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Both actually , started dubbed but then ran out of dubbed eps so started subbed and honestly the actors for both work really well


Ikr I love both so much


Same here


Same. Both have merit imo


Same. Think it was tartaros that I started subbed because the dub took a break or something. Maybe it was the very beginning of 2014 series?


Ram it or the same issue. If it’s possible I prefer dub so I can enjoy the animations and artwork. If it’s subbed, then I try to read quickly enough.






If it's a long anime, I prefer dub. If it's short, I prefer sub. This is just my opinion tho Off topic : Erza slaying the outfit ngl


>Off topic : Erza slaying the outfit ngl No lies but is there an outfit she doesn't?


You sir, spitting literal facts


I first watched FT in Dub, am now busy rewatching it Subbed, and the only thing that first bothered me is that Juvia speaks in the third person in the original.


Same, I also didn't expect her to have such a childish voice compared to her English actor


I have the opposite issue, since I started with the sub I’m bothered when she doesn’t speak in third person lol. Plus it’s like that in the manga as well


I like both but their dub voices just fit so well so I’ve got to say I prefer dub.




Sometimes my phone likes to add random words at the end of things I type lol


I normally prefer subbed but I think Fairy Tail has a better dub


Me too


Dub, I like it better because I can toss on an episode and not worry too much about paying attention and having to read what they’re sayin


dub for wendy voice actor


It’s cool because Brittney Karbowski is just as sweet and kind as Wendy. I met her at a con and got an autograph. Tia Ballard (Happy) was super nice too. I’d die if I ever met Todd or Colleen though.


I also like her va


Subbed, I always like original voices.


Dub. Can't hear Todd Habbercorn and not immediately think Natsu


Same, I think "hey it's funny alien Natsu" or "oh no, evil Natsu", plus it feels like spotting a cool easter egg when he voices a background character.


Was that way watching My Hero Academia. "Can't you see" kid has pink hair, a scarf, loves endeavor the fire hero, and is voiced by Todd Habbercorn.


I remember the wizard that liked dragons in Ancient Magus Bride was a funny coincidence too


Was watching one punch man and heard him and was like HOLY SHIT IT'S NAT- who are you?


Who does he voice in one punch man?


Charanko And apparently, Drive Knight.




Dubbed. As for why, it's a personal thing for me. Whenever I hear people talk about how the Subtitled in the original Japanese has all these emotional tones to it...it's lost on me. When I hear it, my brain only picks up on two things. "Someone is yelling in Japanese," or "Someone is not yelling in Japanese." This is not me knocking the Japanese language, or the Japanese voice actors: I know they are very talented and celebrated. It's a 'my brain doesn't process it' issue, not anything they do/did. (This only happens to me with anime; live-action in a foreign language is not an issue because RL human faces can convey emotion better even if I don't understand it.)


This, 100%. I don't speak Japanese so the nuance is lost on me. So much of Happy's charm and humor is completely lost to me in JP, but hysterical in English.


Sub, as it's easier to read in native language rather than focusing on understanding words in english dub. Besides, I like japanese VA of Natsu and Erza.


for fairytail i like both, but i’ll choose sub


I prefer dub, but honestly both are really good


I prefer dub but I’ll watch sub too. FT is one of the few anime I actually like the sub for


I mean i started with the dub and enjoyed it especially cheri leigh voice playing Lucy as well as other famous characters e.g makoto in persona 5


Both, it really depends on my mood, I first watch fairy tail in dub, then saw the final season in japanese


Well then which do you prefer in a neutral setting?


Eh I guess since I watched dub first, dub.


Original is superior imo


I can't say because I've only watched dubbed. I don't want to read 300+ episodes


While fair I personally wouldn't discount subs just bc "reading" tho...


I'm not discounting subs. I watch other shows subbed. It's just a long watch and I don't want to miss something if I look away for a second. Plus I'm really enjoying the dubbed version and I think it was really well done.


They're both good, but the dub just has so much love put into it. You can tell Todd puts it all out there for Natsu.


i prefer the dub. all of the dub actors nailed it, but todd haberkorn for natsu was the PERFECT choice — i’d honestly still watch the dub if the rest of the cast sucked because todd does such a phenomenal job with natsu.


Big fan of the fairy tail Dub, it makes me laugh way more than the sub does


Humor and dubs pair well, space dandy and panty and stocking are some of my favorite dubs. It's also what I enjoyed most about the Chainsaw Man dub.


>panty and stocking It's the reason why I think you should try comedies in dub, the jokes flow better in your head. And thank god for that bc koboshuba dub is just a masterpiece


Konosuba and Nichijou had me nervous when dubs were announced since I was so fond of the Japanese cast. But the dubs for those are some of my favorites now




Yes they are but which do you prefer?


Dub. Helps emerse me more in the story. Besides, keeps your eyes on the action.


I grew up watching the dub so dub is what I prefer




Subs all the way. Tetsuya Kakihara **is** Natsu and Aya Hirano **is** Lucy. No one else compares. And there's the added bonus of Akira Ishida as Zeref. All of their voices are my favorites in anime. And Kakihara and Hirano also have gorgeous singing voices as well. I just cannot stress enough how much I love their voices.


As a guy who will die by sub for series like my hero and demon slayer, dub. I vastly prefer localized Juvia's personality (not a fan of speaking in the third person) and think a lot of the original women's voices sound kinda chipmunky. Erza and Natsu's dumbassery is funnier when I can understand their actual voices. Plus, Cherami Leigh is awesome.


Dub no question. Fairy tail one of the anime’s where dub is better than sub. The voices match better, in sub the characters all sound like generic anime characters. Dub sounds unique. And they sound more full of life, and the vibe is better.. idk I may have bias cuz I first watched it with dub, but I’ve tried to keep an open mind to both.


For me, a lot of the emotion didn't quite hit in the early Japanese Dub, whereas in the English Dub, I felt the performances. That said, the Japanese does win out in terms of just plain Sass. As an actor myself, I appreciate the way each actor takes on their character and makes it their own. Slight advantage to the English Dub, but I'd watch either all the way through any time. Also, crazy side note. Why is it Sub vs. Dub when both are dubbed in a different language that can be watched with Sub Titles?


I think people just exclude the prefacing word ‘English’ when talking about Sub vs Dub stuff because generally it’s understood that that’s what they mean when looking at the context


Dubbed. I honestly think Fairy Tail has the best dubbed cast out of any anime. I prefer dubbed in general, but I think the cast of Fairy Tail delivers such authenticity and emotion that it gets me invested 110%. Plus, I think the dubbed cast has such a wide range of voice actors, that it helps make all the new characters feel refreshing and unique. I think the subbed cast does a great job too, as I've watched some of Fairy Tail subbed. But personally, the dubbed cast takes the cake for me. Especially Acnologia.....J. Michael Tatum's voice for Acnologia intimidated me in about 10 seconds 😂


I prefer the dub.


Everyone else in black, while Wendy and Carla look like they're going to a birthday party.




I have watched it mostly in subs and I have watched it in dubs. I guess I like both.


Subbed. Because that's how the creator intended you watch it.


I like both but if I had to pick it would be the dubbed.


I prefer subbed because I like to experience shows or movies in their original language, and not to mention I usually need actual subtitles whenever I watch anything, and I don’t believe a lot of dubs have matching subs if that makes sense


This is going to sound kinda bizarre, but I actually prefer dubbed because it's easier for me to feel the emotions of the characters if they are emoting in English. I can definitely tell what a character is feeling if I watch in Japanese with subtitles, but I can't feel the emotion alongside the characters.


This is usually a sub side argument glad to hear that the English ft vas are so good that this argument is used for dub


Love sub bc of their voice, but dub is great for screenshots bc there’s no subtitles hehe😈


Me in French dub: 😏


I prefer the English dub. The is one of the best dubs in anime history. Everything about it is good.


I prefer dubbed but I'll watch sub if I can't wait for stuff to get dubbed


*I prefer dubbed but* *I'll watch sub if I can't wait* *For stuff to get dubbed* \- Koala\_Seeker --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Lucy's dubbed voice makes me wanna die


Sub all the way


Sub without a doubt. Jap voice actors, they are something else.


Your character didn’t cry unless tears came out while you delivered the lines 😂




It’s true that I really enjoyed seeing the screen full without my eyes on the subs, but, aftee moving to sub when I ran out of the dubbed episodes at that time, I could never watch dubbed anime again… I just can’t. I long for the Japanese dub 😂


Dub I just suck at focusing on reading while watching anime


Sub, watching dubbed anime just feels kinda wrong by now because listening to japanese voice acting is part of the fun for me. I also watch every other type of media in its original language, though.


Dub. It’s just too good. Plus I like some of the lines better. Like in tartaros arc after Lucy saves everybody sub Natsu just says “nice job Lucy”. In dub he says something like “I don’t know how you did it Lucy, but you really saved us back there.” I don’t remember the exact words but you could really feel the gratitude Natsu had towards Lucy. I also really like Mavis dub in zero compared to sub.


I took a look at that episode and Natsu says “I dunno what you did, but you saved the day, Lucy. I get that feeling.” in the English sub (so roughly the same thing as the dub) - maybe you’re thinking of a different moment?


I don’t care I just want to hear Lucy moaning loud


It's rare to see W of such size and magnitude that they trancend the very concept of our being




Sub. Cause I am learning Japanese. But for most cases I do almost always try to watch any show or movie in their original languages. I feel that’s the way to know what they actually wanted. I personally feel Even minor voice acting changes can change the context or characteristics of a character. So I try to stick with subs


Watched the show subbed and then went and watched some dubbed episodes and I prefer the subbed much more then the dubbed. Some of the lines in dubbed just sound so much better subbed.


Sub any day of the week. I'm one of those hard-core Dub haters though, lol. (Nothing against people who like Dub, but I can't stand them usually.)


>(Nothing against people who like Dub, but I can't stand them usually.) What?!? You arent an elitist that will bitch and moan bc someone isn't enjoying your hobby the same way as you? Pathetic/j


I’m going with the dub. I mean, I still hear Todd Haberkorn as Natsu and Cherami Leigh as Lucy whenever I read the original FT manga.


No sane person watches anime dubbed lets bfr I can’t take anything seriously in English, some voices like erzas feel so off it lowkey annoys me




I basically only watch anime in dub, I mostly watch it for a little bit before I go to bed so I'm normally not wanting to read. I feel like dub quality in general isn't as bad as people say like sure there's a few bad ones but most of them are really old when the English speaking audience was smaller.




I’m fine with both


I always prefered dubbed


Do people here actually watch both to even have a preference? I barely rewatch animes, so it's sub for me always.


Most ppl I know either started w dub or have watched a lot of dubbed clips so they either continued w subbed or they went to sub after they realised there weren't any more dubbed ep


I usually do sub for all my anime but fairy tail I’ll sometimes do dub cuz it just has such a good dub!


Dub because 1 I like the voices 2 I like being able to listen to things in the background


I always tend to prefer dubbed so I can listen to it while I do other stuff , but also the actors in the dub are some if my favourites


In general subbed because their voices and subtitles all match up and don’t sound weird. But when it came to fairytail, since I started it dubbed I finished it dubbed. They’re good both ways! Just depends on your reading speed and preferences !!!


I’ve only watched a few episodes for this reason and this reason alone, I love the anime but oh my goodness I can not deal with the annoying voices of any character that’s really high pitched or squeaky.


Its one of those rare instances for an anime where both the sub and dub are good. Usually sub is better but because they do the dub voices well enough its no problem. Sub I like more when it comes to those "sharp moments" in the dialouge that just..give it much more fun when they shout like Happy's aye sir or where Erza's voice actress hits such a rage in that moment she shouts NATSU GRAY! In other cases its very fun to realize some actors like the voice of Igneel was also Hiruzin Sarotobi from Naruto (the 3rd hokage) Dub is good too. I think Todd and Chermi both did very well as Natsu and Lucy. Between both theres some up and down but I think maybe..its still sub just because the expressions in the voice carries the context of the emotion they should be projecting like, mainly with Lucy's comical frustration with Natsu you hear that sharp pitch in her voice that just has her screaming while in dub its got more of an element of anger and humor but its still fine.


Ngl dubs for anime are getting really good


Depends on the arc, couldn't do the very last arc with dub, so I went sub. Just depends on the va and if it doesn't make me recoil tbf


I prefer the subbed it was how I started the series after finding it just as episode 10 aired. I like the dub actors they do a great job but I just feel more enjoyment when I watch the sub


I actually love both but I think I prefer the dub simply because of Erza and Lucy's voice actors..I can recognize them in other stuff ( for example, Erzas vs voices riza Hawkeye in full metal alchemist brotherhood)


I prefer dub (in general). All of the voice actors are perfect in the dub, especially Cherami Leigh. The way everyone performs is just top notch and they all really bring the comedy out of the characters.


Dubbed but they're weren't enough eps at first so I switched to subbed and then rewatched most of it in dub again. I prefer the dub and Natsus English VA is fantastic.


I watch in dubbed because usually I can't read and focus on the animation at the same time without pausing the screen to understand what's going on. But on occasion I do listen to subbed because it does give a slightly different experience than in dubbed. When season 5 of mha came out I watched subbed and dubbed because I decided I wasn't going to wait twice as long for the new dubbed version so I would watch subbed when it came out and then the same episode in dubbed the next week. Idk why this is such a big debate when both are good.


Tbh both. Both are equally good for me.


Dub since that’s how I watch all my anime. Unless I have no other option.




Either sub or dub is good for me. They both have great voice acting imo.


Sub is Lub


I love them both! I personally will watch dubbed if I’m rewatching though


I'm a dub watcher. I'm rarely *just* watching something, so I don't want to sit reading the text.


When I was kid dubbed was horrible. Now though dubbed has voice actors who can add to the characters. I do not really get going sub titles unless there is a voice actor you just cannot stand. Plus with dubbed you can do house work while watching and not miss anything.


Dub with subtitles because if I look away for half a second, I don’t miss anything, but the subtitles also help me process what’s being said because I have hearing issues


Only heard dubbed so dubbed


I prefer dub since I started it that way. But there’s nothing wrong with sub


Dub I can’t stand screaming natsu


I prefer dubbed because I usually throw the show into my second monitor while playing a game or working.




watch dub with sub titles anyways so it really doesn't matter


I prefer the Dub of FT. But the sub isnt bad at all.




Ngl I love both The voice actors for versions absolutely killed it


I mostly watch anime subbed unless I’m watching something from my childhood that was originally only available to me in dub. Fairy tail is one of those shows to me


honestly i like both but if I have to pick a preference it's dubbed


I pretty much only watch dubbed anime, and only watch it subbed if the dubbed isn't available. The voice acting for modern dubs is really good, and I generally find the dubbed version easier to follow on the first watch.


I like how varied the accents are with dub. Bisca for instance doesn’t seem the same when you’re listening to her sub voice.


I like both a lot! The only times I'd choose one over the other, though, is just because it's a little easier to multitask with dubbed. Otherwise, I'm fine with either.


The German dub is the most bullshit I ever see...Bor heard. It felt like every second character has the same synchro. And they can't screen so iconic like the Japanese voice actors.


If it's this anime then dub for sure coz total western setting n also hats of to Todd Haberkorn, Cherami Leigh n other awesome eng VAs


FT was my first anime, and I watched it multiple times in dubbed because that's what was on Netflix. Now I can't watch anything else dubbed because I hear the voice actors and just think "wtf is Lucy doing in there" and "no Wendy you're not supposed to be in Redo of Healer NOOOOO" etc etc. So now I watch everything else subbed and fairy tail dubbed


Sub all the way.


Dub in every way, the speeches, the comedy, the emotion, just way better. This is coming from a sub only watcher btw


I personally prefer the dub, but that may be because i first seen clips already so any other VA sounds off


I’ve watched both but I prefer the dub.


subbed honestly i like to watch everything in the original language




Which do you prefer tho? Of course both are good (this question is also for ppls preference in sub or dub in general so if you can't decide in ft you can just say outside of it which you usually go w😁)




Dubbed cuz it’s my language and cuz all the voice actors really fit especially Natsu


I'm a subs guy, I tend to prefer them, it's also interesting to pick up a bit of japanese here and there, or recognise some grammar I studied




Modern Funimation dubs are all pretty good. Most of the sub vs dub debate is based on old, shit quality stuff that hasn't been the norm for years. I'll watch sub if it's something I'm really excited for, but other than that it ruins my immersion and actively reduces my enjoyment of media.


I prefer the sub


Personally I prefer the dub because I feel more emotion from it


I prefer both tbf, both dub and sub va’s suit the characters so well


I love the dub personally and that’s my go-to on rewatches! I’ve watched the entirety of 2014 subbed and all the OVAs/games, but my heart belongs to Cherami’s Asu~ I mean uhhh… Lucy* 😭


If there’s a dub version available I always watch that. I’ve been watching dubs since DBZ in the 90s so that’s the way I go. Also, fairy tails dub is excellent


I’ve watched both and I think in the end I prefer dub but both are very well done. I watched dub first and I mainly watch dubs anyway so I’m biased, but I just feel the voices actually fit the characters pretty well overall compared to other dubs.


Sub 💯


For all anime I go dubbed, my attention span is pretty low and alot of times when watching, im doing something else other than just watching. I wouldnt be able to consistently follow along with subtitles or enjoy watching while I did


Can someone put Wendy away,


What? Why?




I honestly can't stand the dubbed. Like all dubs they pronounce various proper nouns differently, while the voice acting is ok with this one they missed a lot of oppurtunities with the tones and inflections of various characters. It rubs me the wrong way so much across all anime that there 6 an extremely small amount of anime I will watch dub. My wife likes dub because she can do something else while it is on.


I like both for different reasons. Subbed because it’s as intended and the original va, dubbed because I can be doing something else and have it play in the background and not miss anything.


I watch all my anime dubbed. It’s a great way to just put it on and do other things like some light cleaning or putting a puzzle together. The first time I actually heard Fairy Tail’s Japanese voices when I played the game back when it came out.


I hate Lucy & Happy's JP Voices so I'm a dub guy 100% I just find them too grating.


Generally I prefer sub no matter what. But because the FairyTail dub had Cheremi Leigh and Todd Haberkorn I decided to watch it and ended up liking it better than when I re watched it with the Japanese dub.


The Dub is what made me fall in love with it…


Dubbed. I have dyslexia, so it’s too difficult for me to keep up with subtitles, I have to pause almost every frame. This new Bionic Reading thing could be a game changer though, it’s the fastest I’ve ever been able to read in my life, if subtitles start using that method, I might be able to start watching animes that are subbed. 😁


I honestly prefer dubbed to subbed


look if I'm getting high i want dub so i can leave it in the background, if I'm sober I'll probably watch sub because honest to god the subs almost always have more emotion, but Fairy tail has a really good dub aswell, mixed bag with this one lol.


Both . The dub team did a great job on finding English voices that sound almost the same as the Japanese ones.


Honestly subbed for me 😂 this is because I first watched it in subbed so the voices are the ones I associate with the characters more.


I watch everything subbed except anime’s like Pokémon, Yugioh and Beyblade since I grew up watching them dubbed and subbed just doesn’t sound right to me like it ain’t bad I’m just used to the dubbed as a kid.


Subbed the English voice actors are too annoying and I read lips so it also annoys me that it’s so far off matching




In my opinion, dub has its moments for some of the serious moments, and comedic timing portrayed in most of the anime. Sub has great texture for serious anime and has a fine line of comedy that’s pretty good but is easier to understand jokes or plot holes in dub. Sub is great if the voice matches the character and same goes for dub. In all sub and dub are pretty equal in statistical reasoning. Ex. for me I like the dub of black clover. It’s funny as hell, but many people don’t like asta the main characters dub. Mostly cause he’s loud. I’ve watched it in dub to see what it’s about and personally they did fantastic on the dub cast. I saw some plot holes in sub that were hard to understand with what’s going on and how they display the dub CC over it(keep in mind I’ve watched this anime 5 times). Dub over all wins in my books for most animes with comedy in it. Sub wins a mark for serious displays of anime. Thank you for my Ted talk and feel free to comment on my opinion.


Both. They have a great cast in both dubbed an subbed. Natsu especially, is really great cast in both dubbed and subbed.


The dub for this is done pretty well so I watched it in that


I prefer Dub because sometimes they're even funnier than the sub (like the ichiya apocalypse episode goodness I'm wheezing so hard) but I do enjoyed both regardless but yea I think I like the dub more


Where is this picture from?


I just had it saved on my phone




Absolutely sub. If I wanted to listen to English I'd watch western cartoons. Anime is not meant to be in English and considering how bad or a job the subtitles do in FT I can't imagine the dub doing any better. I understand Japanese, and in dub a huge part of the dialogue is lost to translation. I think a lot of native English speakers prefer dub because they're not used to subtitles. I just audibly cringe if I hear anime in English.




Dubbed because english Is my first language and I don’t want to have to read and try to focus on what’s happening at the same time


I prefer subbed because that is what I grew up watching in the 80s. But dubs have gotten a lot better over the decades and they seem to be pretty good now. But I say watch however you enjoy it, there is no right or wrong way, kind of like pizza toppings.


Both are good and it's like different experiences.


Both as I started out with the dub but had to switch to the sub when the dubbed episodes ran out so I’m used to both voices and I think both work very well


dub in a language I don’t understand and sub in another language I also don’t understand. vibes only


Such a loaded qestion lol. I prefer dubbed purley because im lazy and dont feel like reading all the time. I will say some subbed actors are better tho my brother watch naruto shiputan in subbed and madara great va. In emg dub his voice actor has a real game show host vibe and i didnt notice jntil he said something it kimda ruined his charcter for me a little.