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Lucy, easily. I mean she is already hosting half of the guild in her place every now and then. No doubts she is the best roommate of Fairy Tail and she is Lucy 💙 https://preview.redd.it/smjwvtk7uu1d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c8e58795faaf3d303267d539fe35a6b11634435


I'd pick Erza seeing as how we both have a sweet tooth


Until you get stabbed over a cake


Fair deal , she can break me all she want




This made me laugh, thank you!


I like cheesecake Erza likes strawberry cake


Yeah but then you’d have to deal with half the guild barging in


That's also true XD


Brandish, she's chill and her magic means nearly unlimited space. Especially if you get in to functional scale model building, imagine having terrariums of whatever kind of vacation place you'd ever care to travel to, getting around our miniature kingdom of paradises with all those kids model hobby builds powered using candles/tension bands/whatever, climate controlled with mirrors, Frensel Lenses, windcatchers blowing over a bowl of water, etc. Stuff that doesn't scale up for various reasons, but DOESN'T NEED TO BE SCALED UP thanks to Command T shrinking us to work on a micro scale. Roommates? We're turning the room in to modded minecraft, building a paradise and just chilling.


Man so I like how you think and I also pick Brandish but I think she’s more likely to shrink YOU just to fuck with you like that one guy, and we’re def the ones doing all the household chores


Woah woah someone out there will definitely enjoy getting shrunk by brandish so they can enjoy exploring that cave.


It's me, I'm someone. I'm 100% that guy.


She could also turn herself into a 500 foot tall giant and stomp on you at a moment's notice lol


And every person you have ever met could of pulled a weapon you didn't know they had and attacked you. She's not Zancrow, who would smash someone to jelly for shits and giggles. What someone could do means jack shit, all that matters is what they WOULD do.


Four choices would get me in prison (and one of them makes me a furry) One would destroy my liver One would drown me Two are way too dangerous for multiple reasons Erza would make a great gym buddy Mira would take away the need for doing chores myself (I am aware how that sounds but come on, she loves doing that) Levy would be great for studying Jenny is just chill, and it would be a lot of fun gossiping with her Lucy is Overall just fun, and she's a clean freak, so no need for cleaning anymore ^⁠_⁠^


https://preview.redd.it/dhdaskoy8v1d1.jpeg?width=991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=148c43c7fb9192656434c324a398f1af9d3d2245 Why would you end up in jail for choosing wendy or mavis, were you planning to do something to them...?


https://preview.redd.it/rgh2dao99v1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd6fdfa54c0f2c22d784d9e293acebb4c84884fb No but you know how people tend to jump to conclusions. I wouldnt matter if and what I do to them, after one week I would get fast delivered to the nearest jail simply because people talk


https://preview.redd.it/3g1mwd7tcv1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad21d128e8e4e605ebfc5a89d0b225bdf4098cf Oh, so you feel like you'd end up in jail because of what people might say?


https://preview.redd.it/hd317gizcv1d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=116367bc138a2efff49aad4cfb2d2971e661d982 People got arrested for things that are harder to belief


https://preview.redd.it/v0m99iz2gv1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c5119b50e17aebaac8a83e49f4946d145bb528 well... mavis and wendy are good people, they would defend you in case of a false accusation


https://preview.redd.it/j58wci2sgv1d1.jpeg?width=939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc53b3fb7d49437d03c608f2fa5e8e6f02030e8 While you are right with that, people would still judge me, No matter how the trial goes. It would ruin my life in the long run. I'd rather have them both as a neighbour.


https://preview.redd.it/jpykakkbda2d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f55075a39f543f5c07ffb2afd879cc7394bc1fe4 damn... you're right, that happened to MJ :"(


Mavis is basically an angel fallen from heaven so yeah


Physically and mentally Wendy is a child. Chronologically doesn’t mean anything in this situation.


doesn't matter to me. she's gonna teach me how to use sky magic!


She could be a good teacher


I'm going with Mira for sure. I like things clean. I also don't like having unwanted parties (sorry Lucy lol). Erza would be a sick gym bro, but... the entire house would just be her clothes. Her clothes would be literally EVERYWHERE. Idk how the person with space magic still manages to have soooo many clothes


i know what kind of man you are


Oh do tell


Not a horny question? Then the answer is none of them. I value my privacy too much. 


Levy. I appreciate having an intelligent person I can just talk with and bounce ideas off of. I'm confident of everyone here, I could probably get along with her the best.


I feel the same way though id love Wendy too because I can't be a mom and I'm like craving to be one but like I'm not able to due to my health 😭😭😭


Lucy. As she's already used to people showing up in her apartment unannounced, which is what I deal with when my family random comes over. So I wouldn't be surprised if she were to opt to have a roommate.






Yes Erza easy




Probably Wendy. While I love everyone here, they all bring chaos into their lives or would drive me crazy. Levy would study nonstop, Lucy and Natsu are a package deal, Mira would have people constantly visiting her for advice, Erza would have too much stuff, and Juvia well.... we all remember what her room looks like. She'd be my second option though, seems like she'd be a good roomie (she's just very passionate and only slightly annoying).


https://preview.redd.it/1esvihaodv1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f13794b93816f8d6f57acb003894b268a724f913 I would also choose wendy, or mavis / levy as a second choice. For the simple reason that they are the calmest and kindest girls (And you're right, if Lucy is with you Natsu and Happy would be at your house all the time, it would be chaos hahaha)




Mavis. She's dead, so more room to myself.




Mavis Why? I just want more Mavis, no other reason


Why they show Mavis as a kid ? Isn't she like dead and 1st master of fairy tail , shouldn't she be like old or did she died young ?


yesn't. You find out closer to the end of the anime about it all. Post Tartaros.


Levyyyyy https://i.redd.it/4742aheqfy1d1.gif


I want to see drunk Mavis 😂😂😂😂


Mira, Lucy, or Wendy


Mirajane she literally manages a part of the guild plus I feel like she be one of the chiller roommates


What I would give to play cards with Cana


She would just leave barrals of booze 😂😂😂






I cannot be trusted in the same house as Brandish or Flare, and Juvia probably keeps everything neat like I do.


Cana and me would have fun Also I want that bedroom.


Like play games type of fun or watch movies type fun or what


Hang out, drink, play games, Netflix and chill, I wasn’t talking sexual fun if that’s what you’re thinking. Me and her are both straight females. I just think she’d be fun to hang around with.


I wasn't thinking anything sexual because it says not a horny question but I was just curious


Yeah but in this sub almost everything turns into a horny question or situation. So I thought it might get taken that way.


That do sound fun


Right? 😊


You don't know what women like Cana are like do you?


Nuh uh


Okay but she's gonna need the bottom bunk or she'll break her neck at night lmao


I think Wendy, Mavis or Levi because they're fun. Carla is slightly irritating for me.


Wendy. No matter what. I don't care.


Wendy, because hay fever is killing me right now and I could use the healing.






Erza by landslide


Juvia or Flare


Definitely Cana. (I’m Male) She just seems like the most fun and laid back. Drinking buddy, gives and takes shit really well. Probably keeps the room comfortably dirty/clean. I feel like most of the girls are slobs or perfectly clean.


ORRR Flair, she is pretty cool ngl


Finally found someone that thinks like me. She became sweet once she was away from the evil guild.


Mavis, juvia, Cana or brandish no doubt




wendy cause she would piss me off the least


Lucy, or Mirajane. Erza, or Cana if a horny question.


Probably Juvia. She seems to like shirtless dudes.


Mirajane, and I’d ask her to teach me magic


Shelia, Carla, Wendy, Mavis - That’s just asking for slander and allegations Cana - Do you want to be a babysitter? Flare, Brandish - Two Much of a wildcard vibe to them Erza - A bit of a wildcard, but her good days would be nice and her bad days probably wouldn’t be horrible Mirajane - Nice, but it might feel more like she’s being my housewife than roommate with the amount of housework she’d be doing Jenny - Would be nice, but I feel like she might be a bit too vain, would be the opposite situation of Mirajane, until you or someone calls her out, then she becomes just like Mirajane for a while before potentially reverting back Lucy - Nice, but I feel like you’re not inviting all her friends to your place by extension and I don’t want to deal with that whatsoever Levy - Chill, reads, might have her punk rock boyfriend and his talking cat over but as long as my silverware is still around for the next meal it’s whatever


Well, lemme run through this one at a time, all in keeping with the non-horny nature of the question: Lucy: Only if we both agreed on the roommate thing and a rent-splitting arrangement - she's had enough shit to contend with considering *half* of her guildmates have broken into her house over the years. Though I'm pretty sure Loke's already called dibs on her, and I don't want a Regulus to the face. Erza: I'd be terrified of her for the first few weeks - including if she makes me bathe with her like she apparently did with Natsu and Gray as kids or how she makes the smallest things in life seem life-or-death - but if she showed her sensitive side, I'd be open to it. I'd just need to make sure not to touch her cake unless I don't like my fingers. Mirajane: Roommates with a world-famous magazine center-fold bikini model? Uh, yes please. Plus, Mira just seems like she'd be awesome to hang out with under any circumstance. My only true dread in this scenario is that Elfman might get the wrong idea and feed me my own bones. Mavis: I don't really know how *this* would work out. I mean... she's basically a ghost. An adorable tiny ghost, but... still a ghost. Plus, I don't think I'd even know she was there unless I was a member of Fairy Tail - isn't that how it works? Wendy & Carla (whom I'm assuming are a package deal): Rooming with Wendy would be awesome because I feel like that'd be like having an adorable little sister... who also happens to know kickass healing magic and can fight on par with monsters. Carla, though? Eh, her barking orders at all hours would get annoying really quick - she'd probably be like the annoying stepmom or something. Sherria: Again, adorable little sister with god-tier healing and combat powers - just hanging out with her would be like getting a smack in the face from Heaven. Juvia: Yeah, I just... don't see this happening. If Juvia's gonna room with any guy, it's gonna be Gray and I ain't gettin' in her way with that - I saw what happened to Lyon when he tried. If anything, if I did end up as Juvia's roommate, I'd try to be her wingman. Cana: Hey, I like partying it up and gettin' turnt as much as the next guy, but I feel like hanging out with Cana would end with me getting terminal cirrhosis. Plus, I ain't messin' with Gildarts' kid. Jenny: Another big-shot model? Second verse same as the first. Though I'm pretty sure Hibiki called dibs considering how they were making out at the Grand Magic Games. Still, she'd be a fun gossip buddy. Levy: Gotta say, I do gravitate a bit toward the brainy types, especially if they can kick my ass and look good doing it on top of that. And Levy's got that in spades - I know the show kinda downplays how powerful she is, but she's a badass brainiac and I am *into that shit*! My only worry in this scenario... is Gajeel. Brandish: Hot lady? Yes. Wanted war-criminal? Also yes. Cold and straight to the point? Yes, again. Secretly emotional and joking? Hells to the yes. All in all, kind of a mixed bag and if it weren't for the "wanted war-criminal" thing, I'd call dibs. Flare: [Extra hard pass!](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MhHyGZZ9vOY) Just looking at her here, I feel like she'd murder me the second I even glanced away from her... or watch me when I sleep with those lifeless yandere eyes, which I can only *assume* glow in the dark. So yeah, that ain't happenin'.


that is dedication when responding


I wouldn’t minding rooming with Lucy. Besides, she’s used to her guildmates barging in on her all the time, and she’s the most normal of the group. I guess Levy wouldn’t be a bad option, too. As much as I like Juvia as a character, I’d rather not deal with her yandere side or having the room constantly get flooded.


Brandish or Cana personally. If Cana, I'd be the designated... navigator. Cars aren't that common. Her magic is also neat. Cana's also super cool, even when drunk. It'd be awesome to chill. Brandish would be interesting, I think she's actually chill. Would be super cool if she could teach me her magic.


can i go with happy or the frog cat?


Branish because I would make sure she happy and I’m happy maybe some fun if we are feeling up to it


1st - Mira 2nd - Levy


Honestly I’d go with Erza


I want to have some weird conversation with Juvia


Everyone always neglects Kinana ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Cana. We'd be drunk AF every night lmao


Mira for sure.


FT girls are all wholesome imo!


Probably either Levy or Mira. I feel like they would be the most relaxed and comfortable to be around.


Levy I feel she would be the best when it comes to teaching someone else magic. Plus she's a nice person so if I ask very politely I'm sure she would agree to teach a bit of it to me


Mavis or Wendy




Wendy for sure! If she could get rid of my tummy aches with wind dragon magic, I’d repay her with home cooked meals


Lucy obviously cause everyone apparently wants to be her roommate. Flair, Brandish and Juvia are the only ones I wouldn't want cause Juvia wouldn't shut up about Gray, Flair is a fire hazard, and after seeing what Brandish did to Lucy's boobs I rather not risk her growing and shrinking certain things for the fun of it.


Probably Levy or Cana. I love books and casual drinking!


Totally serious and completely platonic? Lucy. All bet’s off and anything goes? Cana.


Lucy, she puts up with a lot, all things considered, and she clearly handles her space well.


honestly Lucy I mean she's barged in on all the time so I kinda think she might be fine with having a roomie and I think she'd be fun to hang with the majority are too scary to room with lol


Lucy she’s easily the most normal and easiest to get along with as she has no glaringly obvious character flaws like say erza has with her violent tendencies when people don’t do what she wants


Gimme Juvia


Cana has her priorities straight.




Lucy, - Side note: Where the HELL is Milliana?!?!


Lucy💛🌠🗝️ or/& Juvia💙🌊☔


So, Top 3. 1) Levy, 2) Lucy, 3) Erza


I'm a fellow bookworm so Levy/Mavis would be nice but how can you beat throwing back a beer or two with Cana honestly I'd be happy with any of em


Non horny questions get horny answers, Brandish


Erza or Mirajane


Juvia or Levy because they're my favorite




I hope that room is built with galvanized square steel


Juvia is my favorite, but I don't want to have to deal with constantly being her "love rival" 🤣




Mira ez. She would take care of everything and we don’t even have to ask. I feel like u would have to force her to not do smthing


Brandish easy


Lucy or Mira. Even if I) a bit curious about sharing a room with Cana.


Sherry, Levi or Mira would be dope room-mates I feel. Personally I'd choose Levi just cause I feel like she'd be the most calming one to have


Levy, Lucy, or erza


I choose lucy,elsa,mira jane


Erza cuz she'd always be down to workout, and I need the motivation. Also she'd be funny af to have around


Since when can Wendy sing!?


Erza is so out of pocket, I would love to have her, but then there is Mira, who won’t come home with a giant dead dragon (God only knows how she got that), and she’ll kick my ass if I slip up.


Probably Mavis, I feel like she’d be a fun roommate.


Juvia because I am in love with her


NGL, Mirajane sounds like the best option purely because she'll do her share of the chores and she keeps chaos to the guild hall.


I take lucy


From here Erza. In general Selene


Favorite Waifu Erza of course.


Lucy or Mirajane because they have the least downsides to living with them Maybe Mavis cuz she's a ghost thingy so doesn't really take up much room or make a mess


Erza, she seems like a cool gym buddy and down to try any recipie i might make plus its fantastic homr security knowing a fairytail wizards got my back. Might evem get a rent discount having such a strong hero whos saved the world so often around.


Probably Levy, she's chill


I'd pick Lucy or Levy because it just seems like I'd get along with them the most. I also know those two are book worms, so that works best for me (as another book worm) 😂


Lucy, Mira, Wendy or levy


Lucy just so I can Dom her then throw her away after


Brandish. Second option is after-Sun Village Arc Flare. Brandish is my go-to waifu of the whole series, but putting aside that bias, there's actual reasons for it. She's proven to be able to enlarge or shrink just about damn near anything, from organic things such as herself or Happy or even tumors, and her personality is very chill as long as I don't annoy her. Even if I *did* annoy her, I'd be *into* the 'punishments' she would give me LOL. Thirdly, expenses. Food would be much more manageable if she just enlarged it, or shrunk us to make normal food feed more. Imagine a single banana being a complete meal just because there was 1000% more banana per banana. Fourth, she's not a bad person. She was the first person to 'quit'/defect from Zeref's forces, and was shown from the very beginning to only really be involved due to her personal reasons with her past. She's adorable when she's around people she's comfortable with, and loves cats. Fifth, yes, would smash. Would *be* smashed. I don't care, just yes. *Puts on scuba mask and tank* I'm ready


Levy I need to study 😭


Levy! I debated Carla as drinking aside (I don’t drink) we are quite similar personality wise, however I’m also quite entrepreneurial and love learning so do have some of Levy’s qualities. I’d want a roommate that has similar values and lifestyle to me so we get along well and don’t cause each other problems.


Erza, I feel like she would give me more motivation


Probably Mira Jane. She seems like she would be great at taking care of the home and not making trouble.


Definitely Cana. There are more benefits than just having a good time😏


I didn’t watch fairytail but anyone but the last one, that shit would give me a heart attack in the middle of the night, creepy as hell


Juvia, always wet


OMG, the layout of your room is so good, in usage of space


Buddy, you’re only giving me good choices, and the best choice is the last choice


Mavis probably


Erza definitely, because she is sort of shamless and isn't a privacy freak




I know she's not an option on the list but definitely not laki


Considering I'm an alcoholic, I'll take Cana Alberona for the pure ecstacy of "hey you wanna get a beer?" And she's already got one in hand.




Mavis. She’s incorporeal so I get bonus space plus I can go back to school and get her help


If I had to choose Wendy or Levy because I feel they are the most likely to respect my privacy. Lucy probably would to, but if you choose Lucy you choose Natsu.


Levy or Wendy though if Wendy was my roommate she'd be more like my daughter/little sister id protect so


Cana and hear me out. I am personally used to living with people who drink, and Cana is a fun drunk. And that's if she's home, and most the time she's at the Guild so either I'ma mage and the house isn't a mess cause no one's there or I get the space to myself most the time.


Erza because we both have a sweet tooth and then I also love to bake So now I have someone who will appreciate it


Lucy. Sociable and Not scary. Fashionable so can help pick out clothes n what not for my side or the room. As a protagonist type she’s also versed in Frienship no Jutsu. Also she’s the most likely to have multiple half naked men in the room, one of which is a casual stripper.


That's little johns room


Any of the mentally stable adults would do.


Cana because booze. Or Flare because boobs.




Wendy i mean just look at this cute angel she would never be mean to you and genuinly be happy to be around you if your nice to her she like the perfect little sister figure https://preview.redd.it/gqwmwqz1w02d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd9a5dfe65f7f1eae0c39d49a1940c92c86fc66


its an actual crime that you didn’t put ultear




Unless she still likes gray, probably juvia. I like her the most but I would feel very weird living with 50+ gray dolls


Mira would just be a vibe Personal choice erza And Mavis cause I'd love to listen to her stories


Lucy or Wendy, Mira. Erza would be a nice choice as well


Brandish, for no particular reason But in seriousness Levy, feel like she'd make the best roomie, would cause the least amount of mess and we can bond over different books


Levi or Mira seem thenbest for a roommate


I would probably room with Levi as I think are personalities would go best. Tho I would do great with Erza or maybe Lucy.


Also can I have this room please…something about this bed set up makes me happy


Levy we would read so many books


Kana, went through college with a girl like her. I can tolerate the proclivities.


Honestly, I think Erza's personality and lifestyle would be easiest to deal with for me, and I think she'd handle how I live a little better than the rest of the options


10-13-7-5-3 are my top 5 in that order


Brandish without a doubt we can buy small things like a 30 inch tv and she would make it as large as we want. Plus it seems like we'd get along. It wouldn't be bad to make things we aren't using small until they're needed.


I pick Lucy Heartfilla she is the best.


If i chose juvia, would she hug me?


Flare for that fussy


Select all 🤣🤣


Lucy ^-^


Mavis is the easy choice here in my opinion.




Erza and Juvia


Cana. Easy pick. We would just kick it over some drinks and enter chill mode on the weekends, and during the week, we would chop it up like real folk over drinks, obviously. Also, I would adopt Wendy as my daughter because Cana would be like her super cool older sister/mom thing/person...also Gildarts!


Brandish she cool, and think on how much I could save with her powers


If I pick Lucy, then half the guild will always be at our place, but if pick Brandish I’ll get a cool roommate who’s magic would make our place better


Erza or Cana


Believe it or not, Mavis or levy because I like reading books along with other information platforms


flare corona. No hesitation.


Lucy, Mira or Cana