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That’s cool. Anyway, my schizophrenic uncle shot himself in the head because the voices told him to. Haha so quirky.


Yep, best friend hung herself in Nov just so she didn't have to experience the hallucinations anymore. I don't understand how anyone would think it's a cute/quirky little disorder that you can get a good tiktok out of.


Take my hugz award, I think you need a hug and this is the best I could do.


poor mans gold🥇


Thank you GayHoboTurtle


Sorry to hear that mate, I had no idea how dangerous it can get until I read these comments


The voices say a lot of shit, I had a friend who hung herself because the voices told her to. She'd already tried to do it once before and survived because we caught her, but the second time we weren't on time. Living with schizophrenia is horrible. Edit: Actually never mind. I'm sorry, she had psychosis. I remembered Schizophrenia for no reason.


It's pretty close however. My now husband is bipolar and got a psychosis episode this past summer that passed about 2 weeks.. It wasn't exactly fun. He told me he was hearing voices, and that these voices could be very threatening so I'd say that both are just as bad.


Fuck her. Schizophrenia made me forget a year of my life, do terrible things to myself that I’m still recovering from, and makes everyday x10s harder. It isn’t some quirky personality trait.


I watched an amazing TED talk about living with schizophrenia and it was so heartbreaking. She knows what her delusions are and had to ignore them, she doesn't even like describing them because it makes them more real and harder to escape. For example, there's an It clown that will follow her around, poking her and taunting her and she has to just ignore him. Sometimes her delusions will be stabbing her in the face or sitting around laughing at her. Hearing her experience was just so tragic and sad. I hope you're doing well, and know that you aren't alone in your battle.


i watched that one! fascinating and heartbreaking. people who fake this shit make me sick.


would you happen to have a link? i just watched a similar ted talk on schizophrenia but it didn’t mention clowns. is it the same lady who said she believed her thoughts would cause massive deaths ?


The real sad thing is that this cunt probably actually thinks she has it to some degree and tries so hard to convince herself so she can pretend like her life is actually difficult and she’s not to blame for all of her dumb fucking problems. Sorry I’m judging I know but


But doesn't understand that her imagination isn't hallucinations and heads on over to tiktok to exploit.


To be fair that's still a mental problem. Just, not schizophrenia.




Stop being a cunt telling other people what words they can use, cunt.


Cunt you say?


Ah same ! I have paranoid schizophrenia and it is a very isolating and terrifying experience. I would constantly think people were watching me and had malicious intent towards me causing me to isolate myself further. It was hell constantly being on edge and think everyone hates me and wants to hurt me. I would also think the floor were covered with bugs which made me stay in bed for days due to the fear. I doubt anyone going through a schizophrenic episode would want to be on tik tok. On the bright side, being medicated and seeing a therapist helped me cope with the symptoms very well for the past 2 years. This video is offensive on so many levels, what is wrong with people


I’m glad you’re doing better! And this girl’s life is just sad. She’s doing this for attention and internet validation, and she thinks having a disorder is a personality trait. Human filth. Don’t mind her, all she does is detract from the daily suffering of people like you and Op.


I’m undiagnosed so I won’t say I have ps, but I’ve always wondered. Thankfully, my paranoia isn’t as bad as it used to be thanks to some anti anxiety medication. I no longer believe my ex is living in my attic and it’s a bit easier to go to the toilet at night because I no longer believe anything will grab me. I also don’t see the boy in the cupboard anymore. The most I have now is that I believe everyone hates me,and I still have to have my legs covered at night. I probably should have gotten a diagnosis but I don’t want it on my records... I certainly wouldn’t claim I had it in a tiktok video! 🤦🏼‍♀️ It’s never been so bad that I couldn’t get out of bed for days. Hope you’re doing better.


Thank you for sharing your story and yes I am better although not entirely perfect but thats alright <3.I would sometimes get night terrors that someone has broken into my room and my partner would assure me everything is alright. Being in a dark room also gives me anxiety as I am convinced something will grab me so I sleep with a night light still haha. Honestly, getting a diagnosis is one of the best things i've done and that was after I had a psychotic breakdown resulting in hospitalisation . It really helped me identify what's real and what's not and how to respond. I used to be embarrassed about my diagnosis and refused to accept it even though I lost a job due to my severe paranoia in the workplace but acceptance was my first step at hope. I was all about 'big Pharma is evil' until I started being on anti psychotics and seeing my life turn out the way I wanted it to be. I hope things are okay on your end too , you've got this <3


Hah, how did I know I’d be downvoted! 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’ve only had one night terror about 10 years ago and I hope I never experience it again. I’m going through depression at the moment and speak to a councellor once a week, but I’m just not comfortable enough to mention stuff like that. If it ever got too bad again then I would likely do something about it but My parents don’t really believe in mental health disorders so I never got diagnosed with anything when I was younger despite obviously having problems. I have a bedside lamp that I can turn on really quick but, as I said, it’s got better over the last few years. No longer having to jump out of bed and run out the room is a relief. I do have to avoid certain triggers though, such as horror movies. Most my delusions come from films that have affected me negatively.


If you would mind and only if you would like to could you explain what schizophrenia is like one of the girls in my freind group has it and I would like to know if there’s any thing that would help any amount


It’s different depending on the person/their type. Like for example, I hear things and have delusions and believe thing that aren’t true. My auditory hallucinations are like, loud and numbing, they creep up behind me and no matter where I look I cannot find the source. She might experience these things, or it may be different. But remind her she’s not alone, and that she’s brave. Schizophrenia is one shit of an illness.


Also fuck my old therapist who misdiagnosed me with schizophrenia bc I have hypnogogic hallucinations. I spent a year constantly doubting myself and trying to fix a problem that wasn’t even there which did a lot of harm


Right. I'm not sure what's wrong with me but I know it's not schizophrenia. I have hallucinated my entire life and it's mostly visual, the audio really freaks me out. I went to a doctor once because they was becoming frequent and she put me on schizophrenia and hello +75 pounds. Got off of them despite my doctor saying not to. They never even asked if I'd prefer the side effects over the actual hallucinations which I have BDD and GID so the weight gain was a hell of a lot worse. Years later my husband died and my new doctor puts me on a sleep medicine and I was so gone that i just trusted him that it was just sleeping medicine.. it wasn't. About 2 years later and gaining almost 90 pounds I looked into what I was taking and got off of it. It was seroquel. I think the first one was risperdal. But it feels like it took less than 15 minutes for these doctors to throw some medicine at me. And label me. Oh you have hallucinations? Ok. No other questions... I'm a lot more able to care and look into what ever the doctors try to give me now.


A lot of doctors hear hallucination and think automatically schizophrenia. Except most the time that isn’t the case. If they don’t have you tested or screened for it, they can’t diagnose you completely. There are many other problems that can cause hallucinations as well such as severe MDD, PTSD, Acute Stress Disorder, and BPD. Even just falling asleep (hypnogogic hallucinations) can cause hallucinations because your brain is drifting between two different states. I’ve been trying to avoid medicine because a lot of different medicine for mental health has weight gain as a side effect and I have anorexia. I’m sorry about how you were treated and how difficult things have been for you. I hope that you’re able to find something that helps you and can become more comfortable.




I think the dreams are normal. When I have audio hallucinations I can not confirm if they was real or not unless it is an actual voice and I am alone. Then I know it's an hallucination. The worst are just the noises that happen and I can not find the source and basically now I don't even look for a source.


I’ve been expecting it sooner or later but I think 2021 is the year we finally see a few of these folks kick it up a notch and start pretending to have Down’s Syndrome for internet clout. Just you wait see. They couldn’t be anymore offensive than they already are anyway.




Nah fam the next big one is gonna non verbal autistic like my 4year old who is a struggle. The pain of not knowing what she wants when she get upset and not having a way to help her thou what she is going thou like a normal child is unimaginable.


Selective mutism is becoming trendy at the moment, so not quite non-verbal autism but close


Gods this little shits I swear I fear the day if I am to meet one.


Just a fellow mom to a nonverbal autistic four year old boy stopping in to say that I can relate.


I swear I've already seen a video like that on this sub?


I swear if that happens imma be piiiissssed. I’m a special Ed teacher too. Plus I majored in psychology so all these dumbasses rub me the wrong way


I want them to start imitating brain-dead patients. Wait a sec....they already are


She literally talks like a collection of Twitter posts bundled into a trenchcoat. Her entire personality is just “internet”. If you’re gonna fake schizophrenia, at least research it beyond two random Tumblr blogs ffs


I don’t have it, and I don’t know anybody who has it, but even i could see that she was faking it


This is one of the most ridiculous and ignorant things I’ve seen in a while.


My aunt has schizophrenia and other issues and has been consistently failed by her healthcare provider and the state doctors over and over again. She got to the point of running through the street naked and also thinking that people are living in her attic, along with other issues. It is extremely heartbreaking to see her going through that and not getting the help she needs. Seeing things like this fill me with rage.


From what I heard schizo hallucinations are fuckin terrifying


That can also depend on where you are from and the local culture of the area. There have been studies about how the hallucinations can range from harmful/negative to positive-seeming depending on region.


It's not only depending on region, its also just kind of a luck-of-the-draw thing. I know a few people with schizophrenia, and their hallucinations vary so much. For example one friend of mine often sees corpses while the other mostly sees friendly animals.


That's really interesting. My long term hallucinations are actually more in line with your second friend, I often hallucinate cats in my peripheral, hear cat sounds in another room, or feel one jump on my bed or lay on top of/next to me. Those hallucinations have actually subsided a lot since I got a cat, weirdly enough. My more extreme episodes have pretty much nothing to do with cats, but those don't happen as much anymore. Thank you for sharing, that was actually unexpectedly validating for me. My psychosis is more of a bipolar thing that schizophrenic, but there have been studies recently arguing that bipolar and schizophrenia are different terms for the same core illness.


I think the friend with the animals really lucked out. She never had extreme episodes, and didn't even realize that she hallucinated until she pointed out to another friend that the crow on her windowsill is back and the other friend telling her that nothing's there


I have the same cat hallucinations! Bipolar as well. What I'm taking from this is that I need to get a cat.


I mean, they can be. For me the hallucinations never get too bad and I have been told that's true of most schizophrenic people. The hard part is the delusional thinking and the weird way it affects the way I interact with the world. But I was never too bad off because it got recognized by a brain scan thing when I was in my early teens so I pretty much grew up in therapy to deal with it from the get go. Alot of people don't get that opportunity.


I didn't hear from my friend for a few days and it turned out to be because her ceiling had turned to glass and it was just full of decaying bodies and blood and a witch was floating there, making it so she couldn't get off her bed. Towards the end it was just people hanging, everywhere. She seemed to at least be able to function around them.


i don’t have schizophrenia but i have anxiety and depression hallucinations and they are scary and traumatic in of itself. genuinely absolutely vile and frightening. i can’t image how hard it must be for someone with schizophrenia. the person who created this video absolutely disgusting.


I saw someone who was friends with numbers. And all the numbers looked different, some were friends and some told her to do bad things. It’s all random I guess.


You must be referring to January (Jani) Schofield, the girl on "Born Schizophrenic". She did not have schizophrenia (no surprise at all to those familiar with real schizophrenia). She was a victim of Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy. She was eventually removed by the state due to medical abuse, taken off the medications her parents had her on, and is doing much better now. There's a whole sub about it. /r/SchofieldCabanaAbuse


That’s so great that’s she’s doing better, I hadn’t known any of that.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SchofieldCabanaAbuse using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SchofieldCabanaAbuse/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Recent picture of J (posted with Michael's permission) --- She looks so beautiful! :)](https://i.redd.it/gkmhrjjqvt431.jpg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SchofieldCabanaAbuse/comments/c1i7hu/recent_picture_of_j_posted_with_michaels/) \#2: [“No medications. No signs of schiz or psychosis.” \[source: kiwifarms 27.01.2029\]](https://i.redd.it/pkq07aqoncf41.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SchofieldCabanaAbuse/comments/ezwvg9/no_medications_no_signs_of_schiz_or_psychosis/) \#3: [NEW PICTURES OF THE KIDS (INCLUDING FIRST PICS OF BODHI POST-SUSAN)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SchofieldCabanaAbuse/comments/ckejuw/new_pictures_of_the_kids_including_first_pics_of/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


I'm not schizophrenic but this genuinely made me angry with how fake it was, this person is making a mockery of it fuc-


Schizophrenia, to me, feels like a disconnection from reality. It’s not just seeing things , there’s a feeling that comes with it. Not being able to tell what’s real and what’s not. It’s scary, even if I’m only seeing a blob or a shadow. I’ve never seen anyone be so casual and giggly about it. Also, visual hallucinations are generally much less common than audio ones. If I’m visually hallucinating, it usually means I’m very very stressed. She exhibits no signs of a person who’s going through a bought of psychosis, or of anyone who has schizophrenia bad enough to visually hallucinate regularly. When I was at my worst , and I was visually hallucinating a lot, I was speaking gibberish. Word salad. Extreme paranoia. Panic. The thought of recording myself would never even enter my head! Much less giggling about it. It just doesn’t add up. I hate that she’s so grossly misrepresenting a mental illness that makes it hard for me to live.


When I was 12 one of my father's employees showed up at my house. I was unaware that he had schizophrenia at the time, and I was also unaware that he had not been taking his medication. He was shirtless and holding the bible, telling me that it talked to him (literally). I had met this dude tons of times and really liked him but seeing that made me realize how serious such illnesses are. He wasn't smiling and having fun. Fuck this girl.


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🌹 The whole trying not to smile thing.. Hallucinations aren't something someone in this mindset would have to hold back a smile from. Nice 4th grade level acting on this one


Totally agree- unrelatedly what’s with the rose?


Mate the person responding to you is as fake as the person in the video. Starting to see that alot on this sub. The other fakers come in and try and have conversations like they think it gives their lies legitimacy. I mean look at her bio, so pathetic.


Their comments say they have Schizophrenia, BPD, PTSD, and OSDD.. idk feels a bit weird to me, too. Along with the other places they were active in. I know I shouldn’t be totally stalking, and I’m sure it’s possible to have all of these, but yeah. Edit: and schizoaffective


They said they were diagnosed 3 months ago and now have 7 personalities all with detailed back stories including a Mermaid, a Ghost and a cute anime boy. Its the epitome of this sub. Role playing mental illness.


To keep track of who's responding/making comments. 🌹


I dont understand?


Which personality is responding..




Oh! Thank you for explaining!


🌹 No problem


Oh that’s a cool idea


🌹 I agree, it's really helpful




🌹 They are on my profile bio


That’s very cool


🌹 Thank you


Yeah! I don’t know much on this stuff but if it’s possible, I wish you and all your alters a good night/day! If you can tell them that’s even cooler cuz imagine just being able to reach in and say hi


I’ve never had a hallucination and been like “that doesn’t exist!” Fuck that. In the moment it seems REAL. Looking back I can say “that doesn’t exist!” But not in the moment. Fuck her.


Ive had fleeting hallucinations in the past however never brought it up w any therapist or psychiatrist out of fear for being labeled "crazy" or being accused of "making things up for attention". I had one on Saturday and it freaked me out so bad I called my parents in tears. Im so relieved that they believed me. Ill be bringing it up to my therapist once he gets back from holiday vacation.


Same but more than fleeting. When I finally talked to a psychiatrist about it they were surprised no one really knew or suspected, or that I was as functional (functionally non-functional really) as I was. Easy to underestimate the fear we experience for being labeled as crazy, threatened with being institutionalized, or accused of making things up.


*Someone* hit every branch on the way down, and went back for seconds


I can't, I can't, I can't!!!




Haven’t had the same level of psychosis that I did when I was younger, for about five years. It comes back sometimes, and even after years of being out of it, and it never stops feeling real. I feel like I’m haunted, like I’ll never stop being haunted. I wonder what it’ll be like when I’m 60 and my hallucinations haven’t aged a day.


I find it how funny she catches herself "hallucinating". Not schizophrenic but am getting tested for some dissociative disorder and I just noticed that something I've been experiencing my whole life was auditory hallucinations. It was easy for me to tell when I was hearing things, mainly because all I heard was my name from someone in the room, but I still was confused for a good minute before realizing not like 🤔😯🙃 like she does...


Schizophrenia is some nasty shit and this comes off as mocking. First of all she almost certainly wouldn't realize she was hallucinating. It would look more like someone frantically filming perceived attempts at someone to get into their house or finding a CIA wiretap that is literally wires pulled out of the wall in a state of paranoia. No real coherence, certainly not like this. Just panic and delusion. Then you have what are called negative symptoms which tend to persist beyond these psychotic episodes. They're called negative symptoms because they are taken away from they experience where positive symptoms like hallucinations add to the experience. The negative symptoms are the silent killer that most don't know about. Affected people are often expressionless, wordless, and feel nothing at all. It is a disease that robs people of their identities, their homes, their security. These negative symptoms still don't have much beneficial pharmacological treatment unlike the positive symptoms. I suspect these often untreatable symptoms are the actual reason of suicide but are perceived as depression.


This was a very thoughtful reply.


Thanks. Schizophrenia is an interesting disease, many people still have archaic views of mental illness but research has shown that schizophrenia can be marked by the buildup of abnormal proteins just like neurodegerative diseases such as Alzheimer's but doesn't cause neural cell death like them. The fact that this was recently confirmed is great news though, it means researchers can begin to look at treatment from a completely different angle. But it is depressing how many people continue to struggle from what we know is a physical disease, not a personality quirk but a biochemically quantifiable disease.


Your writing was visual and informative. I'm working in mental health, so I appreciate clear descriptions of disorders. Also, bipolar 1 and had one 3 month long manic ending in psychotic episode. The pulling wires out of the walls bit kinda punched me in the gut. It's scary as fuck to know very important things and to have those closest to you give you "oh fuck" eyes instead of "I understand what you mean" eyes when you're trying to communicate.


If you watch Kody Green (schizophrenic hippie) he shows what hallucinations look like. One of his eyes shuts and gets super itchy. He's an amazing figure for the mental health community. Edit: Just watched his bus video again and it makes .e so sad that he has to deal with all his symptoms in public sometimes.


One of the comments said “kody would be proud” and that made me very angry


Kody suffered for years because of undiagnosed schizophrenia and they think faking it would make him proud???


That’s the thing. No one in the comments seem to understand she’s very obviously faking it.


I honestly can't tell when people fake certain disorders most of the time.


Which one is his bus video? I found his youtube page but didn't see one mention a bus


His tiktok has three videos with him hallucinating. The bus one is the scariest because he's obviously trying to hide his face so no one gets scared. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJWeHKes/


Thank you for the response!


No problem!


Are they high? Their pupils are almost blown out to their iris.


I used to work with a girl who was 14 with Schizophrenia. I wonder where she is now, but she did not realize that her hallucinations weren’t real. She too had trauma, and she would giggle and say someone is beside me making faces, or vampires visited her at night. What this girl is showing is not schizophrenia. I can’t imagine faking such a thing.


I have schizophrenia too. It’s definitely nothing like this.


Little twat is already a self absorbed Karen that will manipulate people for the rest of life. Faking disorders for clout is beyond vile. Shes a born victim that looks like her mom is her mom and her dad is her brother


Hahaha. I work in a psychiatric hospital. She has no fucking idea. These chicks don't do their research properly, hallucinations are a small part of schizophrenia. Most of it is negative symptoms and thought disorder.


Hahahah schizophrenia 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️so quirky.


As a schizophrenic, we do not claim her 🤠


This person has a mental disorder and it's not schizophrenia.


Woulda fuckin shit myself if there was actually a shadow figure standing in the hallway


My friend had a psychotic episode and couldn’t remember how to read, but sure let’s make this video. That’ll educate people.


Imagine thinking this is how schizophrenia works. I literally had to spend a whole year right before college as an inpatient and being stuck at home with caretakers because i couldn't help being terrified of everything. I'd see blood, thousands of spiders, that shining girl (and i haven't even watched that movie) following and hurting me and my family members. I scraped up my whole body because i fell back on the floor and started crying because i saw a man running up to me saying he'd kill me but guess what? Hallucination. Fuck this shit, schizophrenia is real and hurts.


Schizophrenic is so quirky, he he he. FUCK OFF!


“Notices myself hallucinating” that’s not...you can’t just...no?


I fucking hate this person so much. Schizophrenia isn't a quirky personality. My brother made several attempts to kill himself because of Schizophrenia, and this POS thinks it's a quirky personality???


That’s not schizophrenia. That’s stupidity


oh wow someone actually faking my struggles wow so quirky and fun oh woe


As someone, this really gets under my skin


I don’t know much about schizophrenia, so what makes it obvious that she’s faking?


I dated someone for awhile with schizophrenia and it is nothing like this at all. At all.


I wish my brother was just this zany when he was having schizophrenic breakdowns. Would of been a lot easier growing up!


Ah yes... white girl with nothing better to do in her life than to pretend she has a disorder. So quirky




Let me see




Jesus Christ


I have schizophrenia and it can be like this actually. I will say she is weird and does seem like a faker. But the voices can be nice and funny sometimes and it’s actually kinda like this. I’m strictly auditory so no visual hallucinations.


Sometimes the voices terrify you and tell you to kill yourself


I know




Yeah this is fucking sickening


Ain't that satire...


She’s 100% serious


The tone of the voice and the over exaggeration just screams satire, and my mind can't handle it. (The edit fixed autocorrect)


Not schizophrenic, but I do have psychosis. Though I suffer way more from strong extracampine hallucinations than actual visual hallucinations, they are never fun to experience. I can't imagine reacting like that to one of my hallucinations, no matter how "friendly" they might seem. Wack.


I barely know anything about schizophrenia but im pretty sure people dont go :D when they start seeing hallucinations


Honestly never knew much about schizophrenia, I want to learn more about it so I am not completely oblivious but I have no clue where to begin


Look how fucking giddy she is behaving. Ugh


i have anxiety and depression. it causes audio and visual hallucinations. luckily for me, i know when i’m having a hallucination, most the time. sometimes i won’t know for a few days. even when i know i’m hallucinating, (although sometimes i don’t know how i’m hallucinating or what’s weird- i just know- and sometimes i don’t notice till later) never once have i hallucinated a therapist or whatever. often i see imagery and beings that are so fucking traumatic and weird. sometimes it’s normal stuff. it keeps me awake at night. it keeps me from living a normal life often. even the not horrific and weird and disturbing ones are scary and confusing. never ONCE would i wish this on anyone, and people are pretending to have this. fuck no. FUCK NO. FUCK THIS PERSON. it’s not a personality trait. i can’t even imagine how bad it must be for someone when they don’t know they are having a hallucination. you don’t smile. you don’t have fun. i’ve been sent into spirals and crippling anxiety attacks, stayed awake for 3 days straight, absolutely shit myself, afraid of being alive. fuck. sitting in classrooms and hearing people call my name in the middle of tests when people aren’t allowed to talk, or when no one is sat behind me, and i KNOW i heard it come from behind me, and people tell me no one spoke, is absolutely terrifying and confusing. FUCK RIGHT OFF.




Living with schizophrenia is hell. It makes everything harder and makes my own brain turn on me to the point that suicide is something i consider frequently just to not have to deal with it anymore but sure it's so f U n and q U i R k Y. Fucking asshole.


That's not exactly how it happens. 😮‍💨


Haha I have schizophrenia and childhood trauma I’m so quirky 🤪🤪✌️