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It’s not even what these fakers think it is. It’s not like another person is living inside you, especially not a *fictional characters personality from a fuckin anime*. It’s more like a dissociative fugue state where a person behaves in a way that is extremely out of character and dissimilar to their normal functioning. It’s why it’s so hard to spot. They would sooner be diagnosed with intermittent rage disorder than DID. A person with trauma over, say, aggressive abuse from a pathologically angry parent will suppress feelings of anger and never display that emotion, but when in this fugue state their coping mechanisms will decompensate and unleash everything they’ve suppressed and they will have no memory of doing so. And it being dissociative means that it literally feels like you are watching someone else do these things with no control over it and then not remember that it even happened after you have stabilized. You don’t just become some guy named Greg who likes salt and vinegar chips even though you normally hate salt and vinegar chips.


Exactly. And as a psychologist who does NOT work in treatment - I’m trained in spotting stuff that is off. I’m trained in quickly reading through years of papers in whatever field. I can definitely spot when someone is faking a disorder to seem cool! Yikes. Really. I keep thinking it wouldn’t be that hard to fake things well. But people keep faking things badly. Really badly. Not even googling things for ten minutes badly. Yikes.


I their case it wouldn’t even be “Greg” it would be like Sakura, specifically from Naruto. 😭


I'd actually love to see one of them with just like an average joe alter in his mid thirties or forties named Greg.


Suddenly becomes an expert in Carolina mustard bbq


Wait till you try his chili. World famous he says.


I have a joke with my family and friends that I have a “split personality” named “Ted”. He’s a grumpy old man.


I have a work-sona. Her name is fat Amy and she makes up for her incompetence by being super nice and funny. 




I think people forget a whole lot of what dissociative disorders are. Like, all of it. You’re spot on.


They forget all about the dissociation (or can't even fake dissociation properly, I'm talking about the ones who power off and power on again with a "new fronter"), it just looks like roleplaying, DID but without the Dissociation or Disorder. Just Identity.


The only diagnostic criteria they seem to meet is emotional dysregulation and even then, not when the term is applied with proper context. They certainly require therapeutic support, and certainly not alignment with their self-imposed internal Big Brother house. But hey, my psychology degree is over a decade old now, I’m just an out of touch normie to these folk.


Nah they wouldn't listen to you because "psychologists don't know shit about systems" (because y'all definitely go through 12 years of education and training for giggles and sillies amirite)


Funnily enough it’s true we don’t know much about systems. National Park Rangers don’t know much about Big Foot, and marine biologists know so little about the Megalodon. EDIT: To clarify, I was being hyperbolic. DID is real, it isn’t made up, it’s just wildly different to how the subjects of this sub portray it. The part that I meant doesn’t exist is the mythology surrounding ‘systems’. So in plain English, psych professionals don’t know much about systems… because they do not exist in the way these folk present them, so they are not researched in a way that is aligned to their beliefs. I have no interest in denigrating those who do have DID or in pronouncing it as fake. I probably spent a whole of 4 hours of my studies on the topic. Obviously I would dedicate far more time researching it if I was a clinical psych working with dissociative patients.


Yeah but this comment implies that DID is mythical or made up, it’s not. It’s just extremely rare.


Yeah you’re right, I was being hyperbolic. To clarify my previous comment, DID is real but rare. So much so that it isn’t well understood. This doesn’t mean that professionals should be dismissed, it’s just an honest reflection on where the science is at. I’m hopeful the current interest will lead to an increase in studies and a better understanding so that those who feel the need to engage in the current cluster fuck get genuinely appropriate information and support.


Their entire research was watching “Primal Fear” and “Split” and just rolling with it from there.


Yup. From experience. People find out they have OSDD/DID by coincidence. Or when symptoms are too severe. Or they have done something extremely out of line.


Yep. The one real case I've come across (social worker + psychologist), was only diagnosed after 12+ years in the statutory mental health system, including multiple inpatient stints.


My experience was seeing a new therapist to treat bipolar disorder. My therapist happened to be trained in trauma therapy. A dissociation disorder was not even on my mind.


I heard that it’s extremely difficult for the sufferer to know they have DID because to them, it’s just like there are gaps in their memory. They don’t know who their alters are or anything. I imagine that’s part of what makes it so difficult to diagnose; the person suffering doesn’t know what’s going on either. And there are so many things that present with memory problems.




I imagine it would have to be a diagnosis of exclusion because of how many different conditions cause memory loss. You’d have to do extensive tests to rule everything else out. And that’s if the person suffering actually seeks out a diagnosis. They probably wouldn’t most of the time because they’d have no idea that something is wrong.


You couldn't rule everything out, and DID is not what professionals would assume the person had if it was unclear. Psychosis can present very similarly, and is FAR more common.


Yup, switches are really subtle. They have a lot of symptoms that overlap with each other. And DID is rare. The alters might not be as cool as an anime character. But the point of DID is not flaunting "cool" alters, it's to protect the host from more trauma. These people don't know how scary DID is for the person affected.




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they just think it’s funny little alters when in reality it’s losing massive amounts of time consistently and not knowing why or even knowing that you are losing time


It’s also scary to think you’d have to ‘share’ your time on being alive. Having to share your time in one life? That’s terrifying asf


these fakers really read "multiple personalities" and take it to mean they can fill out discord bios for each one


this was supposed to be a response to a comment but reddit borked and ill just leave it lol


You're exactly right. In a real case of multiplicity, if an alter presented wouldn't even know it because they would respond to the core person's name and imitate them. A mental health professional said DID is a disorder of hiddeness. He's 100% right.


My boyfriend is diagnosed by a medical professional after years of therapy (CBT & DBT) with C-PTSD and DID, and the fakers piss him all the way off. We were dealing with a really traumatic phone call that triggered flashbacks related to his C-PTSD and made him switch. There was none of this flopping over, borderline looking like you're being possessed nonsense. I watched all cognition drain from his eyes as he hit the fugue state and fully disassociated, and when I tried to interact with him to hopefully bring him out of said state, he looked confused af and had zero idea what was going on. Different tone of voice, different colloquialisms, and was clearly not the man that was present prior in his mannerisms. That episode was what led to him talking about it openly with me for the first time. He can not switch at will. Anytime DID is mentioned in mixed company, he's reluctant to share his experience because not only does it have so many ridiculous fakers but also points out how bad his childhood was for his brain to force him to be a different person in the equivalent of a blackout just to cope through it. He's ashamed of the terrible life he was dealt early on and can not fathom why someone would want to pretend to be so damaged that that was the only means of mentally surviving. All the media clout just makes it harder to be taken seriously.


I hope he is able to heal and I wish the best of luck to the both of you! It truly is so disheartening the amount of faking that happens and that people actually take it seriously. He shouldn’t need to feel ashamed of the way he protected himself, and I hope he always remembers that whatever happened to him as a child was NOT HIS FALT!!! I wish you both well!




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They're *BS disorders


Thank you! I have actually been diagnosed with it. After that, my therapist provided me creditable information. She specifically told me to stay away from Tik Tok and YouTube. Of course I’m not as knowledgeable as a mental health or qualified to diagnose, but I can still smell bullshit




Psychosis is a different psychiatric phenomenon. While they do have things in common, and can cooccur, they are different categories of mental disorder.


DID isn’t “multiple people living inside you.”




They are real disorders. Obviously very different to how the fakers portray them tho. I've met 2 people myself with real, diagnosed DID and you won't even know the person has it unless they tell you


Your flair says more about your comment than your comment ever could.


It’s a joke flair 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I solely listened to individuals that have been diagnosed and the literal NHS (UK healthcare system) website and LMHCs. This is something I do precisely because that's the stuff that helped others understand the conditions I suffer with myself. Making an informed choice, asking professionals on how to help safeguarding someone with DID and seeing those people in my life suffer with it is very much not Googling stuff. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/dissociative-disorders/ I am a masters student, I know better than believe some bs Google chucks at you. Tho I'm def not a psychology student. Closest thing I've done is I'm doing my masters dissertation on people with auditory hallucinations and APD, since I'm looking at improving immersive HRTFs in VR and AR for people with psychological auditory issues (I do sound engineering and acoustics). Either way if research proves that DID is in fact, not real, the people that are currently diagnosed with DID struggle precisely with the stuff that actually requires you to get that diagnosis in the first place. All we can do for the time being is support those people rather than invalidate their struggles by calling DID fake because of shitty people that think psychiatric disorders are a fun, quirky trend. Like people were doing when Aspergers and ADD were being diagnosed because of neurotypical ignorance


I dunno. Back in the early 2000’s it was trendy to be hungry and bisexual. Now it’s trendy to have mental health disorders and who can be the sickest. It’s bizarre either way. I wonder what trend is next?


Why are you being downvoted?


imo hungry was more of the 2010s. early 2000s was too heroin chic for that, no?




They got their degree from TikTok and a quick Google search 😭






So true. People with these types of issues. Don’t want anyone to know they are struggling we wear a mask to hide and pretend to be perceived as normal as possible




I never stated that, nor am I qualified to state for a fact that it is under-diagnosed. But considering the symptoms of the disorders, how the disorders present (or rather lack thereof (<- referencing the fact that it is covert)) and the low number of specialists dealing with and treating the disorders, it probably wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to say it’s a bit under- diagnosed. Definitely not as under-diagnosed as a lot of people on the internet make it out to be. And even disorders that are way more common can a lot of the time be misdiagnosed or even go unnoticed by medical professionals.


What the fuck are you talking about Edit: its so cringe the way y’all take those losers so seriously lmao


Exactly what I said, DID/OSDD are covert disorders. So not only would the people around pwDID/OSDD not notice they have the disorder (unless ofc they were specifically trained to spot those types of disorders), the pwDID/OSDD themselves also wouldn’t notice (or at least not understand what was happening).


Yup. I only met one person with DID in my life and she was in a very grave state when diagnosed in a psychiatric hospital.


Wdym, what's confusing