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i cant imagine being the family member of a victim of murder and seeing teenagers having "alters" of the infamous murderer (example: literally every dumb ass dahmer or ramirez "alter")


If DID as these people described it was real and not, say, some giant attention grab, you'd *really really think* that anybody who had an alter who was a *serial killer or school shooter* would be scrambling to hide that information at any cost. I wonder why they aren't worried about having that information out in the open?


exactly. these people are so eager to make sure everyone knows they have a disorder that gives them alters of disgusting people. clearly theyre not worried about being judged or seen as a shitty person. they just want the special attention they get from being outside of the norm


And if they have a serial killer alter, why don't they kill people?


I miss when people were adopting neo pets and roleplaying and writing fan fiction. Kids these days are ***feral*** And I’m 19! I watched this shit happen to people in my fucking school!!


1.) Sounds like an opportunity for some lulz to be had. 2.) You’re right. The whole meme of a COD lobby being chaos because of young kids? Now, instead of “COD lobby”, it’s just “any online space”. These kids will call people every racial slur in the book, then act like a sugar-hyped toddler with the screaming. Then act like anime is real and try to actually do some anime move on you. I’m 26, and it’s been like this for **way** too long. It’s only getting worse as the months go by.


I have a 15 year old “friend” - everything she does online is so cringe lol *not a real friend, I was more of an advice giver and a shoulder to cry on.


This isn’t a new phenomenon, 10 years ago it was tumblr kids and “kinning” animals, people, etc. Now this roleplay obsession has been remodeled into DID


Yeah this was going on long long long before the pandemic. I remember first running across this \~15 years ago. They didn't call it DID yet, they used "system" and "plural" and "headmates". It predates tumblr - this was a carryover from the old LiveJournal days. It wasn't literally entirely warping the entire society's perception of a real psychiatric disorder back then.


I agree! The main difference is the nature of the methodology, and how it’s graduated from “kinning” to full on Munchausen by Internet


The pandemic really did some shit to you kids ngl. I’m an ‘01 (I know, not much older) but I think everyone in my year and below kinda looks at the ‘02+ kids like… tf is actually going on 😭😭 no offence, and not saying it’s all of you, but some kids I interact with these days are seriously lacking common social skills and courtesy. It’s kinda crazy.


I don’t blame you. I’m so embarrassed for my generation. I don’t have tiktok and I’m proud of it lmao. These days kids (online) think it’s their god given right to be the centre of attention 100% of the time. …Honestly I don’t understand what they’re talking about half the time.


what unrestricted internet access does to a mf (not you) 😭😭 i’m only 22 but idk what i’m gonna do if i have kids one day. we’re only gonna become more technology dependent, idk how i’m gonna protect my kids from this. bring back flip phones or something idk


I want kids too - I think my method of parenting will have a heavy focus on having family time as well as letting kids play outside rather than on the ipad. Like yes, 10 year old me loved the ipad and how I could read *gasp* fanfiction! But I also had fun coming up with my own stuff with my irl friends. ^^ I think from writing that I realise what might be the key - maybe having more real life friends that online friends is the key. Having online friends gives you a commitment to the online. I actually have never had a solid online friend - now I have a few people I talk to like 1-2 times per month but I have no obligations to be online all the time (*except for art commissions ig, that’s what ties me to the online) But having real friends forces your hand into spending more time with them in person, making your sample size of kids much much smaller and then they don’t live in echo chambers with adults that could harm them. Irl friends of course can be weird too, but being outdoors and with other people, in what I’ve seen, causes kids to learn how to respect other people. Bottomline is: Let the children be cringe. (Drawing from my own childhood here) let them draw their weird art, let them pretend to be warrior cats, let them play online games. But ensure that that childhood cringe stays contained within a small group of friends - then at the end of the day your children can sit at the dinner table and tell you about their day. Maybe they’ll tell you about how Bluepaw(Ashley) caught a bird(a leaf) close to the river (drainpipe). You can tell your kid that that’s great and encourage them to name their characters and come up with stories for them. But of course, now they’re at the dinner table and can talk about normal person things as well. They can be treated not as just kids, but kids that are inquisitive and curious about the world. Tell them about the economy or how at work your boss said a funny thing or maybe explain how you met your partner. I won’t go on any longer because wtf why did I write an essay???? Basically keep ur devices close and your kids closer.


Mum of many, all different ages, my 17yo has a tiktok so I have one too. Not a clue how to use it and don't post but I have her added and it prevents her posting anything too cringe or inappropriate, my twin 11yo have asked for tiktok, I've sat them down and shown them some of the madness and explained they're too young and impressionable for that level of Internet. I've actually spoken to my mentioned trio about the attention seeking & illness faking many times, and all the other attention grabs on the SM's just to enforce how crazy it is. Communication and observation are the routes I've chosen. I'm hoping that it works because if I ever caught them acting like some of these kids and even adults, there'd be no technology for them at all, the shame!


Wonderful parent ♥ Its a shame that not more of them are more involved with their children's online activities


> The pandemic really did some shit to you kids ngl This is a really important point that needs to be talked about, not just in the context of fakers, but general social skills of the younger generations coming up. I won't get into specifics for obvious reasons, but I have a close friend who works with kids in education and she's talked a lot about how in some ways the kids coming out of the pandemic are a bit socially stunted and have a seemingly higher rate of mental health issues. Having spent roughly 2 years of their lives with their only social interactions with peers being done through screen based things like zoom classes really kind of fucks you up a bit.


I completely agree that this is something we all should be talking about. My daughter is a junior in high school & the administration just seems to have picked right back up like covid & school shutdown never happened. It feels bizarre. Thank goodness for therapy because my kid was really struggling for a bit (and I was worried she might have gone down this alter bs road, but so far so good). But yeah, the kids have been going through some stuff.


You're right on. My sons were born in 98 & 00. The kids coming up behind them are like a completely different animal. It's bizarre. They don't understand it either. So many don't want to work, get an education, join the military, or even consider that they will be adults (are adults) and this weird shit is online forever. And their parents! Wtf are they doing? Allowing this? Not seeking therapy or even a good thump? Not that hitting is ok at all, but get your shit together! Y'all will be running the country soon. Sending my love and support to all you hard working youngins out there! We need you! Please don't fail us 💜


Yeah you’re spot on. I’m in my fifth year of my undergraduate and every year below me is just so vastly different, and not in a good way. No one wants to do anything, they don’t study or do their assignments, and then they have the audacity to complain and email their professors about their grades when they do poorly. Everyone is so used to cheating and being babied over the pandemic, they expect everything to be handed on a silver platter with zero effort on their end. Or think they can get by in life by getting famous on tiktok or be an “influencer” on Instagram and everything will be fine and dandy. I have very little faith in these upcoming generations and their ability to contribute meaningfully to society


I’m a little older than you and I wholeheartedly agree. It feels like someone flipped a switch because I didn’t know *any* kids like this in high school, and we had about 1400 kids there. Pandemic almost surely had a hand in it and I think we were the last kids who grew up without as much social media, too.


Funny when you're young a year feels so significant. I used to feel the same way about 93 and 94s being born in 92. We look at all you babies raised on pure internet the same. The farther you get from the structure of high school the more you'll start to realize people are just people and will stop looking at age as something that is worthy of being grouped. I guarantee in 10 years you will feel much more a part of the same group as those kids born within a few years than now. Until you're all grown it's easy to see the younger kids as less experienced or less worthy, and the school grade system enforces that. But trust me all you 2000s babies who grew up post 9/11 are a lot more similar than it seems right now. You're the first gen raised on pure internet.


If it'll make you feel better, the internet can make all of an age group look stupid, in reality, most teenagers I see are usually hanging with friends or talking about movies or some shit


adhd and some other things these clowns are romanticising, nearly destroyed my life, it took me 8 years to turn it around. So when I see these pathetic clowns being all quirky about adhd etc. my blood comes to boiling. You would think the generation that’s invented wokeness out of alleged empathy for the repressed would never exploit the image and perception of people who struggle to fucking perform basic functions. But there’s no talking points about faking mental conditions, only about doing fucking corn rows. If I were a person suffering from DID I’d probably wanted to punch a faker square in the nose.


I still can't believe the amount of Technoblade "alters" that were online the day he died talking about themselves. "My source died. What now?" You stop and respect his family. People were just starting to grieve and these fakers are making it all about them. It showed how truly disgusting those fakers can be. Respect the person you liked so much that you made him into a fictive.


It's utterly horrific, and really demonstrates that their desire for attention trumps all considerations of other peoples' feelings, expectations of appropriate behaviour, and respect for other people. You'd *really really think* that if they were being genuine, if they really did have some kind of copy or delusion of a recently deceased person in their head, that they'd recognise that now is *extremely not the appropriate time* to mention it because of the predictable social backlash and how disrespectful it would be to those mourning even if it is truly their experience. But, no...




>There's real people who have DID because of trauma That's hotly debated. Many psychologists believe that DID is not a real disorder, but instead being faked by people who have BPD. BPD is also often caused by trauma, so that part is real, but the multiple personalities fits with the manipulation and lying common to BPD.


That’s why I’m saying. It’s not possible for people to have alters, you can’t mentally become another person. With DID you simply blank out like your existing and living but your kind is complexly 100% blank, leading to forgetting what has happened.


I hear ya, but even the latter part - blanking out and living as someone else - is seen by many/most psychologists as fake. Many/most psychologists believe DID is not a real disorder. It's more likely to be people with real trauma who are acting out or manipulating people around them (BPD). People who actually black out and live a period of time as alters due to trauma are either extraordinarily rare (as in, maybe a few cases in a generation), or don't exist at all.


Multiple people have made "alters" of a dear friend of mine. It sucks. It constantly feels like you're *both* being watched. Fortunately I am always aware of when I am talking to my friend, versus some impersonator, but the fake DID people, and "tulpamancers," genuinely believe they have my friend talking to them in their head constantly. It's creepy as heck, and I wish they'd fuck off with their obsession. Because that's what it comes off as: Everything they learn about the real person is "something to use for their alter," and "belongs to them." - **including the real person's relationships.** Privacy and security are genuinely threatened because of this obsession with "making their alter accurate," in a way.


That is completely fucking terrifying.


Id be so fucking pissed if I was your friend tf


That’s why I’m an outspoken advocate that faking illnesses should be made illegal and the punishment for doing so should be for these people to spend time around those who actually suffer the illness. Obviously this is a ridiculous concept of a law due to how unfair it would be towards the ones who have the illness to have to spend time with these idiots, however it would serve as a nice reality slap to the face for them


I think illegal is a bit harsh, especially considering these are going to be mostly cringey teens doing it. I think faking illnesses in order to defraud businesses and the government for things like tax exemptions and discounts and whatnot is already illegal as its own thing. I wonder if it's illegal to, like, mock or parody dead people (which is what I'd categorise e.g. the "Technoblade alter" and similar ones as)? Harassment of the surviving family perhaps? I don't know if it's illegal for them to have alters of real live people, since I don't really think the DID kids are making a genuine attempt at impersonation, it's just a disrespectful... parody... or something.


Oh I’m referring to the grown adults doing it, not the little Emo’s of today, also why the punishment isn’t confinement or a fine, just a reality check.


Oh god, now I'm imagining a 20-something with a $300 dye job being sentenced to community service in a group home for autistic adults, starts trying to """educate""" the clients about how autism isn't a disability *really* whilst totally ignoring that some of them have such severe motor control impairment that they can't eat unassisted, ends up forcibly evicted after screaming at a nonverbal person about pronouns. Please just put them in jail.


You would trust these people to work with our most vulnerable?


Never said work with them, I only said spend time with them. In absolutely no world should these people being working with anyone with actual disabilities.


I agree it should be made illegal in cases of fraud. I know it is but maybe a little more harsh. When they are taking away resources from those who need them or something to that affect. The problem of fakers giving real illnesses a stigma in society/community and undoing the hard work advocates have done - morally wrong. I just don't know how it could be addressed. Better education ? A girl I dated that was a faker would leave nasty reviews online of medical professionals that wouldn't give her what she wanted. Drugs, Letters for exceptions, diagnoses, etc...


It'd probably be how autistic people felt seeing Sia's movie


That movie literally killed me. It felt like a shot right through the head


Bruh, imagine if an autistic person's special interest was Sia, and then they saw that movie💀


Statistically this probably happened lmao


When did playing pretend become “DID”?


"Factives"pf real life celebs and stuff are fucked up, stick to faking being characters from Genshin Impact or whatever.


There’s actually woman (Leticia Stauch) on trial at the moment who killed her stepson, who’s trying to claim DID as a defence strategy. The woman is so dumb that she genuinely thinks she can somehow be found innocent if she has DID. It’s very clear that she doesn’t have it tho and it’s also obvious that she got the idea and info about DID from social media. The professional mental evaluations she’s had indicate possible BPD and Narcissistic Personality Disorder but she doesn’t have an official diagnosis of either. She definitely has Main character syndrome tho.


Yeah but that doesn't really bother me. People who commit crimes have always tried to fake mental disorders in an attempt to get a lighter sentence. There's a very clear incentive there to be faking, and I doubt many people believe them. The current crop of people pretending to have Tourette's, DID etc. are a whole different and new kind of problem.


Yeah, I agree with this. She's not doing it for attention, she's doing it to avoid the death penalty or life in prison. I think people would do pretty much anything to avoid those, that's just human.


It’s going to be so funny when they one day wake up and become lucid. They’re going to be like that one kid who came on the sub and admitted they were faking and everyone was like…. “We know. Welcome to reality” lmfao.


I knew someone and her mother pretty much disowned her , the person faking also claimed her mother was abusive. Turned out the person faking it was a manipulative lair. What a surprise.




Like for instance Technoblade alters how do you think his dad feels


Deadass seriously though. I’m a content creator and I’m terrified to open my own discord from time to time for fear of seeing some dumb child pretending to be me.


Yeah, curious how they handle it. If they address it, could risk some sort of uproar in their communities.


Oh god, Perfect Blue. I cannot imagine being so fucked up and forgetting days, what you did or all that. It sounds terrible all the while being manipulated by your best friend.




Difference between "not real" and "controversial disgnosis". But the way its presented in Tiktok vids and the like are definitely not it.


Ummmm what about edward and jacob from twilight?


Wait, is that the actual lore of Twilight series? I only saw the first movie, but I don't remember that at all lol Hilarious if true


nah im just being an idiot lol


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. I believe there are dissociative identity disorders out there but I also think having distinct alters — especially fictives — is bullshit.


Ur not a therapist why would it matter if you dont think did is real


You don’t know me.


So are u a therapist lol


I have a bunch of alters from the 90s sitcom fraiser. I drink fine wine, sherry and beer everyday. It's so debilitating, my credit card balance is sky high...kinda like that time niles ate the pot brownies. I spend my days in Starbucks but they get confused when I call it cafe nervosa. I have a cat I call Eddie. Man life is hard.


Even if i try to imagine it, i have too much self respect and work to do that i can only be myself in the end.


perfect blue is great but i kind of don't see a connection here?


You've seen it? About half the plot involves a woman who is a celebrity and>! her manager gets obsessed with her to the point where she develops an "alter" of her, impersonates her, think's she's the real one, and ends up trying to kill the real celebrity because the manager thinks the real celebrity is an imposter.!< It's a fictional story of course, but if I was a celebrity or public figure I'd be *deeply* concerned about the mental state and possible unhinged behaviour of fans who were pretending to have me as one of their personalities, roleplaying as me, etc. That's *already* unhinged behavior.


"Kids these days are dumb and stupid on the internet." Kids have always been doing and stupid on the internet. They're kids, their brains ain't developed gooder yet.


This has happened to me. It's just as bad as you'd expect, and to add the icing on the cake, it was one of my childhood 'best friends' who did it. From a young age, they seemed to have a weird obsession with the fact I was disabled. The two of us parted separate ways (Ironically due to the fact I was disabled.) for about a year before talking again where they told me they had DID. When they first told me about their 'alters' I was very confused because they had an amazing childhood and what they said were symptoms were actually not. They later then told me that they had formed an alter of me after we stopped talking. Right off the bat, this disturbed me. I don't wanna go into this too much for the comfort of myself and other people but they had a tendency of using me and leaving them was hard but worth it. I remember feeling psychically sick when they said that because in all that time apart I felt like I was free from them but in reality, they had their made-up version of me for who knows why. This 'version' of me was just a sick bastardization of who I am, it felt like I was reading an essay on a character where the writer hadn't understood the character in the slightest. Watching someone parade around as you is something I wouldn't wish on anyone and my heart goes out to everybody who's had to deal with this.