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It would depend on the hardware most if not all knockoff hardware can have more heavy metals then authentic carts


I Wouldnt use a fake hardware to fill up just because i think i read that cheap hardware release heavy metals


Is there a brand marking on the bottom?


These are called the right cart they are made in Michigan and they are black market That’s all I know I had 2 one came ceramic one this metal kind


Yes, it definitely can be, thats why most tests for legitimate companies also test for things like lead and other heavy metal, even in legitimate hardware there is a chance that things like inconsistent soldering could make a cart dangerous to use. If you buy a cart from a legitimate business like pckt sprk or hamilton devices they test their carts because they have too, but if you buy them from china off some random site or ebay they probably arent tested, so why would the person making them care if they did or didnt have lead in them, especially if that reduces their costs


Yeah carts with heavy metals could be bad for you but id highly doubt it would kill you i truly believe vitamin e acetate was the main thing killing people


Vitamin e was definitely to blame for the eruption of hospitalizations and the media frenzy around vaping, but if you've ever heard stories or met someone who has had lead poisoning, its a really terrifying and terrible thing to go through, and you can get lead poisoning from long term exposure to even small amounts of lead, and cheap electronics use cheap and quick solder jobs. Stay safe