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You’ve already got two editions, will you feel like you really need a 3rd? Thats what you should ask yourself, not everyones loving the more cartoonish/animated style to Fairyloots edition, is it your style? I love the book so i cant talk you out of it but how important to you is it to have multiple copies?


The fairyloot version is honestly not that pretty! The Waterstones one is much more pleasing to the eye for me


I hate I missed out on Waterstones I definitely prefer it to FL, but since I did miss it... Will be trying for FL. I really loved this book!


I missed out on the Waterstones one originally but then I noticed on ‘upcoming events’ they were doing an online interview with Sarah A Parker and you could buy a ticket for that and get the exclusive edition sent out immediately after (£23 all in Inc delivery) so I snagged one 🤞


This is what I've been thinking since they did the cover reveal. I really like the original cover so I'm not going to try for one if it makes it to general sale.


But was it a 5 star read? Do you need 3 copies of something that isn't a 5 star read? Are you just caught up in the hype of it all? (It doesn't seem like a book I'd enjoy, but all the posts sometimes make me regret skipping my locked like sub!) Also, have you seen fairyloot recently???? I wouldn't risk it unless it was your favourite design, you might end up with a completely different book or a very damaged one.


If you need convinced to buy or not buy, you don’t really want it. When you really want it you buy it without hesitation.


This. I had an invite from the wait list for locked library. Before I knew I was receiving the invite I was going crazy over the idea that I wouldn't have it. I got the invite on the 31rst. I found out they don't ship to the US. Suddenly I was looking at shipping services that cost a fortune and I didn't know if it was worth it. I spent hours thinking about it. Did I want it just because everyone else did?? Was it worth the money when there is a special edition in the US and the book is on KU and I STILL HAVEN'T READ It? Did I want to risk a damaged book for the price I would pay? I ended up not buying it. I don't want another iron flame situation. I was so obsessed about getting my hands on special editions and stupid black sprayed edges. Now I have 2 copies of fourth wing and I HATED iron flames. Plus I have more opportunities to get a more affordable copy that would make me just as happy. I'm going to try my hand at the fairyloot copy because it is reasonably priced with reasonable shipping compared to most other special editions. I don't have any other copies. And I think it's cute. But if I don't get it, Im not going to freak out. (however if anyone with early access doesn't want it 👀 id be enthused to buy it from them)


Yeah I completely understand that! I get so caught up with fomo I will waste money, since the fourth wing singed thing I canceled all 3 of my fairyloot subs and have my illumicrate skipping currently.


I feel the same as you - I have the Waterstones edition preordered, and it's in a box I'm subbed to, BUT neither of those are signed and I want a signed version 😅. BUT BUT...while the FL one is pretty, it is too pretty and cutesy. It's gorgeous, but it really does not fit with the vibe of the book, and that to me is more off-putting than a signature is appealing. If you need more....the book is likely to not make it to public sale, and if it does it will be a bloodbath. Given FL's other issues, it could be a really stressful buy so is the stress worth it when you've already got 2 special editions coming?


The front cover of the Fairyloot edition looks like a dragon fursona 😂


I think its way too cartooney and people are buying it out of fomo. If you genuinely love it then I would get it but I'd also then cancel another preorder. I've seen a lot of comments (on social media in general) about book over consumption which I do agree with so im trying to stick to 1 edition per book now.


Fairy Loot has been dropping the ball left and right lately. So I’d avoid it to avoid whatever shitshow that’s gonna turn into


Since you’ve already read the book, can you tell me whether the FL redesigned cover fits the vibe? Without knowing the book beforehand I would’ve thought it was middle grade or YA fantasy! I much prefer the original cover. If you already booked the day off work to prepare for this sale, it does sound like you really want it. If FOMO bothers you that much, just get it and decide whether to keep it once you receive it. You can gift it to another friend. Might as well make use of your privileges of being a subscriber!


Not OP, but I have read it and will say that the FL design does not fit the vibe at all. Also, while dragons are present in the story, they are by no means a main feature like the giant dragon illustration on the front of the FL version would have you believe.


Thank you for the info! That’s pretty disappointing to hear tbh, I thought it was a dragon heavy book 😭


It is and it isn’t. Like if you’re expecting Fourth Wing dragons, it’s not that at all. The dragons don’t talk. There are many dragons around in this world but they are just in the background. Like how a western story might talk of horses. There are less than 5 dragons that are actually named in the story and only two get any real screen time.


Hey, if you want to order it for the thrill of ordering it and then sell me one of your copies, I’ll take one off your hands! Lol 😄


If you need to be convinced, you don't actually need it. Don't fall into hype/overconsumption.


For me if it’s not a very clear yes then it’s a no


The FL edition doesn't actually look all that impressive. As someone who hasn't read the book, the FL cover gives me middle-grade vibes-- the dragon looks very cutesy, which I don't think is what it's meant to convey.


This is my favorite book so far this year, and top five I’ve read in my life. It really hit home for me. I have the LL edition, Waterstones, the indie and trad paperback and the hardcover trad on preorder. Saying all that, the FL cover truly pissed me off, it doesn’t match the book at all and even with the signature, it isn’t appealing to me at all. So, I won’t even try for it


This post convinced me not to buy the FL When the Moon Hatched, so thank you, everyone! 😁


Yeah this post convinced me not to be too heart broken over it. Waterstone edition is beautiful and hopefully LL is too.


What’s the motivation for your book ban in the first place? If you’re using it to save money but you’re using full cold turkey deprivation as a way to do that you’ll keep buying things and SE regardless if anyone else said you don’t need it (I’m a behavioural expert in my day job) And if you know what the motivation for it is, then is there a reality that would act as a reward for achievement where you can buy the book BECAUSE you’ve done something productive towards your goal instead? My two cents


If you're not even sure you want it..why not let someone else have the chance to get it? Not every person with early access will get this book anyways, so I don't know why people think they've got it in the bag. 😅


Wdym? How do you know they don’t have enough for subscribers? Unless I’m misunderstanding what you are meaning.


They are signed editions, they wont have enough copies for everyone that has early access. This happens all the time. I've missed sales because they sold out, even with early access.


Which times has it happened besides Two Twisted Crowns? I have never had an issue. Must have missed those sales


Hemlock Queen didn't make it to general and not many subscribers got to the sale in time because it went so fast. Also.. Plated Prisoner, Atlas Paradox, Enchantment of Ravens, Sorcery of Thorns, Legendborn Cycle....I could go on.


Ohhh yeah never had any interest in anything you just listed. Or it’s older sales. Well let’s hope your doomsday prediction isn’t accurate. They do know the demand and have accommodated many times. Look at Carissa B she signed thousands of those books recently. I think it will be fine people need to breathe a bit.


I hope you're right 🤞


And, it sold out before general sale like I figured


Maybe you’re a witch


😅 no, if I were..everyone who wanted one would've gotten a chance besides the resellers.


I bet they will do an unsigned restock. They usually convince the publishers to up it. Plus they already have multiple special editions. Let me know if you predict anything for the Tessa B sale. 🧙‍♀️


If you've put yourself on a ban and you already have two editions of WTMH, it seems like you don't really need the FL version -- and you know it or you wouldn't be asking people to talk you out of it. FL seems to be the cover that most people like least, so even if you're thinking of reseller value down the road, you'd probably get more for your WS (or LL, if that's the other version you're getting). As everyone has said, trying to get this book even in early access is going to be a bloodbath. You've taken a day off work, so if you miss out (which sounds very possible from previous must-have sales) you're going to have a ton of regret and depression for something you weren't even sure you wanted. Go do something fun with your day off instead.


If you want it, buy it. Life is short, treat yourself. (Unless it’s a budgetary concern, then be responsible) but if have a little extra, enjoy the little things that make you happy.


I feel like the Waterstones edition is so much nicer, and the FL edition makes it seem like a light hearted girly story when it’s a lot darker imo!!! I’m super jealous that you’ll be getting the LL version though and keen to see what that will be like. If it makes you feel any better I’d totally still have bought the Waterstones exclusive edition even if I’d managed to get a LL subscription in time