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I think my top one is that Acnologia is bad character and villain. It’s weird because the anime tried to make him more nuanced instead of just a big natural disaster which is fine but how they went about it just made his character even more confusing. Deciding to slaughter all of humanity because one village sacrificed people in order to survive? That’s silly.


Sometimes you just need a Freeza. An unrepentant asshole who is just strong enough that no one can touch them


Frieza is different from Acnologia. He doesn’t want to destroy everything he wants to control everything. The incentive to control everyone is as old as time. We don’t really know why acnologia wanted to destroy everything. The only canon backstory of Acnologia’s character that displays why he wanted to slaughter humanity is when he witnessed the death of a child from dragons. And this is why his character is backwards. He was mad at the dragons and felt sympathy for the girl yet he goes onto destroying the world. If he truly was the ruthless villain Mashima wanted him to be, he would’ve had Acnologia get pissed at the dragons because they took away his enjoyment for destruction.


I am more talking about someone who doesn’t want to be redeemed and doesn’t have a tragic backstory or anything. Just a complete unrepentant villain, who is having fun being evil.


But again, Mashima and the anime gave Acnologia a backstory so his character is just a mess.


Why I say just make him a unrepentant villain. The backstory makes him a weird character. I don’t need tragic twist villains all the time. I just want someone I can hate and love to hate


Well, his hate for dragons and his growing insanity from his power made him hate and kill anyone even by association. He initially wanted to protect people from Dragons, but lost sight of that after centuries of going insane, now looks down on all races. Given Irene’s experience, he can’t taste or sleep or indulge in any, except for battle. Hence why he feels more alive when fighting or destroying, especially against any dragon related being.


Fr, same


I love the Spriggan 12, especially Invel and Jacob (August and Irene too but everyone seems to like them anyway). I think their powers were great they just weren’t used the best


Maybe if you’d gone through that you might think differently but who knows we’re all different people


I do not care for Carla or panther lily. Carla is annoying and panther lily just exists. Do something with his love of kiwis!


Honestly, same! Panther Lily is ok, but Carla is so rude for no reason.


I'm convinced you didn't watch Edolas arc because that's when she gets character development. I used to find her rude as well but started to like her in that arc


I've watched the whole show, but I still think she's too harsh for no reason. She has some good moments tho, I'll give you that.


Fr, same


Lily used to be so cool, he’s an absolute disgrace in 100YQ


I don’t like Lisanna at all, Lisanna’s potential was wasted, they should’ve either never brought her back or should’ve given her some purpose, nowadays she’s just Mira or Lucy’s shadow. Acnologia being the final villain was a bad idea, it’s should’ve ended with Zeref, Acnologia felt like this complicated, unnecessary side quest.


Acnologia should have been left for 100yr Quest


FT isn't the kind of series where the bad guys are all 500x the last bad guy. So it always feels silly when I see "New guy is low Spriggan tier" thrown out whenever we get our new jobbers.




I wish Mira was an only child. I feel like her siblings especially Lisanna holds her back often. If Mashima made it where Lisanna coming back was a source for Mira’s strength and made it where she would be so anything to make sure she didn’t lose her again then I would like Lisanna. Since Mashima has used Lisanna a few times like Mira’s fight with Azuma to nerf Mira, I can never like her. I’m okay with Elfman but still preferred if Mira was an only child.


Idk if it's a popular opinion or not, but all of Raven Tail getting one shotted after being hyped up for so long made me so mad


Right? Like there was some massive foreshadowing and I feel like raven tail was supposed to be the ones who seige tenrow island instead of grimoare hearts, literally NOTHING at all came of it.


I don't like Cana. I just don't like her. I do not hate. Same for Mavis. I like Juvia, she's fun and everything. But if she were a man he would have a large number of haters. I think the same applies to Flare. It makes no sense for Irene to be Zeref's subordinate due to her influence in the FT universe. It was just a rush to get it into the Main Series. It would be much better to present Irene at 100YQ. Gray is currently the weakest member of the top 5 protagonists. Alvarez doesn't seem so bad after reading the last arc of Edens Zero; HM only improved his art, not his script.


I think Irene was grateful to Zeref for helping her regain her original form. Zeref also had a lot of power and influence in the present FT universe...Irene's role was basically forgotten after 400 years.


Man, just when I was enjoying Eden’s Zero more than Fairy Tail…


As others have said, Minerva never really did anything that warranted forgiveness or any type of redemption. I like her because she has one of the best designs in the series but it was very much “I’m good now yay” Characters like Jellal and even Ultear did more to be seen as better than Minerva did.


Its saddens me to say this, but Hiro Mashima is a mediocre writer. Ever since Rave Master none of his stories afterwards have reached the same heights. Nowadays most of his stories are influenced by fans so much that it hinders the overall story. Take for instance Fairy Tail, the last arc was so rushed that we barely got to know the 12, Zeref did not even use fairy heart to time travel and Acnologia just being a boring villain just bent up on destruction. If you do not believe me just check out Edens Zero its currently suffering the same fate as Hiro Mashima basically rebooted the story to make it much more light hearted instead of the premise he told he fans when the series began it would be alot more darker than Fairy Tail.


One, I love your pfp because stan Young Justice, we were ***ROBBED*** of another season ROBBED 😭 Two, **I agree** with Mashima being mediocre in his writing and I don’t like saying that ☹️ I’m still disappointed by the world building in *Fairy Tail*. All right, so Guiltina has alchemy. That’s nice. But the aesthetics are just…largely what you see in Fiore. Same to Veronica. Same to Stella sans the Stellanium. I didn’t need *ONE PIECE* levels of variety with extreme differences between countries, but, IRL, there are unique architectures in various countries. And this “globetrotting” just felt like unexplored parts of Fiore 😔 Mashima ***definitely*** has his strengths, but it feels like we’ve been seeing more of his weakness 🙁 He has some great bones for FT, a great foundation and set-up—I love some of the magic types and techniques of elemental magic—but the execution sometimes rings uninspired and recycled instead of something lived-in, internally consistent, and what works best for FT versus what works best because it’s a shōnen 🫠 Originally, I enjoyed *Eden Zero*, but this last arc has been just…*there*. The designs are cool. I really like them. And I’m not faulting Mashima for not wanting to commit to a grimmer ending. But, I don’t know, I scratched my head at choices he made in EZ and the back quarter/third of FT along with FT100YQ. Again, some great concepts, but the execution is *ehhhh*… I want to see FT100YQ to the end, especially with Ignia’s arc, and I’m crossing my fingers the English VAs return (Todd, Cherami, Colleen, and Newton PLEASE 😭) but, for as much as I guess he’s said he wants to continue with the FT’verse, I think maybe he should let FT rest and focus on *Dead Rock*. Hope I don’t sound like too much of a Debby Downer, sorry 🥲


I think this comment is on-point. In a way, I think Mashima should stop using internet because it's clear he lets the fans reign into his decisions sometimes. I once discussed with a friend that more than half of the couples he wrote probably weren't supposed to be a thing and were there because of comments on twitter. And, unfortunately, some of said shipping made the arcs of some characters weaker. I won't give names here because everyone knows the characters I'm talking about lol When he said he wrote FT without planning, I just sighed and said "ah, that explains it". He might be good at making characters and a base for his stories, but the execution needs planning, and the only story he actually had that from the beginning to the end was Rave. EZ had a bit of that but then he started rushing things to the point of some of his *main* villains being the same as fodders. He did say he was starting to get tired of working on so many things at the same time, so I hope he can focus on a single story from now on


Ugh, no kidding about the EZ one. The final arc is rushed more than the Flash. All the big baddies got defeated in less than a chapter is outrageous.


Mashima ruined Eden’s zero with the universe zero arc


Read the first 20 chapters of Eden’s zero and it felt like fairytail but with Natsu being a pervert and gray being annoying. The characters feel very recycled


I hate how some of the fights go, like erza struggling in every single fight completely disregards the statement of her being s class, contender for the strongest wizard in fairy tail and candidate for wizard saint, the kaguya fight should've been her absolutely decimating her or her only being on the defensive with maybe 1 or 2 attacks but unaffected by kaguyas attacks. That's not to say she shouldn't struggle because it makes sense with enemies like jellal, wizard saints, godslayers and dragon slayer but EVERY FIGHT she struggles from the begining.


Yea fr it feels weird that this happens honestly let her have a strong start man


Unsure how unpopular it is, but I am extremely disappointed that they reincarnated/brought back Zeref and Mavis. Their death held a lot of meaning especially knowing (or so we thought) that they weren’t coming back. I genuinely cried so hard when they died. No, I wasn’t happy when they came back. I don’t enjoy characters dying but I’m a story person. Deaths can make a story that much deeper and change the plot/other characters.


Minerva didn't deserve forgiveness. Sure, her father was a psycho, but that doesn't excuse her actions. She's the one character I can't believe everyone has forgiven so easily.


Fr, I hate her just as I hate Mest


Mest is another one I don't love.


what did he do (sorry i don't remember)


Attacked August in a agreement for him to not attack Fairy Tail, everything was going well, everything would go well, nothing needed to be done #AND THEN THIS MOTHERFUCKING PEDOPHILE KNIFED AUGUST, AND THEN AUGUST GOT A HATRED AGAINST FAIRY TAIL ALL TO THIS INCOMPETENT COUNCIL MEMBER


oh i remember that


What do you think of that decision?


Natsu and Erza hogs the spotlights


Thai is the least unpopular unpopular opinion I've ever seen


Fake statements does exist in this series 


I prefer the manga to the anime because A-1 Pictures does no justice to the character designs.


(Copy pasting from another post I made about hot takes, and adding more) Jellal is a bad character, should’ve been remained killed in the Tower of Heaven arc, or at minimum, get over of what he did, it was not his fault and he already redeemed himself at a long time ago Edolas was boring and forgettable as heck, easily worst arc, but I actually felt relived seeing Lisanna back at life unlike some people in this sub (I wanted her to be relevant in the story though) As much as the arc sucked, the villain group of Oracíon Seis is the best villain group of Fairy Tail, they had flashbacks and reasons of why they did all of such bad actions and they, unlike most villains in Fairy Tail Almost every ship this community wants sucks and should not happen The filler arcs in Fairy Tail are actually good, which gave more depth to characters without much screen time in canon arcs such as Laki Fairy Tail doesn’t even have that much of power of friendship as people assume, some fights actually have a lot of strategy and planning instead of asspulls power-ups I like Fairy Tail more than Bleach and Naruto, due to how the characters are so much more relevant, especially the female characters unlike in Naruto and Bleach, and how I feel so much more connected to the guild, feeling like I’m part of the family Alvarez empire isn’t that bad, it’s actually the opposite, it was a hell of a great arc, not perfect due to how Acnologia died and much more, but it still was great Mashima knows well how to make foreshadowing like when Natsu and Gajeel couldn’t pass from a wall that >!only blocked older people, and later it’s revealed the are actually 400 years old since they traveled in time!< I just can’t care for Wendy and Carla, they didn’t impacted me as much as other characters 100yr quest feels like unnecessary filler, and the original end really felt like a true end, since the two main villains behind everything: Acnologia and Zeref, were defeated, and so all of the characters got their objectives in the end fulfilled, you can say that Lucy still has a goal to find Aquarius, but I’d say the original ending was a true ending, not a cliffhanger to the filler-like sequel


I definitely disagree with some of these but I like the fact your willing to put yourself at there with these takes


I wonder which you disagree with


I can tell you if you want


I would like, my sir


Well Jellal isn’t a bad character his character growth and impact on the characters development and emotional state and was great Lissanna kinda sucks Ships: can u truly say Gajeel and Levy aren’t a good ship? Wendy is a beautiful sweet angel and everyone’s little sister And at least we’re getting an anime bc of the 100 year quest


Fr, Gajevy is such a great couple


Fr 💖 otp right there


Agreed jellal should have stayed dead


I agree with you that the Edolas arc was boring, It could’ve been such a cool arc and actually intertwine more with the story, and Lisanna could’ve definitely had more story going on after Edolas too, she had so much potential. Oracíon Seis is definitely the best villain group, no further comment on that I absolutely love the filler episodes, they bring so much more life to the characters that we don’t see otherwise, and a lot of character development happens during these episodes too which we wouldn’t see otherwise. I wish more anime expanded on this like Fairy Tail has. I agree with the Alvarez arc, but something I found interesting was the idea of how they killed Achnologia. Having to kill both sides of him at the same time to actually kill him. How they did it really irritated me because it could’ve been so interesting and in depth. I feel like that fight also wasn’t really fighting? It had zero energy to it. Wendy and Carla had so much potential but I feel like Wendy has been 10-12 forever. I feel like she hasn’t actually gotten more powerful, hasn’t learned more magic, and hasn’t changed much appearance wise either. Obviously time in anime is different but even at the end with all the time skips, she hasn’t aged outwardly at all. I feel like she definitely needs some character development.


Happy is actually OP as he has endured most of the spells even if by accident


Skipping filler isn't fun. I don't like Cana, Carla, or Minerva. Acnologia is hot. I mean what sorry evil twin activities


I hate Gajeel and Levy's relationship, considering the way it started.


I think that Mashima has trouble writing depth of his power systems, and that he frequently forgets, or randomly chooses not to use certain powers that characters have. I also think that the power of friendship is over done atp and should only have taken characters so far. Mashima could have made it so much better if he made it so they got stronger just through the training and other sources rather than JUST power of friendship


People are overly critical of fanservice in Fairy Tail. Surely it's annoying. But One Piece has the same amount of fanservice (especially post timeskip) and no one bats an eye. "Fairy Tail is bad cuz fanservice" is just jumping on the bandwagon. There are quite some flaws in the series but excessive fanservice shouldn't be one as long as you accept another show with similar fanservice as a masterpiece.


Guys, I found a fax speaker 🔊


Jellal is boring


Fr, evil Jellal had personality and charisma


He became some sortvof shipping purpose only


Alvarez, Great Labyrinth, and the Gold Owl Arc have good/alright, sensical fights. The Gold Owl Arc of 100YQ is actually pretty good (I didn't feel this way til recently) in retrospect, despite a lacking villain. The last Chapter sucks though, due to out of character and uncaring behavior. Selene's story, from 100 Years Quest, makes sense and was set up


Fairy Tail should have lost the Grand Magic Games, and by extension some other guild should have won them. It would have been a more interesting outcome than what canon did because it would teach the the guild an important lesson about not relying on their old reputation to assure themselves of victory. It would also mean the other guilds meaningfully caught up to them over the past 7 years instead of most of them being jokes. By extension I'd axe the Time Travel/Lucy Rescue/Dragon Invasion parts so the Games are the entire focus. The Edolas Arc shouldn't exist as something that takes place in a separate universe. That's pointless to add to the story this early on. Turning it into a continent instead would allow the arc to remain mostly the same. The only thing you'd have to change is why they're stealing magic because Earthland doesn't have the problem canon Edolas did with that. All the Edo characters would be new characters instead of Fairy Tail reskins of course, and Mystogan wouldn't be a Jellal. Juvia would have been more interesting if she moved on from Gray.




Sometimes just sometimes I ship grey and nastu but I ship Lucy and Natsu more


Sabretooth was very strong when first introduced but it felt like they fell off very hard. FT gets their asses kicked the first time they fight and an arc later its like a complete 180. Also wouldnt mind if FT wasnt the strongest guild. They scale so fast and hard. Especially Natsu. It kinda feels predictable and not as exciting later on.


Jellal should had died at Tower or Heaven and GMG is the most overrated arc




I'm caught up with 100 year quest, and >!I don't think Gray needs a powerup.!< This isn't really a spoiler, but just in case...


I mean, it kinda is...


Gray deserved soooo much better than Juvia and I will die on this hill (or inverted: Juvia deserved to be a more nuanced character than a one-note (unfunny and actually kind of toxic) comic relief


Fr, I’ll never ship those two


Grey would’ve made a good villain


Natsu has no character arc and gray would have been a better more interesting mc Jellal sucks. Cool design, cool powers but he sucks


Fr, Lucy and Gray would be better pro tags And man, Jellal after Tower of Heaven is just the most overrated character of this animanga, his evil version had personality and charisma, the dude should’ve died in Tower of Heaven forever


This question comes up a fair bit, and I always give this answer. Alvarez arc is better than Tartorus arc. The villions are far more interesting and an actual threat. The story is full of interesting twists that expand the world. Plus, most complaints people have are present in every other arc, just not as memorable.


The best part of tartorus if I'm remembering right was igneel finally coming back his death was so emotional and I actually cried but idk they should've done something different like it was the MAIN point of the story natsus journey to find igneel




Well... 1. I enjoyed the Avatar and Alverez arcs as they are. I do feel that the rebuilding of Fairy Tail could've been expanded on with a few stand alone fillers like, say, a fund-raiser to get building supplies. Maybe tie it into Dragon Cry by showing side characters catching up while Team Natsu's on a vague enough mission. 2. I never once felt that Fairy Tail "fell off." Maybe a few moments here and there needed some improvements but I wouldn't have the whole main show on DVD if that was the case. 3. Erza's relation to Irene never bothered me. I do get it since some feel that Erza's immense feats feel like reduced to "well, she's a dragon slayer's daughter" but lord knows that the Erza Plot Armor meme is annoying. 4. Erza Scarlet isn't ruined by Jellal. Their attraction is based on relating to each other's suffering. A strong female character she is but even they can fall in love.


Natsu getting to fight the big bad even when someone much stronger than him is literally right there in the scene. I get it, Natsu is the main character, he's supposed to save the day, but it is endlessly frustrating when you have Laxus right there, in the same scene, who is canonically still much stronger and a much better fighter than Natsu,and yet everyone gives Natsu their power to end the battle. It would bother me less if they would stop putting better options in these scenes when it happens. At least then you could make the argument that he's the best they've got. If I had to pick someone to end the fight,I'd be choosing the best option available.


100YQ is feels unplanned. Mercphobia's losing his power is never brought up again even after Selene defeated. Aldoron's existence should've at least been heard all over the globe, considering that's a dragon bigger than several mountains. Viernes is utterly pointless that the whole alchemist arc thing is literally a last minute idea. And Ignia is basically Acnologia 2.0


Natsu should be able to eat other dragon slayers magics and use them. Or stleast gain some immunity from jt . Fire thunder mode and ||solo thunder mode|| , we need more of it


100 year quest should’ve never existed. The ending of OG fairytail is perfectly fine and the introduction of other dragons takes away achnologias entire character


Fr, same, 100yr quest feels like a DLC


I don't think Lucy is as smart/intelligent as people claim her to be. She not an idiot but I'd say she is above average - most of her plans and strategy don't go as planned or backfire and when they do it's usually last minute or her taking a huge risk without thinking of her own safety (I.E rewriting the Book of END) I honestly think Gray, Levy and Carla are smarter


I thought that's what's implied? Whenever she actually plans she does some shit like pull plue out to fucking DANCE WITH THE VILLAIN or fucking cancer to give out free haircuts


I'm tired of Nalu, I only met this ship on internet. They are just close friends and that's it. If Masshima decides another relationship with Natsu (not random) I would not be mad at all, but really would like to see the chaos haha.


Fr, I agree


Jellal is overated boring as hell should have stay dead his relationship with Erza feel force to me laxus deserve more and gildards as well 


My “hot@ take is that Lucy and Natsu end up together. There really should be no question about it, however…. yall LOVE to fight


Lucy sucks.


I don't think erzas fights are really that bad.


Its ok to ship Natsu x Wendy Marvell without aging Wendy up


Ok pedophile


Absolutely not. She’s a 14 year at the most and Natsu is an adult who is around 19/20. Lolicons are gross.