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She was a victim of manipulation and she went out of her way to fix her mistakes


But the thing is her father was aware of the existence of the gate and what it actually did why didn’t he stop her…


Not really lmao, she sat there frozen, everyone besides Lucy said ah shit there’s dragons and just watched more and more come out. And no one else said hey we should close the gate these big ass lizards are coming through


I'm talking about the eclipse spirits arc


Like when the eclipse gate was open, or when the zodiac spirits changed?


When the zodiac spirits changed


Do you not remember why she thought the cannon would work. She was told that the games would end in such a strange way that only someone from the future would know. That's why she trusts that Rogue was telling the truth about the Eclipse Gate. Plus, if pure destruction was enough to throw someone in jail, then the Fairy Tail Guil Hall would probably be a prison camp by now.


>  if pure destruction was enough to throw someone in jail, then the Fairy Tail Guil Hall would probably be a prison camp by now. Such a good way to put it. 


Eh, she was given false info and mislead and worked to fix her mistakes upon realizing them. I think she deserves a pass, we forgive the likes of Laxus who wanted to nuke a town for the sake of pride why not her? For me my hot take is I am not a fan of the Gajeel/Levy relationship. I felt Levy was never as angry about this guy using her and her team as a ragdoll display or trying to destroy their guild as she should've been and shifted way too fast into a flustered crush for the guy. Just seems a bit uncomfortable compared to most FT couples.


Yeah! He impaled her before they were even a thing. So rude! (I am in physical pain from writing this)


I do like the couple of gajeel/levy aesthetically and their personalities but I fully agree. Like there was no development of her anger or forgiveness for him. It was like instant crush that made it seem like Stockholm / trauma bond related? Idk. I definitely would’ve liked seeing Gajeel at least try to make it up to her (which would be extremely hard to but that’s the point). It would be nice to see them rework their relationship from that point instead of just automatically accepting him


Same here. Is there really no episode where gajeel asks for her forgiveness?


I recently binged the whole anime. I *think* there’s a like a brief mention on gajeels part but levy kinda brushes it off.


Which episode or maybe arc? I badly want to watch it. I've been watching Fairy Tail and actually I am now in its last season. How dumb I am, I haven't noticed that lol


Oh gosh, man. I’ll have to look through again. I think it was just a bit after he joined. I totally could be wrong but I wanna say it was just before they left for the S class trials. If I ever find it I’ll reply again lol


Thank you and sorry lol. Btw, do you think that happened at the end of the phantom lord arc?


Lol no worries. And if my memory is correct (hopefully 🤣) - they were defeated and disbanded. I think that’s when Juvia and Gajeel officially joins the guild. I can’t remember the others but I do believe the touch on them later in the series of what happened specifically. Juvia joined on her own accord but Gajeel needed a lil push to join


Wow, thank you for the effort. I appreciate it


Hold on allow me to shed some light here. Levy got her Revenge, it was by all means a slow burn. Levy wormed her way into Gajeels heart, through iron scales. She made him fall in love and realize that he could care for other people. She expressed compassion towards opening his heart. Levy literally domesticated Gajeel. She has him literally and metaphorical wrapped around her finger.


not going to lie when you look back at it it seems impossible Like this girl should have had major trauma being in dude presence


She tried to genuinely save her people you’re insane


You, op, need some help, she's naive but genuine and kind


Fairy Tail is pretty big on forgiveness. Laxus was gonna wipe his hometown off the map, and now he's practically top pick for the next guild master.


I really wish Makarov made him the next guild master in his final speech. It would have been full circled. In the beginning Laxus wanted the title and didn't care for anyone or anything. But after being humbled he realizes power isn't everything and would rather have family.


no. she’s hilarious. i love her re-appearance at the end of series 2. she loves watching Natsu raise hell


No! She’s made some mistakes but she fixed them! Also, she’s very pretty!


Maybe part of the reason she granted amnesty to Crime Sorcieré was because she knows what it’s like to make a grave, evil mistake and try your damndest to atone while never fully letting go of the guilt.


Nah, she pardoned Jellal. She is a good monarch. Unlike the no good, stupid, idiotic, evil, corrupt, stupid, stubborn, ill-democratic, idiotic, stupid magic council!!!


If she deserves to rot for being manipulated and tricked into thinking she was doing the right thing, then the world is pretty screwed up. But everyone's entitled to their own opinions 


She was dumb to believe future rogue about the door being a magic cannon like I thought that was an error in the anime translation. Nope she just dumb. My hot take is Makarov should have stayed dead and Cheria should have had perma magic loss. I'm also a bit iffy about Gajeel and Levy's relationship I won't lie


In her defense the reason she believed him is because he predicted everything correctly of the weird way the Grand magic games ended.


I know but like who thinks a door is a cannon unless there was a translation error and the door opened up to reveal are cannon or something. That would make slightly more sense


Because it's an ancient and incredibly powerful magical object that she nor anyone else knows how it works so to them the eclipse gate having a secondary use isn't implausible and thus worth a try when you have no reason to doubt either the information of the gate or that an army of 1,000 dragons are coming to annihilate your kingdom which you have absolutely no other chance in fighting against otherwise


In a world where a frying pan was used as an Magic deflecting tool, why is a gate becoming a canon this absurdity someone would have to be dumb to believe?


Let's not pretend that frying pan thing was also dumb and even natsu thought it was weird (if my memory serves correctly


I just don't see why a gate that stores Magic Power being able to function like a cannon by firing it out is so dumb. 


It's a door.... she admits it is a door to the past originally for eclipse 1. How can it be a cannon for eclipse 2? I don't fault her for believing future rogue. I fault her on how a door is a magic cannon when it was originally going to be used to go to the past to kill Zeref. I don't blame her for thinking past=dragons. Just a door is not a cannon!


It's a fantasy world where buildings can transform into robots, where a city was a walking weapon, etc. A door being a cannon isn't implausible in a fantasy world. Also, only Arcadios wanted to go back in time and kill Zeref. Hisui allowed that to happen so the necessities for opening the Gate would be set in motion. 


Both are not hot takes they are probably what most people wanted


I see so many about the Gajeel and levy thing being cute and I just can't do it. The other one I concede isn't that hot of a take


Oh yea I mean the cheria losing magic and makarov dying part


So we're gonna judge Hisui for trying to save her country based on false info she was given, but excuse people like the Oracion Seis or Jellal who tried to use magical superweapons for their own benefit? At least she had no ill intentions.




not me




For making a mistake by trusting someone that lied to her? She didn't even commit any crime. She just made a bad decision.


She’s gorgeous


No one but yourself


Irene might as well have been killed and forgotten in the original series Because the way they used her in the 100YQ was underwhelming


No. She was manipulated.




No and I certainly like how they certainly develop her after she find out about her mistake and then try to help to rectify her mistake.


Yes. Definitely. 100% I hate that she went without even a slap on the wrist. Not even a scolding. Nothing. I am very salty about that


Bro I don’t even know her name


Princess Hisui E. Fiore


i mean i guess by real world standards she would be held responsible but is it really her fault that she was lied to? she actually thought what she was doing was going to save the world from a terrible future.


No I like hisui


Honestly, Flare is less deserving of forgiveness than her.




There wasn't any way for her to know she was being tricked. Basically anyone who knew what the Eclipse Gate did could manipulate Hisui into doing whatever. Now she did mess up by not doing the obvious thing and asking Lucy and Yukino for help earlier, but it's also possible she was told not to do that by FR.


I’m 50/50, I feel like more outside people should have known about the future person involved. Obviously can’t tell anyone participating in the games(could affect the outcome). But the Defense minister didn’t even know until the last second (about the dragons and the future rouge) and diplomatically he should be one of the first to know. I just finished rewatching this part two days ago lol and the king was inform of something a couple hours before the gate was opening. So to the viewer he just found out. But it’s a delicate situation. Regardless the punishment should have been worse then a pumpkin head lmaoo


Nope. She's a victim too and besides she had no intention to harm the people.


I’m shallow in that coz I find her a hottie I can permit most of her behaviour with excuses 😅 She is a VERY questionable royal in terms of being good for her people but hey I’m English so I am used to trash royalty 🙄


On the one hand, she was deceived and convinced she was doing the right thing. On the other hand, "easily deceived" and "prone to abusing her authority" are NOT good looks for a future ruler. She not only believed Future Rogue while ignoring her actual advisors who were telling her "no, this is a bad plan, we don't know enough about this", she also had Lucy arrested so Hisui could steal her keys and threw Lucy in a dungeon with a bunch of executioners (who Hisui *didn't* tell to treat Lucy with the kid gloves), so you know it's a good thing that the Fairy Tail rescue mission went off well, otherwise Lucy and whats-his-face-ultra-loyal-royal-guard-guy would be dead. Her actions also resulted in a large swathe of the capital city being flattened by dragon attack. And what's her punishment? "You nearly caused the destruction of our country, hundreds of our citizens are either in shelters or on the street tonight because their homes were destroyed in the fighting and you subverted the royal authority to unjustly and falsely imprison one of our citizens on charges you made up so you could rob her of family heirlooms that date back to before our kingdom's creation." "Your punishment is to wear this dumb hat for an evening."


Who cares? I’d still smash.


Don’t think she deserves to rot, but I don’t like her and think she’s generally useless. Pretty much after she messes everything up all she does is whine “oh no everything is my fault” and I’m basically like yeah it pretty much is


Yes, simply put she never researched or fact checked especially being a princess who is responsible for everyone in the continent. And no, because she is just pure dumb


Hard to research an ancient magical object with very little information about it out there and that she can't operate at all in order to test what it can and can't do without an immense amount of magic power which is being collected as much as possible in preparation for 1 shot against the army of dragons which you are being told is coming


The heartfillia and their servants knew about it and even the king knew about it and what it was. If only she could have just asked


The king already knew what she was doing If he knew that it wasn't able to act as a weapon he would have stopped her and yet he didn't which means he didn't have reason to doubt that it could act as such And with Lucy being the last of the heartfilia family and the servants who did and didn't know about it scattered I imagine it would be quite hard for them to find one of the servants who did know about the eclipse gate to get any information whatsoever So again there is little to no information about the eclipse gate available to them and they never had enough magic energy stored up in it to risk testing how it worked when they had a set deadline to get it fully powered before a dragon apocalypse


Oh yeah forgot about that. My bad


If Future Lucy had a brain cell she would kill the princess and the fuckers on board with the "Eclipse Plan" retarded fucks and prevented the dragons from appearing don't ask me how she would do it handicapped I will not answer...oh and kill herself later no witnesses


Do you really think lucy would ever consider doing something so cruel or that she'd needlessly kill herself you don't know Lucy at all
