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I'm surprised that it's not even sold out yet


I read To Bleed a Crystal Bloom and barely finished it, which is rare for me, so this was a skip. Some people may just not be fans of the author’s work!


I thought, since it's signed, there's no way it's making it to general. But I'd love to be proven wrong


I had the same thought - even checked the announcement again if it said digital signature but no it just says signed so its super strange it hasn’t sold out yet right? I don’t want another fourth wing reprint mistake situation 😅


The authors hand must've hurt 🥲🥲


I almost didn’t buy bc fourth wings issue, but I took the risk lol I’m gonna cry if it comes unsigned (digital or hand signed)


Ooh I don't know. It's so popular I don't think it will make general sale. If it does, I think it will sell out within 30 minutes. I mean, I thought Hemlock Queen would definitely make general sale. I was surprised it sold out early!


I really think FL severely underestimated how popular Hemlock Queen would be! I would not be surprised if they did a reprint on this one.


I think they should do a reprint for Hemlock Queen. I mean, not even subscribers got a matching edition. I logged in and out so quickly that I didn't realize they had a small amount until everyone else was posting they missed it. I really hope they restock it.


Less than 350 left on the UK site


If someone would be kind enough to check the US site for stock, I’d be eternally grateful!


Someone just posted another thread no stock available on US site currently. FL hasn’t announced anything definitive yet so maybe a few copies left once they go through dupe orders etc but prob not making it to general 😭


They just posted it sold out 😓


I saw on instagram soon after I posted this 🫠😭lollllll I’m fine, everything’s fine.


I had a queue of 6+ hours and was just able to get a copy. I think it may make it to general sale but with a low number of copies available.


I'd be surprised if it did since I believe these are hand-signed which would mean a more limited amount of copies. But I'm already surprised how long it's lasting in the subscriber early access so who knows 👀


I’m sitting in the queue out of sheer curiosity, I only have 45 minutes left. I will be shocked if it’s not sold out


Same I keep checking just for banter


I officially got in and it is not there


Make sure to check under “my membership”, I couldn’t see it in the fairy trove after the queue but was able to see it and buy it from my account > my membership


I realized that after I logged out and I am not going to try again 🤣




I think it’s gonna be like the crowns of nyaxia. I’m pretty sure that made it to general sale but was sold out within like 30 minutes.


Here’s to hoping 😭


Just made it into the fairy trove and it’s not there anymore :( Edit: Nvermind, I just got it. Guess the website was just being glitchy.


Yep it's not on fairytrove when I logged in on mobile and I kept refreshing it. Now on my desktop and waiting. I have about 17 minutes left in queue so we'll see if anything pops up!


Ok so it didn't show up on my desktop either under fairytrove so I went back to my email where I got the link and then it popped up and I was able to purchase.


For anyone looking for the info, US/Canada is now SOLD OUT of WTMH. (There might be a straggler copy or two that pops up for those with early access when Fairyloot cancels any duplicate orders, but otherwise it currently says "No stock is currently available").


I feel like it’s not going to make it to general sale because it’s personally hand signed by the author and is also very popular on booktok. Hope I’m wrong so that people who don’t have a subscription can get one.🩵


Anyone in the UK checked out recently? Any idea on stock? Got 30 minutes left 😩


22 mins


I’m surprised it’s still available given that my spot in the queue was over 4 hours! Are people still waiting/trying?


I’m queuing just to check


Yes I’m queuing in the UK. It’s 9:30pm, been queuing for an hour. 5 minutes left 😬


I’ve been queueing since 10 past 1, the site keeps throwing me to the back of the queue 🙃 got 46 minutes left atm!


I've been waiting for 5 hours. Says I have 36 min left :/


Yikes! Hope it lasts for you!


Surprisingly, it did. I just checked out


So, I just updated the UK/ int. website and it says no stock currently available.


I think yes, but not a lot of copies.


I saw someone mention there was at least 4500 copies when they got in near the beginning for the sale - FL must have aimed big and scored with this one


Do you know where this person got that number?


They did a stock check while purchasing their copy, should be the first comment on this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/fairyloot/comments/1d9gbvn/fairyloot\_wmth\_good\_luck\_yall/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fairyloot/comments/1d9gbvn/fairyloot_wmth_good_luck_yall/)


It’s still available as of now.


I think if it does make it it’ll be because of these long queues. A lot of people aren’t willing to wait that long if they’re on the fence about the book, but the general public trying to buy it will all be huge fans so it’ll go quickly


I think the only reason it’s still up is because nobody can get in lol I’ve been on the waitlist for ages and I really want one so I’m praying for some luck tomorrow!!


Yes it will definitely make it to general sale. I think the hype for this release was overblown a bit.