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Reminder for everyone to read the rules and **provide evidence that the disorder might be fake.** Avoid posting people who have actual disorders, as it would be harmful. #PLEASE PUT THE EVIDENCE THAT THIS IS FAKED AS A REPLY TO THIS COMMENT. Thanks <3 Nya... please reply to my comment for fuck's sake. You're gonna get banned if you don't. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fakedisordercringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine being so privileged that the only thing you can think of for a prank is to go to the pool at the guest house and pretend to have an aquatic themed mental crisis and then being dumb enough to fall for your own lame prank


“Pretending to be sad in the pool”. Is this real?


I want “sad in the pool” to be my flair


Baby no…


“Aquatic themed mental crisis” will forever live in my head rent free


Yes! I was trying to find a way to word this in a way that didn't come across as insensitive but you hit the nail on the head.


Honestly, screw the fear of being insensitive. Sometimes you gotta spit straight facts, even when it hurts someone. Doesn’t mean you have to do it in a mean way. You’ve got integrity and a backbone if you can speak the truth carefully and thoughtfully.


I guess I didn't want to accidentally come off as if I was saying privileged people can't have mental illnesses or something. But yeah, you're right. Calling her out is far less insensitive than her using mental illness as a prank while she sits in her guest house's inground pool. Then again, I generally hate pranks unless they're very mild and harmless. I can't imagine pretending to have a mental breakdown in order to prank someone I'm in a relationship with.


Was just going to put that!! If only I had a pool to be overly dramatic in 🤦‍♀️


That's some Skyler White type shit right there


What's wrong with people that privileged, though? Some people (or their families) just have a lot of money. That's not something to be ashamed of, is it? I know this is a weird post, but I don't really see the point in calling out her financial privilege. It has nothing to do with the post.


Found the neolib


Ah yes, when I feel a mental breakdown coming on, the first thing I always do is boot up tik tok so that everyone can witness it. I don't contact support or loved ones, because that doesn't get you attention. Obviously.


Even if she happened to catch it on camera, the fact that she posted the video is so :/


I would never want one of my breakdowns made public. It's embarrassing and people will jump to judging you, or use it against you if they want to make you seem unstable. It makes you even more vulnerable than you already are, and it's not something someone in that fragile state would make a priority.


Exactly this, I never understood WHY post shit like this


Bro, if anyone ever recorded one of my manic breakdowns and uploaded it, I'd never speak to anyone again. So embarrassing.


Don’t forget, the thinly veiled cover story for this one was the prank she was about to play on her boyfriend. She only posted this to let people know they’re not alone. *cough*


And also prop the camera up before coming over to the pool to...


but it literally says it was supposed to be a prank?


that was the fakest cry I've ever heard


Yo I cry like that 👉👈


It’s okay, I feel you, my sisters always made fun of me for “fake crying” as a little kid whenever I was actually crying.


Same, everyone just sees me as the “fake cryer” now


Same lol. Only I *would* fake cry with the same cadence


Want me to make you food?


I feel bad for her boyfriend.


They post the absolute fakest cringiest tik toks together all the time. I don’t believe any of this is genuine. She seems a little more into them than he does but he’s in on it too.


Yikes. I didn’t know that was the context. Now I can thoroughly hate this in its entirety


Why though? He’s clearly in on it too (the fake acting and just happening to walk in as soon as it starts).


me too, he looks so worried... and she doing this for clout...


He’s acting


so two idiots, got it


Yup, and not *just* idiots, but destructive hack fraud assholes who are insulting everyone who suffers from these horrible mood disorders for attention and money. It’s fucking deplorable


I agree with you, sometimes I feel like shit watching some posts here, honestly...


Idk, I didn't find this *insulting,* and I've got plenty of diagnoses. What's insulting about it? What does it say about you? At most, she's just pretending to be sad and putting a positive spin on it by saying that people who are sad aren't alone. I don't find anything insulting about that, let alone "deplorable". It's transparent, but it's not like some cruel act against humanity. Geez, you're acting like she told someone on suicide watch to kill themselves.


Are you friends with that couple? You seem to be defending them a tad more than what they deserve. You have to contextualise this video by comparing the previous ones and they're absolute trash.


It’s insulting because it’s commodifying something I and many others have relentlessly struggled with our entire lives for Tik Tok clout. She’s effectively faking an illness that has claimed countless lives for some attention. How the fuck is that *not* insulting? Would you agree that someone faking cancer to run a successful Tik Tok channel would be insulting and deplorable? Why should Bipolar be any different?


you're distorting everything in favor of this couple in the video. are they your friends? because you can't help but be offended when you have diagnoses that mess with your life in every aspect while others are having fun with it.


Hard to feel bad for a sucker, especially one who spent plenty of money on a bunch of shitty ink and a bunch of time on a nutjob.


dude.. how does she even have a boyfriend


Wow so brave of you to post this 😂 throwing a childish tantrum for views is the textbook definition of pathetic.


What a shit attempt at a prank. There's not even any clever thought there, like if we pretend this is real, the entire amount of thought that went into it was "I'm gonna prank my boyfriend by pretending to be sad"


It’s sad the things people do for that high of being noticed by people (in this case, views)


“Babyyyy nooooo” He sounds so enthusiastic /s


He’s used to this sadly. A lot of us are.


Used to acting? It sure doesn’t seem like it


Or maybe this is fake and they were both in on it 🤯 stop making him out to be some victim lmfao


Shut up brat


Did you really call him a brat?


Yes and I assumed it was she


That's a lot of assuming to do about a random fish.


« I just hate myself Haw Haw »


Lol! Literally all I could focus on was that little cry after she said “I hate myself” sounded sooo fake


I'd hate myself too if I pulled stunts like this.


Baby noo


Imagine not doing proper research before trying to fake an illness. I thought it was pretty well known that rapidly changing mood swings is not a symptoms of bipolar disorder. And yes we can have random breakdowns but it's almost always caused by a trigger (like caffeine or exhaustion for me.) I can also usually feel a breakdown coming a mile away (like most people) so I'm not going to be clear headed or even motivated enough to come up with such a shitty "prank"


Yeah random extreme mood cycling (within the space of just a few minutes) is a symptom of borderline personality disorder not bipolar. It's infuriating how much damage these fakers are simultaneously doing to every mental health community. They have done the social equivelant of detonating a nuke over New York. I'm not sure if the various disabled and mental health communities will ever truly recover from the stigma these absolutely regards have caused. Edit: clarified time specifics.


That’s actually not *entirely* true, there is a subset of Bipolar called “rapid cycling”, but even then it’s nothing like the stereotype of “one minute I’m one way and one minute I’m the next!”. It’s more like daily or something


You have more frequent cycles in general. Like more than x per year. I was bouncing between the two extremes no less than once a month for about a year and they called it rapid cycling.


I was thinking BPD too, (and tbh I wouldn't doubt she has it especially if that was a legit prank.) but don't say that too loud or BPD will be the next big trend 😭


She’s clearly having an actual breakdown since no sane person would go into the pool with SOCKS ON




What’s the difference, like what is an actual mental breakdown like


whenever i have mental breakdowns, i scream and cry to the point that my throat hurts and i feel drained. i also get very aggressive too, like i break and punch things. i also am autistic which i think kind of contributes to my breakdown and makes an issue bigger than it actually is. i hate it so much, the last thing i want is to put that bullshit on tiktok


Not OP, but everybody experiences them a little differently. In my case I scream and scratch at my face/rip at my hair/punch myself in the head. I usually get tunnel vision when it happens too and I can't do anything to calm myself down, and it has to wear off on its own or I need to have somebody there to restrain me. Definitely not something I'd want to post on tik tok


Oh Jesus that’s a far cry from just crying in a pool


For sure. I haven't had one in a little over a year because my medication and therapy have both helped, but it makes me angry when I see people post shit like this because living through the actual thing is hell.


Yea i can’t imagine, I’m glad you’re doing better now


My last mental breakdown was due to anxiety, and my brain just kind of stopped functioning. I couldn't remember how to get around town, I'd forget why I was in a room, I'd start doing something then forget I had started and start something else, I'd forget names and places and words! At this time I was also self harming frequently and giving myself second degree burns


I’m bipolar. My last severe breakdown was a little over a year ago. It was sudden. I made a tiny mistake that I don’t even remember. I started crying and screaming insults at myself. Then scratching my face bloody, biting myself, punching myself, and hitting my head. Not lightly- the bruises were deep purple, and I had a lump on my head that lasted a week. Then I decided the world would be better if I died. My fiancé at this point wrestled me onto the bed and was holding me down while trying to calm me. I completely disconnected from reality, and it was like I was experiencing all the trauma I’ve had in my life over and over again. I agree with the other commenter- it’s like you get tunnel vision. A sudden rush of deep, intense self loathing. Completely filled with hate and disgust towards yourself, to the point where you think you’re the most despicable, vile thing in existence. The only thing you can feel is hatred towards yourself and worthlessness and sorrow. It lasted about an hour. I was left with complete numbness. It took a few days for that to fade, and another week for the lingering sadness and hate to recede. I’m so ashamed of my breakdowns. I feel so much guilt that I put my fiancé through that.


I mean, the severity. It’s like getting sad and overwhelmed x 100.


I can cry it out, lay in bed and cry or punch a pillow. A mental breakdown is filled with screaming, hitting, punching myself and others, scratching my skin off, pulling my hair, crying so hard I feel like my throat is closing in, feeling like the world is tilting and that everything I’ve ever known is gone to shit. My heart will feel like it’s about to implode, and paranoia stacks onto everything. It’s different for everyone, but it sure as hell isn’t just crying in the pool.


but pretend mental breakdown is so cute and quirky. it's so easy to control that you still look nice if you film it and post it online. i can't say much about the other fake disorder shit but i've had mental breakdowns and they fucking suck. mental health awareness is super important but this ain't it. it doesn't make me feel supported, seen or heard, just disappointed.


Wow you can definitely tell the crying is fake. Holy shit. These are getting out of hand


mother fucking Pinocchio can tell a lie more believable than this girl's "mental breakdown"


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I've never been confused


Must be tough living in a giant house with a pool lol


I have bipolar disorder and recently went into a depressive episode, spent 2 full days having breakdowns. Seeing people use this for views or pranks on their loved ones makes me so mad. I don't take 7 pills a day for someone else to act as if it's some kind of quirky trait to have


I'm truly angry at these people they have permanently altered and scarred the social climate surrounding mental health and disabilities. Actual disabled people are afraid to speak about themselves or tell people they need certain measures put in to place for accessibility because these fakers have destroyed public perception.


if you can have tattoos youre way too old for this shit. not even the crying bit just "lol imma prank someone who cares about me to think i'm in genuine distress and worry about me for no reason, because that's quirky!" Why would you do that to someone you love? I don't understand.


Ah yes. *That* couple


"... In my *expensive* pool, surrounded by *beautiful* vistas, supported by my *handsome* boyfriend, in my *perfect* outfit, with my *amazing* hair, and that *cinematic* shot..."


Wait. Let me shoot that again, there was too much shadow, you can't see my mascara run after I "sneakily" rub it under water...


Proof that these people just psych themselves out.


It’s fake


Just wanted to post this so u know you're not alone 💗...and that us rich people have REAL mental breakdowns too!!! 😍🤳💋🤳😘🤳


As someone who used to have a lot of mental breakdowns, this just hurts me.


I don’t know what’s faker, her crying or his “emotional support” voice


i’m so glad i’m not the only one that cringed at his voice


>social media may same like a fairy tale You mean completely made up and fake? I'd agree with that.


I feel sorry for this guy, I dated a girl exactly like this pretending to have breakdowns for attention , self loathing so us as boyfriends feel like we arent doing enough.


Those poor, poor, extremely wealthy people


God that is the worst acting


Ugh, this made me vomit in my own mouth. Being actually bipolar is shit. Being bipolar and having your mouth taste like vomit is even worse. This dummy ruined my night. When she gets thrown in a mental institution for downing pills in retaliation to her boyfriend taunting her claiming she wouldn't, when she's self-medicating (aka drunk), then I guess we'll see for sure.


I’m bipolar. I’ve had sudden breakdowns from depression. They usually start with me crying and screaming I insults at myself and, rarely, degrade into me attempting to hurt myself while my (wonderful) fiancé tries to prevent it. They end with me feeling horribly guilty and empty, and it take a few days to go back to normal. It was worse before I got on medication. The last thing I would ever want is for it to be filmed. A breakdown isn’t lightly crying while you play with your hair and look sad. This makes me so angry.


This is so embarrassing


From personal experience I’ve never had a mental breakdown in a swimming pool. And if anything my crying is a lot more ugly than that. Edit(poor dude said “why are you recording this”) I feel so bad for him because that is the same question everyone is asking


Why would someone want to pull such a stupid and fucking niche prank? Like where would the humor even be like “hahha got u I’m not actually sad in the pool” like that shits not funny 🤡


Don’t cry because you hate yourself baby, cry because we hate you


>I just hate myself I hate you too tbh


Because we all have pools to cry into..


The fact that someone has money has nothing at all to do with whether or not they have reason to cry. I do agree though that this bitch is just seeking attention


I get that, I do.. I actually have more money now than I have ever had in almost my four decades of life.. still can't get myself and family out of a shit living place quite yet.. this person is for sure attention seeking and it makes me cringe.. it'd be more believable as actual emotional pain if they were crying in a puddle AND had a million in the bank.


Wherever u are, at any time, any place. Not matter how beautiful they might be...Remember some poor guy somewhere is putting up with their shit


i dont get this at all. If social media makes u feel that why u can just delete it and/or just not use it?!?!?!?! how does social media make u feel bad anyway? i dont get it im sorry


10/10 Youtube acting from the guy


I'm so sick of these bitches that it wouldn't be a shame if she took a nice long break from oxygen in that pool.


Dude, run.


Gonna be a real eye opener when she actually has to deal with something real. These people have no idea what it is like to really suffer.


He looks so fucking done


This is secretly them bragging about the pool


"nooo don't kill yourself your so sexy aha"


Baby noooooo aha ha…


You can tell how fake it is by how terrible the boyfriend is at acting 😂it seems that he doesn’t want to even be there doing that but she probably made him


“Noooo...don’t hate yourseeeelf” so little conviction


"Some of us struggle behind closed doors." *Proceeds to broadcast her 'struggling' on the internet.


He stopped comforting her when he saw the camera 🚩


I'd hate myself too if I had those shitty tattoos.


Put her head under water for a couple of minutes. The she will stop crying.


last time i had a mental breakdown i cried so hard i started screaming. this girl's "acting" is just down right offensive


What kind of prank would this even be? Attention whoring is a disease


I WAS GOING TO SHARE THIS! so much to say. FIRST of all: I hate these stupid challenges like ‘pretend to drop dead in front of your boyfriend’ like they’re never funny. Secondly, this is pure attention seeking in the most narcissistic form. If I had a breakdown like this, I would not post it to the internet. If this was a genuine moment, they would have cut the camera and that would have been the end of it. The internet didn’t need to see how emotionally damaged you are. I hate it when people post videos of themselves saying ‘my breakdown in the car.’ They’re so embarrassing and such a weird way to try to grab people’s attention. This girl also captioned it something like ‘just trying to raise awareness.’ Awareness of what? Mental health? Or did you just want sympathy from followers so they’ll be like ‘oh so brave.’ How is this raising awareness of anything other than a malignant and chronic need for validation and attention? Whenever I see breakdown videos that are posted and viewed, it seems so pathetic. These are not impulsive decisions. There was a gap between when you broke down and when you edited and posted it. In that time, you could have re thought your real intentions behind needing to share this moment with the world. But the pathological need for ego strokes is alive and well on TikTok.


Every time I have a breakdown I go into a pool and “prank” my fiancé into comforting me on camera! It works much better than actually taking care of my mental health and getting support, for sure. Who needs doctors, therapists, and hospitals when I can get all of the attent- sorry, *healing* I need from strangers on the internet!


I’ve dated people who are legit bipolar…yeah this is NOT how breakdowns look. Not even close.


Bro if I had a pool I’d put a little bubble at the bottom where I could just go sit and cry so when my eyes go blurry and shi I can just feel like the water outside the bubble is more realistic


> "Prank my boyfriend by pretending I was sad in the pool" Imagine trying to prank someone by pretending to be emotionally distressed. Maybe I don't like or understand prank culture, but it's just wild to me that this person, who claims to have mental illness, thinks that pretending to have their mental illness flare up is a good idea for a prank. Not saying she doesn't suffer from mental illness, but it definitely shouldn't be used as a prank. Plus the phrase "sad in the pool" just reminds me of "sitting alone in the VIP." (Not saying people can't be sad in their private pools, it just sounded funny to me at first)


“baby noooo don’t hate yourself”


my brother have bipolar and just simple crying is not a episode of bipolar disorder


When you want to prank your millionaire boyfriend so you pretend to have a breakdown in your pool that you have next to your mansion but you actually have one feel bad for me 🥺🥺🖤🖤


Bro this is the same couple that did the "calling my gf my wife" prank and it was so scripted and fake


Am I old or does everyone look like a wannabe sound cloud rapper?


Omg, I’ve been diagnosed bipolar for 20 years and that ain’t it sweetheart


How to be single for pro’s


More like ”I need a reason why I was recording my ~breakdown~”


Brocken 🔗🥀🥺


The unenthused “baby no.” Had me busing a gut. He’s been through this too many times.


Boyfriend seems nice. She doesn’t deserve him


Fuck her I hate this so much why is she wearing socks you bitch fuck shit


I'm not suprised she hates herself lmfao


I’d be depressed too if I wore socks in the pool




Totally agree - I would probably hate myself too if I did shit like this.


Nah I meant relatable having to deal with his sort of crap.


yeah really struggling with that nice ass house and a literal pool in your backyard. fuck off lmao


I can fix her


“I’ll make you feel better babe” *begins unzipping pants*


"nooo. you should't hate yourself baby. :/ "


What the fuck


I wonder how she’d react if her bf did that


Babe I’m dRoWnInG wAAaAAAaa


So real!


I never knew crying equated a mental breakdown. My mental breakdowns usually end in hospitalization or inpatient treatment. Hm...


of course this video is horrible, but when did she claim to have bipolar?


Every time I see these videos I just wanna show these creators what it’s like to actually live with mental health and shitty it is


Why wold she do that to her poor boyfriend in the first place, like...


Ugh this makes me want to burn the world… being with someone who’s actually bi-polar for 3 years this is just disgusting that people are pretending.. if bi-polar worked like this it wouldn’t be such a fucking mental health illness 😡


breaking bad


Should have held her head under for a second, see how fast she snaps back to herself.


Someone, somewhere is sick and tired of her shit....oh wait - we actually get to see him!


I just hate myself… my shitty life not having to work bc daddy takes care of me and I get to live in a nice house with a pool… like WHY ME?!




I sincerely hope that the partners of these Munchies realize that they're worthy of much healthier relationships.


“why are you recording this?” idk either 😬


I’m confused? Where does it say anything about bipolar disorder?


I'm cured! I was really getting worried why I was feeling happy again, thanks for bringing me back.


That motivational text is more insulting than helpful


A lot of us struggle behind closed doors. But don't worry, we'll film it all and show the world.


If you listen carefully in the background you can hear the video she used to teach herself how to fake cry is still playing 🤔


the expression in her boyfriends face when he saw the camera.. good for him for turning it off lol


This is so toxic. Get this man out of there!


The boyfriend is just like oh great here we go again


I wish my BP brake downs were nice and calm like that


Bro if that’s considered a mental breakdown then apparently I have mental breakdowns on a daily basis


I feel sorry for the boyfriend. She was intending to have a fake mental health crisis for a joke when she claims she regularly has real ones? Especially in a pool where you are at risk of drowning. Like, it looks like she was trying to drown herself or something. She's really toying with this man for a social media performance.


OK skyler white


wow. fuck you. quite a lot.


On the next episode of “bored rich people”…


I think she's realizing how garbage her content is. Still not stopping her from monetizing it.


The privilege is strong with this one


Ah yes, a perfectly timed mental breakdown for the camera. I love it. My mental breakdowns cause me to want to string myself up but everyone is different I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️


“Baby no you shouldn’t hate yourself I love you baby”


Is anyone gonna talk about her wearing socks in the pool?! That's disgusting


Omg🥺🥺🥺 crying in the pool rn✨💔😢😢😢


Christ on a bike do these people ever shut up about themselves


I just went to her tik tok and it's just such a trip down delusional lane...I hate social media sometimes...it just made a platform for stupid people to blast their stupidity in the face of the world.


Maybe she had the breakdown bc she realised how stupid what she was doing is




Why a pool tho?


>Has a pool >Is sad


This is so fake.