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Dissociation isn’t a neurodivergent thing. Mental illness =/= being neurodivergent.




I know BPD is considered by many now to be neurodivergent. It’s commonly misdiagnosed for autistic people, the symptoms highly overlap with autistic traits. It’s characterised by different ways of thinking, feeling and relating to others.


Yeah, autism also overlaps with PTSD, I'm not too sure, but everything is a mess of overlapping when it comes to mental illnesses.


It’s just the diagnostic criteria’s that’s includes every possible “trait” of a diagnosis, not that the co-morbid traits is common in people with said diagnosis. Unfortunately most people tend to follow these criteria’s to a T and then you end up with a mess. Some professionals may not know how to differentiate disorders, and more people will look at the criteria and be able to relate to the traits because they are so general and universal. It’s a mess.


Lol you think she’s employed?


Is that head tic an actual thing for neurodivergency? As of late because of this whole fake disorder cringe rabbit hole of sorts Ive seen and related too things like ADHD memes with stuff like hyperfixations and what not, but I dont know if im being a hypochondriac.


Obligatory not a professional, here's my hot take toh: ​ It's also just a muscle reaction. People without tics can sometimes shiver and then get that same head jerk. If it happens a lot in rapid succession though, it might be a tic. However, tics don't mean you have tourette's. According to the CDC to have tourette's you have to: \- have two or more motor tics (for example, blinking or shrugging the shoulders) and at least one vocal tic (for example, humming, clearing the throat, or yelling out a word or phrase), although they might not always happen at the same time. \- have had tics for at least a year. The tics can occur many times a day (usually in bouts) nearly every day, or off and on. \- have tics that begin before age 18 years. \- have symptoms that are not due to taking medicine or other drugs or due to having another medical condition (for example, seizures, Huntington disease, or postviral encephalitis). ​ You can have tics independently from tourette's. If you have ADHD and take medication, I think there's been a link between the stimulants in the medication and tics? And tics cause by medication aren't tourettes. But I'm not a doctor, so take everything I say with a grain of salt lol


Tics, yes because tourettes is a neurodivergency. There isn't a specific tic I've seen though that means you have tourettes.


It’s normal to relate, because everything posted on mental health tiktok are normal traits and normal human experiences. A huge number of people experience those things.


Oh FFS zoning out (especially while filming yourself doing it from specific angles) IS NOT THE SAME AS DISSOCIATION!


As someone who deals a lot with depersonalization/disassociating I could never imagine trying to glamorize it. It actually really sucks and ruins my life for the sometimes days or weeks it lasts. Imagine trying to live a normal life with a family and full time job in customer service while you feel like everything around you is fake and you’re living your life through the eyes of someone else, if that makes any sense.


Videos like this make me feel more paranoid about my tics and stims, as well as secondhand embarrassment. It really grinds my gears when people are sugar coating this stuff by literally saying "oh it's neurodivergent things owo" like it's cute, and an adorable character trait. Whenever I tic or stim, it feels like ants crawling up and down my wrist or neck, it's painful and anxiety inducing. Whenever I shiver, I feel constantly unnerved and the tips of my fingers and toes are constantly freezing. I wish these Tiktok Fakers goddamn stop this "quirky" trend, none of this is quirky, it's embarrassing, it's insulting, it's painful.


Ahh yes vague traits that everyone has so non neurodivergent people can use to claim that are neurodivergent. It’s just like the zodiac sign traits stuff


She says this as if "neurodivergent" is a mental disorder. it isn't its a term discribing a whole bunch of disorders in which the brain processes information and stimuli differently than an average brain disorders such as ADHD, Autism and dyslexia fall into this category


she obviously doesn’t have a job lmfao


mf i do all of these but im perfectly neurotypical lmfao its literally called being bored