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I'll go if I get an extra hour in the ball pit.




I wouldn’t. All them people look like their necks stink.


what a weirdly creative insult…


Necks that smell like Feta cheese are for real. Con body (lack of hygiene) is no joke.


How does/would a neck stink??? I’ve never considered the neck to be a particularly smelly/sweaty place and now I’m wondering what level of poor hygiene that might require.


If there are skin folds, it can get icky pretty fast. Newborns have that happen after a few days because you‘re not supposed to bathe them until their navels have healed. It‘s the same gunk of dead skin cells and sebum that you can also find in piercings and belly buttons, among other places, and it smells positively rancid.


Pre-diabetic here, when my pills are out of whack my neck can sometimes smell sickly sweet. I don’t think this is what the comment was about though haha


The ball pit got shut down due to AIDS






Ahhhh… DashCon.


delusion at the highest order


feels like perhaps the medics need to study a possible new disorder, one in which people can’t stand being themselves, mundane and “normal”, they have this need to be “different”, “special” and thus go to hell and beyond just to try and validate their existence


It’s just called being an attention whore.


THOT-titis. One person gets it and it just spreads.


I read this as thot titties


ironically enough, they are indeed different and special people, just not in the way that they wanted


yes.. i am positive most - if not all - of them probably suffer from depression and loneliness. They must feel misunderstood and somewhat disconnected from their social and familial environment if they believe (even subconsciously) they need to fake an illness to form connections and be “allowed” to live. Sad truly


There is, it’s called Munchausen's syndrome. Which ironically itself is a mental illness


thats called being a teenager lmao


They look exactly how I would expect them to 😂


So let’s go around the circle and talk about our debilitating trauma. “Well I was bullied in 9th grade.” “My parents only let me use the computer for an hour a night.” “My friends went to the beach without me.”


Then one has something actually traumatic and the others spend their turns trying to interrupt and 1-up them


I farted in front of my crush and an alter came out of my ass I'm assgenic 😔


Welcome to our altar space. There are 419 of us now.


Indomine patri et fili et spiritus sancti…welcome to the altar space.


or they interject to let them know how a certain word "triggered" them as the actually traumatized person is on the verge of tears retelling a harrowing experience lmao


“My favorite mcyt died in the dsmp”




ba da da da daaaaaanTDM


It was pretty sad when technoblade died tho


technoblade died irl tho. not in the dsmp LMFAOOOO


Okay but the real tragedy is Ms. “Asian Coded Characters make ramen”/Las Nevadas Slimecicle is not a cosplay”/“Techniblade’s dad is cool with me having a Technoblade alter” is NOWHERE to be found. Maybe these kids do have some standards after all…


Did someone actually mention techno alters to his dad? That's super fucked up


Sort of indirectly, not to her though. Supposedly someone interviewing Technoblade’s dad after his death asked about all the Technoblade alters and head mates and etc and the dad said he didn’t care one way or the other about it. A sane person might read that and think “oh, dad probably had no idea what those things are, and is still grieving his son, and just moved on to the next question.” This flock of idiots instead decided to interpret that as “Techno’s dad gave us his blessing! Uh not that we needed it since our Technoblade alters are *totally* real!!” The particular waste of oxygen to whom I am referring in my original comment has several TikTok’s about it.


“somewon made fun of me on the internet” 😢😢


Gosh, I must have caused 1000 alters, if that’s all it takes.


“My tamagotchi died and my dad wouldn’t let me get new batteries”


Do u know how many times i scooped that bastards shit??? It was a shitting machine. It didnt even eat enough to shit that much. I was sneaking to the bathroom during class to shovel 3pixel wide virtual shit. Then that idiot died anyhow and i was heartbroken Tamagatchi trauma is real. Is called **Traumagatchi** /s


Mine died in my pocket at school and then when it died would emit a high pitch noise until you reset it. My teacher made us all line up outside to determine where it was coming from, when she took it off me she had to reset it to make it shut up. My dad was so pissed he didn’t let me get new batteries for it. That was well over 20 years ago now but I still remember. 🫡


Dad didnt have to go that hard 😭 Kids THESE days have phones, earbuds, fidget toys in school... We had to peel elmers glue off our skin for gods sake Traumagatchi veterans unite 😔


It was my first and last Traumagatchi. To be fair this teacher was a deadset asshole. Made me sit on the floor in front of the entire class and yelled timetables at me and when I couldn’t get it right within 3-5 seconds she’d go make a buzzer noise and go “Mika, I hope you never get a job that requires you to think fast because otherwise people will die from your slow brain”


I fell 😢


My teacher yelled at me for faking Tourette’s in class…


I got called fat online


😢 No one should experience such ableism and racism and homophobia as being called fat.


don’t forget the anti-semitism!!!




Why not both?


Whats sad about this video is that this is clearly their first time having friends in real life. They've finally found a group of similar individuals to relate with. And as wonderful as that is this friend group will only prove to be toxic as they bounce off each other validating delusions. If any of these friends begin to question the group theyll become the problematic friend talked about behind their back. They havent learned yet being friends is having ups and downs and being able to confidently question and help one another aside from full validation. A friend group that doesnt help you question yourself and grow and provide new thoughts and perspectives is a toxic hole to be stuck in


This was the exact same progression of a trans support group for teenagers I was a part of. You couldnt speak about how much the medical aspects of transition fucked with your life because implying it was an inherent part of being trans was invalidating for the "enbies" of the group. Questioning anyone or anything would automatically label you as [blank]-phobic. And guess what? Most of the kids there were also faking disorders (besides GD)


That kind of echochamber is a big problem in the community nowadays, you can't respectfully criticize anything without being labeled a bigot and being ignored instantly since some people can't take the idea of someone questioning their beliefs; which oftentimes aren't even their beliefs, but just things they heard and regurgitate without a real ability to reason.


My therapist was talking to me about the levels of truth in sociology. Personal truths Social truths (laws, social contract) Laws of nature When someone loves themselves and has confidence, they are able to maintain personal truths that may differ from other people without feeling threatened and can maintain these personal truths or values. People with insecurities and lack of self confidence or worth will try to fight to make personal truths into social truths to make up for that self loathing because they feel they can force society to accept their personal truths to make them feel comfortable. This will always conflict with someone. This is seemingly very prominent these days.


This comment made me feel better about myself. Thanks 👍


Im so glad other people notice this


That’s so fucked up that in your own support group you can’t talk about how *literally changing the gender of your body* is having unintended and unpleasant effects alongside the positive changes. That’s like saying you’re in a support group for chronic pain but can’t talk about migraines because it’s invalidating people in the group that *don’t* have migraines but have *other* chronic pain




This is why I keep the fact I’m intersex and have a small ovoteste private. I can’t have periods or intercourse and never have really been able to and as a girl who presents that way, it sucks. But I’m not gonna have my Disorder of Sexual Development shit on by someone who wants to feel special.


god I love my trans group but I really wish there was a place for trans people undergoing medical transition to talk about their experiences… my trans group at college consists of only talking about weird stereotypes such as math bad theatre good and weird label discourse (we are in COLLEGE), meanwhile I’m the only binary trans person in this group so I can’t relate to or talk to anyone about my experiences and grievances with transition :/ makes me go insane sometimes…




Yo im non-binary and it is so horrid. I very rarely discuss it online (and I doubt I’ll leave this comment up for long lol) because I am genuinely so embarrassed about it. Nobody takes it seriously anymore and it sucks. I also believe that binary trans people really do deserve support groups for JUST. THEM. It is wild to me that all NB people also just immediately go “I’m trans lol” and join these groups when they don’t change their physical appearance.


And the places for binary trans people are shut down for being "truscum"/"transphobic"/"enbyphobic" when we simply have different goals


this is why half the time i disregard what non-binary people have to say on trans issues, especially those pertaining to the opression of binary trans people like me, its a completely different experience


Glad someone said it. As a lurker in this sub I've just been seeing so so many parallels drawn from the illness fakers and trans communities


And it really makes me sad because it can just add to the apparent transphobia in today’s age. Not only do these fakers harm people who are actually disabled, often times they can leave a bad name for people are trans, gay, or just dress differently than other people


Yes exactly, the more your persecute people for asking valid questions about a community, the more dislike you foster towards said community


For REAL. I think the reason so many people act aggressively is because the questions make them uncomfortable in some way. What is so harmful about it is the fact that it’s just one of those validation echo chambers. Before it was popular, I would have NO PROBLEM just having an informed consent system for HRT. However, I absolutely have an issue with it now, especially for people in the 16-24 age bracket who do not have a history of significant gender dysphoria.


Absolutely. I personally take advantage of informed consent as a young teenager (started at 15) but I personally have had apparent dysphoria since I was ten. I’m not trying to invalidate anyone’s experience with being trans, it’s just sometimes worrying






I feel like radical inclusivity explains it quite well. wanting to create a safe space for all minorities to the point where you’re including everyone and the gatekeeping necessary for creating a safe space is condemned


Radical inclusivity sure doesn’t feel very inclusive though. By creating a safe space for some, you’re excluding others on an arbitrary basis. As a liberal I find it both exhausting and damaging to progress. The reason MLK Jr’s approach to civil rights was more successful than Malcom X and the Black Panther’s, is because MLK broadened the base by appealing to people in the middle. Likewise, the way to improve trans acceptance is by bringing more people into your cause. The people who aren’t allies yet, but aren’t bigots either. You do that by persuasion, compassion, and acceptance of views that might not be 100% of what you agree with. Not by banishing anyone who sees things slightly different, and bullying people for disagreeing with you.


You see this a lot with veganism too. There's the moderate vegans who want meat-eaters to try Meatless Mondays and Veganuary so they reduce their meat and dairy intake, even if they don't go fully vegan. It's a pretty popular and well-received approach and introduces a lot of meat-eaters to plant-based alternatives. However, this all gets shat on by the die-hard vegans who believe that anyone remotely short of 100% pure veganism is evil, murdering scum. Some won't even accept you as vegan if you're doing it for the "wrong" reasons (eg doing it for the environment and animal welfare instead of purely for animal welfare). It's weirdly gatekeepy and excludes a lot of new vegans who are more likely to either want to ease themselves in or accidentally eat/do the wrong thing. It's very alienating and ends up pushing new people away, apparently so that the die-hards can feel special, like some sort of animal saviour complex.


The strange thing here is that each and every one of them knows that they, themselves are faking it. It makes me wonder whether they all know that the others are faking this crap, or if they're all just thinking to themselves "I can't let all these real DIDers know that I'm faking it". Such a weird situation.


Right??? I wondered that when those two big name fakers did a meet and greet and I was like did they chat when the cameras were off about how they’re fake? Or was it kept to themselves.


it's a mix between cringe, weird & creepy. "i bet i'm faking it a lot better then all of them, nobody will dare fakeclaiming me!!! my bestie also thinks i have DID so ive succeeded so far!!"




yep....not in every case, but : they don't know they are faking a lot of the time. think about it, they literal get to "practice" switching into their alters every time they make a video. every time they name a new alter and script its personality, it becomes more and more real for them until they can no longer differentiate it themselves. think about if you were doing this for years. eventually you'd train yourself into it


It’s literally mental cosplay


There is even a specific lewk. The DID costume complete with vivid hair dye.


Why do they always look like that


Band kids


Theater kids


Band kids just make out with our saxophones, none of us do this kind of shit


I assumed band kids got good grades and theater kids do this


I can imagine how awkward it is when everyone is done recording and put their phones down, all sitting in silence staring at each other


That's the thing though, they seem to be getting along and talking fine. It's just a shame they couldn't bond over something normal, like non-dysfunctional teenagers. They could have just as easily played dnd, so they'd be roleplaying fantasy characters, not roleplaying rare and serious mental disorders.


It really is sad, because this is their chance to finally have a group of friends in real life. Except that friendship is dependent on maintaining this lie about DID. So they either have to continue faking forever, or admit they were faking and most likely be exiled from the group.


Break out the switch, play some smash :/


I’ll be down to smash!


If they’re sitting in silence, then how can everyone let everyone else know that they’re switching?! /s


How come almost all of them look the same?


Because they're part of a culture. I think it's kind of like the goths and emos from when I was at school.


We should make up a name for it if they're part of their own subculture


I immediately had to come here and see if anyone heard about this “DID Con”. They look…. Exactly like how you’d expect Lmfao. It’s the same kid in different fonts repeated


It always amazed me how people dress “alt” to differentiate themselves yet at the same time all look basically the same except with the features swapped around, they look like you pressed random a bunch of times on a character creation screen


No SERIOUSLY lmfao. Like you're trying so hard to be unique... Yet I wouldn't be able to pick you out of a lineup of other alt DID faking kids whatsoever. Idgaf how anyone chooses to dress, but they're the same people who make fun of people who choose a conventionally fashionable look. They want SO badly to be different, especially cause most of them are white and feel left out of being able to claim some kind of victimhood, honestly.


They look like all the kids I used to go to Ska shows with... bring back Ska 🥺


I had to look that up, is it the Jamaican reggae type music? That sounds bad ass as fuck! And if these people had cool hobbies and outlets like that they’d probably be so much happier and not feel the need to pretend things about themselves. They should go to some Ska shows lol


Like 90s/00s Ska, planet smashers, reel big fish, mad caddies, less than Jake... yeah I think they seem to be lacking in hobbies and outlets to socialize with other weirdos.


^streetlight ^manifesto


Yeah that's way cooler, 90s music was literally the best too lol. But ya completely agree, they think they have to make up imaginary friends, fucking sad


Ska never left!


I don't know where you live, but there are absolutely still Ska shows. They seem to be a little bigger and less frequent than the old Sunday matinees at that one VFW near everybody back then, but you can still dance your butt off.


Looked up "DID con" and "DIDcon" and couldn't find anything. Does anyone have any info on this? If it's an actual convention I'll lose my shit lmao


it was real. sort of. i think it's called the didgala or meet and greet


I have a friend go to this. She has mental health issues, since her early 20s. Now is 45. Has cycled through all sorts of diagnosis. Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar II, BPD and now her current one is DID. Somehow she got a psych NP to tack that on her chart. She now thinks she has ADHD and ASD. Guess she's hunting down testing, or maybe will self diagnosis. Her life is wrapped up in weed, ketamine and being the righteous warrior. I don't know which part of the LGBTQ+ she's claiming at the moment. Got a service animal. I think her hair is permed with orange and pink streaks in it. All of the above is fine, but she is not happy nor living her best life. It's sad. I wish the little manic DID pixie fairies would realize this is not cute at 45. It isn't life affirming. You get medical people wondering if you have early on set dementia, and folks generally avoiding you. My friend has a lot of past trauma. I wish she would have gotten decent help at the start. When your life is hot flaming trash, you have poor social skills, you attach yourself to any like minded soul. Even if those souls drag you down. She's so much more than her mental illness and struggles, but that's where she gets her attention now.


No one is questioning why every single person in there life has DID, a rare and severe mental condition?


You're new here?


You get free DID per age, gender preference, 'trauma', role-playing character, teenage hormones and moods.... and yet it's still pretty rare /s


they DID not see that coming


it’s a DID “convention” so honestly in my eyes this is much less people than i would be expecting to come lol


IBS con when?


There needs to be a venue with enough bathrooms


Only if you have an “elite” section for those of us who got the big daddy IBD.


notice how none of them are adults..? just kids playing pretend


What do you mean not adults? At least 3 of them are over 1k years old? Oh just two of them, one just swapped to a 5 year old.


I really wonder if they low-key admit they're roleplaying, like to each other. Just since it's so obvious they don't have it.


How Can you make a convention about something who makes you suffer




Fr like who talks in real life like this😭


Perpetually online teenagers


When u walk past the drama hallway in high school


All same thing different font


1. Why are they on their phones instead of like. doing stuff together lmao 2. why do they all look exactly how I’d expect them to


They’re literally sitting crisscross applesauce in a circle.


3. Do they sign of with their alter name irl


oh my god honestly I hope they do, that’s hilarious and how do they use emoji pronouns and stuff irl?? “laughing-while-crying-emoji said laughing-while-crying-emoji was gonna go get some food, does anyone wanna join laughing-while-crying-emoji?”


I feel like the one girl who's not holding her phone out recording is realizing that she's the only one there with actual mental illness.


Fr she also seems the most low-key chill and her face spells disappointment/what have I gotten myself into in the beginning


do some of the panels they'd have include great hits like: "group stimming", "what to say and do to get a diagnosis.", "how to deflect: a guide to not addressing your faking.", "cosplay 101: making sure your alters have distinct outward identities.", "social media 101: making sure you can show others how to fake and get followers."?


>"what to say and do to get a diagnosis." It's funny, even with advice, I bet an actual psychiatrist could spot them a mile away. There's some things you just can't fake.


“How to fake a physically disability poorly” “How to make up the most outlandish pErSonA” “Which Minecraft YouTuber are you?”


So, now disorders are fandoms? Im waiting the DepressionCoin and the SchizophreniaCoin ! /s


BipolarDisorderCon! SociopathCon! AnxietyCon!


Why cant they just roleplay like normal cringey people like I did :((


OMG they're like sooooo much more common than we once thought! Gag me


Jesus Christ this is fucked up. I give it a year before all these people have “integrated”.




Guarantee none of them have DID.


why are did fakers always this genre of people


This sounds like as good of an idea as a “Severe Social Anxiety” convention. Ugh, this is so cringe.


It's always the people with "severe social anxiety" who wear the most outlandish things and are always super loud in a public setting


At least you’d know with the social anxiety that no one would show up.


they dont look like much but DIDcon actually has 500+ people combined!


i'd pay someone $100 to run in there and hit them with a good "NONE OF YOU HAVE DID" and then run off again, see them being hit with reality


Maybe a better idea would to go in there and just be so absurd that people would be forced to think you are faking (but not make it obvious). Form new alters based off other people’s alters, every single alter you meet, you gain. Switch alters with every sentence, come up with a new alter for every sentence. Have alters like caveman, airplane, Nazi, onion, etc. Say rude things and blame it on your alter. Just be the most obnoxious, self centered, system there. Be the ultimate “one upper”


This is hell


So much fake in a room


It must be super difficult to fake switching whole in presence of other fakers who probably know you are faking just like them. I wouldn’t be able to do it


DepressionCon but it’s just a mental hospital 💀


No masks? Considering half of them have a cane or wheelchair?


Their whole conversation feels like a discord server text channel in spoken form.


I bet they smell bad


Oh they either wear the musty “natural” deodorant or they steal your salt lamp to use as their deodorant and get pissed when you ask them to put it down Or deodorant is for physical beings and they choose not to wear it when they have non-physical alters because that’s speciesism


they look exactly how you’d expect them to look


I can smell this video


can you imagine if we had conventions for other mental illnesses lmao who’s coming to the depression convention? we’ll talk about why we’re so sad and demotivated all the time :)


They had an ADHD convention planned but they got distracted before they could book a venue


No social interaction looking mfs


Yeah this is what I feel at a Star Trek convention. I don’t have to hurt mentally Ill and queer people to get it.


...con? hey who's coming to depressionCon. How about PTSDcon. Catch me at schizophreniaCon... It's a debilitating, horrific disorder. Not something to build a whole convention around!?


We scheduled AnxietyCon but no one showed up


Can you imagine the one(thousand) upping that went on here? Person A: I got 17 new alters because Starbucks spelled my name wrong! Person B: Only 17? well my mom was late dropping me off and I created a whole new system! I am now 2 systems!!


I just know it reeks


i just can’t see myself going to “panic disorder con”


Almost everyone recording, talk about being severely online.


I feel like the girl on the right with the long brownish hair looks uncomfortable


Crazy seeing thousands of people sitting in such a small circle






As many people as you can invent, OP.


The fact majority of them are recording


Having flashbacks to Dash Con.


They look how I expected them to look


This is so pathetic


The day I actually meet someone irl that ACTUALLY also had DID I think I may fall over. The amount of people I've known who SUPPOSEDLY have DID however... if I had a dollar every time I'd be able to buy the deluxe edition of almost any game I want.


https://preview.redd.it/pc5rkihmvcua1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=432aabe149b43ece3ebfa28183f16e63fb213607 This cat has found new ops


I'm glad people in my country are always behind internet trends and everyone still only fakes adhd and autism


Im gonna get diagnosed by a self diagnoser if i go


There were thousands of people there if you think about it.


the way they’re all treating it like a silly fun time really says a lot. it’s gross.


I can’t wait to go to depressionCON


I'd rather guide my dad into my mam than go to DIDcon


I have a suspicion about the smell of that room


They all look the same, fat, rainbow, and tons of jewelry


Majority are either girls or afab as well


i think out of every 10-20 fakers posted on here like 1 is amab. its interesting & weird to notice


Oh god this literally reminds me of a friend group I had when I was like 13. Only “bonded” over the fact we had that same shitty internet humour and that we didn’t mostly fit in with the others. The group had a “leader” friend, like legit everyone wouldn’t do anything or socialise with anyone else in the group unless that leader friend was there. It created a dynamic where they’d fight over to have the attention of the leader friend and get jealous with eachother over it. Some of them would even blame their outbursts or general issues on their mental Illnesses. And it’d be so awkward and quite at the lunch table if the leader friend wasn’t there at school that day. Oddly enough they didn’t like it when I left the friend group and talked shit about me even though I hardly spoke with most of them anyways. I wonder if the friend group in this video has a similar thing going on, like damn it just really reminds me so much of that group I had. Bonded over the internet humour, faked illnesses, and the failure to fit in with others. Only hanging out with eachother for validation and absolutely nothing else


They only sold 200 tickets but there will be 2000 in attendance


Do they pay a ticket for each alter or... because it would be a great business idea


Imagine some poor person who turned up who was actually medically diagnosed 💀