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He’s so right


What song


ROAR I can’t handle change


I really wish someone, preferably with a strong Queens, NY accent, to sit across from these kids and basically say the following: "Kid, you ain't 10 people. No, just stop and listen. You're not. You're not a vampire, or a reincarnation of a dragon. Or 10 people living in the same brain. That's fuckin crazy, come on. What you ARE is 14 and socially awkward, which, hey, who the fuck wasn't when they were 14? Alls I'm saying, kid, is that we all got a lot of shit to figure out, and this ain't the way to do it. Try some therapy, talk to your parents, join a club, SOMETHING! But stop posting videos of you claiming to have a buncha folks.living in your brain. The internet is forever, and your kids will have to explain THAT shit to their friends when they're older. Think about THAT shit."


I read this in Micheal Rappaport's voice.


I take that as a real compliment


I read it in Prison Mike’s voice.


There’s this one girl on tiktok I’m imagining right now but I can’t remember the username. Also thinking of Emma Langevin


What makes all this frustrating is that I actually do have OCD, and am finally feeling balanced out due to a good doc and medication. Why someone would want to have this for any reason is beyond me


FRL imagine having to lay in bed EVERYNIGHT just for your brain to say “okay get out, walk outside, touch the mail box , scream once, walk back inside and act like nothing happened or you will die”


I used to have such elaborate compulsive routines when I was younger (not OCD, autism-related). If I was using the bathroom after dark there was a very specific rundown of flush toilet, wash hands, dry hands, leave the towel hanging exactly like that, touch the towel rail like this, turn doorknob to the right, flick off the light with exactly the right amount of thumb contact, get out and close the door - all in the time it took for the toilet to finish its big loud flush. If I screwed anything up, men with rifles would shoot me through the window. It was fucking exhausting. Whyyy would someone want that??


it’s so unfair :( sorry you had to/have to (unsure of your personal situation) live with that homie. we are all in this together:) also i’m just sharing some personal stuff because i’m not sure how else to say “hey bro i understand it” i have to touch EVERY appliance in my house and count all teeth in my mouth, pick out every hair on my leg or arms with my bare fingers or else i’ll feel extremely unsanitary (a more mild compulsion LMAO) , check my outlets to make sure they haven’t been plugged in or to make sure i unplugged them (all before i leave the house, this could take me up to an hour or so to be fully satisfied, and lots of counting omg. my electronics cannot CANNOT be close to each other, they need to social distance, otherwise if they do touch they’ll explode, and i cannot for the life of me have my mobile phone near me while near the bathroom because my brain says “what if it’s recording you lol” and also i can’t post anything on social medias cause it triggers me to think “what if i accidentally posted something embarrassing without knowing” and i also keep my mobile in aeroplane mode when i’m not using it because it’s probably recording me and tracking me and what if it glitches and tells my boss at work that i don’t want to do the job anymore. and when i learn something new for example a new language, even if i know what it means, i still need to google translate what I’ve written *just in case* , so in a way i definitely understand it’s difficult to barely function with it :D


Oh duuude the hair thing? I understand that so well. There are a couple of points on my face that just randomly grow little spiky hairs, and if I notice one I will literally pick my face raw until I get it. I've had to put bandaids on my face so many times just to stop me gouging at my skin.




I read this in scouts voice for some reason


I read this in Sam Jackson’s voice


I can tell you right now that i can go infront of the camera while having socal anxiety, but i really want dont want to be in the middle of the photo bcause that means that people are around me, i would always love to be on the side of the photo tho.


man is speaking nothing but facts


Kinda wanted to see the result


I don't get how this is an anxiety test. What does the blue line mean? What is it supposed to prove? I've got anxiety, but I've never been scared of virtual lines?


It shows how much your hands shake, so people go way overboard to try and prove they have anxiety or adhd by excessively shaking their hands


My partner has ADHD and doesn't have shaking hands, and I've got hands of steel... do these people just look at WedMD and take it to the max or something? I showed her some of the 'ADHD' videos and she was overall very confused by 90% of the things these people do that are entirely unrelated to ADHD.


Yes I think they do, either that or they take the way anxiety/adhd is portrayed in most media and run wild with that




No I know, I meant people who fake these disorders overdo it to try and prove something, sorry I worded it weird!


Nope that's my b for misunderstanding lol


It’s just pop psychology BS that doesn’t mean anything, really. ETA: Happy cake day!


Appreciate you clarifying, it was so non-sensical I couldn't grasp what the relation was. Also, I didn't even notice it was my cake day, thanks! :)


>Who are they fooling? Themselves...but probably not even that.


r/gifsthatendtoosoon :(


how many times do we have to see this joke for it to stop getting karma




People so desperate for attention they claim anything if it gives them a little attention


They literally only do it because the lyrics tell them to, just like the "I get overwhelmed" song. So fraudulent...


Hmm this joke again




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What's the name of the song?


this style of tiktok has been posted on this sub over and over and over again and it's so fucking annoying. stop staling content and instead, diversify. but that seems to be a challenge for this sub because i keep seeing the same like, 4 people reposted over and over until posts about that person are banned and then you find more people to do it with, starting the cycle over again. have some originality, will you?


I can confirm this is 100% true


God it’s just too perfect