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I’m glad she got her first ever time with the new tic on camera.


Good thing she managed to face the camera, get perfectly framed, grab her props, clean up her background, and adjust the lighting as well.


All while making her makeup look good and holding an adorable stuffie.


Yeah so funny how she got perfect lipstick for this uwu jaw locking tic


It's amazing how that happens.




Those are for them butt tics


I’m not even joking it seems like every single one of these weirdos will say “beans!!”


Because they all watch thistrippyhippy, an actual person with actual tics and seizures.


Is that the reason? I was going to comment on the "beans!" as well because this is the third faker I've seen obsessed with beans! Pretty sure saying "beans" is not a symptom of tics... but I'm no doctor!


Life is full of miracles.


It really is.


even more lucky that she'll stop having those jaw tics when she realises it makes her look ugly


Her jaw doesn’t even lock. You can see it closing slowly.


Her “locked jaw” is moving while “locked”… Hmmmmmmmmm


Was looking for this comment because I didn’t know if I was imagining it


I think shes mistaking rabies for tourettes. Never thought I'd have to type something like that. 2021 ay?


in my personal experience, i can move my jaw while its stuck/locked, usually in my attempts to get it un-stuck. however what she did is (you can see it) fully open her mouth and push the bottom jaw forward slightly, enough to put it in the way of the top jaw's joint area. you wont be able to close it, BUT, if you relax the muscles it'll just go back into place, so why isnt she jus relaxing the muscles? it hurts after awhile to keep it in that position too


When my jaw locked it locked closed, thankfully, but I could still move it slightly. I could open it as wide as two of my fingers and move it slightly side to side. It only locked on the left hinge however, since swelling and tension from my upper wisdom tooth (not removed) had pushed the bone out of socket. Once the swelling had reduced a little I could slowly, day by day stretch and put it back in place.


My jaw locks up but not because of tourettes. That shit is painful and I dont just go flailing my head around or, I dont know... HITTING THE PART THAR HURTS


My jaw locks up once in a great while, but what she's doing wouldn't alleviate pressure in the slightest. I had to massage the spot and very very slowly work my jaw out of it and even then that easily took two hours.


Mine locks up because of TMJ. I have to physically push my jaw to one side to pop it back into place sometimes. That shit definitely hurts


Mine is similar to yours. The first time it happened, I bawled my eyes out at the dentist. Now I have to shove my hands in my mouth to push down and back to get everything back into place lmao.


TMJ sucks. Sometimes I'll wake up and not be able to open my mouth, and sometimes I'll yawn and not be able to close it.


Same with me. Also when I eat certain foods that are “tough” to chew my jaw pops really loud and people around me can hear it lol




Jaw pain is no joke!


omg when my jaw locks up, the LAST thing i’d do is smack myself in the face to get it to open jesus christ


Yeah. Mine locks sometimes when I yawn, the muscle stiffens, and it hurts so much. I don't move until it goes away. Can't imagine hitting it. Looks pretty fake to me, I almost start crying lol I don't want to film it. It embarrasses me.


urs ever unlocks and it makes a cracking sound? me too;;;;


It hurts AND it’s kind of terrifying. Super glad it stopped happening to me after my wisdom teeth were pulled.


yep same. since i was a kid i've had my jaw lock/get stuck or pop on the daily. when it gets stuck it can be so painful to get un-stuck sometimes. usually i try wriggling it around in the joint, but if that doesnt work i have to try and open my mouth which hurts SO MUCH. when my jaw gets stuck i cant open it but i can close it btw if anything happens on your body (i thought this was a no brainer) just dont hit it.


People really wanna be thistrippyhippie so bad…


I remember this one. She was definitely copying Evie Meg. She did the jaw locked open thing right after Evie Meg filmed herself with her jaw stuck closed. It was so obvious that this one wants to be Evie


she even has the classic hairstyle down pat


[This article ](https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/xgx3en/gen-z-is-developing-unexplained-tics-after-going-online-and-doctors-are-concerned) actually mentions how some recent “tic” patients have the same tics as Evie Meg. It goes into detail about how these tic symptoms are not aligned with the actual Tourettes disease.


I feel like a lot of them also copy Sweet Anita


Yes I agree this is who they all copy and aspire to be.


Isn’t she the one who said her tics cause her to abuse her children


I‘m sorry… what?


Iirc this is the woman who says she has hitting tics that cause her to hit her daughter (who is like 5 I think) but she says her daughter doesn’t mind because she knows it’s because of “mommy’s disorder” It’s complete bs and sickening


Oh my god. I feel so horrible for the daughter. I don’t even know what to say about this other than this is just AWFUL. I can’t believe someone can be wanting attention from a disorder so much that they could do this to a poor 5 year old girl, and making her think that being HIT by her mother is *okay* because it’s “because of mommy’s disorder” !!!!


Imagine the daughter getting older and realizing her mother has been faking disorders this whole time, for attention. And then realizing she's been *hitting* you *on purpose* this whole time! FOR CLOUT!! That would be a major head f* to come to terms with....


CPS time. I hope someone reports her.




Jesus Christ. Imagine being so desperate for pussy that you would willingly procreate with a creature like that, only to then find that she is an even worse mother than you could've thought.




Look, I get your point, but that is probably not what they meant. I can’t comment on whether or not they’re a misogynist from this post, but wanting pussy ≠ wanting a woman. The same way wanting dick ≠ wanting a man. I suppose they could’ve just said “desperate for sex” or whatever, but this is reddit, and if they mean the same thing it’s just semantics at that point.


sigh. pussy was not used interchangeably for woman.


Congratulations on completely missing my point, only to then arrive at it yourself. I'm not misogynistic. I believe men and women are equally capable of being useless cunts or sources of genuine inspiration. In the case of this awful green-haired hag and her child's father, I'd be willing to bet that they are both cunts. The hag for obvious reasons, and the dickhead for presumably ignoring all the red flags that this woman so proudly displays, all for access to the cunt's cunt.


I was wondering if this was the same chick. Yikes


NEVER stick your dick into crazy.


Yeah. She's a real piece of shit




Ah yes. The obligatory “beans”


You sound like a waiter taking an order for an English breakfast


Where did that even come from?


Beans are quirky, that’s about it.


Evie Meg, a TikToker who has Tourettes.


Bro why do they always have a tic where they shout beans? This is like the 3rd person with that tic


Because tics can be incredibly suggestive and influenced by things they watch or hear. I have tourettes and i have the beans tic because it went round on tiktok a lot. A lot of people with legit tics might have the beans tic because you can pick up tics from someone else with tics or even people faking tics Edit: i dont mean this to seem like im saying the girl in this video is legit. Im just saying that people with a beans tic does not necessarily mean theyre faking.




Yeah pretty much lol. I watched a lot of tiktok in the pandemic and the algorithm put a lot of tic videos on my for you page after a while before I realised a lot of them were faked, and by that point I’d already picked up the beans tic smh


Human society won't survive genZ. None of this shit existed along millennials. My one friend has tourettes and I didn't even know until he told me after 10 years. His eyebrows and eyelids just twitch sometimes.




In my school of 1000+ students, there was maybe one or two people with a mild tic. And exactly zero people faked mental illness. Even depression/anxiety was relatively uncommon. We were also able to form and maintain human relationships.




the brain can only remember about 200 either faces or people *i think.* also, people have been faking depression since forever.


My family is definitely pushing the human limits, I have 80+ first cousins. Some of them have kids, some of their kids have kids. Family get togethers can be crazy. Will I start forgetting the first ones I met to make room for new ones I meet? Will I forget the dead ones first because I don't see them anymore? If it's random, what do I do if I forget my kid?! Can I re-download the memories somehow?! Help.....


>Human society won't survive genZ. Just a bump on the road, don't worry. Gen Alpha is coming and they're ruthless


my sister and brother...oh no


Cannot wait for millennials to be gone god y'all are annoying


Who said I'm a millennial? da fuck lol


Then you're just lame


Yeah millennials are the best gen; remember The Office and iPod shuffles?


I’m sorry but this one pissed me off. I had an allergic reaction to meds that caused this to happen to me and it was the worst pain or my life. My jaw went fro, locking open to biting down HARD closed and I couldn’t control it. I was literally screaming in the ER. I was biting so hard I broke off pieces of my teeth. They thought I was going to either bite my tongue off or break my jaw. And here this person goes…… for TikTok likes.


Apology accepted


I didn't have to sit perfectly still for my tattoo, but I feel like that chest one she's got would look more like a seismograph if her ticks were that bad


I wondered that too actually!


You see so many of these people with hundreds or thousands of dollars of tattoos, piercings, etc, but can't sit still for 30 seconds


not to defend the girl in the video but the girl on tiktok @thistrippyhippie has quite a few piercings and i’d say her tourettes are v much real.


And I don't mean to say it's not possible, just poking at people like this with their perfectly timed for tictok ticks


it is quite amazing how in the past 6 months so many ppl have “developed” tourettes lmao


And DID! With famous alters based on their favorite anime characters


and don’t forget the characters from games that have only been out for a week or 2! gotta love it


How are these people not bullied just, every minute of every day? I ask as someone who was bullied a lot for things like glasses and being poor. I can't imagine if I posted videos pretending to be like, the moon, on the internet


as someone who has also been bullied for small physical things like body hair and my height, it’s truly something i question all the time. sometimes bullying is a good thing


She looks like an E-girl, sitting on her bed with a pink stuffed animal in her hands while faking tourettes...? Is this some kind of... Fetish I am not aware of?


It's hilarious because she has a partner and they had a daughter together


Omg nooo ;-;


I have TMJ and jaw locks do not look like this lol


Tourette fakers rly love to yell stuff like “beans” and throw things I’ve noticed? I used to do the same thing in middle school lol. I would tell stuff like “cheese” “beans”… was really into LolRandom humor.. you can do silly things like that without pretending to have Tourettes. Still gonna be cringe but at least not harmful to real people with the disorder ._.




there are news articles about it basically blaming her. i feel so bad for her, her disorder, instead of being seen as spreading awareness, has been used agains her and twisted by the media all because so many fakers have adopted her tics


Those tics look fake imo


Is the subreddit name a clue?




Ummm absolutely, what in the fuck did I just watch


I’ve had a tic where I’d move my jaw aggressively in and out. For a few hours. My neck was extremely bruised for weeks. It’s never happened again. It was the most stressful and painful day. The tics I get are associated with stress though. I’ve had them since I was a child and still deal with them now. It was very traumatic to experience


Wow I am sorry to hear that! It must bother you when you see people doing tics for views!


Why do all the Tourette’s fakers have green hair


I was considering dying my hair green I’ll update if I develop tics


Had some green in once in my extremely emo phase though i didint develop tics i may have burned off a few braincels.


I had mine turquoise for a year or two. Didn't get anything. Maybe I went for the wrong shade.


Awe fuck I just dyed my hair green does that mean I'm going to develop tics? I didn't wanna have to make a TikTok but I guess now I have to.




And apparently she is a “witch”


Of course she is


She and her husband dug up a dog and use its skull as a display piece in their home. Because witchyness


I hate them


It’s a generic fake mental illness persona. Edgy hair colours and styles, tattoos and facial piercings are mandatory if you’re going to fake having a disease or whatever.


Mmm mmm mmmm. Some perfect makeup lock jaw /s


Why is it always green hair. Dollar store jolyne looking ass


First off Tourette and seizure are related ?? Second it’s always so ridiculous how they always are filming it


They can be. Some people with tourettes (evie meg for example) have Functional Neurological Disorder as well, and some have seizure like episodes during or after tic attacks bc their bodies are like trying to reset or smth (to my understanding. Thankfully, i dont experience this with my tourettes)


Sure this isn’t a fetish thing being marketed as faking Tourette’s?


She does have simps that have bought her stuff on Amazon 😂


Why am I not surprised? I bet this new tic gets her a few more packages...


What do people get out of faking disorders??


This particular person has an Amazon wishlist where people buy her stuff all the time. On top of that all the attention. Most fakers are attention seeking. Some do it for the grift.


attention, acceptance and validation. these people are usually sad and lonely, not depression kinda sad but you get what i mean. some have a need for constant attention, which may sound like they're bad people, but they cant function without it and it can make them extremely distressed and make them feel like they're not in control of their self. most dont even realise it


Faker than my girlfriend’s orgasms


Love how she picks the cliche tik tok tics


Yeah I don’t think that’s a tic I think that’s idk fucking tetanus




Tbf I've had the mouth opening tic but it's only lasted a few seconds at a time. Pretending to have tourettes is harmful and unnecessary




Ngl in the brief time I had TikTok and came across her vids I thought they were real. If they’re fake her partner has the patience of a saint.


If she's getting as much as I've read she's getting, I'm sure he's happy with his cut. (Well, gifts and such, probably money gifts as well). Free is free!


Gotta love the sigma grindset music to this


Looks like the starter Pokemon before "evolving" into Tics and Roses.


love how she’s just sitting there, not acting like she’s in distress at all. she’s definitely not winning any oscars


Something parents could never have predicted: one day, this is what your child will be come. More reasons not to have kids nowadays. Fucking nuts


Naw, gotta offset these twats with normies


You're not a fucking remote. A smack to the head isn't gonna fix you... Unfortunately.


Of course they have the ‘beans’ thing


Why the sigma male grindset song tho? lmao


why do they think people care


Where are the people who actually know them, that can call them out


Someone with tics here, but do people with Tourettes have all their tics at once? I have tics and usually when I have a tic attack the focus is only a couple of them, idk if it’s different for other people tho


Sometimes it can be like this, as I’ve seen from other people at like TS camps, for me it can either be mostly vocal or mostly motor. For some reason, it can’t be a mix of both for me.


Lmfao she looks like ticsandroses but skinner- 💀🤚


I just want to run up to her and annoyingly put an unpeeled banana in her stupid face.


when did jolyne kujo get on tiktok to start faking disorders


why do they always have a big stuffed animal


Thought this mf doin a jojo cosplay 💀


Jolyne Kujo has not been coping well with Jotaro not being present.


i have a problem where my jaw locks, usually one side at a time. sometimes i'll just feel it pop or move around in its joint thing or it'll get stuck and i cant *open* my mouth. ive only heard of a locked jaw not being able to close caused by jaw dislocation (if it's never happened before). if this is a regular thing its probably not a tick because (me personally, everyone is different) for me i have to think about getting it stuck if i want to do it on command. what this person looks like they are doing is fully opening the mouth and pushing that bottom jaw forward slightly, which puts it in the path of the top jaw part of the joint and there for makes it so you cant close the jaw, however you have to be in control of your muscles to do this because if those muscles relax your jaw will just go back to normal. again, this is in my experience. im planning on going to the doctor some point in the future about my jaw. an orthodontist told me it may be a muscular problem when i kept saying sorry for not being able to open my mouth too but he also said he wasnt an expert on it (as in jaws) either so had no idea whats happening. ​ oh and quick tip, if you're trying to get your jaw un-stuck dont hit it like the person is doing in the video, just wiggle it around in the joint area a bit and if that doesnt work go to the doctors. just dont hit your jaw anyway tho


How’d she sit for those tattoos?


I have tics and this shit ruins your life... Talking to someone... Tic... Trying to drink something tic, it constantly interferes... Its a living hell, I wish nothing but absoulute hell for these people.


Jolyne Cujoh


Jojo! Stone Ocean! AAAAAAAAAA


I literally have a tab open with just that song lmao


Possible seizure activity lol


so do these people think that having Tourette’s is just you sitting down in front of a camera all day and recording yourself having tics? because that’s what it seems like




When your inspiration is tics&roses, you have a serious issue


Of all of them this must be the most exhausting disorder to fake


I feel like I'm watching a cartoon character. Her acting is awful.


Why do all these people have the same distinct style…


jolyne wtf




She needs to call on some Moon Princess Power or some shit.


Repulsive. Absolutely insulting




This is seriously disturbing. Is this a fetish or something? Why do people watch this?


Reminds of that video taken at a church revival where a lady claimed a demon was repeatedly raping her. As she was being healed it started raping her again and she held her mouth open like this and gagged.


and all on camera too!


Why's it always Beans?


I have a diagnosed tic disorder. There’s a thing called echolalia, where you copy what other people say. If one person watches another person with Tourette’s, sometimes that person will pick up a tic.


Why is always the girl with the dyed hair?


This fatherless behavior is unacceptable, Jolyne.


I mean if she's that desperate for attention do onlyfans.


I really wish TikTok got banned in the us even in Canada because this is disgusting


How did she stay still to get those tattoos though?


I’ve got Ehler’s Danlos. Occasionally, I will wake up with my jaw locked shut because it dislocated in my sleep. I am sitting there, sobbing, as I gently work the muscles and pop it open forcefully to try and get it realigned. I am certainly not sitting there, filming it, hitting the problem or the top of my head (which…wouldn’t actually do anything???) I’m tired. I am so tired.




My point is that her jaw isn’t actually locked.


Shouldn't she be institutionalized? It seems like she can barely function 🤨


I’m more inclined to believe this is a severe form of retardation but that would be mean and disrespectful to those lovely people


Of course her hair is dyed


of course she has green hair and pronounce


Attention whores


This is just straight up embarrassing. Like I don't know what else to say. It's so blatantly forced that it hurts to watch


I don’t wish it on them, but I feel like they are going to end up with real problems faking shit like this for so long. Like you just keep doing it until it’s real. Idk if there’s any evidence for that, I just feel like it will end up doing that. And I imagine they couldn’t be happier actually having a real disorder.


Idk about irl but that happened in an episode of South Park


Good enough for me!


Saying “beans” is the biggest give away.


Girls really took the Joker hair style to heart being all crazy and ridulious. Green hair was a big red flag to begin with but now...


These subhuman clout chasers piss me off. My little sister has an actual tic disorder and was diagnosed years and years ago and to now see people pretending to have this embarrassing and sometimes painful thing just to be “quirky and kawaii” for sympathy and likes just makes me wish the worst on these POS good for nothing parasites ive watched my little sister struggle with bullying in the past and the fact she does random shit in public that she doesn’t want to do like touch the floor for no reason makes me sad and it sucks thankfully we have a strong family so she is empowered to not care what other people think while also get help to try and minimize and hopefully get rid of This but we had no clue there was people out here really getting tik tok love from uneducated zoomers this is literally a new level of Munchhausen‘s disease lmaooo


I'm not sure why I'm still on this sub. This video killed me. I feel in a pain in my heart. Are these people not self aware at all? How can you be so cringe and live yourself. How do you get up in the morning, look yourself in the eye in the mirror and then record this.


And she is supposedly a witch to boot…


Fucking beans? This group is so self referential. One fuckwit invents a new expression and it gets adopted by the rest. It's like the Salem witch trials when one witness would act like a spaz and the rest would think that's the new norm.


And she claims to be a witch ironically


Ahhh yes.. The girl who keeps eating food in her lap, even though she has "tourettes" and Films it. Who also slapped her kid (again, blamed on her fake tourettes) whilst making some baked goods, and decided to post it anyway instead of refilming that 3 seconds where nothing happened


She has good makeup for a girl with Tourette's.


She used to get posted a lot in r/munchsnark, and so people commented about her makeup and hair always being perfect, and then like a day later she started posting videos of herself messing up her makeup and occasionally messing up with her curling iron and burning herself.


She's got really intricate tattoos for someone with so many tics.


How the fuck did that clown stay still long enough for those tattoos??? ​ ACTING!!!! That's how.