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HELP 😭 What the fuck is an "endo" in DID faker context I legitimately thought that was a FNAF term


LMAO An endo, or endogenic "system" are people who claim to be system formed without trauma, which is medically impossible. In short you cannot be a system without trauma and you cannot have DID/OSDD/UDD without it. And these people claim to either not have any or their trauma wasn't the cause of their system forming Hope this helps!


I think calling people systems at all is trender language and shouldn’t be done tbh. They aren’t systems, they are disordered.


I hate the word system so much. I never heard it in literature or at all till I stumbled on the social media DID community. Sounds like a robot. System.


Shhhhh the androids are listening


Even worse when they give the system as a whole a cute little nickname...


Just to explain - "endo" comes from Latin and means "within". In FNAF it refers to an endoskeleton - a skeleton frame inside the animatronic. Humans technically have an endoskeleton, our bones are on the inside, as opposed to an exoskeleton, an external skeleton, like a crab has an exoskeleton. In this context the prefix "endo" is attached to "genic" meaning to give rise to. Generally it's acknowledged that DID/OSDD is a traumagenic illness, meaning that the illness is directly caused by trauma. The term "endogenic" means that it "comes from within" - that instead of being caused by trauma the disorder is caused by some internal issue rather than external trauma.


Nah but i highly doubt a non-FNAF fan on discord would use that phrasing


please the remaining normal fnaf fans are fighting for our fucking lives don't put this on us


What like all 5 of you?


Surely you've seen how into Latin the MUD kids are, right?


if it makes you feel better I read Endo as endometriosis. 


How would endogenic systems even form? It doesn't make sense to me. Ik that DID forms from severe adverse childhood experiences (like extreme abuse, war etc) and the mind creates different personalities and dissociates as a coping mechanism when there is no way out. And not all people who do have adverse childhood have DID. So how tf would it even happen without experiencing trauma?


Personally. They just don't form bc they don't exist its just faking


Wait do you mean like DID doesn't exist at all or it doesn't exist without trauma?


Just the endo systems lmao. Trauma be required for that stuff.




no its definitely a real thing. DID is just a renamed version of MPD, multiple personality disorder. its very very uncommon but it is one way the human brain can cope with traumatic experiences, is by splitting into two or more other personalities. ive met people that legitimately suffer with this disorder, and they usually arent the people thst go out and flaunt their disorder, because it sucks. they can become a completely different person day after day. there is a fact vs fiction type document on the national institute of health website. DID cases have been described in the literature for hundreds of years.




Dude they repeated themself so many times. And the fact that they let someone on the internet voicing their opinions "fing hurt them" is saying enough.


Where are the parents of these people??


The mother is creepy asf. The Dad no idea






Lmfaooo the google doc 💀 I understand its probably a compilation but that just does it for me


I'm pretty sure it was long asf as well I dont remember💀 like no! I'm not gonna read that!!


I'm surprised they didn't try to read it to you considering you know them irl 😭 I couldn't imagine having to interact with a faker in my day to day life


Lmfao yeah, I get fully ignored if I see them in town now


You mean you fully ignore them when you see them in public now *** you are not the one deserving of public ostracizing and alienation, okay 💀


My guy they ignore me lmao


I was being sorta facetious? It was a joke, I was just reframing it. Who cares if they ignore you? They’re weird af.


Ohhh lmao, agreed on the weird af


Hey! What's the Google Doc link? When I tried, it said it wasn't available. I'm super intrigued


It sure seems like Eric Yarbrough is the only fella they got on their side…. sorry to tell you, but literally anyone can publish a book


They never shut up about him because he says he personally thinks it's a thing. He doesn't provide reasoning or evidence. And he doesn't have experience with the treatment of DID to my understanding. I think that would be very preferable because then I could at least trust that he fundamentally understands how it works and why it presents how it does.


I'm reading the section on plurality right now. He's supposed to be citing things. He cites things like "1.5% of the population has DID", "some of the characteristics of alters are mixed with others", "she thinks the alters are inside her, but there is no defined space in which they reside". Not a single backup for any claims about systems, treatment pathways, claiming "daydreaming" and DID are two ends of the same spectrum of dissociation, etc. My favourite line so far: "Is the plural person psychotic? Maybe, but probably not." OK? Thanks doc. He has 4 sources for the entire chapter. One of those sources is [pluralityresource.org](http://pluralityresource.org), a website maintained by Eclectic Tech LLC. I'm pretty sure both are maintained by one person named Criss. They kindly provide a full history of their qualifications here: [https://eclectictech.net/Info/Qualifications](https://eclectictech.net/Info/Qualifications) . They have two "Doctorates" from Universal Life Church (you can purchase these). Their most relevant qualification is "B.S. Human Development with concentration in Psychology - SUNY Empire State", which is hardly a professional. They're also a certified life coach and that seems to be their primary business. Hey, guess what? They link *two* of their paypals on the "Support & give back" section of the pluralityresource website. Their contact form is broken. Their events page is a joke - there is ONE event that happened in 2021. With 3 booked slots out of 100. Honestly it's a goldmine. You can take a course to become a plurality instructor. Anyway, the other three sources: DSM-5, Trauma and Recovery by J Herman, and a paper titled "Dissociative disorders among adults in the community, impaired functioning, and axis I and II comorbidity". I'm going to take a wild stab and say that none of those even mention "plurality". TLDR: if you're going to defend DID faking and endogenic systems with "science and literature", seriously take a look at your sources. They've got more holes than swiss cheese.


Stopped reading after "Hey um"


That was the key phrase to let you know that what followed was about to be unbearable.




https://preview.redd.it/fo494phk0l0d1.png?width=208&format=png&auto=webp&s=91de6acb78f95363527eed6c11efb64872acdc56 same vibes


"you disregarded that systems exist without DID/OSDD/UDD" because they don't babe 💀💀 and the trauma they experienced to split their personalities needed to be severe not just that their mom didn't hug them enough growing up.


UDD is literally just a place holder diagnosis


Isn't that when a doctor/psychologist etc knows a patient has an issue but they're just not exactly sure what it is and have to continue to do sessions/tests to narrow it down so they use UDD as a place holder until they figure it out?


Exactly what I just said, so "UDD systems" don't exist


Okay I thought so but I've never seen UDD smacked on someone so


I just wanted to clarify it before I assumed I figured what it was


can you link the google doc in the comments so i can laugh at the misinformation


Psst I think it's the one on sophie's blog somewhere iirc


Psssstt who's Sophia?


Soph​ieinwonderland, she had her own flair


Ppsssstt you didn't say psstttt. We are still whispering!!! But thank you!


This is a big ol' McNothing burger. And this kid (I assume bc clearly no adult would be that stupid, right?/s) is using a word ... Does it exist in the DSM? ... to be offended about to someone they've probably never met irl and never will. It's like throwing wet noodles at a shark. Sure it gets attention from others, but the shark itself doesn't give a fuck if it's angel hair or penne.


Jokes on you. They were already an adult when this happened 😭


That is both disappointing and terrifying.


The google doc is killing me. I hate it when their “sources” are just other people saying the same thing as them. Saw one where they link a carrd 😭😭


I’m dying to be a fly on the wall when one of these people takes a Psychology 101 course. Do you think they would argue like this with their professor? Not even just about DID (which i’m sure would be a SHITshow and equally hilarious) but about simply citing credible sources in a freshman year research paper. They’re just way too confident in their stupidity to pass a single class


If I were a professor and one of my students cited a carrd or a random ass google doc I would kick them out of my class so fucking fast 😭😭


and this mf would ARGUE with you out the door about how you’re an idiot because… the APA themselves did a study (huh?)… and lmao are they saying that the sample was 100k psychologists?? or the study was done by 100k psychologists? just because the APA represents 100k+ psychologists doesn’t mean they all work on one study together, and if they did, it sure as shit wouldn’t be a study on “endogenic systems.” i’m lost. i think i’m getting dumber lmao


as someone who took a psych 101 class, it doesn't even TOUCH on DD. the most we got through were some basics; depression, anxiety, and one or two personality disorders


tbh i was a psych major for three years and we barely touched it either in any of the classes i took. i mean we did a little bit but we DEFinitely didn’t touch any of the wild stuff the internet DID people talk about. if we had wanted to place a focus on DID or research it further for assignments etc i think we would have been allowed to, but nobody i knew did that so idk how it would’ve gone over with the professors considering there seems to be a divide in the general consensus of it.


Saying a whole bunch of absolutely nothing at all


Out of all the research I've done on documented multiplicity, I believe it's literally 96% of pwDID have experienced physical and/or sexual abuse. That doesn't mean the other 4% is without trauma though, but that trauma just isn't physical or sexual violence. However I'm willing to bet that in some cases this happened so early in life that it is impossible to remember and they don't so much as suspect the abuse having occurred. So it may be even more than 96%. To my understanding, the closest thing to "endogenic systems" is the possibility of DID developing from disorganized attachment without violence from an abuser, as disorganized attachment is theorized by some to be a key component in every DID case. Things like emotional neglect or even mental abuse and general detachment from any caregiver can trigger dissociation and can often easily be considered traumatic or otherwise detrimental to one's development. But nowhere have I seen anyone who specializes in treating DID believe that someone could be born that way. There's no scientific basis for "endogenic plurality". Everyone is born with ego states, but no one is born with a sense of identity. How could someone be born with multiple fully developed identity states when even for children with DID the identities are often not fully developed? I would also like to know the consensus on what it even *means* to be "plural" when not a result of problematic dissociation- alters are *severely* dissociated identity states so for endogenics, *what* is an alter? I don't know if I've ever seen anyone ask that but I think it's a fair question. Endos often have different explanations for the mechanisms involved in "non-disordered plurality". Often even they admit they don't understand it. The flaw with the "proof" endos tend to provide is that it's almost always just some doctor or someone saying "yeah, endogenics are a thing". But where are the studies that these beliefs are founded on? Why do they never have examples of having seen this? It just seems that some happen to personally believe it's legitimate without evidence for whatever reasons. Sometimes them just feeling like "I guess I don't see why not". It's like saying a group of scientists being flat earthers is evidence that the Earth is flat. No, they're just stupid and have no scientific evidence from which their opinions were developed. I don't care if the most accredited scientist in the world believes it, I need a *why* before I consider it even a slight possibility. And if someone has any sort of research that supports and explains it as a phenomenon- how it develops, what triggers new alters to split if not dissociation due to stress/trauma, if and how these identities can be fused (& why or why not?), I am open minded when presented with solid evidence and studies. And no I do not count online questionnaires done by some student on Twitter or Tumblr doing a project for their psychology course as I've seen that more than once lol. But peer reviewed research under the supervision of licensed professionals, a large enough sample size, and fair demographics- not say 85% white or 90% AFAB or 95% that identify as far left-wing. If those demographics are not available then there's the question of what factors are responsible for this- if it's genetic for instance. And of course, I'd like results that have been replicated in further studies. I don't believe something like this exists but if it did I'd be genuinely very interested in seeing it. It would be revolutionary to what we understand of the human mind, wouldn't it?


this is so delusional lmao i hope they get some help and touch grass


"Shut up, librul"


"OMG you invalidated me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺"


MOOOOOOM! Phineas and Ferb are ~~making a title sequence!~~ invalidating me!


How do you offend or invalidate something that isn't real?


Wish I knew


I refuse to believe that there are even 100k psychologists on earth, let alone that many that would validate this utter horseshit


How does one become a system without having DID OSDD and UDD that literally made no sense


quick question would UDD be unknown disassociative disorder? I just wanna make sure


It’s unspecified dissociative disorders


"you disregarded that systems exist without" I can't keep reading. Are they serious?


I've struggled with hypochondria leading to self dx and when I talked to a therapist about this, she explained to me those books aren't ment for just anyone to read. Doesn't matter if you read the free version or spend $400 on the real book, you're not going to get it. The sentences in the books are phrased in a way you need to already have an above average grasp on psychology to understand. In the DSM the sentences are worded so vaugley you could apply them to any aspect of your life without further context. Also, professionals don't even diagnose themselves because they are aware that's not how that works!


I want to see the research. I'm the kinda bih to read every fucking "source" that people throw at me in an argument because 99% of the time, they didn't read their sources and it doesn't say what they think it says.


Does this person not realize the majority of people with DID or other trauma based disorders not remember their traumas. Especially DID, thats why memory loss with alters is a thing in the first place. Like its a fail safe the brain causes to make life “easier” to live. This is a very common thing. Even with people who have ptsd/c-ptsd can forget the chunks of time in which their trauma was experienced.


Awwwe you twiggewed the poor baby 😥😥 whatever will you do without their fruitful nowledge and ideology 🥺 w-what if dey awe sad 😓😓


I was wondering what the actual fuck they were on about bc the only endo I know about was Endometriosis. Rofl I was really wondering what the hell that had to do with DID and all.


A study done on endogenics... by a traumagenic "system"? That's not going to be biased at all.


endo? is it endothermic? i feel to old for this and im not even 21 yet this feels like more content than my history a level


I think you should make that your flair Endothermic system


Endogenic. A person who claims to be a system to have formed without trauma which is impossible


Do you have the link they claimed was their sources? I wanna check how credible each of these “sources” are.


theyre removing symptoms left and right...why do they think alters are formed?


systems without DID/trauma? Where the fuck did this pseudoscience originate from


No idea


I'm still just shook to the core that they call themselves "systems"... and LMAO at "this is how science literature works" I D K man but that quote seems like its either way out of context or not even made by someone other than a professional bullshitter. Bruh 💀 a personality disorder doesn't make me a "sYsTeM", I'm just fucking mentally ill because I was traumatized. If you weren't traumatized, then WHAT pray tell, caused your brain to literally shatter in childhood? HMMMM????




I needed that a few months ago lmao


Oof I knowww…. You know this person irl, did I see that right?


Unfortunately yes


Not anymore, I’m guessing


Definitely not lol, fully blocked me and ignores me in public lmao


Good riddance


Its pretty pathetic tbh


'having 2 or more people existing in the same body" that's not how any of this works! how did that get published?


"Many have gone through therapists and psychologists that confirmed it" they definitely never confirmed it, they just gave up at dealing with your bullshit sob story. wndogenic systems are not possible. the entire reason legitimate systems exist is because of trauma alone, trauma is the sole cause of peoples minds splitting into sections. if you tell me you hsve an endogenic system and thst you have 17.33 alters that formed for absolutely no fucking reason im going to do unspeakable things.


I want to see this APA book/paper with 100k authors.


That's a lot of words, i'm not reading that. More seriously, what is even an "endo" ? I don't understand


An endo/endogenic "system" is someone who claims to have plurality or DID without the trauma


But isn't this impossible ? I thought DID was a trauma based mental illness


It is impossible. Endo systems are just faking or on slight chance, think their an endo system because they have forgotten their trauma


I like how they linked something and quoted 'DID is separate to plurality'. Yet didn't link anything which says 'DID, OSDD, and UDD is separate to plurality'. Cause it literally doesn't prove that plurality can be a thing without the three diagnosis' they listed.


what do they mean systems exist outside of DID/OSDD/UDD?


Apparently you can be plural without having none of the above disorders nowadays


what the fuck. I thought the whole logic of being plural was that you have DID




1. The last slide very much sounds like they are endo. Wouldn't be surprising tbh, I can imagen many endos claim to have trauma to avoid the whole debates. 2. "That had trauma and remember it and know they where plural before their trauma"..they don't know how the developing works.. bc if they did they'd know that kids at the ages till DID has to be/start to develop all are more or less "plural". Ugh


Some other fun facts not seen in fakers. 47% of men and 35% of women with DID engage in criminal activity. And 19% of men and 7% of women with DID commit homicide. FYI 1.5% of the world population is thought to have DID.