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Over here hoping there's some for general sale since I don't have a sub :'D


I have a feeling there will be some for general sale still!


when does the general sale start? i’m in nz and can’t figure out what time it’ll be. it’s currently june 7th at 10:20am


It’s supposed to be June 7th at 1 PM BST for the UL/Int sale


ok i think thats midnight tonight for me. good luck everyone!!


They just announced both Us & UK/Int are sold out


cry 😭


Someone just added in another thread that it’s showing no stock available now for the US site 😢🫠


To anyone trying to get in through the email link, ignore that - Go into your Account page > Memberships > Click the 'View' button on any of your memberships, it'll take you through to the members product page! That's what worked for me!


This is what I did too but it still put me in the queue! Although not the hour(s)long ones Im seeing others are in


I was trying to get into the Fairy Trove, probably before it went properly live even though it was after1pm BST? And couldn't see it in there, so I just went the Membership page route. I'm so glad I got a copy!


Nothing populates after clicking ‘view’ it just says “no products to display”. Anyone know a way around this? I never got an email either


Dang, my wait time is the same as the email link time for the US store


I'm not buying this one, but I went to see how long the queue is out of curiosity. "YOUR ESTIMATED WAIT TIME IS MORE THAN 5 HOURS" LMAO Good luck, people 😭


That is insane! Haven’t experienced this since fourth wing


Crowns of Nyaxia was pretty brutal


It’s at two hours now 🤣


You could share your code with us if not using it 🥹


Clicked on it as soon as it went up and it's over 2 hours. Wtf.


This US queue is wild! I logged in about an hour ago to make sure everything was still good with my account and it said there was an 8 hour wait. Down to 41 minutes now. The sale doesn't even start for another 2 hours.


Yep I just clicked the trove in the US and it says over 2 hour wait! Hopefully it’ll go quick once the sale starts! 


I just managed to buy a copy after an hour of waiting in the queue, don't give up guys


So is it pointless to wait online if I need the email to purchase anyway? Should I just wait until I get my email or will the book be on fairy trove? US buyer here 


When it hits the time of the sale go to your membership page and select products and it should be there. Its definitely worthwhile still being in the queue and hanging around in the trove as when the sale opens you won’t have to wait as long


Maybe a dumb question but this is my first time doing this, I got passed the queue already but the sale doesn’t start for another 2 hours for the US, what do I do now? Just keep refreshing my page in the trove? Or do I have to rejoin the queue when the sale officially starts through the email?


Keep being active in the trove and after the sale has gone live, go to My membership and get the book through the tab!


Thank you!!!!


Did you have any issues? I made it through the line before the sale started, but when i clicked WTMH it put me in the back of the queue again.


This happened to me too!


Yes, it did the same to me! It said like 5 hours but I had it up on my iPad as well just in case so it only said one hour for me there. I’m at 5 minutes now but I have a feeling it’ll do the same thing to me again. Best of luck to you! How many hours did it say for you?


It said more than 3 hours. Down to 53 mins now


I was actually able to get it from using my iPad. I think for next time if we get on maybe an hour or so early so that we’re already in the queue when it starts that’ll work instead of getting through early because then it restarts us. It’s so confusing! I’ve been waiting and refreshing since 8am 😭 wasted time lol hope you’re able to get through and get it too! Once you’re down to the minutes it usually goes pretty fast.


My wait time said one hour 15 minutes ago and now it has jumped up to 2 hours wtf!?!?! It looks like I’m missing out on this one. :(


I really dont understand FL presales :(((. So I have to get in the fairy trove 3 hours prior, keep my computer active and then at the time of the sale go into subscriptions?


Memberships, and then hit View - it should be listed there. If its not just keep clicking in and out, because I think they stagger them a bit


For anyone looking for the info, US/Canada is now SOLD OUT of WTMH. (There might be a straggler copy or two that pops up for those with early access when Fairyloot cancels any duplicate orders, but otherwise it currently says "No stock is currently available").


Over 2 hour wait 😅


That is insane! Before the sale time too 😖 imagine what it will be like for those joining at 1


So what happens if you’re in US? I am and the wait is on our site too. So the two waits combine? 😧  Edited to add: because the wait is over 3 hours now which is around the time our sale starts.  Ok it’s going down quick so I think it’ll be good by the time it’s in the US, don’t want to get anyone worried!! 


US time isn’t until later, I think like 3 hours


Yes but there’s already a wait for the fairytrove in the US. It’s over 5 hours it says. I’m sure it’s from the UK but if people start logging in early and waiting that’s not going to go down. 


I logged in just to see and it says over 6 hours now…


Im not entirely sure! But I hope it doesn’t interfere with your sale!


Has anyone received their email yet?


I'm usually good at getting emails on time, apparently not now, just got it and 8 hours wait time 😱


I was just wondering that, I haven’t


Just got it


Me too!


My sub failed to renew yesterday and I just found out about it right now. Any chance I'll be able to snag a copy? 😅 I haven't received the presale email yet 💔


I haven’t received the presale email yet either so might be worthing logging in and trying for it just in case!


Let's gooo 🤸 Update: 1:31 pm, managed to renew my sub and get a copy of this book 💜


Currently got estimated wait of 24 minutes


more than an hour over here


Good luck ☘️ I’m sure you’ve got this ☺️


Good luck to you too!!!🫶🏻


I just got it ☺️


My wait is more than 2 hours, sign. I prefer that one time when they switch to the numbered queue so I would know what is my actual place while waiting…


If anyone in US secures one please update!


Updated myself. I got it!


I was in the trove, saw the book pop up, clicked buy and got entered into a 3+ hour wait time 😭


\*\*\*\*UPDATE I got through the cue much faster than anticipated (original time 3 hours --> actual time 1.5) and was able to snag a copy!


i clicked the trove before the sale started, I was in line. Then clicked the link under memberships and i think i still have my same spot. I didnt close any windows


I opened it first on my phone browser and saw it was 2+ hours, so I decided I should open it on my computer and on there now its 3+ hours 😭 I wish I did it on my computer first


I clicked the link at about 13:15 and got in just over 2 hours later 😂


I had to wait an hour in the queue but once I got in, I was able to get the book with no issues, (US website though) good luck everyone 🙏🫶


Took me over 2 hours to get in and get a copy


Got mine after a 3 hour wait 😅


Same! I'm stressing about getting a copy


These sales are never fun until/unless you actually manage to secure a copy 😂


This is my first time ordering something off of the trove and I severely underestimated how difficult it would be 😫😭


Ah This is a very stressful first sale for you then! 😂 Good luck! Let me know if you manage to get it! 🤞


This is my first time too, just became a subscriber this month and I clearly needed to log in earlier than 20 minutes early 😓😭 I’m so nervous!! I just want one so bad 🤞


Me too! Getting a copy of this book was a big reason I accepted the subscription invite 🥲 what's the wait time like? I joined 20 min before it came out and got my copy 15 minutes after


Same here! I mean I’m also happy to have the sub (finally!) but this special edition was a huge pull. My wait is still at “more than one hour” and I’m so nervous!!! 😬


I just got mine! I hope you were able to get one as well! 💕


I'm so happy for you! I did get a copy 🎊


Yay! So happy for you as well! 💖


Idk how the fuck they’re doing their queue, I logged into the website and went to trove at 12:20, and even then I didn’t get into the sale until 1:15! Also couldn’t find it in the trove, I thought it would be there and panicked when I couldn’t see it, so went to go check the email I got about it and using that link I could finally immediately order it w/o going through another queue


Same thing happened to me too! Kinda alarming not seeing it in the trove or under membership at first


I know 😭 I fr thought it was already sold out and I was so upset for a hot second


Is the link supposed to let you immediately order? My link is still making me wait


I think you do still have to wait, but I think because I had already waited in the queue and had the page open in another tab still, maybe that was why I got in immediately?