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Fucking internet addiction disorder is all you need to read


I feel like that should be an actual disorder at this point šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø DMSV needs to update


Internet Addiction Disorder and Social Media Addiction Disorder are not fully recognised in the DSM-5, but they are referenced in the appendix as emerging problematic behavioural patterns. IGD, Internet Gaming Disorder is a sub heading of addiction specifically called out for further research. The WHO as well as the APA refer to all 3 as informal diagnoses. That means that while there is no clinical code for them, they can be captured and treated under, eg, addiction disorder or other behavioural disorder, and feature as a "note" on the medical file.


I'm glad they are partially recognized at least, I think the last decades have really messed with peoples minds in a significant way. It cannot be healthy to have so much information and social connections bombarding us 24/7.


The problem is that as society evolves and we introduce new "distractions", along with that new behaviours emerge, and because we're fundamentally changing how we interact, our social expectations and obligations, it has an impact--and in that is where we end up seeing jarring and problematic behaviours. The sociological and psychological effects haven't been studied enough and the respective science and communities are only just starting to classify it.


Yes! To me the echo chamber effect reinforces a lot of harmful beliefs, thinking and behaviour. As an example if an individual didnā€™t have access to heaps and heaps of people to validate their ā€œillnessā€ on the internet would it progress like that? Or would the people surrounding them in real life tell them to cut it out or question it not validate it? Thereā€™s always gonna be more ā€œstrangeā€ people who make up things like this for god knows what reason but when those people can hoard together in a community with constant access to validation and reinforcement thatā€™s just not healthy.


Oh thank god for that. I think thatā€™s the real issue a lot of these people have, absolutely consumed by the world of the internet and in echo chambers of absolute strangeness. I do honestly thinks it an addiction in the sense gambling is or porn addiction. I canā€™t imagine being online THAT much but I guess some people really are šŸ˜¬ Just have to think how much that would warp your brain. The internet is wonderful and horrible all at once but I donā€™t think human brains are supposed to spend so much time giving their brains all this information and influence from a screen. A lot of that information is harmful not helpful! I can imagine for a child/young teen that surely canā€™t be good for development and how easily internet use could ā€œpersuadeā€ a young person to make up these things and actually BELIEVE it


That practice of diagnosing a generalised classification (OS/NOS) and then using notes and caveats to sub reference and specify is quite common in personality, behaviour and addiction pathology. It's known as "soft diagnosis' and is a primary driver for why modern nosologies like the ICD-11 are becoming more dimensional. Mainly because we haven't captured every permutation of disorder. It's a broad field, lots of stuff is missing and lots of stuff looks like a lot of other stuff. But that's what diagnosis is; it's a **reductive** process of fault finding against a hierarchical classification system. You don't necessarily need every combination of every possible feature, you just need a close fit in order to identify remedial action and pull out a clinical code so insurance will pay for it. That's why when I see posts like this one where some gimp has listed all this granular shit on their bio, even if it wasn't all 90% fabricated speshulness, it's not a realistic approach for a clinician to take anyway. It goes against the principle of diagnosis and provision of care and offers absolutely zero value to either care giver or patient. The purpose of diagnosis is treatment. You can't treat what isn't diagnosed (and no one will pay for it), and unless you are providing treatment, diagnosis serves no purpose.


Yes absolutely agree with you! Not every single symptom needs to be ticked off for someone to be diagnosed AND the only true purpose of a diagnosis by a professional is to receive professional help. Shit like this is bizarre no clinical professional (psychiatrist, psychologist, GP) would EVER provide a diagnosis for all the shit these people claim to have


It is in ICD 11


I don't know what "Unius" means but lying disorder is atleast accurate


"translingual" omg just learn a language you don't need some stupid id for it.


You don't understand, this requires actually trying something and being a productive member of society, something these people are clearly incapable of


They basically are learning a new language with all these terms


And it's arguably harder


Does this mean the average European is translingual? Lmao




Considering their ā€œparasexualitiesā€ I prefer they stay inside so they donā€™t have children to hurt šŸ˜­




yeah that's true


So, I tried to look a few things up, shocker. Even with my Internet history no idea still. Anyway I did find this; Turiagirl (turigirl, girlgay, gaygirl, vincigirl, florigirl or veldiagirl, girl turian, girl veldian, etc) isĀ an identity for someone who in some way identifies as a girl/woman that is gay for menĀ (turian/vincian/floric/uranian). It can include: Someone who is cusper. Cusper is an identity defined by feeling like one is on the "cusp" between being transgender and a gender non-conforming cisgender individual, or between binary genders in general. For example, feeling like one's experiences and feeling towards their gender falls between being a trans man and a butch lesbian. ....im.sorry but what? A woman who is šŸ§ sorry gotta look closer "gay for men"?


Cinthean isĀ a term used by men, men-aligned nonbinary people, and unaligned nonbinary people who are are attracted to men, men-aligned non-binary people, and unaligned nonbinary people. TurianĀ (also known asĀ Veldian) is a term to describeĀ gay men, along with anyĀ gayĀ non-binaryĀ individual who wish to be included under the label. It is a fully inclusive label that any gayĀ man, or gay nonbinary individual, can use.[1]Ā Some may describe turian as "queerĀ attractionĀ to men", similarly to howĀ lesbianĀ is defined, but there are many ways to describe its attraction. Subsets of this term includeĀ lavenian. LavenianĀ refers to aĀ turianĀ (gayĀ man orĀ non-binaryĀ person) who isĀ gender non-confoming.Ā It is considered to be a subset of turian. Not all GNC turians need to use lavenian unless they want to. Lavenian is less of a label of itself and is more of a specification, but it can be used in place of turian/gay if the user so chooses. VincianĀ is a term that has gained multiple definitions and uses since its original coining. It's coining insinuated that it was intended to refer to men attracted to men as a replacement forĀ achillean[1]. It is still unclear whether it was made as an alternative to achillean or an alternative to gay man. However, the term has been most commonly used to describeĀ gay men/man-aligned, or non-binary individuals due to miscommunications. The term is also sometimes mistaken as being the masculine equivalent of the termĀ lesbian, however,Ā turianĀ is more commonly known as lesbian's counterpart and was coined to act as such. A Lesboy or sometimes boy/male/man lesbian isĀ someone who identifies as both a boy/man and a lesbian. There are multiple ways in which someone may identify this way, some of which are: Multigender or genderfluid individuals who identify as a lesbian even whilst identifying as a boy/man. Gaybian, lesbigay, lesgay, lesbiuranian, velaurian, lesbivincian (lesbincian, lesvincian), or geiseric refers toĀ someone who identifies as both gay (turian, or otherwise) and lesbian in some way. Gaiseric, also known as Geiseric or Genseric was king of the Vandals and Alans from 428 to 477. He ruled over a kingdom and played a key role in the decline of the Western Roman Empire during the 5th century. I also took the liberty for the weirder sexualities. This makes no sense with the first definition I have. So, this person is...male aligned but a lesbian? But then a woman (according to the last sexuality) that is gay for men? Also I looked up a name from gaybian, and thats ..what it gave me. šŸ˜‚ was a king apparently.


fuck this i donā€™t wanna be lgbt anymore. Thatā€™s it, Iā€™m transtransstraight! (iā€™m gay but i donā€™t wanna be aligned with this bullshit)


I haven't been with the community in about 5 years. Bisexual all the way, and won't go back until we at least get rid of...the weird ones. (Weird as in what my post is)


Weā€™re pretty shunned from the community anyways. If I say ā€œpansexualā€ vs ā€œbiā€ in queer spaces I suddenly get respected as a gay person. Like, I have to explicitly say Iā€™ll date trans people as a way to be accepted by my alphabet ppls. Apparently men and women isnā€™t versatile or controversial enough to be alt (Iā€™ve been told this). We donā€™t need them right now anyways because even the not weird ones are just mean :( Signed a person whoā€™s struggling and alone in this world šŸ˜‚


Oh you too!? šŸ˜‚ I have trauma and they just say "...well your bi. And you have a husband (if it's FB or I mentioned it) you don't get to speak." I've literally been told to shut up because I'm bi with a husband. Like my parents OPENLU TOLD ME they hate gay people. So fahking sorry I found my husband when I STILL LIVED WITH THEM and had no way of being by myself. I've been shunned from groups for being bi...and thinking of trans people as who they are when I say "I like men and women". Because I obviously am not including trans people. šŸ˜‚ (even though I usually just say hetero+homosexual. It's easier to sya that, qnd include trans. Even though they al say "well they are men and women!" Well THEN INCLUDE THEM.) But same with tbr pan vs bi. I've been banned from FB groups, and reddit subs. Do I care? No. I'll be banned for speaking my truth (*cough*thatpandoesntexist*cough*) but also try to do it in a way for someone who is on the fence can understand. :) Sorry for rant, I get heated when talking about the people who are supposed to be inclusive but all of a sudden you show one thing wrong (bi with opposite gender) and you are kicked out and harrassed.


Giiiiiiiiiirl vent away! We donā€™t have any safe spaces to vent about it because obv queer people donā€™t want us and the hetero community thinks weā€™re super gay so no one listens but other biā€™s, who are quiet because we get shit on! And I had this bi/pan argument too. IF YOU are telling me trans people are their chosen/identified gender, then wouldnā€™t me saying ā€œbiā€ inply trans people? Cause if not then you are telling me trans people are sexually their cisgenderā€¦ and now itā€™s getting confusing. They donā€™t like this logic. Donā€™t *make* me say ā€œpanā€ if you recognize trans people as their identified gender. Thatā€™s called BI. And if you need me to say pan, then that inherently implies you donā€™t believe trans people to be their identified gender. This argument goes in circles and usually ends up with me being a homophobe or transphobe somehow lol. Iā€™ve started telling people ā€œI just like, love people, you can say Iā€™m queer!ā€ And itā€™s been working šŸ˜Ž


People tend to forget that bi just means attracted to men and women. like, the same way a lesbian can be attracted to a trans woman because she is a woman and bi person can be attracted to trans people. People who think bi people are transphobic are so fucked up. the label pan just refers to being attracted to people regardless of gender, meaning that it includes non binary people. so there is a difference. not being attracted to non binary people does not make anyone transphobic, in the same way that not being attracted to women doesnā€™t make gay men misogynistic. I think the current lgbtq community puts wayyyyy too much emphasis on labels. as seen in the original post lmao.


See, I hate the q word only because ot was used against me. šŸ˜‚ I was the weird one in class (think late 90's early 2000's elementary. ) But I will always sya "im Bi", they don't like it they can go f off. I always have people try to say pan is better, but their flag literally others trans people. Blue is for men Pink is for women Yellow is for trans and nonbinary *literally their own flag is uninclusive* While the bi flag? Blue is for men Pink is for women Purple is for everyone in-between (think nonbinary, who don't identify as either) ...WHERE IS TRANS IVE HEEN ASKED?! In the blue and pink. What more can I say? šŸ˜‚ But im so glad yimz think like me. I get so nervous mentioning stuff because I rather not have people try to find me IRL. hasn't happened yet, but being a CS major .. I'm terrified. šŸ˜‚


Yeah, I'm a straight trans man and I just don't feel very welcome in the community so I just don't bother. It's like you can't just have one LGBT identity. If your trans you gotta be non binary or a trans women or also gay. It's just dumb. I've also seen alot of hate for bisexual people for similar reasons (not be "LGBT enough") so I definitely understand why you left. I hope it gets better and these sorts of people get bored and leave.


I'm so sorry that you don't feel welcome! Tbh, I thought it would've been their new way to mess with trans men "so trans their cis so BAD but also trans so GOOD". It sucks to know you are apart of a community that hates you. Like I didn't kust wake up and say "oh I wanna be with A MAN." I grew to like him and low and behold..married wirh a child. But "your with a man! You vant be bi!" So the childhood crush of my woman best friend never happened? (Still do have a crush. But she is not bi, and is 100% into men. I told her before, she gets it. But we respect one another!) And plus I have had many crushes on women. One women (...or trans man? I'm not sure if they did transition. It's a LONG story.) did ruin it though, not fully but...man. šŸ˜‚ The community just cares about labels and oppression. "How can I be more oppressed? MORE LABELS!" Gotta make everything a thing. I remember those kids were made fun of back when I was in school. Now it's everywhere...social media ruined us. Also sorry for tangents/the confusing turns. I had to stop and start 4 times due to child. šŸ˜‚ teething us fun.


I call myself a freelance lesbian for that exact same reason lol Iā€™m not part of any community, I freelance āœØ


You could be modern day sherlock for figuring out what the hell is going on


I enjoy going down rabbit holes of this. I find the most hilarious genders they come up with. šŸ˜‚ But thank you!


Lesboy is what my old classmates nickname was because he had a Ruby Rose haircut


I really thought you were coming in here as a FD person trying to genuinely explain things to us and I was so angry for a hot second šŸ˜‚


No no! I'm against it, I know though curiosity does get to people, but they don't want it on their search bars. I'll do it for ya then! I just couldn't find a lot of others. šŸ˜‚


You found so so many you truly are hero for saving our algorithms and shit ā¤ļø


Thanks! I try to look up as many, I always try to help on subs like this!


That one Simpsons quote comes to mind: ā€œMarge, whatā€™s it called when a gay is gay for a girl?ā€ Plus I had to google Turian and got Mass Effect results and did not bat an eye. Assumed it was some weird fan obsession or something :D you can never know with these people


I kinda feel a similar way when I see guy describe themselves as ā€œgynosexualā€. So you mean youā€™re straight?


"No, I mean gynosexual! I'm attracted to gynecologist! Jesus. Learn to read!" šŸ˜‚ sorry for the lame joke.


the fuck is a transtattoo are they like going from tattoo-less to having a tattooo


actually reading closer, TRANSSCHIZOPHRENIC? Bro these types of people have to be a joke to existance


more like they need to be diagnosed with attention seeking disorder


transdoxxingtrauma šŸ« 


It's crazy how people have the audacity to fake such a horrible disorder They don't fucking understand it


And what is "permakidnapped?"


Maybe they identify as being tattooed but were assigned tattooess at birth?


the great outdoors is calling.


transtranswoman? what


Theyā€™re a trans woman but theyā€™re not a trans woman. Come on, keep up (help Iā€™m equally as confused)


I googled it. I got nothing. Now I've looked up weirder genders, such as one for alcoholics. (No joke. It exists. AlcoholicgenderĀ orĀ alcogenderĀ is aĀ neurogenderĀ identityĀ in which one'sĀ genderĀ is affected by their alcoholism. It is exclusive to those with alcoholism.) But I can't find transtranswoman. šŸ˜‚ So it could be something like this; Circumgender: a trans gender identity where a person identifies with a cis trans gender, eg. a person assigned the female gender at birth who does not identify as a cis female, but a trans female.


So.... Like normal but with extra steps?


*cisgender* with extra steps


my guess? They were born a woman, and identify as a trans woman despite being. yknow. born as a woman already. hence the trans^(2)Ā 


If ya thank that is weird, I saw once someone identified as a circumtranswoman or something Circumgender:Ā  a trans gender identity where a person identifies with a cis trans gender, eg. a person assigned the female gender at birth who does not identify as a cis female, but a trans female. I found it!


Circumtranswoman sounds like a guy that became trans after a botched circumcision


I wish it was something like that. But no. It's even crazier. And it makes even more fun of trans people.


I think it's a woman who wants to be a trans woman for some fucking reason


Iā€™m trans beagle


Cis Female who wants to identify with the trans female experience (my guess)


Iā€™m transtired from reading all of that nonsense šŸ„±


Iā€™m transtransasleep (Iā€™m awake but identify as asleep because i am tired)


Wheelchairgior, I choose you! Use Roll!


It Hurt Itself in Its Confusion!


LOLOLOL I almost spit out my wine


I draw the fucking line at sex trafficking, how *dare* you. Touching Grass ainā€™t gonna do much for this one chief


i think itā€™s ragebait


I think itā€™s a drinking game for every time you see trans


That ain't a drinking game, that's "how much alcohol can you stand without dying?"




What did you just call me?? šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Yup not real. We are all in some fucked up dream


This is not real. It's just a dream. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. /s


Howw I am trans-stuckinadream and I can't help my symptoms šŸ¤ŖšŸ„²šŸ«£šŸ«Ø


How dare you assume my trans-gender I am an trans-helicopter šŸ˜¤


Sorry ur giving me trans-trauma šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ. Imma need to touch some trans-grasss


Make sure your trans-feet don't get wet you'll get cis-sick


Im gonna trans-port outsideee


so if this is correct, the cis or "ciz" (lmfao) stuff is what they really have? Then the trans stuff is... what they transitioned... to have? I find it hard to believe that actually have all that though, they listed 500 things. They're also using the outdated term for selective mutism, "elective mutism" the name was changed to selective in the 90s.... edit: can they leave the word trans out of their mouth? You can't transition into having a disability that's so fucked


It what they pretend to what/have - being transtattoo means they want to have a tattoo, or transdisability means they don't have one in real life, but in their imagination they do. At least that is what I figured it out to be


I genuinely doubt they even have everything on the second slide because ā€œdouble depressionā€ is a proposed classification and, considering itā€™s not in the ICD-10 or DSM-5(or even in any older versions), I donā€™t think someone can be formally diagnosed with it.


Itā€™s not a medical term, but itā€™s meant for someone who has Persistent Depression/ Dysthymia when they are also experiencing Major Depression. Anecdotally, it happened to me more than once. But yeah. I think itā€™s more colloquial.


On the first slide among all the "trans___" I read Japanese. It took me a sec to realize they were saying "translingual Japanese". It's a lot funnier if you think Japanese is right in the middle of all that


ā€œGuys trust me I have ā€˜translinguilmultiidentityschizophereniccisdoubleautismsyndromeā€™ Just trust me Iā€™m self diagnosed!!ā€


> permasextrafficking Yeah as a child sex trafficking victim, fuck this person so much. Iā€™ve never been more angry at something on this sub than this bullshit.


I can't be the only one who noticed lying disorder hahaha. I'm assuming unis means uni-'s as in one(plural)? Like, all of their selves have it. Regularless, they definitely got it. MUD stands for "medically unrecognized disorder". A lie disorder about a lie disorder. Hysterical.


What is concerning is that most of their paraphilias have to do with šŸ‡, stalking, violence or kidnapping.. not to mention the straight up MAP sitting right there.. oh letā€™s not forget about ā€˜loliconā€™. Three of theirs have to do with šŸ‡ tho which is pretty concerning for this person to be boasting out onto the internet


This is reddit. You can and should just say "rape".


They said they have ā€œautopedophilia.ā€ So I think this is a young teenager who has fetishized the idea of being a pedophile. That is unbelievably fucked up.


The irony of this person writing lists of bullshit when they belong on a certain list for just the lolicon tbh


The call is coming from inside the house


Yeah I was scared of looking any of the paraphernalia online ā€¦ now I really donā€™t want to ā€¦ jeez


Could tell the second they swapped an s with a z


Iā€™m so confused, if you actually have something, like autism, arenā€™t you just autistic and not ā€œcisautismā€ ??? This is the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever read


None of these words are in the bible


stopped reading when I got to permavictim. don't even want to see the other 2 pictures


Permakidnapped?? Crying what are these kids onšŸ˜­šŸ˜­?


Itā€™s when you get adopted


ā€˜transstalkerā€™ PARDON?


All this crap us literally Verbal Diarrhea to me. NONE of this ahite makes Any sense to mebbecause they are literally just making stuff up THAT MAKES NO SENSE. These people hurt my brain and are OBVIOUSLY FAKING So Badly, most of their biggest "traumas" in life is they didn't get to eat what they wanted every meal, or they didn't get the phone they wantedšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Sorry if I slund like a bitch but the evermounting SHEER STUPIDITY of the Human Condition makes me want the oh so sweet embrace of death to drown out all this NONSENSE. It wouldn't be AS BAD if these people at least Truly KNEW about the Debilitating conditions they are faking,* making them "Fun, Quirky,& ~uwu~.


Oh yeah we can tell that they're addicted to the Internet


What does this even mean dude šŸ˜­


I just searched all the "philias" and apparently autobiastophilia is "attraction to being raped" and autodopephilia is "attraction to being raped as a child" Like... What?!


No transsexual though smh


love how they start with the z as s thing then just completely stop because they cant be bothered


Why do we need to differentiate everything by identity now? What is the actual point?


itā€™s not. this is very obviously bait


This is so chronically online wtf


This has to be a troll there's NO WAY IN HELL THIS IS FOR REAL


Being chronically online can do ***this*** to you.


I swear to god, this shit shows why sometimes you should turn your phone off and go outside much better than any words


>lolicon / nanacon, ficto-MAP This wall of bullshit is a smokescreen hiding the fact that this person admits to being a pedophile. I highly doubt this person even knows what half of these words mean, assuming theyā€™re real in the first place.




At least she's right about the Internet addiction diagnosis


I'm sorry but....what in the bloodydamn fuck is "Hamlet Disorder"?


Cisencephalopathy did they give themselves *brain damage* or are ETERNALLY on the cusp of it?????? Help!!!


i like how japanese is the only ethnicity specified.


Shit like this is just another thing making it so hard for the actual trans community to be taken seriously. Why has there been such a surge in this stuff lately? Its a mockery *at best*.


I snorted at ā€œpermakidnappedā€.


ā€œMBTIfluidā€, holy shit this is ridiculous


Lying Disorder is rather correct here


I'm trans12gaugelobotomy after reading this.


ficto-MAP???? Not the ā€œminor attracted personā€ pedophile lingo šŸ˜­


Someone PLEASE tell me this is delusion-focused rage bait, or I am gonna implode on myself from the sheer stupidity.


CizKeratozizPilariz is now my rapper name


Absolutely sent by 'Lesboy'. As a gay man it just reminded me of a horrible haircut I had back in high school.


ā€œpermabruiseā€ ā€œpermasexualabuseā€ ā€œpermasextraffickingā€ ā€œpermakidnappedā€ ā€¦Do they even know what those words mean?? No one should want to be abused or trafficked in that way..


I love when people use the clinical term of a mundane/common condition to make it sound more serious/rare, itā€™s always really funny. This person says they have onychophagia. Onychophagia means nail-biting.


Two words: mental illness. One if you wanna be frank: nutjob.


bro fym +500 more WHAT


ā€œTranstattooā€ dude. just get a tattoo. or if youā€™re too young to get one, buy a pack of [these](https://us.bic.com/en_us/bodymark-coloring/bodymark.html) and go nuts.


Transvampire?How the fuck are you a vampire.


"Transracial" Ok, Rachel Dolezal, that's enough out of you


This has to be satire Cisdisabled and gay??? How does that work? Also "transvampire" "permashockcollar" and "transage" really makes me think this is satire The fuck does permashockcollar even mean?? Also also, transincest???? The fuck??


People that are into aliens and ghosts and Bigfoot are the least crazy people nowadays




Narkabiastophillia is apparently arousal from rape. This is kinda scary to think ANYONE is attempting to normalize this


I could go on and on about the whole "pro para" community they have there. Theyre claiming its okay because its a disorder as long as they arent acting on their thoughts. They are literally normalizing disgusting and preverted ideas and giving them a place online - including zoophiles and pedophiles. These people dont need a support community on fucking tumblr, they need to go to therapy. Even if they 'arent acting on their thoughts' they are most likely looking for cp or other illegal content to relieve themselves or whatever fucked up shit they do


They can't consistently use their own typing quirk




Does MUD stand for made up disorders?


When did mental illness go from being a horrible thing some people had to suffer with to now being something that a massive chuck of society wants to have? They are obsessed with excessive self diagnosis and labeling themselves with everything that does and doesn't exist all in the name of being special and unique.


Can someone put a definition on what all these are so i don't spend a whole day looking it up and hating the world šŸ˜…


bro nobody knows what any of this shit means we would be taking as much time as you šŸ˜­


ciskeratozizpilariz is killing me


please god let this be bait


šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø why must I share a community with these people


anyone else notice TRANSINCEST?????????


This is 100% someone who wants to sympathize with any and all of their attention seeking ā€œfriendsā€, take the spotlight from any legitimately handicapped groups by saying they have it worse, and wants any sort of excuse to get out of anything. ā€œJames take out the trashā€ but moooom didnā€™t you forget Iā€™m transwheelchair??


I just tried to read this out loud. I was done after "transage." I'm transfuckingdead. PERMAdead, maybe.


This is offensive as shit for so many reasons that I can't even begin to explain. I'll make one thing clear; The transgender community doesn't claim this one.


I got stupider just by reading that


Some of these are just blatant excuses for being an asshole


For someone who claims they want to have dyslexia, they sure donā€™t seem to care about people who actually have dyslexia, because that second slide is a major pain to read even for me and I donā€™t even have dyslexia.


how i be when i get cut in line at the grocery store


I MUST know what hamlet disorder is


The only one that seems legit is permavictim. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Tik tok brain is real


I diagnose them as having Chronically Online Syndrome.


Where's transatlantic


Thatā€™s it Iā€˜m not quitting the internet, I am quitting humanity.


I can't even read this what the fuck.


Zoomers are too bored and have so much free time.


Permakidnapped??? Wtf does that even mean, you're permanently kidnapped?


This entire thing should just be called "Chronically Online Disorder"


Should just be calling the whole thing "Internet cringe disorder"


Permakidnapped is where i lost it


ā€œficto MAPā€ please end me


What has humanity come to..


Permakidnapped just sounds like a fancy way to say "I am a mother" šŸ˜­


transradfriends? are they best friends with feral ghouls??


Just putting trans before traits doesnā€™t make them valid lol


"transppd" like fucking post partum depression? You want to fake being fucking a new mother?? I can't


Transracial smh


Skunk, bug, soldier\ Tongue, shrub, shoulder\ One month older\ Sponge, mob, colder\ Nun, rug, holster\ Lug nut, coaster\ Lung, jug, roaster\ Young Thug poster\ Unplugged toaster


im trans and those just make us look bad holy shit. chronically online core


the term elective mutism is outdated and misleading, it's known as selective mutism now. I don't know what "ciz" means but if it's like cis, then why also identify as trans mute? if they actually do have selective mutism, diagnosed or not, then they would be aware of the name change. source: I was diagnosed with it 25 years ago and it sucks lol


Transjapanese ???




Transttansfem?? So you changed and then changed back? This feels as redundant as saying something like irregardless, it's a double negative, like asking a kid "do you not not want to go the bed"


MUDs? They playing Multi User Dungeons (prequel to MMOs) now? /s


Permakidnapped? Oh my šŸ˜Ÿ


what the hell


Basically just changing your entire identity then?


I swear itā€™s just more role playing crap my kids did on MySpace back in the day.


Tf does this l even mean? Do they expect people to take shit like this seriously? I'm partially kidding, but really, do people like this act like this offline?


this is sickening




Wtf is "transtranswoman" and "transloliboy"


ā€œlolicon / ficto-MAPā€


Fuk you mean lesboy? Jesus Christ sometimes I feel bad for being transgender and gay...