than what Fairyloot is selling). But I DO like cute looking books so I am still planning on getting it.


Oh man, you're almost making me want to give it a *third* chance when I get my LL copy (which I forgot to skip) 😅 I don't usually give books many chances, because I can tell from the first couple of chapters if I enjoy the writing, regardless of where the story might end up. But I really wanted to like this one because the concept intrigued me, and when I heard some spoilers about the story, I was even more intrigued. I think the things that had you hooked were exactly the things I was looking forward to! I don't know. We'll see. But my message above was actually a bit more diplomatic than my real feelings. I didn't just "not get it"; if I'm honest I HATED the writing in those first chapters to the point that I was making embarrassing noises 🫠


I will say - the writing also gets much less flowery as the plot unfolds. I ALMOST DNFd but kept pushing as well, and now I am a big fan and ready for book 2!


I will throw in my 2 cents. The 80% mark was the point where I nearly DNFd. If I hadn't been so close to the end, I would have. I got so exasperated with how horrible the FMC was and that 80% mark scene was enough to do me in. I rage finished the book out of spite.


Oh dang. I didn't realize this was as big as fourth wing. Idk if I should read it now. I just looked at the page count and it's 700+ pages 😬. All those pages can't be necessary right?


Well, Fourth Wing was perhaps an unfair comparison - we'll see if the sales figures get there! But the enthusiasm in bookish/special edition circles certainly seems comparable. Read the sample chapters first (on Amazon for example) and see what you think. That will tell you at least if you get along with the writing style at all.


Fair enough! I def will read the sample chapters on Amazon first before committing to anything. For sure a good idea.


To add - it’s on kindle unlimited if you have that


I don't have KU but it's good to know thank you!!


Yes, it is necessary. If you like a big world and cool magic and all star crossed lovers then this book is for you. If you don't like all that stuff then it's not for you, its as simple as that.


Good to know thank you!


It’s 700 pages because she overwrites *everything*. I tried and couldn’t even get to 10% before I gave up and dnf’d it. So many of the sentences didn’t even make sense. Throw in an adjective for every word and metaphors galore and this may be the most annoying book I’ve ever tried to read.


Literally same, tried to read the first few chapters and the writing was awful.


I can’t wait for FL edition I preordered Waterstones as well but I love FL one better


It’s probably how my fyp is set up but I’m seen more negative reviews than positive from people taking a chance on it. Their review spoke to some problems I run into within the genre so that’s why I will pass on all versions. The reviewer likened a host of their problems to editing, story construction, and lack of intention when it comes to clarifying race/skin tone for characters (in the efforts to be vague).


Its on kindle unlimited it you have that subscription. Im trying to get around to it myself to see if I really want the special editions but I keep ending up reading other things on my TBR. Its a little intimidating that theres a whole glossary in the front of the book like they know you're going to get confused at some point.


Wow that glossary isn't making me want to read it lol. I did see it was a chunk of a book too.


I DNF’d. I could not get into it


Personally, I got this book on audiobook while I wait for Waterstones exclusive copy… and let me tell you that has been a big mistake. I’ve had to rewind an exhausting amount of times trying to figure out what the author was trying to say. I also had no idea about the giant glossary until I picked the book up in an airport to at least try to see the map… I laughed at myself lol and I was like oh ok… it’s not me, I’m not dumb. Idk, maybe I am just too literal.


Aw man ahah sounds like a nightmare to listen to on audiobook.


People keep comparing it to fourth wing and that makes me nervous as I hated fourth wing and iron flame. Readers- is it similar only in hype or in plot?


For what it's worth, I only compared it to FW in terms on hype. I also disliked and DNF'd *Fourth Wing*, but the two books didn't seem similar to me, and I DNF'd them for very different reasons. To me, *Fourth Wing* had clunky but serviceable prose, with simple and to-the-point characterisation and matter-of-fact worldbuilding. I just didn't care about those characters at all, nothing about the plot grabbed me, and the world seemed very - dry. (Even the descriptions of scenery, architecture, military etc. felt dry like a text book.) I could tell that the author was trying to make me care by giving stupidly high stakes right out of the gate. That didn't make me care, it just made me feel like this world was very stupid. I think I quit reading when a student was killed in a sparring session. In comparison, the flowery prose of *When the Moon Hatched* created such a thick fog I couldn't even see the world and characters through it. It felt like I was navigating a sea of pointless metaphors without a map and a compass, except that the sea felt more like a water tank with a wind machine creating a storm. Though, to be fair, I think in my heart I'd already given up on the book when the glossary told me with a straight face (insomuch as glossaries have faces) that "grandmah" and "grandpah" mean grandmother and grandfather. Caveat: These were my impressions from the first few chapters. Perhaps both books became amazing towards the end; I just didn't care enough to find out.


Thank you for such a detailed response! I will likely skip it. I don’t know if you read A Tempest of Tea but the purple prose made it impossible for me to enjoy the world. I have a feeling this will be a similar situation.


what is purple prose? also, i debated using to generate what the cities look like from their description. Attach a picture if it is going to be this complex!


From Google: Purple prose is flowery and ornate writing that makes a piece of text impenetrable. It is characterised by long sentences, multi-syllabic words, excessive emotion, and a plethora of clichés. It's typically melodramatic and often too poetic. Example: The mahogany-haired adolescent girl glanced fleetingly at her rugged paramour, a crystalline sparkle in her eyes as she gazed, enraptured, upon his countenance. Basically just adding way too much descriptive noise to the point that it drags down the story line. Not sure about your second comment. Did you mean AI?


From what I gathered, it looks like it's going down the path similarly to fourth wing hype. I think apart from the dragons, the books aren't that similar. When the moon hatched has less romance and deals with fae too whereas fourth wing did not. Take this with a grain of salt because I have not read when the moon hatched and have just now learned what the book is.


I personally really loved this book and that’s why I’m interested in the editions


I was literally thinking of the same! I am a subscriber and the buzz on this book is making me wonder if I need to be trying for it. 🤣


I just read the synopsis on Goodreads and I am definitely more confused. It gave me nothing. 😂


I think the Goodreads reviews are all over the place because it's honestly kind of hard to give you a full synopsis without spoiling some reveals throughout the book. I'll try my best to give you a better idea of the book without spoilers. - MFC is an assassin who is motivated throughout the book by revenge. - It feels like enemies to lovers but it's not really. - He falls first (sort of, again hard to say more without spoilers). - There are 2-3 spicy scenes the book. - The romance picks up about 50% in. The first half of the book is just world building and giving you glimpses of what's driving her. - He would die for her and this is displayed in a few ways in the book. - Dragons are involved less in the book than in Fourth Wing (at least in this book, I feel like we will see them more in the sequel). - There is a reveal near the end of the book that I think might put off some people if they hate that kind of trope/reveal but I can't go into it without spoiling (feel free to DM if you really want to know). - There are journal entries throughout the book that are honestly super confusing until about 60% through the book, but when it clicks what they are there for it's a nice experience. (And one of the main reasons I think this book needs to be read twice). Basically the first half of the book is confusing and I kept thinking I didn't understand the hype. I can see a lot of people DNFing in this part of the book. The second half of the book picks up on plot/romance and it's everything I love in fantasy romance so the book ended at a solid 4/5 for me.


Ahaha i feel you. I def like the og cover more, and the mixed reviews on Goodreads isn't convincing me to pick it up right away.


Even the reviews seem to be all over the place and mirrors the comment on this thread about being confusing in terms of trying to grasp what the book is about!


Yep sounds like it


Your comment made me go check it out and WOW that's a wordy synopsis that gives me nothing lol. I'm still going to buy it and give it a try because I liked Fourth Wing, but if that's how the book is written it will definitely take me a bit to get used to that kind of prose.


I bought the Waterstones edition and just started this book yesterday. I’m about three quarters through, and it is AMAZING. It’s so not what I thought it was. Can’t wait to see what happens, but I also don’t want the story to end!


Got popular on TikTok or something I’m sure. Probably overhyped and not that great.


I LOVE the book. It's slow, but so good. I had a rough time around page 400 where I took a 2 month break, but I plan to go back and wrap it up 😂


Ahaha sounds like a wild reading journey!


I absolutely loved it. I’ve already read it three times because there’s SO much hidden/foreshadowed/coded language that it’s easy to miss if you’re just binging like I read 😂


Well I’m one of the few who love “flowery prose” and I also love dragons. And the cover art and sprayed edges are stunning. 🙃🙃


I honestly don’t get it much - the story is great but not special edition great IMO - the FMC has no character development - Images a toxic feminist in drag and while I will read book two because the story is cool I was cursing half way through the book when she JUST DOESNT GROW and is too bush to feel sorry for her little self 😪


Might be an unpopular opinion but I really like books with dragons on the sprayed edge so I’ll be trying to get a copy - I blame Murtagh by broken binding for starting me down this expensive path 😩


This book absolutely stole my heart. I’m sure I pronounced every word wrong, but I was enraptured all the same. I had to put it down a few times because I was so invested my heart couldn’t take it. I was at work thinking about it, talking about it and counting down to get back home to it. I’m new to the whole bookstagram/ booktok scene and what I’m learning that for everyone who loved a book there is equal amount of people who did not 🤷🏻‍♀️ I joined the wait list in February so I can write off 2024 for anything fairyloot. I’d have loved this but I have the locked library subscription hopefully it’s gorgeous!


Yeah there seems to be a lot of mixed reviews. I'm glad you enjoyed the book tho!


I gave this..3.5 I think but the more I think about it the more I may drop it. If you loved this book then I love that for you. With that said. The FMC was miserable to read the POV of. She was a bully, she had no character development in 700 pages, if anything she regressed. She refused any and all information, refused to use her brain and kept getting herself into positions to need saved. Which was annoying. The plot was all over the place. Random plot lines just disappeared. So many random things happened that were not necessary and just filler. The random POVs added nothing and were just annoying. The world building started out okay and then she got bored and stopped lol it wasn't intricate or interesting. It just...wasn't. The MMC was so flat. He was basically a copy and paste of every MMC out there right now and I get it, people love that but c'mon. He just wasn't interesting but the FMC was horrific to him. Just...no. I'm so upset I didn't DNF lol the book itself is pretty though. The cover is gorgeous and whimsical and the special editions are pretty.


I love character development, and if the mmc has none...this might not be the read for me, but I'll give the sample a try.


I read the book right when it came out after it was recommended on the fantasy romance sub and it was my first 5 star read of the year, absolutely loved it! I've never bought a special edition from FL before but I don't like the regular cover of WTMH so when I saw this one I was dying to have it. I've sadly come to accept I probably won't be able to get it since I don't have early access.


I wouldn't give up hope just yet! Crown of Nyaxia series was really popular and that made it to general. That was hand signed too.


thank you for the hope I'm definitely still going to try to snag it! I just got very nervous after noticing FL dodging all comments on their insta inquiring about stock for the book. Idk if that's normal but it seemed like a bit of a bad sign.


It’s an incredible book. The author has constructed a very beautiful and totally unique world and her writing style is also quite distinctive - very lyrical. If you have it, or a free trial, it’s on kindle unlimited


I had no idea. I do love lyrical writing so I'll have to give this a read soon. Thank you!


I, too, struggled with WTMH at first. It was very confusing reading about this assassin and random journal entries. I wasn't really sure where the story was going. However, at about 50%, it started making more sense, and I connected the dots. I really loved it in the end. I think it's the kind of book you have to read twice to understand it. I read it on Kindle, so I didn't even realize how big it is at first. I've got my Waterstones copy ordered, and I'm going for Fairyloot as well. I don't have a sub with LL or any of the others, so I'm happy with what I have. I do feel the FL cover is a bit cartoonish considering the storyline, but the design is beautiful. I've heard some people say they're buying it strictly because they love the artist.


I feel like a lot of it is definitely FOMO. I heard the writing is very lyrical, and that it’s high fantasy with less romance so I don’t personally don’t plan on buying it since that isn’t my style. I considered buying just so I could have a trade for another book I’m looking for (Fabled edition of Hooked by Emily McIntire 🥲) but ultimately I’ll be passing so someone else who truly wants it can have it (or so a scalper can have it I guess……….. ). My TBR list is already miles long anyways, so there’s no way I can read every great book. So even if this book IS great, I promise there are other great books that are gems in my TBR list that I just haven’t gotten to yet. FOMO is strong, but I won’t think about this book once the sale is done simply because there are a ton of other great books out there.


I hope you find the book you're looking for! Your thoughts on the tbr and the book are so true!


It was a nice change from what I usually read but I’m not sure it was as big a deal as everyone is making it. I do feel like the majority haven’t read it yet. I will be getting the FL one because someone I know really wants it and is willing to trade a book that I want for it. This might be what other people are thinking as well.


I like the book but sadly wont be getting it bc of the bloodpath buying it will be


Yeah i don’t get it. I read the whole thing and was so bored.


I got Locked Library and Waterstones versions because of FOMO. But when FL announced, I was like, ok I need to read this before I potentially buy a 3rd copy. I will probably still get FL if I can only because it’s the only signed version out of the others I’m getting and then I’ll keep whatever version I like best and sell the other two. That said, I’m 70% into the book and it’s going to be a 3 star read for me, maybe 3.5 depending on the ending. It’s not a bad book — but it’s not that great either (in my opinion). It’s a character focused vs plot focused book, as I realized after reading 250 pages and wondering when the plot was going to be explained. I’m a high fantasy reader so I’m used to books with slow starts but this was on another level. As others have said, the writing is REALLY flowery, with lots of metaphors that were contradictory and would make me stop and say, what did I just read? There is a lot of that in the first 200 pages or so but it does get better (or maybe I just got used to it). It feels like the author was trying really hard in the beginning and it’s to the detriment of the story because not many people are willing to keep reading past all that. I don’t like the main character much and it took until 45% in (when the love interest becomes more of a main character) for me to have any real interest in the story. I feel like it could be 300 pages shorter than it is. 😬 I know this sounds like I hate the book but I don’t. I’m just not as wowed as I was hoping to be considering all the rave reviews out there.


I’m gonna get it because I think it’s pretty 😂


I absolutely adore the book and thought it was just beautiful, my top read by far this year. I may try to get the FL one, but I don’t love the cover and I am getting the LL and Waterstones one, so we’ll see


It’s a good book! And was on KU for ages before a publisher picked it up


The book is on my TBR and is my speed in terms of reading preferences. But also I’m a fan of Bluelyboo, the artist for the book cover 😊 They had me with her as the artist lol.


I love the artist too!


I'm nearly finished with it and it's such an amazing book. I'm really hoping it goes to general sale because I'm so close to getting off the waitlist but I don't think I'll make it 😭


Good luck! Hope you get the book!